Neutral Perspective: Witches (Magic, Witch Doctors, Faith Healers, Mediums, Occult, Pagan, etc…) are “good” or “bad”?

These Are The 16 Types Of Witches Creating Magic All Around You
‘..Below are 16 examples of the different types of witches one can possibly become and some of the facts behind what sets each apart in the world of witchcraft. 16 different types of magical beings with their own beliefs, skills, and practices—no broomstick included…”
The Wizard Of Oz _ Are You A Good Witch Or A Bad Witch

Classifying Witchcrafts


*see Medical: “Good and Bad” of Medications ?



The Mambabarang: The Black Magic of the Philippine Islands (Occult History Explained)

Witchcraft in the Philippines: as millennials fall under the spell, businesses are catching on Alixandra Vila

Published: 7:45am, 30 Jan, 2019
The rise of liberal millennials in the Philippines has brought witchcraft and the mystical forces of nature from the fringes into the mainstream
Businesses are joining in, with themed restaurants, occult bars, and beers celebrating the country’s mythological creatures
‘..Numerous records indicate that in pre-colonial Philippines, Filipinos worshipped Bathala, the Tagalog supreme deity who created the universe. They believed in engkantos, the spirits of ancestors or guardians of nature who are said to have the ability to appear in human form. Communities were dominated by babaylans (shamans) and mananambals (witches) that practise sacred rituals and magic.

“I go to different parts of the country to seek ingredients,” Demetrio says. “I go to the mountains, the jungle, talk to local people, including witch doctors who are known to have knowledge about rare ingredients found only in our land. It is through them that I learned to respect all that nature provides. I was inspired by them to transform these ingredients into something that would be enjoyed by whoever comes here.”

Siquijor – The Healing Island

Siquijor Witches Part 1 | Filipino Legend

219,997 views•Apr 16, 2018





Travel Beans
61.4K subscribers
Siquijor Witches Part 1 | Filipino Legend! Philippines might be famous for beaches but there is a more magical reason to visit. Witches in the mountains of Siquijor are a well know legend in the Philippines and today we went to find them.

Special thanks to @calamai.andrea for a couple of the drone shots. Check him out on Instagram.

Siquijor Witches Part 2 | Filipino Legend

Angry Kittens
1 year ago (edited)
LMFAO. Just to clarify, that guy was an albularyo (from spanish herbolario, “herbalist”). They’re not really the ones who gave Siquijor its reputation. Honestly most of it is just sleight of hand. Don’t feel bad at laughing.

The original “witches” of Siquijor were actually shamans, called babaylan, who escaped Spanish prosecution. And they were almost always women or homosexual men. As shamans, they were the religious leaders of the villages. They didn’t need theatrics and magic tricks. Their main job was interceding. Talking to the spirit world for advice or healing or cursing enemies. Hence why it’s mostly women and gay men because they were believed to have female spirits who had a stronger connection to the spirit world (giving birth and all that).

This also meant that when the Spanish arrived and introduced Christianity they were the first to go. They were reduced to being “healers” (usually doing things like therapeutic massage or hilot, setting bones, or midwifery), while Catholic priests took over their religious roles. A few babaylan attempted to lead revolts against the Spanish because of this, but all of them failed. As a result, almost none of the traditions survived. Modern albularyo are a far cry from the babaylan.

Jonathan Legg visits a #hilot faith healer or #arbulario (witch doctor) in #Manila #Philippines

We Meet a Witch Doctor Artist at Lugnasan Falls, Siquijior

Witch of Siquijor Island

55,902 views•Jun 7, 2018





342 subscribers
There were many stories I have heard about this magical island named Siquijor, Philippines. People say it is famous for it’s healers. I have spent 4 days driving around this beautiful land, met amazing people, and found several healers. Since most of them using the same techniques, I just filmed one witch called Annie. It was interesting to try smoke healing. Have a look. Do not forget to subscribe. Have a great day. Follow me on instagram, as I usually post more there soul_laundry

philippines uncut episode on witchcraft fact or fiction (last part)

Neutral Perspective



*see Neutral Perspective: Spanish (others) Colonialism in the Philippines was “good” and “bad”?

Philippines : Witch doctors / Faith healers (really?)

1,183 views•May 9, 2016





Scott Ingram
8.74K subscribers
Sometimes i think mabe , sometimes i think not as my lack of understanding and belief … how about you ? … Oh you got the point as i think i said the word “witch doctor” about 18 times !! 🙂


*see Stories of healing?




Witch doctors curse arsonists

540K subscribers
Traditional doctors in Masaka are threatening to close down their shrines if the gods do not reveal to them the prime suspects who set ablaze the Kasubi tombs.



12,615 views•Dec 3, 2012





Mark Judah
142 subscribers
Man of God, Jim Williams gives an incredible testimony of confronting a witch doctor in the bush of Zambia, Africa.


Testimony| Ex Witch Doctor surrenders life to Jesus Christ (1 of 3)


-North America

When my parents brought me to a witch doctor I became demon possessed // John Zavlaris

1,533 views•Aug 2, 2019





Apostle John Zavlaris
4.65K subscribers
*see Ministry: Deliverance


Cuban Witch Doctor

316 views•Jul 4, 2013





Ryan Renfrow
10 subscribers
Colby Gardner, a missionary with Adventures in Missions, tells about his ministry and a life changing event with a witch doctor from his trip to Cuba.

Colby is an amazing man of God and is being used in such incredible ways. Check out the rest of his experiences out on the mission field and see how sold out He is to following Jesus, by checking out his blog.



104K subscribers
No Weapon formed against the righteous shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17)



Face to Face with a Shapeshifting Witch Doctor | David Hogan

*see Todd White Testimony – Story of the Witch Doctor

-South America

witch doctor testimony

59 views•Streamed live on Apr 15, 2018





Jeanne Cook
most powerful witch doctor in all of Colombia and Panam




1,803 views•Dec 5, 2017





Robert Clancy
131K subscribers

Robert Clancy
1 year ago
+Dove Freeman Timor Leste (East Timor) near Indonesia

witch-doctors healing ‘christians’ who have no POWER.


From Witch Doctor to Apostle – Pastor Paul Ai – August 20, 2017

1,580 views•Aug 20, 2017





Trans4mation Church
67 subscribers
Pastor Paul Ai shares his amazing testimony from a witch doctor in Vietnam to apostle to the nations for Christ.



7,643 views•Oct 28, 2014





667 subscribers

Michelle Warren started attending a spiritualist church after the loss of her grandmother. This led her into spiritual practices and witchcraft. She had an encounter with the devil and she realised that she had to change her ways. Michelle now pastors a new church in South Wales and has an overseas ministry in Kenya. Michelle covers a teaching on Halloween as well as providing a real warning about getting involved in detestable practices. You need to encourage all your family and friends to watch this.
*see Deep Thought: Does “curiosity” really “kill the cat”? & Bringing a different treat in Halloween
48 minute mark “deliverance” after accepting Jesus into her life



Allan Rich
23.3K subscribers
Tv Talkshow for Messiah TV with guest Allan Rich ex witchdoctor.
More exclusive non edited videos on
*see Deep Thought: What’s the difference between “evil” and “good” Supernatural Powers?

Sorcery and Drugs In Opening The Last Days Spirit Portal – Dr Future Interview

•Mar 15, 2011
3.55K subscribers

*see Medical: “Good and Bad” of Medications ? & Health: Decalcify Your Pineal Gland?

Powerful Prayers to destroy witchcraft that is attacking you

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Deep Thought: Shootings with “manifestos” of hate , are they connected?

A weekend of mass murder reflects how American violence goes viral By Marc Fisher August 4

“In El Paso, Dayton and Chicago, a weekend of horrific gun violence seemed on the surface to be another spasm of disconnected mayhem, people taking the lives of others almost at random. But on closer examination, the attacks served to illustrate how America’s lone-wolf shooters aren’t really alone.

….The New Zealand shooter wrote in his manifesto that immigration “is ethnic replacement. This is cultural replacement. This is racial replacement. This is WHITE GENOCIDE.”


And American neo-Nazis in the last decades of the 20th century relied heavily on the influence of a novel by extremist William Pierce, “The Turner Diaries,” to motivate a wave of white supremacist terrorist attacks, including Timothy Mc­Veigh’s bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995; the attack killed 168 people.


What Causes Mass Shootings? | The Daily Show

From El Paso to Christchurch, a Racist Lie Is Fueling Terrorist Attacks
The Daily Beast By (Kelly Weill),The Daily Beast (8.5.19)
“..Alleged killers in Christchurch, New Zealand; Poway, California; and El Paso, Texas believed a theory that claims white people are being “replaced” by people of color through mass immigration. Conspiracy theorists often falsely claim this is a deliberate effort by any number of groups demonized on the far right: liberals, Democrats, Jews, Muslims. It’s the theory peddled by white-supremacist groups seeking recruits and the torch-bearing marchers in Charlottesville two years ago. It’s also a thinly disguised—and often not disguised—talking point from some conservative politicians and pundits, experts say…”

Dayton Shooter Was Leftist Antifa, Satanist, 2736

James Starr
1 hour ago
I knew it was ANTifa, George Soros, DemocRAT terrorists that did this! It’s time Patriots!

Ron Snyder
54 minutes ago
Democratic shooter again. In a gun free zone. During the time Democrat put to the fire. Then the media and Democratic Party blames it on conservatives Republicans and NRA. Story is all similar…”

Connor Betts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know By Jessica McBride Updated Aug 5, 2019 at 7:04pm
‘..Betts was also in a “Pornogrind” Band that, according to Vice News, “released songs about raping and killing women.” Vice called it the “extreme metal music scene.” The bands he performed in sometimes were called Menstrual Munchies and Putrid Liquid, and the songs contained vile names like “6 Ways of Female Butchery” and “Preeteen Daughter Pu$$y Slaughter,” Vice reported.

On social media, the suspect’s biography started to emerge. On his Twitter page, reviewed by Heavy, he described himself as “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.” The Greene County Board of Elections lists his party as “Dem.” You can read a roundup of his tweets – which also dealt with Parkland, Florida and 9/11 – here and later in this article. Here’s his tweet on Donald Trump’s election victory:


Authorities have now named the 9 deceased victims. In addition to Megan Betts, they are Lois Oglesby, black female, 27; Saeed Saleh, 38, black male; Logan Turner, white male, 30; Nicholas P. Cumer, white male, 25; Thomas J. McNichols, black male, 25; Beatrice N. Warren-Curtis, black female, 36; Monica E. Brickhouse, black female, 39; and Derrick R. Fudge, black male, 57. You can read tributes to the victims here. Heavy has included the victims’ race to be consistent with how local police povided the information in a press release and press conference.


Former high school classmates described him as a misogynistic bully. “I went to high school with the shooter. He made a hit list of fellow students and was arrested. Somehow he was still able to legally purchase a gun, which he used to kill at least 9 people. Something needs to be done,” wrote one…

El Paso, Dayton shootings appear motivated by opposite sides of political spectrum By Napp Nazworth, Christian Post Reporter CP CURRENT PAGE: U.S. | SUNDAY, AUGUST 04, 2019

El Paso shooting: What’s in the shooter’s reported ‘manifesto’

El Paso Walmart Shooter Allegedly Wrote Anti-Immigrant Manifesto Calling Hispanics ‘Invaders’ Eric Boehm | 8.3.2019 8:30 PM
At least 20 are dead. The manifesto praises the shooter in Christchurch, New Zealand.
“..Hours before he allegedly attacked shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, Patrick Crusius published a hate-filled diatribe in which he called Hispanics “invaders” and criticized the supposed takeover of the U.S. government by pro-immigrant corporations…

In the four-page manifesto published on 8chan, the alleged shooter wrote that he was responding to the “Hispanic invasion of Texas” and called on others to similarly take up arms against “low-hanging fruit”—lightly guarded, soft targets. He lauded the man who killed 51 in a pair of Mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March—a shooting that was also accompanied by an anti-immigrant screed posted online…

What We Know About the Southern California Synagogue Shooting By Chas Danner domestic terrorism Updated Apr. 28, 2019

“..The Gunman

John T. Earnest is a 19-year-old white man who lives in Rancho Peñasquitos, which is just west of Poway. He has no criminal history and no known links to white-supremacist groups, Sheriff Gore said on Saturday.

In an anti-Semitic manifesto attributed to Earnest and published to the white-nationalist-frequented message board 8chan just over an hour before the attack, the gunman described himself a “man of European ancestry,” quoted the Bible, and wrote of his hatred and “disgust” for Jews. He said he had been inspired by the deadly attacks on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh last October and a pair of mosques in New Zealand last month — both of which were perpetrated by white supremacists. Saturday’s shooting also happened approximately six months, to the day, after the Pittsburgh attack, which was the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history…”

The New Zealand shooter’s manifesto shows how white nationalist rhetoric spreads By Jane Updated Mar 18, 2019, 10:45am EDT
The same language featured in the alleged gunman’s manifesto is seen in white nationalist writings and outlets around the world.
“..But his writings suggest that the white nationalist ideas behind violence and attempted violence in the United States and elsewhere influenced him deeply.

