Deep Thought: Different Faiths with one Spirit at Standing Rock

Before going to Standing Rock, it was cool to learn the many different backgrounds of faiths represented in this movement..

Clergy Standing with Standing Rock

500 Clergy Come to Standing Rock after a week of violence

“Published on Nov 16, 2016

“I look at my brothers and sisters of Standing Rock as the moral compass of this country.”

After a week of violence inflicted by law enforcement on unarmed peaceful water protectors, over 480 clergy and people of all faiths arrived in solidarity with Standing Rock. In solidarity, they repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, denounced the Dakota Access Pipeline, and affirmed the position of the water protectors on the ground.

Video Produced by: Ayşe Gürsöz & Josué Rivas Fotographer”

Image Gallery: 500 interfaith clergy and laity answered the call to stand with Standing Rock By Lynette Wilson | November 3, 2016
“…The Rev. John Floberg, supervising priest of the Episcopal churches on the North Dakota side of Standing Rock, gives instructions to more than 500 people from 20 faith backgrounds gathered in the Oceti Sakowin Camp just after dawn. Photo: Lynette Wilson/Episcopal News Service..”
Clergy Standing with Standing Rock
Clergy repudiate ‘doctrine of discovery’ as hundreds support indigenous rights at Standing Rock NewsNorman Jameson | November 4, 2016
“..From around the country 524 clergy responded to the call of North Dakota priest John Floberg to gather in support of the Sioux Nation’s attempts to stop construction of an encroaching oil pipeline near Standing Rock…”
Standing Rock: A Clergy Call to Action
“…If you are unable to join with other clergy on these dates but would like to come later in the fall or winter when support will still be needed, please coordinate with the Rev. Brooks Berndt, the Environmental Justice Minister for the United Church of Christ…”
500 Clergy Join Peaceful Witness at Standing Rock By Jill Goddard November 7, 2016
“…On Thursday, November 3, over 500 clergy – including over 50 Unitarian Universalist clergy – answered the call to come to Standing Rock in solidarity, prayer, and action with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and the water protectors. The goal of the peaceful interfaith witness was to increase awareness of the situation and to advocate for elected officials to take action to end construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Clergy for Standing Rock: Rev. Kelli Clement,
IFCO/Pastors for Peace | An interfaith organization to assist oppressed …
“..Ecumenical agency delivering humanitarian aid to Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes membership information, a list of projects, and a forum…”

“…The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) is a multi-issue national ecumenical agency, which was founded in 1967 by progressive church leaders and activists. For more than four decades, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) has assisted hundreds of community organizations and public policy groups – by providing technical assistance, training organizers, making and administering grants, and using our global network of grassroots organizers, clergy, and other professionals to advance the struggles of oppressed people for justice and self-determination.


Read more


Thoughts, feedback, prayer requests, etc..?

Good News Ministry

Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?

Black Hills Indian Prophesy of the Black Snake
“…They bring in Federal and State companies that are under complete corruption. Even today 90% of the children are stolen and put into foster homes! The cancer rates are higher there than the rest of the country. And you NEVER hear about them. I just stumbled on a video by chance…. and all these years have gone by and I didn’t know. I feel so ashamed of our government. Every day I learn more about the corrupt politicians that flood our country who are bought and paid for by globalists and elites who are looking for ‘order out of chaos’ to make a one world utopian transhumanist civilization. (Which is really a farce and a plan of Satan that WILL END in nothing but destruction and death in the worst of tribulation of people and the judgement of these wicked conspirators.)..”

Who’s Behind the New World Order

“Published on Feb 11, 2014

Who’s Behind the New World Order…&#8221;

The Most Powerful Freemasons Ever Eric Goldschein and Robert Johnson Sep. 15, 2011, 11:55 AM 1,485,047
“….Freemasons have over six-million members worldwide, and despite being in its fifth-century the group remains shrouded in mystery.

The one thing that is public about the masons is their member list — and some of the most powerful people in the world were at one time part of the club.

The following is a list of 13 powerful members — some living, some not — who took the secret vow..

Benjamin Franklin became a member after starting his own society

George Washington performed Mason rites when breaking ground at the Capitol…
Somehow Mozart became a Mason and composed 600 pieces of music..
Simón Bolívar was a 33rd degree mason..
Mark Twain joined a St. Louis lodge….
Winston Churchill contributed to Freemasonry his entire life…
The founder of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk surrounded himself with Masons…
Franklin D. Roosevelt was an honorary member…
. Edgar Hoover was a Master Mason by 25…
Earl Warren was one of five Masonic judges…
Silvio Berlusconi belonged to a blackballed lodge- Italian prime minister Berlusconi was part of a masonic lodge called Propaganda Due, a group of powerful men with the goal of shifting Italy’s government to a more authoritarian regime….”

Jesse Jackson continues to play an active role in his lodge- JESSIE JACKSON KILLED MARTIN LUTHER KING JR & The Murder Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr – Part 1 from :

“..But Jackson’s tenure with the SCLC was not entirely smooth. While King, at first, was enamored with the brashness of the young leader, not everyone in the organization felt the same way. Many felt that Jackson acted too independently, and eventually King came to tire of him as well. Just five days before his assassination, King stormed out of a meeting after Jackson had repeatedly interrupted him..

But the campaign also sparked some controversy when in January 1984, Jackson, in an interview with a Washington Post reporter, referred to Jews as “Hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown.” Protests erupted, and Jackson apologized for the remarks one month later…”

Unmasking Jesse Jackson
Geoff Metcalf interviews ‘Shakedown’ author Ken Timmerman

Published: 03/31/2002 at 1:00 AM
“… He did not go through the long procedure. He was not licensed to preach, as far as I could determine. I went to the church where he was ordained. He did not go through this two-year process. He never submitted himself to the authority of the church. He has never had a church himself, and he has been accountable to no one.

And what is the truth?

A: Jesse Jackson was not up on the balcony. They even tried to show the picture of Jesse Jackson up on the balcony with Martin Luther King. That picture was taken the day before. It was a publicity shot.

Q: We know there were pictures all over the place of Jesse with blood on his shirt. Given that Jesse was in the parking lot when Dr. King was shot, where did that come from?

A: The next morning, he flew to Chicago and went on the NBC “Today Show.” In the meantime, he had hired a public relations agent. So here is a guy who is in such grief from Martin Luther King’s assassination that he comes back to Chicago and has the presence of mind to have himself taken from interview to interview in a chauffeur-driven car with a P.R. agent. The P.R. agent takes him to the NBC “Today” show, he appears in a shirt that he claims is smeared with Dr. Martin Luther King’s blood and he says on national television, “He died in my arms” – an absolute, patent lie…..

Q: If they can pay Jesse $500,000 to buy him off instead of $5 million to lawyers …

A: And that is exactly the calculation that many of these CEOs have made. I think the record is pretty clear. I tried to lay it out in “Shakedown” so people could see it and judge for themselves. Look at the facts, look at the documents. I present quite a bit of that.

Let the Fire Burn: Preview

“..John Elway is a perpetual lifetime member..
Other big names include:

John Jacob Astor, Andrew Jackson, William “Bud” Abbott, Salvador Allende, Benedict Arnold, Nat King Cole, Samuel Colt, Duke Ellington, James Naismith, Scottie Pippen, Michael Richards, all seven Ringling brothers, Strom Thurmond, Shaquille O’Neal, Paul Revere, Oscar Wilde, Denton T. “Cy” Young, and John Wayne — to name a few.”

A Liberal is Fed Up With Liberals December 25, 2016 Henry

“…The bankers are responsible for social engineering programs such as the (homo) sexual revolution, feminism and multiculturalism, which undermine family and social cohesion. This fundamental antagonism also supports a vast criminal underworld actually run by the elites.

The bankers are responsible for the assassinations of presidents like Lincoln and JFK, and for the attack on the World Trade Center. They own or control the mass media, which legitimizes G.W. Bush, the war in Iraq and the impending attack on Iran. War provides an excuse to introduce the draft and a repressive police state…


The New World Order is a hydra-headed monster. The bankers work through many fronts such as Communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, Zionism, neo conservatism and Freemasonry. Unknown to most members, these “progressive” movements are all secretly devoted to “world revolution” which is a euphemism for banker hegemony. (See my “Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony”)

The bankers control the world’s major corporations, media, intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations and universities. They are responsible for suppressing the truth. Jews figure prominently in all of this, a cause of anti Semitism. Of course many other people are pursuing “success” as well.

The bankers also work through countries. They are largely responsible for British and American imperialism, whose aim is to monopolize the world’s wealth. In his book “The Jews” (1922) British social critic Hilaire Belloc writes that the British Empire represented a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.

“After Waterloo [1815] London became the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical.”

The confluence of Jewish and British interest extended to marriage.

“Marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century, those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood was the exception.

In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name and the traditions those of a purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish…”

If the marriage of Al Gore’s daughter with Jacob Schiff’s grandson is any indication, this mingling of Jewish and Gentile elites extends to America as well. John Forbes Kerry is another example.

Belloc continues to say that the British and Jewish goal of world domination was synonymous and used Freemasonry as an instrument.

“Specifically Jewish institutions, such as Freemasonry (which the Jews had inaugurated as a sort of bridge between themselves and their hosts in the seventeenth century) were particularly strong in Britain, and there arose a political tradition, active, and ultimately to prove of great importance, whereby the British state was tacitly accepted by foreign governments as the official protector of the Jews in other countries.

It was Britain which was expected to intervene [wherever Jewish persecution took place and] to support the Jewish financial energies throughout the world, and to receive in return the benefit of that connection.”

If Belloc is right, you could say the New World Order is an extension of the British Empire, in which elite British, American and Jewish interests are indistinguishable. See also my “The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism.”


The majority of Jews would want no part of the New World Order a.k.a. “globalization” if they understood its undemocratic character and how they are being used.

The true Jewish spirit holds that truth and morality are absolute and cannot be trimmed to fit one’s perceived self interest. G.J. Nueberger expresses this spirit in his essay “The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism.”

“The Jewish people are chosen not for domination over others, not for conquest or warfare, but to serve G-d and thus to serve mankind…Thus physical violence is not a tradition or a value of the Jews. The task for which the Jewish people were chosen is not to set an example of military superiority or technical achievements, but to seek perfection in moral behaviour and spiritual purity.

Of all the crimes of political Zionism, the worst and most basic, and which explains all its other misdeeds, is that from its beginning Zionism has sought to separate the Jewish people from their G-d, to render the divine covenant null and void, and to substitute a “modern” statehood and fraudulent sovereignty for the lofty ideals of the Jewish people.”

The bankers obviously aren’t concerned about true Judaism or racial purity and were quite willing to sacrifice millions of Jews to achieve their design by backing Hitler. They are sacrificing thousands more Jewish, American and Muslim lives in the Middle East in their Orwellian “perpetual war for perpetual peace.”

Does the New World Order serve a “Jewish” agenda or a banker elite agenda?

I would venture that it serves the latter, and the Jewish people are an instrument of this agenda like so many other people.

By giving private individuals the ability to create money out of nothing, we have created a monster which threatens to devour the planet and with it the human race.

Former CIA officer blames Jews for America’s wars Valerie Plame sheds little light in CIA leak case ByShoshana Kranish
September 21, 2017 19:54
Valerie Plame Wilson is no stranger to scandal.
“”American Jews are driving America’s Wars,” the rampage began. The tweet linked to an article from, a site that claims “a collection of interesting, important, and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American Mainstream Media.”
Twitter users were quick to criticize Plame Wilson, who then charged that her retweet was ”not an endorsement” before sharing that she is ”of Jewish descent.” She then told Twitter users to ”put aside [their] biases and think clearly.”…
Twitter users were quick to criticize Plame Wilson, who then charged that her retweet was ”not an endorsement” before sharing that she is ”of Jewish descent.” She then told Twitter users to ”put aside [their] biases and think clearly.”..”

ReThink Interview: Valerie Plame & Joe Wilson on FAIR GAME from
“..My ReThink Interview with former undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame and former ambassador Joe Wilson. Plame was outed by the Bush administration after Wilson wrote an op-ed for the New York Times addressing George W. Bush’s lie in the 2003 State of the Union address that Iraq had attempted to procure uranium from Niger. Plame and Wilson are the subjects of the film FAIR GAME, directed by Doug Liman and starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn. ..”
Valerie Plame testifies in CIA leak hearings (part 1), from


JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

Published on Jan 19, 2015

Follow the Money and you may just comprehend who has been running the world for so long. The lies around the World Wars from WW1 onward to the death of John Kennedy, thru 9/11 and up till today’s lies, deceits and tyranny, dressed as democracy.

Can I strongly suggest you read my latest novel (thriller format) – based on a true story – as to how my great uncle, an investigative journalist in 1920s New York, discovered and came face to face with the real cabal creating the Crash of ’29.

It was the precursor to much of what is in this film with fascinating insight and revelation as to the real perpetrators of WW2 and all that lead to today.

Ebook or hard back version @
Download the first few chapters for free

Happy to personally sign all hard backs purchased on site!

Batman Connections,Robert Holmes And The LIBOR Scandal
“..As the film continues we begin to see that the rich are losing their grip on Gotham and the people learn that their government has betrayed them. That they had propped up a hero in Harvey Dent (a lawyer and politician) and jailed many people in his name fighting for his cause. The leader who rises up against the bankers and the elite is Bane.
The masked figure leads a rag tag group of men into Wall Street. Bane leads an organized system of violence against the wealthy, evoking a similar theme once seen in reality by Occupy Wall Street. Bane’s henchmen literally attack Wall Street, savagely beat the rich, and promise the good people of Gotham that ‘tomorrow, you claim what is rightfully yours. The movie is a damning indictment of the anti-corporate movement and the threat of social chaos it poses.
Bane’s plot involves a massive transfer of wealth using the stock exchange. It consists further of inciting civil unrest and taking control of cutting-edge technologies that use an algorithm precisely tracked to Bruce Wayne. They use the software to gut the fortunes of the rich.

Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises is a very dark and foreboding predictive programming of what could happen if there was such statistical data available to undermine the 1 percent and send them into the streets where the rebellious are already there to eat them…

The truth maybe stranger than fiction, as we look at the stories that surround the main story of a so called brainwashed lone nut James Holmes who opens fire at a movie theater in Aurora Colorado and his connections to both neuroscience and ‘Super soldier’ or ‘Peak Soldier performance’ experiments and a father that works for a software company that analyses fraud for business.

According to his LinkedIn profile, James Holmes’s father, Dr. Robert Holmes, who received a PhD in Statistics in 1981 from the University of California at Berkeley, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc. from 2000 to 2002. HNC, known as a “neural network” company, and DARPA, beginning in 1998, have worked on developing “cortronic neural networks,” which would allow machines to interpret aural and visual stimuli to think like humans.

The cortronic concept was developed by HNC Software’s chief scientist and co-founder, Robert Hecht-Nielsen. HNC merged with the Minneapolis-based Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), a computer analysis and decision-making company. Robert Holmes continues to work at FICO.
…Danny Cassalero was murdered investigating this case shortly after he came up with an “Octopus” conspiracy theory of how things operated in the highest circles. This software has been slightly modified by the CIA and secretly “slipped” into banking software that was exported out of our country for use by foreign and offshore banks…
Just prior to the shooting in Aurora Colorado, where James Holmes the son of Robert Holmes the software developer allegedly killed 12 and injured over 50 others a scandalous report was issued in the United kingdom about the LIBOR scandal where it has been discovered that much of the wealth held by the so called 99 percent is being held in offshore accounts far away from the taxman and that there is software that is now being used to track and expose those who are abusing the system.
Makes you wonder if this is part of the PROMIS/INSLAW software or a modified version that is far more accurate and that the future is the exposure of criminal activity that would send the world into global civil unrest. Could it be that Robert Holmes was involved with the creation of such software models and that his son was programmed to kill in order to create a distraction from the fraud scandal that would rock the world?..

*see Deep Thought: Should we “divest” or “not” in banks that funds “oil” projects ?



“..In the fight against extreme poverty, hunger, and preventable disease around the globe, ONE plays a unique role. It uses its resources to make human crises and their solutions matter—to leaders, funders, private and public institutions, and millions of people worldwide.


What happened to Bono?

-George Soros?

The Deleted Interview that George Soros Tried to Ban! , from
“Published on Jan 14, 2017

To learn more read Wake up call
George Soros: ‘I Am A God, I Created Everything, I Control America And Hillary Clinton’;
George Soros Vows To ‘Take Down President Trump’;
Soros gave $90M to feminist anti-Trump protest groups;
Soros, George Soros, NGO’s, News, Wake Up, Truth, NWO, Elite, Illuminati, Globalism, World, Economy, Politic, Elite, Exposing, Society, Social, Secret, Nazi,

* “protestors” to start riots, Huffingtonpost blog,open society institute, Students for Democracy, “Shadow-government”, puppet-master, Apollo Alliance, Tides Foundation, etc..
“Published on Nov 15, 2016


Learn More from D.C. Leaks Open Society:…

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NEW WORLD ORDER Illuminati Agenda & World War III ., from

You Can’t Handle the Truth! – A Few Good Men (7/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD

In this military courtroom drama based on the play by Aaron Sorkin, Navy lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) is assigned to defend two Marines, Pfc. Louden Downey (James Marshall) and Lance Cpl. Harold Dawson (Wolfgang Bodison), who are accused of the murder of fellow leatherneck Pfc. William Santiago (Michael de Lorenzo) at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Kaffee generally plea bargains for his clients rather than bring them to trial, which is probably why he was assigned this potentially embarassing case, but when Lt. Commander JoAnne Galloway (Demi Moore) is assigned to assist Kaffee, she is convinced that there’s more to the matter than they’ve been led to believe and convinces her colleague that the case should go to court. Under questioning, Downey and Dawson reveal that Santiago died in the midst of a hazing ritual known as “Code Red” after he threatened to inform higher authorities that Dawson opened fire on a Cuban watchtower. They also state that the “Code Red” was performed under the orders of Lt. Jonathan Kendrick (Kiefer Sutherland). Kendrick’s superior, tough-as-nails Col. Nathan Jessup (Jack …

Top 10 Illuminati Hand Signs & Symbols

Illuminati Wife Tells All – Part 1 of 4

*references: Timothy McVeigh, Jeffry Dahmer-Army soliders preyed by recruiters because of their vulnerability as children w/no parents..looking for “family”, Al Gray, Mobsters involved in drug-weapon smuggling, William Colby murdered by Navy Seals, mercenaries from Romania, Haiti, and many other countries..trained by her husband in New Orleans, etc.. work on ops (blaming Arabs/Muslims) that kill “innocent civilians”, etc.. Walt Whitman got US in Vietnam War in purpose for weapon sales-communists

Existentialism Definition allaboutphilosophy
Existentialism is a 20th century philosophy concerned with human existence, finding self, and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility. The belief that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions…”

Jewish Kaballast
*sexual pedophilia with Italians boys (priests), Bohemian Grove, etc..
MacArthur brought down by spy because he didn’t want to continue wars
Mao and Pol Pot, trained in Paris as little boys
Sarah McClendon, Reporter At White House, Dies at 92

Illuminati Wife Tells All – Part 2 of 4, from
henry kissinger,

Illuminati Wife Tells All – Part 3 of 4, from
Delta Forces training in the Philippines, Halo program-brainwashed people to kill in Panama too, spiritual warfare; Book: Copper Head-WV soldier’s story, John Paul Jones, founder of US Navy, a Kaballast or illumniati, Masons,. Thomas Jefferson murdered as a Christian, Pat Robertson, mind control, Colby, Al Gray, Phoenix program, marine corps, etc.. Woodstock a testing ground by NATO (General Shaheen’s father helped organized it) ..tested, Noriega was a Israeli double agent, mobs, et..

