Deep Thought: What do I have to “give up” when becoming-growing (as) a Christian?

A “friend” got “theological” with me this past weekend over the holidays. He asked, why this church doesn’t allow us to “practice” our old ways (e.g. shamanism, see-> Deuteronomy 18). I then thought about my former Catholic up-bringing. I didn’t think about it much when I was growing-up, but friends in college would question some of the “theological” practices (e.g. worship Mary, statues/idols in the sanctuary, priests are called “father, etc…). It’s not just “religious” stuff, but just “old” ways in our “sinful” lifestyle of the past (e.g. drunkeness or any other addictions that controlled/slaved you in bondage, etc…) that prevented one to a “personal relationship” with the Heavenly Father.

All That’s Inside -Jon Thurlow (Lyrics)

“Uploaded on Feb 19, 2011

(Let there be) no reservations, no walls
But just an open door in my heart for You

I want to give all that’s inside of my heart
I want to give all that’s inside of my heart to You

Everything else is fading away
Only love (only love) only love remains (only love remains)

It’s not the riches, it’s not the fame
It’s not the power, it’s not my name
Only love (only love) only love (only love) only love (only love)

So take the same love that’s inside Your heart
And put that same love deep inside of me

Everything else, everything else,
Everything else is fading (only love remains)”

Above was a song a friend from church played during our weekly prayer get-together (FOCUS), which really touched me about this topic that was discussed this past weekend.

Other Sources:

Bible verses about Parable of the Old and New Wineskins
(From Forerunner Commentary)
Jesus Movie – Gospel of Matthew Chapter 9 1 of 2

New Wine, Old Wineskins and the Fear of Change= 10:27AM EDT 5/2/2012 J. Lee Grady
What Does the Bible Say About Righteousness?

Hope and pray this will touch you all with the “New Year” (2016) coming-right around the corner! 🙂 Any thoughts, stories, shares, additional Bible verses, etc.. related to any of the content above? Would love to hear from ya..thanks!

Good News Philosophy

Deep Thought: Legalism in the Church of tithing??

I decided to write on this topic after a “close friend” told me about a church in the city kind of pressures people to “tithe” 10%. I told him that I used to be part of this “cultish” like church group that forced their attendees to tithe 10% also. I didn’t stay long enough for me to do it, but I heard that they would collect your bank account information and would have you automatically transfer that 10% automatically to their “church” denomination. I was still young in my Christian faith and it just didn’t “sound right” based on what I’ve read so far in the Bible. I ended up leaving this particular group even though I enjoyed the Bible study portion of their get-togethers/fellowship as I was “hungry” (seeking the faith).

What I can personally testify from my experiences of tithing is that I do this as an act of “obedience” of my faith based on what I’ve been taught and read via Scriptures. I’ve seen results of tithing 10% of my income every Sunday as I’ve been blessed (e.g. financially). Plus, I do it “cheerfully” knowing it’s going to be used for building God’s Kingdom (e.g. faith that what I’m giving is helping my local church’s mission of “reaching out to the lost” and “making disciples of all nations”). If you are uncertain on whether you should give to your local church. I suggest exploring the mission of your local church and if you believe in it-is it Biblical?

I’m no expert in this topic, so I decided to share some resources that I found credible to help answer some question “we” all may have on this topic:


Lesson 4: Why You Should NOT Tithe (Selected Scriptures),
“…The Bible teaches that God, who richly has supplied us with all good things, wants us “to be generous and ready to share” (1 Tim. 6:18). But what does generosity mean? Isn’t giving 10 percent of my income to the Lord’s work being generous? If not 10 percent, how much should I give?..”

Before I critique this view, let me point out that there are some commendable points regarding tithing: (1) Those who tithe are often acting in obedience to what they believe God has commanded. (2) Tithing gets some to increase what they give. (3) Tithing helps consistency and discipline in giving. But consider these seven reasons why tithing is not God’s standard for Christians:

A. Tithing was a part of the law of Moses; believers are not under the law…

What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Should a Christian tithe?
“… Answer: Many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing. In some churches giving is over-emphasized. At the same time, many Christians refuse to submit to the biblical exhortations about making offerings to the Lord. Tithing/giving is intended to be a joy and a blessing. Sadly, that is sometimes not the case in the church today…”
Tithing – You Do Not Need To Give 10% To The Church!

“TO LEARN HOW TO BE SAVED click on “Show more” below.
Please visit:

Original Message Title: “The Wrong Time To Tithe”
Order # 1156″


“…I have seen a change in my life while I have been contributing tithes……God don’t owe me anything for doing that. I wanna continue being obedient to the lord to express my love. If giving money is my toughest sacrifice then god is worthy because Christ sacrifice his life for me.ï»ż..”

The Legalism Lie of Tithing, or the lack of faith of those who demand it.

“Has a pastor or some other church leader ever told you that you must tithe because that is what the Bible says you should give? Have you been told that “you’re not giving generously to God” or that “you’re robbing God” (Mal. 3:8-9) because you’re not giving at least 10% of your gross income to your local church? Have you been instructed that “giving 10% is a good starting point” for your giving, meaning that you should give at least 10%? Have you been told that “you should at least tithe because you can’t out-give God”? ..”


” Tiny Teardrops 1 year ago
I am a firm believer in helping others, and giving to a worthy cause. I try to donate & help anywhere I can, when I can. I have always enjoyed helping people, especially children & even animals.ï»ż
· 1..”

Above are just “some” of many websites/videos I found on this topic. Feel free to search for more, but key thing is “seeking” our Heavenly Father about it. Feel free to share any suggestions, comments, stories, etc…

Good News Ministry

Holidays without your love ones?

As we approach Christmas, my heart goes out to those without their love ones. I can ‘t imagine going through the holidays without someone you’ve been with for many years. I’ve been thinking about this at times during the holiday season and wanted to find someway to encourage those who will be spending the holidays without their love ones. There is a popular Christmas song that goes…”It’s the best time of the year..”. It might be for others, but may NOT be all the time for those that are without their love ones.

Grieving Through the Holidays
Giving Holiday Hope to the Grieving By Mary May Larmoyeux
Encouraging those who have lost a loved one.
The gift of listening

One of the most precious gifts is the simple act of listening.

Jane and Roger Palmer’s 19-year-old son, Patrick, died unexpectedly in the fall of 2003 from acute bronchial pneumonia. He went into a coma and died in his sleep while at college. Jane says, “Just being there and listening is so important. Well meaning people at times feel that they must do something, quote scriptures, or have the answers.”

Instead of answers, Jane says the grieving are comforted by people with understanding hearts whose sheer presence says, “I care.”

How to Remember a Loved One at the Holidays By Nancy Copeland-Payton
“”…This holiday season, gift yourself with time set aside to intentionally remember and celebrate your loved one. Choose one or more of the following remembrances to observe alone or to share with others who also loved the one you lost. ..”
Annie’s “How to Cope with Grief and the Holidays” Page,
Grieving During The Holidays © Ferna Lary Mills
Surviving the Holidays After a Loved One’s Death
I always get depressed over the holidays
Written by Lynette Hoy NCC, LCPC
“Advice: Many people suffer from bouts of depression or the blues at different times during the year. During the holiday season people encounter memories of loved ones they have lost through death or divorce or friends who have moved away. People experience stress and difficult family reunions over the holidays. Depression is a growing problem. In fact, psychologists have said that we live in an “age of depression.”

…I know personally that when I am obeying Christ and trusting in His love for me, I have an inner joy that overflows, a zest for living, and a love for other people. Practically, here are some steps to help you cope and overcome the depression that might set-in after the holidays:..”
Coping with Grief at Christmas Stacie Ruth Stoelting

Mark Schultz – Different Kind of Christmas (Live)

“Written in honor of Mark’s late father-in-law, Different Kind of Christmas resonates with those who have ever had to go through the holiday season after losing a loved one. Join Mark in honoring the legacy they left behind by celebrating the life of those who are no longer with us.

What are some ways to comfort them?

Good News Death

Deep Thought: Why is the Bible so “contradictory” or is it?


Does the Bible Contradict Itself?, October 3rd, 2012 By Robert A. Ratcliff
“..So, does the Bible contradict itself? In one sense, of course it does. The Bible is not one book after all, it is a library of books gathered, compiled, composed, and edited over the course of centuries. That one book or passage should disagree, even substantially, with another is only inevitable.