The shooter reportedly left behind a 74-page manifesto. It’s the kind of document instigators of mass violence often write to inspire copycat attackers (which is why I chose not to link to it)…

That means that historically, terrorist manifestos have never been accurate documentation of either their belief system or the planning that went into their attacks. The main intention of terrorist manifestos is not to help everyday people understand how they became terrorists — it is to create new terrorists…

In short, everything in the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto is what the Christchurch shooter wants us to know about him. Like Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber who killed three people and injured 23 others in a nationwide bombing campaign from the 1970s to the 1990s, or even Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, published in 1925, the point of these manifestos is not to be factual or realistic about the inner worlds of their authors. In Mein Kampf, Hitler portrays himself as a talented artist and lover of architecture. In Kaczynski’s manifesto, he portrays himself as a man profoundly concerned about the material problems of industrial society. Manifestos aren’t honest. Manifestos are for mass consumption…”

Norway suspect Anders Behring Breivik released manifesto, “A European Declaration of Independence” BY CAMILLE MANN

JULY 25, 2011 / 12:49 PM / CBS NEWS
“..Breivik staged the bombing and youth camp rampage as “marketing” for his manifesto calling for a revolution that would rid Europe of Muslims, he said.

Breivik laid out his extreme nationalist philosophy as well as his attack methods in a 1,500-page manifesto entitled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence.” The manifesto describes a hypothetical response to his perceived threat of “cultural Marxist/multiculturalism atrocities” and the “threat of Islam.”


The writings reveal a delusional personality filled with hatred and self-aggrandizing dreams and includes passages lifted from the writings of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski.


The FBI Files: Season 1 – Ep 9 “The Unabomber”

Unabomber Victim Names Found in Cabin; Suspect May Have Met Some Victims MICHAEL J. SNIFFENApril 9, 1996
“.. Elsewhere, federal agents scouring the Unabomber’s suspected haunts and target sites across the nation have turned up evidence that Kaczynski may have actually crossed paths with four Unabomber victims, according to a federal law enforcement source. Three people have been killed and 23 injured in nine states in Unabomber attacks.

These are the possible casual contacts:..”

What Is The Unabomber Manifesto? The Document Helped End The ‘Manhunt’ For Ted Kaczynski By Kayla Hawkins Aug 1 2017
“.. The Attorney General and the Director of the FBI recommended publication.” (In 1998 Kaczynski plead guilty to 16 bombings and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.)

The manifesto itself is largely concerned with how society is affected by technology, particularly modern, industrial technology. Titled “Industrial Society and Its Future,” Kaczynski began with these claims:..”

Full text of “Industrial Society and Its Future – The Unabomber’s Manifesto”

Ted Kaczynski: How A Child Math Prodigy Became The Serial-Killing Unabomber By Andrew Lenoir
Published June 7, 2019 Updated June 9, 2019
The Unabomber’s reign of terror lasted for 17 years and sparked the biggest manhunt in FBI history. But what drove math prodigy Ted Kaczynski to murder?
“..The victims were seemingly random, with attacks in Chicago, California, and New Jersey. They were academics, lobbyists, airline executives, and computer store owners. Many were maimed and lost fingers, limbs, and eyes. Fortunately, apart from Murray, only two others were killed. The only commonalities between the targets seemed to be a tenuous connection to technology or the destruction of the environment…

Born in Chicago in 1942, Ted Kaczynski had, for the most part, a fairly normal middle-class suburban childhood. He had two loving parents and a younger brother, David, who idolized him. He played the trombone and collected coins. He was quiet, sensitive, and shy with others, but he loved animals and being outdoors. He also had an IQ of 167, placing him just above Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein…

Ted Kaczynski Becomes The Unabomber

A former army intelligence officer during World War II, Harvard Psychology Professor Henry Murray completed a psychological profile of Adolph Hitler. In 1947, he returned to Harvard as a chief researcher.

At the time, one of the CIA’s biggest projects — apart from undermining Communist regimes around the world — was an internal one: MKUltra, a study of mind control. Some have alleged that Murray’s Harvard research was part of MKUltra….

*see Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?

Henry A. Murray – LSD – MK ULTRA – Ted Kaczynski(Unabomber)

Ted Kaczynski and the Harvard Experiment
“…In other words, why did Murray subject a vulnerable boy to intensive interrogation—what Murray himself called “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks, assaulting his ego and most-cherished ideals and beliefs?

“In one part of the experiment, subjects were pressured to respond to questions asked under extreme duress, with bright lights and cameras pointed at them and electrodes attached to their bodies.

Dr. Ross Neissuler, who also took part in the study, said that participants also took the Thematic Apperception Test, a psychological test that Murray himself developed.

The experiences left some participants scarred for life.”

What remains of Murray’s notes from the experiment are sealed.…

Alton Chase cites several other participants in the study who were quite disturbed by the experience, and remembered years later how angry, frightened and violated they felt. Chase suggests that feelings of this kind might have driven Kaczynski to lash out against society.

The body of this video is a reading of Murray’s article, “America’s Mission” (to lead the world to one world government) published in the periodical, Survey Graphic, Issue No. 37, October, 1948.

Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber ALSTON CHASE
In the fall of 1958 Theodore Kaczynski, a brilliant but vulnerable boy of sixteen, entered Harvard College. There he encountered a prevailing intellectual atmosphere of anti-technological despair. There, also, he was deceived into subjecting himself to a series of purposely brutalizing psychological experiments—experiments that may have confirmed his still-forming belief in the evil of science. Was the Unabomber born at Harvard? A look inside the files
“..e has apparently carried on a similarly voluminous correspondence with many others, often developing close friendships with them through the mail. Kaczynski told me that the Henry A. Murray Research Center of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, although it released some raw data about him to his attorneys, had refused to share information about the Murray team’s analysis of that data. Kaczynski hinted darkly that the Murray Center seemed to feel it had something to hide. One of his defense investigators, he said, reported that the center had told participating psychologists not to talk with his defense team….

Mello is only half right. It is true that many believed Kaczynski was insane because they needed to believe it. But the truly disturbing aspect of Kaczynski and his ideas is not that they are so foreign but that they are so familiar. The manifesto is the work of neither a genius nor a maniac. Except for its call to violence, the ideas it expresses are perfectly ordinary and unoriginal, shared by many Americans. Its pessimism over the direction of civilization and its rejection of the modern world are shared especially with the country’s most highly educated. The manifesto is, in other words, an academic—and popular—cliché. And if concepts that many of us unreflectively accept can lead a person to commit serial murder, what does that say about us? We need to see Kaczynski as exceptional—madman or genius—because the alternative is so much more frightening….

..Thus, Kaczynski records, although the Kaczynskis were atheists, his parents instructed him to tell people they were Unitarians. The tension created by the family’s efforts to look good to the neighbors increased significantly when, in the fifth grade, Kaczynski scored 167 on an IQ test. He skipped the sixth grade, leaving his friends behind to enter a new class as the smallest kid in the room…

*see Famous Phrases: There Are No Atheist in Foxholes

“..) During the war Murray served in the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA, helping to develop psychological screening tests for applicants and (according to Timothy Leary) monitoring military experiments on brainwashing. In his book (1979), John Marks reported that General “Wild Bill” Donovan, the OSS director, “called in Harvard psychology professor Henry ‘Harry’ Murray” to devise a system for testing the suitability of applicants to the OSS. Murray and his colleagues “put together an assessment system … [that] tested a recruit’s ability to stand up under pressure, to be a leader, to hold liquor, to lie skillfully, and to read a person’s character by the nature of his clothing. … Murray’s system became a fixture in the OSS.”…

Although most Americans strongly condemn terrorist acts committed in the name of political agendas of which they do not approve, many turn a blind eye toward savagery done in the name of ideals they share. Indeed, many are reasonably comfortable with violence short of murder, as long as it’s done for a cause they support. It was easy for Americans to unite in condemning the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City bombings, because few approved of the bombers’ goals: the destruction of the state of Israel and of the U.S. government. But some conservatives seem to be untroubled by anti-abortion bombings or by the rise of armed militias, and some liberals consistently condone or ignore the proliferation of terrorism putatively committed on behalf of animals or the environment…”


As part of this program, Murray and other CIA-funded scientists were — allegedly — tasked with exploring the means of making and breaking an individual’s personality, and developing techniques for brainwashing and mind control including torture, sleep deprivation, and psychedelic drugs, all of which were often used on unsuspecting victims.

At age 17, Ted Kaczynski signed up to be a test subject in one of Murray’s studies on the effects of stress on the human psyche…

Murray would record the data of the subject’s anger and embarrassment and then would take the time to show the subject the video recording of their experience and specifically point out their expressions of impotent rage. Kaczynski described it as “the worst experience of my life,” but he stayed in the study for three years. As he later explained, “I wanted to prove I could take it, that I couldn’t be broken.”

After graduation, Ted Kaczynski attended the University of Michigan to pursue a master’s and then a Ph.D. in mathematics. It was here that he started to come undone. He hated his fellow students and his teachers…

Then, in July of 1979 — after having already mailed two bombs in the span of a year — having hiked far out into the woods, Kaczynski was relaxing in a hunting camp as far from humankind as he could manage. He heard the sound of airplanes going on for about an hour, followed by what he called a sonic boom. Kaczynski became so enraged and depressed at the interruption that he called off the excursion and returned to his cabin….

He began trying to shoot passing helicopters and low-flying planes with his hunting rifle, but he never succeeded, and it never helped. He remained so upset by the incident that he kept writing about it in his journal for several months….

He pointed to the automobile — once a luxury and now a necessity — to argue that “advancement” eroded personal freedom and created new norms that individuals had to adopt in order to remain in society. He argued that “progress” in the political, economic, and media structures, would destroy individuality and ecological stability. He attacked “leftism” and the push for “social reforms.”…

Kaczynski’s defense attorneys, against his wishes, prepared a convincing insanity defense. Their key piece of evidence would be Kaczynski’s cabin and argued that no sane person would willingly spend 25 years in the brutal Montana winters in such a small and rudimentary structure…

Infamous Killers: Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber | A&E – YouTube

Ted Kaczynski
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Table of bombings

New York Times News ServiceCHICAGO TRIBUNE
“..Thomas J. Mosser, 50, was killed Saturday in his suburban North Caldwell home when he opened a package addressed to him and delivered by the Postal Service, FBI agent Barry Mawn said….

Mosser, who was promoted to executive vice president earlier this year and recently was named general manager at Young & Rubicam, one of the largest advertising firms in the world, appears to be the first victim in advertising.

Young & Rubicam has some technology clients, including Digital Equipment Corp. and Xerox. It also works for the U.S. Postal Service, Philip Morris, KFC, Kraft General Foods and several other conglomorates.

Investigators said one reason Mosser might also be linked to the other victims was that he was mentioned recently in The New York Times. At least three of the other victims, including the two last year, had been featured in articles in The Times that characterized them as leaders in their fields…”

What Does FC Mean In ‘Manhunt: Unabomber’? The Initials Stand For Ted Kaczynski’s Deadly Mission By Alaina Urquhart-White
Aug 15 2017
‘..Unabomber, viewers hear excerpts from a letter from Kaczynski wrote demanding the publication of his “manifesto,” where the Unabomber refers to himself as a group called FC.

As reported by The Independent, the initials FC stand for Freedom Club. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a letter from the Unabomber identified that Freedom Club was a terrorist organization whose goal was the “destruction of modern industrial society in every part of the world.”..”

The Unabomber and the doctor behind him 2017-09-28 06:00 by Rozanne Els
‘..Discovery Network’s depiction of Kaczynski’s trail of destruction can be hard to watch at times – the scenes with Murray are particularly unsettling – and a myriad of questions about the ethics of human experimentation is hard to shake off.


To what extent Murray’s experiment contributed to Kaczynski eventually becoming a serial bomber, however, is debatable. Murray’s experiment explored psychic deconstruction by humiliating the participating students to the extent that they experienced intolerable stress. Murray was reportedly working for the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the precursor to the CIA, and the experiment was allegedly intended to help with questioning tactics.

What is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Brent S.
United States



Rampage – Official Trailer

Phase 4 Films
Published on Mar 31, 2010
The boredom of small town life is eating Bill Williamson alive. Feeling constrained and claustrophobic in the meaningless drudgery of everyday life and helpless against overwhelming global dissolution, Bill (Brendan Fletcher) begins a descent into madness. His shockingly violent plan will shake the very foundations of society by painting the streets red with blood.

