Deep Thought: How to Overcome your own addictions? Daily Social Issues & Life Challenges: Addictions, Alcohol, Depression, Drugs, Pornography, Racism, Temptations, etc…

You can’t do it by yourself!

A friend was telling me he was struggling with his diabetes as he just keeping eating foods that he knows he shouldn’t be eating. I told him, do you want to see your grand kids grow-up? For me, if I was him, I would love to grow old as I can to see them until God takes me to Heaven with Him. I have had this conversation with many others who tell me that they don’t care if they die early because of current circumstances. I share that I would love to live as long as I can because life is worth living for. Thus, this is just an extra motivation to taking care of my health. How about you?

This friend kept on repeating that he can’t do it on his own. I then (light bulb pop out as I was reminded that I was asking God earlier to show me how I can be used by Him today-was helping this friend with an outdoor painting project) shared, I know you can’t do it on your own because you need God’s help! I told him everybody has an addicion or some addictions. I then shared (e-mailed this to him this morning to make sure he remembers!) my own story of how I’ve been able to overcome (just one of my addictions) my “border-line” diabetes (see story) diagnosed 2-3 years ago.

I shared this “open door” (sharing my life) story at my local church this morning, which I wasn’t able to share that we can’t let these family health (e.g. sin) history repeat itself. Yes, diabetes has been in my family for generations, but I’m not going to let that happen to me-no matter what statistics are out there. I’m a “new creation” in Christ and everything started new when I came to Christ in 1996 (see personal testimony). What has helped me to overcome diabetes and other addictions in life is using the “tools” (Bible verses-see down below) through prayer (e.g. fasting regularly-sometimes once a week from certain foods) that God has equipped me over the years growing in my personal relationship. For example, one of my favorite quoted verses is Galatians 5

“…But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit…

Earlier this weekend (Sunday, September 20th of 2009), I heard this short message from my local Christian radio on “Using the tools (e.g. what’s mentioned in the Bible) God has given us”..One can be the most physical strongest person as a construction worker, but if he/she doesn’t have the tools (e.g. hammer) -that own strength is worthless in constructing a house, building, or any construction project. This analogy shows our true self that we can’t do things in life on our own, we need to use the “tools” the God has given us to handle our daily life’s “projects” or “challenges”. Next time you come up with a “project” that seem impossible, just remember to ask God for the “tools” to use to overcome them.

Cardboard Testimony (click here=> better audio)

“Real people, real life, real love and forgiveness and healing.”

“Real people, real life, real love and forgiveness and healing.”

The 7 hardest addictions to quit – love is the worst! Stanton Peele Ph.D.
“..In reverse order of difficulty, here are the seven addictions people find hardest to quit:..”


Violent brawl breaks out at wedding party as four people taken to hospital Victoria Bell Yahoo News UKOctober 14, 2019, 8:52 AM CDT
“….A West Midlands Police spokeswoman said: “Police were called to a disorder at the Ramada Park Hall hotel on Park Drive in Wolverhampton just after 9.30pm on October 12.

“Three men were seen with facial injuries, although no one has reported being assaulted….

..A third guest, who also asked to remain unnamed, believes the violence was down to too much alcohol.

A spokesperson for the hotel said: “Having hosted hundreds of weddings we have never seen scenes like this. We do not accept this behaviour and would like to praise the quick thinking of our team who immediately contacted the emergency services.”…


Drug Addict Turns to a New God – YouTube



An addict’s story: Cocaine and the crash Liz Barnes, Special to The Citizen Jan 1, 2013
“…It started out with me selling. I loved money; figured I could sell a little cocaine. I didn’t use. I had a child to consider. I looked respectable. I owned a house far from here, was a “white girl” who dressed and talked nice. So who better? The professionals wanted to do business with a safe bet, not go to the ghetto. Ha. Like I was better than a black guy on a corner. Pretty soon, a major supplier and I got together and I began dealing weight. Still not using. Making the bucks.