But in another sense we can say that when the Bible is contradicting itself it is at the same time conversing with itself. One text speaks to another, challenging it, probing it, shedding new light upon it. The internal conversation going on in Scripture creates some of the Bible’s most important messages. If the Bible speaks the word of God (and I believe it does), then it is above all a dynamic word. The truth of Scripture is not static; it is changing, it is growing, and where there is growth there is usually friction….”

Does the Bible Contradict Itself?- How to think about differences in scripture By Preston Sprinkle April 20, 2015
“Most people answer this question either with an adamant “Yes!” or passionate “No!” Too often, though, both sides fail to understand or represent the other side. Not everyone who says that the Bible contains contradictions is an angry, arrogant, card-carrying atheist. And not everyone who believes there aren’t any contradictions is a backwoods, unscientific, raging fundamentalist with his head in the sand…

What “Contradictions” Look Like

First, it’s important to distinguish between contradiction and difference. Just because two passages are different, doesn’t mean they contradict each other. For example, Matthew 27:5 says that Judas hung himself, while Acts 1:18 says that he fell to the ground and burst wide open. These are two different accounts of Judas’ death, but they are not formal contradictions. A contradiction would be one passages saying, “Judas hung himself and died” and another passage saying, “Judas didn’t hang himself; rather, he threw himself from cliff and splattered on the ground.”..

Answering for the Bible

…For instance, for the longest time critics laughed at the blatant error in Daniel 5:1, where Belshazzar is named king of Babylon. Every historian knew that Nabonidus was the king at this time, not some guy named Balshazzar. That is, until archaeologists discovered an inscription known as the “Persian Verse Account of Nabonidus,” where it says that Nabonidus went away for a long journey during this time and left the kingdom in the hands of—you guessed it—his son Balshazzar. Contradiction solved…



4 Responses to the Problem of Violence in the Bible February 6, 2015 by John Dickson
….4. You must read the narrative through the lens of the New Testament.
“This is the most important response to the problem of Old Testament violence. Christians are forbidden to read Joshua as a justification for modern war, for Jesus said to love your enemies (Matthew 5:44) and turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). That doesn’t mean wars are never justified — they can be, on other grounds. My point here is that we cannot achieve God’s kingdom ends through violence.
This is not picking and choosing which bits of the Bible we like and don’t like. It is how Christians have always read the Bible as two testaments. Like a ‘prism’ that causes light to refract into the full spectrum, the life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus transforms many things — including circumcision, food laws, and holy war. For Christians, the only holy war the Bible endorses is the spiritual one Paul mentions in Ephesians 6: the fight against error and sin….”

“The underlying theme behind our ‘Glimpses of Truth’ series is the idea that before we had the full revelation of God in Jesus, people only caught glimpses of him. He showed himself, but like the sun on a cloudy day, people’s view was obscured by their culture, so what they saw was not the full revelation but one marred by their own expectations and fallenness.

But despite this, there were still a few instances in the Old Testament where we can see glimpses of the Christ-like God that we know..”

Why Does God Kill Innocent People in the Old Testament? – YouTube

THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Published on Jul 18, 2017

Please watch: “The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!”… –~–
Why does God kill innocent people in the Old Testament but commands us not to do so? In doing so, does this not make God both a murderer and a hypocrite? Why does God kills and order His people to kill entire nations including babies and seemingly innocent people? Why does God kill is one of the questions that atheists will use to suggest that God is not good. This video gives 6 reasons why God kills innocent people in the Old Testament.


The BEAT helps people grow spiritually by providing truth, training and teaching from the word of God.

Islam Perspective

Verses of Violence: Comparing the Bible and Quran
9:30AM EST 12/16/2015 Michael Brown
“…How can anyone compare the two?

Jesus is called the Lamb of God in numerous texts, speaking of His sacrificial death on the cross, and He is worshipped by Christians as the Lamb who was slain. Do Muslims commonly think of Muhammad in those terms?

The issue here is not whether it’s appropriate for Christians to defend themselves against terrorist attacks or whether Christians should serve in the military.

The issue is that the early Christians were killed for their faith rather than killing others for their faith. The early Muslims did, in fact, kill others for their faith, and many have continued to do so through the centuries.

So, when a Christian is killed by a radical Muslim for refusing to deny his faith, both the Christian and the Muslim can point to their leaders—Jesus and Muhammad—and say, “I am following the example of my leader,” one by being killed for his faith, the other by killing for his faith.

I’m quite aware of ugly aspects of Church history, including the violence of the Crusades (in particular, against European Jews who were not part of the military conflict between Christians and Muslims), but examples such as this prove the larger point: They are horrific exceptions to the rule and they are without New Testament support…”
Satan’s Advocate

“Islam has been under huge scrutiny lately and is often criticized for being an aggressive religion…
but what about Christianity?

In this video we disguised a Bible as a Quran and read some of it’s most gruesome verses to the people. This is what they had to say.

Flying Hijacked Planes into Glass Houses Presents

“…Strategic omission is just one way that Muslim apologists manipulate Biblical passages. (In this case, The American Muslim editors did not even include an ellipsis in place of the omission, since it may have raised the suspicions of the reader).

The next passage that The American Muslim claims promotes violence is from the apostle Paul, who writes:

“Hymenaeus and Alexander I have delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.” (1Timothy 1:20)

The violence in the passage is not exactly evident from this reading. In the context of the previous verse, these two men “suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith,” but there is nothing to indicate that they were physically harmed as a result. It was the practice of the early Church to excommunicate apostates, and there is every reason to believe that this was the “fate” of these two individuals. They were expelled from the Church by Paul. The Christian Church does not advocate killing apostates.

Contrast this with the words of Muhammad:

“Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'” (Bukhari 84:57)

Not much ambiguity there. Abu Bakr, the first caliph and several other Muslims testified that Muhammad had indeed put Muslim apostates to death. For this reason, the practice is coded in Islamic law.

The next passage that is supposed to inspire Christians to violence is the recounting of David’s victory against the Philistines:

“This day the LORD will deliver you into my..”…..

more on “Giants”, Nephilims, etc..


Is the Bible sexist against women? from
“Hi Paul,

I do not believe God is “against” women. The passage to which you are referring is 1 Timothy 2:12, “But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.” On its face, this may seem a sexist position. Why can’t women teach? Aren’t they as knowledgeable as men? Aren’t they as smart? This line of thinking takes the passage out of context, though.

The above passage (along with several others) is meant to set down the structure of leadership in the church as an organized body. Before I go into detail on this, let me first explain what it is not saying. Warren Wiersbe gives us a great account of how the New Testament approaches women.(1)

The Bible does not say that a woman cannot teach a man about Christ. Priscilla, along with her husband, taught Apollos the way of God more accurately (Acts 18:26).
It does not say women cannot exercise spiritual gifts. The four daughters of Philli…”

*see What is a women’s role in the “church” from a Biblical perspective?

BIG Life Questions?

What are some BIG life questions you may have about faith (e.g. Christianity)?Answering the Big Questions of…

Posted by Sal Monteagudo on Saturday, June 7, 2014

Above are just a “few” examples out there that I found within the last 30 minutes of re”search”, which I’ll share more later as it’s past my bedtime. Till I get back on this topic, feel free to share any other questions, feedback, resources (e.g. websites), etc..

Good News Philosophy

Peace: How can we live with Muslims?

I decided to write this after seeing all the “negativity” towards this religion of Islam. As a Christian, my heart goes out for them with all the “bad” media in social networking lately. I also “feel” for them because of my personal experiences of “racism” and being falsely accused as a “terrorist”.

I remember during the Persian Gulf War (early 90’s), a so-called “friend” was joking that I looked like the “enemy”. Then after 9-11, a couple of kids said I “looked” like a “terrorist”. This was so embedded in my mind that I remember I was afraid of leaving my house after the 9-11 attacks as I was scared of people accusing me as a “terrorist”. In fact, I remember some couple emotionally spilled their gut to me saying, “We let “them” come to our country and they do this to “us”.

The “media” got many of “us” to go through “Islamaphobia”. I was even scared of mingling with some “newcomers” to Morris from Pakistan that happened to be Muslim. I ended up befriending him and would end up housing 2 more Muslims to live with me afterwards.

My view of “Muslims” totally changed after these experiences and now I’m trying to do my best to change the “negative” image the “media” has protrayed on them.


Everything is a Lie

Published on Jul 13, 2018

Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – Episode 340 – American Voice Radio, July 13th, 2018 –
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What is Eid al-Adha? – YouTube

Appreciating Eid al-Adha through the Biblical Texts Gallery November 9, 2011
“..This week, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid al-Adha or Qurbani Aid – the festival of sacrifice – to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son upon Allah’s command. This festival also marks the end of Hajj. According to Muslims’ account, Allah spared Ishmael upon seeing Abraham’s devotion and commanded him to sacrifice a ram instead.