“..Teo Tofte
Teo Tofte
8 years ago
just like the crazy Norwegian guy( Anders Breivik) from last week. Who went straight Loco and killed 0ver 100 person in Oslo..

9 years ago
i love gore movies and slashers movies but THIS MOVIE SHOCKED ME……”

Rampage (2009) Brendan Fletcher Killcount – YouTube

The Hunt – In Theaters September 27 (Private Hunting Experience) [HD]


Mass Shootings By Country 2019
“..School shootings are a common type of mass shootings, as saddening as it is, especially in the United States. Though there is not actual global definition of a mass shooting, the general consensus is that a mass shooting results from armed weapons taking the lives of many people at one time.



A Texas man planned a mass shooting. His grandmother stopped him and ‘saved lives,’ officials say N’dea Yancey-Bragg,USA TODAY 3 hours ago (8.5.19)
“..William Patrick Williams, a 19-year-old from Lubbock, Texas, told his grandmother that he had purchased an AK-47 rifle and planned to “shoot up” a local hotel and “commit suicide by cop,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Texas.

Concerned for his safety and for the safety of others, she convinced her grandson to let her take him to a local hospital, a news release said…

Other items found during the search included a black trenchcoat, black tactical pants, a black T-shirt that read “Let ‘Em Come,” and black, fingerless tactical gloves.

Williams could face up to five years in federal prison if convicted, according to the release.

“If you suspect a friend or loved one is planning violence against themselves or others, do not hesitate to seek help immediately by calling law enforcement,” Cox said…”


Power of Prayer!

Billy Graham chaplains respond to mass shootings written by Michael Ireland August 5, 2019
“..“Please join me in praying for the grieving families whose loved ones were killed today and for the nearly two dozen more who are injured and being treated in nearby hospitals,” Billy Graham Evangelistic Association President Franklin Graham said on his Facebook page following the first incident. “Even the youngest of children were not spared from this senseless evil. Unbelievably, all at a local Walmart. I join with Governor Greg Abbott who said, ‘We ask God to bind up the wounds of all who’ve been harmed.’”..

Marr also stated: “While we are on higher alert especially in soft target spaces like theatres, schools, malls and churches as part of our daily routine now, God’s Word…

… in Acts 4:29-30 reminds us: ‘Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.’ This is a time when Christians need to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically resilient. Again, let’s be Aware, Ready and There sharing Christ together!”..”


Good News Sociology

Movie Reflection: “Field of Dreams”

Field of Dreams – Horror Movie – Recut Trailer – YouTube

Field of Dreams – Movie Clip #1 – “Build It” (1989) – YouTube

Field of Dreams (2/9) Movie CLIP – Cornfield to Ballfield … – YouTube

Field of dreams 5 9 movie clip people will come 1989 hd – YouTube

Field of Dreams (3/9) Movie CLIP – Go the Distance (1989 … – YouTube

Chisholm, Minnesota

“Moonlight” Graham – Field Of Dreams Movie Site

“..While the Giants went on to defeat the Philadelphia Athletics four games to one in the 1905 World Series, Graham left baseball to fulfill his dream of becoming a medical doctor, eventually pursuing his life’s work in Chisholm, Minnesota, the year following the Great Chisholm Fire of 1908. “Doc” Graham spent his first six years practicing medicine at Chisholm’s Rood Hospital and the next 44 years as physician for the Chisholm schools, where he gained national recognition for his thirteen year study of children’s blood pressure, as well as the love and respect of the entire local community.


Field of Dreams (4/9) Movie CLIP – Moonlight Graham’s … – YouTube

Field of Dreams Official Trailer #1 – Burt Lancaster Movie … – YouTube

Field of Dreams (7/9) Movie CLIP – Ray’s Not Invited (1989 … – YouTube

Field of dreams 6 9 movie clip doc saves karin 1989 hd – YouTube

Field of Dreams – What Do You Want – Terence Mann – YouTube

Field of Dreams – The Drive Home – YouTube

Field of Dreams (1989) – Meet Terence Mann – YouTube

Field of Dreams (8/9) Movie CLIP – Ray Meets His Father … – YouTube

Is this heaven ?.flv – YouTube

Field of Dreams – Playing Catch (High Quality) – YouTube

A Catch With Dad – Field of Dreams – YouTube

Memorable Quotes

MLB players recite famous “Field of Dreams” speech


Field Of Dreams Soundtrack – YouTube

Field Of Dreams by James Horner – Soundtrack Suite – YouTube

Field of Dreams Original Soundtrack – The Cornfield – YouTube

“Field of Dreams” Universal Pictures Centennial Concert … – YouTube

Behind the Scenes

Field Of Dreams | Film Locations


Field of Dreams Movie Site

‘..n 1988, the Lansing Family Farm exchanged its humble roots for a destiny very few could have imagined. However, the story only begins there. Not long after the film’s release, believers shaped, molded, and lovingly preserved what Hollywood and a brilliant novel had set in motion that previous year…”

16×9 – Field of Dreams: Movie site for sale – YouTube

“Field of Dreams” site sold – YouTube

Manfred tours house at Field of Dreams movie site – YouTube

Field of Dreams Movie Site – Dyersville Iowa – YouTube


The Field Of Dreams movie house – Oddments Vlog 11 – YouTube

Field of Dreams movie location – YouTube

Field of Dreams Movie Site – Matt’s Rad Show – (Vlog #4) – YouTube

Warren Ballpark: The Real Field of Dreams – YouTube

The Field Of Dreams movie house – Oddments Vlog 11

Behind the Movie

‘Field of Dreams’ at 30: 5 things you never knew about the baseball classic from an ‘Exorcist’ connection to a lost James Earl Jones speech Ethan Alter
Senior Writer, Yahoo Entertainment
Yahoo MoviesJune 14, 2019
“..Three decades later, though, people have come back to Field of Dreams again… and again… and again. In fact, they’ll have another chance this weekend, when Fathom Events and TCM Big Screen Classics hosts a special 30th Anniversary screening on June 16 — Father’s Day — in theaters across the country. (An encore presentation is scheduled for June 18; visit Fandango or Atom Tickets for showtimes and ticket information.)

That date only makes sense as Field of Dreams isn’t just one of the most beloved sports movies of all time; it’s also become a rite of passage that dads share with their sons and daughters. Because as the emotional final scene drives home, the real subject of the film isn’t baseball — it’s what parents can teach children and children can teach parents. “I’m always grateful for it,” Robinson tells Yahoo Entertainment. “You always hope a movie is going to do well, but you can’t really count on that. It’s remarkable to me that we’re still talking about Field of Dreams.” Here are five remarkable things we learned about this one-of-a-kind movie…”

Kevin Costner’s memorable moments from ‘Field of Dreams … – YouTube

19 facts about ‘Field of Dreams’ that go the distance
Chris Chase @FireChrisChase
May 25, 2017 at 6:40p ET
“..Field of Dreams came out 28 years ago this month. To celebrate the timeless baseball classic, FOX Sports looks at 19 things you might not have known about one of the three greatest sports movies ever made. (Don’t @ me.)

Field of Dreams is based on the book Shoeless Joe by W.P. Kinsella. Producers wanted to use the same name for the film but the studio thought people would think it was about a homeless man or hobo. Field of Dreams was chosen instead, which was fine with the author – he’d always wanted his book to be called The Dream Field…

Field of Dreams Book banning Scene – YouTube

25 Fast Facts About Field of Dreams BY ROGER CORMIER APRIL 23, 2015
“..Either way you look at it, the Oscar-nominated movie—which made its debut on May 5, 1989—is still being talked about more than a quarter-century later.

Field of Dreams writer-director Phil Alden Robinson loved W.P. Kinsella’s Shoeless Joe since the book was first published in 1982. Robinson continued working on the adapted screenplay, despite 20th Century Fox’s repeated insistence through the years that it wasn’t commercial enough. Eventually Robinson and producers Lawrence and Charles Gordon sold the screenplay to Universal…”

Field of Dreams – Script to Screen


Timothy Busfield
Actor | Producer | Director

25th Anniversary

Kevin Costner “Field of Dreams” 25 years later – YouTube

Kevin Costner talks on Field of Dreams at the movie’s 25th … – YouTube

Kevin Costner ,Timothy Busfield, Dwier Brown at Field of Dreams 25th …

“Field of Dreams” Film Celebrates its 25th Anniversary – YouTube

‘Field of Dreams’ 25 years later: “Is this heaven?” – YouTube

Celebrity Baseball Game at the 25th Anniversary of Field of Dreams

Greater Boston Video: Fenway Marks 25th Anniversary Of ‘Field Of Dreams’

Kristy Swanson on Father’s Day and Field of Dreams

30th Anniversary

FIELD OF DREAMS – 30th Anniversary – MOVIE SITE TOUR – YouTube

Ray Kinsella’s father returning to Field of Dreams, again, for 30th Anniversary Sat., June 15, 2019
Actor returning to the heaven he found in E. Iowa
“..Brown played John Kinsella, a former minor league player and late father of Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner. The two never reconciled after a rift when Ray was 17. They argued over the guilt or innocence of John’s idol, Shoeless Joe Jackson, one of eight White Sox players accused of throwing the 1919 World Series in a gambling deal, in what became known as the Black Sox Scandal.

Now an adult, Ray is the novice farmer who heard a voice saying the movie’s other famous tagline, “If you build it, he will come.” Believing the “he” to be Jackson, Ray builds the ball diamond, against all the warnings that he’d go bankrupt tearing up the cornfield.

Spoiler alert: At the movie’s end, Ray discovers the “he” actually refers to his father, who has emerged with the other ghost players for a game there. After an awkward meeting between father and son, as John turns to disappear back into what’s left of the cornfield, Ray mends their broken hearts with a simple invitation: “Hey, Dad? You wanna have a catch?”



Field of Dreams 30th anniversary – YouTube

Behind The Scenes Field Of Dreams 30th anniversary … – YouTube

Is This Heaven? Actor Dwier Brown to Celebrate 30th Anniversary of “Field of Dreams” at Bowman Field by: Robin Deehan

Posted: Jun 21, 2019 / 06:42 PM EDT / Updated: Jun 21, 2019 / 06:42 PM EDT

“.. The club is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the baseball classic. Brown told Eyewitness Sports he believes the film still resonates all these years later because it’s about second chances. ..”

Movie Aftermath

Field of Dreams Commentary Podcast – YouTube

Colts 2014: Return to the Field of Dreams – YouTube

TDW 1868 – Emotional Visit To Field Of Dreams – YouTube

Dwier Brown

Dwier Brown

Field of Dreams: Actor Dwier Brown (Who played Kevin Costner’s Father)

Field of Dreams actor Dwier Brown joins the Platter!

Interview with Dwier Brown from Field of Dreams

-Book on Fathers

If You Build It…: A book about Fathers, Fate and Field of Dreams Paperback – April 14, 2014
“If You Build It… is a funny and moving memoir about Fathers, Fate and Field of Dreams. Dwier Brown played Kevin Costner’s father for five minutes at the end of the movie Field of Dreams. Despite being an actor for 35 years and performing in hundreds of other films, plays and television shows, it was those five minutes that changed his life. Since the movie’s release in 1989, Brown has been recognized by dozens of fans who have told him poignant stories about their fathers and how watching the film changed their lives. Their touching stories helped Brown put into perspective his own father’s unexpected death just a month before he began filming Field of Dreams…”

Dwier Brown (who played Kevin Costner’s father in Field of Dreams) Book Tour IndieGogo Campaign

Dwier Brown of Field of Dreams – The Power of a Game of Catch

*see Fitness & Health: Fun Creative Family Activities

Field of Dreams actor, @DwierBrown stresses the importance of playing catch!

We asked “If you could say anything to your Dad right now, what would it be?”
*see Deep Thought: What’s an “ideal” father?

Dwier Brown (“Field of Dreams” father) at Willmar Stingers Baseball Game

“Is this heaven?”
*see Deep Thought: Is “Heaven” for real?

Good News Baseball

Now You Know: Nazi History and Current News


How a Speech Helped Hitler Take Power BY LILY ROTHMAN
FEBRUARY 24, 2015
“..The German Workers’ Party (later the Nazi party) already existed before that date, though it was on that day that its exact goals were laid bare: the platform, set forth in 25 points, did not shy away from the central idea of strengthening German citizenship by excluding and controlling Jewish people and others deemed non-German. Still, those ideas weren’t new for the party. So what changed in 1920, and how did that help lead to Hitler’s ultimate rise to Nazi power?


The Nazi Party: Background & Overview
“..The Party Gets a New Name

In April, 1920, Hitler advocated that the party should change its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). Hitler had always been hostile to socialist ideas, especially those that involved racial or sexual equality. However, socialism was a popular political philosophy in Germany after the First World War. This was reflected in the growth in the German Social Democrat Party (SDP), the largest political party in Germany.

