Deep Thought: Should I “repay back” with “evil” or “good”?

Have you ever been “abused” (e.g. emotionally, physically, etc..) by someone and wanted to return back a similar “evil”? What happened? Was it worth it?


10 People Who Took Justice Into Their Own Hands – YouTube

Eye For An Eye (Islam) Vs. Turn Other Cheek (Christianity)


Notable Non-Violence Advocates

Amazing Testimony of Afshin Javid Part 1 of 2

Repay evil with good – YouTube

“..William Goxo and Tielman Slabbert grew up in a South Africa torn and divided by the Apartheid system. Ignorance, fear and hatred fuelled this unfair and terrible regime, and even as it was brought to an end, there was plenty of room for distrust, bitterness and enmity in its wake. Hear William and Tielman tell some of their experiences, and how the Christian gospel brings true liberation and reconciliation, leading to love and eternal friendship. By tackling the root of all problems: the sin that dwells in each one of us, no matter what race, background or outward circumstances, it helps us to overcome prejudice, suspicion, hard feelings and hatred. With God’s help we can learn to live the life that we read about in the Bible, and experience true unity. Visit to learn more about this Christian life. If you are interested, we encourage you to contact us:”

A Christian Testimony in the Face of Evil January 28, 2018
“…From a Christian worldview, we have to understand that the facts are important. It is not wrong to want to know what the dots are and then to try to connect them. God made us rational and moral creatures and this moral sense reaches out for some rational explanation of the horrifying evil of our world. But our first response should not be to try to understand the crime, but rather, to identify with the community in grief and experiencing heartbreak.

The Christian worldview dignifies the heartbroken.”…”

When Is It Right to Repay Evil with Pain? Resource by John Piper Scripture: Romans 12:9–21 Topic: Public Justice
‘..The clear and uniform message here is that we should love our enemies, and that this love involves treating them better than they deserve, not returning evil for evil but blessing them from our heart and helping them when they need us. This teaching is the same as Jesus’ teaching when he said, for example (in Luke 6:27-31),..”

Explain “Do Not Be Overcome with Evil, But Overcome Evil with Good” Pat Robertson
“..If someone forces you to go one mile, go two miles. If someone takes your coat, give him your shirt as well (see Matthew 5:40-41). Do so graciously, cheerfully, even assertively. God has given you the spiritual weapons to discern who your enemies are and then to conquer them by making them your friends. (Of course, as long as there are vicious criminals and international tyrants in the world, there must be a system of restraint through local or international police. In Romans 13, police and legitimate armies are considered by the apostle Paul as “ministers of God” to bring vengeance on lawbreakers.)..”

Why should I bless those who curse me?

“..Resolve Long-Term Bitterness

Many people have testified to overcoming years of bitterness that began when they were cursed or abused during childhood. As these abused individuals blessed their offenders, often their bitterness disappeared immediately.

But how are you to deal with bitterness toward someone on whom you no longer have the opportunity to bestow a blessing, such as someone who has died since the offense occurred?

Put your faith in God and His love for both you and the offender.
Thank God for His power to redeem those hurtful circumstances and memories.
Ask Him to give you wisdom and grace to forgive and release your offender from your bitterness and condemnation, even though the person may be dead already. You are still living, and you can still make choices that bring freedom and blessing to your life as you choose to forgive and bless instead of be bitter and curse. (See James 1:5, John 16:23, II Peter 1:2, Hebrews 4:16, and James 4:6.)

Goodnews Everybody

Folks with Signs Along the Highway Exit Ramps or Other Places Part 4

On Saturday, September 15th 2017-I was just exiting of Highway 280 going to University Avenue (towards Minneapolis to visit a friend) from I-94 (St. Paul side). I saw one of those “homeless guys with signs” again, which I was prepared. Earlier, I got bag of bottle water read with invitation “tickets” for a free meal at Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities‘ homeless shelters, which anyone can print online…

Give a Ticket of Hope

..this would be the first person to “hand this ticket” too…

I ran quickly to my trunk as there was a red light and handed to this guy saying “God bless you” as the green light came on. I didn’t have time to chat, but I quickly prayed for him again as I might’ve drove by him again (can’t tell with the pic) across the bridge (pic above) when I was going back to St. Paul.

Hope this encourage you to do something similar or better, whatever God lays in your heart. Feel free to come back for possible other related stories like this or share one of yours down below…

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Good News Sociology

Deep Thought: Different Faiths with one Spirit at Standing Rock

Before going to Standing Rock, it was cool to learn the many different backgrounds of faiths represented in this movement..

Clergy Standing with Standing Rock

500 Clergy Come to Standing Rock after a week of violence

“Published on Nov 16, 2016

“I look at my brothers and sisters of Standing Rock as the moral compass of this country.”

After a week of violence inflicted by law enforcement on unarmed peaceful water protectors, over 480 clergy and people of all faiths arrived in solidarity with Standing Rock. In solidarity, they repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, denounced the Dakota Access Pipeline, and affirmed the position of the water protectors on the ground.

