Neutral Perspective: Covington High School Students “NOT” Behaved or “Behaved” at Washington D.C. Mall?


WaPo Issues Correction after Falsely Labeling Nathan Phillips a Vietnam Vet [The National Review]
Jack Crowe
,The National Review•January 22, 2019
“…Phillips initially told the Post and a number of other prominent media outlets that he was surrounded and harassed by a group of MAGA hat-wearing students from the all-male Covington High School in Kentucky while he was peacefully demonstrating near the Lincoln Memorial during the annual March for Life on Saturday. That account, which was supported by a partial and misleading video clip of the incident, went viral and led to the targeted harassment of the boys and their families.

Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”..”

Native American activist Nathan Phillips has a criminal record By Yaron Steinbuch January 24, 2019 | 9:18am | Updated
“..Phillips actually spent most of his time in the Marines as a refrigerator technician after initially being an anti-tank missileman for four months, had not been deployed outside the US and never saw combat, according to the corps…

Phillips, who has described himself as a “Vietnam times veteran,” told the Washington Post in 2000 that he had been “a Marine Corps infantryman,” without mentioning that he had been a refrigerator tech for most of his service….

Phillips stood toe to toe with Nick Sandmann, who was wearing a red “Make American Great Again” cap, moments after the 16-year-old and his classmates ran into several members of the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Phillips, who had just attended an Indigenous Peoples March, has said he approached the students to try to defuse the tension between them and members of the radical group.

Sandmann — whose family quickly hired the Louisville-based public relations firm RunSwitch PR — on Wednesday denied that he was “disrespectful” toward the elder after he was criticized online for appearing to smirk at Phillips.

He also told NBC’s “Today” show that he’d like a sitdown with Phillips, who has offered to visit the Kentucky school to lead a dialogue about cultural understanding.”

Covington High viral controversy, moment by moment recall – YouTube

Students “NOT Behaved

MAGA Teens mock Native American Covington High School Indian …

Covington Catholic apologizes over students mocking Native American, threatens expulsions

Neutral Perspective

*see Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?

God’s Take On the Covington High School Incident! – YouTube

Students “Behaved”

The Truth About the “MAGA Kids” Story

Behar: Covington Catholic Incident Happened Because “We’re Desperate To Get Trump Out Of Office” Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date January 22, 2019
“… WHOOPI GOLDBERG, HOST: Many people admitted they made snap judgments before these other facts came in. But is it that we just instantly say that’s what it is based on what we see in that moment and then have to walk stuff back when it turns out we’re wrong? Why is that? Why do we keep making the same mistake?

JOY BEHAR: Because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office. That’s why.

ABBY HUNTSMAN: Not everybody though…”

Tucker Carlson: Covington story was not about race but about people in power attacking people they’ve failed By Tucker Carlson | Fox News (January 22nd 2019)

“..But did the video really describe what happened? That should have been the first question journalists asked. Checking facts and adding context is what journalists are paid to do. It’s in the first line of the job description. Yet, amazingly, almost nobody in the American media did that.

That’s a shame, because there was a lot to check. The full video of what happened on Friday in Washington is well over an hour long. The four minutes that made Twitter don’t tell the story, but instead distorted the story. A longer look shows that the boys from Covington Catholic in Kentucky weren’t a roving mob looking for a fight. They were, in fact — and it shows it on the tape — standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus.

As they waited there, members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacist…”

Fake News Slanders MAGA Teens Being Harassed by … – YouTube

Student in standoff with Native American defends his actions – video report Wed 23 Jan 2019 15.23 EST
Last modified on Thu 24 Jan 2019 05.56 EST
“..The Kentucky high school student filmed in an apparent standoff with a Native American activist in Washington DC says he was ‘not disrespectful’ during the interaction, as a spokesman for Donald Trump said students from Covington high school may be invited to the White House

‘I wasn’t smirking’: Kentucky student defends position with Native American..”

Rep. Adam Koeing Discusses the Covington High School … – YouTube

Why liberals believed the Covington High School story – YouTube

Celebrities walk back attacks on MAGA hat students

What Really Happened during Covington Catholic, Black … – YouTube

USA Today Reporter Kirsten Powers Apologizes for ‘Judgmental and Condemning’ Tweets About Covington Students The Wrap Itay Hod,The Wrap Mon, Feb 18 6:02 PM CST
“After a hiatus from Twitter, CNN contributor and USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers has returned to apologize for what she says were “judgmental and condemning” tweets about an incident involving Covington High School students, a Native American elder and a group of Black Israelites last month….

“As a Catholic I felt duty bound to speak up and hold them accountable, but that really isn’t my job,” she wrote. “I also don’t believe these teenagers should be tarnished forever for what amounts to one really bad day.”

Powers ended her thread with a pledge “to do better.”..

2) I work hard to see
every side of an issue and also speak up when I see a wrong. But indoing that I am too often judgmental and condemning–both on and off social media–in a way that iscontrary to my belief system and my faith.

— Kirsten Powers (@KirstenPowers) February 18, 2019

4) Yes, this applies in the Covington case. This will please nobody because I still believe the teenagers were disrespectful, but my tweets were lacking in grace. As a Catholic I felt duty bound to speak up and hold them accountable, but that really isn’t my job…”

Good News USA

Deep Thought: How can Schools be more safe for teachers?

Violence Against Teachers a ‘Silent Epidemic’

Students assaulting teachers

WMAR-2 News
Published on Feb 26, 2013
Students assaulting teachers

Community raises more than $100,000 in support of high school teacher filmed brawling with student in class Yahoo Lifestyle
November 6, 2018
“..People have donated more than $100,000 in support of a California high school teacher who was arrested after he was captured on camera brawling with a student.

Music teacher Marston Riley, 64, was taken into custody on suspicion of child abuse and causing great bodily injury on a child after the brawl broke out at Maywood Academy High School in Maywood, Calif., on Friday. However, in spite of this, members of the community have banded together to donate tens of thousands of dollars to support Riley, according to a GoFundMe started in his name.

“We all may have mixed feelings about what happened,” wrote Cecilia Diaz Jimenez, who created the fundraiser page to support the teacher. “But please do know that this is not the first time that Mr. Riley is [sic] attacked; physically or verbally. He is a great person and a great teacher.”

The footage in question shows Riley punching the student as the pair faced off in the classroom on Friday. Riley had initially asked the student to leave the classroom because he wasn’t wearing a proper uniform, Los Angeles news station KTLA reported…”

A band teacher-Marston Riley was arrested after he defended himself from a student who hit him ..

Published on Nov 4, 2018
A band teacher-Marston Riley was arrested after he defended himself from a student who hit him with a basketball,called him multiple epithets, & continued to threaten him. This kid should have been arrested & the teacher called a hero….

Teachers should be paid 100k

Colleagues defend teacher charged with pummeling student for calling him N-word By Alexandra Klausner November 5, 2018 | 11:25am | Updated
“…Even as a female campus officer appears to intervene, Riley continues to pummel the student.

The teen, who has not been publicly identified, was treated for mild to moderate injuries at a local hospital and released, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.

Students told KTLA the fight began when Riley asked the student to leave the classroom because he wasn’t wearing a proper uniform. The boy refused. One student began recording the spat and captured the teen hurling racial slurs at Riley, who is black.

“It was just back and forth, back and forth, and then the teacher just decided to throw a punch and that’s when everything happened,” one student told CBS.

Some students, parents and teachers defended Riley on social media — instead blaming the student for using racial slurs against him.

“We all may have mixed feelings about what happened. But please do know that this is not the first time that Mr. Riley is attacked; physically or verbally. He is a great person and a great teacher,” reads a description on the fundraising page.

“He was a really nice teacher, I always respected him. He always had a really good relationship with every student,” a student told KTLA.

Still, other parents were left disturbed by the situation.

“Just the fact that he’s hitting a child — it’s not right,” one mom told NBC…”

Hurt while “breaking-up fights”

Central High teacher in wake of student attack: ‘It’s like I’m watching my life as a movie’ By Josh Verges | | Pioneer Press
PUBLISHED: April 27, 2016 at 1:57 pm | UPDATED: April 27, 2016 at 4:31 pm
“The Central High School teacher who was hurt breaking up a lunchroom fight Dec. 4 hopes to return to work in the fall once he feels more like himself.

John Ekblad, 55, said in an interview this week that he’s slowly recovering from the headaches, nausea, memory loss and numbness in his right side. But a hand tremor makes it a struggle to lift food to his mouth, and he’s battling anxiety and memory loss.

“My big thing is anxiety — that ain’t me,” he said. “It’s like I’m in my body somewhere and I want to come out. It’s like I’m watching my life as a movie.”..”

Teachers losing their SH*T Compilation (Teachers vs Students)

Violence against teachers leads to increased absenteeism – SADTU

SABC Digital News
Published on Jun 15, 2018
On the eve of National Youth Day, teacher union SADTU says violence against teachers has led to increased levels of absenteeism. It’s even contributing towards some leaving the profession. These attacks have been widely captured on social media. A warning to sensitive viewers that some of the following content in this package is violent.

At least 40 teachers assaulted by students during the school unrests witnessed in 107 secondary

KTN News Kenya
Published on Aug 2, 2018
At least 40 teachers were assaulted by students during the school unrests witnessed in 107 secondary schools in 14 counties. The Teachers’ Service Commission says the affected teachers have been transferred even as TSC CEO, Nancy Macharia, dismissed claims that delocalization of teachers was to blame for the unrests. This emerged when various education stakeholders appeared before the parliamentary committee probing school unrests.

Watch: Student assaults teacher 10 times in classroom | क्लास में टीचर पर कातिलाना हमला

Zee News
Published on Oct 13, 2017
A student of a school in Haryana’s Jhajjar has assaulted a teacher in class. The student attacked teacher multiple times. Watch to know more.

Good News Education

Deep Thought: Did you know “Yeshua” was “mentioned” in the “Torah”-“Old Testament”?

Jesus in the Old Testament

Jesus’ References to Old Testament Scriptures by Rich Robinson | May 16, 2017
“..his article lists many references to the Old Testament found on the lips of Jesus in the Gospels. They have been organized by the three divisions of the Old Testament: Torah (Five Books of Moses), Prophets (or Nevi’im), and Writings (or Ketuvim)…

The two greatest commandments

In the next instance, Jesus replies to an inquiry by citing the two greatest of all the 613 commandments of the Torah. Why are they the greatest? Because all the others can be placed under one or the other of these. Note that while the Torah has “all your might,” in Matthew Jesus says “all your mind.” Variations like that were common (the Greek translation of the Torah has “all your strength”) and all the more in verbal conversation. Perhaps Jesus wanted his inquirer to think more deeply about things!