The animal sacrificed for Eid al-Adha is cut in thirds, one third is donated to those less fortunate, one third offered to friends, and one third eaten in a celebratory dinner with family. Muslims who could afford to give symbolizes their willingness to give up upon Allah’s command through this animal sacrifice.

While the Islamic teaching says that Ibrahim (Abraham) was commanded by God to sacrifice Ishmael, Christians believe that Isaac was the one to be sacrificed. Among philosophers and theologians in the modern times, the rhetoric of the discourse was not on who was supposed to be sacrificed, but leaned towards principled and ethical questions. Soren Kierkeegard, for example, purported that ethical standards did not apply to divine command…”

Can Christians Trust Muslim Hospitality? JAYSON CASPER AUGUST 24, 2018 10:32 AM
Arab theologians counsel Americans fearful of “taqiyya,” Islam’s alleged permission to lie, around Eid al-Adha and Ramadan holidays.
“..The holiest of Islam’s two yearly holidays is Eid al-Adha; in Arabic, “the feast of the sacrifice.” This week, on August 21, Muslims worldwide slaughtered sheep, remembering how God saved Abraham from sacrificing his son Ishmael.

Wait, Ishmael? Not Isaac?

Though the Qur‘an doesn’t name the son, Muslims believe it was the ancestor of the Arabs that God used to test Abraham’s faith. Should Christians understand this as a theological error? Or an outright lie?

The identification matters, because Isaac is a prefiguration of Jesus, whose sacrifice saved man from his sins. Religions often have differing traditions; and for Christians, Muhammad’s conscience in founding Islam is unknown. But some Christians today are comfortable delving into the conscience of everyday, ordinary Muslims, finding deception at every turn.

The idea is called taqiyya: that Muslims are permitted by their faith to lie if it will advance the cause of their religion….

But beyond extremists, certainly some Muslims have an agenda. How can the American Christian discern? And should some Christians examine themselves?

“The Bible calls us to love our neighbors and our enemies. It is impossible to know someone’s intentions with certainty, and anyone is capable of having negative intentions,” said Salim Munayer, executive director of the Jerusalem-based Musalaha reconciliation ministry…

Munayer agreed with Accad’s perspective on taqiyya, and described positive interfaith initiatives in the Holy Land. But he had a message to share from one minority to another.

“We should encourage Muslims in America to speak up for religious freedom for Christians in the Middle East, where Christians are a minority,” he said….

Rather than trying to judge whether or not a Muslim is practicing taqiyya, Wahba recommended 1 Corinthians 13.

“Love believes all things,” he said. “If you fear a Muslim is not honest, it will build walls. But love will go to him and build bridges, and be a means of witness to the gospel.”

Practically speaking, do not be afraid to join Muslims if invited to holiday celebrations, whether the recent Eid or Ramadan’s iftar fast-breaking. Trust God is at work no matter their heart, said Wahba.

“Love is stronger than lying. It is not about them, it is about me.”

Islamaphobia Stories:


Two men stabbed to death on Oregon train trying to stop anti-Muslim rant Sat May 27, 2017 | 8:42pm EDT

By Alex Dobuzinskis

(Reuters) – A man fatally stabbed two passengers aboard a Portland, Oregon, commuter train after they tried to stop him from harassing two young women who appeared to be Muslim, police said on Saturday.

Police identified the assailant, who was arrested soon after the Friday afternoon attack, as Jeremy Joseph Christian of Portland, a 35-year-old convicted felon.

A senior researcher with the Southern Poverty Law Center, in a blog post, said Christian’s Facebook page showed he held “some racist and other extremist beliefs.”

The attack unfolded hours before the start of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, when most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims observe a daily religious fast.

Christian started shouting ethnic and religious slurs, apparently at the two young women, one of whom wore a Muslim head-covering, the Portland Police Department said in a statement.

Three men who intervened were stabbed. Ricky John Best, 53, of Happy Valley, Oregon died at the scene, while Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, 23, of Southeast Portland died at a hospital, police said. A third victim, Micah David-Cole Fletcher of 21, Southeast Portland, remained in a local hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries, police said.

Christian was booked on two counts of aggravated murder and charges of attempted murder, intimidation and being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon, and was ordered held without bail. His arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday.

The women, who had left the train before officers arrived, were later in contact with authorities, according to police, who have not released their identities.

Dyjuana Hudson, the mother of one of them, told The Oregonian newspaper her 16-year-old daughter, who is black, boarded the train with a Muslim friend, also a teenager, who was wearing a hijab.

The attacker approached the girls while screaming at them, Hudson told the newspaper, relaying an account her daughter had given her. “He was saying that Muslims should die,” Hudson said.

On Friday police said detectives wanted to speak to the two women. A detective later took a statement from her family, Hudson told the paper. She could not be reached for comment.

Police declined to release details of Christian’s criminal history, but the newspaper reported he had been convicted of robbery, kidnapping and weapon charges, citing court records. It was not immediately clear if he had obtained an attorney.

The suspect had no known affiliation with a criminal gang member nor any mental health history, police said.

In a statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations blamed an increase in anti-Muslim incidents in part on President Donald Trump’s focus on militant Islamist groups and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

The administration has said that while it strongly opposes Islamist militants, it has no quarrel with Islam.

A Facebook page that appears to belong to Christian mentions “Jihadi Muslims” among people he disliked. The image on the page matches a photo of Christian released by police.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Tom Brown and James Dalgleish)”


Minnesota Vikings fan victim of hate speech at stadium
By: Jonathan Choe Posted:Dec 09 2015 06:15PM CST
“MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP) – A Minnesota attorney says he was verbally assaulted with hate speech from a belligerent Minnesota Vikings fan at Sunday’s game against the Seattle Seahawks.

In an op-ed in the Star Tribune, Deepinder Mayell, the director of the Advocates for Human Rights’ refugee and immigrant program, wrote that a man in his section approached him in the stands and demanded to know if he was a refugee, claiming he needed to “make sure” he was not a refugee.

The 35-year-old told Fox 9 he and three friends reported the incident to security staff, who confronted the man. In the end, the fan was allowed to remain in the stadium for the rest of the game.

“I think something struck with him because he said ‘I’m sorry.’ He did apologize,” Mayell said.

Mayell believes it happened because this fan is afraid of extremist Muslims linked to terrorism. Mayell, who is a Sikh American, says he is tired of being lumped into this group because of the color of his skin.


Police seeking Minnesota man charged with setting Somali-owned restaurant on fire, By: Rachel Chazin Posted:Dec 13 2015 05:40PM CST
“..EAST GRAND FORKS, Minn. (KMSP) – Grand Forks police have issued an arrest warrant for 25-year-old Matthew Gust, of East Grand Forks, Minn., who was charged Friday with arson to a Somali-owned restaurant.

According to the Grand Forks Herald, the Juba coffee shop is owned by a Muslim family who immigrated to the U.S. more than 15 years ago. The attack came just days after a Nazi-like symbol and the words “go home” were spray-painted on the restaurant’s exterior.


-Tom Clancy

Who Killed Tom Clancy…The Obama Administration…the real Manchurian Candidate..the sequel
Thursday, September 11, 2014 19:23
“…Clancy was killed because he was getting too close to a secret they don’t want the world to know. Dr. Garrow, executive director of The Bethune Institute, states Obama had Tom Clancy killed, noting that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Strangely (or not), doctors did not perform an autopsy on Clancy’s body for 5 days.

He said the Obama administration is made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Garrow said it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals. This is why all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.”
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Tom Clancy

-Philip Haney

Philip Haney: See Something Say Nothing

2,357 views‱Oct 26, 2017
11.3K subscribers
DHS Whistleblower and counterterrorism expert, author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

PHIL & the Hidden Domestic Threat
QNavyBy QNAVY 6 days (today is 2.29.20) ago116 views

PHIL & the Hidden Domestic Threat

Truthification Chronicles
50.2K subscribers
Phil Haney was a patriot first class, and until the end of his life, he worked to expose the hidden domestic threat that could take down our government.

DHS Whistleblower Exposes Government’s Submission To Jihad (FULL Press Conference)

22,045 views‱Jun 17, 2016
9.48K subscribers
One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion.