Video Produced by: Ayşe Gürsöz & Josué Rivas Fotographer”

Image Gallery: 500 interfaith clergy and laity answered the call to stand with Standing Rock By Lynette Wilson | November 3, 2016
“…The Rev. John Floberg, supervising priest of the Episcopal churches on the North Dakota side of Standing Rock, gives instructions to more than 500 people from 20 faith backgrounds gathered in the Oceti Sakowin Camp just after dawn. Photo: Lynette Wilson/Episcopal News Service..”
Clergy Standing with Standing Rock
Clergy repudiate ‘doctrine of discovery’ as hundreds support indigenous rights at Standing Rock NewsNorman Jameson | November 4, 2016
“..From around the country 524 clergy responded to the call of North Dakota priest John Floberg to gather in support of the Sioux Nation’s attempts to stop construction of an encroaching oil pipeline near Standing Rock…”
Standing Rock: A Clergy Call to Action
“…If you are unable to join with other clergy on these dates but would like to come later in the fall or winter when support will still be needed, please coordinate with the Rev. Brooks Berndt, the Environmental Justice Minister for the United Church of Christ…”
500 Clergy Join Peaceful Witness at Standing Rock By Jill Goddard November 7, 2016
“…On Thursday, November 3, over 500 clergy – including over 50 Unitarian Universalist clergy – answered the call to come to Standing Rock in solidarity, prayer, and action with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and the water protectors. The goal of the peaceful interfaith witness was to increase awareness of the situation and to advocate for elected officials to take action to end construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Clergy for Standing Rock: Rev. Kelli Clement,
IFCO/Pastors for Peace | An interfaith organization to assist oppressed …
“..Ecumenical agency delivering humanitarian aid to Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes membership information, a list of projects, and a forum…”

“…The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) is a multi-issue national ecumenical agency, which was founded in 1967 by progressive church leaders and activists. For more than four decades, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) has assisted hundreds of community organizations and public policy groups – by providing technical assistance, training organizers, making and administering grants, and using our global network of grassroots organizers, clergy, and other professionals to advance the struggles of oppressed people for justice and self-determination.


Read more


Thoughts, feedback, prayer requests, etc..?

Good News Ministry

What’s up with…?! Post-elections Hate

Mich. students chant ‘build the wall’ in viral video USA TODAY Katrease Stafford (Thursday, November 10th 2016)
“…ROYAL OAK, Mich. — A viral video of middle school students at a Michigan school shouting “build the wall” during a lunch hour Wednesday has sparked outrage across social media, leading some to demand that school district officials take action.

The video, which has nearly 2 million views and more than 45,000 shares, shows a group of students leading the chant in the cafeteria of Royal Oak Middle School. The woman who posted the short video on Facebook, Dee Perez-Scott, said in a brief caption that the incident happened Wednesday.

“The taunts, the ‘Build that Wall’ with such bullying power and hate from children to children,” wrote Perez-Scott. “Just horrifying!”..”

This is sample of why “us” adults need to be careful on how we express our “political views” at home. Kids are watching our reaction to this political election and everything we do. I have a “young” teenager friend that came to my house wanting to bike one day as he shared how he was tired of his parents watching the “political debates”. Then another “friend” (college age) express similar feelings on how he was “tired” of his parents watching it too.


-Pro: Trump

Post-election racism makes students uneasy Solvejg Wastvedt · Nov 10, 2016
“The day after the election, messages including “whites only”, “Trump Train” and the n-word were scrawled on a bathroom door at Maple Grove Senior High.

The district reacted by starting an investigation and contacting police. And the next morning, a parent told MPR News that her daughter found students smiling and handing out cookies, along with messages of acceptance posted on the wall.

• NewsCut: Maple Grove kids fight back against the racists

Reactions to Tuesday’s presidential election are playing out in schools around the state, with tension reported in some cases as students bring differing views to class.

The smiles and cookies after the racist graffiti in Maple Grove were a step toward healing divisions — but they certainly won’t solve a problem that is not unique to Maple Grove.

Students around the state are struggling with divisions that mirror the country’s deeply divided voting-age adults.

• Related: Trump victory spells uncertainty for Minnesotans feeling alienated by his rhetoric

East across the Mississippi River at Spring Lake Park High School, Principal Jane Stevenson wrote a Facebook post about a report of “disrespectful, inappropriate and racially offensive graffiti” on a girls’ bathroom wall. Pictures of it made the rounds on social media, and Stevenson condemned the act.

Stevenson said the police are involved and the district is investigating.

In an interview before word of the graffiti spread to media, Spring Lake Park band teacher Nora Tycast said she hadn’t seen an increase in racist incidents post-election, she said the school routinely struggles with racial tension.

“My colleagues and I see just a wide gamut of reactions from students, students that are really sad and scared, and students that are really excited and pleased,” Tycast said. “So on Wednesday morning we saw a lot of fist pumping, and really kids really feeling free to express their excitement and kind of their pride in the country in a bunch of different ways. And we also had some students that were a lot more subdued.”

It’s unclear how many incidents similar to the racist graffiti in Maple Grove there may be.

The Minnesota Department of Education says it’s received three calls about incidents of harassment in schools. MPR News looked into a report of white students intimidating Latino students at Jefferson High School in Bloomington. The district says it’s investigated the report and denies that physical intimidation happened.

But shy of explicit incidents, it’s undeniable that some students are dealing with anxiety. Administrators in several districts sent letters home encouraging civility and denouncing racism and harassment.

Amy Hewett-Olatunde, who teaches English Language Learners at LEAP High School in St. Paul, said all her students are immigrants or refugees, and many of them are fearful.

“Many of them think that they need to think about where to go, if they go home. If they don’t have a place to go home to, what should they do,” she said. “Their parents are also extremely fearful of what may happen in terms of retaliation.”

