Struggling with Sexual Temptation

Yes, this is a very interesting topic, which I’ve been meaning to write about a long time ago. It’s been a really increasing “issue” in our society and it’s very rarely talked about.  I decided to share my personal “on-going” story on how I deal with “sexual temptation”, which we can all agree it’s been a “epedimic”! Our actions (e.g. sexually abuse) can “negatviely” affect others, which is why I call it an “epedimic”.

First of all, I would have to share some personal background on how I got to where I am right now. I used to struggle with pornography (see at a young age (probably during my years of puberty, so around 14-16-can’t remember the exact age).

Well, the reason for sharing my past is that I notice that a lot of the people I’ve “chatted” with has opened-up to me that their “early years” play a significant role in their “sexual tendencies”. For example, an extreme story is of a lady who is 22nd now and she was so-called “rape” at age 7 by her dad’s “so-called friends”. She’s now very sexually active and told me she was actually “ok” with what happened when she was young.

Anyways, I can share more stories that are less “extreme” to the one above, but many get curious about their sexual identity or “activity” during the transitioning “puberty stages”. I’m not an expert on this topic, but based on my own experience and hearing from others-it seems like a “significant” season in peoples’ lives. I feel it’s important for “kids” around this age to be educated about this stuff.

Sexual Purity Into the Light – A Testimony in HD – YouTube

Escaping Sexual Sin: Consider the Consequences
“…Through Paul, God is warning us not to be deceived into thinking that sin does not have disastrous consequences.

Please take a few moments right now, and invite the Holy Spirit to show you how sexual sin would seriously damage your life.

First, consider how it would affect your relationship with the Lord. Would you want to jeopardize your relationship with Jesus, who loves you more than anyone and gave His life to set you free from sin and death?..”

Kay Arthur – Pt 1 – Her Story of Sexual Sin & Freedom in Christ

I was just Tempted to Sin Hardcore BUT Overcame Through Christ …

Ok, what do we do now? We are sexual beings-some are more active than others. I’m here to just share my own personal tips and hoping you can learn from this. I welcome any other ideas (e.g. suggestions, comments, questions, etc..).

A Biblical Guide for Overcoming Sexual Temptation – YouTube

I knew I didn’t want to keep doing what I was doing as a young “immature” kid, so when I found my Christian faith. I learned to avoid temptation. The number one for me growing up was media (e.g. television). I haven’t had cable since 2006, which has been very helpful. Unfortunately, pornography is everywhere (e.g. computers). I “try” to avoid any pornography (e.g. pop-ups in computer websites) as I delete it or just run/flee..

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
1 Corinthians 6

However, it’s not easy as we read it in the Bible (God’s Word), so what has helped me since I became a Christian is several disciplinary tactics. I “try” to meditate (morning and evening) in God’s Word as it helps me “renew my mind” (keep my mind pure).
I then “try” to daily put the “Armor of God” (see Prayer: Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, etc…
) as life’s a battle everyday! Have others you can be accountable to, which means sharing your “dark secrets” with each other and cover each other in prayer. Lastly, keeping faithful or keeping that convenant/promise I made to my Heavenly Father that I will keep that “sexual purity” until marriage!

Still not convinced sexual temptation doesn’t effect others. Check this out…

Human Sex Slaves/Human Trafficking


How to “fight” all the sexual temptations in this world?

Thoughts, suggestions, feedback, personal stories, prayer requests, etc..?

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