The 5 Biggest Threats To Humanity Exposed
“…With attention squarely focused on the criminality of politicians, particularly that of the US presidential candidates, it’s easy to overlook the people really responsible for all this chaos. Much of the US’ political landscape for over a hundred years, and arguably long before, has been controlled by a small minority of wealthy families and individuals with a specific agenda…

This has been the maxim of the Rothschild family ever since. The Rothschilds are also responsible for Zionism, a racist ideology opposed by many Jews, and the State of Israel, which has caused numerous wars in the Middle East in its short history and is responsible for the unbelievable suffering of the Palestinian people. With so much money and so much power, the Rothschilds have incredible amounts of influence in US and international politics, so much so that even Hillary Clinton has begged them forgiveness in leaked emails. This one family has the power to economically destroy any nation that doesn’t do what the Rothschilds want…”
*see Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism are Unrelated
“..The bottom line is, Zionists don’t get to determine who is or isn’t an anti-Semite. Especially when the criteria they use to make that determination has nothing to do with Jewish values. As Jews, we value life, safety, and peace. We want people throughout the world to live in tranquility. Zionists, on the other hand, have no such desire for Jews to live in peace. In fact, in a recent column for Ynet, Yaron London said that “it would be good to have some anti-Semitism in America. Not serious anti-Semitism, not pogroms, not persecutions that will empty America from its Jews, as we need them there, but just a taste of this pungent stuff, so that we can restore our faith in Zionism.” In their view, the Zionists need anti-Semitism in order to energize their base! ..”

Illuminati Wife Tells All – Part 4 of 4,

“..Nazi philosophy, weapons technology and the sciences were not the only things to be injected into the United States psyche from Operation PAPERCLIP. Another strain which may have come through this conduit was known as “The Pink Triangle,” an infestation of occult driven sexual deviants which included rapists, criminals and paedophiles. The individuals were tagged with a pink triangle before being sent to concentration camps during War time Germany. Homosexual men and women were tragically included in this persecution, something which is seldom remembered. However, the key issue here is sexual psychopathy regardless of orientation. According to Griggs and others, thousands of these pink triangle candidates, were brought over to the States and distributed within the ranks of certain shadow government projects..”

Nazi History
*see Global Country Spotlight: Europe-Germany

Adolph Hitler: His Life, Ideology, Rise, and Downfall
Was Hitler Jewish?
“..For someone so obsessed with “ethnic cleansing” and ancestry, Adolph Hitler was quite vague about his own descent. In the years following the war, and the ascent of Freudian psychoanalysis in the mid-twentieth century, many rumors circulated that Hitler might have been related to the very people he despised and persecuted; it was a form of self loathing and projection that sadly culminated in the nearly-successful attempt to destroy those people he hated to belong to.

However, none of these rumors have been proven true beyond doubt. Hitler was definitely not a Jew in the true sense of word, but there is a faint possibility that one of his ancestors might have been Jewish.
Paternal Grandfather Theory

The identity of Adolph Hitler’s paternal grandfather is not known, because Hitler’s father has been registered as an illegitimate child. Hans Frank, a former Nazi official stated that Hitler’s grandmother used to work as a housekeeper for a Jewish family named Frankenberger, in Graz. He claimed that Alois, Hitler’s father, was the result of a sexual relationship with Leopold Frankenberger, the family’s 19-year old son. With further investigation, no records of the existence of a Leopold Frankenberger in Graz have been found, causing historians to dismiss this theory.
DNA Test Theory

The Daily Telegraph, a British paper reported in 2010 on a DNA study that was conducted on 39 known relatives of Hitler. Samples showed that these family members of the Fuhrer had a chromosome that is not commonly found in Western Europe. Apparently 18 to 20 percent of carriers of this chromosome (Haplogroup E1b1b1) are Ashkenazi Jews, making this scientific study largely inconclusive. DNA tests of hair found on the hair brush Eva Braun (Hitler’s mistress) also pointed to the same chromosome, suggesting that she, too, may have had Jewish ancestry…”
*see Deep Thought: Should I get my DNA Tested?

The elites had to have the Branch Davidian Village eliminated because:
“…The whole idea as to why the CIA/Mafia/government needed to burn the
Branch Davidian Village down, and kill all of the peaceful inhabitants
was to destroy the computer files, and kill the witnesses to the
CIA/Mafia/George Bush Senior/elite global banking drugs/arms/money/
pedophile programs that were operating at the World War Two runway by
the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines…”

“… But they weren’t interested in simply arresting Koresh. They wanted to make a statement. They wanted a confrontation. The Branch Davidians who originally opened the front door to greet them had to slam it shut to save their lives. Several Davidians and BATF agents were injured and killed. The BATF claimed the Davidians shot at them, however the door showed 13 bullet holes coming from the OUTSIDE IN, and none going from the inside out. This door mysteriously dissappeared and has never been found (funny how these things happen in cases like this, isn’t it?). For 51 days we watched the puppet politicians and media villify Koresh and the Davidians as agents of the US government surrounded the compound, cut off power, cut off phone service so the people inside could not tell their side of the story to the public. They set up loudspeakers outside the compound and loudly played the sounds of pigs being slaughtered and heavy metal music 24 hours a day..”
Two Decades Later, Some Branch Davidians Still Believe
April 20, 20135:21 AM ET Heard on Weekend Edition Saturday John Burnett
Waco: The Untold Story. By wmw_admin on May 6, 2006

“..23) I mentioned on page 30 above that one of the uses the CIA makes of its mind control sophistication is to implant memory blocks into the subconscious memories of its top professional assassins — in order to allow them to live with what they have done, and NOT to be overcome by flashbacks and nightmares of their “handiwork.”.”



The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21 ☁☢☁☰☰☰☰☰✈

“Published on Jan 9, 2014

US Population outlook for 2025:;
Note US, Israel and UK declines. Follows bible prophesy.
**Audio from 19:05 to 22:09 has been corrupted due to a frivolous copyright claim.**
For missing audio, please see this video:

Senate Weather Modification Document from 1979:;
The NWO commandments:;

We are constantly inundated with poisons forced on us through GMO foods, pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water supply, microwave radiation, and chemtrails.
Some will buy into the whole global warming/population control agenda because they have been force fed this garbage their whole lives and are no longer capable of critical thinking.
For those that think the world is over populated due to food and energy shortages, you need to understand that the multi-national corporations create these shortages by forcing farmers not to grow, limiting development of new technologies etc., all to manipulate prices for their own gain.
God never advocated population control but Satan does.
The U.S Military Will Use Weather as a Weapon on AMERICAN Citizens …;

What does a Former FBI Special Agent and Chief have to say about ChemTrails? You will be Surprised!

Extensive List of Patents;

Sharing from; channel. Please subscribe to this channel for more great videos.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for entertainment purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.”

Topics: Immigration, Border Control, Climate Change due to CO2 levels from people, vaccines, (abortion), flouridation, trade commission/codex , traces of prescribtion drug in city water, Agenda 21, etc..

-Paid Protestors

Trump protesters admit george Soros pays them to protest and get tattoos , from
“..Published on Jan 29, 2017

Insane Anti Trump Protesters Admit They’re Paid by Soros Threaten FEMA Camps⁄Extermination

First up-loaded by the VerifiedNews channel, please subscribe to them.;


-> New World Government

The Philippines in Bible Prophecy

Behold Israel
Published on Mar 3, 2018

David Rockefeller’s book ‘Memoirs’ admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

“..In David Rockefeller’s book ‘Memoirs’ he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

| Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |

| David Rockefeller |

| We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government.The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries |

| David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission in 1991 |..”

Rockefeller – New World Order Quotes – YouTube

Congressman Larry McDonald
“..The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed on the Korean Airlines 747 shot down by the Soviets.

Lawrence Patton McDonald, M.D. (April 1, 1935 – September 1, 1983) was an American politician and a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the seventh congressional district of Georgia as a Democrat. He was a passenger on board Korean Air Lines Flight 007 when it was shot down by Soviet interceptors and presumed dead. He was known for his staunch opposition to communism and believed in long standing covert efforts by Trilateral Commission and other powerful US groups to bring about a socialism and world government. He was also a cousin of General George S. Patton…”

The downing of Flight 007: 30 years later, a Cold War tragedy still seems surreal By Thom Patterson, CNN Updated 4:33 AM ET, Sat August 31, 2013
“..But it was the downing of KAL 007 that opened many eyes to the Cold War’s widening wave of darkness, its increasing uncertainty and its growing threat to peace.
Alice Ephraimson-Abt’s flight made a refueling stop in Anchorage, Alaska, and — following the tradition of the well-traveled family — she phoned her father. She told him about a U.S. congressman, Rep. Larry McDonald, who also was aboard. One of 61 Americans on the plane, McDonald was a conservative Georgia Democrat and outspoken anti-communist.
What we know about the next five hours aboard Flight 007 comes from CNN interviews with ex-Soviet officials, the cockpit voice transcript and a 1993 report from the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization.
After the 747 took off for Seoul at 4 a.m. local time, the crew set their autopilot. What they apparently didn’t know was, it was set to fail…”

-Religious Perspective

History of ALL Satanic Founders in 20 Minutes! – Dr. Gene Kim

->Babylon Origins


Farrakhan Speaks on Donald Trump; Vetting Refugees: The Alex Jones Interview

“Published on Jan 16, 2016

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s comments were part of his interview with Alex Jones. The full interview premieres January 20th @;
2nd Most Influential Black Man in The World Speaks Out: Full Interview , from

-Sex Slavery

15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse Pt 1, from


*see Deep Thought: Does “curiosity” really “kill the cat”?

What Is The Cabal And How To Free Yourself For Full Ascension …

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated) By Preston James, Ph.D -March 8, 2015
Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world now revealed for first time.
“…It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.


We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.


The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts…”

THE DARK CABAL. Full Disclosure Paul T Hellyer Former Canadian Minister of National Defence


10 Ways the Global Cabal is Controlling You: Part One Published 3 years ago on July 5, 2015 By Christina Sarich
“..The world is under the control of a nefarious order, whether you call them the cabal, the Illuminati, the Order of 33, the geopolitical plutocratic elite, the Bilderberg Group, or some other name, but just how far reaching are their tentacles? It may surprise you how much you don’t know, but then again, their plan was designed so that you would never realize just how far their power truly extends…”

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know
By Preston James, Ph.D -September 2, 2013
“..The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:

Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions…”


David Wilcock (March 1, 2018) – Origins of the Cabal
*bankers made up elitist , greedy, rich people from different ethnic-religious backgrounds

“Nelio A.
6 months ago
Prescott Bush also sold the NAZIS a special lead additive for aircraft fuel that the German Luftwaffe needed to fly in the first place. It was only made in one place in the world. USA Bush headed the company. While Americans were rationing fuel the cabal was using a shell company through Panama to ship fuel to the Nazis. There is a book about Wallstreet’s involvement with the Nazis..”

How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington Sat 25 Sep 2004 18.59 EDT
“..By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany’s economic recovery was faltering. After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand. He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party. He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party. The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam.


The trouble started on July 30 1942 when the New York Herald-Tribune ran an article entitled “Hitler’s Angel Has $3m in US Bank”. UBC’s huge gold purchases had raised suspicions that the bank was in fact a “secret nest egg” hidden in New York for Thyssen and other Nazi bigwigs. The Alien Property Commission (APC) launched an investigation…”
*see USA Presidents: 43rd (1989-1993) George H.W. Bush

The Rothschilds and the Weather: The anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory Explained JTA and Ben Sales Mar 22, 2018 5:59 PM
““Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he said in the video. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”


White was certainly not the first one to repeat a conspiracy theory about the Rothschilds, who have been one of Europe’s wealthiest families for centuries and appear on Forbes’ list of billionaires still today. Their wealth dates back to the 18th century, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was born in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt, became the banker of Wilhelm IX, a local nobleman.


Why Do People Hate Jews –

*see Deep Thought: Where are the “original” Tribes of Israel?

1% Elites

‘Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto’, Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24

456,171 views•Oct 23, 2019
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Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-famous environmental activist from India. Her latest book is entitled “One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1%”. She tell us about more her opposition to big multinationals such as Monsanto for their nefarious influence on agriculture. But Shiva also singles out billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for criticism. “When Bill Gates pours money into Africa for feeding the poor in Africa and preventing famine, he’s pushing the failed Green Revolution, he’s pushing chemicals, pushing GMOs, pushing patterns”, she tells FRANCE 24’s Marc Perelman.

Synagogue of Satan

The 12 Tribes Of Israel And Who They Are
*start at 21 minute mark


“.. The “Synagogue of Satan” which is the subject of this series must not be confused with the “Remnant” of Jews, who will receive the Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Coming and be saved by Him. The Synagogue of Satan are an occult power elite which, having rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel, conspire to substitute another messiah made in the image of their master, Satan, and to establish a world kingdom under Satan. The Synagogue of Satan claims Jewish descent, but does not fit God’s definition of a Jew, either in the Old Testament or the New: “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” (Romans 2:29)

The Synagogue of Satan have contempt, not only for Jesus Christ, His Church and the Gentile masses, but for the Jewish “Remnant” who are Torah-observant and anti-Zionist and are, therefore, awaiting the kingdom of Israel to be restored when the Messiah appears, and not before. As well, the Synagogue of Satan have conspired to eliminate all people, whether Jew or Gentile, who stand in the way of their world kingdom. To this end they have developed a staggering number of fronts, as well as the capacity to create blinds and diversions, to obscure the fact that they are Cabalist Jews with an anti-Christ agenda. Through the centuries, the Synagogue of Satan have, by means of false identities, infiltrated Gentile institutions where they act as agents provocateurs—undercover agents who provoke violence and beget scandals, which are used to bring reproach upon Jesus Christ and His Church.

The division within Jewry is no longer neatly delineated along tribal boundaries; rather the lines have been spiritually drawn between the Synagogue of Satan and the Remnant of Israel..”

“..I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan..”-Revelations 2

Wikileaks Discoveries You Should Know About

Published on Feb 25, 2017
Wikileaks. Since 2006 this site, with its charismatic founder, Julian Assange, has been exposing secrets and facts those in charge don’t want you to know about. It has humbled big corporations, brought down governments, and may have changed the course of the presidential election. Here is our Top 10 Wikileaks discoveries you need to know about.
Subscribe for more! ►

Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) Treaty: State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Issues for Ministerial Guidance
“..The letter indicates a wide-ranging privatisation and globalisation strategy within the Agreement which aims to severely restrict “state-owned enterprises” (SOEs). Even an SOE that exists to fulfil a public function neglected by the market or which is a natural monopoly would nevertheless be forced to act “on the basis of commercial considerations” and would be prohibited from discriminating in favour of local businesses in purchases and sales. Foreign companies would be given standing to sue SOEs in domestic courts for perceived departures from the strictures of the TPP, and countries could even be sued by other TPP countries, or by private companies from those countries. Developing countries such as Vietnam, which employs a large number of SOEs as part of its economic infrastructure, would be affected most. SOEs continue to fulfil vital public functions in even the most privatised countries, such as Canada and Australia…”

TPP, TTIP, TISA. – YouTube

Noam Chomsky – Best Speech In 2018

Coronavirus Pandemic

Bill Gates

The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus Matthew Field
19 APRIL 2018 • 11:21AM
“..The tech leaders are backing EarthNow, which plans to launch 500 satellites to cover Earth’s atmosphere in video surveillance and provide live video feedback with only one second of delay.


Bill Gates backs $1bn plan to cover earth in video surveillance satellites



8,610,814 views•Apr 10, 2020
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The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.

Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

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Now you know: What’s going on in As(syria)?






Isaiah 17:2 Commentaries: “The cities of Aroer are forsaken; They will …
Bible Map: Aroer
Map of Old Testament Israel – Aroer

History of Syria
“..The ancient city of Ebla existed at the center of an expansive empire around 2400 B.C. The chief site, unearthed in the vicinity of Aleppo in the 1970s, contained tablets providing evidence of a sophisticated and powerful indigenous Syrian empire that was involved with, and probably controlled, a vast commercial network linking Anatolia (today part of Turkey), Mesopotamia (an ancient region of southwestern Asia in present-day Iraq), Egypt, and the Aegean and Syrian coasts. The language of Ebla is believed to be the oldest Semitic language, and the extensive writings of the Ebla culture are proof of a brilliant culture that rivals those of the Mesopotamians and ancient Egyptians.

After the King of Akkad (Mesopotamia) destroyed Ebla, Amorites ruled the region until their power was eclipsed in 1600 B.C. by the Egyptians. The following centuries saw Syria ruled by a succession of Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Aramaeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Seleucids, Romans, Nabataeans, Byzantines, Muslim Arabs, European Christian Crusaders, Ottoman Turks, Western Allied forces, and the French. Although Syria has absorbed the legacies of these many and varied cultures, the very existence of this string of foreign dominating powers exemplifies the political, economic, and religious importance of Syria’s strategic location. ..

The Coming of Islam

Syria remained at the center of the new Christian religion until the seventh century, when the area succumbed to Muslim Arab rule. Prior to the Arab invasion, Byzantine oppression had catalyzed a Syrian intellectual and religious revolt, creating a Syrian national consciousness. The Muslim Arab conquest in A.D. 635 was perceived as a liberating force from the persecution of Byzantine rule, to which Syria had been subjected since A.D. 324. But with Damascus as the seat of the Islamic Umayyad Empire, which extended as far as Spain and India between 661 and 750, most Syrians became Muslim, and Arabic replaced Aramaic. Syrian prestige and power declined after 750 when the Abbasids conquered the Umayyads and established a caliphate in Baghdad. Syria then became a mere province within an empire. ..”

World War 3 Could Start This Month 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria,


Difference Between US-Russian Bombing in syria . Must watch to understand, from
“…Published on Oct 22, 2016
Please watch: “Hidden Message In US Dollar Bills You’ve Never Seen Before .”


How the Illuminati Run & Control HOLLYWOOD Exposed.

Top 25 Illuminati Agenda Explained by Ted Gunderson, a former FBI Agent.

NEW WORLD ORDER Illuminati Agenda & World War III .…

Freemasons & Illuminati The Secret Societies connection

illuminati – New World Order card game 1995 (Full Cards set ).

Illuminati Subliminal Secret Messages .

Facebook Work’s For CIA/Mossad and Illuminati !!

The Illuminati Card THE 9/11 ” Terrorist Nuke & Pentagon ”

Illuminati Card Game Predictions Events 2001 – 2020

Why PIG/PORK Is Forbidden/Haram In BIBLE & ISLAM ?