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37–39, cf. Mark 12:28-34)..

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:5, cf. Leviticus 19:18)..”..

*click pic above for full chapter that includes the same verse read/quoted by Jesus/Yeshua

Jesus Christ in the Torah (The Books of Moses)

Jesus In The Old Testament – YouTube

Who Was Melchizedek and Why Was He So Important? Chara Donahue
“Genesis introduces Melchizedek – a “priest of God most High,” as he blesses Abram. He is mentioned again in Psalms, but we aren’t alerted to how much attention we should give him until we see his name again in the book of Hebrews. For as much mention the author of Hebrews gives to Melchizedek we know it is worth our time to discover who he is and what he was about. Each word of the Bible should be held with reverence because we know each one was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 110: is talking about Jesus, “’You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.’” The Matthew Henry Concise Commentary said this about the Psalm:

“[Jesus] is the Priest of the order of Melchizedek, which was before that of Aaron, and on many accounts superior to it, and a more lively representation of Christ’s priesthood.”

So who is this man who was an imperfect foreshadow to Jesus and why should we care?..”

Did Jesus Appear in the Old Testament? (Melchizedek Mystery REVEALED!)

AoC Network
Published on Apr 25, 2017
Did Jesus show up in the Old Testament? And Who is Melchizedek?Find out the Shocking Answer to this Mystery HERE!

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About the Speaker:
Jerren Lewis attended Beeson Divinity School obtaining a Masters of Divinity and completed his Clinical Pastoral Education residency at Princeton Baptist Medical Center serving as a hospital chaplain. Jerren is a Biblical Studies teacher at AoC Network. He and his wife, Stacey, have two sons.For inquiries contact us via email at:

“.. Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. ..”-Genesis 14

Good News Philosophy

Deep Thought: Why people have “suicide” thoughts ?

Suicide Rates In America Are Up. By A Lot. – Newsy – YouTube

Published on Apr 22, 2016
The number of suicides in the U.S. has been steadily rising since 1999, especially among women.
Between 1999 and 2014, the overall suicide rate climbed 24 percent, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s a rate of 13 per 100,000 people.
While rates for males remained higher, suicide among females rose 45 percent.
And among young girls between the ages of 10-14, the rate rose 200 percent to 1.5 per 100,000 people, though the number of suicides within that group still remained comparatively low.
Women ages 45-64 had the second-largest increase: 63 percent to 9.8 per 100,000 people.
The CDC report doesn’t go into what could be behind the change, but it’s worth noting the greatest increases happened between 2006 and 2014 — during and after a major economic recession in the U.S.
Counselors with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline are available 24/7 to help those in crisis. The number is 1-800-273-TALK.”

Ever thought about “suicide”? Why ? What was going on in your life that might’ve gave you that thought. You might be actually “currently” thinking of it right now? I thought of it “a lot” growing-up when I was in my “pre-teen” years. Why? There were many reasons (e.g. bullied, family-life, life overall, etc..). Here are some other similar related stories..

What Leads To Suicide – YouTube

Why Do People Commit Suicide? – YouTube
Published on Jun 19, 2013

Global suicide rates are rising. In order to understand what’s going on, and how best to prevent this trend from continuing, Laci examines the underlying factors that lead people to take their own lives.”

The bridge between suicide and life | Kevin Briggs

Published on May 14, 2014
“For many years Sergeant Kevin Briggs had a dark, unusual, at times strangely rewarding job: He patrolled the southern end of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, a popular site for suicide attempts. In a sobering, deeply personal talk Briggs shares stories from those he’s spoken — and listened — to standing on the edge of life. He gives a powerful piece of advice to those with loved ones who might be contemplating suicide.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at”

Why we choose suicide | Mark Henick | TEDxToronto

Sal: I’ve talked to some “friends’ out of suicide before , which I’ve learned to just “listen” and be always “open” for God to use me. However, it wasn’t like this all the time. During high school, I had 3 classmates (one was a former close friend of mine) from my class that committed suicide. It was very difficult for me back then and somewhat still to this day as I’ve wrestled with some “thoughts” of regret (see story of forgiveness) .

I witnessed a suicide | Joseph Keogh | TEDxPSUBehrend

Finding Hope?

I found “hope” when I got to college. Suicide thoughts became a non-issue for me as I found a personal relationship with God. My friends would tell me the “good news” and I saw a lot of joy and hope in their life, which drew me to want that same “thing” they had. I would later also get a “bigger” perspective of life by listening to other people’s “more” challenging life issues. I started to realize what I was going through was “less challenging” compared to others. I learned about the blessings I really had along, which I never thought about it until I reflected how much more “grateful” and “thankful” to God more of what I have despite the “challenges” I’ve faced.

Here are some other similar stories

Powerful Testimony | How God Saves from Suicide – YouTube
Licy Be
Published on Jul 26, 2016

A testimony of salvation and faith. Licy Be ( | @licybe) is now a Christian spoken word and rap artist from Kingdomcity in Perth, Australia. She has gone on to complete her Masters Degree in Applied Psychology and uses her faith and music to reach out to others who are broken and struggling with their mental health, depression and suicide.
Licy Be explains how God connects the dots in our lives and has a plan for us that is beyond our understanding. She also talks about how easy it can be to reach out to someone by faith and save a life.

You never know how your actions might affect the life of another person. God works in incredible ways and He desires to bring us closer to Him.

Suicide affects so many people, in fact 1 million people die by suicide each year. Licy Be is now on a mission in life to reach out to others struggling in order to show them that there can be hope in even the darkest of places.

A major focus of this testimony is to point people towards God, and services that are able to help at your time of need. If you need help right now, Licy Be currently partners with a number of suicide prevention and support organisations including Revolution Red & The Roar Effect (, TheHopeLine (, Youthline (, Lifeline WA ( and many more. It is intended that this testimony can be used as a tool around the world to raise awareness of suicide prevention via social media and other communications channels so anyone is welcome to share or use this video.

What Does the Bible Say About Suicide? –

Scriptures for Hope and Faith. Relaxing Music and Soaking … – YouTube

What gives you hope? Where can you find it? Feel free to share down below to “encourage” others that are looking for it!

Good News Mind

Good News Hope

Deep Thought: Life Purpose- Just “graduated”..what now?

What are you going to “do” now? What are your plans after graduation? What’s next? These are just some of the many questions graduates (and even non-graduates too) ponder as they are frequently bombarded with by family members, friends, etc.. I “graduated” from college almost 19+ years ago and sometimes “ponder” some of these questions too. However, as one gets “older”, we tend to find more of that “purposeful life” as we grow (hopefully most of us) in “wisdom”. I decided to do this blog topic to “encourage” those in similar boats..

If you just recently graduated…congratulations!

You deserve the recognition and accolades! It’s a big accomplishment! I current and have been working with “high school dropouts” in getting their G.E.D. or high school diploma. One of my oldest student was in her 50’s! It’s not that easy for many due to the various different “life challenges” and circumstances each person faces. In fact, this leads to one possible idea on what to do “next”! Pay it forward, help (e.g. volunteer) someone in your local community (e.g. community ed) get their G.E.D. You know something that many people don’t and you can share that knowledge with others. This brings up to this video I recently found as a great start in that “journey” in finding that “purpose in life”..

How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu

Who YOU are?
1-What’s your #name (what does it mean)?
2-What are you “good” (#talents #skills) at?

OTHER people
3-Who do you do it for (How do you #serve them?)?
4-What do they want you #need (How can you #help people?)?
5-How do they #change or #transform what you give them? (#makeadifference) ?


#happypeople make other #happy

Did you find answers to all the questions above? Good! You are already on your way to a finding answers that many people my age or older don’t know already. I encourage you to share these answers with as many family members and close love ones. They might build on these answer and help direct you to the many questions you pondered earlier mentioned above or beginning of this blog.

Best Graduation Speeches for that “Next Step”

The Valedictorian Speech that will change your life

A speech of a lifetime and life itself comedically written and presented by Valedictorian Carl Aquino, a 2010 graduate from West Hall High School. He humorously relates the four years of high school to a rubix cube with some music in the background…”

Sal: Don’t forget to look back at times (e.g. difficult seasons) to reflect on the “accomplishments” you made!

The Most Inspiring Speech: The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life | Rick Rigsby

Published on Oct 5, 2017
Make an Impact: Rick Rigsby delivers a powerful speech on how his father’s teachings have guided him through the most troubling times of his life. Are you Inspired? Order Dr. Rick Rigsby’s book, “Lessons from a third grade dropout” here:

► Watch all our inspirational videos:…”

#rickrigsby #lessonsfroma3rdgradedropout #beaman ”
“I’m worried you won’t #fail at times” #cancer #faithinGod #juststand #keepstanding #dontgiveup “Doesn’t matter how long I live, but how I live” #dontjudge #showupearly #bekind #doittherightway #dotherightthing #seekwisdom

WATCH THIS EVERY DAY – Motivational Speech By Navy Seal Admiral William H. McRaven

Still need guidance..daily? Personally ask God (“Creator”) yourself! I got this from this book called-“Purposeful Driven Life” by Rick Warren..

Ever been to an art museum and trying to figure out what a unique painting or sculpture is about? Well, if the “creator” or “artist” was there, would it be easier to find the answer if you ask them for yourself. That goes with a song you wonder what it’s “meaning” was about too.

Put God First – Denzel Washington Motivational & Inspiring Commencement Speech

For more tips or if you would like to share your personal journey with others..

Good News Words

Deep Thought: What causes “sexual harassment” and what can be done?

Understanding Sexual Harassment | Sexual Harassment


You Are Not Alone: Statistics on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
“Statistics on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Determining the true extent of sexual harassment in the workplace is impossible because many victims never come forward. In fact, approximately 70% of workers who say they have experienced sexual harassment never report it. Many more people may experience it but be unaware the unwelcome workplace conduct constitutes sexual harassment. Nevertheless, research confirms that:

Approximately 7,000-8,000 sexual harassment claims are filed with the EEOC every year.
The figure rises by about another 3,000-4,000 when claims from local and state agencies included…”

Study: Sexual Harassment Frequent Among Middle School Students By Allie Bidwell, Staff Writer |April 6, 2014, at 4:05 p.m.
The most common act was unwanted physical touching, reported by more than 1 in 5 kids.

At least 1 in 4 middle school students say they’ve experienced unwanted verbal or physical sexual harassment on school grounds, often in the hallway or even in the classroom, according to new research published Sunday.

