Global Spotlight: Asia – Hong Kong



The Hong Kong Story (History of Hong Kong 1841 to 1997 ) – YouTube

History of Hong Kong – YouTube

How Hong Kong Changed Countries

The History of Hong Kong – YouTube

The Daily Conversation
Published on Jun 14, 2017
Its name means “fragrant harbor” in Chinese, but it could also mean city of change. This is the story of Hong Kong.

Hong Xiuquan: The rebel who thought he was Jesus’s brother 18 October 2012 By Carrie Gracie BBC News, Shanghai
“..Originally, all Hong Xiuquan wanted was to be part of the establishment. A village schoolteacher, he immersed himself in Confucian scholarship for the civil service exam, but he just kept failing.

“He fell into what I suppose was some kind of depressive fit and he had a vision,” says Jonathan Fenby, who has written a history of modern China.

“He imagined he’d gone up to the skies and there he had met a very tall man with a long beard and thick belt who had told him to come back to Earth and eradicate the demons on Earth.”

Some time later he was given a Chinese translation of the New Testament by a Christian missionary.

“He decided on reading that, that the man he had seen up in the sky was the Christian God, that he, Hong, was the brother of Jesus, and that the devils he had to exterminate on Earth were the Qing dynasty, which was then ruling China and of course was not Chinese.”..”

*see Now You Know: Who was/is Jesus…to “you”?

“..The Europeans brought Christianity which, for Hong, was a convenient alternative to the Confucian creed which had rejected him.

“Seeing that everyone in high heavens scolded him, Confucius escaped down to earth with the leader of the demons,” goes an account of Hong’s vision, set down in writing by a follower.

“The heavenly father then sent the angels to chase after Confucius, tie him up and bring him back to the heavenly father who was exceedingly angry and instructed the angels to whip him. There was plenty of whipping and Confucius asked for mercy repeatedly.”

Image caption
Famine and unemployment made peasants vulnerable to utopian thinkers
For the most part, China’s emperors had not bothered much with religions. Buddhism had become very popular at a time of upheaval in the 6th Century, but it appealed mostly to people at the bottom of society.

Christianity was one of the novelties which had come in with the colonial powers. They used gunboats to open China to trade, and shattered the image of order and invincibility cultivated by the Qing emperors. Vernacular translations of the Bible helped loosen the grip of the Confucian elites.

The Europeans saw Hong’s claim to be the brother of Christ as heresy, but he was not preaching for their benefit. He accompanied his spiritual message with a political one – a vision of equality and shared land ownership. This appealed to poor farmers, who were suffering from a sense of hopelessness, according to Guo Baogang of Dalton State college.

“Peasants have a very miserable life in the middle of the 19th Century,” he says.

“There’s a lot of famines and unemployment, most peasants have no land. So they’re very vulnerable to the utopian thinkers prescribing a perfect society as a way to escape from the existing society.”..”

Deep Thought: Was Jesus a “humanitarian”?

Jesus’ Chinese Brother: Hong Xiuquan | Wookong


Pro & Anti-Gov’t

Hong Kong protests: Pro and anti-government demonstrators clash in shopping mall

166,146 views•Sep 14, 2019





Global News
743K subscribers
Supporters of the ongoing protests for democratic reforms in Hong Kong broke out into scuffles with supporters of the Chinese government at a shopping mall in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory on Saturday.

Polytechnic University

Chinese University of Hong Kong tells non-students to leave as campus showdowns loom

Hong Kong protester describes police siege from inside university

81,285 views•Nov 18, 2019





CBC News
1.55M subscribers

Pro-democracy protester Tang Siu Wa says trust between students and police has been lost. All exits have been sealed, even as police urge the students to leave Polytechnic University, she says.

To read more:

Hong Kong Police Storm Campus Occupied By Protesters | TODAY

22,964 views•Nov 18, 2019

New York students square off over Hong Kong protests

61,936 views•Nov 18, 2019






Hong Kong Withdraws Extradition Bill After Leaked Audio

Hong Kong’s huge protests, explained – YouTube

Published on Jun 22, 2019

The people of Hong Kong are protesting in record-breaking numbers. Thanks to Dashlane for sponsoring us – Try Dashlane free here: and get 10% off now with promo code VOX.

Correction at 7:48: The protester says “They are not doing this for themselves, but for the future of Hong Kong.”

Hundreds of thousands of Hongkongers have taken to the streets to protest a controversial extradition bill that could send Hong Kong residents to mainland China to be tried in court. Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, says the bill is meant to prevent Hong Kong from becoming a safe haven for fugitives. But its opponents fear that Hong Kong would be exposed to China’s flawed judicial system, which would lead to further erasure of the city’s judicial independence.

At first Lam was determined to move forward with the bill. But after a series of massive protests, she announced she would “indefinitely suspend” the bill. But protesters aren’t accepting the suspension, and have started demanding its complete withdrawal. They’ve also begun calling for Lam’s resignation.

But this rise in tensions is about a lot more than a bill. To understand why this bill hits a nerve with Hongkongers, it’s important to understand Hong Kong’s relationship with China – and exactly how the bill would tip the scales in China’s favor…”

China’s reaction to Hong Kong protests – YouTube

Hong Kong protesters chant ‘Do you hear the people sing?’

euronews (in English)
Published on Jun 16, 2019
A song from Les Misérables was heard on the streets of Hong Kong as hundreds of thousands of protesters rallied against their Beijing-backed rulers.READ MORE :…

Hong Kong protests — video diary of an uprising | DW Documentary

88,968 views•Oct 22, 2019





DW Documentary
1.02M subscribers

Protestors Demands

Hong Kong protesters’ demands explained

42,929 views•Aug 12, 2019

What do the Hong Kong protesters want? Alison Rourke

Tue 13 Aug 2019 01.33 EDT
The territory has been rocked by protests ending in violent clashes with police. Demonstrators have five key demands

“…What do the protesters want?
The extradition bill was suspended by the territory’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, in mid June, but protesters want it officially withdrawn. In addition to demanding Lam’s resignation, the protesters are calling for:

The complete withdrawal of the proposed extradition bill
The government to withdraw the use of the word “riot” in relation to protests
The unconditional release of arrested protesters and charges against them dropped
An independent inquiry into police behaviour
Implementation of genuine universal suffrage..”

China’s Involvement

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionage | 60 Minutes Australia

1,425,081 views•Nov 24, 2019





60 Minutes Australia
1.34M subscribers

A Chinese spy defects to Australia. His shocking revelations are guaranteed to infuriate Beijing. How China conducts questionable activities around the world, including its attempts to infiltrate the Australian government. Subscribe here: Full Episodes here


Violence escalates as Hong Kong protests enter week 10 By Bethann FlynnAugust 13, 2019
“..Hong Kong (MNN) — As protests in Hong Kong hit the 10-week mark, some demonstrations have turned violent. Protests at the airport caused the city to ground all flights yesterday. What started as a cry of concern for extradition legislation has turned into a demonstration built upon years of frustrations…..

Tsui sees a tremendous opportunity for Asian Access to equip local believers in the marketplace. In Hong Kong, the future of the Church is unknown. But equipping the local Church to share the hope they have found in Christ could be a game-changer…

Pray for Hong Kong

Will you pray? Pray for the message of the Gospel to permeate this city, offer hope, and change hearts. Also, pray for Asian Access’s discipleship program and for it to bear fruit.

