During worship service this morning at my local church, I shared some thoughts that I felt eager to share with the church body during “shares” after the worship music:

I shared that I’ve been interested in the recent news in Oroville, California…

… and been following up on it. I felt that their is a lot of symbolism with “man-made” dams that have been constructed around the world with our “spiritual” walk. The dams can be a symbolism of “lies” (e.g. “Your not good enough” , You are a loser”, etc..)that has been spoken to each of us in various ways that hinder us to receive more what God can do through us.

Before writing this, I was reminded of this “old-school” worship song..

Let The River Flow Lyrics Darrell Evans

I feel that we need to let God destroy that “spiritual dam” in our personal lives in order for His “Holy Spirit” to move in us mightier as His children.

What are you currently personally “struggling” with? Do you trust that God will get your through it? I then shared one of the songs that was sung during worship on “I’m NO longer a slave to fear..”, which I shared last year at church that we can substitute “fear” with whatever (e.g. sin, depression, alcohol, deception…

drugs, an orphan, anger, cancer, PTSD, shame , jealousy, greed, stress, bullying, sexual impurity, lost, past, etc..) is keeping you “bondage”.. Keep repeating this to get it in your head until you have been release from these. This is part of meditation w/ God’s word (Bible verses on each one).

After my share, the guest speakers (Dennis & Zoe) from Pillager, MN shared about their recent trip to the Philippines. This family duo modeled how God can use us . They went to the Philippines to minister to the people there in different barangays/villages in various ways (e.g. healing, words of knowedledge, encouragement, etc..) This was such an encouragement for all of that we don’t have to depend on “ministers” or “church leaders” to do God’s work. We all can be used by Him to bring the taste of God’s kingdom on earth.

Hope and pray this will touch you and may God use each of us mightily in these days and please pray for the people of Oroville and the communities in the valley downstream of the #Orovillespillway or #Orovilledam. Feel free to share your thoughts, prayer requests, etc..

Good News Prayer

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