Neutral Perspective: Should or shouldn’t Businesses have the “right” to refuse serving “particular groups” ?

The Right To Refuse Service? Businesses and Discrimination Louis Marlin — February 4, 2014
“..Restaurants and stores qualify as “public accommodations” even if they’re a private business. As such, discrimination laws apply just as much on private property and to private businesses as they do in any public place.

Whether you post a sign or not, businesses never have the right to refuse or turn away customers because of their race, gender, age, nationality or religion. In addition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, several states have their own civil rights legislation designed to prevent discrimination. The Americans with Disabilities Act also prohibits discrimination in public accommodations, making it illegal to refuse service to individuals who are disabled or handicapped…

..there are some valid reasons for asking customers to leave. Individuals or groups who are causing trouble or being disruptive may be asked to leave, while restaurants or other businesses with a capacity limit can turn away customers to prevent this limit from being exceeded. Businesses can also refuse service to those who come in just before closing time or to those who are not making any purchases during their visit. There are various other examples – the key thing to note is that in each example, the decision to refuse service is not arbitrary or based upon an individual’s specific characteristics. Declining to serve someone has to be reasonable and justifiable. If customers are not properly dressed, you can ask that they leave, but if a person is wearing reasonable religious apparel and you dislike their beliefs, you can’t use that as an excuse to send them on their way. If ..”

“RIGHT” to Refuse


‘I Have the Right to Refuse Service’: Restaurant Owner Turns Away Group After He Learns What They Advocate
Becket Adams Feb 8, 2013 4:04 pm
“..Fowler claims Sisters Gourmet Bistro in Van Buren, Ark., cancelled their reservations after its owner discovered what the group stood for.

“I called them and told them that I — we’re not going to have that at Sisters, we had no plans for that and there were no reservations to hold any kind of fundraiser or anything like that,” said owner Richard Hodo.

“I told them that I do not support their cause, that if they want to do that that’s their business. I do not care, but I don’t support their lifestyle and their cause,” he added.

Hodo told an organizer with the River Valley Equality Center that he runs a private business and that he reserves the right to deny any group or person service — whether that means saying “no” to white supremacists or a gay rights group…”

CMV: Business owners should have the right to refuse service whatever the reason.

Dave Rubin Argues For ‘Freedom’ Of Baker Refusing To Make Gay Wedding Cake

Yes, Of Course A Business Owner Should Have The Right To Refuse Service To Gay People
By Matt Walsh, February 27th 2014
“..Late last week, Michael Brown and 24 of his friends and family met at a Charleston, South Carolina restaurant for a farewell party for his cousin. After waiting about two hours for a table, a shift manager at the Wild Wing Cafe told the party to leave. Did I mention these folks were black? Oh, well, they were black. And why weren’t they getting seated?

According to the shift manager, it was because a white patron felt “threatened” by the group, and the manager felt obliged to respect this woman’s delusion by keeping the black diners waiting in the lobby before ultimately kicking them out…”

Political Beliefs

Red Hen owner resigns from Virginia business group after booting Sarah Sanders from restaurant Fox News Tue, Jun 26 8:30 PM CDT

‘Red Hen’ Owner Who Booted Sarah Sanders Just Got Nasty Taste Of Her Own Medicine

“..On Friday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her extended family members, many of whom are liberals, were forced out of the Red Hen eatery in Lexington, Virginia, by co-owner Stephanie Wilkinson. Although the party politely obliged the indignant staffers, Wilkinson proceeded to gather her comrades and stalk Sanders’ family at another restaurant, screaming insults and demanding they leave. ..”
Red Hen restaurants around the world are getting blamed for kicking out Sarah Sanders By Adi Robertson and Makena Kelly Jun 26, 2018, 10:30am EDT
“..A Red Hen in Swedesboro, New Jersey, (motto: “deliciously simple food”) posted an exasperated note after receiving hundreds of phone calls about the incident. An unrelated restaurant in Connecticut pleaded with angry Facebook users: “People! PLEASE. Do not react before you know which FB page to which you are posting.” Across the border in Ontario, Canada, the Olde Red Hen’s owners were condemned as “liberal trash.” No restaurant was remote enough to escape the ire — not even the Little Red Hen in Muntinlupa City, Philippines, which was called out for 86-ing “one of the finest woman in this country.”..”