“Pray for justice, pray for peace, pray for reconciliation, the city, the community is very traumatized, and also divided, as I said. And I really want to especially lift-up praying for reconciliation, and upholding of justice,” Tsui asks.

‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’: Unlikely Anthem Provides Cover of Legitimacy to Hong Kong Protesters ReutersUpdated:June 19, 2019, 3:23 PM IST
Although only 10 per cent of Hong Kong people are Christians, the popular hymn provides a cover of legitimacy to those protesting against the extradition bill since religious gatherings can be held without a permit in the financial hub.
‘..Hong Kong: The Christian hymn “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord” has emerged as the unlikely anthem of Hong Kong’s protests against an extradition bill that have drawn millions of people onto the streets.


Hong Kong protesters sing Christian hymn, tidy streets as they appeal for freedom

Hong Kong’s Christian protesters come armed with hymns

Published on Jul 22, 2019
Christians are playing an important role in Hong Kong’s ongoing protests, which aim to preserve the city’s freedoms and autonomy.

While the Chinese government has been accused of cracking down on religious freedom in the mainland, religious groups in the former British colony of Hong Kong are flourishing.

During the campaign against a now-dead extradition bill, Christians were among those taking to the streets.

Churches have become temporary support centers. The hymn ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’ has become the unofficial protest anthem for Christians and non-Christians.

As clashes erupted between protesters and police over the weekend, some Christians tried to reduce tensions between the two sides by standing between them.

We talked to Christians during the most recent major protest. Watch our video to find out more.


A cappella group Lasagna lead singing boom in Hong Kong Christy Choi

Published: 4:45am, 1 Jun, 2014
“..A cappella performers sing without accompaniment. “It’s not a very common type of music here in Hong Kong,” said Kim Lo Yee-tak, 29, one of the founders of the six-person group…”


Hong Kong Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia – YouTube

25 Things to do in Hong Kong Travel Guide – YouTube

Hong Kong Travel Guide | What To Do, Where To Go … – YouTube

Hong Kong Travel Guide – YouTube

TOP 15 THINGS TO DO IN HONG KONG – Travel Guide | 4K – YouTube

Hong Kong Travel Guide – Must-See Attractions – YouTube

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Neutral Perspective: Covington High School Students “NOT” Behaved or “Behaved” at Washington D.C. Mall?


WaPo Issues Correction after Falsely Labeling Nathan Phillips a Vietnam Vet [The National Review]
Jack Crowe
,The National Review•January 22, 2019
“…Phillips initially told the Post and a number of other prominent media outlets that he was surrounded and harassed by a group of MAGA hat-wearing students from the all-male Covington High School in Kentucky while he was peacefully demonstrating near the Lincoln Memorial during the annual March for Life on Saturday. That account, which was supported by a partial and misleading video clip of the incident, went viral and led to the targeted harassment of the boys and their families.

Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”..”

Native American activist Nathan Phillips has a criminal record By Yaron Steinbuch January 24, 2019 | 9:18am | Updated
“..Phillips actually spent most of his time in the Marines as a refrigerator technician after initially being an anti-tank missileman for four months, had not been deployed outside the US and never saw combat, according to the corps…

Phillips, who has described himself as a “Vietnam times veteran,” told the Washington Post in 2000 that he had been “a Marine Corps infantryman,” without mentioning that he had been a refrigerator tech for most of his service….

Phillips stood toe to toe with Nick Sandmann, who was wearing a red “Make American Great Again” cap, moments after the 16-year-old and his classmates ran into several members of the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Phillips, who had just attended an Indigenous Peoples March, has said he approached the students to try to defuse the tension between them and members of the radical group.

Sandmann — whose family quickly hired the Louisville-based public relations firm RunSwitch PR — on Wednesday denied that he was “disrespectful” toward the elder after he was criticized online for appearing to smirk at Phillips.

He also told NBC’s “Today” show that he’d like a sitdown with Phillips, who has offered to visit the Kentucky school to lead a dialogue about cultural understanding.”

Covington High viral controversy, moment by moment recall – YouTube

Students “NOT Behaved

MAGA Teens mock Native American Covington High School Indian …

Covington Catholic apologizes over students mocking Native American, threatens expulsions

Neutral Perspective

*see Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?

God’s Take On the Covington High School Incident! – YouTube

Students “Behaved”

The Truth About the “MAGA Kids” Story

Behar: Covington Catholic Incident Happened Because “We’re Desperate To Get Trump Out Of Office” Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date January 22, 2019
“… WHOOPI GOLDBERG, HOST: Many people admitted they made snap judgments before these other facts came in. But is it that we just instantly say that’s what it is based on what we see in that moment and then have to walk stuff back when it turns out we’re wrong? Why is that? Why do we keep making the same mistake?

JOY BEHAR: Because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office. That’s why.

ABBY HUNTSMAN: Not everybody though…”

Tucker Carlson: Covington story was not about race but about people in power attacking people they’ve failed By Tucker Carlson | Fox News (January 22nd 2019)

“..But did the video really describe what happened? That should have been the first question journalists asked. Checking facts and adding context is what journalists are paid to do. It’s in the first line of the job description. Yet, amazingly, almost nobody in the American media did that.

That’s a shame, because there was a lot to check. The full video of what happened on Friday in Washington is well over an hour long. The four minutes that made Twitter don’t tell the story, but instead distorted the story. A longer look shows that the boys from Covington Catholic in Kentucky weren’t a roving mob looking for a fight. They were, in fact — and it shows it on the tape — standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus.

As they waited there, members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacist…”

Fake News Slanders MAGA Teens Being Harassed by … – YouTube

Student in standoff with Native American defends his actions – video report Wed 23 Jan 2019 15.23 EST
Last modified on Thu 24 Jan 2019 05.56 EST
“..The Kentucky high school student filmed in an apparent standoff with a Native American activist in Washington DC says he was ‘not disrespectful’ during the interaction, as a spokesman for Donald Trump said students from Covington high school may be invited to the White House

‘I wasn’t smirking’: Kentucky student defends position with Native American..”

Rep. Adam Koeing Discusses the Covington High School … – YouTube

Why liberals believed the Covington High School story – YouTube

Celebrities walk back attacks on MAGA hat students

What Really Happened during Covington Catholic, Black … – YouTube

USA Today Reporter Kirsten Powers Apologizes for ‘Judgmental and Condemning’ Tweets About Covington Students The Wrap Itay Hod,The Wrap Mon, Feb 18 6:02 PM CST
“After a hiatus from Twitter, CNN contributor and USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers has returned to apologize for what she says were “judgmental and condemning” tweets about an incident involving Covington High School students, a Native American elder and a group of Black Israelites last month….

“As a Catholic I felt duty bound to speak up and hold them accountable, but that really isn’t my job,” she wrote. “I also don’t believe these teenagers should be tarnished forever for what amounts to one really bad day.”

Powers ended her thread with a pledge “to do better.”..

2) I work hard to see
every side of an issue and also speak up when I see a wrong. But indoing that I am too often judgmental and condemning–both on and off social media–in a way that iscontrary to my belief system and my faith.