Hitler, therefore redefined socialism by placing the word ‘National’ before it. He claimed he was only in favour of equality for those who had “German blood.” Jews and other “aliens” would lose their rights of citizenship, and immigration of non-Germans should be brought to an end.

In February 1920, the NSDAP published its first programme which became known as the “Twenty-Five Points.” In the programme the party refused to accept the terms of the Versailles Treaty and called for the reunification of all German people. To reinforce their ideas on nationalism, equal rights were only to be given to German citizens. “Foreigners” and “aliens” would be denied these rights…

In an attempt to obtain financial contributions from industrialists, Hitler wrote a pamphlet in 1927 entitled The Road to Resurgence. Only a small number of these pamphlets were printed and they were only meant for the eyes of the top industrialists in Germany. The reason that the pamphlet was kept secret was that it contained information that would have upset Hitler’s working-class supporters. In the pamphlet Hitler implied that the anti-capitalist measures included in the original twenty-five points of the NSDAP programme would not be implemented if he gained power.

Hitler began to argue that “capitalists had worked their way to the top through their capacity, and on the basis of this selection they have the right to lead.” Hitler claimed that national socialism meant all people doing their best for society and posed no threat to the wealth of the rich. Some prosperous industrialists were convinced by these arguments and gave donations to the Nazi Party, however, the vast majority continued to support other parties, especially the right-wing German Nationalist Peoples Party (DNVP)….

The fortunes of the NSDAP changed with the Wall Street Crash in October 1929. Desperate for capital, the United States began to recall loans from Europe. One of the consequences of this was a rapid increase in unemployment. Germany, whose economy relied heavily on investment from the United States, suffered more than any other country in Europe….”

Swastika Symbol

The Man Who Brought the Swastika to Germany, and How the Nazis Stole It By Lorraine Boissoneault
April 6, 2017
“..,It wasn’t until 1871 that Schliemann achieved his dream. The discovery catapulted him to fame, and with his fame came a burst of interest in all that he uncovered. The intrepid archaeologist found his Homeric city, but he also found something else: the swastika, a symbol that would be manipulated to shape world history.

…He would go on to see the swastika everywhere, from Tibet to Paraguay to the Gold Coast of Africa. And as Schliemann’s exploits grew more famous, and archaeological discoveries became a way of creating a narrative of national identity, the swastika grew more prominent. It exploded in popularity as a symbol of good fortune, appearing on Coca-Cola products, Boy Scouts’ and Girls’ Club materials and even American military uniforms, reports the BBC. But as it rose to fame, the swastika became tied into a much more volatile movement: a wave of nationalism spreading across Germany….

Initially, “Aryan” was a term used to delineate the Indo-European language group, not a racial classification. Scholars in the burgeoning field of linguistics had noticed similarities among the German, Romance and Sanskrit languages. The rising interest in eugenics and racial hygiene, however, led some to corrupt Aryan into a descriptor for an ancient, master racial identity with a clear throughline to contemporary Germany. As the Washington Post reported in a story about the rise of Nazism several years before the start of World War II, “[Aryanism]… was an intellectual dispute between bewhiskered scholars as to the existence of a pure and undefiled Aryan race at one stage of the earth’s history.” In the 19th century, French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau and others made the connection between the mythical Aryans and the Germans, who were the superior descendants of the early people, now destined to lead the world towards greater advancement by conquering their neighbors.

Initially, “Aryan” was a term used to delineate the Indo-European language group, not a racial classification. Scholars in the burgeoning field of linguistics had noticed similarities among the German, Romance and Sanskrit languages. The rising interest in eugenics and racial hygiene, however, led some to corrupt Aryan into a descriptor for an ancient, master racial identity with a clear throughline to contemporary Germany. As the Washington Post reported in a story about the rise of Nazism several years before the start of World War II, “[Aryanism]… was an intellectual dispute between bewhiskered scholars as to the existence of a pure and undefiled Aryan race at one stage of the earth’s history.” In the 19th century, French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau and others made the connection between the mythical Aryans and the Germans, who were the superior descendants of the early people, now destined to lead the world towards greater advancement by conquering their neighbors.

….Efforts to ban the display of the swastika and other Nazi iconography in the post-war years—including current German criminal laws that prohibit the public use of the swastika and the Nazi salute—seem to have only further enshrined the evil regime it was co-opted by. Today the symbol remains a weapon of white supremacist groups around the world. In recent months, its prevalence has spiked around the U.S., with swastikas appearing around New York City, Portland, Pennsylvania, California and elsewhere. It seems the harder authority figures attempt to quash it out, the greater its power to intimidate. For Heller, this is an intractable problem….

The Nazis officially adopted a red flag with a white circle and black swastika in 1920. Hitler wrote of the flag (emphasis mine), “We National Socialists regarded our flag as being the embodiment of our party programme. The red expressed the social thought underlying the movement. White the national thought. And the swastika signified the mission allotted to us—the struggle for the victory of Aryan mankind and at the same time the triumph of the ideal of creative work which is in itself and always will be anti-Semitic.”


The True History & Story of The Swastika Symbol. – YouTube

Nazi medical crimes | DW Documentary

Prescott Bush – How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to Power

Published on Sep 12, 2012
How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power –

Books 2 READ : I PAID HITLER By: Fritz Thyssen / Wall Street & The Raise of Hitler

How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power –

Seldes talks about Thyssen’s financial support of Hitler

George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator’s action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

The debate over Prescott Bush’s behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the “Bush/Nazi” connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis’ plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler’s rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.

Remarkably, little of Bush’s dealings with Germany has received public scrutiny, partly because of the secret status of the documentation involving him. But now the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, and the imminent publication of three books on the subject are threatening to make Prescott Bush’s business history an uncomfortable issue for his grandson, George W, as he seeks re-election.

While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen’s US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.


Bush was also on the board of at least one of the companies that formed part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to move assets around the world.

Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler’s efforts to re-arm between the two world wars. One of the pillars in Thyssen’s international corporate web, UBC, worked exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands. More tantalising are Bush’s links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish border. During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps, including Auschwitz. The ownership of CSSC changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen’s American assets were seized in 1942.

Three sets of archives spell out Prescott Bush’s involvement. All three are readily available, thanks to the efficient US archive system and a helpful and dedicated staff at both the Library of Congress in Washington and the National Archives at the University of Maryland.


‘My family resisted the Nazis’: why director had to film Alone in Berlin Dalya Alberge Sat 6 Feb 2016 19.04 EST Last modified on Thu 22 Feb 2018 16.12 EST
“..They play Otto and Anna Quangel, an ordinary working-class couple who resist Nazism. When their only son is killed in action in 1940, the pair are shocked out of their quiet, apolitical existence into an extraordinary act of defiance. Using the power of the written word, they leave anonymous postcards attacking Hitler across a city paralysed by terror, facing certain death if caught…

“I’m not saying that this is not some enormous allegorical story, but clearly we live in uncertain times. There are many places in this world where people are oppressed and where there are acts of defiance. This is a story that gives you hope. Ordinary people can make a difference.”.”

Alone in Berlin Official Trailer 1 (2017) – Brendan Gleeson Movie …

Alone in Berlin: the tragic couple who stood up to Hitler Finlay GreigFinlay Greig2 yearsThursday March 9th 2017
“..No sooner had they been found guilty, the married couple were decapitated at Plötzensee prison in their home city…

The writer Hans Fallada told the brave couple’s story in his novel Every Man Dies Alone, also known as Alone in Berlin, originally released in 1947.

Now, Fallada’s book has been adapted for the big screen, starring Emma Thompson and Brendan Gleeson as the Hampels…

Striking out at the height of Hitler’s popularity

Otto and Elise began denouncing the government in 1940, following the death of Elise’s brother – who was killed in action during the invasion of France….”

Documental TVE Solos contra Hitler – YouTube – Translate this page

*see Global Country Spotlight: Europe-Germany


Nancy Wake: Gestapo’s Most Wanted (French Resistance Documentary) | Timeline

Nancy Wake, Proud Spy and Nazi Foe, Dies at 98 By PAUL VITELLOAUG. 13, 2011
“..Ms. Wake, a onetime freelance journalist whose life careered along a path that Hemingway might have sketched, from impoverished childhood to high-society hostess in the south of France to decorated heroine of the French Resistance during World War II, died last Sunday in London. She was 98.

In the war, she was credited with saving the lives of hundreds of Allied soldiers and downed airmen between 1940 and 1943 by escorting them through occupied France to safety in Spain.

She helped establish communication lines between the British military and the French Resistance in 1944 that were deemed crucial to weakening German strength in France in advance of the Allied invasion.

By her own account she once killed a German sentry with her bare hands, and ordered the execution of a woman she believed to be a German spy…

In film documentaries and in her 1985 autobiography, “The White Mouse,” Ms. Wake said she underwent a kind of personal metamorphosis during the war, from the fun-loving girl of her youth to the Resistance fighter she became.

It began, she said, with a visit to Vienna in the mid-1930s as a freelance journalist. There, she saw roving Nazi gangs randomly beating Jewish men and women in the streets.

Those attacks made her promise herself that “if ever the opportunity arose, I would do everything I could” to stop the Nazi movement, she said. “My hatred of the Nazis was very, very deep.”..”

*see Now You Know: Interesting Jewish “Stuff”

‘..With the German invasion of France, Ms. Wake’s wealth and social standing gave her a certain cover as she began helping members of local Resistance groups.

She became a courier and then an escort for Allied soldiers and refugees trying to leave the country. “It was much easier for us, you know, to travel all over France,” she told an interviewer for Australian television. “A woman could get out of a lot of trouble that a man could not.”..

In April 1944, when she was 31, she was among 39 women and 430 men who were parachuted into France to help with preparations for D-Day…”

*see Movie Reflection: “Saving Private Ryan” (Normandy Landings of World War 2)

Tribute to Nancy Wake

Fierce Girls: Nancy Wake, the ‘white mouse’

Good News Caucasian-European

Neutral Perspective: Athletes or Anyone Else “Should” or “Should NOT” be required to Stand during U.S.A. Anthem ?

Should NOT

African Americans


Colin Kaepernick explains why he won’t stand during National Anthem …

Published on Aug 29, 2016
Raw Video – 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick explains why he is refusing to stand during the National Anthem.

A timeline of Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest and the athletes who joined him By Mark Sandritter Updated Sep 25, 2017, 10:28am EDT
“…Initially, Kaepernick was alone in his protest. And unnoticed. His protest didn’t come to light and gain national attention until the third preseason game. Since then, he’s continued on with his protest while being joined by several other NFL players, other professional, college and high school athletes.

Here is a complete timeline of Kaepernick’s protest and the other athletes who has followed suit.
Aug. 14 and Aug. 20 — Kaepernick goes unnoticed while sitting during the anthem

Kaepernick made headlines when he sat during the 49ers third preseason game, but he also sat during the first two games, according to Mike Garafolo of NFL Network. Kaepernick wasn’t in uniform and didn’t play during the first two games…”

Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee By Eric Reid Sept. 25, 2017
“In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police. The posts on social media deeply disturbed me, but one in particular brought me to tears: the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La. This could have happened to any of my family members who still live in the area. I felt furious, hurt and hopeless. I wanted to do something, but didn’t know what or how to do it. All I knew for sure is that I wanted it to be as respectful as possible.

A few weeks later, during preseason, my teammate Colin Kaepernick chose to sit on the bench during the national anthem to protest police brutality. To be honest, I didn’t notice at the time, and neither did the news media. It wasn’t until after our third preseason game on Aug. 26, 2016, that his protest gained national attention, and the backlash against him began…”

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem Dan Ventura Sunday, September 24, 2017
“..Fueled by comments by President Donald J. Trump aimed at NFL players not standing for the national anthem, McCourty and at least 15 Patriots teammates took a knee during the anthem prior to playing the Texans Sunday. Many fans booed the players in response and called for them to “stand up.” ..”
Everything you need to know about NFL protests during the national anthem By Adam Stites Updated Oct 19, 2017, 11:37am EDT
“..”This stand wasn’t for me. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t.”

His decision to sit during the national anthem drew criticism, though. Many felt and still feel it was disrespectful to the United States, its flag, and its military.

“I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country,” Kaepernick said. “I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening.

“People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they fought have for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right.”..”

*see Neutral Perspective: North Dakota Law Enforcement with DAPL Security Firm vs #NODAPL “Water” Protectors
Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?
Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?
North Dakota: Why Were U.S. Veterans at Standing Rock?

Hansen Unplugged: Anthem protests not about disrespecting the flag

Published on Sep 25, 2017
“Our forefathers made freedom of speech the First Amendment. They listed 10, and not one of them says you have to stand during the national anthem.”