South Carolina Restaurant Refuses To Serve Black Patrons — Denny’s Redux By Joe Patrice Aug 26, 2013 at 3:16 PM



Should Christian Bakers Be Allowed to Refuse Wedding Cakes to Gays? Feb 25, 2014
The thorny intersection of anti-discrimination law and freedom of conscience
Conor Friedersdorf

Americans split over whether businesses must serve same-sex couples By Michael Lipka
“..A Pew Research Center survey last year found a U.S. public divided over these types of issues. The survey asked Americans whether businesses that provide wedding services should be allowed to refuse service to same-sex couples on religious grounds, or whether they should be required to provide services. Roughly equal shares of U.S. adults answered the question each way, with 49% saying businesses should be required to serve same-sex weddings, and 47% saying businesses should be permitted to refuse service due to religious objections…”

Political Beliefs

Protesters gather outside the Red Hen in Lexington
By Siobhan McGirl | Posted: Wed 1:27 AM, Jun 27, 2018 |
“..People with different opinions gathered outside Tuesday. Some held President Trump signs, speaking out against the restaurant’s actions.

“Because I’m very upset by somebody being kicked out of a restaurant in Lexington- this is not us,” said Mary Harvey-Halseth.

Others, traveled to the area hoping to eat at the restaurant and show support. ..”

“Shouldn’t Refuse

Political Beliefs

Why Sarah Sanders shouldn’t have been kicked out of that Virginia restaurant By Karin Klein Special to The Sacramento Bee June 24, 2018 01:15 PM
“…When Sanders wants to buy underpants, she should be allowed to, even if the owner of the lingerie shop hates everything about her. A gay couple should be able to check into any hotel. The head of Planned Parenthood should be able to order dinner in a restaurant where the owner feels that abortion amounts to the horrific killing of innocent babies.

How can performers refuse to perform at Trump’s inauguration? How is a performer refusing to do their act for Trump’s inauguration different from the recent case of the bakers who were fined for refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding? Katie Anne Holton, I’ve been a political junky since watching the Watergate hearings as a child.
Updated Jan 19 2017 ·
“..Anti-discrimination laws apply based on specific criteria, such as race, religion, ethnicity, disability, and in some states, sexual orientation and gender identity. Political principles are not covered under anti-discrimination laws. It is perfectly legal for a bar to choose not to serve beer to libertarians, the National Rifle Association, the Democratic National Committee, or the fans of the incoming President of the United States. Right or wrong, Oompa Loompas are not part of a protected class…”

Where do you stand?

Good News Law

Deep Thought: Are men more sexually attracted “visually” while women are more “relational”?

A lady commented with this question-“why mean are perverts?”. I remember chatting with another lady about how men are more “visual” oriented and women are more “relationship” oriented..

The Difference Between the Male and Female Brain
“…Women See Relationships, Men See Body Parts
Anne Moir and David Jessel, in their book Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women, write:

Women are not, in the main, turned on by pictures of nudes . . . Women may be aroused by pictures of couples coupling-because what they are seeing, in however sterile a sexual context, is a relationship in action. Women are not excited by a picture of male genitalia by itself . . . Men like female genital close-ups in porn magazines because it is a thing to which they can imagine doing things. Sex for men is vastly impersonal-pornography is simply meat for men. Do they ever wonder who the nude is? Not for a moment. They wonder what they would do to her.

Men want sex, and women want relationships. Men want flesh and women want love. Just as boys wanted balloons, toys, and carburetors, the girls have always wanted contact, and communion, and company.

The female mind is organized to place priority on relationship, the male on achievement. Men keep a tally of their sexual conquests. The female brain is not organized to keep sex in a separate compartment. This is a male model-as if his brain has a specific filing cabinet for sex, completely unrelated to emotion.


Sex Differences in Response to Visual Sexual Stimuli: A Review
“…This article reviews what is currently known about how men and women respond to the presentation of visual sexual stimuli. While the assumption that men respond more to visual sexual stimuli is generally empirically supported, previous reports of sex differences are confounded by the variable content of the stimuli presented and measurement techniques. We propose that the cognitive processing stage of responding to sexual stimuli is the first stage in which sex differences occur. The divergence between men and women is proposed to occur at this time, reflected in differences in neural activation, and contribute to previously reported sex differences in downstream peripheral physiological responses and subjective reports of sexual arousal. ..”