— Kirsten Powers (@KirstenPowers) February 18, 2019

4) Yes, this applies in the Covington case. This will please nobody because I still believe the teenagers were disrespectful, but my tweets were lacking in grace. As a Catholic I felt duty bound to speak up and hold them accountable, but that really isn’t my job…”

Good News USA

Neutral Perspective: Athletes or Anyone Else “Should” or “Should NOT” be required to Stand during U.S.A. Anthem ?

Should NOT

African Americans


Colin Kaepernick explains why he won’t stand during National Anthem …

Published on Aug 29, 2016
Raw Video – 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick explains why he is refusing to stand during the National Anthem.

A timeline of Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest and the athletes who joined him By Mark Sandritter Updated Sep 25, 2017, 10:28am EDT
“…Initially, Kaepernick was alone in his protest. And unnoticed. His protest didn’t come to light and gain national attention until the third preseason game. Since then, he’s continued on with his protest while being joined by several other NFL players, other professional, college and high school athletes.

Here is a complete timeline of Kaepernick’s protest and the other athletes who has followed suit.
Aug. 14 and Aug. 20 — Kaepernick goes unnoticed while sitting during the anthem

Kaepernick made headlines when he sat during the 49ers third preseason game, but he also sat during the first two games, according to Mike Garafolo of NFL Network. Kaepernick wasn’t in uniform and didn’t play during the first two games…”

Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee By Eric Reid Sept. 25, 2017
“In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police. The posts on social media deeply disturbed me, but one in particular brought me to tears: the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La. This could have happened to any of my family members who still live in the area. I felt furious, hurt and hopeless. I wanted to do something, but didn’t know what or how to do it. All I knew for sure is that I wanted it to be as respectful as possible.

A few weeks later, during preseason, my teammate Colin Kaepernick chose to sit on the bench during the national anthem to protest police brutality. To be honest, I didn’t notice at the time, and neither did the news media. It wasn’t until after our third preseason game on Aug. 26, 2016, that his protest gained national attention, and the backlash against him began…”

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem Dan Ventura Sunday, September 24, 2017
“..Fueled by comments by President Donald J. Trump aimed at NFL players not standing for the national anthem, McCourty and at least 15 Patriots teammates took a knee during the anthem prior to playing the Texans Sunday. Many fans booed the players in response and called for them to “stand up.” ..”
Everything you need to know about NFL protests during the national anthem By Adam Stites Updated Oct 19, 2017, 11:37am EDT
“..”This stand wasn’t for me. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t.”

His decision to sit during the national anthem drew criticism, though. Many felt and still feel it was disrespectful to the United States, its flag, and its military.

“I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country,” Kaepernick said. “I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening.

“People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they fought have for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right.”..”

*see Neutral Perspective: North Dakota Law Enforcement with DAPL Security Firm vs #NODAPL “Water” Protectors
Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?
Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?
North Dakota: Why Were U.S. Veterans at Standing Rock?

Hansen Unplugged: Anthem protests not about disrespecting the flag

Published on Sep 25, 2017
“Our forefathers made freedom of speech the First Amendment. They listed 10, and not one of them says you have to stand during the national anthem.”

Randy Moss describes hate mail he received after wearing controversial tie at HOF induction Tom Schad, USA TODAY Published 12:15 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2018
“..In an interview with the website that published Thursday, Moss said more than 20 NBA and NFL athletes have reached out privately to thank or applaud him after he wore a tie that listed the names of a dozen black men and women who have been killed by police. But Moss also said he’s gotten “probably 150 to 200 messages” that amounted to hate mail.

“The black community praised me and thanked me for shedding light on African-Americans dying,” Moss told The Undefeated. “Then on the flip side, you’ve got sites where people are slamming me, saying, ‘Hey, (racial epithet), stay in your place.’

“All of this hate mail I’m getting for wearing a tie and talking about the truth. But I can handle it because I’ve been dealing with racism my whole life.”..”


My decision and my right’ — teen has sat out Pledge of Allegiance for years By Mayra Cuevas, CNN Updated 7:45 PM ET, Fri September 16, 2016
“… (CNN)Long before Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, sparking a national dialogue, there was Leilani Thomas.
Leilani, now 14, has sat out the Pledge of Allegiance since the second grade.
“Most of my teachers, they respected my decision and my right and belief. So they never said anything about it,” she told CNN during a phone interview Friday. “I think the pledge is a lie to me and it’s a lie to my people.”

Leilani and her family are part of the Elem Indian Colony — a Native American tribe in Northern California, where she attends Lower Lake High School as a freshman. …

Thomas was to join the North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline when Leilani told him about the situation with the pledge and her grades. He decided to stay and stand by his daughter instead.
But even 1,500 miles away from North Dakota, Leilani says she will find a way to make her voice heard in support of Standing Rock.
“As they say ‘justice for all’– we think that is a lie. What they did to my people not long ago? And not so long ago. They still do it today for example with Standing Rock in North Dakota. I want people to realize what has happened and is still happening to the native people to this day. I have my rights to do so,” she said. ..”


Champion U.S. fencer takes knee on medal podium during national anthem, calls for social change
Jack Baer
Yahoo Sports Contributor
Yahoo SportsAug 10, 2019, 7:03 PM
“..The U.S. men’s foil team emerged victorious at the Pan American Games in Peru on Friday, earning gold medals for fencers Race Imboden, Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin.

After the team received its gold medals, Imboden took a knee on the medal podium as the national anthem played.

Following the event, Imboden took to Twitter to explain why he took the knee. The main reasons: racism, gun control, mistreatment of immigrants and the rhetoric of President Donald Trump…

Who is Race Imboden?
The 26-year-old Imboden was born in Tampa, Florida, and hails from Brooklyn, New York. A long-time member of the U.S. fencing team, Imboden has tallied 12 gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals at the Pan American Games between team and individual events. He scored bronze with the American foil team at the 2016 Olympics.

Currently ranked second in the men’s foil in the world by the International Fencing Federation, Imboden was part of the first U.S. foil team to win a world championship this July. Imboden also moonlights as a professional model, working for the likes of Marc Jacobs, J. Crew and Rag and Bone according to USA Today…”

‘Teacher of the Year’ was nervous to kneel during anthem at college football championship: ‘My leg was shaking’ Elise Solé Yahoo LifestyleJanuary 17, 2020, 5:08 PM CST
“A “Teacher of the Year” who skipped last year’s White House awards ceremony to support marginalized communities, kneeled during the national anthem at a college football game with President Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

Kelly Holstine, 46, Minnesota’s 2018 Teacher of the Year and the director of educational equity at OutFront Minnesota, an LGBT+ civil rights group, attended the College Football Playoff National Championship on Monday in New Orleans. Before the Louisiana State University-Clemson University game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, the first couple took the field amid chants of “USA, USA” and “Four more years!”

The former English teacher from Shakopee, Minn., who was the first openly-gay teacher to receive the award, lined up for the national anthem with her colleagues, only 15 feet from the president and the first lady. As singer Lauren Daigle performed, Holstine took a knee.