Higher Ground Academy, also in St. Paul, has a primarily African-American population. Teacher Catherine Eisele said she’s sensed fear among her students since the primaries.

“I had three kids come up to me yesterday like, ‘Am I going to get deported?’ like quietly in the halls, not in front of everybody,” she said.

But on Thursday in civics class, Eisele taught her students how the American government works — she’s teaching them how to debate ideas.

Her students have been split throughout the election on policies. For Lyla, a 10th grader, President-elect Donald Trump’s views don’t worry her too much.

“It’s not like he’s going to make every single decision,” she said. “He has a cabinet behind him, they’re going to help him make good decisions.”

Another 10th grader, Adar, feels differently about Trump, saying she’s afraid of an increase in hate crimes following the election.

“I am worried about his supporters,” she said. “Racism has existed, you know, for a long time in our history, but I feel like he brought all the racists out, all the sexists out.”

But Adar said she’s not worried about being deported. She’s been paying attention in civics class.

“I know my rights”, she said.


“Published on Jan 2, 2017



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Students Tweet Their Fears After Trump’s Victory
“..Minority, Muslim, and gay students tweeted their concerns about going to school after the election.

During his presidential campaign, Trump made comments about refugees from the Muslim countries, Mexican immigrants, and crime policy that have instilled fear in some minorities.

heard rich white boys at school say how funny it is that Trump got elected; it’s so easy to laugh when it doesn’t affect you#NotMyPresident
— shan (@shannessian) November 9, 2016

i feel so bad. i’m in the school bathroom listening to a girl cry because she is so terrified of being deported.
— katherine 💱 (@pockyprincess1) November 9, 2016

My cousin comes home and tells me kids bullied them at school today telling them to go home now Trumps president…
— Nav Singh (@NaV__SiNgH) November 9, 2016

My niece first response to election: “should i tell people at school I am not Muslim anymore?”

She is eight. #TrumpPresident
— Saba Ansari (@SabaBrazil) November 9, 2016

My little sisters friend has been bullied at school because of her race & partly because of this election….PLEASE educate your kids!!!!!
— gwen (@miaatoledo) November 9, 2016

I told my child not to talk about the election or her family at school. She asked, “Does this mean Daddy can’t be trans anymore?”
— Saundra Mitchell (@SaundraMitchell) November 9, 2016

Y’all pray for me at school tomorrow… nothing’s wrong, I’m just a minority
— Barbara Martinez (@barbiemtze) November 9, 2016
One teacher posted about her experience teaching children the day after the election. Najah Imani Muhammad posted that one of her second grade students said that he was afraid that Latinos would be deported. Trump promised to increase immigration enforcement during his campaign.

Immigrant communities fear deportation after election of Trump November 9, 2016, 8:39 PM
‘We are scared’: Students share fears, teachers calm nerves after election Written by
Sanya Mansoor
and Holly K. Hacker
20 Horrific Acts Of Violence In Donald Trump’s First Days As President-Elect
Chris Riotta,IBTimes Tue, Nov 15 10:35 AM PST


Trump supporters brutally attack gay man in California
Mike Anzalone | November 10, 2016
“…When Ball left the bar alone later in the night, Trump supporters followed him to an alley way and assaulted him, Ball said. The last thing he remembers before awaking bloody on the pavement was having a beer bottle smashed over his head. Friends took him to the hospital…”


Trump: “I Will Protect Our LGBTQ Citizens’
NBC News 07/22/2016 1:03


White nationalist Richard Spencer punched during interview
By Paul P. Murphy, CNN Updated 7:13 AM ET, Sat January 21, 2017
“…Video posted online by the outlet shows the white supremacist speaking to Washington bureau chief Zoe Daniel when he was interrupted by individuals off camera.

Spencer was answering questions on whether he was a neo-Nazi. He said he was not, and was then asked what the “Pepe the Frog” pin he was wearing signified.
“Pepe the Frog” is an internet meme so often used by racists and anti-Semites it was designated a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League.
As Spencer was speaking, a masked individual ran up, socked him in the face and fled. Spencer left, later tweeting there was, “no serious damage.”..”

->Fake/False Flag??
Go back to Asia!’: Trump supporter grabs woman–police arrive and handcuff the victim
Nathan Wellman | November 10, 2016
On social media, police say they did not respond to University student’s alleged campus assault 11/10/2016, 6:11pm
By Jessie Bekker
In a widely-shared Facebook post, Kathy Mirah Tu alleges she was accosted while walking across the Washington Avenue Bridge.
“…The University of Minnesota Police Department tweeted Thursday afternoon, saying they were not involved in the alleged handcuffing of a University student, who said she was verbally and physically attacked while crossing the Washington Avenue Bridge in a Facebook post Wednesday.

The Minneapolis Police Department also said it was unable to find a record of the incident, in a Facebook post Thursday evening.



Trump to a divided America: ‘Don’t be afraid’ By Marisa Schultz and Bruce Golding

November 13, 2016 | 8:21pm | Updated
“…President-elect Donald Trump said Sunday that Americans have nothing to fear from his incoming administration.