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign surveyed nearly 1,400 students from four Midwestern middle schools on whether they had experienced unwanted sexual harassment. Overall, 27 percent of girls and 25 percent of boys reported they had experienced verbal or physical sexual harassment or violence.


Why Sexual Harassment Is Still An Issue And Why So Many Get Away With It 06.25.14 strong female lead
Recent sexual harassment headlines look like something out of Mad Men. Why is this still happening? And what can we do about it?
“…Sexual harassment affects both men and women, but data from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) shows more than 83% of cases are brought by women in 2011 (the latest year data is available).
How does this still happen?

“I see many cases of serious sexual harassment where the victim can’t get any relief because society hasn’t deemed it a serious problem,” says workplace discrimination expert Patricia G. Barnes, Esq., author of Surviving Bullies, Queen Bees, and Psychopaths at the Workplace.

While people are dramatically more aware of sexual harassment than they were a few decades ago, Barnes says it’s still too prevalent. Women who seek redress through the Equal EEOC or lawsuits face long, drawn-out proceedings that often don’t end in their favor…”


‘Me Too’ draws attention to sexual assault and harassment KARE 12:51 PM. CDT October 16, 2017
“..Milano says on her Twitter account that she got the idea from a friend. Milano says her friend told her such a tweet “might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.”

In another tweet that links to a blog post, Milano, who was one of the stars of the long-running sitcom “Who’s the Boss,” writes the following about film producer Harvey Weinstein: “While I am sickened and angered over the disturbing accusations of Weinstein’s sexual predation and abuse of power, I’m happy – ecstatic even – that it has opened up a dialogue around the continued sexual harassment, objectification and degradation of women. “..”


Sexual Harassment – Causes of Sexual Harassment

Causes of Sexual Harassment

“Sexual harassment is, above all, a manifestation of power relations � women are much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment precisely because they more often than men lack power, are in more vulnerable and insecure positions, lack self confidence, or have been socialized to suffer in silence.� In order to understand why women endure the vast majority of sexual harassment, it is important to look at some of the underlying causes of this phenomenon…”


Causes of Workplace Sexual Harassment
“..In many cases, the cause of sexual harassment is rooted in the structure and nature of the workplace. The following factors can contribute to instances of sexual harassment at work:

Dependency on other co-workers for support and teamwork
Reliance on supervisors for career success and approval
Abuse of authority
Workplace bullying
Poor management
Job instability
Personal problems, such as divorce

Regardless of the cause, sexual harassment is illegal. ..”


Report: 5 women accuse Louis C.K. of sexual misconduct TEGNA 3:27 PM. CST November 09, 2017
“..The women say Louis C.K. either masturbated in front of them, asked to do so, or masturbated while speaking on the phone. The accusations took place over a decade ago, according to the report…”


Gov. Dayton calls for Sen. Schoen to resign
Associated Press and KARE Staff , KARE 12:57 PM. CST November 09, 2017
“..“These disturbing allegations make clear that no workplace, including Minnesota’s State Capitol, is immune to sexual harassment. The DFL stands strongly with the women who bravely shared their difficult stories, and all others who may have been harassed by Senator Dan Schoen. There is no room in our party for sexual harassment. The DFL calls for Senator Schoen’s immediate resignation.”..

The 42-year-old Schoen is also a police officer. He served two House terms before winning his Senate seat last year.

The City of Cottage Grove says it is not aware of any misconduct by Schoen in his role as a police officer, but due to the allegations made against him as a State Senator, the city has elected to assign him to administrative duties until the allegations have been investigated by the State…”

‘Enough’: Women say harassment culture at state capitol must change Jana Shortal, KARE 10:11 PM. CST November 13, 2017

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Three women are calling for systemic change at Minnesota’s state capitol.

Two of them say they have been victims of sitting lawmakers Senator Danny Schoen and Representative Tony Cornish.

Representatives Jamie Becker-Finn and Erin Maye Quade were elected to the House last fall.
Lindsey Port is running for a seat in the next election.

All three of them, as women in Minnesota politics, say they know a main rule of this house.

“Shortly after I was elected I was warned by more than one person, separately, to stay away from certain people,” Jamie Becker-Finn said. “It was kind of an eye-opener, just the reality of what working at the capitol is. … It also sent the message that, like, well everybody knows about this and everybody kind of accepts it.”

“That’s what those rules are, right?” Erin Maye Quade said. “It’s about managing the feelings of the harassers. Instead of confronting them and having them have consequences, we just conform our lives around their behavior. And that is just exhausting and quite frankly, again, we don’t have time to keep doing that.”

In the last week, Maye Quade and Port have made their harassment claims public – a bold step away from women adhering to those unspoken rules. But it’s a step they said they had to take to change that rule.

They aren’t just talking. They are acting.

“If we don’t stand up and say enough, who will?” Port said.

All three have called on the governor to immediately create a task force on sexual harassment specific to the capitol environment. They want people outside of partisan pandering to create a system that holds sexual harassers to the fire.

“Once you hold, you start holding people accountable, the folks who maybe haven’t come forward yet, it sends a message that the behavior is – you can’t do this anymore,” said Becker-Finn.”

-Hollywood Scene

Kevin Spacey Cut From Completed ‘All the Money in the World,’ Christopher Plummer to Replace
The Wrap Matt Pressberg and Matt Donnelly,The Wrap 20 hours ago (Nov. 9th 2017)
“..Spacey’s axing comes on the heels of numerous accusations of sexual misconduct made over the past weeks. Several men, some of who said they were minors at time they encountered Spacey, complained of inappropriate sexual relationships, groping and other behavior over several decades.

Spacey’s professional life has unraveled quickly since “Star Trek: Discovery” star Anthony Rapp accused him of making sexual advances when the latter was 14 years old. More than a dozen men subsequently came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct by the Oscar winner…”

Howard Stern: I Knew Harvey Weinstein Was Lying When He Denied There Was A Casting Couch Newsweek Harriet Sinclair,Newsweek 3 hours ago (10.16.17)
“..Radio host Howard Stern told his listeners he “knew” Harvey Weinstein was lying to him in a 2014 interview in which the movie mogul claimed there was no “casting couch.”

In the interview, Stern had asked Weinstein if he could “walk into the room, pull your pants off and say ‘Okay, honey let’s talk business.'”

“Howard, I wish,” Weinstein said at the time. “The movies are too expensive, the risks are too great. It doesn’t happen that way anymore…”
What causes sexual workplace harassment? – Jun 16, 2016 thecaspiantimes

“..So what basically is being said here is that sexual workplace harassment has nothing to do with sexual desire but it’s about protecting a male domain. Some men think of sexual workplace harassment as a tool to show women that the workplace is their territory. Responses to this theory are that this is an act of nature or what should be thought of as the traditional difference between men and women. But all authorities agree on the fact that when we see the root cause of this, it will be the key to a successful prevention of sexual workplace harassment…”
Harvey Weinstein Hired Ex-Spies to Suppress Accusers, Journalists: Report Posted November 7, 2017 by Kelly Woo
“..Ronan Farrow reports in the New Yorker that the mega producer hired ex-spies and private investigators to suppress allegations against him. They targeted accusers like Rose McGowan and Asia Argento, as well as journalists working on exposés of his behavior.

The article details how Weinstein hired Kroll, one of the world’s largest corporate-intelligence companies, and Black Cube, which is staffed by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies…”

Black Cube
A select group of veterans from the Israeli elite intelligence units that specialises in tailored solutions to complex business and litigation challenges
For Black Cube, a network of for-hire ex-Israeli spies, information is big money Noga Tarnopolsky (Nov 8th 2017)
“..Today Black Cube has a website and offices in Tel Aviv, Paris and London.

In the case of Weinstein, Black Cube employees impersonated journalists and a feminist activist in an attempt to insinuate themselves among his alleged victims and the reporters covering their stories in order to stifle articles, according to a report this week in the New Yorker magazine.

Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister, said in a statement Monday that about a year ago, Weinstein approached him to inquire about an Israeli security company that could “help him deal with business issues he’s currently facing.”

Barak said that he thought the firm Weinstein wanted was Black Cube but that he “does not personally know the firm or its officials and he only transferred to Weinstein information that allowed him to reach out to them on his own.”..”

38 Women Accuse Director James Toback Of Sexual Misconduct Matthew Jacobs 2 hours 24 minutes ago (10.22.17)
‘…It’s long been said that Toback was a sexual predator. In 1989, Spy Magazine reported that he would approach women, brag about being a Hollywood director, ask whether they’d like to consider a role in one of his forthcoming films and then ask them to meet him at late hours. Gawker echoed these claims in 2008, 2010 and 2012. Now, days after the #MeToo hashtag encouraged survivors of sexual assault to speak out on social media, more than three dozen women told the Los Angeles Times that Toback ejaculated in front of them, probed their masturbation habits, demanded they disrobe and/or rubbed his groin against their bodies. These incidents allegedly occurred in hotel rooms, on movie sets and in offices.

Toback was a notorious name in Hollywood circles, even though he never achieved widespread household fame. In 1991, he received an Oscar nomination for writing the Warren Beatty gangster movie “Bugsy.” Many of his films, including “Fingers,” “The Pick-Up Artist,” “Two Girls and a Guy” and “Harvard Man,” revolve around womanizers, the mafia or both. “The idea is not to have a separation between my life and my movies,” Toback said in a 2002 Salon interview.

‘Death of a Salesman’ Actress Accuses Dustin Hoffman of Sexual Harassment Hunter Harris Hunter Harris 19 hours ago (12.9.17)
‘..An actress from the 1984 Dustin Hoffman–starring Broadway revival of Death of a Salesman has accused Hoffman of sexual harassment. In a first-person essay for The Hollywood Reporter, Kathryn Rossetter alleges that Hoffman groped her, slipped his hands under her costume to touch her inner thighs, and asked for foot massages throughout the show’s run…”
Kathryn Rossetter – IMDb
New Dustin Hoffman Accuser Claims Harassment and Physical Violation on Broadway (Guest Column) 9:40 AM PST 12/8/2017 by Kathryn Rossetter


Ex-model: Russell Simmons sexually assaulted me when I was 17
On Megyn Kelly TODAY, Megyn is joined by former model Keri Claussen Khalighi, who alleges that when she was 17, she was sexually assaulted by Def Jam Recording founder Russell Simmons while film director Brett Ratner stood by and watched. “I’ll never forget the look on his face,” she says of Ratner.”

Accusations Real or Not?