“We were told that putting our hand over our hearts during the national anthem was optional, but that wasn’t enough for me,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Kneeling is a way to show respect for the military and our country, while also supporting oppressed and marginalized humans.”..”


An open letter from American military veterans in support of Colin Kaepernick By Rhiannon Walker @InstantRHIplay
“..“I wanted to put something out there in the world … to say that ‘There are veterans who not only agree with Colin Kaepernick’s right to do that, but also agree with the substance of the action,’ ” Smith said. “And are willing to stand up and say Black Lives Matter and this is an important issue that we need to address in our country…”
I’m a U.S. military veteran and sitting for the National Anthem is the most American thing ever By Revelist by Joshua M. Patton
“…The right we have to protest the government, refuse to participate in the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance, to go to political events and scream nonsense obscenities at our elected leaders is a miracle.

This list of complaints our ancestors made against the British government to the King got the entire Congress labeled as traitors and marked for the hangman’s noose. Like Kaepernick, they were a bunch of rich guys who were doing well in society-as-it-was, and they went out on a limb for those without power…and that limb snapped in two..”

Neutral Perspective

Debate: Colin Kaepernick

SM East Harbinger
Published on Sep 27, 2016
Students of Shawnee Mission East High School sat down on Thursday, September 22nd and discussed NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Specifically, his decision to kneel during the national anthem.


Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

Published on Nov 23, 2017
Why should every American stand for the National Anthem? Because the Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation. That alone is worth standing for. Joy Villa, singer, songwriter, and recording artist, explains.

Trump Criticizes NFL for Not Forcing Players to Stand for National Anthem By SCOTT RAFFERTY
President said football players are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during “The Star-Spangled Banner”
“..During Tuesday’s meeting with owners and players, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league didn’t ask for a commitment from players to stand for the national anthem. Instead, Goodell explained, “We spent today talking about the issues that players have been trying to bring attention to – issues to make our communities better.”

In response, Donald Trump criticized the NFL via Twitter for not forcing players to stand for the national anthem, writing they are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during the national anthem…”

Republican official who called black NFL players ‘baboons’ on Facebook resigns Tom Barnes,The Independent Mon, Sep 3 10:54 AM CDT
“..A Republican official in Pennsylvania has resigned after it emerged she called black NFL players protesting the national anthem “baboons” in a Facebook rant.

Carla Malony, who was secretary of the GOP’s Beaver County branch, apologised for the series of posts she made on the social network last year.

Although it is unclear exactly when the comments were made, they appeared to be in reaction to players kneeling in protest as the national anthem played before NFL games.

In one post, Ms Malony described American footballers taking part in the gesture to protest cases of police brutality in the US as “over paid ignorant blacks”, suggesting they should “go to Africa”.

When another Facebook user commented: “Go Steelers,” in reference to the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL franchise, the GOP activist launched into another racially-charged tirade.

“Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons. You respect your flag, country and our national atnthem (sic),” she wrote.

“Stop watching, or going to a game and paying for over priced food, water and tickets. Lets see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries.”

The Beaver County Republican Committee said in a statement that it had accepted Ms Maloney’s resignations from both of her roles in the party and denounced her comments.

“The views expressed in her posts are abhorrent and have no place in reasonable public discourse,” the committee said.

The NFL national anthem protests first began in 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to highlight police violence against minority groups and racial inequalities in America.

Since then, hundreds of players have refused to observe the anthem at American football games and in a variety of other US sports.

The protests have drawn the ire of president Donald Trump, who last year called on NFL franchise owners to fire players who refused to stand during the national anthem.

From the beginning of the 2018 NFL season, due to start on Thursday, players will be required by league rules to observe the anthem on the field or stay in the dressing room.

In her resignation statement, Ms Malony apologised for her remarks about the protests, which she said had been “in poor taste.”

“I apologise for my distasteful, inappropriate and insensitive social media posts,” she added.

“Those that know me know that I come from a diverse family that represents modern America.

“I know my posts and comments were disrespectful to not only the people that I love, but families across the country.

“I know I am a better person than this and, as I step away from these public positions, I will work to show everyone who I truly am.”..”

Report: GOP official resigns after calling kneeling NFL players ‘baboons’

Published on Sep 2, 2018
According to the Beaver County Times, Carla Maloney, a Republican county official in Pennsylvania, has resigned after it was revealed that she’d written Facebook posts referring to kneeling NFL players as “baboons.”

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Now You Know: How did “we” get to this point of deportation of “illegal” -“legal” “immigrant”-“migrant” and their children (DACA) -being “separated” ?

Stop blaming the “other” political party for where we are at! “We” caused this on ourselves…

Here are some facts:

Trump Feeding “Tear Away” Immigrant Kids to America’s “Elite Pedophiles” By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – June 17, 2018
“..The “elites,” as they love calling themselves, who own the Federal Reserve, run Washington and London, who start our wars, loot our economy, run our media, control our lives, live on a diet of ritual sexual abuse, sex hormones and amphetamines…

Their diet of stolen children come from families destroyed by narcotics or targeted by fake courts and fake police. Kids seized by “family services” are picked through and fed into the rape and murder mill of the real “Pizzagate,” built around those who own the GOP….

In America, it began with “boy’s homes” and detention centers. It began with teenage boys but, as it moved on, it became smaller and smaller children…

Kids that hit the US border, and this is Trump’s doing 100%, are picked through like meat, the “prime kids” are sent off to pedophile rings run by Trump cronies, to be passed around Pentagon brass, Tea Party get togethers and among the GOP faithful. They are stored at elite hunting “camps” and “religious retreats” owned by billionaires and big corporate donors. We aren’t making this up, it isn’t fake news and it was originally “busted” as the Franklin Scandal…”

The Franklin Scandal – YouTube

Oct 17, 2009 – Uploaded by trinedaybooks
“Video account of child pornography, sex rings, government coverup and innocent kids being sent to jail, based …”

Major documentary on highest-level child sex-abuse is suppressed Listen | Print By Ralph Lopez Aug 14, 2014 in World
“..On May 3rd, 1994, the Discovery Channel was set to air Conspiracy of Silence, an hour-long documentary on a network of Nebraska businessmen and Washington politicians who flew children, some under age ten, to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. ..”

*see Now You Know: “Human trafficking”-facts, causes, prevention, solution, action plan, etc…

Inside Casa Padre, the converted Walmart where the U.S. is holding nearly 1,500 immigrant children by Michael E. Miller, Emma Brown and Aaron C. Davis June 14 2018
“..Texas-based Southwest Key has grown quickly in recent years, fueled by surges of young Central Americans seeking refuge north, an expansion that has helped push annual compensation for the nonprofit’s chief executive, Juan Sanchez, to nearly $1.5 million, filings with the Internal Revenue Service show. The organization now houses 5,129 immigrant children in three states — approaching half the approximately 11,400 currently in federal custody — in facilities that are being strained to capacity, according to Sanchez…”

*see Neutral Perspective: FEMA Camps are being “built” or “NOT” in the U.S?

DACA: What you need to know CBS News January 24, 2018, 6:00 AM
“..The government is open again, and now the fight begins over securing the fate of several hundred thousand immigrants known as Dreamers. To end the shutdown, Democrats exacted a promise from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring a legislative fix for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients (DACA) to the floor on Feb. 8, if government remains open (that’s when the new short-term spending bill expires).