Gender Difference in Brain Activation to Audio-Visual Sexual Stimulation WS Chung; SM Lim; JH Yoo; H Yoon
“..). The two AVS types were: (1) mood type, erotic video clips with a concrete story and (2) physical type, directly exposing sexual intercourse and genitalia. fMRI images were analyzed and compared for each stimulation with a Mann–Whitney U test, with statistical significance set at P<0.05. Men preferred the physical type of AVS to the mood type (mean arousal score 2.14 vs 1.86 in females) and women preferred the mood type (mean arousal score 2.14 vs 1.86 in males.."
Gender, Sex and Sexuality. The ambiguity and difference.

Sex Differences in Response to Sexual vs. Emotional Infidelity (THE SAAD TRUTH_84)

“..Published on Nov 8, 2015

The two sexes respond differently to these two forms of infidelity for very clear evolutionary reasons.

My Psychology Today article wherein I discuss this sex difference:


Are Women More Emotional Than Men? 5 Studies Examining Common Gender Stereotypes
Brent Stirton
Seth Millstein
July 8, 2014 • News
“…In other words, most men would apparently rather experience physical pain than be alone with their own thoughts. That’s a pretty bleak assessment of the male psyche, and even the most charitable interpretation — that men are more “sensation seeking” than women — is drenched in gender normativity and stereotypes…”
Men Are Actually More Emotional Than Women, They Just Hide It Better
“..Women are emotional, true. But according to a recent study, men may very well be more emotional than their female counterparts. The only difference is men hide it better.

In this study, conducted by neurologists at Mindlab, men are actually much more sensitive than women when it comes to being presented with emotional stimuli.


Why did God make woman so opposite of man? November 4, 2014 / biblicalgenderroles
“…But God did not just give women breasts for feeding children, he gave them breasts for the pleasure and comfort of man. Human females are the only mammals who have constantly protruding breasts, even when they are not pregnant or nursing children.

Because men are so visually wired by God, he made a woman’s body for beauty, not for toughness and endurance the way a man’s body is built.

But besides these practical differences, God also created woman for spiritual and symbolic reasons. God created man in his image, to exercise God’s leadership, provision and protection qualities. But man needed a person, not just some animal, which would allow him to exercise these traits. Woman was perfectly designed by God to fulfill this role as the recipient of man’s leadership, provision and protection, and to provide him with the perfect helper and companion.

What are your thoughts, suggestions, feedback, etc..? Any personal stories?

Good News Sex

What “lies” have you believed….do you still?

Hello…my name is___________?

” />

Can you fill the blank? What does your name mean to you? Have you ever been called “some other name” that you believed?…from a “bully”? teased/make fun of?

I remember being teased back in middle school/junior high and was called many names that I started to believe. For example, my physical features (e.g. “big eyes”, “Yoda”, “big nose”, “shorty”, “terrorist”, “you look like the enemy” (Persian Gulf War at the time), racist remarks , sexuality, etc..) weren’t the same with the people around me-who does anyways? -God has made us all uniquely-beautiful-and different! Can you relate? Feel free to boldly share your story down below or email me too.

Anyways, I started to believe in many of these “lies”..

The Fall (Genesis 3) Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”What is the ROOT of SIN ? - [Part 1] News Sin and the False Apostles (2 Corinthians 11 ) I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. ......13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds....Good News Future Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

“…Hello, my name is regret
I’m pretty sure we have met
Every single day of your life
I’m the whisper inside
That won’t let you forget

Hello, my name is defeat
I know you recognize me
Just when you think you can win
I’ll drag you right back down again
‘Til you’ve lost all belief

Oh, these are the voices. Oh, these are the lies…”-Hello, My Name Is
Matthew West (

My self-esteem just went lower and lower as I grew older. I would at times have “suicidal” thoughts and suffered depression. I went through a season where I even wished I was “white” like most of my peers. With all this, my hatred and anger grew, which I would keep to myself and was anti-social.

I slowly grew out of the lies starting my college years when I had a “spiritual awakening” (see personal testimony). My low self-esteem didn’t disappear overnight, but it slowly faded away as I grew in my faith and my found identity as a “child of Him (Heavenly Father)…

“…And I have believed them for the very last time…..

Matthew West – Hello, My Name Is (Lyrics)

…Hello, my name is child of the one true King
I’ve been saved, I’ve been changed,
And I have been set free
“Amazing Grace” is the song I sing
Hello, my name is child of the one true King

I am no longer defined
By all the wreckage behind
The one who makes all things new
Has proven it’s true
Just take a look at my life

What love the Father has lavished upon us
That we should be called His children
I am a child of the one true King.”- Hello, My Name Is
Matthew West (

One last thought is we need to be careful what you put above God (e.g idols). I used to struggle with this (e.g. sports, music, celebrities, etc..), which I can share the “negative effects” on another blog topic. This will affect one’s identity, which will give you a false belief.