“I would tell them don’t be afraid, absolutely,” Trump told CBS’ “60 Minutes” when asked about the thousands of protesters from coast to coast who have taken to the streets since he became president-elect…”



Michael Moore: They Voted For A Guy Named ‘Hussein’ Twice, Trump Voters Are Not Racist
“…Michael Moore disputed the notion that all the people who voted for President-elect Donald Trump are racist Friday, reiterating the fact that millions of them voted for…

Man beaten on South Side while onlookers yell, ‘Don’t vote for Trump’
WLS – Chicago 21 hours ago (Saturday, November 12th 2016)

-Washington D.C. Inauguration

RAW: Violent anti-Trump protest near Inauguration

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration By Jonathan Landay and Scott Malone | WASHINGTON Politics | Sat Jan 21, 2017 | 7:58am EST
Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trump’s swearing-in on Friday clashed with police a few blocks from the White House, in an outburst of violence rare for an inauguration.

At least 217 people were arrested in the melees, police said.

The burst of civil disorder followed a fierce presidential campaign that ended in a stunning victory for Republican Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8 and left the country divided.

Many of Trump’s supporters traveled to Washington to cheer their new president on Inauguration Day. Tens of thousands of detractors are expected to march peacefully on Saturday.

In the violence, knots of activists in black clothes and masks threw rocks and bottles at officers wearing riot gear, who responded with volleys of tear gas and stun grenades as a helicopter hovered low overhead. …

Protesters and police said the violent activists were acting independently of organized opposition to Trump.

The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, and that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November.

Not far from the White House, Bob Hrifko, a member of the Bikers for Trump group, said he was struck in the face with an aluminum chair when he tried to intervene in a scuffle involving police and protesters.

“We need more order. This ain’t right,” said Hrifko, who was bleeding from a cut under his eye.

….In Seattle, one person was shot in the abdomen during a demonstration at the University of Washington, the Seattle Police Department said on Twitter. Demonstrators gathered there to protest Trump and conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, who gave a talk on campus, local media reported. ..

Washington Anti President Trump – Protesters Burn Limo Car & Fighting Police (COMPILATION)
, from

Connection to Post -Election?

He yelled ‘Get out of my country,’ witnesses say, and then shot 2 men from India, killing one By Mark Berman and Samantha Schmidt February 24
“..According to witness accounts, the gunman reportedly told two of the people who were shot — both Indian men who work for Garmin, the technology firm — to “get out of my country” before opening fire and had also used racial slurs during the Wednesday evening shooting…

The father of one of the people injured pointed to the election of President Trump, who has routinely described a threat posed to Americans from people outside the country’s borders, and pleaded with parents in India “not to send their children to the United States.”

The White House responded by calling the link to Trump’s rhetoric absurd, according to Reuters….

He reportedly came back into the bar and hurled racial slurs at the two Indian men, including comments that suggested he thought they were of Middle Eastern descent. When he started firing shots, Grillot, a regular at the bar whom Bohnen called “everyone’s friend,” moved to get involved…”
Andhra Engineer Killed By US Navy Veteran First Indian Hate Crime Victim In Trump Era

“Published on Feb 23, 2017

An Indian-American IT engineer employed by a US company was fatally shot and his Indian colleague wounded by a white man who thought they were Middle Easterners and who was heard telling them to “get out of my country” at the time of the shooting.

India Today Television marks the entry of the nation’s most credible name in journalism – India Today into news television. Powered by a future-ready look and backed with the 40 year legacy of the India Today brand, the channel addresses the news consumption habits of an evolved digital-savvy audience while staying true to the journalistic principles of the India Today Group.
With a paradigm shift in terms of television workflows and technology, the channel sets a new benchmark with a differentiated look. Innovative content formats and multiple news updates on the TV screen give immediacy and choice to the news viewer.”

Pre 2020 Presidential Election

Man arrested after allegedly driving van into GOP registration tent
Good Morning AmericaFebruary 9, 2020, 4:33 AM CST
“..A man has been arrested after allegedly deliberately driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters who were working to register new voters at a shopping center parking lot.

The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon in the Kernan Village Shopping Center in eastern Jacksonville, Florida, when a man, later identified by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office as 27-year-old Gregory Timm, allegedly drove a van through a tent where people were working to register voters. The driver narrowly missed several people in the tent and fled the scene after the incident by car…”


If You’re Overwhelmed By The Election, Here’s What You Can Do Now 11/09/2016 02:36 am ET | Updated 18 hours ago Jenna Amatulli Trends Editor, The Huffington Post

How can we “fight” evil with love?

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Peace: How can we live with Muslims?

I decided to write this after seeing all the “negativity” towards this religion of Islam. As a Christian, my heart goes out for them with all the “bad” media in social networking lately. I also “feel” for them because of my personal experiences of “racism” and being falsely accused as a “terrorist”.

I remember during the Persian Gulf War (early 90’s), a so-called “friend” was joking that I looked like the “enemy”. Then after 9-11, a couple of kids said I “looked” like a “terrorist”. This was so embedded in my mind that I remember I was afraid of leaving my house after the 9-11 attacks as I was scared of people accusing me as a “terrorist”. In fact, I remember some couple emotionally spilled their gut to me saying, “We let “them” come to our country and they do this to “us”.

The “media” got many of “us” to go through “Islamaphobia”. I was even scared of mingling with some “newcomers” to Morris from Pakistan that happened to be Muslim. I ended up befriending him and would end up housing 2 more Muslims to live with me afterwards.

My view of “Muslims” totally changed after these experiences and now I’m trying to do my best to change the “negative” image the “media” has protrayed on them.