Here’s the truth about false accusations of sexual violence November 24, 2017 9.55am EST
“..Why didn’t these women speak up sooner? This was asked time and time again during the recent public furore around sexual harassment, violence and abuse. Underlying the question is a persistent uncertainty about the credibility of victims – a concern with identifying what is true and what is false.

As women speak out, some have been met with explicit counter accusations that their descriptions are untrue. Others have been served with a defamation case which has resulted in the Solidarity Not Silence campaign to raise funds to fight the ensuing legal battle…”


A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation. By Shawn Boburg, Aaron C. Davis and Alice Crites November 27 2017
“..A woman who falsely claimed to The Washington Post that Roy Moore, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, impregnated her as a teenager appears to work with an organization that uses deceptive tactics to secretly record conversations in an effort to embarrass its targets.

In a series of interviews over two weeks, the woman shared a dramatic story about an alleged sexual relationship with Moore in 1992 that led to an abortion when she was 15. During the interviews, she repeatedly pressed Post reporters to give their opinions on the effects that her claims could have on Moore’s candidacy if she went public…”

-Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court Nominee

Kavanaugh questioned about sex assault allegations – YouTube

Fact-checking internet rumors about Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford By Kyra Haas, Manuela Tobias, Miriam Valverde on Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 at 2:06 p.m.
“..Ford, a California psychology professor, accused President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexually assaulting her at a party while the two were in high school in 1982. Kavanaugh has denied the allegation.


Kavanaugh accuser testifies to Senate Committee (Full testimony)

Kavanaugh: My name destroyed by vicious and false accusations …

The Flawed Statistic That’s Helping Poison the Brett Kavanaugh Debate By DAVID FRENCH September 22, 2018 6:00 AM
Only a small fraction of rape claims are proved false, but far more are never pursued, because of insufficient evidence.
“..It happens every single time there’s a public debate about sex crimes. Advocates for women introduce, in addition to the actual evidence in the case, an additional bit of “data” that bolsters each and every claim of sexual assault. You see, “studies” show that women rarely file false rape claims. According to many activists, when a woman makes a claim of sexual assault, there is an empirically high probability that she’s telling the truth.


Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford ran mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of mind control research funded by foundation linked to “computational psychosomatics” neuro-hijacking (UPDATE 1) Monday, October 01, 2018 by: Mike Adams
“..Internet sleuths are turning up an extraordinary collection of evidence that increasingly points to Christine Blasey Ford being involved in mind control programs at Stanford, which some claim are run by the CIA. We have confirmed that Stanford University, where Ford works, runs a “CIA undergraduate internship program” which is described in full at this recruitment page for the CIA. The Stanford recruitment page for the CIA explains, “You will be given the opportunity to work with highly-skilled professionals and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting US officials who make our country’s foreign policy.”


Kavanaugh’s Accuser Is An Expert In Mind Control And Planting Memories

Published on Oct 3, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford’s background reveals she supports Hillary Clinton and is also an executive for the company behind the RU486 abortion pill. Alex exposes how she is involved in a CIA founded mind control operation that implants false memories and removes memories.

“..1 – Unable to name the exact year it happened,

2 – Not remembering where the location incident took place,

3 – How they gathered together that night.

4 – How she got home

5 – Did not tell anyone of incident at the time..

Dr Blasey-Ford has a Husband, Russell Ford, met at Stanford Univ, and were married in 2002. They have 3 young children. Russell Ford is the “Senior Director” at Zosano Pharma, and Exclusively Specializes in “Mind Altering” Drugs. Russell deleted his Facebook account, and removed his name from his Companies Website. Imagine that, he deals with Mind Altering drugs, and Christine is a CIA Internship recruiter for Stanford for CIA MKULTRA mind readjustments? ..”

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Prophecy: Prophet Charlie Shamp

Destiny Encounters
Published on Sep 30, 2018


-Bill Cosby
*see Spotlight Sitcom: Cosby Show

Phylicia Rashad tells the truth about Bill Cosby

No Laughing Matter: Inside the Bill Cosby Allegations (2015)

False Accusations

“I didn’t do it!”: Protecting yourself against false sexual assault accusations
“How many times have you read an article in a newspaper or seen a report on television about a sexual assault and assumed that the facts relayed therein are true? In fact, a sizable number of such reports turn out not to be true. The following is an example:


Former Student Accused of Lying About Being Raped Declines Plea Deal WTIC – Hartford 2 hours 45 minutes ago (1.12.18)
A former Sacred Heart University student appeared before a judge on Wednesday to answer a claim by police that she lied about being raped at an off campus party in 2017.

Former Sacred Heart student arrested for allegedly lying about being raped, declines plea deal Posted 7:30 PM, January 10, 2018, by Tony Terzi, Updated at 07:32PM, January 10, 2018
“..Nickki Yovino, who is now 19-years-old, claims she was raped by two Sacred Heart University football players, in October of 2016. However, Bridgeport police arrested her four months later because they say she admitted she had lied…

..According to Bridgeport police, Yovino told them the reason she claimed rape was to gain sympathy from another student, who she hoped might become her boyfriend. Her attorney refused to respond to the cops claim.”

Students accused of rape may be unfairly punished. – YouTube

Published on Dec 10, 2014
Journalist Emily Yoffe explains possible civil rights infringements in an effort to combat campus sexual assaults.

Endless Blue
5 months ago
i was accused of rape freshman year of highschool by another girl everyone believed it and i was asked to leave the school after fighting hard and telling them i did nothing a year later i gathered a ton of evidence and presented it to the school and a officer i wanted her in big trouble she ruined my life anyway the school agreed she should be punished and so did the officer but they couldn’t do anything i cried and cried im almost a junior now and i loose life opritunitys due too my small town knowing the rumors NEVER DO THIS TO ANYONE

Wrongfully Jailed For Rape As A Teen, He Now Helps Others Falsely Convicted | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Published on Jan 9, 2018

Accused of rape by a fellow student, Brian Banks accepted a plea deal and went to prison on his 18th birthday. Years later he was exonerated with the help of the California Innocence Project. He’s joined on Megyn Kelly TODAY by Project director Justin Brooks and former prosecutor Loni Coombs, with whom he now examines other potentially wrongful convictions on the series “Final Appeal.”

Legal Cases

Top 5 Most Absurd Cases of Sexual Harassment
Published on Jan 1, 2017

Some of the biggest cases of sexual harassment that landed the victims large sums of money.

Please subscribe to support more videos!
*includes Bill Clinton settled the Paula Jones case. He wasn’t fined.
Weinstein Helped Pay For Bubba’s Legal Fees During Monica Lewinsky Scandal ByPaul Bois @PaulBois39 October 16, 2017
Contributed $10,000 to Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund
“..Records indicate that back when President Bill “Bubba” Clinton was embroiled in his own sex scandal against former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, he received a bit of financial help from none other than his good pal Harvey Weinstein, an alleged rapist and sexual harasser.

As noted by Fox News, a recently uncovered 1998 story in The Washington Post reveals that Weinstein donated the maximum contribution of $10,000 Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund.

The now-disgraced movie mogul’s relationship with America’s former President and First Lady has come under severe scrutiny in recent days as the allegations against Weinstein have stacked up. Naturally, the Clintons have pleaded ignorance in regards to his behavior…”


More “Equal” Power?

Streep calls out Harvey Weinstein at women’s conference
Thu, Dec 7 6:11 PM CST
“..She said women still don’t have enough representation in leadership positions and that impacts how decisions are made. Streep said women in the entertainment industry are prepared to demand for equal representation in board rooms and other improvements to the American workplace.

“We are after 50/50 by 2020,” she said to loud applause. “Equal means equal. And if it starts at the top, none of these shenanigans would have filtered down and it wouldn’t have been tolerated.”

Streep made the comments in a conversation with feminist icon Gloria Steinem at the Massachusetts Women’s Conference in Boston…”

Dressing “Modestly”??

Street Harassment: Sidewalk Sleazebags and Metro Molesters

Mayim Bialik Responds to ‘Vicious’ Criticism Over Her Harvey Weinstein Editorial
Entertainment Tonight Leena Tailor‍,Entertainment Tonight Sun, Oct 15 1:38 PM CDT

“..“I still make choices every day as a 41-year-old actress that I think of as self-protecting and wise,” she wrote. “I have decided that my sexual self is best reserved for private situations with those I am most intimate with. I dress modestly. I don’t act flirtatiously with men as a policy.”..”

“Dress modestly” to avoid sexual harassment!? –
IndiaTimes July 13, 2012<
“..A public debate has erupted in China after Shanghai subway bosses requested women to “dress modestly” and avoid sexual harassment.
According to China Daily, in the country’s sweltering summer season, it makes sense for people to wear thin and cool clothes. The debate over scantily clad women, however, came to the fore after the company running the Shanghai Metro posted a notice on its official microblog.
It urged female passengers to dress modestly to avoid sexual harassment while warning about the “many perverts” using the subway system, the daily said. This set off a storm of protests on China’s social networking sites as women criticised the company for apparently suggesting that they, and not the men who harassed them, were the guilty parties…”

Missouri Interns Told To Dress ‘Modestly’ To Avoid Sexual Harassment by Lydia Morrish | 2 years ago

“..Maybe the right route to go down is to educate everyone on the importance of not harassing each other so, you know, maybe the interns won’t have to wear high collars and chunky knit cardigans to avoid being groped…”
Research on the Relationship between Rape and Dressing
“..From this study we may be moved to conclude that the more provocatively dressed a woman is dressed the less likely she is to be harassed. This finding seems to agree with this feed shared by @Cherox in which I was copied Most of the women in this interview were definitely not provocatively dressed.

Does this however provide conclusive evidence that dressing plays no role in rape cases? No, in fact, sociopathic rapists profile their victims through their demeanour such that women who appear to lack confidence or are looking more vulnerable are often targeted. ..”

Sexual Harassment and Provocative Dress at Work – YouTube


Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

“Published on Mar 17, 2017

“Let The Voice Be Yours” Women’s Day short film
A Lin Productions initiative in collaboration with Bombay Diaries conceptualised by Anupama Ahluwalia.
Music/ Background Tune: Anusree Audios and Videos

Sexual Harassment: Causes, Consequences and Cures
“..his document gives guidelines on how to deal with sexual harassment within the workplace, its causes, consequences and cures.