A Closer Look: The Origins and Evolution of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood connection with the British & Freemasons | Dr. Raslan (Documented)

The Muslim Brotherhood – The Globalists’ Secret Weapon by Peter Goodgame 2002 from RedMoonRising Website
In fact the Egyptian monarchs, from Khedive Ismail to King Fouad, were made honorary Grand Masters at the start of their reigns. From 1940 to 1957 there were close to seventy Masonic lodges chartered throughout Egypt. At one time the leaders of the Nationalist and Wafd parties were Freemasons, and many members of the Egyptian parliament were Masons as well, where they mingled with the military commanders and aristocrats of the ruling British occupation. (2)..

..The bottom line is that the Muslim Brotherhood’s success could not have been achieved without the approval of the British ruling establishment, and al-Banna’s association with the Masonic Brotherhood goes far to explain how efficiently it was organized and how seamlessly it fit into Egyptian society. Like the Masonic Brotherhood it was established initially as a charitable organization. However, while Freemasonry was liberal and allowed members of all faiths to join, the Muslim Brotherhood was focused specifically on Islam. It was Masonry for Muslims only. Like Masonry the Muslim Brotherhood was devoted to secrecy and it was run according to a pyramidal command structure. The foot soldiers at the bottom had no idea of the true goals of the leaders at the top….

In any case, by the end of 1954 thousands of Brotherhood members were imprisoned, including almost all of its leaders, and six were executed. It was this break that paved the way for a new relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the intelligence services of Britain and America because all of them were united in their hatred of Nasser. Unfortunately for the West the Brotherhood remained largely ineffective within Egypt throughout Nasser’s reign, even though they were involved in several more attempts on his life. During this time many fleeing members were welcomed in London, where they set up a presence that remains to this day, and a number of them also relocated in Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia….

Over the course of Sayed Qutb’s life he published 24 books, as well as a 30-volume commentary of the Koran. Today his work inspires fundamentalist Muslims within Egypt and around the world and his life is held up as an excellent Islamic example of how to carry oneself in the face of persecution and hardship.

The last of the revolutionary Islamic ideologists that we will focus on is an Iranian by the name of Ali Shariati. Here is another concrete connection between the Islamic movement and Freemasonry, because Ali Shariati was himself a Mason. His father, Muhammad Taqi Shariati, was a Mason as well who was also, at least at one time, an agent for the far eastern division of British Intelligence. (18)

Ali Shariati was born in 1934. He went to school in Mashad and grew up in the shadow of his father who led a revolutionary Islamic center called the Center for the Propagation of Islamic Truth. After Prime Minister Mossadegh was overthrown and the Shah took over Ali Shariati joined the National Resistance Movement. In 1957 he was arrested with his father and a handful of other activists and spent six months in prison.

The Shariati family had powerful friends in high places and Ali was accepted to the prestigious Sorbonne University in France. He began his studies there in 1960, receiving a doctorate in sociology and Islamic history. While in France he was exposed to, and captivated by, a group of elitist intellectuals known as the Existentialists. This was a group of anti-capitalist and anti-materialist writers that included Jean-Paul Sartre, Frantz Fanon, Albert Camus, Jacques Berque, Louis Massignon and Jean Cocteau. Shariati also developed a fine appreciation for many Marxist ideas…

Finally in 1976 Ali Shariati was able to make an escape to London and there while waiting to catch a plane to meet up with members of his family in the Untied States he died of a brain embolism. The usual allegation, now almost universally accepted, is that SAVAK agents assassinated Shariati with the use of a poison needle dart dipped in cobra poison. The fact remains that although the Shah hated Dr. Shariati and the repressive philosophies he advocated the cause of Shariati’s brain embolism has never been proven.

Hasan al-Banna predicted three generations before the Islamic movement would take over the Middle East. He said that the first generation would demand “listeners” and he, Sayed Qutb, Mustafa al-Sibai, Abul Ala Maududi, and Ali Shariati were a few of the most prominent strategists laying the ideological groundwork for the modern Islamist movement. The next generation was predicted by al-Banna to be a generation for “fighting.”…

In Afghanistan the CIA, prodded on by British Intelligence, began to fund the Islamic opponents of the pro-Soviet regime even prior to the Soviet invasion. President Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinski advocated the subversion in order to provoke the Soviet invasion that occurred on December 24, 1979.(14) General Zia and the Jamaat-e Islami in Pakistan were two crucial elements that made the mujahedin revolt in Afghanistan successful. Their takeover of Pakistan was a necessary part of the plan to pull the Soviets into the Afghan conflict. As related in Part One, an Afghan warlord affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood by the name of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar emerged as the primary recipient of American military aid, despite his well known anti-Western views and his radical view of Islam.

..In Syria the Muslim Brotherhood revolted against the Assad regime and took over the city of Hamah. The Syrian government’s siege against the Brotherhood stronghold lasted for three weeks. 6,000 soldiers and 24,000 civilians were killed in the intense fighting and in the aftermath 10,000 more residents were arrested and placed in internment camps. Afterwards the Syrian government showed evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood forces had been armed by the West.

*see Neutral Perspective: ISIS was created by Global terrorists or Global State governments?

This explosion of violence throughout the Middle East in the late ’70s and early ’80s was referred to by Zbigniew Brzezinski as the “Arc of Crisis.” It was not something that occurred by chance, but was in fact the result of the deliberate plan developed by the Globalist strategists such as Dr. Alexander King, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and British operative Dr. Bernard Lewis. The Middle Eastern “Arc of Crisis” was not a spontaneous internal conflagration, it was something that came about as a result of Western policy in league with the Muslim Brotherhood. Without help from the West radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous…

Years later he was implicated in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison where he now sits. His two sons carry on the jihad as members of Al Qaeda and close followers of Osama bin Laden. They were highlighted in the cache of Al Qaeda videos that were recently publicized on CNN (see the clip “Roots of Hatred”). Sheikh Rahman is still the recognized spiritual leader of the Islamic Group, and its members have vowed to take revenge on America if the diabetic Sheikh dies in his American prison.

Ayman al-Zawahiri was also arrested in connection with the assassination. After spending three years in prison he was released, whereupon he soon rose to the top of Islamic Jihad, taking over in 1993, and then linking up with Osama bin Laden in Sudan. After he fled Egypt he based his operations in Geneva, Switzerland, working under the cover of the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Islamic Center led by Said Ramadan. (15) (With whom Malcolm X had his famous correspondence just weeks prior to his assassination by Elijah Mohammed’s Black Muslims.)…

*see GoodnewsUSA.Info 9-11-01

“..Robert Dreyfuss summarizes the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in the few paragraphs below. These words were written in 1980, but they are just as true today,

“The real Muslim Brotherhood is not the fanatical sheikh with his equally fanatical following, nor is it even the top mullahs and ayatollahs who lead entire movements of such madmen; Khomeini, Qaddafi, General Zia are exquisitely fashioned puppets.

The real Muslim Brothers are those whose hands are never dirtied with the business of killing and burning. They are the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchical elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

And the Muslim Brotherhood is money. Together, the Brotherhood probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate liquid assets, and controls billions more in day-to-day business operations in everything from oil trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and gold and diamond smuggling. By allying with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Anglo-Americans are not merely buying into a terrorists-for-hire racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial empire that extends from numbered Swiss bank accounts to offshore havens in Dubai, Kuwait and Hong Kong.” (19)..

In 1979 Dr. Azzam left Saudi Arabia and was one of the first Arabs to join the Afghan jihad. He was the lead Saudi/Palestinian representative of the Muslim Brotherhood. The 22-year old Osama bin Laden followed soon after and together they established the Maktab al-Khidamat, MAK, or Mujahideen Services Bureau based in Peshawar, Afghanistan. Their organization linked up with Pakistan’s Muslim Brotherhood organization, the Jamaat-e Islami. The MAK worked to recruit fighters to join the jihad and by the late 1980s there were branches of the MAK, known also as the Al Kifah Organization, in fifty countries around the world.

During bin Laden’s Afghan years the MAK developed close relations with Pashtun warlord and Muslim Brother Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Azzam and Hekmatyar both held anti-American views, but Hekmatyar’s were more pronounced, even though it is estimated that his group, the Hezb-e-Islami, received up to 40% of the American aid channeled to the mujahedin through the CIA and the ISI.(12) During the 1980s Azzam also traveled throughout the USA meeting American Muslim groups, raising funds and recruiting fighters for the jihad. He set up major Al Kifah centers in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Pittsburgh, and Tucson, and smaller Al Kifah branches in thirty other American cities.(13) In this way the militant Muslim Brotherhood message was dispersed throughout the United States and recruits were brought into the jihad.