Everything is a Lie

Published on Jul 13, 2018

Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – Episode 340 – American Voice Radio, July 13th, 2018 –
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What is Eid al-Adha? – YouTube

Appreciating Eid al-Adha through the Biblical Texts Gallery November 9, 2011
“..This week, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid al-Adha or Qurbani Aid – the festival of sacrifice – to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son upon Allah’s command. This festival also marks the end of Hajj. According to Muslims’ account, Allah spared Ishmael upon seeing Abraham’s devotion and commanded him to sacrifice a ram instead.

The animal sacrificed for Eid al-Adha is cut in thirds, one third is donated to those less fortunate, one third offered to friends, and one third eaten in a celebratory dinner with family. Muslims who could afford to give symbolizes their willingness to give up upon Allah’s command through this animal sacrifice.

While the Islamic teaching says that Ibrahim (Abraham) was commanded by God to sacrifice Ishmael, Christians believe that Isaac was the one to be sacrificed. Among philosophers and theologians in the modern times, the rhetoric of the discourse was not on who was supposed to be sacrificed, but leaned towards principled and ethical questions. Soren Kierkeegard, for example, purported that ethical standards did not apply to divine command…”

Can Christians Trust Muslim Hospitality? JAYSON CASPER AUGUST 24, 2018 10:32 AM
Arab theologians counsel Americans fearful of “taqiyya,” Islam’s alleged permission to lie, around Eid al-Adha and Ramadan holidays.
“..The holiest of Islam’s two yearly holidays is Eid al-Adha; in Arabic, “the feast of the sacrifice.” This week, on August 21, Muslims worldwide slaughtered sheep, remembering how God saved Abraham from sacrificing his son Ishmael.

Wait, Ishmael? Not Isaac?

Though the Qur‘an doesn’t name the son, Muslims believe it was the ancestor of the Arabs that God used to test Abraham’s faith. Should Christians understand this as a theological error? Or an outright lie?

The identification matters, because Isaac is a prefiguration of Jesus, whose sacrifice saved man from his sins. Religions often have differing traditions; and for Christians, Muhammad’s conscience in founding Islam is unknown. But some Christians today are comfortable delving into the conscience of everyday, ordinary Muslims, finding deception at every turn.

The idea is called taqiyya: that Muslims are permitted by their faith to lie if it will advance the cause of their religion….

But beyond extremists, certainly some Muslims have an agenda. How can the American Christian discern? And should some Christians examine themselves?

“The Bible calls us to love our neighbors and our enemies. It is impossible to know someone’s intentions with certainty, and anyone is capable of having negative intentions,” said Salim Munayer, executive director of the Jerusalem-based Musalaha reconciliation ministry…

Munayer agreed with Accad’s perspective on taqiyya, and described positive interfaith initiatives in the Holy Land. But he had a message to share from one minority to another.

“We should encourage Muslims in America to speak up for religious freedom for Christians in the Middle East, where Christians are a minority,” he said….

Rather than trying to judge whether or not a Muslim is practicing taqiyya, Wahba recommended 1 Corinthians 13.

“Love believes all things,” he said. “If you fear a Muslim is not honest, it will build walls. But love will go to him and build bridges, and be a means of witness to the gospel.”

Practically speaking, do not be afraid to join Muslims if invited to holiday celebrations, whether the recent Eid or Ramadan’s iftar fast-breaking. Trust God is at work no matter their heart, said Wahba.

“Love is stronger than lying. It is not about them, it is about me.”

Islamaphobia Stories:


Two men stabbed to death on Oregon train trying to stop anti-Muslim rant Sat May 27, 2017 | 8:42pm EDT

By Alex Dobuzinskis

(Reuters) – A man fatally stabbed two passengers aboard a Portland, Oregon, commuter train after they tried to stop him from harassing two young women who appeared to be Muslim, police said on Saturday.

Police identified the assailant, who was arrested soon after the Friday afternoon attack, as Jeremy Joseph Christian of Portland, a 35-year-old convicted felon.

A senior researcher with the Southern Poverty Law Center, in a blog post, said Christian’s Facebook page showed he held “some racist and other extremist beliefs.”

The attack unfolded hours before the start of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, when most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims observe a daily religious fast.

Christian started shouting ethnic and religious slurs, apparently at the two young women, one of whom wore a Muslim head-covering, the Portland Police Department said in a statement.

Three men who intervened were stabbed. Ricky John Best, 53, of Happy Valley, Oregon died at the scene, while Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, 23, of Southeast Portland died at a hospital, police said. A third victim, Micah David-Cole Fletcher of 21, Southeast Portland, remained in a local hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries, police said.

Christian was booked on two counts of aggravated murder and charges of attempted murder, intimidation and being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon, and was ordered held without bail. His arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday.

The women, who had left the train before officers arrived, were later in contact with authorities, according to police, who have not released their identities.

Dyjuana Hudson, the mother of one of them, told The Oregonian newspaper her 16-year-old daughter, who is black, boarded the train with a Muslim friend, also a teenager, who was wearing a hijab.

The attacker approached the girls while screaming at them, Hudson told the newspaper, relaying an account her daughter had given her. “He was saying that Muslims should die,” Hudson said.

On Friday police said detectives wanted to speak to the two women. A detective later took a statement from her family, Hudson told the paper. She could not be reached for comment.

Police declined to release details of Christian’s criminal history, but the newspaper reported he had been convicted of robbery, kidnapping and weapon charges, citing court records. It was not immediately clear if he had obtained an attorney.

