Deep Thought: How can Schools be more safe for teachers?

Violence Against Teachers a ‘Silent Epidemic’

Students assaulting teachers

WMAR-2 News
Published on Feb 26, 2013
Students assaulting teachers

Community raises more than $100,000 in support of high school teacher filmed brawling with student in class Yahoo Lifestyle
November 6, 2018
“..People have donated more than $100,000 in support of a California high school teacher who was arrested after he was captured on camera brawling with a student.

Music teacher Marston Riley, 64, was taken into custody on suspicion of child abuse and causing great bodily injury on a child after the brawl broke out at Maywood Academy High School in Maywood, Calif., on Friday. However, in spite of this, members of the community have banded together to donate tens of thousands of dollars to support Riley, according to a GoFundMe started in his name.

“We all may have mixed feelings about what happened,” wrote Cecilia Diaz Jimenez, who created the fundraiser page to support the teacher. “But please do know that this is not the first time that Mr. Riley is [sic] attacked; physically or verbally. He is a great person and a great teacher.”

The footage in question shows Riley punching the student as the pair faced off in the classroom on Friday. Riley had initially asked the student to leave the classroom because he wasn’t wearing a proper uniform, Los Angeles news station KTLA reported…”

A band teacher-Marston Riley was arrested after he defended himself from a student who hit him ..

Published on Nov 4, 2018
A band teacher-Marston Riley was arrested after he defended himself from a student who hit him with a basketball,called him multiple epithets, & continued to threaten him. This kid should have been arrested & the teacher called a hero….

Teachers should be paid 100k

Colleagues defend teacher charged with pummeling student for calling him N-word By Alexandra Klausner November 5, 2018 | 11:25am | Updated
“…Even as a female campus officer appears to intervene, Riley continues to pummel the student.

The teen, who has not been publicly identified, was treated for mild to moderate injuries at a local hospital and released, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.

Students told KTLA the fight began when Riley asked the student to leave the classroom because he wasn’t wearing a proper uniform. The boy refused. One student began recording the spat and captured the teen hurling racial slurs at Riley, who is black.

“It was just back and forth, back and forth, and then the teacher just decided to throw a punch and that’s when everything happened,” one student told CBS.

Some students, parents and teachers defended Riley on social media — instead blaming the student for using racial slurs against him.

“We all may have mixed feelings about what happened. But please do know that this is not the first time that Mr. Riley is attacked; physically or verbally. He is a great person and a great teacher,” reads a description on the fundraising page.

“He was a really nice teacher, I always respected him. He always had a really good relationship with every student,” a student told KTLA.

Still, other parents were left disturbed by the situation.

“Just the fact that he’s hitting a child — it’s not right,” one mom told NBC…”

Hurt while “breaking-up fights”

Central High teacher in wake of student attack: ‘It’s like I’m watching my life as a movie’ By Josh Verges | | Pioneer Press
PUBLISHED: April 27, 2016 at 1:57 pm | UPDATED: April 27, 2016 at 4:31 pm
“The Central High School teacher who was hurt breaking up a lunchroom fight Dec. 4 hopes to return to work in the fall once he feels more like himself.

John Ekblad, 55, said in an interview this week that he’s slowly recovering from the headaches, nausea, memory loss and numbness in his right side. But a hand tremor makes it a struggle to lift food to his mouth, and he’s battling anxiety and memory loss.

“My big thing is anxiety — that ain’t me,” he said. “It’s like I’m in my body somewhere and I want to come out. It’s like I’m watching my life as a movie.”..”

Teachers losing their SH*T Compilation (Teachers vs Students)

Violence against teachers leads to increased absenteeism – SADTU

SABC Digital News
Published on Jun 15, 2018
On the eve of National Youth Day, teacher union SADTU says violence against teachers has led to increased levels of absenteeism. It’s even contributing towards some leaving the profession. These attacks have been widely captured on social media. A warning to sensitive viewers that some of the following content in this package is violent.

At least 40 teachers assaulted by students during the school unrests witnessed in 107 secondary

KTN News Kenya
Published on Aug 2, 2018
At least 40 teachers were assaulted by students during the school unrests witnessed in 107 secondary schools in 14 counties. The Teachers’ Service Commission says the affected teachers have been transferred even as TSC CEO, Nancy Macharia, dismissed claims that delocalization of teachers was to blame for the unrests. This emerged when various education stakeholders appeared before the parliamentary committee probing school unrests.

Watch: Student assaults teacher 10 times in classroom | क्लास में टीचर पर कातिलाना हमला

Zee News
Published on Oct 13, 2017
A student of a school in Haryana’s Jhajjar has assaulted a teacher in class. The student attacked teacher multiple times. Watch to know more.

Good News Education

Reflection: Church Service-“Breaking that Spiritual Dam”

During worship service this morning at my local church, I shared some thoughts that I felt eager to share with the church body during “shares” after the worship music:

I shared that I’ve been interested in the recent news in Oroville, California…

… and been following up on it. I felt that their is a lot of symbolism with “man-made” dams that have been constructed around the world with our “spiritual” walk. The dams can be a symbolism of “lies” (e.g. “Your not good enough” , You are a loser”, etc..)that has been spoken to each of us in various ways that hinder us to receive more what God can do through us.

Before writing this, I was reminded of this “old-school” worship song..
Let The River Flow Lyrics Darrell Evans

I feel that we need to let God destroy that “spiritual dam” in our personal lives in order for His “Holy Spirit” to move in us mightier as His children.

What are you currently personally “struggling” with? Do you trust that God will get your through it? I then shared one of the songs that was sung during worship on “I’m NO longer a slave to fear..”, which I shared last year at church that we can substitute “fear” with whatever (e.g. sin, depression, alcohol, deception…

drugs, an orphan, anger, cancer, PTSD, shame , jealousy, greed, stress, bullying, sexual impurity, lost, past, etc..) is keeping you “bondage”.. Keep repeating this to get it in your head until you have been release from these. This is part of meditation w/ God’s word (Bible verses on each one).

After my share, the guest speakers (Dennis & Zoe) from Pillager, MN shared about their recent trip to the Philippines. This family duo modeled how God can use us . They went to the Philippines to minister to the people there in different barangays/villages in various ways (e.g. healing, words of knowedledge, encouragement, etc..) This was such an encouragement for all of that we don’t have to depend on “ministers” or “church leaders” to do God’s work. We all can be used by Him to bring the taste of God’s kingdom on earth.

Hope and pray this will touch you and may God use each of us mightily in these days and please pray for the people of Oroville and the communities in the valley downstream of the #Orovillespillway or #Orovilledam. Feel free to share your thoughts, prayer requests, etc..

Good News Prayer