According to respected Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid the Afghan war escalated in 1986 when the CIA made three strategic decisions.(14) First, to provide the mujahedin with American made Stinger missiles. At the height of the war it is estimated that the mujahedin averaged 1.5 kills per day of Soviet and communist Afghan aircraft. The second decision was one promoted by British Intelligence and the ISI to launch guerilla attacks into Soviet territory in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

American aid to the mujahedin ended almost precisely at the moment the Geneva Accords were signed. The Soviets were leaving and so the West congratulated itself on achieving a victory. For the United States the war was over and the CIA did not want to participate in creating an Islamist regime in Afghanistan that would undoubtedly be anti-American. As a result Hekmatyar, Azzam, bin Laden and the Islamist warlords were left feeling betrayed and used.

At the end of 1989 Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia. He was welcomed as a celebrity and a hero, but he remained bitter about the political infighting that was consuming Afghanistan and cynical of the ruling House of Saud. He turned back to his family and he briefly took up a job within the Bin Laden Firm working in road construction. He was 32, and almost a ten-year veteran of the Afghan war, but his jihad days were just beginning. The Muslim Brotherhood had further plans for him.


212,952 views‱Feb 19, 2019
Smile 2 Jannah
231K subscribers
In a supposed free, transparent and democratic society, why are our leaders part of such secret and sinister groups, and why is it considered acceptable?

*see Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?


Wounded British soldier shuts up anti-Muslim racists with epic message
08 Tuesday Dec 2015 Posted by Tom Pride in hopeless naivety

Cool Facts

10 Famous Muslim-Americans You Didn’t Know Were Muslim

“Published on Jan 13, 2015

Islamaphobes can forget how much Muslim-Americans have contributed to our country. And while we don’t condone intolerance of any religion, it is nice to remind ourselves of the famous and great Muslim-Americans who have changed the United States for the better.

Don’t forget guys, if you like this video please “Like,” “Favorite,” and “Share” it with your friends to show your support – it really helps us out! If there’s something you’d like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow 🙂

Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions, exposes amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific!”

Who is Steve Jobs’ Syrian immigrant father, Abdul Fattah Jandali?
“Steve Jobs is well known as an arch innovator from California’s Silicon Valley – founding Apple Computer, NeXt and Pixar, and helping to bring to the world the personal computer, Mac, iPhone and iPad, as well as movies such as Toy Story and Finding Nemo….

…Less well known is the fact that while Steve Jobs was born in California he was actually adopted, and his biological father was a political migrant from the Syrian city of Homs, now devastated by the civil war in Syria.

On Twitter this fact has now gone viral, starting via a tweet by David Galbraith, and further exposed by the BBC World Service’s Outside Source programme. It remains a powerful statement, especially following the ISIS atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and now mainland Europe.

While some people are horrified at the numbers fleeing Syria, and worry about the consequences of other countries taking on millions of refugees, the tweets point out that previous Syrian migrants have boosted the West’s culture, business and technology – most notably the biological father of Steve Jobs – Abdul Fattah Jandali, who is still alive (aged 84) and living in Nevada…”

The Muslims who shaped America – from brain surgeons to rappers Stuart Jeffries Tuesday 8 December 2015 14.34 EST
32 Super Famous People Who Are Also Muslims,
9 Famous Americans You Probably Didn’t Know Were Muslim Ben Winsor Oct. 27, 2014, 4:07 PM 632,539
“Still, there are more than 2.5 million American Muslims, making it the third-largest religion in the US.

While Muslims account for just 0.8% of the population, they have faced rising discrimination and prejudice since the 9/11 attacks 13 years ago. With the rise of groups like the Islamic State now seeking to promote their brand of violent extremism, that may be unlikely to end anytime soon.

A recent poll reported that 62% of American’s didn’t personally know a Muslim, so here’s a list of 9 Muslim Americans you probably will know…”

The Black Eyed Peas – Where Is The Love?

*see Music: Karaoke-“Where is the Love” (partial)

Any thoughts, feedback, suggestions, etc.. on anything related to the content above or that wasn’t mentioned? Feel free to share below…thanks!

Good News Peace

Deep Thought: Why doesn’t God “heal” everybody?

I (Sal-> my personal testimony of God’s healing) was at a “healing” service this past week at a “non-church” building. There were many people that actually got “healed” completely and others that “felt” better. One of the people in the audience asked this question-“Why doesn’t God heal everybody?”..

I immediately thought of doing a blog on this topic and look for answers:

Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone?
What Does the Bible Say About Healing?
By Mary Fairchild Christianity Expert
…Biblical Reasons God May Not Heal

“Now, before we dive in, I want to admit something: I don’t fully understand all of the reasons God does not heal. I have struggled with my own personal “thorn in the flesh” for years. I’m referring to 2 Corinthians 12:8-9, where the Apostle Paul stated:

Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. (NLT)

Like Paul, I pleaded (in my case for years) for relief, for healing. Eventually, like the apostle, I resolved in my weakness to live in the sufficiency of God’s grace.

During my earnest quest for answers about healing, I was fortunate to learn a few things. And so I will pass those on to you:..”

Dependent On…?

-Anointed Oil

Anointing oil has no value to healing – Pentecost Apostle Religion of Saturday, 25 November 2017
“..He added that “in the healing ministry of Jesus, He never anointed the sick with oil”.

According to him, “the apostles used oil once when Jesus sent them to go and preach (Mark 6:13). Since Jesus was not practising that, it could be that the apostles did this, from their Jewish background. After the death and resurrection of Christ, we did not see the apostles who were with our Lord Jesus anointing the sick with oil for healing purposes”…”

Anointing Oil Fritz Chery February 17, 2016

“..Not only is anointing oil being used wrongly in the U.S. It is being abused in other countries such as India, Haiti, Africa, etc. Unsaved televangelists and crooks are selling these oils for $29.99. It makes me mad. People are actually selling the healing of God…”


Towards the end of this service last week. I joined the “speaker” to lay hands on a particular person that has been battling “migraines” for years. She’s had prayer countless time, which the “speaker” replied it could be many unknown reasons (e.g. food allergies, environmental factors, etc..)

I thought of another possible answer why certain people don’t get healed for certain “health” conditions. The “speaker” used to have cancer and would get prayer countless times-no healing! He eventually got free of cancer after therapeutic exercises. I remember going to do a “treasure hunt” (ministry outreach) with his mother around the community. We went to the grocery store and I ended up buying a grocery item with sugar. The mother of the “speaker” told me she stopped eating foods with processes sugar since his son was free from cancer. They don’t want the caner to come back by going back to his “old” eating lifestyle of eating processed sugar.

This particular story is just one example of “why” some people haven’t been healed unless they change their lifestyle.

Good News Health

*see Good News Health & Fitness


*be encouraged of others being healed (see Stories of healing?

What’s Blocking My Healing? | Ask Sid

“Published on Sep 29, 2013

Download my FREE eBook of Biblical healing Scriptures for you to meditate on and pray over your life daily:
Why am I not getting healed? Sid answers your questions on healing.”

James 5:14 and Healing
Paul Kroll
“..What does the Bible as a whole and our experience teach about divine healing? Our experience and the many biblical examples and principles that bear on the subject show that not every sick or infirm person has been healed by divine healing. Even as you are reading this, there are many faithful Christians around the world who are sick and who have asked God for his healing, but who have not been healed.

Scripture also contradicts the idea of automatic divine healing. The Bible records numerous cases where righteous people were ill and were not healed. For example, Isaac and Jacob were blind in their later years. Elisha died of an illness. Timothy is spoken of as having “frequent illnesses” (1 Timothy 5:23). Paul said of one of his co-workers in the gospel, “I left Trophimus sick in Miletus” (2 Timothy 4:19). The apostle Paul himself suffered an infirmity that was not healed (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). The continuance (rather than healing) of Paul’s illness or infirmity had a purpose – God’s strength could operate in him through his weakness. The same may be true for many other Christians today…”

HOW to get HEALED: God’s Opinion About Healing and Helping People – Inspirational Videos

HOW to get HEALED: God’s Opinion About Healing and Helping People from revpcoad on GodTube.

“Powerful Teaching Looking at The Scriptures to See God’s Opinion about Healing and Helping People. Enjoy! – Rev. Patrick Coad – “


Perseverance in Prayer

The “speaker” shared about how a person got “completely” healed after several prayer trials/attempts during a “past” healing healing service. One of the people at the “non-church” venue last week applied this, which he got “better” and “better” after folks prayed for him several times.