What is Harassment?
Types of Harassers
Typical Victims
For Help with the Handling of Harassment


Stopping Sexual Harassment at School – For Learners (Public Information) (File type: pdf; size: 388.51 KB)



Telling Stories of Sexual Assault Survivors and Their Journey To Healing in VR June 1, 2017 by Bobby Carlton
‘..Testimony is a documentary that tells the stories of five sexual assault survivors (four women and one male) using virtual reality to bring the viewer into each individual story being told. But it doesn’t use VR to make you a part of the story. Instead, VR is used in a more intimate way, by placing you face to face with rape survivors, where you listen to each person talk very openly about what had happened to them and what follows after their assault; such as the years of suffering and pain, the PTSD, the self medicating, the isolation, and the shame.

“This technique [using VR] allows the audience to make their own connections, resisting the fixed conclusions that are often a part of linear documentary filmmaking and turning the viewers into active participants,” described in a statement from the creators of Testimony. “Testimony is less about story “telling” and more about story discovery…

Testimony-How God helped in recovery from sexual abuse … – YouTube

“Healing Begins” Recovery from Rape / Sexual Assault … – YouTube

Jason’s story – survivor of sexual assault – YouTube

*see Deep Thought: Why is sexual abuse common?

Other Resources

Healing in the Workplace by L’Orangerie Crawford & Terri Harrison

Deep Thought: Why is sexual abuse common?

Struggling with Sexual Temptation How to “fight” all the sexual temptations in this world?,

This is an on-going issues, so feel free to check back of any additions. Till then, feel free to share your personal stories, comments, suggestions, feedback, etc…

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Good News Sex

Deep Thought: What are “reptilians”?

The NWO Reptilian Truth

Native American reveals the truth about Reptilians (ancient aliens) , from
The Real Uncut Truth About Reptilian Beings Part 1 of 5 , from

Queen Admits She Is “Not Human” Published On Royal Website – Screen Capture Before Taken Down

“Published on Jul 10, 2016

I keep reading and hearing talk of “full disclosure” regarding ET’s. Every day I see a new article, or hear something new from David Wilcock. I do notice there are more movies and TV series regarding aliens, UFO’s and interacting with them, but why don’t they just get on with it?

Recently, it was reported that an internal document acknowledging that Queen Elizabeth is a shapeshifting reptilian was briefly published as a press release on the Royal Family’s official website before being abruptly taken down – but not before alert internet users captured screenshots of the extraordinary article and proof that the press release did appear on Google.

Because I am trying to sort out what is real and what is propaganda, I put together a survey asking how who believes in aliens and who believes we will have full disclosure. The survey was taken by 2360 people. Here are the results:…..

Joe Biden’s Black Eyes (2013 State of the Union address)


Hillary Clinton Seizure or Demon Possessed? Very Strange!

Proof Hillary Clinton Is Having Frequent Seizures: Doctors with Diazepam Autoinjector in Las Vegas from
|“..Published on Aug 7, 2016

Breaking Video:

Hillary Clinton’s Security and Medical Detail Appear to be integrated.

In Las Vegas on August 4th, 2016 she appears to have a moment of confusion and a peculiar reaction by her security staff shows one of them pull out a Diazepam Autoinjector before being waved off by her Chief Medical Officer in the security detail. The same medical officer is shown in another picture holding the same object, which clearly is a Diazepam Autoinjector used to treat seizures as they happen.

Hillary Clinton is barely holding it together. She is unfit for office, and we have to ask the question: How long before she kicks over and we are left with a Tim Kaine Presidency if she is elected?..”


V (TV Series 1984–1985) – IMDb
“..A year after Liberation Day, courtesy of the red-dust bacteria, the humanoid, lizard-like aliens develop a resistance to the micro-organism and try to regain control of the Earth–only now some humans are knowingly working with them. ..”
V the Miniseries in 9 Minutes.

V – Reptilian Alien Hybrid Being Born (TV Series)


Exclusive “Weird Al” Yankovic Music Video: FOIL (Parody of “Royals” by Lorde)

Weird Al Yankovic Makes Fun of the Illuminati in “Foil” Parody , from
“Weird Al” Yankovic music vid: (FOIL) ILLUMINATI’S REPTILIAN NWO AGENDA! , from

What do you know of reptilians?

Good News Astronomy

Deep Thought: “Hands Up or Down to get ID?”


“..Tylor S…10 hours ago
Comply and don’t die, I don’t even have a conceal carry permit and I know you should be on your toes when the police come up if you have one, even more so if you’re a black man, if you’re reaching for something in today’s day and age, you’re gonna get shot to shit by the police because they’re afraid for their lives.///Chinese officer… I thought it was a white guy according to the news?…

Cop Fatally Shoots Black Man, Leaves Victim’s Girlfriend To Record Tragic Aftermath 07/07/2016 02:09 am ET |
“..Castile’s death at the hands of police comes just a day after local cops shot another black man, Alton Sterling, in circumstances that shocked the world. Sterling was selling CDs outside a store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Tuesday when police, responding to a complaint about a man wielding a gun, tackled him in order to arrest him.

Someone yelled that Sterling had a gun and the police shot him at point-blank range while he was subdued on the ground. The shooting was captured in a graphic video that roiled the public’s conscience. The subsequent release of another video confirmed that Sterling was not have a gun in his hands at the time.

Many observers are expressing dismay at the regularity with which police kill unarmed black men in the United States…”
Philando Castile death: Aftermath of police shooting streamed live 7 July 2016 From the section US & Canada

Philando Castile: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Published 1:32 am EDT, July 7, 2016 Updated 9:23 am EDT, July 8, 2016
“..In her Facebook Live video, Lavish Reynolds said that Philando Castile was “licensed to carry” and was “trying to get out his ID” and “let the officer know he had a firearm, and he was reaching for his wallet, and the officer just shot him. … He just shot his arm off.”..

In an emotional press conference held Thursday, which you can view above, Reynolds gave a detailed account of the stop that led to Castile’s death, prompted by a “broken taillight, which wasn’t broken.” She described Castile as “the quietest, most laid-back person you would ever meet. He was loving. … Nothing within his body language said intimidation. Nothing within his body said ‘shoot me.’ Nothing within his body language said ‘kill me, I want to be dead.’ He did not do nothing but what the police officer asked of us, which was to put your hands in the air and get your license and registration.” She said they were returning from the grocery store when stopped, according to CNN.”..

Mangseth said the details were still being investigated. He told the Post that he hadn’t yet seen the Facebook video. At one point in the video, the officer can be heard saying, “I told him not to reach for it! I told him to get his head up!”


jstanley01 says:
July 8, 2016 at 11:38 am

When you inform an officer that you are armed, you need to follow the officer’s instructions exactly. Not reach for your wallet when he is telling you to keep your hands where he can see them. How in the hell is the officer supposed to know what you are reaching for? A white would have gotten shot for the exact same thing I guarantee you.

Van Blam says:
July 8, 2016 at 12:29 pm

According to reports the officer asked to see his ID after Castile told him that he was armed and had a permit. If he was reaching for his ID to comply with the officer’s request, that cop is guilty of murder. I’m not saying the cop intentionally murdered him rather that he was jittery and overreacted. Do you really think that he would have reacted to a white guy the same way he did with Castile? Nope. I wouldn’t be surprised if this officer ends it all. He knows he’s in deep sh*t.

Read Mark Zuckerberg’s Response to the Video of Philando Castile’s Shooting Rishi Iyengar @Iyengarish July 7, 2016

Police group: Minn. governor ‘exploited what was already a horrible and tragic situation’

By T. Rees Shapiro, Lindsey Bever, Wesley Lowery and Michael E. Miller July 8 at 3:10 PM
“..ST. PAUL, Minn. — The morning after Minnesota’s governor said Philando Castile ended up dead during a traffic stop in part because he was black — and after five police officers were killed during a shooting attack in downtown Dallas — the head of a national police organization said law enforcement officers across the country are distraught, angry and anxious…”

Two Phony Excuses for Shooting Philando Castile-
Jeronimo Yanez’s defenders falsely portray Castile as a disobedient stoner.

Jacob Sullum|Jun. 22, 2017 8:30 am
“..oxicology tests found THC in Castile’s blood, but post-mortem levels are an unreliable indicator of impairment because THC is stored in body fat and re-enters the bloodstream after death. Even when blood is drawn from a living source, THC levels cannot be directly tied to impairment, partly because individual responses vary widely and regular users develop tolerance. It is therefore not clear whether Castile was under the influence of marijuana at the time of the shooting or, if so, how intoxicated he might have been.

Castile was disobedient. The question of Castile’s cannabis consumption is relevant only if you accept the defense argument that marijuana impaired his ability to follow Yanez’s instructions, as evidenced by his failure to do as he was told. But the dashcam video of the shooting does not support the claim that Castile was uncooperative. To the contrary, he interacted with Yanez calmly and politely, handed over his insurance card as instructed, and let the officer know he was carrying a concealed firearm (for which he had a permit). According to Reynolds, whose account on this point has always been consistent, Castile was reaching for his wallet so he could retrieve his driver’s license, which Yanez had also requested, when the officer became agitated.

Notably, Yanez never told Castile to stop moving, to keep his hands in plain view, or to put them on the dashboard. Instead he told Castile, “Don’t pull it out,” referring to the handgun. “I’m not pulling it out,” Castile assured Yanez. “He’s not pulling it out,” Reynolds reiterated. This is the point at which Yanez freaked out, screaming, “Don’t pull it out!” He immediately drew his pistol and fired seven rounds at Castile, who managed to say “I wasn’t reaching for it” before he died.

You can argue that Castile should have realized his movements were making Yanez nervous or that he should have proactively put his hands on the dashboard, even though Yanez had not told him to do so. But it is not accurate to say that Castile disobeyed Yanez’s commands. All the evidence suggests that Castile thought he was doing what Yanez wanted by retrieving his driver’s license. It was Yanez who made mistaken assumptions about Castile (viewing him as a robbery suspect based on no real evidence, viewing him as a deadly threat after Castile disclosed that he had a gun), failed to communicate his wishes, failed to take routine precautions (such as instructing Castile to put his hands on the dashboard or stepping back from the car window), and flew into a panic within seconds.

It is true that Castile might still be alive had he acted differently. If he had never mentioned the gun, for example, he in all likelihood would have survived the encounter. But even though Minnesotans with concealed-carry permits are not legally required to tell police about their guns when they are pulled over, cops prefer that they do so to avoid scary surprises, and experts generally recommend disclosure. Castile was doing what he thought he was supposed to do when he said, “Sir, I have to tell you that I do have a firearm on me.” It turned out to be a fatal mistake only because of Yanez’s unprofessional, irrational reaction…”

Officer Side of the Story

Officer’s Attorney: ‘He Is Deeply Saddened for The Family and Loved Ones of Philando Castile Nate Leding
Updated: 07/09/2016 10:01 AM
“…“He is deeply saddened for the family and loved ones of Philando Castile. Tragically, the use of force became necessary in reacting to the actions of Mr. Castile. This heartbreaking incident had nothing to do with race. It had to do with the presence of a gun.”