Congress will now try and come up with a solution for the undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, in balance with upgrades in border security. Here are some of the questions about DACA and about the challenges ahead:..”

Family separation crisis: How we got here Author: Suzanne Nuyen
Published: 1:37 PM EDT June 18, 2018
Since the Trump administration rolled out its ‘zero tolerance’ policy on immigration, about 2,000 children have been separated from their parents.
“The Trump administration has said its “zero tolerance” policy on immigration is an effort to deter individuals from entering the U.S. illegally.

Since its rollout, about 2,000 children have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border.

Here’s a look at how this policy came to be:

March 2017: Former Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly confirms that the administration was considering the policy of separating families as a deterrent to illegal immigration. Nearly 200 national, state and local organizations write a letter to Kelly in opposition of the policy. Multiple members of Congress also write letters to Homeland Security. ..”

Did Obama separate families at the border? – YouTube

Published on Jun 21, 2018
Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson says that he discussed separating kids from their parents as a deterrent to illegal immigration but didn’t think the practice was right.

Jeff Sessions’ church slams his use of the Bible to defend separating migrant families
“..Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a United Methodist, and he is also the face of the Trump administration’s widely condemned policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border. In a Friday statement slamming the policy as “a shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel,” the United Methodist Church registered its dissent to Sessions’ use of the Bible to defend the separations: Jesus is our way, our truth, our life. The Christ we follow would have no part in ripping children from their mothers’ arms or shunning those fleeing violence. It is unimaginable that faith leaders even have to say that these policies are antithetical to the teachings of Christ. Christian sacred texts ….”

Fact-checking immigration spin on separating families and 1,500 ‘lost’ children
By Salvador Rizzo | The Washington Post Published: May 30 Updated: May 30, 2018

Trump blames Democrats for a law that separates undocumented immigrant children from their families. Some Democrats blame Trump’s administration for losing track of nearly 1,500 immigrant kids.

None of this is accurate.

We’ve fact-checked many claims about the border, and it’s clear that the latest spin from both sides deserves a turn under the microscope. However, since this is a roundup of multiple claims, we won’t be giving Pinocchio ratings.

Trump tweeted “Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS..”

How the US’s Foreign Policy Created an Immigrant Refugee Crisis on Its Own Southern Border By James NorthTwitter
July 9, 2014

President Obama is showing little concern for international law, and none at all for Washington’s historic responsibility in Central America.

…The Ramirezes (their names have been changed to protect them from retribution) got through Mexico and crossed the Rio Grande just south of here safely, but Esperanza, who is 24, has had to live with violence her entire life. She and her daughter had just fled the most dangerous city in the world, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where the two biggest criminal gangs, which have memberships across the region in the tens of thousands, fight with automatic weapons. The city has become a war zone, with a murder rate of 193 per 100,000 (New York City’s rate is 5.1). Angelica’s father died in gang-related violence a couple of years ago. “In some neighborhoods, people are abandoning their homes from fear,” she said. “The gangs are even murdering 8-year-old kids who will not join them.” …

Americans, especially young Americans, probably know more about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda than they do about how their own government funded murderous right-wing dictatorships in Central America back in the 1980s. The Reagan administration’s violent and immoral policy included $5 billion in aid to the military/landowner alliance in El Salvador, which prolonged an awful conflict in which some 75,000 people died—a toll proportionally equivalent to the casualty rate in the American Civil War. But once shaky peace agreements were signed in the 1990s, the United States walked away, leaving the shattered region to rebuild on its own. ..

The very name of one of the giant criminal gangs—18th Street, or Calle 18—reveals the origins of the current crisis. Eighteenth Street is not in San Pedro Sula, or in San Salvador, or in any of the other Central American cities torn apart by gang warfare. Eighteenth Street is actually in Los Angeles, where the gang and its rival, the Mara Salvatrucha, were born among young Salvadorans who had been displaced by the civil war in the 1980s. After the United States started deporting gang members, they arrived back in Central America, some barely speaking Spanish and knowing only how to do one thing: grab the weapons the region was already awash in and start killing. During the decade-long civil war, family and community life had weakened, so the newly arrived gangs partly filled a vacuum…

Here in McAllen, the community center of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church has become a relief station for adults with children who are pouring across the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Children who are by themselves do not come here; they are held in the overcrowded Border Patrol detention centers until a relative who is already in the United States sends them funds for an air ticket to join them, pending a resolution of their immigration case. (Roughly 90 percent of the Central Americans already have a family member in the United States.) ..”

Why Central Americans are fleeing their violent homelands for the US By Danika Fears and Lorena Mongelli April 13, 2017 | 1:26am | Updated
“..n 2016, El Salvador’s murder rate was 81.2 per 100,000 inhabitants — down from 104 in 2015, the highest in the world. Honduras’ murder rate was 59 last year, while Guatemala’s was 27.3, dropping from a high of 46.5 in 2009.

“There’s no such thing as people going out jogging there,” Ana Quintana, a policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said of Honduras. “There are 24-hour funeral homes. It’s incredibly sad.”

Civil wars rocked El Salvador and Guatemala until the mid-1990s, leaving them vulnerable to transnational crime outfits — like MS-13, which was created by Salvadorans who fled to LA.

Drug trafficking from South America and Mexico — in which some of the gangs have become involved — has also contributed to the bloodshed.

In 2014, US officials said 80 percent of drug flows into America pass through routes in Central America…”

Deporting people made Central America’s gangs. More deportation won’t help. By Daniel Denvir July 20, 2017
‘..“MS-13 is one of the most vicious criminal gangs in this country today,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “As I said when I visited Long Island after these murders took place in April, MS-13’s motto may be ‘kill, rape and control,’ but the Department of Justice’s motto is justice for victims and consequences for criminals.” In April, Sessions made a stop on his immigrants-are-killing-Americans tour in Long Island, where he went further into his view of transnational gangs…

In reality, it is U.S. foreign policy and the very sort of deportation policies Sessions embraces that have created the “horrific violence” and “lawlessness” he expresses concern about, and there’s no reason to believe that continuing these policies will do anything other than cause more harm….