Praying with authority

How to Use Your God-Given Authority | Billye Brim on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!

*”blood of Jesus” (“Power in the name”!)

How to receive healing in the name of Jesus – YouTube


Why Am I Not Healed? Steve Hannett Has the Answer | Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!

“Published on Feb 12, 2017

Click here to order your copy of Unleashing Heaven’s Breath & Glorifying God Through the Miraculous:

On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017, Steve Hannett says your breakthrough, your healing, your miracle is just a breath away. Steve says that ANY believer in Jesus can be healed of ANYTHING if you get connected with heaven! And he wants to connect you.

Healing Code

pt.2 Healing Codes -Another way to Heal the heart
“..Cellular memory is that scientists now believe that illnesses, such as cancer, occur when a bad cellular memory replaces a good one. Bad cellular memories can contribute to depression, addiction, and psychological trauma as well. Scientists are working to find out how cells develop these memories, and how they can be changed.

Many in the medical community feel that when we get sick, we need to address five core issues: negative emotions, negative thought patterns, conscious beliefs that are not what they should be, actions and behaviors, and the physiology of their body. But Loyd says these five issues are not the ailments themselves, but merely the symptoms of a deeper, underlying problem. He explains that what is really at the core of all illness is what he calls the issues of the heart, or your core spiritual issues.

Heal the cell memories, replace the bad ones with good ones, and pain and illness will disappear.

As King Solomon said 3000 years ago, “Guard your heart above everything else, for from it flows all of the issues of life.” Addressing matters of the heart, or spiritual beliefs, will allow you to heal your cellular memories. And once the memories have been changed, the cells themselves are able to be healed, and your hypothalamus turns off the stress signals to the body. This, in turn, allows your body to heal. (Cellular Memory and its Role in Healing by Jack Hugo on May 2, 2012)

So what he is saying is that cells go bad from experiences, stress; and his new method of healing can remove this damage.

“The healing code is not a religious thing it works like gravity, The Healing codes work because of physical laws of nature” It is not a religious process but a physical mechanical process. (Larry Napier- spiritual foundations of healing). If that is so, then why do they refer to it as a spiritual healing? Why do they use the Bible Scriptures to support it?..”

Bible Healing Code (Updated)

*intermittent fasting
*see Health: Benefits of “Fasting”?
*cancer cells feed on glucose (e.g. Ketogenic diet)
*see Health: Nutrition-Macronutrients


Is it Always God’s will to heal someone? | Bill Johnson Ministries
“..How can God choose not to heal someone when He already purchased their healing? Was His blood enough for all … The only time someone wasn’t healed in the Bible (gospels) is when the disciples prayed for them. For example, Mark 9 when …..”
Pursuing Miracles But Facing Disappointment by Steve Backlund
“..We pray this excerpt from Steve Backlund’s church leadership book, Help! I’m a Pastor, would offer keys and encouragement to you as you pursue miracles and healing in your life and the lives of those you lead…”


Miraculously Healed While Reading the Bible –

41,573 views‱Mar 18, 2013
The 700 Club
322K subscribers

When Sue was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of her life, her apathy towards God began to change… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN

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Neutral Perspective: U.S.A. did NOT and did have a Christian founding?

5 Uncommon Facts About July 4th Independence Day – YouTube

National Treasure – OfficialÂź Trailer [HD] – YouTube


The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

by Jim Walker
Originated: 11 Apr. 1997
Additions: 26 Dec. 2004
“…Of course many Americans did practice Christianity, but so also did many believe in deistic philosophy. Indeed, most of our influential Founding Fathers, although they respected the rights of other religionists, held to deism and Freemasonry tenets rather than to Christianity…

Moreover, the mentioning of God in the Declaration does not describe the personal God of Christianity. Thomas Jefferson who held deist beliefs, wrote the majority of the Declaration. The Declaration describes “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” This nature’s view of God agrees with deist philosophy and might even appeal to those of pantheistical beliefs, but any attempt to use the Declaration as a support for Christianity will fail for this reason alone…”

-Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, a Brief Biography (Born April 13, 1743, at Shadwell, Virginia; died July 4, 1826, Monticello)
‘..Jefferson inherited slaves from both his father and father-in-law. In a typical year, he owned about 200, almost half of them under the age of sixteen. About eighty of these lived at Monticello; the others lived on adjacent Albemarle County plantations, and on his Poplar Forest estate in Bedford County, Virginia. Jefferson freed two slaves in his lifetime and five in his will and chose not to pursue two others who ran away..”

10 Things You Should Know About Thomas Jefferson* Before You Tour ‘Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello’
By Michael Coard · 4/11/2014, 9:00 a.m.
*America’s great, patriotic (slaveholding and slave-raping) third president.
9. He was a liar

His friend from the American Revolution, Polish nobleman Tadeusz Kosciuszko, came to America in 1798 to receive back pay for his military service. He then wrote a will directing Jefferson to use all of Kosciuszko’s money and land in the U.S. to “free and educate slaves.” Jefferson agreed to do so. After Kosciuszko died in 1817, Jefferson refused to free or educate any of them..”

Anti-Christian Thomas Jefferson quotes – YouTube

The Masonic Influence In The Foundation Of America

Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers of America
Disclosure Nation
“Published on Jun 11, 2014

Masonic conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories involving Freemasonry; hundreds of such conspiracy theories have been described since the late 18th century. Generally, these theories fall into three distinct categories: political (usually involving allegations of control of government, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom), religious (usually involving allegations of anti-Christian or Satanic beliefs or practices), and cultural (usually involving popular entertainment). Many conspiracy theory writers have connected Freemasons (and the Knights Templar) with worship of the devil; these ideas are based on the doctrines of those organizations.

Of the claims that Freemasonry exerts control over politics, perhaps the best-known example is the New World Order theory, but there are others. These mainly involve aspects and agencies of the United States government, but actual events outside the US (such as the Propaganda Due scandal in Italy) are often used to lend credence to claims.

Another set of theories has to do with Freemasonry and religion, particularly that Freemasonry deals with “the occult”. These theories have their beginnings in the Taxil hoax. In addition to these, there are various theories that focus on the embedding of symbols in otherwise ordinary items, such as street patterns, national seals, etc.

There are Masonic conspiracy theories dealing with every aspect of society. The majority of these theories are based on one or more of the following assumptions:

That Freemasonry is its own religion, requires belief in a unique Masonic “god”, and that belief in this Masonic “god” is contrary to the teachings of various mainstream religions (although usually noted in terms of being specifically contrary to Christian belief)

That the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite is more than an honorary degree, coupled with the belief that most Freemasons are unaware of hidden or secretive ruling bodies within their organization that govern them, conduct occult ritual, or control various positions of governmental power

That there is a centralized worldwide body that controls all Masonic Grand Lodges, and thus, all of Freemasonry worldwide acts in a unified manner

Scott Wolter has investigate many of these claims and here He Joins Capricorn Radio’s James Swagger to discuss his findings. Interview by James Swagger with Scott Wolter @ Capricorn Radio”
*see 17:00 minute mark on Runestone in Kensington, Minnesota

America Was Founded by the Illuminati November 4, 2015 by David Livingstone
“..We speak about the occult “conspiracy” as if it were going to erode the status quo.

In fact, as David Livingstone explains, the occult conspiracy is a fait accompli. Modern Western “civilization” is built on the denial of spiritual Reality, i.e. man’s connection to God through our soul. The United States was created by occultists to impose this Godless, i.e. Satanic, dispensation on the world. Society truly is a satanic cult…

These ideals were then enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence, the United States Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. As a cryptic clue to their true origin, the Declaration of Human Rights adopted in France after the Revolution features several prominent occult symbols.

First, is the Illuminati symbol of the All Seeing Eye within a triangle, now found on the Great Seal of the United States. Underneath the title is an Ouroboros, an ancient Gnostic symbol of Satan, found in Western alchemy. Underneath it is a red Phrygian cap, derived from the pagan Mysteries of Mithras. The entire Declaration is guarded by the twin Masonic pillars. As the Bonnet, the orator at the Grand Orient Assembly boasted in 1904:

All the members of the Boston Tea Party were Freemasons who belonged to the St. Andrews lodge in the city. Arguments about the taxes levied on the American colonies by the British finally came to a head in 1773, with the passing of the Tea Act.