Hidden Message In US Dollar Bills You’ve Never Seen Before

Zionist America playing Satanic Game & Reshaping Middle East For N.W.O .

9/11 & The Rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon;..”

*see Deep Thought: Is “Oil” causing wars?

The Assad Conspiracy — How the US and Israel Destroyed a Nation

Israel Preps for Syrian War with Golan’s Oil and Water in its Sights by Whitney Webb February 13th, 2018
While news of Saturday’s dangerous escalation involving Syria’s downing of an Israeli fighter jet is fizzling out, Israeli plan’s for a broader war to secure water and oil reserves in the resource-rich Golan Heights are just getting underway.
“..Even if recent events fail to translate into a war between Israel and its northern neighbors, any attempts to prevent such a war – no matter how “successful” they may seem – will only be temporary at best. Israel, even prior to its establishment as a state in 1948, has been ever eager to annex southern Syria in order to gain access to key resources – first, fresh water and now, oil. It is this same desire that continues to motivate Israel’s aggression against its neighbors…

However, Israel is not hungry for war in and of itself. Instead, it is eager to cement its claim to the Golan Heights, a plateau bordering Israel, Lebanon and Syria. In order to accomplish that, regime change in Syria is essential, as the international community still refuses to recognize Israel’s seizure and continued occupation of the Golan as legal. This bars Israel from commercially developing the area’s rich resources, which are key to understanding Israel’s willingness to go to war over a seemingly small and insignificant tract of land. However, a new Syrian government, one more “friendly” to Israeli interests, could officially relinquish Syria’s claim to the Golan, paving the way for the complete and official annexation of the territory by Israel…

Though fresh water is an especially important resource in the Middle East, it is now more important to Israel than ever before. Israel is in its fourth year of a drought so massive that a NASA study called it the worst drought in the region in nearly 900 years. As a result, the water in the Golan Heights is essential to Israel and its attempts to expand…

Five years before the current conflict in Syria began, the government of Israel hatched a plan to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by creating sectarian strife in the country and isolating Syria from its strongest regional ally, Iran. As mentioned, the Assad-led government has refused to recognize Israel’s hold on the Golan and has vowed to retake it as part of Syria…

Alongside the buffer zone’s expansion, Israel has “offered” to occupy Syrian villages to “protect” them from the very Syrian rebels that Israel has been funding, arming, and offering medical treatment to throughout the conflict — even though most are allied with al-Nusra Front (Al Qaeda) or Daesh (ISIS).

While Israel has, for much of the war, been conducting these attacks against, and illegal incursions into, Syria with impunity, all of that has now changed due to this past weekend’s events. Now that Syria is responding to flagrant violations of its sovereignty, Israel knows the match is lit and, by all indications, are preparing for what comes next…”

=> Terrorist Groups
*see Neutral Perspective: ISIS was created by Global terrorists or Global State governments?


US tells local Syrian allies they must only fight ISIS and not Assad, prompting exit of allied group Updated 7:59 PM ET, Thu July 27, 2017 By Ryan Browne
“..(CNN)The US-led coalition fighting ISIS has told its local Syrian allies that they must be exclusively focused on fighting ISIS and not fight the Syrian regime, a directive that prompted one rebel group to depart a joint coalition base in Southern Syria, several coalition and US defense officials told CNN…
But one US-backed group which calls itself “the Shohada Al Quartyan” has balked at the restriction, opting to leave the base to carry out independent operations against Syrian regime troops several US and coalition officials told CNN. The officials added that other local allies remain at the garrison and continue to cooperate with coalition advisers…”

ISIS losses in Syria bolster Assad’s ability to reclaim control Jim Michaels, USA TODAY Published 12:41 p.m. ET Sept. 7, 2017
A convoy of Islamic State fighters appears to have turned back after U.S.-led airstrikes thwarted its attempt to reach territory held by the militant group in eastern Syria, the head of U.S.-led forces fighting Islamic State said on Thursday. Video provided by Reuters Newslook


Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

Wed 3 Jun 2015 15.56 EDT
Last modified on Sat 14 Apr 2018 14.03 EDT

Seumas Milne
“..The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.

The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead with the trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition..”
Syria’s SDF rebels: ISIL’s nemesis or American proxy? by John Beck
26 Oct 2017
The US-backed group that captured Raqqa from ISIL competes with Syrian government forces for control of oil fields.
“..”But in this case, the US won’t be going anywhere for a while. Once ISIL is defeated, the US will need proxy forces on the ground to push back against both Assad and Russia.”..”
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia
By Washington’s Blog
Global Research, September 20, 2015
Washington’s Blog 16 August 2014
“.. Yasmina Haifi, a project leader at the ministry’s National Cyber Security Center, made the assertion Wednesday on Twitter, the De Telegraaf daily reported.

“ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name,” wrote Haifi ….

In March, Haaretz reported:

The Syrian opposition is willing to give up claims to the Golan Heights in return for cash and Israeli military aid against President Bashar Assad, a top opposition official told Al Arab newspaper, according to a report in Al Alam.


The Western-backed militant groups want Israel to enforce a no-fly zone over parts of southern Syria to protect rebel bases from air strikes by Assad’s forces, according to the report…”

-> Bible

The Significance of Syria In the Bible History and Civilizations – Arabic …

“..Syria, remember how was your status in ancient history as compared to today? Did you change history or cover your face? you were so called the” Holy Land”, making tourists come from the west and east. Why? Because the Lord, Jesus Christ’s Holy feet walked on your land, and made it to be called Holy. We read in( Math 4:24) ”News about Him spread all over Syria, and people brought to Him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them”

Jesus gave the greatest sermon in history, (Sermon on the Mount) on Mount Hermon, in Syria according to the Gospel of( Matthew ch-5-7 ) Syria, you are the cradle of the prophets and apostles and the center that spreads the gospel from Antioch in Syria to the world, and paved the way of the Forefathers of the Church to continue…

…Syria, do you remember you are called “the cradle of civilizations and Semitic peoples, and their languages?” God spoke on Mount Horeb, Hermon, and Golgotha, and most of the prophecies on your land were fulfilled. Do you remember well, with the entire world, of the biblical history and privileges of what God has done through all of Syria and also to the whole world! It seems that the world ignored or disregarded to study such great history of Syria!! Here today as they sit and only to watch TV, they are amazed of what they see happening in Syria right now.

7 things you need to know about Mount Hermon
“…2. The name Hermon is derived from the Hebrew word pronounced ker-mone, meaning abrupt.

3. Mount Hermon is mentioned a few times in the Hebrew Bible. One example can be found in Deuteronomy 3:8-

” וַנִּקַּח בָּעֵת הַהִוא, אֶת-הָאָרֶץ, מִיַּד שְׁנֵי מַלְכֵי הָאֱמֹרִי, אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן–מִנַּחַל אַרְנֹן, עַד-הַר חֶרְמוֹן.”

” And we took the land at that time out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorites that were beyond the Jordan, from the valley of Arnon unto mount Hermon”.

The Bible also refers to Mount Hermon as Mount Senir or Mount Sirion.

4. Mount Hermon is called ” the eyes of the state” to mark the Third Battle of Mount Hermon during Yom Kippur war, between the Israeli Army and the Syrian Army.

5. Mount Hermon is also mentioned in the New Testament. The Book of Matthew tells of Jesus and his disciples journeying north from Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee to the city of Caesarea Philippi at the southern base of Mount Hermon. Many people believe that The Transfiguration occurred somewhere on Mount Hermon.


Holy Land’s Mount Hermon: A United Nation’s Base Built to Deliver the Anti-Christ and Open the Gates of Hell (Shocking Video and Photos)
Sunday, January 5, 2014 23:45
“..“Jabal Haramun”; Hebrew: הר חרמון‎, Har Hermon, “Mount Hermon”) is a mountain cluster in the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon[1] and, at 2,814 m (9,232 ft) above sea level, is the highest point in Syria.[2] On the top there is “Hermon Hotel”, in the buffer zone between Syria and Israeli-occupied territory, the highest permanently manned UN position in the world.[3] The southern slopes of Mount Hermon extend to the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights, where the Mount Hermon ski resort is located.[4] A peak in this area rising to 2,236 m (7,336 ft) is the highest elevation in Israeli-controlled territory.

Hermon Hotel, highest UN base @ 2814m on the peak of Mt. Hermon, UNDDOF-Zone, Syria, Lebanon, Israel–Google Maps–Panoramio

Encyclopedia Britannica states that Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” A 4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interpreted Hermon as “anathema.” Mount Hermon was the port of entry for a group of evil angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah.

This is a plan Satan and his fallen angels have been developing since the beginning, and you had better believe that the nephilim are here among us today! They can appear as humans, demons, or remain completely invisible, operating in the shadows. The exciting part of all this is that we ARE the generation who will see these things unfold! Some of them are terrifying, while others are exciting. Nonetheless, we are on the brink of the appearance of the Antichrist, who will come from Mt. Hermon—the United Nations, NWO, Illuminati, Nephilim, Freemasons, Elitists, Serpent Seed—yes! He will come through this people! A race whose bloodlines have been kept pure (evil) ever since Lucifer and one third of his angels were cast to earth!

With that in mind, howbeit the United Nations has strategically placed their biggest and most important base at the very top of Mt. Hermon—the highest point—exactly where the fallen angels landed? The place where ancient Baal worship and blood sacrifice took place? The place that has been spiritually marked as evil!

Here is another interesting note that might surprise you, according to J.R. Church:

In 1666, Louis XIV of France, authorized the building of an observatory in Paris to measure longitude. This was the beginning of the Paris Zero Meridian. Believe it or not, according to the “Paris Zero Meridian” Mount Hermon (and the ancient territory of Dan) is located at 33 degrees east of the Paris Zero Meridian (longitude), and 33 degrees north of the Equator (latitude)! The 33rd degree became an important part of Freemasonry, probably due to a history that dates back to the Knights Templar, the French Merovingian Dynasty, and their family ties to the Danites (see our chapter on Dan in Guardians of the Grail).

Can you believe that? The most significant Illuminati/Freemason number there is—33! “A 33-degree Freemason…” What are the chances of that happening? Very slim. You see, as I mentioned, this has all been strategically planned out since the beginning. The reason why these things are unfolding as they are is because we are in the days spoken of by Jesus Christ Himself, where He said:

Matthew 24:37-43
New King James Version (NKJV)


Does the Bible Predict End Times Destruction in Syria? Expert’s Key Question About ‘Prophetic Implications’ Involving Russia and Iran Billy Hallowell October 2, 2015 11:08 am 283
“…“The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago that in the ‘last days’ of history, Russia and Iran will form a military alliance to attack Israel from the north,” Rosenberg wrote. “Bible scholars refer to this eschatological conflict, described in Ezekiel 38-39, as the ‘War of Gog & Magog.’”

He added, “Are these sudden and dramatic moves by Moscow and Tehran are simply coincidental, or have prophetic implications?”

Rosenberg’s question is at the center of the very debate surrounding Iran, Syria and Russia and their purported involvement in the end times — one that has attracted a great deal of attention both in Christian circles and in media over the years…

“This whole notion is fulfilled in biblical history when the king of the Assyria captured and destroyed Damascus … if you look at Isaiah chapter 7, there’s a permutation of this as well … you see the fulfillment in the very next chapter, Isaiah chapter 8,” he continued…”



In emotional interview, Syrian who survived 2013 chemical attack pleads with Trump, rips Obama Jon Street Apr 5, 2017 5:42 pm
Kassem Eid talked with CNN about surviving the 2013 sarin gas attack in Syria. He said former President Barack Obama broke his promise and failed to take decisive action against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. (Image source: YouTube screen cap)

Syria Airstrikes Instantly Added Nearly $5 Billion to Missile-Makers’ Stock Value
Jen Wieczner
Apr 07, 2017
“..Raytheon stock surged Friday morning, after 59 of the company’s Tomahawk missiles were used to strike Syria in Donald Trump’s first major military operation as President…”

US troops clash with Syrian government forces

Syrian regime forces attack base used by US troops

Published on Feb 9, 2018
A large-scale attack by over 500 Syrian troops aligned with Bashar al-Assad on a base used by US troops and local US allies underscored the challenges faced by the Trump administration as it seeks to implement its long-term strategy for Syria, with both the Russian-backed regime and NATO ally Turkey recently conducting or threating attacks against America’s primary ally in Syria.


-Christian Perspective

Moscow blasts US strikes in Syria calling them criminal-Lebanon tells army confront Israeli
“Published on Feb 9, 2018



James Munder
Published on Feb 10, 2018;


US Syria Strike Was Illegal, No Matter Who Carried Out Gas Attack

“Published on Apr 7, 2017

The US had no right to launch a unilateral attack on Syria Phyllis Bennis tells Paul Jay, and it’s a violation of the UN charter”
Wilkerson: Trump Attack on Syria Driven by Domestic Politics , from
“Published on Apr 7, 2017

Former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, tells Paul Jay that the Syrian Government may not be responsible for the chemical attack and that Trump’s response was a violation of international law

U.S. kills 100 Syrians, claims “self-defense” in country America invaded

Published on Feb 9, 2018
The Pentagon says a recent US-backed attack on pro-government forces in eastern Syria was in self-defense.
The U-S-backed attack took place near the city of Dayr al-Zawr on Wednesday. It involved air and artillery strikes against pro-government forces, and led to the deaths of more than one hundred soldiers. Syria condemned the attack as a war crime, calling for the U-S-led coalition to be dismantled. Russia’s envoy to the United Nations also slammed the strikes. Vassily Nebenzia said confronting those who fight terrorism on the ground is criminal. Moscow and Damascus accuse Washington and its allied forces of hampering anti-terror operations in Syria.

Syrian air defense responds to new Israeli raids

Published on Feb 10, 2018
Marcus Papadopoulos
Editor, Politics First

Most serious incident between Israel and Syria & Iran in years: Comments on downing of Israeli jet

Published on Feb 10, 2018
An Israeli F-16 fighter jet crashed after Syria responded with anti-aircraft fire to an Israeli operation in its territory.


Reaching Out to Syrian Refugees

•Nov 27, 2019
Samaritans Purse
34.5K subscribers
Samaritan’s Purse is working to meet basic needs as refugees—many of whom a

EXCLUSIVE: Christian Aid Workers Come Under Live Fire in Syria
•Nov 19, 2019
CBN News
233K subscribers
EXCLUSIVE: Christian Aid Workers Come Under Live Fire in Syria

‘Entire Communities Have Been Destroyed’: How This Christian Aid Group Is Helping Syrian Refugees
•Dec 26, 2018
CBN News
233K subscribers
‘Entire Communities Have Been Destroyed’: How This Christian Aid Group Is Helping Syrian Refugees

Christian Aid’s response to the Gospel: ‘Love the stranger’
•Sep 11, 2015
3.29K subscribers
At Christian Aid, as part of the church, we hear the commandment to ‘love the stranger’, that Jesus repeated in words and lived in deeds. Hospitality to strangers speaks of the deep welcome of God to all people.
Faith also demands that we are never content with addressing an emergency, but we also want to ask why it happens, and what we can do to find a longer term response.
And faith keeps us hoping, and imagining a future world where love has no borders and no bounds.
To find out more about Christian Aid Week 2017 – and how you can help those seeking safety and solace, go to: Thank You.

Middle East Refugee Crisis

Convoy Brings Relief to Displaced Syrians in Need

7 Charities Helping Syrians That Need Your Support By Jesselyn Cook HUFFINGTON POST 12/15/2016 05:55 pm ET Updated Mar 17, 2017

“This isn’t a political conflict ― it’s a humanitarian crisis.”

Aid Workers Are Sexually Abusing Syrian Refugees
•Aug 25, 2016
Journeyman Pictures
1.36M subscribers
The Price of Refuge (2013): They’re women, they’re vulnerable and they’re alone. Syria’s refugees have become targets of sexual abuse for aid workers.


Iran, ISIS and a Military Base: Why Leaving Syria Won’t Be Easy for the U.S. | NYT News

54,714 views•Feb 8, 2019





The New York Times
2.22M subscribers

President Trump has ordered the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Syria. But the unexpectedly large role of Al-Tanf, a small U.S. outpost in Syria, reveals why leaving the country won’t be so easy.

Pulling US Troops: Cause a War Between Kurds and Turkey again??!!

Susan Rice: Pulling U.S. Troops From Northern Syria Is “Bat**** Crazy”

539,986 views•Oct 8, 2019





The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
6.78M subscribers
Former National Security Advisor Ambassador Susan Rice, who has a new memoir, ‘Tough Love,’ believes Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. Troops from northern Syria is a dangerous betrayal to Kurdish allies who have been fighting ISIS on America’s behalf

‘They beat our a–es’: Russian mercenaries talk about humiliating defeat by US in reportedly leaked audio Alex Lockie 10h 224,243 (2.26.18)
“.. Leaked audio recordings said to be of Russian mercenaries in Syria capture expressions of lament and humiliation over a battle in early February involving US forces and Russian nationals.

Published by — a fact-checking website produced by Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, news organizations that receive funding from the US government — the audio recordings paint a picture of Russian mercenaries essentially sent to die in an ill-conceived advance on a US-held position in Syria. Polygraph says the audio recordings are from a source close to the Kremlin.

The Pentagon has described the attack as “unprovoked” and started by forces loyal to the Syrian government that crossed over the Euphrates River, which functions as a border between US-backed troops and Russian-backed ones. ..”

Trump did not betray the Kurds 10/11/2019
“The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events in Syria.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar al Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. They supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama infamously issued his “redline” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “jayvee squad.” When the jayvees in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in the New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

In 2014 Obama was negotiating his nuclear deal with Iran. The deal, falsely presented as a non-proliferation pact, actually enabled Iran — the world’s greatest state sponsor of terrorism — to develop both nuclear weapons and the missile systems required to deliver them. The true purpose of the deal was not to block Iran’s nuclear aspirations but to realign US Middle East policy away from the Sunnis and Israel and towards Iran.

Given its goal of embracing Iran, the Obama administration had no interest in harming Assad, Iran’s Syrian factotum. It had no interest in blocking Iran’s ally Russia from using the war in Syria as a means to reassert Moscow’s power in the Middle East.

As both Michael Doran, a former national security advisor in the George W. Bush administration and Smith argue, when Obama was finally compelled to act against ISIS, he structured the US campaign in a manner than would align it with Iran’s interests.

Obama’s decided to work with the Kurdish-YPG militia in northern Syria because it was the only significant armed force outside the Iranian axis that enjoyed congenial relations with both Assad and Iran.

Obama deployed around a thousand forces to Syria. Their limited numbers and radically constrained mandate made it impossible for the Americans to have a major effect on events in the country. They weren’t allowed to act against Assad or Iran. They were tasked solely with fighting ISIS. Obama instituted draconian rules of engagement that made achieving even that limited goal all but impossible.

During his tenure as Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton hoped to revise the US mandate to enable US forces to be used against Iran in Syria. Bolton’s plan was strategically sound. Trump rejected it largely because it was a recipe for widening US involvement in Syria far beyond what the American public – and Trump himself — are willing to countenance.