*NOTE: I’m not trying to be the “angel” (righteous) here, but I’ve had my share of being the “devil”. I’ve teased others too or said things that might’ve “offended” them, which some has boldly reminded me. If I have and I don’t know it, please forgive me and let me know (in person if possible or via email, phone, etc..) too! I want to learn from my mistakes.

Satan-“father of lies”

Testimony from an Ex Satanist! What satan DOES NOT! want you to know!!!

“Published on Oct 10, 2016

There sits today in rulership of this fallen world order one who has grown ancient in evil, cunning in subtlety, and cruel in deceit. He waged the first war of the universe in the distant planet called heaven, and subsequently brought conflict to this little world we call earth as it spins on the outer edges of the milky-way galaxy. He filled all heaven with discord and the earth with death, and both with great sorrow. He deceptively challenged every transparent purpose of the Creator, and even coveted the throne of the Eternal, planning to either assume rule of the universe or if not, then to plunge it into chaos and ruin.
This menacing figure who has hijacked our planet well explains the presence of every conflict that disturbs our world today, every pestilence that afflicts humanity, every sorrow and pain and death that tortures the children of earth. Lucifer, the former covering cherub and one-time honorable prime minister of the angelic intelligences in Heaven, has become Satan, the great adversary of our smitten world. This powerful angel heads a vast army of unseen intelligences, the hosts of darkness who oppose in this world, every beneficent purpose of our Creator the Almighty God of the universe. He especially hates the Holy One who in great condescension assumed our human nature that He might by divine power destroy the works of Satan, conquer evil and lift the terrible sentence of eternal death from our fallen race.
To speak of a throne of evil controlling this world system is no mere figure of speech, it is a grim reality. And the occupant of that throne is no figment of anyone’s imagination. Jesus Christ ascribes to him the title of “prince of this world.” John 14: 30. The famed Christian apostle Paul describes him as “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.” Eph. 2: 2. Paul also warns us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness…” Eph 6:12 John the Revelator describes this foe as “the great dragon,” “that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan who deceives the whole world.” Rev. 12:9.
When the leader of revolt against the Eternal Creator was expelled from heaven, expelled along with him were many other angel intelligences who had yielded to his cunning sophistries and had joined in his unworthy rebellion. This world is today their singular abode. This is because that tremendous event, which rid heaven of the fallen hosts, was followed by the tragic fall of our first parents under Satan’s lies. This historic fall let loose legions of fallen angels to bend all of their efforts and genius over many thousands of years in the work of spoiling, corrupting and ruining the once noble human family, originally created to be the crown of God’s handiwork. A key element of the strategy to ruin humanity has been to lead man to blight and degrade the fair earth that was intended to be our perfect and eternal home.
The apostle Peter warns us “Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 Finally, the inspired revelator says ” Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.” Rev. 12:12.”

So…what “lies” have you believed? Feel free to share down below your thoughts of any of the content above. Remember, you not alone! Lastly, do you believe them still? Why or why not?

Good News Sociology

ACTION: What are some ways to “heal” (e.g. emotionally) from the scars of your past?

Thank you to my Heavenly Father for giving the inspiration to Matthew West to write this song to touch others, like me (see Who Am I?) !

Sexual-Gender Identity?

I decided to write to this blog on this particular topic after many talks with transvestites. I was always curious how one became one and found some similar backgrounds. I met an individual that told me he lived with a single mom. Her mother wished she had a daughter and never got one, so she would dressed him as a girl all the time. This repeated occurrence just gave him that identity desire to be a girl. There are other stories, but will tell them later as time comes, so stay tune…


Transsexual Returns to Original Gender After Relationship With Christ
By Jeff Schapiro, Christian Post Reporter
January 11, 2012|4:43 pm
“….When he was only about five years old, Heyer’s grandmother began to dress him as if he were a girl and even made a dress just for him. The result was a very confused little boy. “I look at it today as being pretty abusive. While it seemed very benign at the time, and maybe even playful, I can see today…that it was really abusive to my psyche,” he told The Christian Post on Wednesday….

…Heyer’s uncle viewed the situation with his grandmother as a joke, and sexually molested him when he was still young.