Randy Moss describes hate mail he received after wearing controversial tie at HOF induction Tom Schad, USA TODAY Published 12:15 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2018
“..In an interview with the website that published Thursday, Moss said more than 20 NBA and NFL athletes have reached out privately to thank or applaud him after he wore a tie that listed the names of a dozen black men and women who have been killed by police. But Moss also said he’s gotten “probably 150 to 200 messages” that amounted to hate mail.

“The black community praised me and thanked me for shedding light on African-Americans dying,” Moss told The Undefeated. “Then on the flip side, you’ve got sites where people are slamming me, saying, ‘Hey, (racial epithet), stay in your place.’

“All of this hate mail I’m getting for wearing a tie and talking about the truth. But I can handle it because I’ve been dealing with racism my whole life.”..”


My decision and my right’ — teen has sat out Pledge of Allegiance for years By Mayra Cuevas, CNN Updated 7:45 PM ET, Fri September 16, 2016
“… (CNN)Long before Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, sparking a national dialogue, there was Leilani Thomas.
Leilani, now 14, has sat out the Pledge of Allegiance since the second grade.
“Most of my teachers, they respected my decision and my right and belief. So they never said anything about it,” she told CNN during a phone interview Friday. “I think the pledge is a lie to me and it’s a lie to my people.”

Leilani and her family are part of the Elem Indian Colony — a Native American tribe in Northern California, where she attends Lower Lake High School as a freshman. …

Thomas was to join the North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline when Leilani told him about the situation with the pledge and her grades. He decided to stay and stand by his daughter instead.
But even 1,500 miles away from North Dakota, Leilani says she will find a way to make her voice heard in support of Standing Rock.
“As they say ‘justice for all’– we think that is a lie. What they did to my people not long ago? And not so long ago. They still do it today for example with Standing Rock in North Dakota. I want people to realize what has happened and is still happening to the native people to this day. I have my rights to do so,” she said. ..”


Champion U.S. fencer takes knee on medal podium during national anthem, calls for social change
Jack Baer
Yahoo Sports Contributor
Yahoo SportsAug 10, 2019, 7:03 PM
“..The U.S. men’s foil team emerged victorious at the Pan American Games in Peru on Friday, earning gold medals for fencers Race Imboden, Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin.

After the team received its gold medals, Imboden took a knee on the medal podium as the national anthem played.

Following the event, Imboden took to Twitter to explain why he took the knee. The main reasons: racism, gun control, mistreatment of immigrants and the rhetoric of President Donald Trump…

Who is Race Imboden?
The 26-year-old Imboden was born in Tampa, Florida, and hails from Brooklyn, New York. A long-time member of the U.S. fencing team, Imboden has tallied 12 gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals at the Pan American Games between team and individual events. He scored bronze with the American foil team at the 2016 Olympics.

Currently ranked second in the men’s foil in the world by the International Fencing Federation, Imboden was part of the first U.S. foil team to win a world championship this July. Imboden also moonlights as a professional model, working for the likes of Marc Jacobs, J. Crew and Rag and Bone according to USA Today…”

‘Teacher of the Year’ was nervous to kneel during anthem at college football championship: ‘My leg was shaking’ Elise Solé Yahoo LifestyleJanuary 17, 2020, 5:08 PM CST
“A “Teacher of the Year” who skipped last year’s White House awards ceremony to support marginalized communities, kneeled during the national anthem at a college football game with President Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

Kelly Holstine, 46, Minnesota’s 2018 Teacher of the Year and the director of educational equity at OutFront Minnesota, an LGBT+ civil rights group, attended the College Football Playoff National Championship on Monday in New Orleans. Before the Louisiana State University-Clemson University game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, the first couple took the field amid chants of “USA, USA” and “Four more years!”

The former English teacher from Shakopee, Minn., who was the first openly-gay teacher to receive the award, lined up for the national anthem with her colleagues, only 15 feet from the president and the first lady. As singer Lauren Daigle performed, Holstine took a knee.

“We were told that putting our hand over our hearts during the national anthem was optional, but that wasn’t enough for me,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Kneeling is a way to show respect for the military and our country, while also supporting oppressed and marginalized humans.”..”


An open letter from American military veterans in support of Colin Kaepernick By Rhiannon Walker @InstantRHIplay
“..“I wanted to put something out there in the world … to say that ‘There are veterans who not only agree with Colin Kaepernick’s right to do that, but also agree with the substance of the action,’ ” Smith said. “And are willing to stand up and say Black Lives Matter and this is an important issue that we need to address in our country…”
I’m a U.S. military veteran and sitting for the National Anthem is the most American thing ever By Revelist by Joshua M. Patton
“…The right we have to protest the government, refuse to participate in the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance, to go to political events and scream nonsense obscenities at our elected leaders is a miracle.

This list of complaints our ancestors made against the British government to the King got the entire Congress labeled as traitors and marked for the hangman’s noose. Like Kaepernick, they were a bunch of rich guys who were doing well in society-as-it-was, and they went out on a limb for those without power…and that limb snapped in two..”

Neutral Perspective

Debate: Colin Kaepernick

SM East Harbinger
Published on Sep 27, 2016
Students of Shawnee Mission East High School sat down on Thursday, September 22nd and discussed NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Specifically, his decision to kneel during the national anthem.


Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

Published on Nov 23, 2017
Why should every American stand for the National Anthem? Because the Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation. That alone is worth standing for. Joy Villa, singer, songwriter, and recording artist, explains.

Trump Criticizes NFL for Not Forcing Players to Stand for National Anthem By SCOTT RAFFERTY
President said football players are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during “The Star-Spangled Banner”
“..During Tuesday’s meeting with owners and players, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league didn’t ask for a commitment from players to stand for the national anthem. Instead, Goodell explained, “We spent today talking about the issues that players have been trying to bring attention to – issues to make our communities better.”

In response, Donald Trump criticized the NFL via Twitter for not forcing players to stand for the national anthem, writing they are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during the national anthem…”

Republican official who called black NFL players ‘baboons’ on Facebook resigns Tom Barnes,The Independent Mon, Sep 3 10:54 AM CDT
“..A Republican official in Pennsylvania has resigned after it emerged she called black NFL players protesting the national anthem “baboons” in a Facebook rant.

Carla Malony, who was secretary of the GOP’s Beaver County branch, apologised for the series of posts she made on the social network last year.

Although it is unclear exactly when the comments were made, they appeared to be in reaction to players kneeling in protest as the national anthem played before NFL games.

In one post, Ms Malony described American footballers taking part in the gesture to protest cases of police brutality in the US as “over paid ignorant blacks”, suggesting they should “go to Africa”.

When another Facebook user commented: “Go Steelers,” in reference to the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL franchise, the GOP activist launched into another racially-charged tirade.

“Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons. You respect your flag, country and our national atnthem (sic),” she wrote.

“Stop watching, or going to a game and paying for over priced food, water and tickets. Lets see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries.”

The Beaver County Republican Committee said in a statement that it had accepted Ms Maloney’s resignations from both of her roles in the party and denounced her comments.

“The views expressed in her posts are abhorrent and have no place in reasonable public discourse,” the committee said.

The NFL national anthem protests first began in 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to highlight police violence against minority groups and racial inequalities in America.

Since then, hundreds of players have refused to observe the anthem at American football games and in a variety of other US sports.

The protests have drawn the ire of president Donald Trump, who last year called on NFL franchise owners to fire players who refused to stand during the national anthem.

From the beginning of the 2018 NFL season, due to start on Thursday, players will be required by league rules to observe the anthem on the field or stay in the dressing room.

In her resignation statement, Ms Malony apologised for her remarks about the protests, which she said had been “in poor taste.”

“I apologise for my distasteful, inappropriate and insensitive social media posts,” she added.

“Those that know me know that I come from a diverse family that represents modern America.

“I know my posts and comments were disrespectful to not only the people that I love, but families across the country.

“I know I am a better person than this and, as I step away from these public positions, I will work to show everyone who I truly am.”..”

Report: GOP official resigns after calling kneeling NFL players ‘baboons’

Published on Sep 2, 2018
According to the Beaver County Times, Carla Maloney, a Republican county official in Pennsylvania, has resigned after it was revealed that she’d written Facebook posts referring to kneeling NFL players as “baboons.”

Good News USA

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Neutral Perspective: Does the U.S. “Need Stricter” Border Control or NOT?


*see Now You Know: How did “we” get to this point of deportation of “illegal” -“legal” “immigrant”-“migrant” and their children (DACA) -being “separated” ?

How the US outsourced border security to Mexico

U.S. borders are a lot more secure under Trump: Border Patrol Union President
Fox Business
Published on Sep 21, 2017

10 Reasons The US Needs Better Border Security By Dave Anderson – May 25, 2016
“…The real concern that many have is that unregulated and illegal immigration will give rise to social problems, threatening jobs, overwhelming the amenity provision in border areas and threatening the traditional American way of life…

Most countries regulate who may enter and why, whether as short term visitors or to live and work so there is no shame in the US doing likewise. Indeed as a nation the US has very strict entry visa requirements. Nevertheless voters, particularly in border states, concerns continue to express concerns about the policies used to secure the border and the funding given to finance enforcement. The debate tends to polarize into two separate camps with typical Republican voters arguing that more funding needs to be diverted to secure the borders. Meanwhile Democrats tend to espouse the idea that immigration is generally a positive and want to make it easier for illegals to legalize their status reflecting the de-facto reality of life on the ground.

We believe that border security should be viewed as a priority and furthermore 71% of Americans agree with us. Here are 10 of the reasons we believe better border security is vital for America…”

Solutions for America: Developing a Strong Border and Immigration Policy August 17, 2010 4 min read
“..For far too long, the United States has failed to enforce its immigration laws. Its visa system does not adequately serve the needs of the economy, legal immigrants, or U.S. citizens. Cartel violence and continued illegal immigration along the U.S. southern border have many Americans concerned. Americans are demanding a border and immigration policy that will keep the U.S. free, safe, and prosperous—not an amnesty that simply exacerbates the problem.

Border Violence on the Rise, Illegal Immigration Continues. The U.S. has made progress on securing the border, but the border is still not secure. Drug cartels have seized control of major parts of Mexico’s northern border—with more than 6,000 murders in 2008 from drug cartel violence. The threat of spillover violence in the U.S., as well as continued illegal immigration, remains a significant problem. …”


Why do media ignore illegal immigrant crime stories? – YouTube

Fox News
Published on Mar 27, 2018
‘The Ingraham Angle’ shines light on shocking crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Tucker: Why didn’t we know truth about illegals and crime?

Fox News
Published on Dec 21, 2017
Tucker’s Thoughts: For years, we were told illegal immigrants were more law-abiding than American citizens. In fact, the opposite is true.

Mollie Tibbetts: Suspect charged with Iowa student’s murder Author: Tegna Published: 9:30 AM EDT August 21, 2018
“..Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed it had “lodged a detainer” with the Poweshiek County sheriff’s office to hold Christian Bahena Rivera after he was charged with first-degree murder.

The agency added that Rivera is an undocumented immigrant from Mexico.

Investigators explained Tuesday that they used surveillance video to track down Rivera. The video showed Tibbetts jogging in a rural area near her hometown of Brooklyn as well as Rivera’s car…”

Christian Bahena Rivera’s booking photo. Rivera has confessed to murdering Mollie Tibbetts and lead authorities to her body. Reports indicate that he has been in America, illegally, for seven years.

Man in US illegally charged with murder in death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts By Michael Burke – 08/21/18 05:55 PM EDT

“..A man in the U.S. illegally has been charged with murder in the death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts, police announced Tuesday, according to The Associated Press.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, was charged with murder in connection to the death of Tibbetts, 20, who had been missing for more than a month before authorities discovered her body this week.

If convicted, Rivera could face life in prison, the AP reported…”
Cristhian Bahena Rivera: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
“..Rivera confessed to killing Tibbetts and has been charged with first-degree murder, police said. He is a resident of rural Poweshiek County, Iowa, and has lived in the area for about four to seven years, according to police. He faces a penalty of life in prison without parole. Rivera, a 24-year-old Mexican citizen, is being held on an immigration detainer and police said they confirmed with the Department of Homeland Security Investigations that he is an “illegal alien,” DCI Special Agent Richard Rahn said at a press conference…

President Donald Trump talked about the case at a rally in West Virginia hours after Rivera’s arrest:

Salvador Hernandez

President Trump commenting on the Mollie Tibbetts killing

6:46 PM – Aug 21, 2018
See Salvador Hernandez’s other Tweets..”

Iowa murder suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser RYAN J. FOLEY,Associated Press 14 hours ago (8.25.18)
“IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A top Republican fundraiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican man accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said Friday.

Nicole Schlinger has long been a key fundraiser and campaign contractor for GOP politicians in Iowa and beyond, including this cycle for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart.

Schlinger is the president of Campaign Headquarters, a call center that makes fundraising calls, identifies supporters and helps turn out voters for conservative candidates and groups. Her business is one of the largest in Brooklyn, the central Iowa town where Tibbetts disappeared while out for a run on July 18.