The gang Sessions pinpointed, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), was founded in Los Angeles, as was its rival, Barrio 18. Many of the youths who formed MS-13, and who joined its rival Barrio 18 (initially formed by Mexicans) had fled El Salvador as refugees as civil war raged between 1980 and 1992. At the time, the right-wing military government in El Salvador was backed by President Ronald Reagan’s administration. All in all, the U.S. spent billions of dollars on its dirty war against left-wing rebels of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, or FLMN. Wars were also ripping apart Guatemala, where the U.S.-backed military committed genocide against indigenous people, and Nicaragua, where the U.S. supported a Contra army that sought to overthrow the left-wing Sandinista government because it had dared to depose the right-wing Somoza family dictatorship…

In fiscal 2014, the Border Patrol apprehended almost 137,000 unaccompanied minors and individuals traveling with their families, the majority part of a new refugee exodus from Central America to seek asylum from violent conflicts between gangs and governments in their deeply impoverished native lands…

. In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility law, which made it far easier for the government to deport people convicted of certain crimes, including relatively minor ones and crimes committed by lawful permanent residents. At the same time, the INS Violent Gang Task Force, created in 1992, was working with local police to target immigrant gang members for deportation. In 2005, ICE’s Operation Community Shield was launched to target MS-13…

..Since taking office, President Trump has proclaimed that his government is “actually liberating towns” from the gang’s clutches and falsely claimed that he has deported half of the gang’s U.S.-based membership. He has blamed “weak illegal immigration policies” under President Barack Obama for allowing the gang to spread, calling it “a serious problem” that “we never did anything about.” In fact, deporting alleged gang members had been a bipartisan priority for three presidential administrations. And for presidents from both parties, the emphasis on gangs has served the same purpose: fomenting public anxiety over crime and foreigners in the service of a system that mostly deports immigrants who have been convicted of no violent crime…

The tragic upshot is that, thanks to flashy headlines about international gang violence, people are primed to support the same sort of policies that created this spiraling crisis in the first place: deporting Central Americans, refugees and alleged gang members alike, while funding law-and-order crackdowns and business-friendly economic reforms in the region that can only make things worse. We are not importing Central American problems. Rather, it is the U.S. that has exported violence, time and again, to Central America.”

ICE Repatriation Flights to Central America

What happens to migrant children who get deported back to Central America?

CBS This Morning
Published on Jul 25, 2014
Many undocumented migrant children who fail to reach the U.S. are sent home to Central America. Manuel Bojorquez recently traveled to El Salvador to find what is waiting for them when they arrive home.

Why so many migrant kids are coming to the U.S. alone

PBS NewsHour
Published on Jun 20, 2014
Hoping to stop the surge of unaccompanied minors arriving in the U.S., Vice President Biden visited Guatemala to get support from Central American leaders. The NewsHour’s P.J. Tobia reports on why kids are coming and what happens to these child migrants when they arrive.

Immigrant America: The High Cost of Deporting Parents

Published on Mar 19, 2014
Subscribe to VICE News here:

As Barack Obama considers ways to enforce immigration laws “more humanely,” VICE News travels to Guatemala to meet a deportee named Ray Jesus, who lives apart from his American wife and 5 American children. When Ray lived in the U.S., he was the family’s breadwinner. Now they rely on welfare to get by. It turns out that deporting parents costs much more than the price of a one-way ticket home.”

Deportation Archives

‘Like a kidnapping’: ICE snatches 25-year Minnesota resident from his family in harrowing video ALAN PYKE
JUL 31, 2018, 4:34 PM
UPDATED: AUG 1, 2018, 3:36 PM
Plainclothes, refusal to show ID, threats of federal assault charges — all in the broad daylight of a county courthouse.
“..No clean cases
Carlos’ story is not neat or simple. He was in court that day because he’d struck a pedestrian with his car in early 2017. His blood-alcohol level was under the legal limit, but because he’d had two beers and didn’t blow a perfect 0.0 he was charged with a felony. During his nearly six months in county lock-up following his arrest, he completed a rehab program. He enrolled in and completed another after his release…
“He has always admitted his fault in what he has done, and also has said to me various times, you know, I feel like I had to experience going to jail to understand what so many people are going through in our criminal justice system,” said Catalina, who’s sat alongside Carlos in church pews and marched with him at protests for eight years. “He always brings me back to understand that we are instruments of God’s work. He never hides. He was never shameful about his story. He would always acknowledge what happened, and say we go through these things for a purpose. He leads through that.”


Inhumane ?

Bus Driver Tells Passengers Only U.S. Citizens Can Ride As Border Patrol Agent Looks On Sebastian Murdock,HuffPost 13 hours ago (6.17.18)
“..A bus driver in Maine told passengers they needed to be U.S. citizens to ride on a bus while an immigration official questioned passengers’ citizenship.

The incident happened in the city of Bangor over Memorial Day weekend, the ACLU of New Hampshire said in a video statement.

The footage shows passengers being confronted by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent.

“Are you folks U.S. citizens?” the CBP agent asks.

“I’m not answering that question, sir,” a man says in the video…”

VIDEO: Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters
“..“Secretary Nielsen, how dare you spend your evening here eating dinner,” the protester shouts, accusing Nielsen in being “complicit” in the separation and deportation of children. Nielsen kept her head down for most of the video and did not interact with the protesters. “Shame! Shame! Shame!” the protesters chanted. They held a sign that said, “no human is illegal.” Men in suits stood between the protesters and the secretary. “End family separation,” the protesters shouted. “If kids don’t eat in peace, you don’t eat in peace.” They shouted, “Not in D.C. Not in the U.S.” and “In a Mexican restaurant of all places….The F*cking gall. Shame on you….fascist pig.” They also shouted, “Abolish ICE” and “No borders, no wall, sanctuaries for all.” ..”


Commentary: Time magazine’s major mistake on the crying-girl cover Time magazine’s cover for July 2, 2018. (Time)
Aaron Blake
“..Unfortunately, they made their most iconic image something that wasn’t a family being separated — and ultimately undermines their cause.

The photo of a nearly 2-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother is being patted down quickly went viral. It also has been used for a Facebook fundraiser to raise more than $18 million to help reunite families that have been separated. And the whole thing culminated in its placement in a photo illustration on the cover of Time magazine. The image on the July 2 issue features the girl against a red background, with President Donald Trump towering over her and the words, “Welcome to America.”

The implication was clear: This was a girl who, like 2,300 other children, was being separated from her mother. Time and many others made a decision to suggest that this was an example of Trump uprooting our American ideals.

But that’s not what it was. As The Washington Post’s Samantha Schmidt and Kristine Phillips report, the girl’s father says the child and her mother were never separated. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol confirmed it, as did the Honduran deputy foreign minister.

The image is a sad one, but it is of a rather standard occurrence at the border: A mother and her daughter attempted to immigrate illegally and were apprehended. The mother, in fact, had tried this before and was deported in 2013. The photo says virtually nothing about Trump’s now-aborted policy. In fact, it’s an example of how not all young children were separated from their parents…”

Time Magazine Corrects Cover Story on Crying Migrant Girl, Admits Family Was Never Separated Jon Levine,The Wrap 19 hours ago (June 23rd 2018)
“..Time Magazine issued a correction to their most recent cover story on Friday, revealing that Yanela Hernandez, who became world famous over a tearful image of her being separated from her family, was, in fact never separated at all.

“The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she taken from the scene,” read the correction at the bottom of their cover story.

“The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.”

While there is no doubt the family separation policy at the border did take place, the revelation that Hernandez herself was not separated is a high-profile mistake for the iconic magazine…’

Detention “Concentration Camps” Centers ?

U.S. Immigration Detention & Freedom for Immigrants Visitation Map

Inside America’s $2bn immigrant detention industry – BBC News

BBC News
Published on Apr 2, 2014
Subscribe to BBC News
Under President Barack Obama, the US has deported almost two million undocumented immigrants, more than any of his predecessors.

Before being kicked out of the US, most of these people will spend time locked up in a detention centre. Some have criminal convictions, but the majority are detained on immigration charges.

A little-known federal law enacted in 2006 ensures that a minimum of 34,000 undocumented immigrants must be held on every single day. Private companies run most of the centres.