..By his early teenage years, the fantasy had only grown. He adopted the female name Andrea West, and began cross dressing. At age 15, he also began learning about Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and, although he struggled against his desire to be female, he says those feelings were like a radio playing in his head that he just couldn’t turn off….

“While I didn’t want to be going down this pathway I seemed to be on this track that I couldn’t interrupt, stop or change,” he recalled. “But I wasn’t homosexual. I was having dates with girls, I never felt any desire to have relationships with men, so from the standpoint of my sexuality I was always heterosexual.”

“That I think, too, is one of the…misleading factors. Most people consider transgenders to be homosexual and, from my experience…98 to 99 percent of the people who contact me are not homosexual…It’s really a gender identity issue, not a sexual preference issue.”…

..He and his wife split after 17 years of marriage, and he lost his job when he began making the physical transformation into becoming a woman. He got breast implants, began taking hormones, had electrolysis to reduce the hair on his face, and he had his genitals removed.

“You’re not born transgender, something happens in your childhood that causes you to not want to be who you are…And today the only thing that is…socially acceptable is calling yourself a transgender,” he said.

Not all his church experiences were bad, however. He found a church that welcomed him in, even with the knowledge of what his struggle was. The pastor of that church told him, “Our job is to love you and it’s God’s job to transform you.”

“The church, what it did for me was it allowed me to really get to the point where I asked the Lord for forgiveness. I began to pray for forgiveness. And I realized that the critical point is understanding that you can accept Jesus Christ, but there’s a point where that doesn’t become real…until you’re walking with Christ,” he said….

Testimony of a transgender & bisexual, now a servant of God!
“Published on Aug 15, 2013

God loves everyone and sees every sin equal. God does not hate people. He loves us! What you see the bad stuff in the media is not God. God loves us all and yes! He disapproves of having relationships between two mans and between two woman. But it does not mean he does not love you or understands your difficulties! He offers his salvation to all and will guide you!

This movie is for educational purposes and testimony, I have not made this video. All credit goes to God for helping us and letting us give testimonies of his Glory, love and power.”

A transformed transsexual from
“…“My appearance became increasingly feminine as the months passed. Silicone injections added to my feminine good looks. But I was miserable inside.”

My story begins in a small Louisiana town on August 15, 1936, when I was born. My father was a river boat pilot and drank a lot. I was always afraid of him, as he would come home late at night, yelling and breaking things. I began to build a fantasy world all my own. I would dream about all the beautiful women in the movies Mother took me to see on weekends. I wanted to be a girl, but I was a boy.

Mother always worked. I used to go to her room when she was away and put on her dresses, earrings, lipstick and perfume. One day she came home early and caught me. “Don’t ever let me catch you doing this again!” she yelled. She whipped me, screaming, “You’re a boy, you’re a boy!” She ripped the earrings off and threw them on the dressing table. I ran from the house crying.

I was afraid to play with boys. They called me “sissy” and “Momma’s boy”. School was the worst time of all. The other boys didn’t want me around and called me ugly names. There were a few girls I could play with, but more and more, I played by myself, with my movie idols…

.. I decided that a sex-change operation was the answer to my feelings of dissatisfaction and phoned a plastic surgeon in New York. We set an appointment for the first stage of surgery —castration. I’ll never forget the antiseptic smell of the operating room. The surgery was done with local anesthetic, but even the drugs injected with 6-inch needles couldn’t kill the dreadful pain of the operation. It was the most dreadful experience of my life…

“Perry, I’m saved. I’ve got Jesus in my heart. I feel wonderful!” He witnessed to me every chance he got for the next year. Finally I agreed to go to church with him. Everything was strange to me, but I felt something I had never experienced in my life. These people really loved each other. I could feel it. .

Politically “Correct”

From ‘manhole’ to ‘maintenance hole’: Berkeley bans gender-specific words
Published: 9:59 AM CDT July 18, 2019
Updated: 10:02 AM CDT July 18, 2019
The words “manpower” and “manhole” will become “workforce” and “maintenance hole.”
Author: The Associated Press
“..BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Berkeley, California, has adopted an ordinance to replace some terms with gender-neutral words in the city code.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports Wednesday that “she” and “he” will be replaced by “they.” The words “manpower” and “manhole” will become “workforce” and “maintenance hole.”


I’m curious why “you” came to this particular blog. Please feel free to personally contact me or share below. Do you struggle with any sexual-gender identity? What’s your story? Can you related to any of the stories above?

Good News Sociology