In other words, the claim that the US has major influence in Syria is wrong. It does not have such influence and is unwilling to pay the price of developing such influence.

This brings us to the second flaw in the narrative about Trump’s removal of US forces from the Syrian border with Turkey.

The underlying assumption of the criticism is that America has an interest in confronting Turkey to protect the Kurds.

This misconception like the misconception regarding US power and influence in Syria is borne of a misunderstanding of Obama’s Middle East policies. Aside from ISIS’s direct victims, the major casualty of Obama’s deliberately feckless anti-ISIS campaign was the US alliance with Turkey. Whereas the US chose to work with the Kurds because they were supportive of Assad and Iran, the Turks view the Syrian Kurdish YPG as a sister militia to the Turkish PKK. The Marxist PKK has been fighting a guerilla war against Turkey for decades. The State Department designates the PKK as a terrorist organization responsible for the death of thousands of Turkish nationals. Not surprisingly then, the Turks viewed the US-Kurdish collaboration against ISIS as an anti-Turkish campaign.

Throughout the years of US-Kurdish cooperation, many have made the case that the Kurds are a better ally to the US that Turkey. The case is compelling not merely because the Kurds have fought well.

Under Erdogan, Turkey has stood against the US and its interests far more often than it has stood with it. Across a spectrum of issues, from Israel to human rights, Hamas and ISIS to Turkish aggression against Cyprus, Greece and Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean, to upholding US economic sanctions against Iran and beyond, for nearly twenty years, Erdogan’s Turkey has distinguished itself as a strategic threat to America’s core interests and policies and those of its closest allies in the Middle East.

Despite the compelling, ever growing body of evidence that the time has come to reassess US-Turkish ties, the Pentagon refuses to engage the issue. The Pentagon has rejected the suggestion that the US remove its nuclear weapons from Incirlik air base in Turkey or diminish Incirlik’s centrality to US air operations in Central Asia and the Middle East. The same is true of US dependence on Turkish naval bases.

Given the Pentagon’s position, there is no chance that US would consider entering an armed conflict with Turkey on behalf of the Kurds.

The Kurds are a tragic people. The Kurds, who live as persecuted minorities in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran have been denied the right of self-determination for the past hundred years. But then, the Kurds have squandered every opportunity they have had to assert independence. The closest they came to achieving self-determination was in Iraq in 2017. In Iraqi Kurdistan, the Kurds have governed themselves effectively since 1992. In 2017, they overwhelmingly passed a referendum calling for Iraqi Kurdistan to secede from Iraq and form an independent state. Instead of joining forces to achieve their long-held dream, the Kurdish leaders in Iraq worked against one another. One faction, in alliance with Iran, blocked implementation of the referendum and then did nothing as Kurdish-controlled Kirkuk was overrun by Iraqi government forces.

The Kurds in Iraq are far more capable of defending themselves than the Kurds of Syria. Taking on the defense of Syria’s Kurds would commit the US to an open-ended presence in Syria and justify Turkish antagonism. America’s interests would not be advanced. They would be harmed, particularly in light of the YPG’s selling trait for Obama – its warm ties to Assad and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The hard truth is that the fifty US soldiers along the Syrian-Turkish border were a fake trip wire. Neither Trump nor the US military had any intention of sacrificing US forces to either block a Turkish invasion of Syria or foment deeper US involvement in the event of a Turkish invasion.

Apparently in the course of his phone call with Trump on Sunday, Erdogan called Trump’s bluff. Trump’s announcement following the call made clear that the US would not sacrifice its soldiers to stop Erdogan’s planned invasion of the border zone.

But Trump also made clear that the US did not support the Turkish move. In subsequent statements, Trump repeatedly pledged to destroy the Turkish economy if Turkey commits atrocities against the Kurds.

If the Pentagon can be brought on board, Trump’s threats can easily be used as a means to formally diminish the long hollow US alliance with Turkey.

Here it is critical to note that Trump did not remove US forces from Syria. They are still deployed along the border crossing between Jordan, Iraq and Syria to block Iran from moving forces and materiel to Syria and Lebanon. They are still blocking Russian and Syrian forces from taking over the oil fields along the eastern bank of the Euphrates. Aside from defeating ISIS, these missions are the principle strategic achievements of the US forces in Syria. For now, they are being maintained. Will Turkey’s invasion enable ISIS to reassert itself in Syria and beyond? Perhaps. But here too, as Trump made clear this week, it is not America’s job to serve as the permanent jailor of ISIS. European forces are just as capable of serving as guards as Americans are. America’s role is not to stay in Syria forever. It is to beat down threats to US and world security as they emerge and then let others – Turks, Kurds, Europeans, Russians, UN peacekeepers – maintain the new, safer status quo.

The final assumption of the narrative regarding Trump’s moves in Syria is that by moving its forces away from the border ahead of the Turkish invasion, Trump harmed regional stability and America’s reputation as a trustworthy ally.

On the latter issue, Trump has spent the better part of his term in office rebuilding America’s credibility as an ally after Obama effectively abandoned the Sunnis and Israel in favor of Iran. To the extent that Trump has harmed US credibility, he didn’t do it in Syria this week by rejecting war with Turkey. He did it last month by failing to retaliate militarily against Iran’s brazen military attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil installations. Whereasthe US has no commitment to protect the Kurds, the US’s central commitment in the Middle East for the past 70 years has been the protection of Saudi oil installations and maintaining the safety of maritime routes in and around the Persian Gulf.

The best move Trump can make now in light of the fake narrative of his treachery towards the Kurds is to finally retaliate against Iran. A well-conceived, and limited US strike against Iranian missile and drone installations would restore America’s posture as the dominant power in the Persian Gulf and prevent the further destabilization of the Saudi regime and the backsliding of the UAE towards Iran.

As for Syria, it is impossible to known what the future holds for the Kurds, the Turks, the Iranians, Assad or anyone else. But what is clear enough is that Trump avoided war with Turkey this week. And he began extracting America from an open-ended commitment to the Kurds it never made and never intended to fulfill.

Originally published in Israel Hayom.”

The Assad Interview

26:30 “why would we attack hospitals?…terrorist are trying to win the hearts of people”

Assad Destroys US Reporter In Interview Exposes Zionist Propaganda

“War in Iraq created ISIS…propaganda fake news

Putin: We don’t protect Assad, we protect Syria from becoming Libya

International Journalist Tells The Truth About Syria

Western media lies about Syria exposed (Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett)

Published on Dec 10, 2016

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Full Press Conference:;

“White Helmets funded by British

Reporter gets angry and tells us the REAL news

“Why Cameron is bombing Syria to prevent refugees leaving”??

-Biblical Perspective

Is Chaos in Syria Fulfilling Bible Prophecy? By Billy Hallowell
Contributor | Pure Flix

April 7, 2017
“..While some point to the current crisis as evidence of “prophecy” — a biblical prediction of an event that has yet to unfold — others decry this notion as irresponsible and wrong-headed. Let’s start by examining arguments made by author Joel Rosenberg, who has has pointed to Old Testament scriptures like Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49 to potentially assess the current events unfolding inside Syria…

The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago that in the ‘last days’ of history, Russia and Iran will form a military alliance to attack Israel from the north,” Rosenberg wrote. “Bible scholars refer to this eschatological conflict, described in Ezekiel 38–39, as the ‘War of Gog & Magog.’” He added, “Are these sudden and dramatic moves by Moscow and Tehran…simply coincidental, or [do they] have prophetic implications?”..

Consider that the first portion about a “ruinous heap” has some wondering if the present Syria crisis was prophesied in the Bible, but some scholars have countered that Damascus was already destroyed and that this verse refers to an attack by the Assyrians that unfolded in 732 BC (we’ll get there in a second).

Specifically noting Isaiah 17:1–3 and Jeremiah 49:23–27, Rosenberg explained in a separate 2013 blog piece that—despite some experts referencing the Assyrian attack—Damascus’s destruction has not yet happened. Jeremiah 49:23–27 pledges judgment upon Damascus, proclaiming that it has “become helpless” and that a fire will be kindled in its walls…

26 Aug Does Isaiah 17 prophesy the imminent destruction of Syria?

This is an updated version of an older article, that I thought was relevant to repost in light of the potential looming US attack of the Assad regime in Damascus.

“Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and it will become a fallen ruin.” —Isaiah 17:1

With the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime in Syria this past week, and now the Obama administration’s claims that they are about to respond militarily, many students of prophecy are wondering if Isaiah’s oracle concerning Damascus is about to be fulfilled. It is certainly understandable that many students of Scripture are looking to Isaiah 17 and asking if its fulfillment could be imminent. But if we simply examine the actual text a bit more carefully, then we will see that what Isaiah describes is not something that is imminent.

Lets consider the actual text of Isaiah 17 to examine what it really says: ..


The Syria you won’t see: Max Blumenthal on visiting Damascus after the proxy war

82,844 views•Sep 24, 2019





The Grayzone
60.4K subscribers
Pushback with Aaron Maté

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discusses his reporting trip to Damascus in the aftermath of Syria’s proxy war. He interviewed residents who were caught between Western and Gulf-backed extremist insurgents and the Syrian government’s war to retake territory, and who now struggle to recover under a US-led economic blockade.

“They want to attack and intimidate people from the West who want to have cultural and personal contact with Syrians in the area where most Syrians live,” Blumenthal says. “I went there and I took that opportunity to have contact with them because I’ll take any reasonable opportunity to break the media blockade in countries targeted with regime change, and to show my fellow citizens what’s on the other side of the corporate media and the US national security state’s information war.”

Guest: Max Blumenthal, Editor of The Grayzone and author of “The Management of Savagery.”

Video by Ben Norton

||| The Grayzone |||

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Peace: Avoiding War?

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Now you know: What “really” happened in the Vietnam War?

“Pic I took while at Standing Rock: Oceti Sakowin Camp”

Veterans For Peace at Standing Rock
“…The Standing Rock Sioux and their many Indigenous allies have inspired thousands of others to join them on the front lines at Standing Rock. Activists from a spectrum of struggles, including the peace and environmental movements to the Movement for Black Lives and Muslim civil rights, stood on the ground in solidarity. As a result, millions of people have been attracted to the cause. The arrival of thousands of veterans to Standing Rock, covered by national and international media, almost certainly put additional pressure on the Obama administration to do the right thing. The effort and outcome thus far is an example of the power of solidarity and non-violent resistance to right injustice. The people have won an important victory the struggle…”

Viet Nam Vet at Standing Rock Reports 1

“Published on Dec 2, 2016

Listen to this patriot explain is experience at Standing Rock”
AIM Co-Founder Talks about Forgiveness, Nonviolence, and What Comes After Standing Rock Posted: December 7, 2016 Dennis J. Bernstein
“…Among the veterans at Standing Rock Monday was Bill Means, a Vietnam vet who returned from fighting a bloody U.S. war of aggression overseas to take on the U.S. government at Wounded Knee. Bill Means is a founding member of the International Indian Treaty Council and co-founder of the American Indian Movement (AIM). Means is a key adviser to the Standing Rock Tribe on their resistance to the pipeline. I spoke with him shortly after he met with the Standing Rock leaders this week about future strategies for the tribe on its continuing resistance to the pipeline…

Bill Means: I feel a brotherhood to those veterans. I was there in Vietnam representing the United States, but one of the things that was beautiful about coming home from that terrible war was that our people still honored us, not because we fought for America but because we fought for the honor of our people. When I returned from Vietnam my cousin gave me an Indian name, my friend gave me a horse, and I was welcomed back to the community with open arms. I think that helped us in our healing from what they now call post traumatic stress. “
*see Deep Thought: What can “we” do to help Veterans with P.T.S.D.?
“…I met a farmer from Iowa, a World War II veteran, who said he had to join the fight against this black snake, this pipeline, because the corporations had taken his land under what they call eminent domain. He told me,

“Years ago they had taken some of my father’s land. But it was for a highway, they took some school or churches. But now, they’re taking our land for private corporations, for corporate America. … So, I found out what it is to be an American Indian.”

*see Neutral Perspective: Pro & Anti-Pipeline

5 Lies About the Vietnam War You Probably Believe –

The Causes of the Vietnam War – History Learning Site Citation: C N Trueman “The Causes of the Vietnam War” The History Learning Site, 27 Mar 2015. 16 Aug 2016.

“..Before World War Two, Vietnam had been part of the French Empire. During the war, the country had been overrun by the Japanese. When the Japanese retreated, the people of Vietnam took the opportunity to establish their own government lead by Ho Chi Minh. However, after the end of the war, the Allies gave back South Vietnam to the French while the north was left in the hands of the non-communist Chinese. The Nationalist Chinese treated the North Vietnamese very badly and support for Ho Chi Minh grew. He had been removed from power at the end of the war. The Chinese pulled out of North Vietnam in 1946 and the party of Ho Chi Minh took over – the Viet Minh…

South Vietnam also had a population of 16 million. Its first proper leader was Ngo Dinh Diem who was a fanatical catholic. As communism hated religion, Diem hated all that communism stood for. This is why he got America’s support – he had a poor record on human rights but his rule was in the era of the “Domino Theory” and anybody who was anti-communist in the Far East was likely to receive American backing – regardless of their less than savoury background. Ngo ruled as a dictator along with his brother – Nhu. Their government was corrupt and brutal but it was also backed by America…”

-America’s Involvement

Why we went to war in Vietnam BY MICHAEL LIND Dec 20, 2012
Confronting the Ugly Truth about America’s Dirty War in Vietnam by William J. Astore 2-11-13
“..“to kill Communists and to kill as many of them as possible. Stack ’em like cordwood. Victory was a high body-count … war a matter of arithmetic. The pressure [from the top] on unit commanders to produce enemy corpses was intense, and they in turn communicated it to their troops. This led to such practices as counting civilians as Viet Cong. ‘If it’s dead and Vietnamese, it’s VC,’ was a rule of thumb in the bush It is not surprising, therefore, that some men acquired a contempt for human life and a predilection for taking it.”..

..A line that has always stayed with me from Caputo’s memoir came from one of his NCOs, a Sergeant Colby, who in 1965 told then-Lieutenant Caputo that, “Before you leave here, sir, you’re going to learn that one of the most brutal things in the world is your average nineteen-year-old American boy.” Turse’s study plumbs the depths of such brutality, to include a racist subculture (dehumanizing the Vietnamese as “gooks” and “slopes”) within the U.S. military that facilitated it. Draft an American teenager, teach him to kill, send him to an utterly foreign land in which he can’t distinguish friend from foe, give him power over life and death against a dehumanized enemy, and reward him for generating a high body count in which “If it’s dead and Vietnamese, it’s VC,” and you have an ineluctable recipe for murderous violence…

It’s time our nation found the courage to face those twenty (or fifty) walls of Vietnamese dead. It’s time we faced them with the same sorrow and same regret we reserve for our own wall of dead. Only after we do so can our nation stop glorifying war. Only after we do so can our nation fully heal.

“How the U.S. Got Involved In Vietnam”
By Jeff Drake
“… By the end of 1943, small groups of Vietminh commandos were penetrating into Tonkin, led by Vo Nguyen Giap,(13) the future strategist of Dienbienphu and eventual Commander in Chief of the armies of North Vietnam. By 1945, the Vietminh controlled wide regions of the northernmost provinces and had engaged the full attention of most of the Japanese 21st Division.(14)

Being the only recognized force of some strength opposing the Japanese, the Vietminh received support from the American OSS (Office of Strategic Services). In return, the Vietminh helped rescue downed pilots and provided important intelligence information to OSS agents. A number of OSS officers voiced their admiration for the Vietminh and helped convince OSS leaders to back the Vietminh’s struggle for independence.(15) The Vietnamese fully expected American support due to Roosevelt’s Atlantic Charter, which emphasized self-determination for all peoples — not merely Europeans. In addition, the Vietnamese listened to broadcasts from the US Office of War Information, which often cited US support for colonial peoples struggling for their freedom. ..

As Japan faced defeat at the hands of the Allies, the Vietminh looked forward to Allied support in any future struggle against French colonialism. After all, the Vietminh had given valuable support to the Allies, and Ho expected support and recognition for his newly-established government, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, in turn. A statement to this effect was even included in his government’s Declaration of Independence, established on September 2, 1945, which stated: “We are convinced that the Allied nations… will not refuse to acknowledge the independence of Viet Nam.”…

With the British and the Chinese finally gone, the Vietminh came under direct pressure from the French. By this time it was obvious that Ho Chi Minh would be receiving no aid from either the US or Russia. Indeed, from Ho’s perspective he had been abandoned by the international community and left alone to deal with France. Economic disaster, spurred by the Chinese occupational forces, and starvation due to Allied bombing of Northern damns, strengthened France’s position. On March 6th, 1946, Ho Chi Minh felt compelled to reach a compromise with the French. Essentially, Ho was forced to make the maximum concessions possible short of forfeiting his dominant position within the Vietnamese nationalist movement. It took everything Ho could do to quell the dissatisfaction of other various nationalist groups with this agreement.

[Note that during 1945 to 1946, Ho Chi Minh had written at least eight letters to Truman and the State Department, asking for America’s help in winning Vietnam’s independence from the French. Ho wrote that world peace was being endangered by French efforts to reconquer Indochina and he requested that the four powers (US, USSR, China and Great Britain) intervene in order to mediate a fair settlement and bring the Indochinese issue before the United Nations.

This was a remarkable repeat of history, for in 1919 following the First World War, Ho Chi Minh had appealed to US Secretary of State Robert Lansing, to gain America’s help in achieving basic civil liberties and an improvement in the living condition for the colonial subjects of French Indochina. This plea was also ignored and no admission was even made that the US had even received the letters.(19)] ..”


What Really Happened in Vietnam The North, the South, and the American Defeat Review Essay November/December 2012 Issue By Fredrik Logevall
“…Victory never came. Despite the more than half a million U.S. soldiers President Lyndon Johnson sent to Vietnam, and the more than eight million tons of bombs the U.S. Air Force dropped on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1962 to 1973, Washington could not achieve its core objective: to preserve an independent, noncommunist South Vietnam for the indefinite future. In January 1973, U.S. and North Vietnamese negotiators signed a cease-fire agreement in Paris; two months later, the last U.S. ground troops left South Vietnam. Both the North and the South soon violated the cease-fire, and large-scale war resumed. On April 29, 1975, the South Vietnamese government collapsed, and Vietnam was reunified under a communist government based in Hanoi. By the time the fighting stopped, it had claimed the lives of three to four million Vietnamese, hundreds of thousands of Cambodians and Laotians, and more than 58,000 Americans. Now, Hanoi’s War, a pathbreaking new book by the historian Lien-Hang Nguyen, illuminates the decision-making behind the North’s relentless resistance, helping readers better understand why the struggle lasted as long as it did and why all those people died. ..”
Vietnam War: What really happened

The Truth about the Vietnam War Jun 23, 2014 Presented by Bruce Herschensohn
“..Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided. The truth is that our military won the war, but our politicians lost it. The Communists in North Vietnam actually signed a peace treaty, effectively surrendering. But the U.S. Congress didn’t hold up its end of the bargain. In just five minutes, learn the truth about who really lost the Vietnam War..”
The Vietnam War: 5 things you might not know By Katie McLaughlin, CNN Updated 3:47 PM ET, Mon August 25, 2014
“..The Vietnam War began in the decade before, but the conflict, and especially U.S. involvement, escalated in the 1960s. For the first time, Americans witnessed the horrors of war, played out on television screens in their living rooms.
This week’s episode of “The Sixties” explores the war and its impact on American culture, then and now. Here are five facts from the episode that may surprise those too young to remember the Vietnam War:..