The BBC’s Franz Strasser went to Georgia to investigate America’s $2bn (£1.2bn) detention and deportation industry.

Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps? June 23, 2019
‘Aviva Chomsky discusses the reality of refugees coming to the U.S in light of the controversial statement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that refugees are kept in concentration camps

KPIX Gets Rare Look Inside Federal Immigrant Detention Center …

Published on Sep 30, 2017
Reports of abuse and inhumane conditions in federal immigrant detention centers prompted the California attorney general to take over control and monitoring of the facilities this year. ICE officials say past problems have been fixed and invited KPIX 5’s Allen Martin to see for himself. (9-29-17)

What are conditions like at the detention facility in … – YouTube

U.S. detention centre for undocumented migrant children

CBC News
Published on Jun 16, 2018

New video released by the U.S. government goes inside an El Cajon detention centre where undocumented immigrant children are separated from their parents.
To read more:

DHS whistleblower: Children detained at the border are at risk of deep trauma

18-year-old U.S. citizen detained by border officials said conditions were so bad he lost 26 pounds, almost self-deported BY CAITLIN O’KANE
UPDATED ON: JULY 26, 2019 / 1:26 PM / CBS NEWS
“..Francisco Erwin Galicia, the 18-year-old Dallas-born U.S. citizen detained by border officials, is speaking out about the conditions inside the facility where he was wrongfully held for more than three week. Galicia said conditions were so bad, he considered self-deporting just to get out — even though he has a birth certificate proving he’s American-born…

During the 23 days he was in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Galicia was not allowed to shower, he told The Dallas Morning News, which first reported his story.

The teen said he lost 26 pounds during his time in the immigrant detention center, and said officers didn’t provide him with enough food. He was crammed into an overcrowded holding area with 60 other men. They slept on the floor with aluminum-foil blankets — some even had to sleep in the bathroom area, he said…

“It was inhumane how they treated us. It got to the point where I was ready to sign a deportation paper just to not be suffering there anymore. I just needed to get out of there,” he told the newspaper. “It’s one thing to see these conditions on TV and in the news. It’s another to go through them.”

Galicia’s brother Marlon, who was born in Mexico and is not a U.S. citizen, decided to agree to deportation after two days in the facility.”

US Teen Wrongfully Detained Near Border – YouTube


Minnesota Detention Project – The Advocates for Human Rights

Pitch to expand immigrant detention in Sherburne County draws protests By Maya Rao Star Tribune JULY 22, 2019 — 5:16PM
Immigration detention brings jobs, cash to county.

“..Elk River – The jail here is home to most of Minnesota’s immigration detainees, and it’s brought nearly $30 million to Sherburne County in recent years.

But a proposal to expand its capacity to house even more detainees has prompted a debate over whether the county should profit from or opt out of the nation’s growing immigration detention system…

On Aug. 10 and 11, Jewish organizations are coordinating #CloseTheCamps events on Tisha B’Av, a Jewish day of mourning.

The Torah commands Jewish people to love the stranger as one of their own, and the majority of Jews in the U.S. have an immigration story, said Carin Mrotz, executive director of Jewish Community Action (JCA), which organizes Jewish Minnesotans for social change.

“That story also involves not being welcome. … Often in moments of history when we have not been welcome, we have come anyway,” she said. “So we have all of these textual but also historical and cultural and traditional reasons why we tend to prioritize immigrant rights.”..

Mia Freiberg, a 25-year-old Minneapolis activist who is also helping coordinate the event, has long been aware of border issues, having grown up in San Diego. And social justice has always been a strong tenet of the Jewish community, she said: There’s a Jewish experience of being part of a diaspora and a persecuted minority group.

Questions about comparing immigration policies to the Holocaust are beside the point, Freiberg said.

“Compare it to the Japanese internment camps of World War II; compare it to whatever state-sanctioned violence,” she said. “The fact that we have to question whether or not it’s as bad as one of the most publicized mass genocides in the history of the world — that bar is too high. And I think it is a distraction from … the fact that people are dying, the fact that innocent people are in cages because they’re just trying to find a better life.”..


Trump’s border patrol chief ‘posted in secret Facebook group’ featuring violent anti-migrant content Chris Riotta,The Independent 1 hour 53 minutes ago (7.12.19)
“..Carla Provost, chief of the US Border Patrol, participated in a secret Facebook group used by members of her agency to share racist and violent commentary about migrants, a report has alleged.

Ms Provost addressed the group and its controversial content, which was posted by current and former Border Patrol officers, when it was uncovered earlier this month.

In a public statement at the time, she said: “These posts are completely inappropriate and contrary to the honour and integrity I see — and expect — from out agents day in and day out.

“Any employees found to have violated our standards of conduct will be held accountable.”

However, Ms Provost was apparently aware of the secret group long before her public statements, as she had responded to a post in it just three months after her appointment, The Intercept reported. ..”

American war veteran who spent several days in ICE detention receives $190k settlement
The IndependentNovember 14, 2019, 9:36 AM CST
“A US citizen and military veteran suffering from a mental health condition will reportedly receive $190,000 (£147,988) from a Michigan city after local officials transferred him to ICE detention following an arrest last year.

Jilmar Ramos-Gomez, a decorated Marine veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, was arrested while experiencing an episode in which he lost all recollection, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Police found the veteran, who was born and raised in Michigan, on the helipad of a hospital after he started a small fire and pulled an alarm, according to reports.

Mr Ramos-Gomez was set to be released from jail after pleading guilty to a misdemeanour trespassing charge, but was instead turned over to ICE by the Kent County Sheriff’s Department, which reportedly has a contract with the federal immigration enforcement agency.

“The fact that he has the name that he does, that he’s of the ethnic background that he is, almost certainly played a role,” Miriam Aukerman, a senior attorney for the ACLU of Michigan, told CNN…”

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Now You Know: What “really” happened at Woodstock in 1969?

Woodstock Photos That Are Sure To Blow You Away
Melissa G
By Melissa G
9 months ago (3.26.18)


Richie Havens – Freedom at Woodstock 1969 (HD) – YouTube

Country Joe’s Anti Vietnam War Song Woodstock – YouTube


Santana 1969 ‘Woodstock’ Live soul sacrifice, evil ways – YouTube

Jefferson Airplane – Somebody To Love (Live at Woodstock Music …

WOODSTOCK Music Festival 1969

5 Facts About Woodstock The Hippies Don’t Want You to Know
By Kristi Harrison Kristi Harrison · September 13, 2009
‘..Michael Lang, with the idea of a starting a music studio in Woodstock, New York. When that idea didn’t pan out, the suits struck gold with the notion of a three day art and music festival. Pre-sold tickets would go for $18 (that’s $105 in today’s money, folks) and latecomers would have to shell out $24 at the gate…

For one, over 150,000 tickets had sold by this point. For two, the promoters had run radio and newspaper ads across the country inviting people to their little hootenanny. They actually expected 250,000 to show up. For three, 250,000 times two came…

Members of the Monticello Jewish Community Center started making sandwiches with 200 loaves of bread, 40 pounds of meat and two gallons of pickles. Food was being airlifted from in from a nearby air force base. It must have been cool to have your communist free-for-all ideals materialize in the form of pickle sandwiches prepared by your square neighbors…

Drugs Being Introduced

The Illuminati Are Planning Their Final Move (2018-2019)

End Times Productions
Published on Jan 26, 2018
In order to understand current events, you need to understand the past.
America has been controlled by deep state infiltrators for many years.
They have been working to set up their end game, which is about to unfold. Anyone with eyes to see knows the season we are in.