Schlinger is married to Eric Lang, the president of the family-owned dairy that has acknowledged providing employment and housing for the last four years to Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the man charged with murder in Tibbetts’ death.

The couple — along with her husband’s brother Craig Lang and his wife — own farmland outside Brooklyn that includes trailers where some of the dairy’s employees live for free as a benefit of their employment, farm spokeswoman Eileen Wixted confirmed.

She said Rivera lived there for the duration of his employment, and about half of the farm’s other 10 workers do so as well. Under the arrangement, the farming company pays the couples to rent the land but workers do not have to pay, she said.

In an email Friday, Schlinger said that she was “shocked and deeply saddened” by Tibbetts’ death and had never met Rivera. “The perpetrator should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, and when he meets his maker, suffer the consequences he deserves,” she wrote.

She said that she was gifted an ownership interest in the land many years ago from her husband’s family and that she has no role in the farming operation.

Still, the fact that one of its own operatives has indirect ties to the case could complicate GOP efforts to highlight the gruesome slaying in its political messaging ahead of the November midterm election. Dairy co-owner Craig Lang also was a Republican candidate for Iowa agriculture secretary, finishing third in a five-way race in the June primary.

Republicans such as President Donald Trump and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds called for stricter immigration laws and enforcement almost immediately after Rivera, who is suspected of being in the country illegally, was charged Tuesday. Some have blamed Democratic policies for the slaying, even though studies have disputed the notion that those in the country illegally are more likely to commit violent crime.

“Every victim below would be alive today if we enforced our immigration laws,” U.S. Rep. Steve King of Iowa tweeted Friday, above a picture of Tibbetts and other victims. “Leftists sacrificed thousands, including their own, on the altar of Political Correctness.”

Schlinger’s business calls itself “the best conservative call center in America.” Her biography claims she is the most prolific fundraiser in Iowa GOP history, having brought in more than $50 million for politicians and causes. She has said her business has made millions of phone calls for candidates seeking offices ranging from president to city council since its founding in 1999. Her firm’s client list includes several politicians who routinely call for stricter immigration enforcement.

Federal Election Commission records show that Cruz’s re-election campaign has paid CampaignHQ nearly $1.7 million since the beginning of 2017. A Cruz campaign spokeswoman had no immediate comment…”

Neutral Perspective


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
“..Mexicans may no longer be the majority of U.S. unauthorized immigrants. They made up half of all unauthorized immigrants in 2016, according to the Center’s preliminary estimate, marking the first time in at least a decade that they did not account for a clear majority of this population. Their numbers (and share of the total) have been declining in recent years: There were 5.6 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2015 and 2016, down from 6.4 million in 2009.

Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico has grown since 2009, from 5 million that year to 5.4 million in 2015. Non-Mexicans numbered 5.7 million in the preliminary 2016 estimate, a total that was not statistically different from 2015…

The U.S. civilian workforce includes 8 million unauthorized immigrants, accounting for 5% of those who were working or were unemployed and looking for work, according to separate Pew Research Center estimates. ..”
Mexicans No Longer Make Up Majority Of Immigrants In U.S. Illegally April 25, 20175:41 PM ET
“..Their analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data shows that last year, there were 5.6 million Mexican nationals living in the U.S. without authorization – half of the unauthorized immigrant population in 2016. Mexicans have been the majority of that population since 2005, according to the Pew report.

Although Mexicans still make up the largest group of unauthorized immigrants, numbers from Mexico have been on the decline since the Great Recession began in late 2007.

The number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries has been on the rise since the end of the recession, hitting an estimated 5.7 million in 2016. Immigrants from Central America and Asia – largely from India and China — are two of the main drivers of that growth…”

Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments
Should the Government Allow Immigrants Who Are Here Illegally to Become US Citizens?

The Great Debate: Solving the US Illegal Immigration … – YouTube

Boston University
Published on Apr 6, 2010
Can Stricter Law Enforcement at the Border and the Workplace Solve the U.S. Illegal Immigration Problem? was the topic of the College of Communication’s 24th semiannual Great Debate, argued in the affirmative by Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank in Washington, D.C., Stephanie Hoffman (LAW’10), and Louis J. Barletta, the mayor of Hazleton, Pa., where local businesses and landlords may be punished by law for giving work or shelter to illegal immigrants. The negative side was argued by B. Lindsay Lowell, the director of policy studies at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University, Anuj Shelat (SMG’08), and Shuya Ohno, the director of communications at the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA).


Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? By Robert Farley Posted on June 27, 2018
“..President Donald Trump said it’s “not true” that immigrants in the U.S. illegally are “safer than the people that live in the country,” providing several crime statistics he claimed represented the “toll of illegal immigration.” Sen. Bernie Sanders made the opposite claim, saying: “I understand that the crime rate among undocumented people is actually lower than the general population.”

Who is right?

There are not readily available nationwide statistics on all crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally. Researchers have provided estimates through statistical modeling or by extrapolating from smaller samples. One such study backs the president’s claim, but several others support Sanders’ statement…”

Fact Check: Do illegal immigrants commit more crimes?

7 months ago
if you cross a border illegal you just broke one law so fact is that makes them all criminals.


*see Neutral Perspective: FEMA Camps are being “built” or “NOT” in the U.S?

USA: ‘Stand up and fight’ – New Yorkers protest Trump’s immigration …

Published on Jun 30, 2018
“The demonstrators were chanting slogans like “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here” and carrying banners calling to abolish the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), which investigates deportation cases.

American Suing After Being Detained By ICE Agents: ‘Nobody Let Me Explain’

CBS Los Angeles
Published on Dec 19, 2017
“Nobody let me talk. Nobody let me explain,” she said.”It was like you didn’t have any rights. I felt very, very sad.” Tina Patel reports.

Watch ICE agents arrest man after entering Portland home without warrant

The Oregonian
Published on Oct 20, 2017
A video shared over 5,000 times on Facebook shows self-identified plainclothes U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents entering a Portland home and arresting a man, without getting permission to enter the home and without a warrant. ICE later released the man, identified only as Carlos

ICE agents approach Latino US citizen, mistake him for … – YouTube

The Oregonian
Published on Sep 20, 2017
An Oregon ACLU legal observer captures footage of a legal citizen being approached by ICE agents near the Washington County Courthouse in Hillsboro on Sept. 18 after they confused him for an undocumented immigrant.


Mollie Tibbetts’ family doesn’t want her death politicized — Trump keeps talking about it GLOBAL NEWS•August 23, 2018
“..In an interview with CNN, Tibbetts’ aunt, Billie Jo Calderwood, said she doesn’t want her niece’s memory to be overshadowed by politics.

“I don’t want Mollie’s memory to get lost amongst politics,” Calderwood told CNN. “It’s not about race, it’s about people joining together to do good.”

Tibbetts’ distant cousin, Sam Lucas, also spoke out on Twitter, slamming conservative activist Candace Owens for using the death to attack “illegal immigrants.”..

“Hey i’m a member of mollie’s family and we are not so f***ing small-minded that we generalize a whole population based on some bad individuals. now stop being a f***ing snake and using my cousins death as political propaganda. take her name out of your mouth,” she wrote on Twitter Tuesday.

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Caravan of Central Americans to U.S. (October 2018)

Honduran Migrant Caravan 4000 Strong Marching To US Border, Trump Apoplectic

Men Caught Handing Cash To ‘Caravan Migrants’ Heading To U.S. Border October 22, 2018 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US 8
“As the 7,000-strong migrant caravan heads towards the U.S. border, a group of men in white t-shirts have been filmed handing migrants money.

The appearance of the men has fuelled speculation that some of the migrants are being professionally organized and funded….”

Men Caught Handing Cash To ‘Caravan Migrants’ Heading To U.S. Border

#Men #Caught #Handing #Cash #To #‘Caravan #Migrants #Heading #To #US #Border;


James Munder
Published on Oct 18, 2018;;

Good News USA

Now You Know: Most “Accurate” Biblical Text?


-Old Testament

WHO CHANGED GENESIS?: RELOAD! Solomon’s Gold Series – Part 14A. Was It Altered? Who? When? Why?

Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)
*why the bible was altered ? (Jesus the “high priest” from Levi, Judah )


Introduction to the Septuagint

New Testament Quotations that Follow the Septuagint

Masoretic Text

Did Jews alter our Modern Bible in order to deny Christ, and to exaggerate their victimhood?


Bible Versions: What’s The Difference? – YouTube

Which Bible Translation is Best and Most Accurate? KJV … – YouTube

Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew August 31, 2015 By Fr. John A. Peck
“…The oldest copies of the Masoretic Text only date back to the 10th century, nearly 1000 years after the time of Christ. And these texts differ from the originals in many specific ways. The Masoretic text is named after theMasoretes, who were scribes and Torah scholars who worked in the middle-east between the 7th and 11th centuries. The texts they received, and the edits they provided, ensured that the modern Jewish texts would manifest a notable departure from the original Hebrew Scriptures…

The Masoretic Text promotes a canon of the Old Testament which is significantly shorter than the canon represented by the Septuagint. Meanwhile, Orthodox Christians and Catholics have Bibles which incorporate the canon of the Septuagint. The books of Scripture found in the Septuagint, but not found in the Masoretic Text, are commonly called either the Deuterocanon or the anagignoskomena. While it is outside the scope of this article to perform an in-depth study of the canon of Scripture, a few points relevant to the Masoretic Text should be made here:…

Jesus celebrated Hanukkah, a feast which originates in the book of 1 Maccabees, and nowhere else in the Old Testament…

Ethiopian Jews preserved the ancient Jewish acceptance of the Septuagint, including much of its canon of Scripture. Sirach, Judith, Baruch, and Tobit are among the books included in the canon of the Ethiopian Jews…

Perhaps that is why Jesus and the apostles frequently quoted from the Septuagint, and accorded it full authority as the inspired Word of God…

Notable Differences between the Masoretic and the Septuagint …
“..Post-Apostolic Church
Published on May 13, 2016
What books does the Septuagint have that the Masoretic Text does not? What are some additions to some books that are in both? What are some major differences between the Septuagint and Masoretic? Are there any known problems with the Septuagint?

Differences in Jeremiah:;

Dead Sea Scrolls

Bible of John the Baptist Found! The Dead Sea Scrolls. Proof It Was John Not Essenes In Qumran

The God Culture
Published on Nov 29, 2017

Did a voice cry out in the wilderness once again in 1947? Are we looking at the Dead Sea Scrolls wrong? Many don’t even know that 38 of the current 39 books of the Protestant Old Testament bible were found with the Dead Sea Scrolls in part or even some whole books. If you are like us, you may have heard from pulpit that the Dead Sea Scrolls contained Gnostic Gospels but not 1 Gnostic Gospel was actually found with the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were found in Egypt in an Essene community. Wait, aren’t many scholars telling us that these same Essenes kept the library at Qumran? They did not. However, even the historical reference they use is being misused and misinterpreted which we will show in the next video. In this video, we will prove using the Bible and old maps, that John the Baptist lived in and even baptized Jesus in modern Qumran. Watch our video and see if you agree. If this is correct and we firmly believe it is, this changes everything we have been told about the Dead Sea Scrolls. Did John keep a scroll library which served as his ancient bible identifying an Old Testament canon of scripture? See what you think.
Thank you for watching.


Jewish Text

Tree of Life Bible Society

Tree of Life Bible by Dr. Jeffrey Seif

King of Kings Community
Published on Oct 1, 2013

Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif, project manager for the Tree of Life Bible translation and professor at King’s University based in Texas, brings us a look at the making of their new Tree of Life Messianic Bible. Collaborating with scholars from five international Messianic Jewish organizations, he brings a careful and well articulated message describing details of their new Bible translation and how it came to fruition. Our long standing relationship with Dr. Seif has been both an honour and joy as he brings yet another powerful teaching to the heart of our congregation in Jerusalem, Israel.

Recorded on 2013-09-29 “

The Tree of Life Messianic Version of the Bible

Pastor Robert Morris teaches from the Tree of Life Version


Reggie White “Greatest Week of My Life!” – Last Interview with Michael Rood
“..Reggie understood what many ministers are now learning through the Hebrew roots ministry of Michael Rood: That Yahshua (Jesus) instructed his followers by both word and example to disdain and deliberately violate the commandments of man-made religion, while admonishing them to be obedient to the commandments of the Almighty recorded in the Torah. Many are now learning that to understand end times prophecy, one must understand the prophetic shadow pictures embedded in the Feasts of the LORD – shadow pictures of good things to come. 


Was NFL Great Reggie White Murdered? Babylon Hates Torah Teachers!

Watch What Happened When Reggie White Exposed the Truth!