According to a BCA release, Officer Yanez and Officer Joseph Kauser conducted a traffic stop about 9:17 p.m. Wednesday near the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue West and Fry Street in Falcon Heights. Castile, of St. Paul, was the driver of the vehicle involved in the stop.

Both officers have been with the St. Anthony Police Department for four years.

Both are on standard administrative leave.

Yanez approached the vehicle from the driver’s side as Kauser approached from the passenger side. At one point during the exchange, Yanez fired his weapon, striking Castile multiple times, according to the BCA.

Yanez radioed for an ambulance as members of the Roseville Police Department and the St. Paul Fire Department administered medical aid…”
Who Is Jeronimo Yanez? The Cop Who Shot Philando Castile Has Been Identified Alana Romaina day ago (7.9.16)
“…While filming, Reynolds was told by Yanez, who sounded agitated, to keep her hands in the air. She replied, “I will, sir, no worries. I will,” and Yanez could then be heard yelling, “I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand off it.”

Although Yanez’s face couldn’t be seen on the video, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) released his and Kauser’s name to the public Friday, according to The Daily Mail. Twenty-eight-year-old Yanez has been an officer with the St. Anthony Police Department for the past four years, but is now on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. The Department has not responded to Romper’s request for comment regarding the shooting.

Details about Yanez are still scarce, although The Daily Mail noted that now-deleted accounts linked to Ynez on wedding site The Knot and its related pregnancy site The Bump suggested he was married to his wife in November 2014, and that they welcomed a child together on August 4, 2015. Yanez appears to have no prior criminal record, other than a few minor traffic violations. Castile’s death is reportedly the first officer-related shooting in the St. Anthony Police Department in 30 years….”
Officer Jeronimo Yanez, an ‘all-around good guy,’ fired shots that killed Castile
By Mara Gottfried / St. Paul Pioneer Press on Jul 8, 2016 at 8:26 p.m
“…The city’s annual report also notes Yanez’s involvement in volunteering, including giving a tour of the police station to a local Cub Scout troop and volunteering at St. Paul’s Cinco de Mayo celebration….

John Lozoya, the founder of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Latino Peace Officers Association, said Yanez has been an active volunteer through that organization as well.

He referred to him as “passionate” and “good-natured” and asked that the public be patient as the investigation into Castile’s death continues.

“It’s very easy to jump to conclusions, and it’s almost human nature sometimes to do that. We are all guilty of it,” said Lozoya, who is also a member of law enforcement. “We just ask that people wait until everything comes out on the table before judgment is passed.”..”


The Latest: Expert believes motorist was high when shot Published June 08, 2017 Associated Press
“..3 p.m.

A toxicology expert says he believes a black motorist who was shot to death during a traffic stop in Minnesota was under the influence of marijuana.

Glenn Hardin, a former supervisor of Minnesota’s state toxicology lab, testified Thursday as a witness for Officer Jeronimo Yanez. Yanez is charged with manslaughter in the death of 32-year-old Philando Castile last July in a St. Paul suburb.

Defense attorneys have argued Castile was stoned at the time of the shooting, which happened in the seconds after he informed Yanez that he was carrying a gun. Hardin said he examined autopsy reports showing Castile’s blood levels of THC, the substance in marijuana that gives a high.

Prosecutor Jeff Paulsen attacked Hardin’s testimony by citing studies he said show there’s no way to determine marijuana intoxication from blood samples…”

*see Neutral Perspective: Marijuana (“weed”) is “good” and “bad” for you?


Boosie BadAzz – Hands Up (Official Video)


Raw Video: Dash Cam Video of the Shooting
“Published on Sep 24, 2014

Video released by the South Carolina Highway Patrol of an encounter between a trooper and a man in Columbia, SC on Sept. 24, 2014…”

Fatal shootings by on-duty police officers: An analysis | The …
Cop Shoots Man Reaching For Drivers License [Video] , from

This was my reply to the blog up above..

“goodnewseverybodycom says:
July 8, 2016 at 3:26 pm

Thoughts & Prayers for the family 😦 I’ve learned to not be quick to “judge”, so we need to be patient and hear both sides of the story. Each “police shooting” is an individual case. We can’t judge all law enforcement by this one action. Unfortunately, it’s hard not to with all these cases (epidemic) around the country. What is the solution? Praying and wanting to act too to make a “positive” change!

How Castile Told Officer About Gun Was Critical in Final Moments
By amy forliti and kyle potter, associated press

·MINNEAPOLIS — Jul 14, 2016, 7:57 PM ET
‘…St. Anthony police training documents outline how an officer should respond to traffic stops. According to the documents, if an officer believes it’s a high-risk stop — as one involving an armed robbery suspect would likely be — he should have the driver and others exit the car before approaching the vehicle, while officers take cover and draw their weapons.

Watching the video got me very frustrated and also sad. There are a lot of mix emotions out there. Just turn it to “positive” as I feel “good” can come out of “bad”. Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, prayers, etc..

Good News St. Paul


Officer Betty Shelby Charged with Felony Manslaughter in Shooting Death of Terence Crutcher
September 22, 2016
“..In dashcam and helicopter video released by police, Terence Crutcher appears to have his hands up moments before he is shot by Shelby. Shelby’s attorney, Scott Wood, maintains that Terence refused to follow more than two dozen commands and that he reached into the open window of the car before Shelby perceived a threat and shot him.

The Crutcher family’s attorneys Benjamin L. Crump and Damario Solomon-Simmons said the window was up, evidenced by the blood spattered on it when he was shot…”
BREAKING: Truth About Terence Crutcher Comes Out… It’s BAD for the Media
“…Now, you watch that video and listen to the commentary. Did it look to you like Crutcher was following commands? You can hear an officer say that Crutcher was “still walking” and that he wasn’t “following commands.” Another officer said that he “could be on something.”

Take a look at these pictures Bearing Arms grabbed from the video that disprove the media’s false narrative:…

As you can see, Crutcher was not shot with his hands up. He was clearly flouting officer orders, and at the time of his shooting he lowered his right hand toward his waistband.

Oh, and by the way, the media have run with the story that Crutcher was unarmed, but didn’t seem too interested in the PCP that was found in his car and that the Tulsa Police Department officer who shot Crutcher, Betty Shelby, was trained to spot PCP abuse, according to Bearing Arms.

In any of these cases, the legal system should be given time to do its job, but the media have decided to run false narratives that fit their agenda without all the facts and, in some cases, despite the facts.

As you can see above, there’s clearly more to the story….”

Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?

Deep Thought: Power of Forgiveness shown in my life so far…

Lately, this theme of forgiveness has been circulating where ever I go. I had to “let it out” and write about it. I ran into this video on “spiritual warfare” and the speaker shared this quote that really resonated in me…

“The devil loses, when you forgive..” Any personal stories, feedback, etc..? more..

Above is a post I shared in one of my groups (Good News Love) I created on facebook. I’ve heard there is power when we forgive each other, so I would like to start…

If any of my friends read this, please forgive me if I ever wronged you in anyway. I might’ve forgotten it, so please feel free to contact me and remind me if this will help release any resentment, offense, or hurt that will heal you.

*see other Bible verses on forgiveness

One of the causes of “offense” is due to misunderstanding, which we all quickly prejudge. There are times I reflect on my parents fighting and it’s due to the “failure to communicate” (see “Failure to Communicate”-song I wrote). Can you relate? Feel free to share below…

For those that haven’t met me yet or haven’t encountered any offense from me…yet! 😉 I’m sure there are others that might’ve hurt you in various ways (e.g. abuse). Unfortunately, you might not ever get them to forgive you. However, God (Heavenly Father) knows and I encourage you to go to Him for healing of your past hurts.

I’ll share some of my forgiveness stories:

Back in high school, a former “friend” of mine wanted to befriend me after “ignoring” me most of the later years of “middle school”. Not being a Christian at the time, I wouldn’t forgive him and shun him away. Month later, he died in a head-on-collision car accident (visiting his biological Mom all the way in Colorado). I was torn in pieces when I heard the news and wished I reconciled with him. Please don’t make the dumbest mistake as I did, reconcile with those that has hurt you before it’s too late.

During my college and post-college years, I was interested in learning more about WWII (more of the Pacific arena) due to my family’s history (grandfather got capture by the Japanese and survived as a cook and great-grandfather was presumably killed as he never returned home when scoping the vicinity for any Japanese solders). As I read more books of the horrific atrocities the Japanese did in the Philippines and elsewhere, my heart towards the Japanese grew with more hate :(.. Well, God seems to try to soften my heart by bringing Japanese students to the college I attended. Then He brought them to be my renters in the house I owned. My last renter caught me watching some WWII footage of Japan’s horrific treatment. I tried to turned it off, but he saw it and we ended up having a deep conversation. He ended up asking forgiveness for what his ancestors did. I told him no worries, but in my heart-I felt some more compassion for him and the Japanese people overall.

Lastly, this is between me and my Heavenly Father-I gave my life to Christ my freshmen year in college. I did it after hearing a testimony of this speaker at a local church in Morris. This grabbed my heart and got me off my seat to go to the front (alter) and asked God to forgive me all of my sins. That was just the beginning and still in the journey of my faith (still sinning, but trying to sin-less as I grow in my personal relationship with my “Heavenly Dad” :)..

Above are just summaries of some of my stories on forgiveness-repentance. I’ll be glad to share more, but would love to hear yours first. I would love to disclose and be open/transparent/honest with you with my personal challenges-struggles as “we” can help each other in this journey of forgiveness with the “limited uncertain” time we have on this earth…

Good News Everybody


Neutral Perspective: Our nation (U.S.A.) needs to make stricter gun laws or we have the right to bear arms?