The suspect had no known affiliation with a criminal gang member nor any mental health history, police said.

In a statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations blamed an increase in anti-Muslim incidents in part on President Donald Trump’s focus on militant Islamist groups and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

The administration has said that while it strongly opposes Islamist militants, it has no quarrel with Islam.

A Facebook page that appears to belong to Christian mentions “Jihadi Muslims” among people he disliked. The image on the page matches a photo of Christian released by police.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Tom Brown and James Dalgleish)”


Minnesota Vikings fan victim of hate speech at stadium
By: Jonathan Choe Posted:Dec 09 2015 06:15PM CST
“MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP) – A Minnesota attorney says he was verbally assaulted with hate speech from a belligerent Minnesota Vikings fan at Sunday’s game against the Seattle Seahawks.

In an op-ed in the Star Tribune, Deepinder Mayell, the director of the Advocates for Human Rights’ refugee and immigrant program, wrote that a man in his section approached him in the stands and demanded to know if he was a refugee, claiming he needed to “make sure” he was not a refugee.

The 35-year-old told Fox 9 he and three friends reported the incident to security staff, who confronted the man. In the end, the fan was allowed to remain in the stadium for the rest of the game.

“I think something struck with him because he said ‘I’m sorry.’ He did apologize,” Mayell said.

Mayell believes it happened because this fan is afraid of extremist Muslims linked to terrorism. Mayell, who is a Sikh American, says he is tired of being lumped into this group because of the color of his skin.


Police seeking Minnesota man charged with setting Somali-owned restaurant on fire, By: Rachel Chazin Posted:Dec 13 2015 05:40PM CST
“..EAST GRAND FORKS, Minn. (KMSP) – Grand Forks police have issued an arrest warrant for 25-year-old Matthew Gust, of East Grand Forks, Minn., who was charged Friday with arson to a Somali-owned restaurant.

According to the Grand Forks Herald, the Juba coffee shop is owned by a Muslim family who immigrated to the U.S. more than 15 years ago. The attack came just days after a Nazi-like symbol and the words “go home” were spray-painted on the restaurant’s exterior.


-Tom Clancy

Who Killed Tom Clancy…The Obama Administration…the real Manchurian Candidate..the sequel
Thursday, September 11, 2014 19:23
“…Clancy was killed because he was getting too close to a secret they don’t want the world to know. Dr. Garrow, executive director of The Bethune Institute, states Obama had Tom Clancy killed, noting that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Strangely (or not), doctors did not perform an autopsy on Clancy’s body for 5 days.

He said the Obama administration is made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Garrow said it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals. This is why all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.”
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Tom Clancy

-Philip Haney

Philip Haney: See Something Say Nothing

2,357 views•Oct 26, 2017
11.3K subscribers
DHS Whistleblower and counterterrorism expert, author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

PHIL & the Hidden Domestic Threat
QNavyBy QNAVY 6 days (today is 2.29.20) ago116 views

PHIL & the Hidden Domestic Threat

Truthification Chronicles
50.2K subscribers
Phil Haney was a patriot first class, and until the end of his life, he worked to expose the hidden domestic threat that could take down our government.

DHS Whistleblower Exposes Government’s Submission To Jihad (FULL Press Conference)

22,045 views•Jun 17, 2016
9.48K subscribers
One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion.

A Closer Look: The Origins and Evolution of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood connection with the British & Freemasons | Dr. Raslan (Documented)

The Muslim Brotherhood – The Globalists’ Secret Weapon by Peter Goodgame 2002 from RedMoonRising Website
In fact the Egyptian monarchs, from Khedive Ismail to King Fouad, were made honorary Grand Masters at the start of their reigns. From 1940 to 1957 there were close to seventy Masonic lodges chartered throughout Egypt. At one time the leaders of the Nationalist and Wafd parties were Freemasons, and many members of the Egyptian parliament were Masons as well, where they mingled with the military commanders and aristocrats of the ruling British occupation. (2)..

..The bottom line is that the Muslim Brotherhood’s success could not have been achieved without the approval of the British ruling establishment, and al-Banna’s association with the Masonic Brotherhood goes far to explain how efficiently it was organized and how seamlessly it fit into Egyptian society. Like the Masonic Brotherhood it was established initially as a charitable organization. However, while Freemasonry was liberal and allowed members of all faiths to join, the Muslim Brotherhood was focused specifically on Islam. It was Masonry for Muslims only. Like Masonry the Muslim Brotherhood was devoted to secrecy and it was run according to a pyramidal command structure. The foot soldiers at the bottom had no idea of the true goals of the leaders at the top….

In any case, by the end of 1954 thousands of Brotherhood members were imprisoned, including almost all of its leaders, and six were executed. It was this break that paved the way for a new relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the intelligence services of Britain and America because all of them were united in their hatred of Nasser. Unfortunately for the West the Brotherhood remained largely ineffective within Egypt throughout Nasser’s reign, even though they were involved in several more attempts on his life. During this time many fleeing members were welcomed in London, where they set up a presence that remains to this day, and a number of them also relocated in Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia….

Over the course of Sayed Qutb’s life he published 24 books, as well as a 30-volume commentary of the Koran. Today his work inspires fundamentalist Muslims within Egypt and around the world and his life is held up as an excellent Islamic example of how to carry oneself in the face of persecution and hardship.