Testimony of Deliverance from Crack Cocaine

Movie: How Jesus Delivered Me From Crack Cocaine Addiction

Christian Willie Henderson
Published on May 15, 2013
I was addicted to crack cocaine for 20 years. I went in and out of numerous drug rehabs only to fail each time at recovery. One day I was reading the Bible and noticed in Luke 4:1-13 that each time the devil tried to tempt Jesus, Christ responded, “it is written” followed by the promises of God to deliver him. So, I tried it and to my suprise my struggle with the temptation to smoke crack and drink alcohol was soon over!

*see Neutral Perspective: Marijuana (“weed”) is “good” and “bad” for you?


“..Crystal meth is short for crystal methamphetamine. It is just one form of the drug methamphetamine.

Methamphetamine is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting it (inhaling through the nose), smoking it or injecting it with a needle. Some even take it orally, but all develop a strong desire to continue using it because the drug creates a false sense of happiness and well-being—a rush (strong feeling) of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy. One also experiences decreased appetite. These drug effects generally last from six to eight hours, but can last up to twenty-four hours…”

Jayson’s Meth Addiction Destroys Family | True Stories of … – YouTube

Detox To Rehab
Published on Mar 17, 2017
Jayson was an athlete who experimented with drugs since he was young. After struggling with his relationship with his wife and children, Jayson’s alcohol and drug addiction began to spiral out of control. Once he started doing meth his life took a different direction. Find out what he did to prevail through the chaos

My Story of Recovery – Episode 1 – The Grips of Meth Addiction …

Facing His Dragons
“..“Dad was smoking marijuana pretty regular,” David said. “He played music in a honky-tonk bar. He taught me how to smoke it, educated me on how to hold the smoke in my lungs for it to be effective and make you high. And that was really a turning point in my life, I believe.”

As he grew older, he began using cocaine and speed. Then he discovered methamphetamine.

“The first time I tried it, I knew that was going to be my drug of choice,” David said.

After one failed marriage, he married Amy. As their family grew, she tried to get him to give up the drugs. But things just got wors..”

My testimony: from meth to Jesus – YouTube

Robby Alexander
Published on Feb 18, 2015
Sharing this in hopes it will help someone. May God be the glory.

A message from Chained To Be Free Ministries as a testimony of how God rescued and delivered him from the addiction and bondage to methamphetamine that almost destroyed his life before he went to prison. Read along with him the poem written in jail by a young girl who died from an overdose after her release with a needle still in her arm from crystal meth!

Ice/Meth addict finds Jesus and learns how to blast demons – YouTube



The Effects of Hydrocodone Use
“…Hydrocodone is a prescription medication sold under multiple brand names, such as:

The aforementioned trade names are combinations of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Other trade formulations also exist that are hydrocodone in combination with other analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen.

Doctors prescribe this opioid drug for its pain relief and cough suppressant qualities.

Signs and Symptoms of Fentanyl Abuse
“..In most cases, addiction is accompanied by a deterioration in personal integrity. It takes many unethical or criminal acts to maintain an addiction over time—either expenditure of large amounts of personal money or thefts, prescription fraud, doctor-shopping or other crimes, to get the drugs that are needed. A fentanyl addict normally has secrets from most or all of the people they encounter regularly. If the thefts are from a workplace, as often happens, they will be living a secret life while at work. Hospitals, pharmacies and nursing homes are often the sites of fentanyl theft by desperate employees…”
American Addict
Runtime: 90m 15s | Release date: 2013
“…Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Heath Ledger, Phillip Seymour Hoffman…famous names that share a common tragedy. America has 5% of the world’s population and yet consumes 80% of the world’s prescription narcotics. American Addict reveals the connections between government regulators, big pharmaceutical companies, physicians, and the media. Together, they reinforce treatment through prescribed medication. In the style of the “Inside Job” and “Food, Inc.”, this film exposes a shocking hypocrisy most are unaware even exists…”


Potato Chips


Natural Remedies

9 Powerful Health Benefits of Cumin
“..8. May Help With Drug Dependence

Narcotic dependence is a growing concern internationally.

Opioid narcotics create addiction by hijacking the normal sense of craving and reward in the brain. This leads to continued or increased use.

Studies in mice have shown that cumin components reduce addictive behavior and withdrawal symptoms (29Trusted Source)….”