“What Vietnam did to America via television was introduce us to a new kind of America,” said author Lawrence Wright. “One that was not pure, one that committed the same kinds of atrocities that are always committed in war, but we had never allowed ourselves to see them.”
Reporter Morley Safer recalled the shock of witnessing Marines burn down 150 houses on the outskirts of the village of Cam Ne. An officer told the newsman that he had been ordered to level the area. Three women were wounded in the attack, one baby was killed, and four people were taken prisoner.
Safer asked a soldier if he had regrets about leaving people homeless, and the soldier replied, “You can’t expect to do your job and feel pity for these people.”
Another soldier told Safer, “I think it’s sad in a way, but I don’t think there’s any other way you can get around it in this kind of a war.”
Americans back home were stunned when the CBS report about the Cam Ne village hit the news.
After the broadcast, Johnson reportedly called then-CBS president, Frank Stanton, and said, “Frank, this is your President, your boys just s–t on the flag of the United States.”..”

The Vietnam War Was Worse Than You Could Ever Imagine | Alternet

Vietnam War
Facts, information and articles about The Vietnam War
“..Vietnam War summary: Summary of the Vietnam War: The Vietnam War is the commonly used name for the Second Indochina War, 1954–1973. Usually, it refers to the period when the United States and other members of the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) joined the forces of the Republic of South Vietnam in contesting communist forces comprised of South Vietnamese guerrillas and regular-force units, generally known as Viet Cong (VC), and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). The U.S. had the largest foreign military presence and basically directed the war from 1965 to 1968. For this reason, in Vietnam today it is known as the American War. It was a direct result of the First Indochina War (1946–1954) between France, which claimed Vietnam as a colony, and the communist forces then known as Viet Minh. In 1973 a “third” Vietnam war began—a continuation, actually—between North and South Vietnam but without significant U.S. involvement. It ended with communist victory in April 1975.

The Vietnam War was the longest in U.S. history, until the war in Afghanistan that began in 2002 and continues at this writing (2013). It was extremely divisive in the U.S., Europe, Australia and elsewhere. Because the U.S. failed to achieve a military victory and the Republic of South Vietnam was ultimately taken over by North Vietnam, the Vietnam experience became known as “the only war America ever lost.” It remains a very controversial topic that continues to affect political and military decisions today..”


The Quiet American 2002


Simon and Garfunkel – The Sound Of Silence (bombing run)/The Vietnam War

What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong – AME 151


Pray for Vietnam War vets and Inodochina region (e.g. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Hmong people, etc..)


“Come & let your Peace fill this….”

This is an on-going topic I’ll be researching for a long time. Feel free to share any additional insights (e.g. websites) that may help with this “controversial” war… Asian: Vietnamese of Vietnam Outreach

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Deep Thought: Should we “divest” or “not” in banks that funds “oil” projects ?

The Big Banks Are Corrupt — and Getting Worse
05/22/2015 12:15 am ET | Updated May 22, 2016
“..According to the report, “Nearly one-third of respondents (32%) believe compensation structures or bonus plans in place at their company could incentivize employees to compromise ethics or violate the law. “

In fact, bankers’ bonuses do incentivize unethical and criminal behavior – and anything else it takes to generate profits. “Clawbacks” for ill-gotten gains are still few and far between. Remarkably few bankers have been fired for the widespread fraud that continues to characterize their industry. Prosecution for criminal behavior is extremely rare.

A system which rewards antisocial behavior begets social tragedy. It’s also a law enforcement nightmare. Criminology teaches that the presence of reward for criminal behavior, along with the absence of deterrence, almost inevitably leads to more crime…”

Top 10 Corporate Criminals List

“…Global Exchange has compiled a new list of “most wanted” corporations of 2016 based on issues like unlivable working conditions, low pay, violations of human right and voting rights; climate change denial, and environmental destruction, just to name a few.

Four corporations, Koch Industries, McDonald’s, Chevron and Monsanto were on earlier lists but are included again, as the corporate behavior of these companies has reached egregious levels this year and merits repeat attention.

The Ten Top Corporate Criminals list is a guide to what companies like Energy Transfer Partners, Exxon Mobil, H&M and others are doing to undermine human rights and the environment. Share the list with friends, family, and co-workers. Use the Take Action section to add your voice and increase the pressure…

1. Energy Transfer Partners

..The pipeline is supposed to stretch from North Dakota to a market hub in Illinois, and from there another pipeline is to ship the oil to the gulf coast for Asian export. It would deliver up to 570,000 barrels of what the company calls its “light, sweet crude,” fracked in North Dakota’s Bakken and Three Forks fields.

The pipeline is to cross 209 rivers, creeks and tributaries, including the nations longest river, the Missouri, which is the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s main source of drinking and irrigation water. It will also destroy tribal burial grounds and sacred sites.

The Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition representing farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, student and local community organizations along the pipeline route as well as nationwide, has been fighting the pipeline since late 2014. On August 25, just days before the September 3rd assault, more than 30 national and tribal environmental organizations had joined together to write President Obama a letter calling on President Obama to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. And on September 9, minutes after a federal judge declined the Tribe’s request for an injunction to stop construction on the pipeline, the Obama administration made a surprise announcement that it would not permit the project to continue for now. Continued action is essential to keep the pipeline from being built…”



Defund DAPL: Divest from banks funding the pipeline

“Published on Nov 17, 2016

Lakota People’s Law Project is calling on individuals and organizations to divest from banks funding the Dakota Access Pipeline. Sign our petition at
Check out our DAPL Timeline at

Who’s Financially Supporting it?

38 banks are directly supporting the companies building the pipeline, totaling $10.25 billion in loans and credit facilities. These banks are increasing our dependence on fossil fuels.

Energy Transfer Family:

Sunoco Logistics: ($2.5 billion revolving credit from 24 banks) (provides transportation, terminalling and acquisition and marketing services to crude oil markets. Energy Transfer Partnership owns a 99.9% interest in Sunoco Partners LLC.)

Energy Transfer Partners: ($3.75 billion revolving credit from 26 banks, going toward expanding oil and gas infrastructure holdings)

Energy Transfer Equity: ($1.5 billion revolving credit from 26 banks) (a sister partnership to Energy Transfer Partners)

Dakota Access: ($2.5 billion project-level loans by 17 banks for construction of pipeline) (subsidiary of Energy Transfer Crude Oil Company, which is part of the Energy Transfer Company)

List of banks:

RSA ANIMATE: Crises of Capitalism

“Uploaded on Jun 28, 2010

In this RSA Animate, celebrated academic David Harvey looks beyond capitalism towards a new social order. Can we find a more responsible, just, and humane economic system?

The RSA is a 258 year-old charity devoted to creating social progress and spreading world-changing ideas. For more information about our research, RSA Animates, free events programme and 27,000 strong fellowship.

Follow the RSA on Twitter:
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Produced and edited by Abi Stephenson, RSA.

Animation by Cognitive Media. Andrew Park, the mastermind behind the Animate series and everyone’s favourite hairy hand, discusses their appeal and success in his blog post, ‘Talk to the hand’:;

Bank of Nova Scotia: $100 million (Sunoco Logistics)

Citizens Bank: $72.5 million (Sunoco Logistics)

Comerica Bank: $72.5 million (Sunoco Logistics)

US Bank: $275 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners)

PNC Bank: $270 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Barclays: $370.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

JP Morgan Chase: $312.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Bank of America: $350.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Deutsche Bank: $275.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Compass Bank: $340.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Credit Suisse: $340.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

DNB Capital/ASA: $340.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Sumitomo Mitsui Bank: $265.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Royal Bank of Canada: $340.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

UBS: $336.4 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Goldman Sachs: $243.9 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Morgan Stanley: $225.1 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Community Trust: $30 million (Energy Transfer Partners)

HSBC Bank: $189 million (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Wells Fargo: $467 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

BNP Paribas: $444.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

SunTrust: $435 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

Royal Bank of Scotland: $250.5 million (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity)

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ: $548 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

Mizuho Bank: $589.5 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

Citibank: $521.8 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

TD Securities: $365 million (Sunoco Logistics) (Dakota Access)

ABN Amro Capital: $45 million (Energy Transfer Equity)

Credit Agricole: $344.5 million (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

Intesa Sanpaolo: $339 million (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

ING Bank: $248.3 milllion (Energy Transfer Partners) (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

Natixis: $180 million (Energy Transfer Equity) (Dakota Access)

BayernLB: $120 million (Dakota Access)

BBVA Securities: $120 million (Dakota Access)

DNB First Bank: $120 million (Dakota Access)

ICBC London: $120 million (Dakota Access)

SMBC Nikko Securities: $120 million (Dakota Access)

Societe Generale: $120 million (Dakota Access)”

-Divesting effective?

How to Contact the 17 Banks Funding the Dakota Access Pipeline Emily Fuller posted Sep 29, 2016 Updated Nov. 30, 2016
Here are CEO names, emails, and phone numbers—because banks have choices when it comes to what projects they give loans to.
“..Food & Water Watch researcher Hugh MacMillan: “Ask these banks to clarify whether funds they are providing are being used, in any amount, to pay for the heavily militarized response to the Standing Rock Sioux, including the attack dogs, sound-cannon trucks, heavily armed officers.”

“People should also ask these institutions why they are sinking so much money into maximizing the amounts of oil and gas that can be brought to the surface and burned at a time when climate science is clear we have to maximize what we keep in the ground instead,” said MacMillan.

The organization’s deputy communications director, Seth Gladstone, suggests saying: “As a customer of your financial institution, I reject the notion of my money helping to support your investment in the Dakota Access pipeline, an inherently dangerous and unjust oil pipeline that threatens air and water quality in many states, and violates sacred lands of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. I urge you to give up your financial stake in the Dakota Access pipeline immediately.”

Here are names of CEOs and other bank executives involved in these decisions—along with their phone numbers and email addresses. The first 17 banks (*) are directly funding the Dakota Access pipeline. The rest of these banks are offering credit lines to its parent companies: Sunoco Logistics, Energy Transfer Partners, and Energy Transfer Equity.

The following bank information has been updated periodically, most recently Nov. 30, 2016. Some banks have disconnected phones and disabled email addresses since the start of the campaign. Contact us with adjustments..”

Wells Fargo*

CEO Timothy J. Sloan

Corporate Office:
Wells Fargo
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104

*pic of their hq’s in Minnesota

U.S. Bank

Chairman and CEO Richard K. Davis

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications Dana Ripley

Brand, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sponsorships:
Susan Beatty

Corporate Office:
U.S. Bancorp Center
800 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55402
800-685-5065 and 651-466-3000

An Open Letter To Investors In The Dakota Access Pipeline November 29th, 2016 by Susanna Schick
“..While Norwegian investors pull out because the DAPL does not meet their Corporate Social Responsibility requirements, and Energy Transfer Partners sells its company to Sunoco to better compete against Russia, I would like to propose that all investors pull their funds from this project, as there are other energy projects with a much higher ROI that actually build a stronger US economy. I am addressing Goldman Sachs because of its stated commitment to environmental stewardship and its long track record of successful investments.

Dear Mr. Blankfein,

As one of the best investment banks in the world, Goldman Sachs’ job is to keep one foot firmly planted in the future. The oil industry is dying, and “energy” companies that refuse to expand into other forms of energy will die along with it. Do you wish you’d invested in a film camera company 15 years ago? This is the same situation, but with a much bigger industry.

As a journalist covering clean tech, I’ve seen the future, and it’s electric. This was never more clear than on October 28th, when Tesla announced its Powerpack 2 batteries, grid-scale batteries twice as energy dense at the same price. Customers like SoCal Edison will install them next month to decrease their dependency on natural gas, the main commodity ETP offers. The same commodity which recently caused the biggest methane leak ever in the US…”

DeFund DAPL: Crashing JP Morgan Party in NYC (12/15/2016)

“Published on Dec 15, 2016

#DeFundDAPL #BankExit #NoDAPL DeFund DAPL is Live in New York City Crashing a JP Morgan Party…join the movement: Check out DeFund DAPL on Facebook:;
Major Victory! One of the Largest Banks Funding DAPL Just Pulled Its Assets from the Project Claire Bernish November 18, 2016
“Water protectors from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe can now declare their most tangible victory to date — one of the heftiest investors in the Dakota Access Pipeline, Norway’s largest bank, has pulled its assets from the project.

Just 10 days ago, DNB warned it might withdraw funding for construction of the contentious pipeline if concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux were not addressed promptly…

“The news that DNB has sold its assets and is considering terminating its loans is a victory for the water protectors who are fighting to stop this disaster of a project. All financial institutions with a stake in the pipeline must quickly realize that financing this project is toxic. It would be smart for them to get out ahead of the growing movement of customers looking to divest from banks that finance the destruction of our planet and ignore Indigenous rights and sovereignty. Citigroup, TD Securities, Wells Fargo, SunTrust, and the other banks backing this project should see this as a sign to get on the right side of history…”
Financing Dakota Access Pipeline puts US bank in more hot water Frank Hopper • December 13, 2016
“…Under the proposed legislation the city’s current contract with Wells Fargo, which ends in one year, on December 31, 2017, would not be renewed. In the meantime, the city would “enter into a voluntary debarment agreement with Wells Fargo Bank for a period of at least one year, and refrain from conducting banking, investment, or other business with Wells Fargo Bank for a period of at least one year when it is in the City’s discretion.”..

Why Wells Fargo?

While many different banks are financing the Dakota Access Pipeline, research by Food & Water Watch identifies 17 banks as loaning directly to Dakota Access LLC. Most are located in other countries such as France, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada, Italy, Germany, England and Spain. Of those located in the U.S., only two are large with many branch offices: Wells Fargo and Citibank. Wells Fargo is being targeted because it is the most visible of the U.S. banks financing the pipeline, loaning close to $500 million for its construction.

Additionally, federal regulators recently revealed a scandal involving Wells Fargo employees who opened over 2 million unauthorized bank and credit card accounts in the names of customers, apparently to hit sales targets and make money on fees. Approximately 5,300 Wells Fargo employees have been fired.

And if that weren’t reason enough, in 2012 the U.S. Department of Justice forced Wells Fargo to pay $175 million after it was determined they engaged in discriminatory lending practices against black and Hispanic borrowers…”
How Standing Rock’s Divest Campaign Can Stop Future Pipelines
By Colby Devitt | December 19, 2016
As banks begin to respond, environmental movements are learning the importance of speaking clearly about the financial risks of fossil fuel investment.
Between Now and Trump, We Must #DefundDAPL December 16, 2016
“…On December 4th, the Obama Administration announced that it will not grant Energy Transfer Partners the final permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline to drill under the Missouri River, and called for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the project. This milestone is a testament to the amazing movement that indigenous leadership and the camps at Standing Rock have led, and has re-defined what is possible when thousands of people come together to peacefully resist.

But the fight to stop Dakota Access isn’t over — and right now, before Trump comes into office, is a critical moment.

We can’t say for certain what will happen when Trump’s in office, and we don’t know how an attempt to reverse this decision will play out in the courts – so right now it’s crucial that we use another source of our strength to stop this project: our financial power and collective pressure.

The divestment movement has already shown the power of moving our money and rejecting the social license of the fossil fuel industry. Just this week, it was announced that total assets committed to divest surpass $5 trillion. Now we need to turn that power and momentum to Dakota Access.

The Dakota Access pipeline is being financed in various ways by 17 banks (here’s a list with contact info for each). ..”



“Published on Dec 19, 2016


For English petition please click;

詳しいは/More information;

Petition endorsement: Japanese Big Banks: Stop funding human and environmental rights abuses at DAPL now!
PDFはこちらです。PDF here.…&#8221;


Protestors rally in Auckland against ANZ’s investment in fossil fuels video TAO LIN Last updated 14:43, May 4 2016
“..Climate change activists have kicked off a global campaign against fossil fuels by throwing a beach dance party outside one of ANZ’s Auckland offices.

The Break Free campaign targets fossil fuel projects around the world through demonstrations with the aim of keeping coal, oil and gas in the ground.

350 Aotearoa, the New Zealand arm of an international climate movement, is behind the protests and is targeting ANZ for its “heavy investment” in fossil fuels…”

Where to Invest?

Is Your Bank Funding DAPL? Here’s How to Find One That Isn’t Gerald Mitchell posted Dec 01, 2016
There’s an entire industry of ethically minded banks and financial institutions out there to choose from.
“..Every day in December has been declared a day of action for those protecting sacred ground and water from the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. While most of us can’t be there in person, a growing number of supporters are taking action by breaking up with banks that are funding the pipeline. As an act of solidarity with the water protectors at Standing Rock, this also helps put pressure on the banks to change their practices now and in the future. But closing your megabank account raises the question: Where should I move my money?

Luckily, there’s an entire industry of ethically minded banks and financial institutions out there to choose from. While they aren’t always guaranteed to have a clean environmental record, they do invest locally and in underserved areas. And they are also almost certainly not funding DAPL and trampling on indigenous sovereignty…”
Ethical Banks

Oil Industries that are “unethnical”?

The 12 Least Ethical Companies In The World: Covalence’s Ranking … 03/30/2010 05:12 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011

“…Among those companies with the most awful records are some of the usual suspects in the oil and mining industries but Covalence also found some lesser-known offenders….

#10 Total SA
French oil and gas company Total has been accused of building a pipeline with the aid of slave labor in Myanmar. In addition, in 1999 one of the company’s oil tankers, the Erika, which had 30,000 tons of oil on board, sunk off of the coast of Brittany. A French court later asked the company to compensate the victims of the spill…

#6 Occidental Petroleum Corporation
Occidental, one of America’s largest oil and gas companies, has been involved in a number of territory disputes in multiple countries, including Ecuador and Colombia. The company also drew ire from environmentalists in 2005, when it proposed building a road through Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park.


#3 Chevron Corp.
Chevron, the oil and gas behemoth, has been accused of tax evasion as well a number of environmental infractions in several countries around the world. But perhaps most controversial was a 1998 episode in Nigeria: after protesters took hostages as part of a demonstration against the company, Nigerian soldiers shot at the demonstrators, killing two. Chevron was accused of facilitating the transport of the soldiers, known for their “general history of committing abuses,” to the scene. The company, however, was cleared of the charges in 2008…

#2 Halliburton Company
After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Halliburton, the oil and gas company famously associated with former Vice President Dick Cheney, was accused of unfairly procuring billions of dollars in government contracts for oil repair in the country.

Currently still re”searching” on this controversial issue. Feel free to share any info. Any other newsworthy items that needs to be told?