Good News Bible

Weather: Hurricane Harvey Damage & Aftermath-Southern Texas Flooding

Harvey spins deeper inland; full scope of damage is unknownBy frank bajak, associated press CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Aug 27, 2017, 12:46 AM ET
“.. Throughout the region between Corpus Christi and Houston, many people feared that toll was only the beginning. Authorities did not know the full scope of damage because weather conditions prevented emergency crews from getting into the hardest-hit places. And they dreaded the destruction that was yet to come from a storm that could linger for days and unload more than 40 inches (100 centimeters) of rain on cities, including dangerously flood-prone Houston, the nation’s fourth-largest…”

Rockport, Texas

‘We lost everything’: Rockport, Texas suffers major hurricane damage By Eric Levenson, CNN Updated 5:13 PM ET, Sat August 26, 2017
“..”There’s been widespread devastation,” he said.
The storm, which landed as a Category 4 but has since been downgraded to a tropical storm, brought high winds and heavy rains to the area. Further flooding over the next few days could add more considerable damage to the reeling city. ..”

Rockport, Texas, suffers “widespread damage” from Harvey, mayor says

“Published on Aug 26, 2017

The mayor of Rockport, Texas, says the town has suffered “widespread damage” from Hurricane Harvey as the storm continues to dump rain across southeast Texas. Mayor Charlie Wax joined CBSN to discuss the situation in Rockport, one of the towns hardest hit by the storm.”

Houston, Texas

Houston area copes with flooding as Harvey delivers pounding rainfall By Ray Sanchez, Nicole Chavez, Steve Almasy and Doug Criss, CNN
Updated 7:37 AM ET, Sun August 27, 2017

A flash flood emergency was in effect for parts of the Houston area. National Weather Service and local officials are advising Houston-area residents to avoid traveling.
Three to 4 inches of rainfall were reported in the region in one hour’s time. First responders investigated the report of a woman swept away in her vehicle by floodwaters…”

-Aerial Views

08-27-2017 Houston, TX – Historic Flooding Drone Footage

“Published on Aug 27, 2017

Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license.

Video By: Nik O”


Victoria Continues To See New Harvey Damage

“Published on Aug 26, 2017

CBS 11 News reporter Jason Allen was in Victoria on Saturday morning as Hurricane Harvey continued to create damage.”


Explosions possible after ‘pops’ heard at storm-crippled Texas chemical plant, officials say By Alex Horton, Amy B Wang and Lindsey Bever August 31 at 3:43 PM
“…CROSBY, Tex. — Hours after noisy “chemical reactions” and fires broke out at a storm-battered chemical plant — sending numerous sheriff’s deputies to the hospital, and spreading smoke and alarm across the area — the facility’s operators warned that explosions were possible, even as authorities scrambled to reassure the public that no “concerning” levels of hazardous chemicals had been detected in the air.

Arkema, the French chemicals group that runs the plant, said the Harris County Emergency Operations Center notified company officials early Thursday of two explosions and black smoke coming from the facility, which is about 25 miles northeast of Houston. The plant already had been under about six feet of water from the rains unleashed by Harvey, prompting officials the day before to establish a 1.5-mile evacuation zone…”


Harvey The Hurricane Hawk’ Hunkers Down With Cabbie During Storm
HuffPost Nina Golgowski,HuffPost 1 hour 33 minutes ago (8.27.17)
“…Houston driver William Bruso said he was stocking up on supplies on Friday ahead of Hurricane Harvey when he returned to find the bird sitting on his passenger seat.

“He looks like he’s scared. He doesn’t know what’s going on,” Bruso narrates in one of 10 YouTube videos documenting the bird’s surprise visit. “He just kind of hopped on in and doesn’t want to leave. I’m not sure what to make of it.”

Bruso said he tried to shoo the hawk away, to no avail. Videos later showed the animal perched on the door of his parked car, still refusing to fly away. Bruso eventually took the bird inside and gave it chicken hearts to snack on…”

1st UPDATE: Meet Harvey the Hurricane Hawk

“Published on Aug 25, 2017

Hurricane Harvey is approaching. This hawk sought refuge in my taxi and doesn’t wish to leave anytime soon. So I guess I’ll just allow him to hunker down and ride around with me till he wants to go.

Media Coverage

Houston Flooding – Fox 26 Houston Live Local News – Hurricane Harvey

Peacock Media
“tarted streaming 8 hours ago

Fox News Live Stream – Fox News Live – Fox News – Houston Flooding Video – Fox 26 Local News Live – Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey Live Beach Cam – Galveston Texas – Corpus Christi Texas – Houston Texas
The Weather Channel – MSNBC Live – CNN Live – FOX NEWS LIVE STREAM – Hurricane Harvey

News & Politics “

LIVE COVERAGE: DEADLY HOUSTON FLOODS – People Trapped, Rescues Ongoing

Right Side Broadcasting Network
“Started streaming 8 hours ago

Live coverage of the Houston floods with Steve Lookner

To help victims of Hurricane Harvey, you can donate to the Red Cross here:;

LIVE: Flood rescue operations in Texas (STREAMED LIVE)

Mother At Houston Shelter Goes Off On CNN Reporter!


Trapped Mexican Bakery Staff Bake Hundreds Of Loaves For Harvey Flood Victims
Lee Moran,HuffPost 4 hours ago

Texas gospel singer’s powerful voice lifts spirits in Houston hurricane shelter.

“..Texas gospel singer’s powerful voice lifts spirits in Houston hurricane shelter. A Texas woman brings smiles to her fellow evacuees at a Hurricane Harvey shelter with her beautiful voice. A group of gospel singers broke into song at the Lone Star Convention & Expo Center on Tuesday to lift the spirits of thousands brought to the shelter. Victoria White’s powerful voice can be heard throughout the hall filled with beds and cots…”
AMAZING! Houston Flooding Shelter Gospel Singers Perform on CNN Chris Cuomo Interview, from
‘Victoria White, Marquist Taylor give impromptu concert for Harvey victims at Houston, Texas Shelter during flooding”


‘F— Off, Snitch’: ABC Reporter Blasted for Telling Cops About Hurricane ‘Looting’ The Wrap Brian Flood,The Wrap 9 hours ago (8.28.17)
“..ABC News chief national correspondent Tom Llamas suffered a massive Twitter backlash on Tuesday after he notified Houston police about “looting” during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

“We informed police of the looting and Coast Guard is flying overhead. Multiple officers now on the scene,” Llamas said in a tweet he sent and later deleted.

Many on social media accused Llamas of snitching on people in need, arguing that there is a difference between “looting” and grabbing food and supplies to survive a devastating emergency…”

Houston Texas shock Looters arrive Hurricane Harvey floods who are they #Houston


Mexico’s Red Cross delivers aid to storm-ravaged Houston
Reuters Reuters 7 hours ago (August 31st 2017)
“MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s Red Cross sent an envoy of volunteers to storm-devastated Houston on Wednesday, hours after Texas governor Greg Abbott said the state accepted an offer of aid from the Mexican government, including vehicles, boats, supplies and food.

At least 25 people have been killed and tens of thousands driven from their homes after Harvey came ashore on Friday near Corpus Christi as the most powerful hurricane to hit Texas in more than half a century, swamping Houston with record rains and flooding.

The support from Mexico’s Red Cross, a non-government agency, is separate from the official aid offer.

The convoy of 33 English-speaking volunteers left from Mexico City for Texas, where they plan to work in Houston shelters for 20 days before being replaced by a fresh crop of volunteers.

Abbott said his state would accept the offer of assistance from neighboring Mexico as Harvey, now a tropical depression, spun across southeastern Texas into Louisiana on Wednesday, sending more people fleeing for shelter.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson thanked Mexico’s Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, who was visiting Washington, for the offer of assistance.

“They’ve offered a wide range of assistance coordinating with the governor down in Texas and also through FEMA, but very generous of Mexico to offer their help at this very, very challenging time for our citizens down in Texas and now moving toward the border with Louisiana,” said Tillerson. “So thank you very much, Mr. Secretary.”..”

Health-Club CEO Offers His Dallas Home to Houstonians Uprooted by Hurricane Harvey By Glenn Hunter Published in Business & Economy August 29, 2017 9:45 am
Chris Roussos of 24 Hour Fitness, who says all 33 of its Houston clubs have been closed, tells how the company is assisting employees.
“North Texas executive Chris Roussos, who became CEO of health-club pioneer 24 Hour Fitness in May, has offered his Dallas home to the company’s district managers in Houston who’ve been displaced by Hurricane Harvey.

Thirty-three of the fitness company’s 71 Texas locations are in the Houston area, Roussos said, and all 33 have been shuttered in the wake of the devastating storm due to “safety concerns, and the inability of people to travel” within the city. 24 Hour Fitness, Roussos said, “set up emergency teams right away,” lining up volunteers and maintenance and reconstruction teams to deal with the storm’s destruction.

Most of the company’s locations, which range in size from 30,000 square feet to 45,000 square feet, have two stories, Roussos said, adding, “the first floors [of the Houston clubs] are gonna be pretty much wiped out.” A couple of 24 Hour Fitness employees were taken out of one club Sunday after being stranded and “eating protein bars and other products” from the club retail store until they could be rescued, he recalled….”

Petition to honor Houston’s ‘Mattress Mack’ gets support Good Morning America KELLY MCCARTHY,Good Morning America 16 hours ago (9.2.17)
“As the catastrophic floodwaters forced residents all over the Houston area out of their homes, one business owner opened his doors, offering evacuees a safe and dry place to stay.

Jim McIngvale, better known as “Mattress Mack,” decided to turn his two Gallery Furniture showrooms in the city into evacuation shelters.

“I decided we’d open the store and make it a shelter for all the people who were disaffected,” McIngvale recently told ABC News. “We have these giant 24-foot box trucks that can get through 5 to 6 feet of water. We sent ’em out, picked up about 200 people. They were stranded on bridges, they were stranded in convenience stores, they were walking through the water with snakes and alligators, and we brought ’em out here.”

McIngvale said he’s not concerned at all about his merchandise and still plans to sell it after the storm.

“We’ll have a Harvey floor model sale, or something. I’ll come up with some shtick,” he said with a laugh. “These people are nice. They’re taking care of the furniture. Furniture’s made to be sat on, slept on, laid on, whatever. It’s just a product. It ain’t gonna hurt it.”

Since Sunday, Gallery Furniture estimates it’s had 400 people seek shelter at both stores. It’s also become a crash pad for National Guard members who have been deployed to the area.

What awaits Hurricane Harvey evacuees after they leave shelters

Hurricane Harvey victims: How to help

Now, the online community wants to show its appreciation for McIngvale by dedicating Aug. 26 as “Mattress Mack Day.”…”

How A Houston Mosque Became A Harvey Disaster Relief Command Center 09/10/2017 11:09 am ET Updated 5 hours ago
Abdul Naseer Malmi Kakkada, Contributor Scientist, writer and Muslim.

“..Even before the floodwaters started to recede, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA), in partnership with Humanity First, sprang into action, distributing drinking water and using their raft to help families in need.

As roads into Houston began to open up by Tuesday (Aug. 29), more than $1,000 worth of critical food supplies from Austin were brought in. Over the next two days, 600 hot meals were prepared and distributed to Harvey evacuees.

As the Labor Day weekend began, Ahmadi youth from all over Texas and the country began to trickle in from as far as Chicago and Los Angeles. The trickle grew into more than 175 volunteers over the weekend. The band of youth organized into groups and started roaming the hardest hit areas of Houston (Kashmere Gardens, especially), not with any bad intention, but to knock on doors and help residents struggling to clean up their apartments and homes.

By the end of the Labor Day weekend, we had volunteered a total of 1,800 man hours, helped clean up over 64 homes, done 30 boat rescues and donated more than $10,000 in supplies. All this using Baitus Samee Mosque North of Houston as our command center…”


Hurricane Harvey survivors rescued from flooded homes, rooftops

Boy Rescued from Hurricane Harvey Flood

Emergency Crews Rescue Those Stranded in Harvey Flooding

Wall Street Journal
“Published on Aug 28, 2017

Emergency workers are trying to help those stranded in flooded areas of Texas as rain from what remains of Hurricane Harvey continues to batter the coast. Drone footage shows the extent of the damage across communities. Photo: AP”

DRAMATIC Rescue of Semi-Truck Driver From Houston Flooding Water as Hurricane Harvey Strikes Texas

“Published on Aug 27, 2017

EMOTIONAL Moment as Brandi Smith reporting a DRAMATIC Rescue of Semi-Truck Driver From Houston Flooding Water as Hurricane Harvey Strikes Texas, saved his life.”

People describe being rescued from Hurricane Harvey’s flood waters

Some of the Many True Acts of Heroism During Hurricane Harvey

Black MMA Fighter Says He Saved Stranded Harvey Victim With Confederate Flag
HuffPost Lilly Workneh,HuffPost 19 hours ago (August 31st 2017)
“…Lewis, who is popularly known within the UFC as “The Black Beast,” has been helping families since Sunday by responding to messages on Facebook and using his Chevy pickup truck to move residents to safer spaces. ..

