I decided to write to this blog on this particular topic after many talks with transvestites. I was always curious how one became one and found some similar backgrounds. I met an individual that told me he lived with a single mom. Her mother wished she had a daughter and never got one, so she would dressed him as a girl all the time. This repeated occurrence just gave him that identity desire to be a girl. There are other stories, but will tell them later as time comes, so stay tune…


Transsexual Returns to Original Gender After Relationship With Christ
By Jeff Schapiro, Christian Post Reporter
January 11, 2012|4:43 pm
“….When he was only about five years old, Heyer’s grandmother began to dress him as if he were a girl and even made a dress just for him. The result was a very confused little boy. “I look at it today as being pretty abusive. While it seemed very benign at the time, and maybe even playful, I can see today…that it was really abusive to my psyche,” he told The Christian Post on Wednesday….

…Heyer’s uncle viewed the situation with his grandmother as a joke, and sexually molested him when he was still young.

..By his early teenage years, the fantasy had only grown. He adopted the female name Andrea West, and began cross dressing. At age 15, he also began learning about Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and, although he struggled against his desire to be female, he says those feelings were like a radio playing in his head that he just couldn’t turn off….

“While I didn’t want to be going down this pathway I seemed to be on this track that I couldn’t interrupt, stop or change,” he recalled. “But I wasn’t homosexual. I was having dates with girls, I never felt any desire to have relationships with men, so from the standpoint of my sexuality I was always heterosexual.”

“That I think, too, is one of the…misleading factors. Most people consider transgenders to be homosexual and, from my experience…98 to 99 percent of the people who contact me are not homosexual…It’s really a gender identity issue, not a sexual preference issue.”…

..He and his wife split after 17 years of marriage, and he lost his job when he began making the physical transformation into becoming a woman. He got breast implants, began taking hormones, had electrolysis to reduce the hair on his face, and he had his genitals removed.

“You’re not born transgender, something happens in your childhood that causes you to not want to be who you are…And today the only thing that is…socially acceptable is calling yourself a transgender,” he said.

Not all his church experiences were bad, however. He found a church that welcomed him in, even with the knowledge of what his struggle was. The pastor of that church told him, “Our job is to love you and it’s God’s job to transform you.”

“The church, what it did for me was it allowed me to really get to the point where I asked the Lord for forgiveness. I began to pray for forgiveness. And I realized that the critical point is understanding that you can accept Jesus Christ, but there’s a point where that doesn’t become real…until you’re walking with Christ,” he said….

Testimony of a transgender & bisexual, now a servant of God!
“Published on Aug 15, 2013

God loves everyone and sees every sin equal. God does not hate people. He loves us! What you see the bad stuff in the media is not God. God loves us all and yes! He disapproves of having relationships between two mans and between two woman. But it does not mean he does not love you or understands your difficulties! He offers his salvation to all and will guide you!

This movie is for educational purposes and testimony, I have not made this video. All credit goes to God for helping us and letting us give testimonies of his Glory, love and power.”

A transformed transsexual from the-new-way.org
“…“My appearance became increasingly feminine as the months passed. Silicone injections added to my feminine good looks. But I was miserable inside.”

My story begins in a small Louisiana town on August 15, 1936, when I was born. My father was a river boat pilot and drank a lot. I was always afraid of him, as he would come home late at night, yelling and breaking things. I began to build a fantasy world all my own. I would dream about all the beautiful women in the movies Mother took me to see on weekends. I wanted to be a girl, but I was a boy.

Mother always worked. I used to go to her room when she was away and put on her dresses, earrings, lipstick and perfume. One day she came home early and caught me. “Don’t ever let me catch you doing this again!” she yelled. She whipped me, screaming, “You’re a boy, you’re a boy!” She ripped the earrings off and threw them on the dressing table. I ran from the house crying.

I was afraid to play with boys. They called me “sissy” and “Momma’s boy”. School was the worst time of all. The other boys didn’t want me around and called me ugly names. There were a few girls I could play with, but more and more, I played by myself, with my movie idols…

.. I decided that a sex-change operation was the answer to my feelings of dissatisfaction and phoned a plastic surgeon in New York. We set an appointment for the first stage of surgery —castration. I’ll never forget the antiseptic smell of the operating room. The surgery was done with local anesthetic, but even the drugs injected with 6-inch needles couldn’t kill the dreadful pain of the operation. It was the most dreadful experience of my life…

“Perry, I’m saved. I’ve got Jesus in my heart. I feel wonderful!” He witnessed to me every chance he got for the next year. Finally I agreed to go to church with him. Everything was strange to me, but I felt something I had never experienced in my life. These people really loved each other. I could feel it. .

Politically “Correct”

From ‘manhole’ to ‘maintenance hole’: Berkeley bans gender-specific words
Published: 9:59 AM CDT July 18, 2019
Updated: 10:02 AM CDT July 18, 2019 kare11.com
The words “manpower” and “manhole” will become “workforce” and “maintenance hole.”
Author: The Associated Press
“..BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Berkeley, California, has adopted an ordinance to replace some terms with gender-neutral words in the city code.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports Wednesday that “she” and “he” will be replaced by “they.” The words “manpower” and “manhole” will become “workforce” and “maintenance hole.”


I’m curious why “you” came to this particular blog. Please feel free to personally contact me or share below. Do you struggle with any sexual-gender identity? What’s your story? Can you related to any of the stories above?

Good News Sociology

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