Good News USA

Now you know: History of Oil

Extreme Oil . The History | PBS
“..The early days of oil were nearly the opposite of today in that the supply was almost infinitely greater than the demand. Formed millions of years ago, oil remained beneath the earth, largely untapped, until relatively recently. For thousands of years, humans utilized oil as a lubricant, adhesive, and many other purposes — including for medicinal use. But through the early 19th century, large-scale production and use of oil was unknown.

Through the early 19th century, large-scale production and use of oil was unknown.

Yet this changed quickly as oil wells sprang up across the United States in the late 19th century; such discoveries were paralleled by scientific developments that found more and more uses for petroleum products in an assortment of industries. Oil refining became the keystone to the empire of Standard Oil, and gasoline-powered vehicles changed travel, warfare, and countless other aspects of 20th-century life.

Inevitably, issues related to the global oil supply — and access to it — have come to the fore. Oil is now a key player in the ever-overlapping realms of technology, business, and geopolitics. The future is uncertain, but one can always hope to learn from the past.

History of the World Petroleum Industry (Key Dates)


“Uploaded on May 15, 2010

This is part 1 of 5 part series of videos from a documentary called The History Of Oil. All parts combined is about 45 minutes total video viewing.
Watch part 2 here:;

Part 2:;

Part 3:;

Part 4:;

Part 5:;.”

A Town Named Pithole
“..In early 1865, oil was struck at the base of a wooded hillside in Western Pennsylvania. Within nine months there were 15,000 fortune-seekers on that hillside, and the woods had been replaced by a small city named Pithole. It was named after nearby Pithole Creek, which was named after a nearby stinking crack in the ground that was generally assumed to be a portal to hell. That pithole is still here, although it’s off-limits on private property. Pithole the city, however, has vanished. The price of oil dropped to $4.50 a barrel, the hoped-for underground ocean of oil turned out to be more like a puddle, the fortune-seekers left, and the buildings were burned down or broken up for scrap. Trees once again cover the hillside. ..”

John D. Rockefeller Biography
Famous Business Leaders, Entrepreneur, CEO (1839–1937)
“John D. Rockefeller was the head of the Standard Oil Company and one of the world’s richest men. He used his fortune to fund ongoing philanthropic causes.”

Our History of Petroleum Use Posted on Dec 30 2010 by Alex Wilson
“..While most of us think of the petroleum age starting in the late 1850s, when North America’s first oil well began gushing oil, human use of petroleum actually goes back much further.

Asphalt, a heavy constituent of petroleum (see last week’s blog), was used four thousand years ago in constructing the walls of Babylon. During the Roman era, oil was collected and used in the province of Dacia (now Romania), where it was referred to as “picula.”

Fourth-century oil wells in China

The first oil wells are believed to have been drilled in China around 350 AD; these wells were drilled using bits attached to bamboo poles and extending as deep as 800 feet. That oil was burned to evaporate brine to produce salt. By the 10th Century the Chinese even built bamboo pipelines to transport oil from those wells to salt springs where the brine was collected.

In Japan, petroleum was used for lighting at least as far back as the 7th century. Baghdad’s first streets were paved with asphalt. Marco Polo described oil fields in what is now Azerbaijan, where naphtha was produced. And in the 9th century, petroleum was distilled by the Persian alchemist Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi into kerosene that was used in lamps.

The first North American reference to petroleum was in 1595 when Sir Walter Raleigh wrote about Pitch Lake on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. With a surface area of about 100 acres and a depth as great as 250 feet, this is the world’s largest natural deposit of asphalt; it is a significant tourist attraction, and asphalt from this deposit has long been exported — some was used in early paving of some New York City streets.

Oil Rigs

Oig Rig “The World’s Largest Oil Rig” – Big Bigger Biggest| National Geographic documentary HD

“..Published on Dec 1, 2015

Oig Rig “The World’s Largest Oil Rig” – Big Bigger Biggest| National Geographic documentary
This film reveals the technological leaps forward that have allowed the world’s largest Oil Platform – the Perdido Spar in the Gulf of Mexico – to be built. The Perdido Spar sits in deeper water than any other oil platform, in an ocean over 2 kilometres deep. This floating factory is capable of drilling in any direction, and in depths of up to 3 kilometres below the sea floor. At maximum production it can generate enough oil daily to fill 132,000 cars with petrol. This film explores how this groundbreaking structure was made possible through a series of six engineering breakthroughs. The film explores how six landmark oil platforms – including the Beryl Alpha platform – each feature a major technological innovation that allowed oil platforms to be built and survive in ever deeper waters. Using high-end computer generated imagery that makes up 50% of the film, this film reveals the incredible stories behind these structures and the inventions that have driven them deeper. Six ingenious leaps forward that enabled oil platforms to evolve …from BIG to BIGGER into the World’s BIGGEST..”

-Deadliest Disaster

Deadliest Accidents

Oil Industry

Oil Industry
Oil, the Hamill Brothers and Spindletop</a?
History of America
“.. They start again but the walls keep collapsing in because the sand is too fine. They need a thicker liquid. So, using only the materials on hand, water, dirt, and cows, they make a small herd of cattle stomp in a small pool. This makes mud. They then inject the mud down and it’s this that holds up the walls.

“From then on we operated the rig for 24 hours a day”

10 January 1901
The Hamills have been drilling for over two months. They’ve gone past 330ms. Another 30, and they’ll have to quit. They hear a bubbling. Oil that’s been contained for 160 million years shoots up in a geyser 60m high.

The Hamills had been hoping for 50 barrels a day. They’ll soon be pumping out over 80,000. Overnight the backers of the rig are nearly $40m richer. Oil production increase 50% and within a year 500 oil companies are born, such as Texaco and Golf, The price of oil plummets from $2 a barrel to 3 cents. It’s cheaper than water and cheap enough to turn into petrol. At the turn of the century, millions of Americans work within 30km of their home petrol makes them mobile…”

Land Pipelines

Pipeline Accident Reports

Wars Fought Over Oil

Standing Rock Legal Update 2 of 3 090617

The Bush Administration’s Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism Bring ’em On! by Steve Perry Published on
Wednesday, July 30, 2003 by the Minneapolis City
‘..The Bush administration’s foreign policy plan was not based on September 11, or terrorism; those events only brought to the forefront a radical plan for U.S. control of the post-Cold War world that had been taking shape since the closing days of the first Bush presidency. Back then a small claque of planners, led by Wolfowitz, generated a draft document known as Defense Planning Guidance, which envisioned a U.S. that took advantage of its lone-superpower status to consolidate American control of the world both militarily and economically, to the point where no other nation could ever reasonably hope to challenge the U.S. Toward that end it envisioned what we now call “preemptive” wars waged to reset the geopolitical table.

After a copy of DPG was leaked to the New York Times, subsequent drafts were rendered a little less frank, but the basic idea never changed. In 1997 Wolfowitz and his true believers–Richard Perle, William Kristol, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld–formed an organization called Project for the New American Century to carry their cause forward. And though they all flocked around the Bush administration from the start, W never really embraced their plan until the events of September 11 left him casting around for a foreign policy plan.

2) The invasion of Iraq was based on a reasonable belief that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that posed a threat to the U.S., a belief supported by available intelligence evidence.

Paul Wolfowitz admitted to Vanity Fair that weapons of mass destruction were not really the main reason for invading Iraq: ..”

George HW Bush and the End of the Cold War: Crash … – YouTube
“..In which John Green teaches you about the end of the Cold War and the presidency of George H.W. Bush. It was neither the best of times, nor the worst of times. On the domestic front, the first president Bush inherited the relative prosperity of the later Reagan years, and watched that prosperity evaporate. That was about all the interest Bush 41 had, domestically, so let’s move to foreign policy, which was a bigger deal at this time. The biggie was the end of the Cold War, which is the title of the video, so you know it’s important. The collapse of the Soviet Union was the biggest deal of Bush’s term, and history has assigned the credit to Ronald Reagan. We give the guy a break, and say that he helped. He was certainly expert in foreign policy, having been and envoy to China, ambassador to the United Nations, and head of the CIA. Bush also oversaw the first Gulf War, which was something of a success, in that the primary mission was accomplished, and the vast majority of the troops were home in short order. It didn’t do much to address some of the other problems in the region, but we’ll get to that in the next few weeks. Along with all this, you’ll learn about Bush’s actions, or lack thereof, in Somalia and the Balkans, and you’ll even be given an opportunity to read Bush’s lips…”

First Gulf War | 3 Minute History

*see Neutral Perspective: Iraq War was justified or not?

The truth behind the 1991 Gulf War invasion

*fake pics of military tanks along Kuwaiti -Saudi border, fake testimony of Kuwaiti nurse (actually the daughter of Kuwaiti Ambassador to America) who was “trained” by an advertising agency in Wash. DC.

Did you learn anything new? Anything else you know that you would like to contribute?

Good News Education

Movie: Star Wars Series Reflections

As a tribute to the Star Wars (Disney made) new series in 2015, I made this music video…

Music: “Star Wars” movie theme (whistling)



Star Wars Movies |
There is a correct order to show your children the Star Wars movies October 24, 2014
“…Let’s say you grew up watching the Star Wars trilogy, then had children sometime after 1999, when George Lucas started releasing the prequels.

When your kids are old enough, what order should they watch the films in? The order they were released — Star Wars (A New Hope) (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Return of the Jedi (1983), then The Phantom Menace (1999), Attack of the Clones (2002), and Revenge of the Sith (2005)? Or the order the events happened in the Star Wars universe: Phantom Menace (I), Attack of the Clones (II), Revenge of the Sith (III), New Hope (IV), Empire Strikes Back (V), and Return of the Jedi (VI)?

Rod Hilton, a computer programmer in Colorado, has given this a lot of thought, and he probably has the best solution. His (correct) instinct is to start with New Hope (IV), because if you start with Phantom Menace (I) you lose the essential shock of learning Luke’s parentage in Empire Strikes Back. But he also wants to end on a high note — so, none of the prequels. Here’s Hilton’s “Machete Order,” named after his blog, Absolutely No Machete Juggling:

Next time you want to introduce someone to Star Wars for the first time, watch the films with them in this order: IV, V, II, III, VI…”
Star Wars From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“…is an American epic space opera franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”.

The franchise began in 1977 with the release of the film Star Wars (subtitled Episode IV: A New Hope in 1981[2][3]),..”

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)
“Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire’s world-destroying battle-station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader. “

Star Wars – Episode IV – Trailer (original 1977)

Star Wars: Episode 4 A New Hope OFFICIAL Blu-Ray trailer from


=> Spotlight: Celebrity-Carrie Fisher’s “success”!

“Published on Aug 31, 2014

Part 1 of 2.

Two months prior to the airing of this episode of “The Mike Douglas Show”, the mega-blockbuster film “Star Wars” debuted in U.S. movie theaters. Host Mike Douglas and co-host Richard Thomas are joined by the three top “Star Wars” cast members — Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill.

This is a rare chance to see these three “Star Wars” actors in their younger days, prior to the time when “super stardom” enveloped the trio.

This show was taped at Mike Douglas’ Philadelphia studios on July 20, 1977.

©1977 Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, Inc.
©2000 Rhino Home Video




RARE 1977 interview with Harrison Ford on Star Wars , from
“Uploaded on Oct 18, 2011

May the Force of Nostalgia Be With You NYTimes com Bobbie Wygant interviews Harrison Ford fir Star Wars in 1977.;

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
“..After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke. ..”
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Trailer

Sal: We need to get “equipped” (see Good News Ministry) and “taught” by mentors (those who have walked the walked) before we personally/individually take on the “enemy”. Season to “train” and season for “active duty” for war…

Yoda training Luke pt1 from
Star Wars: Biblical Wisdom from Yoda. | Theology within Film
“..During Luke’s training with Yoda on Dagobah, Luke starts to lose hope when he is distracted by thoughts of his friends. Yoda consistently works Luke toward being able to pull the X-Wing out of the swamp using the Force, but Luke is distracted. ..”
*there is power in the mind to overcome distractions we face in our daily lives!

Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983) from
“After rescuing Han Solo from the palace of Jabba the Hutt, the rebels attempt to destroy the second Death Star, while Luke struggles to make Vader return from the dark side of the Force. ..”

Star Wars- Return Of The Jedi Trailer (HD)

Sal: The famous fight seen (see Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi – Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader – Edited , from )reminds me of the “spiritual battle” between “good” and “evil” within.

Update: Just watched it again (January 2nd 2016) and got this “relevation”-I was watching the scene where the evil guy tries to make Vader and his son Luke kill each other. He keeps telling Luke to “hate” (“let the hate flow through you…haha!”) and be “angry”. Fortunately, Luke remembers his teaching (mentored by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda) to fight with “love“!

Spoiler Alert: Luke wins his dad’s heart through love and forgiveness..

5 Christian Messages Found in Star Wars
It’s Never Too Late for Redemption

“At the very end of The Return of the Jedi, just when it seems that all hope is lost, something incredible happens. Darth Vader, the longstanding antagonist of the series, sacrifices himself to save his son and defeat the emperor. Vader had believed he was too far gone to ever find redemption. He had done so many terrible things, betrayed so many people. How could he ever be forgiven?

Luke, on the other hand (no pun intended), never lost faith in Vader. In fact, he believed so strongly he was willing to pay the ultimate price for his forgiveness. There are many people like Vadar who look back on their mistakes and think it’s too late, but they are wrong. I doesn’t matter how far we’ve strayed or how mangled we’ve become, Jesus gave his life so that we could be forgiven (John 3:16). God doesn’t need to save you, He already has…”
*see Luke 17

-Behind the Scenes of Original Trilogy

Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: The Original Trilogy ILM Special Effects Makers. , from
“Published on Jan 3, 2016

To YOUTUBE and All of its Viewers,

THIS VIDEO HAD NO INTENTION OF MAKING ANY PROFITS. All of the material belongs to their respective owners.

This was taken from the Star Wars: The Complete Saga as a special feature for the Original Trilogy of Star Wars.

You can purchase the Complete Saga on Amazon here in the link below:”


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) from
“Two Jedi Knights escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the long dormant Sith resurface to reclaim their old glory. ..”

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace – Trailer

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
“…On the flip side, there is also a “dark side” which is easier to tap into because anger, fear, and aggression all lead to it. Only by staying calm, patient and passive can one avoid turning to the dark side. Obviously we need to teach our kids what the Bible has to say about all of this. We need to teach them that there is a real force and His name is Jesus Christ and in fact all things were created by Him (John 1:3; John 1:10) and through Him all things truly consist (Colossians 1:17)! Furthermore, they need to know that sin, which we have all committed, (Romans 3:23) leads to the “dark side” and we must accept Christ as Lord of ours lives to get us into heaven (Romans 6:23)…”

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
“Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padmé, while Obi-Wan investigates an assassination attempt on the Senator and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi. ..”

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones – Trailer

Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones
compiled by Jeffrey Overstreet Copyright Christianity Today International 2002 1 Jan
“.. In this chapter, young Anakin Skywalker starts giving in to his foolish impulses, rejects the counsel of his teachers, and responds to the temptations that lead him on the path of the Dark Side. His primary weakness is his infatuation with the beautiful Senator Padme Amidala…”

Sal: What temptations do you have?


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) Bloopers Gag Reel , from

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
“..During the near end of the clone wars, Darth Sidious has revealed himself and is ready to execute the last part of his plan to rule the Galaxy. Sidious is ready for his new apprentice, Lord… See full summary » ..”

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith – Trailer


Episode III Lightsaber Training , from

Star Wars Ep 3 Revenge of the Sith Final Battle Clip , from
“You turned her against me..”.-Anakin & “.. You’ve done that yourself…Your anger and lust for power have already done that..”-Obi Wan
Episode III The Final Battle – Darth Vader Vs Obi-Wan Kenobi – Part 1 , from
*see satan (a.k.a. father of lies), deceiver, etc..


Sal: I watched this movie again (via online) after watching Rogue 1 the other day (Friday, December 16th 2016). I was encouraged and had a revelation during the scenes (e.g. Star Wars VII The Force Awakens- Rey vs Kylo Ren Lightsaber Fight Scene from , of “using the force” (see 1 Corinthians 12).

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) from
“..Three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, a new threat arises. The First Order attempts to rule the galaxy and only a ragtag group of heroes can stop them, along with the help of the Resistance. ..”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)

Sal: Another revelation or thought was during the scene when Rey “commands” the Star Trooper to release her and drop his! I saw this as believers needing to practice using their authority as God’s children against the evil and dark forces…in Jesus’ name!


Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) Full Cast & Crew
Carrie Fisher Interview with Gary on The Force Awakens , from
“Published on Dec 4, 2015

Carrie Fisher played Princess Leia in the first “Star Wars” in 1977 and returns this month in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” | Carrie Fisher, who will forever be known for playing Princess Leia Organa in the original “Star Wars” trilogy, has died, family spokesman Simon Halls has confirmed to ABC News…”
Billie Lourd On How She Got A ‘Star Wars’ Role Without Help From Mom Carrie Fisher | TODAY , from


Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base – SNL, from

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), from
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
“From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves. In theaters December 2016.

Rated: PG-13

Released: December 16, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer (Official)

Rogue One review: this is the first Star Wars movie to acknowledge the whole franchise is about war Updated by Todd VanDerWerff@tvoti Dec 16, 2016, 11:14am EST
It’s often incoherent and messy. But it’s also beautiful and has a strong central theme.
“..But if the film is politically relevant, it’s only accidentally so, not intentionally. I say that not just because Rogue One was completed long before Donald Trump’s election or even Brexit, but because Edwards uses a kind of scattershot approach to political content in his films — he’ll give you just enough of an idea of what he’s going for, but he’s uninterested in pushing any further than that.

An early shot in Rogue One features Stormtroopers patrolling the streets of a city rife with tension between various factions, rolling around in a tank. At various moments, it calls to mind the US occupation of Iraq and police militarization of American cities. But it’s not entirely clear whether Edwards has thought about what these similarities might mean in the larger tapestry of Rogue One beyond “Do you get this reference?” It’s political commentary as Family Guy joke…”
*see Neutral Perspective: Iraq War was justified or not?
An Epic Scene in Rogue One Will Change How You See Darth Vader Megan McCluskey Dec. 16, 2016
This post contains spoilers for Rogue One.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Final Trailer | Experience It In IMAX®

Sal: These are some of my favorite quotes that motivated me ..

“…Zorri Bliss: They win by making you think you’re alone.


Many of us feel like we are the only one going through a specific or particular challenge. We start feeling down and want to give up. However, when we start listening (or reading)to what other’s are going through (sometimes “worse”), we don’t feel as bad. This is where we need to keep communicating with one another and sharing our hearts with each other.

*all the quotes from

“Poe Dameron: We’re not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them..”

Sal: This can apply in our own lives if we (leaders) “rise” up and “not ” stay quiet when “we” are getting “oppressed”


“..It’s an instinct. A feeling. The Force brought us together. -Finn


Sal: Love this movie as it had some memorable quotes including the one you shared about the “force bringing them together”. In times of life challenges , I feel the Holy Spirit brings His people together as one (John 17) if “we” are willing also to put our differences and come together for the “One” that brings us together that we have in common.


“..bring the war to them..” – ??

Sal: We have to stop “playing “defense ” only all the time. Just like many sports (e.g football). No team will win a game just by playing “defense” the whole time, they need to be “aggressive” on offense.