Need to Make Stricter Gun Laws

Will School Shooting Lead to Stricter Gun Laws

“Published on Dec 16, 2012

Even after one of its members was shot and nearly killed last year by gunman Jared Loughner, Congress did not enact legislation to make it more difficult to buy or carry a gun.
In the immediate wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., it’s too soon to know whether federal or state governments will enact new restrictions on gun purchases or ownership. It’s also too early to foresee whether Congress or state legislatures will enact new policies to deal with mentally ill Americans.
For better or worse, the new policies would need to be determined in the political arena, with electoral accountability, and most members of Congress have shown no interest in going beyond the last major legislation to regulate gun purchases or ownership in 1994.
President Barack Obama’s initial comment Friday afternoon at the White House suggested that he wishes the policy decisions could be made above or aside from politics. “We’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics,” Obama said

Shooting in Oregon: 11 essential facts about guns and mass shootings in America By Max Ehrenfreund October 1 at 3:33 PM 2015

8. States with stricter gun control laws have fewer deaths from gun-related violence.
“…Higher populations, more stress, more immigrants, and more mental illness were not correlated with more deaths from gun violence. But one thing he found was, perhaps, perfectly predictable: States with tighter gun control laws appear to have fewer gun-related deaths. The disclaimer here is that correlation is not causation. But correlations can be suggestive:

“The map overlays the map of firearm deaths above with gun control restrictions by state,” Florida wrote in 2012. “It highlights states which have one of three gun control restrictions in place – assault weapons’ bans, trigger locks, or safe storage requirements. Firearm deaths are significantly lower in states with stricter gun control legislation. Though the sample sizes are small, we find substantial negative correlations between firearm deaths and states that ban assault weapons (-.45), require trigger locks (-.42), and mandate safe storage requirements for guns (-.48).”..”



Megyn Kelly Panel Clashes Over Stricter Gun Control To Prevent Mass Shootings -Heated Debate

“Published on Dec 21, 2012

Megyn Kelly Panel Clashes Over Stricter Gun Control To Prevent Mass Shootings -Heated Debate
On Friday afternoon, Megyn Kelly’s panel — comprised of pro-gun advocate John Lott and pro-gun control advocate Lori Haas — debated how effective gun control legislation would be in quelling the string of gun violence the country as seen. What effect, Kelly asked, would gun control laws really have?

Lott, who’s made his case before, reiterated his argument that gun-free zones give criminals incentive to attack areas they know are vulnerable. “Let’s say, God forbid, a criminal was stalking you or your family,” Lott said. “Would you feel safer putting a sign on your home that said, this home is a gun-free zone?”

To the contrary, Haas, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, offered a much different perspective, having been directly affected by such incidents. About five years ago, Haas’ daughter, Emily, was shot twice in the back of the head when a gunman opened fire on Virginia Tech’s campus. He was using a high-capacity magazine clip, Haas said — and state police said when they were banned, the use of those clips in crime was down. But when the ban expired, the incidents of those clips in crimes increased.

“It’s unacceptable in America we allow this to happen to our children and that we see the answer to gun violence as more guns,” Haas argued.

“Guns make it easier for bad things to happen,” Lott said. “But they also have benefits in terms of protecting people in terms of protecting people who are being threatened by crime.”

To Haas’ point, Lott argued that he has yet to see evidence that banning certain high-capacity magazine clips has had any benefit. As Kelly turned the discussion to the gunman, Haas went on to argue the mental health aspect of the problem, asserting that people who are mentally ill or have violent tendencies should have more difficulty getting guns.


Does Gun Control Have A Racist History?

Michael B.2 years ago

Protection from a tyrannical government, which IS the intent of The Second Amendment.”

The racist history of gun control in the US explained


Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common… and it’s not guns
“The following is a republishing of an important article written by Dan Roberts from It reveals the real truth about mass shootings that bureaucrats and lawmakers are choosing to sweep under the rug: psychiatric drugs. If you want to know the real reason why mass shootings are taking place, this is the “inconvenient truth” the media won’t cover.

As part of a collective grassroots effort to defend the Bill of Rights against usurpers and tyrants, Natural News (and now, Waking Up Wisconsin) is republishing this article without asking for permission first. When it comes to fighting tyrants and defending liberty, the unstated agreement across the entire liberty-loving grassroots community is, “Use our articles; help spread the word!” Every article I write here on Natural News, for example, may be reprinted with credit and a link back to the original source article on…


Dear America, here’s how other countries stop mass shootings Written by Annalisa Merelli February 22, 2018
“..Of course, mass shootings do occur in other countries. Germany, China, Russia, Switzerland have all suffered mass shootings in recent years. Unlike the US legislature, German and Swiss lawmakers responded to massacres by changing the law to prevent such shootings from happening again.
•In Germany, automated and semi-automated firearms were banned in 2008 (with the exception of hunting and sport-shooting, which require permits), in response to the 2002 Erfurt massacre, when a 19-year-old killed 17 at school.
•In Switzerland, a country with similar attitudes toward gun ownership as the US, the law was changed in 2008 to require stricter ammunition storage after a man killed 14 and injured 14 more in a regional parliament in 2001.

China and Russia’s governments are also tightening the law on who may own guns, and what kinds of guns.

Matthew 26:52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. by the Sword - Die by the Sword News Sociology Gospel of Matthew - [23/26] @9:27 more...

We Have the Right to Bear Arms!

Right to Bear Arms
“Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights..”

Ben Stein: Stricter gun laws won’t cut shootings – CBS News

“Published on Dec 18, 2012

August 19, 2012 – Issues are presented here that are just basic truths.. the results of gun control are varied. Generally the culture surrounding the areas have more to do with the outcomes than the specific laws imposed. It is a complicated subject to say the least. The title here is misleading as stricter gun control laws do in fact reduce shootings in some cases.. however this is not universally true.





=>Orlando 2016
*see Deep Thought: Prayers for Orlando Shooting

=>Parkland 2018
*see Deep Thought: Prayers for Parkland Shooting?

Florida shooting false flag? – YouTube

Chelsea DaGoy Published on Feb 15, 2018
“..another shooter..shots could be heard in the other side”

David Icke | Florida High School Shooting
1 day ago – Was suspected 19-year-old gunman Nicolas Cruz guilty of mass murder or a convenient patsy? According … According to #false flag, the Parkland school “had active shooter training” before the incident. … Woman Claims To Have Been With Florida School Shooter (Nicholas Cruz) At the Time of Shooting.

Another False Flag Shooting in Florida? February 15, 2018 by Merit Freeman
‘..► The story was posted by news outlets days ahead of time. (See below)

► There was an Emergency Response training drill happening that day in the county adjacent to the incident. This is the “smoking gun” in my opinion.

► Eye-witnesses reported multiple shooters, yet only one “gunman” was arrested.

Eye-Witness Confirms Multiple Shooters [1] [VIDEO]

Eye-Witness Confirms Multiple Shooters [2] [VIDEO]

► Crisis actors were on the scene to give interviews.

A “mom” claiming to have been in the 2017 Fort Lauderdale, Florida airport shooting now says that her “kids” were part of this shooting. A family who false flags together, stays together.

No Coincidence: Mom & Sons Victims In Multiple Shootings [VIDEO]

► An active shooter drill preceded the actual shooting.

Eye-Witness Confirms Active Shooter Drill [VIDEO]

► Confusion and misdirection pertaining to the identity of the shooter/patsy were rampant.


ron johnson
Published on Feb 15, 2018
New witnesses claim there were multiple shooters as well as drills scheduled for that morning…

“three shooters…shot teacher in head…etc…”
James Munder

-Las Vegas
*see Deep Thought: Prayers for Las Vegas Shooting Concert Victims Affected

It’s all FAKE folks! Crisis actors EXPOSED


29-Year-Old Black Male Dead After Killing 3 Cops, Wounding 3 More In Baton Rouge “Cowardly” Ambush
Tyler Durden’s picture

by Tyler Durden
Jul 17, 2016 7:57 PM

“…Authorities initially believed that two other assailants might be at large, but hours later said the dead gunman was the only person who fired at the officers. However, a state police spokesman said investigators were unsure whether he had some kind of help from others. “We are not ready to say he acted alone,” Major Doug Cain said…”


The Mainstream Media Is Not Real “News”: Explosive Evidence of the Dallas Police Shootings Being A False Flag
July 13, 2016 / Jeff Berwick / 12 Comments
“Americans need to understand that virtually nothing of importance that is shown on mainstream media programming is real or factual.

All major events are scripted or are covered with a massive propaganda bias.

This shouldn’t be news to anyone who is paying attention.

According to Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist, CNN is routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report on certain events.

I’ve personally met with the White House Press Corp who told me that they are actors not journalists.

And the CIA has admitted to using the mainstream media for propaganda purposes:…


There were no shots fired from the garage in the initial melee

Dallas police Chief David Brown stated that Micah Johnson, the alleged lone gunman, was killed with a bomb-carrying robot on the 2nd floor of the Bank of America Parking Plaza, which is south of Main Street from the El Centro College complex…

Many media reports have tended to focus on the garage as the source of the shooting, but this is highly misleading. All of the initial gunfire, which happened just before 9:00 PM, in fact came from Lamar Street where a man parked an SUV and began shooting with what was reported to be an SKS rifle. There were no shots from the garage at this time.

Multiple angles from various pieces of amateur footage allow for the location of the shooter to be determined.

The first vantage point (red V1 in image above) was taken from a parking lot looking northwest towards the intersection of Lamar and Main. Squad cars which had been parked at that intersection for the protests can be seen, along with officers who have been struck and are lying on the pavement. Notice that the one officer is ducking behind his car to shield himself from bullets travelling south along Lamar.

Another vantage point, V3, was taken from the 2nd level of the Bank of America Parking Plaza, the same level where Micah Johnson is alleged to have been bombed by police. Once again you can see the same squad cars and officers ducking from gunfire which is originating from behind the SUV. In the video, you can see the gunman step out from behind the SUV, fire several shots for cover, and then duck behind a pillar of the El Centro College building.


Who is bag man?

The impossible route isn’t the only gaping hole in the lone gunman theory being promoted by the police, FBI, and the mainstream media. There is direct video evidence of a 2nd accomplice…”

Orlando (Florida) Gay Club Shooting

5 Reasons to Question the Official Story of the Orlando Shooting
TOPICS:Brandon TurbevilleFBIISISOrlando Shooting

June 13, 2016 By Brandon Turbeville
“…FBI Foreknowledge, ISIS Sympathies, Taliban Ties

What may at first sound like an instance of senseless violence, brings with it a number of other questions. For instance, the FBI was already well aware of Mateen and his connections to radical jihad and terrorism. According to CNN’s article, “50 Killed in Florida Nightclub, Shooter Pledged ISIS Allegiance,” two officials tell CNN that the FBI had investigated Mateen at some point for possibly having ties to or sympathizing with Islamic extremism. A law enforcement official said there were two cases opened involving Mateen but the probes didn’t result in enough evidence to charge him with anything…
Who Controls ISIS?
… ISIS was entirely created, funded and directed by the United States, Britain, France and other NATO countries. Its actions have been coordinated by the Anglo-American Intelligence apparatus for geopolitical purposes all across the world both at home and abroad. …

*see Neutral Perspective: ISIS was created by Global terrorists or Global State governments?