The last of the revolutionary Islamic ideologists that we will focus on is an Iranian by the name of Ali Shariati. Here is another concrete connection between the Islamic movement and Freemasonry, because Ali Shariati was himself a Mason. His father, Muhammad Taqi Shariati, was a Mason as well who was also, at least at one time, an agent for the far eastern division of British Intelligence. (18)

Ali Shariati was born in 1934. He went to school in Mashad and grew up in the shadow of his father who led a revolutionary Islamic center called the Center for the Propagation of Islamic Truth. After Prime Minister Mossadegh was overthrown and the Shah took over Ali Shariati joined the National Resistance Movement. In 1957 he was arrested with his father and a handful of other activists and spent six months in prison.

The Shariati family had powerful friends in high places and Ali was accepted to the prestigious Sorbonne University in France. He began his studies there in 1960, receiving a doctorate in sociology and Islamic history. While in France he was exposed to, and captivated by, a group of elitist intellectuals known as the Existentialists. This was a group of anti-capitalist and anti-materialist writers that included Jean-Paul Sartre, Frantz Fanon, Albert Camus, Jacques Berque, Louis Massignon and Jean Cocteau. Shariati also developed a fine appreciation for many Marxist ideas…

Finally in 1976 Ali Shariati was able to make an escape to London and there while waiting to catch a plane to meet up with members of his family in the Untied States he died of a brain embolism. The usual allegation, now almost universally accepted, is that SAVAK agents assassinated Shariati with the use of a poison needle dart dipped in cobra poison. The fact remains that although the Shah hated Dr. Shariati and the repressive philosophies he advocated the cause of Shariati’s brain embolism has never been proven.

Hasan al-Banna predicted three generations before the Islamic movement would take over the Middle East. He said that the first generation would demand “listeners” and he, Sayed Qutb, Mustafa al-Sibai, Abul Ala Maududi, and Ali Shariati were a few of the most prominent strategists laying the ideological groundwork for the modern Islamist movement. The next generation was predicted by al-Banna to be a generation for “fighting.”…

In Afghanistan the CIA, prodded on by British Intelligence, began to fund the Islamic opponents of the pro-Soviet regime even prior to the Soviet invasion. President Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinski advocated the subversion in order to provoke the Soviet invasion that occurred on December 24, 1979.(14) General Zia and the Jamaat-e Islami in Pakistan were two crucial elements that made the mujahedin revolt in Afghanistan successful. Their takeover of Pakistan was a necessary part of the plan to pull the Soviets into the Afghan conflict. As related in Part One, an Afghan warlord affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood by the name of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar emerged as the primary recipient of American military aid, despite his well known anti-Western views and his radical view of Islam.

..In Syria the Muslim Brotherhood revolted against the Assad regime and took over the city of Hamah. The Syrian government’s siege against the Brotherhood stronghold lasted for three weeks. 6,000 soldiers and 24,000 civilians were killed in the intense fighting and in the aftermath 10,000 more residents were arrested and placed in internment camps. Afterwards the Syrian government showed evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood forces had been armed by the West.

*see Neutral Perspective: ISIS was created by Global terrorists or Global State governments?

This explosion of violence throughout the Middle East in the late ’70s and early ’80s was referred to by Zbigniew Brzezinski as the “Arc of Crisis.” It was not something that occurred by chance, but was in fact the result of the deliberate plan developed by the Globalist strategists such as Dr. Alexander King, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and British operative Dr. Bernard Lewis. The Middle Eastern “Arc of Crisis” was not a spontaneous internal conflagration, it was something that came about as a result of Western policy in league with the Muslim Brotherhood. Without help from the West radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous…

Years later he was implicated in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison where he now sits. His two sons carry on the jihad as members of Al Qaeda and close followers of Osama bin Laden. They were highlighted in the cache of Al Qaeda videos that were recently publicized on CNN (see the clip “Roots of Hatred”). Sheikh Rahman is still the recognized spiritual leader of the Islamic Group, and its members have vowed to take revenge on America if the diabetic Sheikh dies in his American prison.

Ayman al-Zawahiri was also arrested in connection with the assassination. After spending three years in prison he was released, whereupon he soon rose to the top of Islamic Jihad, taking over in 1993, and then linking up with Osama bin Laden in Sudan. After he fled Egypt he based his operations in Geneva, Switzerland, working under the cover of the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Islamic Center led by Said Ramadan. (15) (With whom Malcolm X had his famous correspondence just weeks prior to his assassination by Elijah Mohammed’s Black Muslims.)…

*see GoodnewsUSA.Info 9-11-01

“..Robert Dreyfuss summarizes the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in the few paragraphs below. These words were written in 1980, but they are just as true today,

“The real Muslim Brotherhood is not the fanatical sheikh with his equally fanatical following, nor is it even the top mullahs and ayatollahs who lead entire movements of such madmen; Khomeini, Qaddafi, General Zia are exquisitely fashioned puppets.

The real Muslim Brothers are those whose hands are never dirtied with the business of killing and burning. They are the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchical elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

And the Muslim Brotherhood is money. Together, the Brotherhood probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate liquid assets, and controls billions more in day-to-day business operations in everything from oil trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and gold and diamond smuggling. By allying with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Anglo-Americans are not merely buying into a terrorists-for-hire racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial empire that extends from numbered Swiss bank accounts to offshore havens in Dubai, Kuwait and Hong Kong.” (19)..