The Best Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker Quotes

-2nd Time Watching

Sal: I was hoping to watch it again in “3D”, but wasn’t able to..

However, I was able to remember some “scenes” I was going to write about earlier. The most important reflection topic was on “unity”. How we need to “come together” to fight this “common enemy” (part of a movie quote from Lord of the Rings). Also we “need the force”. I see it as God’s power that is within us if we “believe” we have it through our “salvation” in Him (Jesus Christ). He left us with the “Holy Spirit” before he ascended to Heaven. However, He’s “Emmanuel” (God is with us)and we just gotta empower one another on this using the various “spiritual gifts”..

*see Deep thought: Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is One?



Star Wars Animated Series | from


9 Ways Star Wars Parallels the Bible by Paul Kent
The Death Star and pride? Luke Skywalker and Moses? Star Wars mirrors Scripture more than you think.
“..His life goal is to spur interest in the Bible for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Paul has loved the Star Wars saga since he saw the original movie poster at age 11. He is the author of The Real Force: A 40-Day Devotional. We asked him to list 9 ways in which the Star Wars series parallels the Bible..”
Star Wars, Literary Parallels and the Bible April 11, 2013
“..Have you noticed how the second Star Wars trilogy (episodes I-III) parallels the first (episodes IV-VI)? Here are a few examples..”

-Behind the Scenes

‘Star Wars’ locations that actually exist
By Griffin Shea, for CNN Updated 11:00 AM ET, Wed December 21, 2016

40 Years of Star Wars Panel Full – Star Wars Celebration 2017 Orlando

-Characters Bio

Mark Hamill From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“.. (born September 25, 1951) is an American stage, screen and voice actor. He is known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars film series and for his voice-over work in animations and video games as the Joker, commencing with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992. Hamill has acted in several theater productions, notably The Elephant Man, and is the co-writer of The Black Pearl comic book miniseries…”

An Hour With Mark Hamill Panel – Star Wars Celebration 2016


10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind , from
Did Han Solo really survive on dumb luck, or was the Force with him? Why do the Ewoks think C-3PO is their god? Was Luke Skywalker standing next to a grave at the end of The Force Awakens? Star Wars fans have burning questions. Sometimes, they also have the answers. This video is a review of our favorite mind-blowing Star Wars fan theories, the ones that change the whole picture of what’s going on in the movies.”


Star Wars Featurette: The Birth of the Lightsaber , from
“Published on Apr 9, 2014

Star Wars creator George Lucas, actor Mark Hamill, and sound designer Ben Burtt discuss the concept and creation of the lightsaber.”

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Neutral Perspective: Iraq War was justified or not?

I decided to write this blog topic after #standingrock

After Two Wars, Standing Rock is the First Time I Served the American People by Will Griffin Published on
Sunday, October 30, 2016 by Common Dreams
‘I’ve been on the wrong side of history’
“…I was in Iraq when President Bush announced the “surge” in January 2007. I was in Afghanistan when President Obama announced the “surge” in December 2009. But it wasn’t until I visited Standing Rock in October 2016 when I actually served the American people. This time, instead of fighting for corporate interests, I was fighting for the people.

I traveled to Standing Rock with a small group of members from Veterans For Peace (VFP). VFP has had a continued presence at Standing Rock for months now, rotating members in and out. Two VFP members, Tarak Kauff and Matthew Hoh, were arrested on Oct. 10, Indigenous People’s Day, while peacefully protecting (not protesting) the water. We were also joined by VFP members Ellen Davidson, Sam Adams, Richard Gilchrist, Martin Bates, Michael Sullivan, Ann Wright, and drone whistleblower Cian Westmoreland.

Fellow veteran Matt Hoh and I agreed the camp was a reminder of Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in Iraq and Afghanistan, without the mortars or rockets blowing up everywhere…

Matt and I also agreed that after our military “service” and multiple deployments to two wars, this was the first time we served the American people. After going to a few nonviolent direct action protests against the Black Snake, we realized what it actually meant to stand by the American people and fight in their interests. We suddenly had this feeling of honor, something we never had from our deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan.

We agreed that the only “people” we served overseas fighting were the likes of Halliburton, KBR, AECOM, DynCorp, Raytheon, Environmental Chemical, and so many more. We know that our own government lied to us. We know that the world is not a safer place than it was before the United States illegally occupied Iraq and Afghanistan; we understand that militaries don’t bring peace. Looking into the eyes of the police at Standing Rock, we saw ourselves.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice.” That’s what we were fighting for at Standing Rock, peace and justice.

The militarized police forces on the ground weren’t keeping the peace or protecting justice, they were protecting corporate interests. The police were blocking peace and obstructing justice on behalf of corporations, greedy bankers and investors. During my 11 days there, I saw local law enforcement, out-of-jurisdiction police forces, private security forces, and the North Dakota National Guard—all on behalf of the corporations and the state, not the people. They arrested the people and protected the construction equipment.

We saw journalists being attacked and warrants issued for their arrests just for holding a microphone and interviewing people. We saw police forces using military-grade equipment that Matt and I used in combat zones overseas. We saw the infringement of constitutional rights such as the right to assemble. But most important, we saw Native Americans courageously continue to defend their land and people from a genocidal 500-year war against the state and corporations alike…

That’s why I joined the military; to provide a selfless service to my country. That myth has been shattered. After two wars, PTSD and moral injury, I’ve come to realize I’ve been on the wrong side of history.”

Below are other sides of this still on-going debate able topic..


*see Now you know: History of Oil

Secrets of the Gulf War, Oil, Saddam, Hipocrisy and unkown history of Kuwait (1991)

Machiavellian Approach to Foreign Policy: Analyzing The Prince (Part III) Posted on December 29, 2012 by Andrew Tyrus Maina
“..In the book, Machiavelli describes how a prince is to maintain his rule over a territory that he calls new. This territory is one that is annexed to an already existing territory which is under the prince’s dominion. One of the things that he advices a prince to do is ensure that no other dominant power settles at his borders. This is because his neighbours who are disgruntled by his rule by virtue of fear or ambition may provide this power with an opportunity to make inroads into the former’s territory…”

1st Iraq: Persian Gulf War -Operation Desert Storm

The Persian Gulf War Explained: US History Review – YouTube

‘..Mar 29, 2013 – Uploaded by Hip Hughes
Kuwait was slant drilling Iraqi oil and selling the hell out of it, it was theft. Iraq was given the green light by the …..”

The Persian Gulf War 1990 to 1991 Ep2 of 2 – Part 1 of 3


John Howard defends Iraq war, saying it was ‘justified at the time’ Ben Doherty @bendohertycorro Thursday 7 July 2016 01.32 EDT
Former PM says claims Australia went to war on a lie are untrue: ‘There were errors in intelligence but there was no lie’
“..The Chilcot report was excoriating in its assessment of the British government’s decision-making process over going to war, saying that the threat posed by dictator Saddam Hussein was overplayed, intelligence was flawed, and the legal basis for the war was unsatisfactory…”

5 Reasons the Iraq War Was Not a Mistake by Joel B. Pollak19 May 2015
“..2. An American force in the Middle East would increase pressure on Iran. Removing Saddam Hussain meant removing a threat to the Iranian regime. But putting hundreds of thousands of American troops on Iran’s western border–along with those already in Afghanistan to the east–meant posing a much more potent threat to the regime. That is why Iran temporarily slowed its nuclear program after 2003–and why the Iranian people found the courage to rise in 2009.

3. Freeing the people of Iraq was, and is, a worthy goal. Just a few years ago, with American and allied troops still in Iraq in significant numbers, the sectarian violence and terrorism that had plagued the country for years had begun to slow down. The Iraqi people began to enjoy some semblance of order, of democracy, and of liberty. Instead of staying in Iraq to guide and protect that process–as Obama had promised to do in 2008–Obama abandoned the Iraqi people.

4. International law means nothing unless it is backed up by the will to enforce it. Saddam Hussein defied international law repeatedly: He used WMD against his own people; he invaded his neighbors; he sponsored terrorism. And he did it because he had no fear of facing the consequences. International law, flawed though it is, is a necessary and stabilizing institution–and needs enforcement, even (especially) when global institutions are too corrupt to enforce it.

5. There is potential for freedom in the region–with American leadership. The fall of Saddam Hussein inspired the Lebanese people to rise up against Syrian occupation, and planted the seeds of what later became the Arab Spring. If American leadership had remained strong, that process might have been a positive one. (Certainly Syria would not have become a killing field.) The Middle East may never be fertile soil for democracy, but it can certainly be freer than it is today.

There are, of course, excellent arguments against the war. The best is that it was carried out in crisis management mode, without any real attempt to grapple with the strategic challenge of Iran (or extremism in other nations, such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan).

That argument still stands. But it has nothing to do with the question of whether Iraq had WMD…”
The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion By Jason Leopold March 19, 2015 | 12:10 pm
“..The NIE also restores another previously unknown piece of “intelligence”: a suggestion that Iraq was possibly behind the letters laced with anthrax sent to news organizations and senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy a week after the 9/11 attacks. The attacks killed five people and sickened 17 others…

According to the latest figures compiled by Iraq Body Count, to date more than 200,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed, although other sources say the casualties are twice as high. More than 4,000 US soldiers have been killed in Iraq, and tens of thousands more have been injured and maimed. The war has cost US taxpayers more than $800 billion.

In an interview with VICE founder Shane Smith, Obama said the rise of the Islamic State was a direct result of the disastrous invasion.

“ISIL is a direct outgrowth of al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion,” Obama said. “Which is an example of unintended consequences. Which is why we should generally aim before we shoot.”..”

Tom Cotton Thinks The Iraq War Was Justified from
“Published on May 23, 2015

Several prominent Republicans have recently backed off from full support of the Iraq war, which is certainly a change of pace from just a few years ago. Do not get tricked into believing that all Republicans no longer support that disastrous war.

John Iadarola (Think Tank) and Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick) discuss the details of the story. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Read more here:;

“Tom Cotton, the Iraq war veteran from Arkansas turned Republican senator, has a message to fellow soldiers: ‘We should not be ashamed of the war we conducted in Iraq.’

Leading Republicans are sticking by the Iraq war, declining to follow the Democrats into full retreat and regret.

Cotton, while conceding that there are lessons to be learned from the conflict and that it might have been handled differently in retrospect, maintains that President George W. Bush made the best decision he could at the time based on the available intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s presumed stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.””

Christopher Hitchens on Reasons for the Iraq War, Justifications, Military, and Media (2005) ,
“Published on Oct 14, 2013

The rationale for the Iraq War (i.e. the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent hostilities) has been a contentious issue since the Bush administration began actively pressing for military intervention in Iraq in late 2001. The primary rationalization for the Iraq War was articulated by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress known as the Iraq Resolution.

The U.S. stated that the intent was to remove “a regime that developed and used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored and supported terrorists, committed outrageous human rights abuses, and defied the just demands of the United Nations and the world”. Additional reasons have been suggested: “to change the Middle East so as to deny support for militant Islam by pressuring or transforming the nations and transnational systems that support it.” For the invasion of Iraq the rationale was “the United States relied on the authority of UN Security Council Resolutions 678 and 687 to use all necessary means to compel Iraq to comply with its international obligations”.[3]

In the lead-up to the invasion, the U.S. and UK emphasized the argument that Saddam Hussein was developing “weapons of mass destruction” and thus presented a threat to his neighbors, to the U.S., and to the world community. The U.S. stated “on November 8, 2002, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1441. All fifteen members of the Security Council agreed to give Iraq a final opportunity to comply with its obligations and disarm or face the serious consequences of failing to disarm. The resolution strengthened the mandate of the UN Monitoring and Verification Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), giving them authority to go anywhere, at any time and talk to anyone in order to verify Iraq’s disarmament.”[4] Throughout late 2001, 2002, and early 2003, the Bush Administration worked to build a case for invading Iraq, culminating in then Secretary of State Colin Powell’s February 2003 address to the Security Council. Shortly after the invasion, the Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies largely discredited evidence related to Iraqi weapons as well as links to Al-Qaeda, and at this point the Bush and Blair Administrations began to shift to secondary rationales for the war, such as the Hussein government’s human rights record and promoting democracy in Iraq. Opinion polls showed that the population of nearly all countries opposed a war without UN mandate, and that the view of the United States as a danger to world peace had significantly increased. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan described the war as illegal, saying in a September 2004 interview that it was “not in conformity with the Security Council.”

Accusations of faulty evidence and alleged shifting rationales became the focal point for critics of the war, who charge that the Bush Administration purposely fabricated evidence to justify an invasion it long planned to launch. Supporters of the war claim that the threat from Iraq and Saddam Hussein was real and that this has later been established. The U.S. led the effort for “the redirection of former Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) scientists, technicians and engineers to civilian employment and discourage emigration of this community from Iraq.”

Other critics have noted that the Iraq War has several similarities with the Korean War and Vietnam War.

The United States officially declared its combat role in Iraq over on August 31, 2010, although several thousand troops remained in the country until all American troops were withdrawn from Iraq by December 2011; between that time American troops also engaged in combat with Iraqi insurgents…”

Paul Schiffer interviews Jayna Davis on Terrorism and Middle East Connection to Oklahoma City-first , from
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing Paperback – July 27, 2008 by Jayna Davis
“..In this alarming book, reporter Jayna Davis tells of her amazing journey leading from the smoking rubble of the Murrah Federal Building to the sleazy haunts of John Doe #2, the mysterious Middle East suspect who the Justice Department was at first desperate to find?then insisted never existed.

With a reporter’s practiced skill, Jayna Davis unscrambles the convoluted and distorted facts of the Oklahoma City bombing to present a compelling case that proves Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols did not act alone and in fact worked in tandem with Middle East connections that lead directly to Saddam Hussein’s personal army.

Ten years after the tragic April 19 bombing, this revised edition of the controversial book that captured the attention of the 9/11 Commission offers new information and a new afterword that covers the Iraq War, the verdict in the Nichols state murder trial, and recent confirmation of Al-Qaeda General Al-Zawahiri’s visit to OKC to approve the bombing…”
1995 Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was a Muslim sympathizer Posted on November 23, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn
“..In her bestseller, The Third Terrorist, investigative journalist Jayna Davis presents the evidence showing that Timothy McVeigh was a front man for Middle Eastern terrorists, and that a third co-conspirator was an Iraqi — the mysterious “John Doe” who was never found. Davis says the evidence was ignored and dismissed because the Clinton Administration didn’t want to go to war with Iraq, the likely culprit, and wanted to blame the attack on domestic right-wingers for political reasons. ..”

Homeless Muslim Arrest Revisits OK City Bombing Islam Connection March 11, 2011, – 2:15 pm By Debbie Schlussel
“…An FBI spokesman in Boston, Greg Comcowich, said Thursday night that a man named Hussain Al-Hussaini was “thoroughly investigated” in connection with the Oklahoma City bombing and “was found to not have any role whatsoever in the attack on the Murrah Federal Building in 1995.”..”



Uploaded on Mar 22, 2009
->Is an armament sickening U.S. soldiers updated 8/12/2006 10:43:50 PM ET

“…Depleted uranium is the garbage left from producing enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and energy plants. It is 60 percent as radioactive as natural uranium. The U.S. has an estimated 1.5 billion pounds of it, sitting in hazardous waste storage sites across the country. Meaning it is plentiful and cheap as well as highly effective.

Reed says he unknowingly breathed DU dust while living with his unit in Samawah, Iraq. He was med-evaced out in July 2003, nearly unable to walk because of lightning-strike pains from herniated discs in his spine. Then began a strange series of symptoms he’d never experienced in his previously healthy life.

Then the medic from their unit showed up. He too, was suffering. That made eight sick soldiers from the 442nd Military Police, an Army National Guard unit made up of mostly cops and correctional officers from the New York area.

Tests come up positive, but …
Reed, Gerard Matthew, Raymond Ramos, Hector Vega, Augustin Matos, Anthony Yonnone, Jerry Ojeda and Anthony Phillip all have depleted uranium in their urine, according to tests done in December 2003, while they bounced for months between Walter Reed and New Jersey’s Fort Dix medical center, seeking relief that never came…

The veterans, using their positive results as evidence, have sued the U.S. Army, claiming officials knew the hazards of depleted uranium, but concealed the risks.

The Department of Defense says depleted uranium is powerful and safe, and not that worrisome…

Echoes of Agent Orange
It took more than 25 years for the Pentagon to acknowledge that Agent Orange — a corrosive defoliant used to melt the jungles of Vietnam and flush out the enemy — was linked to those sufferings.

It took 40 years for the military to compensate sick World War II vets exposed to massive blasts of radiation during tests of the atomic bomb.

In 2002, Congress voted to not let that happen again..”


Saddam Hussein should have been left to run Iraq, says CIA officer who interrogated him By Ishaan Tharoor December 16 at 12:44 PM
“Both President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump believe the United States never should have invaded Iraq in 2o03 (or, at least, Trump claims he now does). The war in Iraq and its chaotic aftermath in many ways prefigure the present moment in the Middle East; it triggered a sectarian unraveling that now haunts both Iraq and Syria and looms large in the minds of an Obama administration wary of further intervention in the region’s conflicts.
In a new book coming out this month, John Nixon, a former CIA officer who interrogated Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein after he was captured by coalition forces in December 2003, details his encounter with the toppled despot and the varied discussions that followed. Early on, Hussein warned that the occupation of Iraq wouldn’t be as much of a “cakewalk” as Washington’s neoconservatives assumed at the time. From an excerpt published on Time magazine’s website:

Nixon now reckons Hussein had a point and that a ruthless strongman like him was necessary to “maintain Iraq’s multi-ethnic state” and keep both Sunni extremism and the power of Shiite-led Iran, a Hussein foe, at bay…”
When I interrogated Saddam, he told me: “You are going to fail. You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq.” When I told him I was curious why he felt that way, he replied: “You are going to fail in Iraq because you do not know the language, the history, and you do not understand the Arab mind.”..”

Bush, Blair and the Lies That Justified the Illegal Iraq War Jul 6 2016 By Robin Andersen
‘..Of three possible justifications, two were dismissed. Self-defense was not plausible, as British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw argued: “The case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capacity was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran.” Nor would humanitarian intervention make the case: Saddam was not engaged in genocide. The foreign secretary solved the puzzle when he said: “We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.”…
This case illustrates that what journalists know and understand is something quite different from what they actually report. For the most part, the known and the reported are two very different narratives. With a “nothing new” defense, reporters and editors are making astonishing admissions of complicity and redefining the role of journalism. Admitting to understanding at the time that justifications for war were a ruse, yet not challenging such claims, leaves them not only complicit, but compelling actors in promoting war…

Untold Story of the Iraq War ~ Commandos, Dirty Wars and Col. James Steele

“Published on Mar 22, 2013

Shocking information for many!!

Col. James Steele: America’s mystery man in Iraq – Full Documentary

Iraq war: 10 years on

A 15-month investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded special police commandos who ran a network of torture centers in Iraq. Another special forces veteran, Colonel James Coffman, worked with Steele and reported directly to General David Petraeus, who had been sent into Iraq to organize the Iraqi security services.