While the right-wing media blames Muslims and the left-wing media blame guns, perhaps it would be more effective if thinking individuals would examine the possibilities that this attack was a false flag incident designed to push an agenda that would benefit those in power in some way or other. Out of this attack we will no doubt see another push for the evisceration of the Second Amendment and other civil liberties as well as increased hype regarding ISIS as a threat to the American way of life and a greater attempt at justification for foreign adventures….”

‘Craft Intl mercenaries carried out San Bernardino shooting’ Tue Dec 8, 2015 11:37AM HomeUSInterviews

Mercenaries from the Craft International, a tactical training company for the US military, carried out last week’s false flag operation in San Bernardino, California, according to Steven D Kelley, a former NSA/CIA contractor.

On Wednesday, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 29, stormed a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, killing at least 14 people and injuring 21 in the deadliest mass shooting in the US in three years. Hours later, the couple reportedly died in a fire exchange with police.

Malik had pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group, three US officials familiar with the investigation claimed on Friday. On Saturday, the Takfiri group also claimed the couple as its followers.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said on Monday the couple had been radicalized “for some time.”

Kelley told Press TV on Tuesday that the shooting “is just one in a long string of false flag events that I am afraid to say are not over.”

“We’ll probably be seeing several more before the end of the year, because of the events that are going on in the world, specifically with the NATO being implicated in the buying of oil from Daesh and other events,” he stated.

“So when these things happen they need to have a rapid response which requires a false flag attack. This was very obvious that this was going to happen,” the analyst added.

“The people that were on the scene and saw this happen also reported that three tall white men wearing black shirts, khaki pants and tanned combat boots were actually the shooters. The description is almost exactly what the gentlemen from Craft International, the mercenary organization that was involved in so many other false flags, actually look like. This seems to be their standard uniform,” he noted.

President Barack Obama on Sunday called the California shooting an “act of terrorism” and said the couple who launched the attack “had gone down the dark path of radicalization.”

“They had stockpiled assault weapons, ammunition and pipe bombs. So this was an act of terrorism,” he claimed.

Kelley said “the people that are being implicated – the couple — first of all if they were planning something, if they were radicalized as this is being said, and clearly the NSA, the FBI will be right on the top of these people all the time, but rather than stopping them from doing something, they were nurtured to be used for this exact purpose.”

“I do not suspect that these people have anything to do with the actual shooting. I suspect that these were patsies, no different than Timothy McVeigh or any of these other people who have historically been used to implement these terrorist acts,” the commentator said.

“If you look at the people that were wounded you can see clearly that bullet wounds are not real. The 223 weapon or bullets fired from AR15 – an extremely powerful weapon — would blow someone’s arm off, it is not going to make a small hole,” said Kelley, who is also a weapons expert.

“So clearly this is a very very dirty false flag. Obviously, the United States is getting very very desperate; the government here is very desperate, they need to do something immediately to disarm the United States prior to a revolution, because the people here are waking up very fast, and they are ready to shut down this evil empire. And this needs to happen very soon,” the analyst concluded.

In his televised address from the Oval Office, Obama called for tougher gun controls, starting with a ban on gun purchases for anyone on a US government no-fly list. “To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun.”

“What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semiautomatic weapon? This is a matter of national security,” he stated.

Obama has said the “biggest frustration” of his time in the office has been the inability to reduce unparalleled levels of gun violence in the country.

Comments (88)”

San Bernardino shooting has all the signs of a staged government operation or ISIS terror attack (from what we know so far) Wednesday, December 02, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
“…From what we know so far, this does not resemble in any way a “lone gunman” or an angry gun owner targeting someone he hates. The attack took place at the Inland Regional Center, a company that helps disabled people improve their lives with training, self-improvement counseling and more. No lone gunman shoots up a building full of disabled people.

UPDATE: We now know that LA police used the same building targeted in today’s attack as a stage for active shooter drills carried out every month! As they police raid began, one staffer from inside the building actually tweeted, “drill started.”

Military gear, escape vehicle and more…
According to eyewitness reports, this shooting was carried out by “three white males dressed in military gear.”

They were highly organized, too. They carried out the shooting and then fled in an awaiting vehicle which has not yet been found.

These are not the actions of a crazed, lone gunman. These are the actions of a highly trained force with a specific mission to carry out. They even got away from the scene of the crime! (So far…).

Was San Bernardino Shooting a False Flag? from
“Published on Dec 2, 2015

14 people were killed at the Inland regional center in California. The same location where in days past active shooter drills had taken place. Now the police say this shooting started because of a dispute at a party. At this point the shooters went home. Dressed in what mainstream media calls assault clothing and grabbed assault rifles. There are also reports of bombs at the scene. Which tells me that this is a premeditated attack. Nurses in the center thought today’s shooting was a drill. This occurred in a area with gun control already in place and monsters like Hillary Clinton have taken to Twitter to call for more Gun Control. The weapons used were illegally obtained, so how can more fun control counter that? This has false flag written all over it? What do you think?”

“Published on Dec 2, 2015

Was the San Bernardino shooting a hoax?! Watch this video as it goes through how it could have been a false flag for gun control!!
At least two of the suspected killers in a mass shooting at a county mental health building in San Bernardino, California—an unidentified man and woman both dressed in black—were killed in a shootout with police on a nearby side street, the killer has been identified as Syed R. Farook they say he got in a fight at the Christmas party came back and shot up the place now they are saying he was mentally sick Syed R. Farook he was employed by San Bernardino County as an Environmental Health Specialists and was a DEVOTED MUSLIM yet CNN is reporting mental illness Obama has been pushing to take away are guns for a while on people that are mentally sick to promote gun control It is no accident that it happen at a disable center are we all seeing why this all happened!?”

BREAKING: SWAT Team Drill Turns into REAL Mass Shooting Scenario in San Bernardino, CA By Matt Agorist on December 2, 2015
“After the shooting began, San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said that their SWAT team happened to be conducting training nearby. The team was suited, “ready to roll” and responded rapidly, Lawhead said….
What makes this noteworthy is that this is not the first time that emergency drills for the exact scenario unfolding were taking place at virtually the same moment the actual terrorist attacks began.

Paris-area emergency personnel and ambulance crews were taking part in a simulated emergency exercise on the very same day the Paris terrorist attacks took place.

During the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) was in the midst of a training exercise called Vigilant Guardian, which “coincidentally” simulated planes being hijacked by terrorists.

The Free Thought Project has heard from a source on the ground, that the target inside the Inland Regional Center was a gathering of government officials. This was confirmed by KTLA and Marybeth Feild, president and CEO of the Inland Regional Center, told the Associated Press that “the incident is in the conference area” at the center rented by an outside group, which she couldn’t identify.

As of 4:15 EST on Wednesday, the reason behind these tragic shootings and the identity the shooters remains unknown. We will keep updating this article as we find new information…”


Training exercises dovetail with mass shootings
by Jon Rappoport

Sheriff leading Umpqua Community College mass shooting response wrote anti-gun control letter after Sandy Hook
By Michael Walsh 3 hours ago (Thursday, October 1st 2015) Yahoo News
“…“Gun control is NOT the answer to preventing heinous crimes like school shootings,” Hanlin wrote. “Any actions against or in disregard for our U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment rights by the current administration would be irresponsible and an indisputable insult to the American people.”

Hanlin also voiced his support in the letter for Linn County, Ore., Sheriff Tim Mueller, who said politicians were exploiting the deaths of innocent victims to try to pass laws that would prevent law-abiding Americans from owning firearms or ammunition magazines.

“The United States Supreme Court has ruled that when a Sheriff chooses to enforce an unconstitutional directive,” Hanlin said, “he is violating his Constitutional Oath. I will NOT violate my Constitutional Oath.”

Hours after the shooting Thursday, President Obama opened his address to the media and the American people by saying that he has been to Roseburg and knows that there are “really good people.” He also thanked first responders there for very likely saving lives.

Oregon FF/HOAX: We Have Our Hero Narrative With Hollywood Connections

“Published on Oct 2, 2015

More evidence this event was scripted…………

‘Sandy Hook Truthers’ claim Newtown school massacre a hoax to spur gun control measures Lee-Anne Goodman, The Canadian Press | January 16, 2013 12:57 AM ET More from The Canadian Press
“..The Obama administration perpetrated the hoax, the conspiracy theorists claim, in order to ratchet up support for tougher gun control measures.

They call themselves Operation Terror, and many of the movement’s adherents appear to have ties to the so-called 9-11 truthers who have long held that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were an inside job by the George W. Bush administration.

Their theories on the Dec. 14 shooting in Sandy Hook appear to lack any basis in fact, reality or common sense. But Google Trends suggests the movement is gaining momentum with both a Florida college professor and a libertarian Fox News anchor in Cincinnati questioning the official narrative on the events.

FBI SAYS NO ONE KILLED AT SANDY HOOK — FBI publishes crime report showing “0” murders occurred in Newtown in 2012

’80s Punk Star Exene Cervenka Claims Santa Barbara Shooting Was a Hoax

May 28, 2014 7:42 PM
“..The 58-year-old frontwoman has added herself to the list of “truthers” who believe Elliot Rodger was just another bad actor in a long line of well-produced hoaxes, which include the Boston Marathon bombings and the attack on the World Trade Center.

Calling herself a “conspiracy therapist,” Cervenka digs into Elliot Rodger’s videos and various news reports in order to find incongruities.

Several videos added to her YouTube channel playlist today that back up the theory that Rodger’s manifesto videos were filmed in a studio. “No one died and no one got hurt. The story is 100% fabricated from start to finish,” claims one YouTube truther.

Cervenka believes Rodger’s killing spree, along with the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, were designed to force stricter gun control laws — ultimately leaving citizens defenseless against the government.

Those Who Do Not Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat it

Nick Veritas
Published on Nov 14, 2015
Without the ability to defend yourself and your family… YOU ARE A SLAVE. Feel free to copy and upload. I did.

Biblical Perspective

Why did David choose five smooth stones before going to fight Goliath?

Matthew 26:52 (ASV) Then saith Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword nto its place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword

I just did a quick google “search” on both sides of this issue after the shooting in Oregon (Thursday, October 1st 2015). Thoughts and prayers for all the families of the victims of this shooting and others in the past. These aren’t the best data or sources, so please feel free to share below to back-up what side you are for. Got a solution for these shootings?

Good News Sociology