In 1979 Dr. Azzam left Saudi Arabia and was one of the first Arabs to join the Afghan jihad. He was the lead Saudi/Palestinian representative of the Muslim Brotherhood. The 22-year old Osama bin Laden followed soon after and together they established the Maktab al-Khidamat, MAK, or Mujahideen Services Bureau based in Peshawar, Afghanistan. Their organization linked up with Pakistan’s Muslim Brotherhood organization, the Jamaat-e Islami. The MAK worked to recruit fighters to join the jihad and by the late 1980s there were branches of the MAK, known also as the Al Kifah Organization, in fifty countries around the world.

During bin Laden’s Afghan years the MAK developed close relations with Pashtun warlord and Muslim Brother Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Azzam and Hekmatyar both held anti-American views, but Hekmatyar’s were more pronounced, even though it is estimated that his group, the Hezb-e-Islami, received up to 40% of the American aid channeled to the mujahedin through the CIA and the ISI.(12) During the 1980s Azzam also traveled throughout the USA meeting American Muslim groups, raising funds and recruiting fighters for the jihad. He set up major Al Kifah centers in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Pittsburgh, and Tucson, and smaller Al Kifah branches in thirty other American cities.(13) In this way the militant Muslim Brotherhood message was dispersed throughout the United States and recruits were brought into the jihad.

According to respected Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid the Afghan war escalated in 1986 when the CIA made three strategic decisions.(14) First, to provide the mujahedin with American made Stinger missiles. At the height of the war it is estimated that the mujahedin averaged 1.5 kills per day of Soviet and communist Afghan aircraft. The second decision was one promoted by British Intelligence and the ISI to launch guerilla attacks into Soviet territory in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

American aid to the mujahedin ended almost precisely at the moment the Geneva Accords were signed. The Soviets were leaving and so the West congratulated itself on achieving a victory. For the United States the war was over and the CIA did not want to participate in creating an Islamist regime in Afghanistan that would undoubtedly be anti-American. As a result Hekmatyar, Azzam, bin Laden and the Islamist warlords were left feeling betrayed and used.

At the end of 1989 Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia. He was welcomed as a celebrity and a hero, but he remained bitter about the political infighting that was consuming Afghanistan and cynical of the ruling House of Saud. He turned back to his family and he briefly took up a job within the Bin Laden Firm working in road construction. He was 32, and almost a ten-year veteran of the Afghan war, but his jihad days were just beginning. The Muslim Brotherhood had further plans for him.


212,952 views•Feb 19, 2019
Smile 2 Jannah
231K subscribers
In a supposed free, transparent and democratic society, why are our leaders part of such secret and sinister groups, and why is it considered acceptable?

*see Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?


Wounded British soldier shuts up anti-Muslim racists with epic message
08 Tuesday Dec 2015 Posted by Tom Pride in hopeless naivety

Cool Facts

10 Famous Muslim-Americans You Didn’t Know Were Muslim

“Published on Jan 13, 2015

Islamaphobes can forget how much Muslim-Americans have contributed to our country. And while we don’t condone intolerance of any religion, it is nice to remind ourselves of the famous and great Muslim-Americans who have changed the United States for the better.

Don’t forget guys, if you like this video please “Like,” “Favorite,” and “Share” it with your friends to show your support – it really helps us out! If there’s something you’d like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow 🙂

Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions, exposes amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific!”

Who is Steve Jobs’ Syrian immigrant father, Abdul Fattah Jandali?
“Steve Jobs is well known as an arch innovator from California’s Silicon Valley – founding Apple Computer, NeXt and Pixar, and helping to bring to the world the personal computer, Mac, iPhone and iPad, as well as movies such as Toy Story and Finding Nemo….

…Less well known is the fact that while Steve Jobs was born in California he was actually adopted, and his biological father was a political migrant from the Syrian city of Homs, now devastated by the civil war in Syria.

On Twitter this fact has now gone viral, starting via a tweet by David Galbraith, and further exposed by the BBC World Service’s Outside Source programme. It remains a powerful statement, especially following the ISIS atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and now mainland Europe.

While some people are horrified at the numbers fleeing Syria, and worry about the consequences of other countries taking on millions of refugees, the tweets point out that previous Syrian migrants have boosted the West’s culture, business and technology – most notably the biological father of Steve Jobs – Abdul Fattah Jandali, who is still alive (aged 84) and living in Nevada…”

The Muslims who shaped America – from brain surgeons to rappers Stuart Jeffries Tuesday 8 December 2015 14.34 EST
32 Super Famous People Who Are Also Muslims,
9 Famous Americans You Probably Didn’t Know Were Muslim Ben Winsor Oct. 27, 2014, 4:07 PM 632,539
“Still, there are more than 2.5 million American Muslims, making it the third-largest religion in the US.

While Muslims account for just 0.8% of the population, they have faced rising discrimination and prejudice since the 9/11 attacks 13 years ago. With the rise of groups like the Islamic State now seeking to promote their brand of violent extremism, that may be unlikely to end anytime soon.

A recent poll reported that 62% of American’s didn’t personally know a Muslim, so here’s a list of 9 Muslim Americans you probably will know…”

The Black Eyed Peas – Where Is The Love?

*see Music: Karaoke-“Where is the Love” (partial)

Any thoughts, feedback, suggestions, etc.. on anything related to the content above or that wasn’t mentioned? Feel free to share below…thanks!

Good News Peace