The British, attempting to save the East India Company from bankruptcy, arranged for the delivery of tea directly to the colonies. In revolt against the new tax they had to pay, a group of Boston citizens disguised as Native Americans raided the East India Company’s ships in the city harbor, and threw their cargo overboard.

Among the fifty-six American rebels who signed the Declaration of Independence, only six were not members of the Masonic Order. Their success lead to the establishment of the first modern secular state. The purpose of removing the role of religion from the state was ostensibly to limit the sort of persecution that had become habitual in Europe…

In September 18, 1793, President George Washington dedicated the United States Capitol. Dressed in Masonic apron, the president placed a silver plate on the cornerstone and covered it with the Masonic symbols of corn, oil and wine.

The plan of the city of Washington DC itself was designed by Freemason and architect Pierre Charles L’Enfante in the form of a pentagram, or five-pointed star. In 1848, in a Masonic ceremony, the cornerstone was laid of the Washington Monument, an obelisk or pillar, like those formerly dedicated to the dying gods of ancient Middle East…

Another great piece by Livingstone. Only thing I would add is that the Declaration of Independence was not written by Thomas Jefferson, who did not claim authorship until 1821. It was written by Thomas Paine, ideological hit man dispatched by Ben Franklin from Britain to America in 1774 to write COMMON SENSE and then the Declaration…

Paine could not be acknowledged as author of the Declaration because (1) he was not an elected official; (2) he was not an American; and (3) he was virulently anti-Christian, as seen in his book THE AGE OF REASON, written in France where he became an honorary citizen and member of the French National Convention after the bloody revolution there.


-Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine – Journalist, Inventor –
“..born in Thetford, England, in 1737, to a Quaker father and an Anglican mother. Paine received little formal education, but did learn to read, write and perform arithmetic. At the age of 13, he began working with his father as stay maker (the thick rope stays used on sailing ships) in Thetford, a shipbuilding town…

..Paine arrived in Philadelphia on November 30, 1774, taking up his first regular employment—helping to edit the Pennsylvania Magazine—in January 1775. At this time, Paine began writing in earnest, publishing several articles, anonymously or under pseudonyms. One of his early articles was a scathing condemnation of the African slave trade, called “African Slavery in America,” which he signed under the name “Justice and Humanity.”..

Thomas Paine and Christianity By Smilodon’s Retreat ‱ Jan 3, 2015

“..Arguably, Thomas Paine is the Father of the American Revolution. His two pamphlets, Common Sense and The American Crisis (both published in 1776), were the foundation of a break from Britain and independence for the colonies.

Many people have heard the phrase “These are the times that try men’s souls”. That came from The American Crisis.

He was also a very early (if not the first) Humanist. He argued for the ending of slavery. He accepted science and social progress. He was unafraid to consider new ideas, looking at how the Iroquois could live in nature and have democracy.

There are quite a few good lines in there, but the upshot is that it appears Thomas Paine believes in a god. This would make him a deist.

Look at how he describes Christianity; “strange fable”, “the notion of a Trinity of Gods has enfeebled the belief of one God”, “notion instead of principle”, “all this nonsense”, “there is none more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself, than this thing called Christianity”.

And note the last bit of that last paragraph, where Paine describes what Christianity really is. It’s an engine of power, of control. It takes wealth from the people and gives to the church leaders and gives nothing in return.

Thomas Paine could have been writing about Joel Osteen, the Pope, or L. Ron Hubbard for that matter. All of these (and more like them) have more control, power, and wealth than their position and their religion requires.

The Most Shocking, Rare Quotes of THOMAS PAINE – YouTube

EVERYONE MUST KNOW THIS before it is deleted, Why is the US government always hiding it

Click on pic below for more “Social Studies & U.S. History” References….

Christopher Columbus: The Secret Jew
“..In 1492, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had issued an edict of ejection regarding the Jews. It decreed that every person of Jewish ancestry had to leave Spain or be executed. As a result, several Jewish businessmen went to Christopher Columbus, a Genoese Jew whose family had supposedly converted to Christianity under duress, and pledged to finance his efforts to discover a new land. They purchased two of the three ships that carried Columbus and his sailors across the ocean to find the territory that would later become known as the Americas…

Why was this so crucial? King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were seeking a means to unite the country and had selected Tomás de Torquemada as the Inquisitor General for most of Spain. The harassment began with attempts to drive out Jews, Protestants, and nonbelievers. Benzion Netanyahu, father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was one of the world’s leading scholars on this era, and wrote a great deal about the Marranos and conversos (Spanish Jews) and the basic reasons behind the attacks on them. According to Professor Netanyahu, the persecution launched against the Jews was mainly based on “racial hatred and political considerations rather than by religious zeal.”

..Columbus’ initial voyage was funded not so much by Queen Isabella’s jewels, but mostly by a group of wealthy Jews
Columbus hoped to find a source of gold — perhaps King Solomon’s mines — in Asia in order to recapture the city of Jerusalem from the Muslims and fund the restoration of the Temple
Columbus hoped to find a place of refuge for Christians and Jews alike in order for them to escape the horrors of persecution descending upon Spain
Columbus traveled with a Jew who spoke Hebrew in hopes of finding the ten Lost Tribes during his trip to the New World….

But, as we have just read, that was not his only aim: he wanted to deliver the gold of Ophir, the bounty of King Solomon’s mines, to the monarchs who had financed his endeavor…

Columbus had also mentioned to those willing to listen that he was seeking a route to India. Why would this have piqued the interest of Jews in Spain and made some of the wealthy willing to invest in Christopher’s voyage? The answer is a bit convoluted but provides great insight.

Judah was not the only son of Jacob the patriarch; he also fathered the heads of the other eleven tribes of Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin. From the vagaries of Hebrew history two dominions developed, one in the South (Benjamin and Judah) and one in the North (the remaining ten tribes). Some 700 years before Christianity emerged, Assyrian kings attacked the northern tribes and carried the inhabitants—except for those in Samaria—to Babylon. The number of captives is impossible to calculate. Three years after the initial invasion, Samaria was captured, and its peoples taken into captivity….

At a juncture in history when anti-Semitism had reached a fanatical note in Spain, Columbus discovered a New World to which the Jews could escape the oppression of the Church in Europe. With abundant determination and bravery, the Jews eventually won the privilege of observing their religion in that New World.

*see Deep Thought: Where are the “original” Tribes of Israel?



Was America Founded As A Christian Nation? Bill Flax , Contributor Sep 25, 2012 @ 09:51 PM 368,782 views
I explore the intersection of economics and culture.
“…The most damning evidence of a non-Christian past is a humiliating 1797 treaty with the Barbary Pirates. President Adams sought to stem unremitting Muslim raids against Mediterranean shipping and protect American sailors from African slavery. This obscure treaty submitted, “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”..”

Did America Have a Christian Founding? from

“…A fourth possibility is that the Founders acted as Christians in their private and/or public lives. Some historians have argued that the Founding cannot be called Christian because some Founders did not join churches, take communion, or remain faithful to their spouses. Moreover, in their public capacity, they did not act in a Christian manner because they did things such as fight an unjust war against England and did not immediately abolish slavery.[5]..

2. The War for Independence

On the surface, the War for American Independence appears to be an inherently un-Christian event. The Apostle Paul, in Romans 13, seems to leave little room for revolution: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained by God. Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”

Historically, Christian thinkers have taken this and similar biblical passages to prohibit rebellion against civic authorities. However, in the 12th century, some Christian scholars began to allow for the possibility that inferior magistrates might overthrow evil kings. …

The 56 Men who Signed The 1776 Declaration Of Independence 4 Jul 2014 by Volubrjotr

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Forgotten Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Bill of Rights

Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, and American Government

Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-5) | Principles of the … – YouTube

Bill of Rights Guaranteed Religious Liberty Dan Graves, MSL
“…For the most part, those who were for the federal system were for the constitution as it stood. Those who opposed a federal system, wanted more guarantees of rights. Several state conventions asked for such a bill. Thomas Jefferson urged that they be given their wish. A “bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.” The U. S. Congress agreed and by a two thirds majority passed ten amendments to the constitution, called the Bill of Rights.

On this day, December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified. It is significant to church history because of its first Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..” This amendment was the result of long centuries of efforts by religious groups such as the Quakers and Baptists to obtain religious liberty.

The first amendment meant that the Federal government of the United States could not establish a national church, such as was common in many other nations. Anyone could worship as he or she pleased and the Federal government could not say “boo” except under special circumstances.

Federal civil rights are not obligatory for states, however. At the state level, established churches continued to exist for some years.