“I picked up one guy and his family, his wife ― he just kept apologizing to me, because all he really had was his clothes, and he wanted to take his Confederate flag,” Lewis told MMAJunkie on Monday. “He wanted to take that with him, and he just apologized and said, ‘Man, I’ll sit in the back of your truck, man. I don’t want to have my flag inside of your truck like this.’ I said, ‘Man, I’m not worried about that.‘’’

“His wife kept hitting him and saying, ‘You should have just left it,’” he added.

Lewis said he was unbothered by the flag, which many feel symbolizes America’s long history of racism. He just wanted to help.

“I don’t care about that,” Lewis told MMAjunkie. “I live in Texas. It ain’t nothing new. I’ve been living in the South all my life, and it ain’t nothing I hadn’t seen before or discussed about. I don’t care about that type of stuff. I just wanted to help him.”…”
*see Neutral Perspective: Confederate Flag is Racist and Not?


Hurricane Harvey: Dog rescue from flooding in Texas


Monster trucks travel to Houston to help with rescue work
By Ben Hooper Contact the Author | Sept. 1, 2017 at 11:52 AM
“..Sept. 1 (UPI) — A fleet of monster trucks from a Dallas racetrack are currently in Houston conducting operations to salvage vehicles and rescue residents.

Josh James posted a video Wednesday to Facebook, showing a monster truck from the Rednecks with Paychecks dirt racetrack in Dallas pulling what appears to be a camouflage military truck out of floodwaters in the Copperfield area of Houston…”

Creeping Critters!

This homeowner found a 10-foot gator in his flooded home near Houston Updated 11:26 AM ET, Sat September 2, 2017 By Artemis Moshtaghian and Marilia Brocchetto, CNN

Wildernex Wildlife Control experts and local law enforcement agents remove a 10-foot gator from a home near Houston.
“… (CNN)A Texas homeowner returned to his flood-marred home Friday in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey to a shocking surprise: a 10-foot gator in his living room.
Brian Foster made the discovery while assessing how badly the water had damaged his house near Lake Houston, north of Houston, he said…”

Ways to help?

How Can You Help Hurricane Harvey Victims? | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Here’s how to help victims of Hurricane Harvey USA Today NetworkFederico Martinez, San Angelo (Texas) Standard-Times Published 7:56 p.m. ET Aug. 25, 2017 | Updated 7:57 p.m. ET Aug. 25, 2017
“..Donate money

The best way to help Texans affected by disasters is to donate money to charitable agencies that are experienced in disaster relief, officials say.

Organizations such as the American Red Cross and Salvation Army are trained to respond to disasters such as Harvey, which is pounding the Texas Gulf Coast.

“Right now the best thing people can do is donate money,” said Katrina Farmer, director of American Red Cross offices in San Angelo, Abilene and Wichita Falls, Texas cities far from the coastline. “This is going to be an expensive disaster.”

While people often want to..”
Hurricane Harvey: How You Can Help the Victims By Eric Chaney
Aug 26 2017 01:00 PM EDT

Here’s How To Help The Victims Of Hurricane Harvey If you want to help those affected by the disaster, here are some suggestions. By Lee Moran , Hilary Hanson
“..1. Donate Or Volunteer

A plethora of organizations are appealing for donations to help them as they send volunteers and supplies to the hardest-hit areas.

These include the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Samaritan’s Purse, Save The Children, the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief and Heart to Heart International.

Food banks throughout Texas a..”

The Best Health Items to Donate to Hurricane Harvey Victims—and How To Do It

“…Hurricane Harvey has been classified as one of the worst storms in American history, with some 30,000 people in need of shelter, and another 450,000 qualifying for federal assistance. Amid the devastating wreckage of the storm (the damage is estimated to cost up to $90 billion), it’s easy to forget about all the basic necessities so many Harvey victims are currently lacking, from soap and Band-Aids to diapers and clean underwear. But of course, these little, everyday things are essential for health and hygiene. Here are four types of items people in Houston desperately need—and how you can help provide them…”

Samaritan’s Purse
Humanitarian aid organization
Help Hurricane Harvey Victims

Samaritan’s Purse Responds After Hurricane Harvey’s Punch August 28, 2017 • United States
Samaritan’s Purse is responding to the devastation that Hurricane Harvey, once a Category 4 storm, has brought to the Texas coast.
“..UPDATE: Please see “All Disaster Units Bound for Texas as Harvey Keeps Churning” for all the latest information—that story is being updated regularly as of August 31. This story was last updated about 1 p.m. on August 28.

Samaritan’s Purse disaster relief units are now in Texas as Harvey’s deadly fury has moved inland and continues to pummel the state, especially flood-prone Houston. Our teams are ready to go in and help homeowners in Jesus’ Name as soon as we are able to access affected communities.

When the Category 4 hurricane came ashore late Friday night, the coastal town of Rockport and other areas suffered considerable damage and at least one fatality was reported.

Houston, the fourth largest city in the U.S., is now getting battered, with more than three feet of rain having fallen in the last 24 hours. At least two people have drowned, and more than 2,000 people have been rescued—many of those from rooftops. Much of the city is under water, and rains could last four to five more days…”
Samaritan’s Purse deploys 5 disaster relief units to Texas

Fox News
Published on Aug 29, 2017
Rev. Franklin Graham discusses the relief efforts on ‘The Story’

Hurricane Harvey Aftermath SalPhotoVideography

“You Are Not Alone” (Hurricane Harvey Rescue Tribute)


Would love to hear your stories, experiences, suggestions, feedback, prayers, etc.. related to the content above or wasn’t mentioned ..

Good News USA

Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?


California teacher held at border checkpoint: “It made me feel sick to get asked” Last Updated Jul 26, 2017 3:13 PM EDT
“.. A California teacher posted a video of border patrol agents detaining her after she refused to say if she was a U.S. citizen at a checkpoint in New Mexico, about 35 miles from the border.

The video has many wondering if she was within her rights or had an obligation to comply.

When San Diego resident Shane Parmely was stopped at a New Mexico border patrol station she refused to answer the agent’s questions. She was heading home from vacation with her three children and asked one of them to start recording the exchange.

The videos have generated thousands of views on Facebook and sparked a heated debate on immigration rights.

The middle school teacher says she did it after hearing her Latino friends talk about their experiences at checkpoints.

“It made me feel sick to get asked, knowing what my friends have been through. It just made me feel physically ill,” Parmely said. ..”


Police: Iowa woman says she intentionally ran over teen because she was ‘a Mexican’ Published just in Iowa FOX 9
“DES MOINES – A 42-year-old Des Moines, Iowa woman has been charged with attempted murder after she told police she intentionally ran over a 14-year-old girl because she was “a Mexican,” according to the Clive Police Department.

Nicole Marie Poole Franklin is in custody at the Polk County Jail.

Police say on Dec. 9 around 5 p.m., police responded to an apparent hit-and-run crash near Indian Hills Jr. High School in Clive, a suburb of Des Moines. A 14-year-old girl had been walking on the sidewalk headed to an event at the school when a vehicle left the road and hit her. The girl suffered multiple injuries.

Thursday, Clive police identified the driver as Franklin and interviewed her at the Polk County Jail, where she was being held on unrelated charges. Officials say Franklin admitted she hit the girl with her vehicle on purpose because she was “a Mexican.” Throughout the interview, Franklin made a “number of derogatory statements about Latinos,” according to police.

“I want to say, in the strongest terms possible, that there is no place in our community (or any other) for this type of hatred and violence,” read a statement from Clive Police on Facebook. “We are committed to stand by and support this family and work diligently with them to seek justice.””

Law Enforcement

When a police shooting victim is a white woman-
The sympathetic reaction to Justine Damond’s death shows the relentless power of race in America.

Updated by German Jul 24, 2017, 1:10pm EDT
“…It’s not just Breitbart. Conservative media, based on some sleuthing on Google, has been generally quiet about Damond’s death — which is notable on its own, given that these outlets often counter what they see as liberal news narratives with their own narratives, particularly when it comes to police shootings. As one example, a Google search turns up four stories on the Blaze, the network founded by conservative pundit Glenn Beck, about Damond, but there are pages and pages of results from the Blaze for each of the killings of black men like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, and Philando Castile.

When conservative outlets have written about Damond’s death, they by and large have framed her as a victim. Here is, for example, Fox News: “Australian woman shot dead by Minneapolis police after calling to report possible crime.” And here is the Blaze: “Questions swirl after Australian woman is fatally shot by Minneapolis police; bodycams were off.”

Damond’s lawyer played into this as well, calling Damond “the most innocent victim” of a police shooting that he has ever seen. He quickly added, “I’m not saying Philando wasn’t innocent, too, or that Frank Baker wasn’t innocent. But here is someone who called the police and was trying to stop someone from being hurt … and ends up being shot in her pajamas.”

Ranking victims of police shootings is odd enough, but there are plenty of totally innocent victims of police killings besides Damond. Consider that, in Detroit, police in 2010 killed a sleeping 7-year-old when they stormed her home while looking for her uncle — though this girl, unlike Damond, was poor and black…”

Justine Damond Case Sparks Debate Over #BLM’s Support of an Unarmed White Woman While Blue Lives Matter Abandon a Black Cop-
Some have called for the execution and deportation of the Somali-American officer.
“..Tom Plunkett, Noor’s attorney, said the officer feels very bad for the family of Justine Damond. Plunkett also elaborated that Noor felt that being a police officer was a calling since he came to America.

“He joined the police force to serve the community and to protect the people he serves,” the statement read.

Noor joined the Minneapolis Police Department in March of 2015 and was later celebrated as the first Somali officer for the 5th Precinct.

After the officer was identified, people on social media noticed the difference in reaction to the case. ..”

Cop quits on eve of hearing for inaction in Puerto Rico shirt harassment ByMitchell Armentrout
@mitchtrout | email
“..The 10-year veteran officer resigned late Wednesday, according to Cook County Forest Preserve District officials, rather than fight to keep his badge over the encounter that has recorded and viewed millions of times, drawing international scorn for Connor’s inaction while an aggressive, finger-pointing loudmouth berated a woman wearing a shirt bearing the Puerto Rican flag…”

Minority on Minority

Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man with a brick, tells him to ‘go back to your country’ by Deanna Paul July 9 at 11:55 PM

Traffic had slowed Borjas’ car at a corner in Willowbrook, California, around 7 p.m. on July 4. Rodriguez accidentally bumped into a young girl while walking on the sidewalk, Borjas told The Washington Post. Borjas, a 35-year-old Los Angeles resident, watched the child’s mother — a black woman — push the elderly man to the ground and repeatedly bash him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, “Go back to your country.”

Laquisha Jones Is Arrested For Attacking 92 Year Old Grandfather With Brick (Rodolfo Rodriguez)

Laquisha Jones: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know Updated Jul 11, 2018 at 6:31pm
“..Laquisha Jones, a 30-year-old African American woman who lives in Los Angeles, was assisted by three or four other men who are still at large, police say. Here’s what you need to know:..

“She was yelling at him, ‘Go back to your country,’ or ‘Go back to Mexico,’” the witness said, via The Los Angeles Times. “It was racist.”

Rodriguez is from Mexico, but visits his family in Los Angeles often. The witness explained that while she was on the phone with 911, the men returned to continue beating Rodriguez…

One week after Mendoza launched the GoFundMe site for his grandfather, over 9,000 people have donated to contribute to the current $250,000 sum…

The witness did not photograph the other suspects who are alleged to have taken part in the attack, but identified them as African American males…

Many Twitter users are citing the Trump administration as a catalyst for this violent act, as seen above. Still others are claiming racism on the part of the media outlets who didn’t outwardly identify Jones as African American in their titles….

King has not replied to users about why he’s not commenting, though many are suggesting it’s because the perpetrator of the act is an African American woman. Some users are even alleging that King tweeted out news of the attack, then deleted the tweet upon finding out Jones’s race…”

Willowbrook, CA | Data USA

“..The population of Willowbrook, CA is 74.4% Hispanic, 22.6% Black, and 0.96% White. 67.8% of the people in Willowbrook, CA speak a non-English language, and 76.7% are U.S. citizens…”

Searching for Civic Unity for L.A. Black and Latino Communities By Johnny Magdaleno | November 4, 2016
“..But decades later, as the manufacturing jobs that gave these communities an anchor started trickling out of the city, the black middle class left with them, and more than 150,000 black residents moved out of the South L.A. area between 1980 and 2000. Meanwhile, Latinos, whose populations started shifting north for economic opportunities in the U.S. and away from the civil unrest in South America, continue to trickle into the region by the tens of thousands every decade, adding around 280,000 to the Latino population between the same time frame…”

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