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases
The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel…&#8221;

Iraq War Media Propaganda – Al Jazeera Perspective 1 of 2

Iraq War Media Propaganda – Al Jazeera Perspective 2 of 2

“..Uploaded on Jan 26, 2008

Al-Jazeera perspective on the propaganda during the Iraq war. The full documentary “Control Room – Propaganda of the Iraq War” goes for 1Hr 24 Minutes and can be downloaded from google video.

The link for playing from google video is :

Phil Donahue on His 2003 Firing From MSNBC, When Liberal Network Couldn’t Tolerate Antiwar Voices

Published on Mar 21, 2013 — In 2003, the legendary television host Phil Donahue was fired from his prime-time MSNBC talk show during the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The problem was not Donahue’s ratings, but rather his views: An internal MSNBC memo warned Donahue was a “difficult public face for NBC in a time of war,” providing “a home for the liberal antiwar agenda at the same time that our competitors are waving the flag at every opportunity.” Donahue joins us to look back on his firing 10 years later. “They were terrified of the antiwar voice,” Donahue says.

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Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror

“…Damning archive footage shows contradictory speeches by US Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice. In a lengthy address to the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003, Powell solemnly declares that Iraq is in possession of vast stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and is involved in an elaborate campaign to conceal weapons materials and manufacturing facilities. However, two years earlier Powell and Condoleeza Rice claim the opposite. Speaking in Cairo on February 24, 2001, seven months before 9/11, Powell categorically declares: “He [Saddam Hussein] has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbours.” Rice repeats this in July 2001 when she tells US television that the Iraqi military has not been rebuilt since the 1991 conflict.

Pentagon paid UK PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos during Iraq war

“Published on Oct 4, 2016

The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.


-Confessions of “Whistleblowers”

“I Don’t Work For You No More”
“I Am No Longer the Monster I Once Was”
“…A former Marine who had served two tours in Iraq, Jon Turner did not look like a monster. He was a little above average height, good-looking, with a thick thatch of blond hair, and gentle manners. If not for the small blue-dot earring in his left ear – and the tattoos he later exposed – he could easily pass for the all-American boy.

But the stories he related, and the videos and slides he showed during four days of hearings called “Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan,” were a million miles away from Norman Rockwell America.

During last month’s hearings, held just outside Washington, D.C., a group called Iraq Veterans Against the War presented 55 veterans, including Turner, who gave personal testimony of what they had seen and done in Iraq. It was one horror story after another.

Turner, whose unit had lost 18 soldiers in Iraq, reported routinely firing rounds into mosques just out of anger; “kicking in doors and terrorizing families”; the mistaken firing of rounds into cars filled with civilians whose drivers were simply confused or didn’t understand the English commands to stop; and dozens of other brutalities carried out daily against the population of Iraq.

Other veterans testified to similar incidents, but two of Turner’s stories were among the heaviest we heard in those four days.

The first was of Turner’s “first kill” – a “fat man” on foot whom he shot for refusing a command to halt. The “fat man” did not die from the first bullet that Turner put in his neck, so while he screamed and looked pleadingly into Turner’s eyes, Turner deliberately dispatched him with a shot at close range.

The second story was even worse. Turner and his men were having a bad day – and bad days are apparently not hard to have in Iraq – so Turner and two fellow soldiers “took out some individuals” who were doing them no harm. Turner shot a man going by on a bike, then threw the body behind a wall and tossed his bike on top of it.

At the hearings, my friend Anthony Swofford, author of “Jarhead” and a former Marine himself, leaned over to me and said, “I think Turner just confessed to murder.” But putting that remark in perspective, Swofford would also tell me later, “I know that for every guy up there testifying today, there are probably a thousand others out there keeping silent.”

Some of the protesters outside, including the group Eagles Up!, claimed these testifiers weren’t real vets, but they had all been thoroughly checked out by a verification team from Iraq Veterans Against the War. Moreover, nobody – unless they’d done a few years at the Actors Studio – could have faked the emotions these vets were displaying as they testified: voices choking up and cracking, tears spontaneously welling.

Although the horror stories kept coming for four days, not all of them involved personal malice. Marine gunner James Gilligan sobbed as he recounted how in Afghanistan in 2004, he placed an unfamiliar compass too close to a machine-gun barrel, causing it to give a false enemy position. Instead of taking out the Taliban artillery, the troops caused extensive civilian casualties in a nearby Afghan village.

The name Winter Soldier was taken from a similar series of hearings held by Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Detroit in 1971. The term originally derived from Revolutionary War patriot Thomas Paine’s description of Washington’s soldiers at Valley Forge, who withstood a terrible winter on starvation rations in order to come back and fight for their nation one more time – and eventually win. Clearly these Iraq vets, just like their Vietnam vet counterparts, saw themselves as still fighting for their country in trying to bring the truth they experienced into a public forum.

They spoke with no discernible hostility or partisan bias, and less anger than one would have expected. Most expressed their reason for being there along the same lines as former Marine scout Sergio Kochergin, who said he was expecting his testimony to be heard by Congress and to help bring a rapid end to the war.

US Soldier Exposes USA FEMA Camps

Jon Michael Turner (American)
“..Jon Michael Turner is a returned Iraq War veteran, who has taken up the art of paper and book making since his return to the United States. Originally from Connecticut, he now makes his home in Burlington, VT and works out of the Green Door Studio. Jon has also traveled with the Combat Paper Project, telling his story while teaching other veterans the art of papermaking and telling their personal stories…”

-Aleppo, Syria?

Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong Daniel McAdams Posted on September 29, 2016
“..The mainstream media portrays the fight for Aleppo as one between Syrian President Assad and the people, painting Assad as someone killing his citizens for the fun of it. In other words, as they did with Iraq and Libya, etc. the mainstream media again happily takes up the role of mouthpiece of the US government. The reality is quite different, in fact. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report speaks with independent journalist Vanessa Beeley, who has recently returned from an investigative trip to Syria including in Aleppo. What’s really going on there? Tune in!..”
*see Now you know: Who are “mercenaries”?
James Le Mesurier – Syria Civil Defense

“..James has spent 20 years working in fragile states as a United Nations staff member, a consultant for private companies and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and as a British Army Officer. Much of his experience has involved delivering stabilisation activities through security sector and democratisation programmes. Since 2012, James has been working on the Syria crisis where he started the Syrian White Helmets programme in March 2013. In 2014, he founded Mayday Rescue, and is dedicated to strengthening local communities in countries that are entering, enduring or emerging from conflict…”


Brother of airport shooting suspect says US gov’t failed him
DANICA COTO,Associated Press 3 hours ago (1.7.16)
“…Esteban Santiago, 26, had trouble controlling his anger after serving in Iraq and told his brother that he felt he was being chased and controlled by the CIA through secret online messages. When he told agents at an FBI field office his paranoid thoughts in November, he was evaluated for four days, then released without any follow-up medication or therapy.

“The FBI failed there,” Bryan Santiago told The Associated Press. “We’re not talking about someone who emerged from anonymity to do something like this.”

Bryan Santiago said his brother had requested psychological help but barely received any.

“I told him to go to church or to seek professional help,” he said.


Pray for Iraq War vets and Iraqi (many various tribes, ethnic groups, Muslim sects, etc..)..


“Come & let your Peace fill this….”

Is there any other topics on either side that I didn’t share yet? Feel free to share below…thanks and God bless!!

Good News Middle East

Now you know: Who are “mercenaries”?


How Mercenaries Work
“..The reasons for using mercenaries have changed over the years. In ancient times, mercenaries were a necessity. Standing armies weren’t available, so rulers had to look elsewhere for soldiers after they exhausted their supply of able-bodied citizens available to fight.

For example, the Hundred Years’ War, which lasted from 1337 to 1453, took its toll on the English and French armies. As the prolonged war grew in dimension, so did the number of mercenaries. Edward of Woodstock, also known as the Black Prince, made good use of mercenaries to carry out a method of warfare known as chevauchée. In chevauchée, small groups of mounted soldiers stormed through a territory, burning and pillaging everything in their path. Chevauchée was very effective, and it made being a mercenary a lucrative profession. Soldiers from all over Europe flocked to France to get their share of the loot, which included both salary and whatever they could plunder.

­As a result of the co­nflict in Africa and the unsavory mercenary activity it inspired, the international community strongly discouraged the use of mercenaries. Countries continued to hire foreign soldiers, but they exerted much more control. They also limited the activities of these soldiers to supporting roles only, freeing the regular army to focus on dangerous or mission-critical activities. Today, several companies exist to provide this new breed of mercenary. They are known as private military companies, or PMCs. On the next page, we’ll examine PMCs more closely. ..”

10 Things You Don’t Know About Mercenaries Posted By: Under the Radar May 12, 2016 By Sean McFate, co-author of Shadow War: A Tom Locke Novel
…3. Contracting may be the new American Way of War
“Why did the US, with the world’s most powerful military, need contractors? Because the All Volunteer Force could not recruit enough American’s to sustain two “long wars.” In 2002, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the Iraq War would last: “Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn’t going to last any longer than that.” When it didn’t, policy makers faced ugly choices. They could withdraw and cede the fight to al Qaeda. They could have a Vietnam-like draft to fill the ranks. Or they could contract out the difference. They went with contractors. In Iraq, 50% of the US force was contracted. In Afghanistan it was 70%. In WW2, it was only 10%. Is contracting America’s new way of war? It’s a fair question.
4. Most contractors who fight for America aren’t even American
When I was in the industry, I worked alongside people from all over the world: Mexico, Ghana, Australia, Canada and so forth. Private military companies are just like any other multinational corporation: they recruit globally. They also pay people different wages. For example, a specialforces soldier from Honduras with similar training and background as me would get paid much less. Just like shirt sweat shops around the world, the private military industry looks for cheap labor….

Taking the fight to ISIS: American mercenaries training to fight terrorists abroad

Published on May 28, 2015

“American mercenary groups have been training and preparing to join the fight against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) abroad, looking to push back the extremists where they say that the US government has failed. Maria Finoshina reports from Homestead, Florida on a group of private mercenary fighters who are organizing to support people facing the threat of ISIS in the Philippines, and explores their motivations in depth.

Putin “I Know How Much the US Pays ISIS Mercenaries”

Published on Oct 20, 2015

Who Controls America? (with photographs);


-Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Reservation

Dakota Access Mercenaries Sick K9s and Pepper Spray Peaceful Native Protesters
America 2.0

America 2.0
“Published on Sep 3, 2016

These peaceful Native American protesters are being treated as near enemy combatants when Dakota Access private security sick guard dogs on protesters full of men, women and children and pepper spray the crowd before shutting down for the day. No doubt sooner or later Dakota Access will escolate to the use of firearms. THEN the feds get to come in and kill the natives after the guards are dealt with in one form or another.

But remember the US federal government has very little jurisdiction on this land. They have no real environmental jurisdiction and its almost like being on foreign soil. “
L.A. protest calls out security firm for involvement in attack on DAPL protesters
September 8, 2016| 5:51 PM CST| | By Chauncey K. Robinson
“..The American Indian Movement of Southern California, Idle No More Los Angeles, and issued a joint public statement to the operators of G4S, declaring; “Your actions on September 3, 2016 at the Dakota Access Pipeline protests near Standing Rock Sioux reservation were witnessed across this country and around the world. Your use of attack dogs to intimidate and injure the protestors, including women and children, was reminiscent of the brutal tactics that have been historically used against both Native Americans and other people of color for centuries. Your company continues to perpetuate this historical discrimination and violence against our people and our allies.” The statement went further to say that the security company could “no longer hide its involvement with the Dakota Access Pipeline project.” and that the organizations would continue to “expose and resist any and all attempts to intimidate and harm our people.”..”
Hillary Clinton’s Corporate Mercenaries ATTACKS Native Americans with K9 Dogs & Pepper Spray

“..ENTER the American Demilitarized Zone : On September 3, the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans ( Which Hillary Clinton Created * Please Share ) with attack dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. If completed, the pipeline would carry about 500,000 barrels of crude per day from North Dakota’s Bakken oilfield to Illinois. The project has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 more tribes from across the U.S. and Canada. ..”


EXCLUSIVE: Who are actually “Assad mercenaries” killing “innocent Saudi tourists” in Aleppo, Syria?

“Published on Sep 26, 2016

Credit to Anna News;
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‘White Helmets’ — pawns for U.S. militarism By Sara Flounders posted on September 21, 2016
“..NBC News praised the featured group as “Angels on the Front Line.” The Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal sang the movie’s praises and White Helmets’ “selfless, humanitarian role.”

The White Helmets defines itself as unpaid, unarmed first responders in Syria, claims 3,000 members and alleges it is a Syrian Civil Defense group. It claims to have saved 40,000, even 60,000 lives in Syria, by rescuing survivors from bombsites.

Most claims about the White Helmets are unverified self-promotion on social media. Interviews with and media coverage of the grouping show desperate appeals for an increase in U.S./NATO military action in Syria — not peace and reconciliation. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and other journalists have quoted its calls for a no-fly zone as a “humanitarian” option.

The much-hyped White Helmets is not a Syrian organization, nor was it created by Syrians, nor is it educational. It is a U.S.-British creation. Former British Army officer James Le Mesurier, self-described as a British “security” specialist, founded it. He previously worked for Blackwater, the mercenary organization universally condemned for its murderous brutality in Iraq….

The White Helmets has never functioned as a neutral force. While attacking the Syrian government and calling for more U.S., British and NATO bombing, the group functions exclusively in Syrian areas held by the Nusra Front, a terrorist organization linked to al-Qaida. This well-funded group operates on the ground with U.S.-, British-, Israeli- and Saudi-funded militias committed to destroying Syria’s government.

While claiming to be “unarmed,” the White Helmets appears in videos with weapons, surrounded by armed militias.”
White Helmets NGO: A “Rescue and Assist” Operation under Guise of Human Rights By Brandon Turbeville
Global Research, May 13, 2016 Activist Post 10 May 2016
“..Raed Saleh, head of White Helmets (aka Syrian Civil Defense) has publicly called for the implementation of a “No-Fly Zone” over Syria by the United Nations Security Council, an act that is tantamount to direct military warfare, an example of which can be seen in the rubble of Libya. Indeed, such a decision would simply be a repeat of the Libyan tragedy..”
The U.S./UK Financed “White Helmets” Shtick – Fake “Child Rescued” Videos June 01, 2016
“..The group was created with the help of Purpose Inc, a U.S. company specialized in regime change NGO operations. Purpose Inc is also behind Avaaz which early on peddled fake war on Syria video propaganda. The White Helmets are financed, like all “Free Syrian Army” media propaganda, by USAID with some $23 million and by the UK Foreign Office with a total of some £23 million. The Netherlands and Japan also donated money to the scheme. The group was build up and trained since mid 2013 by a “former” UK military intelligence operator residing in Abu Dhabi. These are propaganda artists camouflaged as humanitarians.

The “White Helmets” cooperate closely with al-Qaeda. One of its leaders was recently denied an entry visa to the United States. More details about the group researched by Vanessa Beeley can be found here and here…”
Graphic Warning: The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
“..White Helmets: Follow the Money

The White Helmets were established in March 2013, in Istanbul, Turkey, and is headed by James Le Mesurier, a British “security” specialist and ‘ex’ British military intelligence officer with an impressive track record in some of the most dubious NATO intervention theatres including Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine. Le Mesurier is a product of Britain’s elite Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and has also been placed in a series of high-profile pasts at the United Nations, European Union, and U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The origins of The White Helmet’s initial $300k seed funding is a little hazy, reports are contradictory but subs..”

Deep Thought: Does it matter if your part of another “ethnicity or race”?

While at #StandingRock I encountered some people sharing about some “racism” they encountered. I then share my ethnic background story. I’m Filipino-American, but there is more information behind that doesn’t really matter. Unfortunately, for some people, that information matters. What is “race”?

One lady that was “opening-up” to me during my chat at one of the camps told me she was part “native”. She kind of sadly shared that people see her outside appearance and just see “White” and automatically “pre-judge” her (e.g. prejudice). I wasn’t surprise of her story as I see similar stories like this in our everyday world.

American Indian and white, but not ‘multiracial’ By D’Vera Cohn7 comments Fact Tank – Our Lives in Numbers
June 11, 2015
“…Yet the same survey shows that many of these multiracial American Indian adults have few connections with Native Americans. For example, among biracial adults who are white and American Indian, only 22% say they have a lot in common with American Indians; 61% say they have a lot in common with whites. And only 19% say they have had a lot of contact with their relatives who are American Indian.

In addition, biracial adults who are white and American Indian are among the least likely of mixed-race adults to consider themselves multiracial (only 25% do). They are among the most likely to say their multiracial background has been neither an advantage nor a disadvantage; 82% say it has not made a difference…”

I remember growing up, race wasn’t an issue in my elementary school years. It didn’t become an “issue” until my junior high/middle school years. I remember a “Caucasian” friend asked me what side will I choose during some “racial” tensions between “blacks” and “whites”.

Then in high school, I joined the “Asian Club” to hangout with friends and to add to my resume for “extra curricular activities” (looks good on college application). I remember one peer made a remark that I’ll never forget still-“You don’t even look Asian” (e.g. my eyes weren’t “slanted” enough and too big).


Veteran’s Perception about Standing Rock Camp , from


What’s it like being “multiculturally” (racially, ethnicity, nationality, etc.) diversed…identity?

White Supremacist Finds Out His Ancestors Were Black (VIDEO)

(Deep thought? Where did all these cultures come from?

There is Only One “Race” – The Human Race Acts 17:24-26
“…Racism 1 “What race are you?” How do you answer this question? We have been conditioned to answer, “Caucasian,” or “African American,” “Hispanic,” “Asian,” etc. Many think in terms of skin color, “White,” “Black,” etc.

As far as the Bible is concerned, there are many nationalities, but there is only ONE RACE! Therefore, why not answer: “The Human Race?”

Speaking to those in ancient Athens, the apostle Paul reminds us, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that God made every nation of men from “one blood.”

“God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings…” (Acts 17:24-26). ..”


20 Multiracial Celebrities (Some May Surprise You!)
10 surprising multicultural celebrities<
By on May 5, 2014 with 6 Comments
13 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Are Biracial
July 9, 2014 | By Julia Austin

Finishing Story

Well, I felt bad for this lady sharing that she’s been discriminated because she looks “white” and is part “native”. I told here that I’ve been mistakenly called a bunch of different races. She told me I look “native” and I told here that I’ve been called many different races depending on my hairstyle. I told her that my great-grandfather is Spanish and they are known as the “colonizers” of the Philippines and many other countries (e.g. conquers of “natives” in the Americas), so I feel bad too! However, we shouldn’t feel bad because of our past history. She told me that we should at least “do something” to make peace or reconciliation of our “past mistakes”.

After this response, I then reflected that Jesus did this on the cross for our “past sins”. The first step as as Christian is just asking God for forgiveness of our sins and past sins of our ancestors. Then we can ask God ourselves what we can do as individuals. I think that is the reason for the many Veterans that came (see blog above).

Any thoughts, stories, person experiences, etc..?

Good News Racism