Q: What are your addiction(s)? How are you overcoming them?


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Good News Addictions

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to persuade or change your “beliefs” on an issue. Nothing on this site is to be construed as “real or fake news” ; the authors are just sharing their finding “known to be” facts. Please continue to “research” on your own, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal instincts. Feel free to share your own findings, material not shared above, or own opinions on the comment section available below. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good “news” and optimism!”

Medical: Prevention & Battling Diabetes Health-Diabetes

(see Health: How to “fight” Diabetes? )

My (Sal) reason for creating this website is because I’ve been “directly” affected by this health issue. Diabetes has been a health issue in my family for generations, which I personally need to take some precautions to fight this health battle in my genes-of course, with the help of my Lord-Amen?

I love sugar since day 1. I love sweets, which I would seek and find around the kitchen back at home. Since I’ve come to a personal relationship with Christ, I’ve been educated from the Word to keep my “…body as a living sacrifice to God, holly and pleasing to Him!” (Romans 12:1).

It’s not easy to stay from sweets and not get tempted as your body physically urges it! However, I’ve learned that fasting and staying in the Word; focussing on Jesus, all things are possible!

You must take charge! (Wednesday, September 3rd of 2008)

About 4 years ago I had a routine check-up from my doctor. He then came out to warn me that I have a chance of getting diabetes as I’m close to “border-line” diabetic unless I change my eating habits. It freaked me out when I heard it as I’ve had some knowledge of past family history. I decided to research and find what causes diabetes? I found out my diet of eating too much rice, pop years ago (quit drinking too much of it years ago), etc.. was the “culprit”! I started cutting down or even stop eating white rice (brown rice instead; In fact, wheat-bread, noodles, etc.. is a lot better than “white”). A year later, my doctor told me I was “no-longer” close to borderline diabetic! Halleluah! Yes, we can ask others for prayer and God for healing, but we need to also ask God for “wisdom” and “knowledge” on what we can “individually” do about our health circumstances or situations!

How My Aunt’s Death Can Help You “Cure” Type 2 Diabetes I

“Not only is type 2 diabetes completely preventable, but it is virtually curable for anyone who is willing to put in the hard time and work and recovering their insulin and leptin sensitivity. “

*see Health: Nutrition-Macronutrients

*see Health: Nutrition-Foods to Know About

What steps/tips have you made preventing, managing, curing, etc.. diabetes?


Follow us on IG or Instagram #healthfitnesslifeguy

Good News Health

Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; the authors are not doctors. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good health and prosperity!”

H1N1 “Swine” Flu Prevention, Cure, etc…

The H1N1 Swine Flu: A Look Inside
532,386 views•Oct 16, 2009
3.96M subscribers The H1N1 swine flu virus has become a pandemic. James Williams takes a look at where the swine flu originated and what happens to the virus once it gets inside our bodies.

Flu season is approaching in the United States as I write this.  What steps can we take to prevent the flu?

1. Advanced Hygiene

2. Diet

3. Supplementation

4. Sleep

5. Reducing Stress

-from Five Simple Steps to Bolster Your Immune System To Help Prevent Colds and the Flu By Joseph Brasco M.D.1

Swine Flu Cure They Don’t Want You to Know – How to Be Immune to Swine Flu – Swine flu cure, a scientifically proven remedy for creating a condition in the body wherein the swine flu virus cannot survive, let alone thrive. It can make your body virtually immune to swine flu — or enable your body to cure itself of swine flu and virtually any disease. “

What steps are you taking to prevent the flu? If you have it, what are you doing to cure it (e.g. natural remedies-sauerkraut, etc..?)?  Have you taken the vaccination? Any side-effects? Any overall flu-related stories, testimonies (e.g. healing), advice, etc…



Medical: Various Virus Outbreaks

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to persuade or change your “beliefs” on an issue. Nothing on this site is to be construed as “real or fake news” ; the authors are just sharing their finding “known to be” facts. Please continue to “research” on your own, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal instincts. Feel free to share your own findings, material not shared above, or own opinions on the comment section available below. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good “news” and optimism!”