Many battles have been fought in the courts over just what this amendment means. Today, when its words are used as an excuse to forbid children to pray in school or read a Bible on school property, it is good to remember that in the understanding of the generation that adopted the amendment was not that the government should oppose religion or deny it the same rights of expression enjoyed by other organizations, but rather that it not impose a national religion nor stop people from engaging in their preferred form of worship. It guaranteed freedom for worship, not freedom from religion.”

The Separation of Church and State in the United States
Online Publication Date:
Dec 2014 Steven K. Green
‘..Scholars of American religion have long debated whether and to what extent religion served as an “energizing propulsion” for the American Revolution and informed the political principles that underlie the nation’s founding documents. Unquestioningly, however, matters of religious liberty were of great concern to the founding generation, though they were secondary to the more pressing issues of military success and national unity. As the new states organized their governments and experimented with various models of representative democracy, they also addressed questions about the appropriate relationship between religion and government. The change that transpired over a short period was truly remarkable. In fifteen years, after the onset of the American Revolution, the number of religious establishments was effectively reversed with ten of fourteen states (now including Vermont) either disbanding their establishments or declining to enact legislation to support their previous systems. Most states also liberalized rules that had imposed political disabilities (e.g., public office holding) on dissenting groups. At the national level, the authors of the Constitution inserted a ban on any religious test for public office holding, while the First Congress drafted a constitutional amendment prohibiting a religious establishment and protecting the free exercise of religion. By the time the last state (Massachusetts) disestablished in 1833, a phrase had arisen to represent the distinctly American pattern of church-state relations: separation of church and state.3

Separation of church and state has been part of the nation’s legal and cultural nomenclature since the early 1800s. Judges, politicians, educators, and even religious leaders have embraced church-state separation as central to church-state relations and a cornerstone of American democracy. The Supreme Court first employed the term “separation of church and state” in 1879 as shorthand for the meaning of the First Amendment’s religion clauses, stating “it may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the amendment.” To this day, most Americans support the principle of church-state separation as one of the hallmarks of American government. Although the phrase is not found in the Constitution, no organizing theory has had a greater impact on the way Americans conceptualize the intersection of religion, culture, and politics than the principle of church-state separation.4..”

DID Have..

Faith of Our Fathers-

Christianity and America’s Founders
“…The pilgrims were followed to New England by the Puritans, who created bible-based commonwealths. Those commonwealths practiced the same sort of representative government as their church covenants. Those governmental covenants and compacts numbered more than 100, and were the foundation for our Constitution.

New Haven (Connecticut) and Massachusetts were founded by Puritans who wanted to reform the Church of England, who later became known as Congregationalists. Roger Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island based on the principle of freedom of conscience. Pennsylvania was established by William Penn as a Quaker colony. Maryland was a haven for Catholics from Protestant England.

America was indeed founded by bible-believing Christians and based on Christian principles. When they founded this country, the Founding Fathers envisioned a government that would promote and encourage Christianity.

All but two of the first 108 universities founded in America were Christian. This includes the first, Harvard, where the student handbook listed this as Rule #1: “Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life, John 17:3; and therefore to lay Jesus Christ as the only foundation for our children to follow the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”

In 1777. Continental Congress voted to spend $300,000 to purchase bibles which were to be distributed throughout the 13 colonies! And in 1782, the United States Congress declared, “The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.”

So, let us take a look at some of the lives and words of our Founding Fathers to see whether they were Christians or whether history has been revised…”

3:47 / 11:06

“Published on Nov 22, 2012

Most Americans have been conditioned to believe and to assume that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires a “wall of separation between Church and State.” This concept is seldom challenged today.

But it is not actually a part of the Constitution or any of the Amendments;
It did not exist until well into the twentieth century.

The establishment and free-exercise clauses of the First Amendment state: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

The meaning was crystal clear to Americans and American jurisprudence for generations.

Very simply, the federal government was prohibited from establishing a single national denomination above all others (a state religion—endowed with public funding, special privileges, and penalties on other faiths that reject its doctrines—as Great Britain had) and secondly, the federal government could not interfere with the individual’s right to freedom of worship.

The purpose of the First Amendment was not to protect Americans from religion, it was to protect religion from government intrusion. This “understanding” is in full and obvious accord with the raison d’etre of the Bill of Rights to limit the federal government’s power and thereby secure the freedom of individuals and the rights of the states. The Bill of Rights was a declaration of what the federal government could not do. …”

-Thomas Jefferson

A True Story About Thomas Jefferson July 18, 2014
“..With regard to Thomas Jefferson, deconstructionism is alive and well.

Many historians considered Jefferson the brightest of the Founding Fathers. He was a true renaissance man. The election of 1800 between Jefferson and John Adams was said to be the dirtiest election in American history. Stories were printed daily about both candidates that were flat out false, but many believed what they read and had an impression of Jefferson that simply wasn’t true. In David Barton’s The Jefferson Lies he writes about a story that more accurately portrays Jefferson’s personality:

“Jefferson was not only unassuming and humble but he was also good-natured, and his manners never deserted him—even to those who opposed him. For example, on one occasion while returning on horseback to Washington, he greeted a passing pedestrian. The stranger did not recognize President Jefferson, but the two began a friendly conversation that soon turned to politics. The man began to attack and deride the president, even repeating several of the lies that had been spread about him. Jefferson was amused and he asked the man if he knew the President personally? ‘No,’ was the reply, ‘nor do I wish to.’ ‘But do you think it fair,’ asked Jefferson, ‘to repeat such stories about a man and condemn one you dare not face?’ ‘I will never shrink from meeting Mr. Jefferson should he ever come in my way’ replied the stranger.

Jefferson then promised him that if he would come to the White House at a certain time the next day, he would personally introduce him to the president. The next day the stranger appeared for the meeting and was taken to meet President Jefferson. The man was immediately embarrassed and began to apologize, but Jefferson, with a grin on his face, laughed off the apology and extended his hand in welcome greeting. The two then spent several hours in delightful conversation, and when the man rose to depart, Jefferson prevailed on him to stay for dinner.” Barton, 211-212

An Action to Take: Communicate this story and the concept of “deconstructionism” with two other people this week.

Charles Carroll 1737-1832
“..Charles Carroll was the last surviving member of those who signed the Declaration. He died, the last survivor of the signers of the Declaration, in 1832 at the age of 95…

Charles Carroll of Carrollton – The Signer


“..By 1800, Carroll had retired from politics to concentrate on his business affairs. Considered the largest slaveholder at the time of the Revolution, and owning nearly 400-500 blacks, he became president of the American Colonization Society (1828-1831) seeking to solve America’s slave problem by resettling them in Africa. Carroll became one of the founders of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company and invested in the Bank of Maryland, the Bank of Baltimore and the First and Second Bank of the United States. He held many shares in canal, turnpike, bridge and water companies in the Washington-Baltimore regional area. He purchased $40,000 of state-backed securities to build the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, serving on its first board of directors…”

James Madison and Religion in Public
“..First, Madison was publicly outspoken about his personal Christian beliefs and convictions. For example, he encouraged his friend, William Bradford (who served as Attorney General under President Washington), to make sure of his own spiritual salvation:..

Madison even desired that all public officials – including Bradford – would declare
openly and publicly their Christian beliefs and testimony:

Madison was a member of the committee that authored the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights and approved of its clause declaring that:

It is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity toward each other.[3]
(emphasis added)

Madison’s proposed wording for the First Amendment demonstrates that he opposed only the establishment of a federal denomination, not public religious activities. His proposal declared:

The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established. [4] (emphasis added)

(Madison reemphasized that position throughout the debates. [5])

in 1789, Madison served on the Congressional committee which authorized, approved, and selected paid Congressional chaplains. [6]

in 1812, President Madison signed a federal bill which economically aided a Bible Society in its goal of the mass distribution of the Bible. [7]

throughout his Presidency (1809-1816), Madison endorsed public and official religious expressions by issuing several proclamations for national days of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving. [8]..”

The Christian Belief of James Madison Bill Fortenberry
“..So, does this letter by James Madison support the claim that he was not really a Christian but rather a deist? Not in the least. In fact, it proves the exact opposite since in the first section of the letter, Mr. Madison stated expressly that Christianity is the best and purest religion, and in the same paragraph as the quoted portion, he affirms that Mr. Adams “ably maintained” his position that America is a Christian nation. ..”

God Save America Again documentary (Full) Crusade to Save our Nation!
*see Deep Thought: Where are the “original” Tribes of Israel?

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