We cannot sit back and allow these people to continue operating from the shadows.

Thanks for watching
Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
Wash yourself in the Blood of Jesus.
Prepare for his return.
God Bless

*see Now you know: What “really” happened in the Vietnam War?

Any other stories you know of?

Good News USA

Neutral Perspective: North Dakota Law Enforcement with DAPL Security Firm vs #NODAPL “Water” Protectors


Dakota Access protesters set fires, lob Molotov cocktails, fire shots in face-off with police By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Thursday, October 27, 2016
“Activists threw rocks, burned tires, set blazes, lobbed Molotov cocktails and even fired gunshots as officers in riot gear moved to clear protesters Thursday from a camp illegally blocking the Dakota Access pipeline route.

The confrontation saw 141 protesters arrested as they tried to stop law enforcement from removing the blockade on private land, hours after thick black smoke rose from a flaming barricade along Highway 1806 near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

Meanwhile, the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services reported that a protester pulled out a .38 caliber gun and fired three shots at law enforcement, narrowly missing a deputy, while a driver was run off the road by protesters and shot in the hand.

“Protesters have started two fires on the Backwater Bridge and are throwing Molotov Cocktails at law enforcement,” said department spokeswoman Cecily Fong in a late Thursday statement.

Officers used pepper spray against protesters who hurled projectiles, including rocks, and refused to comply with orders, according to the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.

Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said the department was left with little choice after activists set up tents and teepees last weekend in the path of the pipeline project and refused repeatedly to leave the property, which is owned by the “…”

-Native’s Perspective:

As “Dave Archambault” Chairman of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe saids “Always two sides to each story”

“Published on Oct 22, 2016

They claim not to be voilent. Watch each video clip, and decide for yourself.”


The view from 2 sides of the Standing Rock front lines Author: Jack Healy, The New York Times Updated: November 28 Published November 1

“..Activists have accused law enforcement of needlessly roughing up and pepper-spraying demonstrators, and of responding to their sit-ins and marches with militarized force. But Moll says the deputies are not the bad guys.

Earlier this fall, about 70 demonstrators rallied at one of the ranches being bisected by the pipeline. Ranchers have grown angry and impatient with the protests and regularly come up to Moll when he gases up his car to ask him when it will all just be over. He says he sees the Standing Rock Sioux as neighbors and respects them, but he has a harsher view of what he sees as hard-core protesters from outside North Dakota. “Folks are terrified,” he says.

On this day, officials decided to move in and arrest the protesters for trespassing. As they did, some in the crowd started to yell, “Bring out your horses!” to fellow activists who had parked their trailers in a field of winter wheat. From his patrol car, Moll says, he saw one of the horses charge directly at a line of officers, and he hit the gas and raced over to cut off the horse as another officer raised a shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds at the rider.

“You run a 1,000-pound animal at a 200-pound person, that’s a deadly threat,” Moll said. “They were willing to use the threat of the horse against us, all the while screaming, ‘We’re peaceful protesters.'”

He has been working around the protests almost every day since, and expects to be on straight through to Thanksgiving.

-Prairie Fire

Grass burns hills across from Dakota Access protest camp; possible drowning
By Mike Nowatzki on Oct 30, 2016 at 7:20 p.m.
“NEAR CANNON BALL, N.D. — North Dakota National Guard helicopters with water buckets scooped water from the Missouri River on Sunday to extinguish a large grass fire that started overnight just west of the main camp where Dakota Access Pipeline opponents are staying.
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A United Nations official also visited the camp Sunday to hear from protesters about their encounters with law enforcement and possible human rights violations. Authorities also were investigating a possible drowning in the Cannonball River between two of the protest camps.

Confused about Dakota Access controversy? This primer will get you up to speed
Complete coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests

People at the main Oceti Sakowin camp said the grass fire started around 1:30 a.m. on a hill across Highway 1806 from the camp entrance. The fire spread to the northwest, away from the camp that is just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

Claudia Skenandore, 60, from Oneida, Wis., said she was still awake inside her tent when she heard commotion outside as campers noticed the fire.

“They were going nuts. And security was on the radio saying, ‘It wasn’t us, it wasn’t us. We don’t know who did it,’ ” Skenandore said of the camp’s security volunteers.

Two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters with 600-gallon water buckets scooped water from Lake Oahe, a dammed section of the Missouri River, and dumped on the fire for more than an hour until about 10 a.m. No infrastructure was damaged, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said.

West Fargo woman wins $500,000 house in Fargo

The Mandan Rural Fire Department was dispatched to the area but couldn’t reach the fire because of the terrain, Morton County spokeswoman Donnell Preskey said. The fire started on private property, she said.

People staying at the camp with high-powered camera lenses watched as the fire developed.

Myron Dewey, an independent filmmaker at the camp, said on his Facebook page he observed two people in a white Honda leaving the area. Dewey, who said he has experience working for hotshot fire crews, said the fire appeared to be started by a drip torch.

Speculation about who started the fire ran wild in the camp, with some suggesting it was started by the pipeline company or other outside “agitators” with hopes that protesters would be blamed. A spokeswoman for Dakota Access could not immediately be reached for comment…”


Nov 20, 2016 Confrontation at Standing Rock “

“Published on Nov 21, 2016

November 20th 2016

More abuse by law enforcement at Standing Rock

Standing Rock Water Protectors attempted to
move two trucks left on a bridge on HWY 1806 that
were burned in a previous confrontation with law enforcement.
Morton county has refused to remove the trucks.

Morton County Sheriffs, other state law enforcement, DAPL security and the national guard proceeded to use tear gas, fire grenades, rubber bullets, and water cannon in freezing temperatures to
disburse the water protectors.
Many were hurt.”

I Watched An Armed Dakota Access Pipeline Employee Get Arrested After Entering Protesters’ Camp

Wes EnzinnaOct. 28, 2016 5:00 AM
A tense standoff near the site of yesterday’s confrontation at Standing Rock ends with arrest of DAPL security agent. Protesters then torched his truck.
“..An armed security agent employed by the company behind the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline was arrested Thursday after he was caught entering the camp of activists protesting near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in southern North Dakota. After a car chase and a standoff during which he allegedly pointed his assault rifle at a local Sioux teenager, the man, whose ID indicated he was an employee of Dakota Access LLC, was arrested and handed over to the FBI…”

Armed Fake Protester Planted By Oil Company

“Published on Nov 1, 2016

A DAPL employee was discovered infiltrating protesters. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“On Friday, Amnesty International dispatched human rights observers to North Dakota to monitor the ongoing repression of the thousands of Native Americans resisting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. Amnesty’s move came one day after hundreds of police with military equipment arrested over 140 people, after attacking them with pepper spray, Tasers, sound cannons, bean bag rounds and rubber bullets. More details are emerging from Thursday, including video footage of a man who appears to be a Dakota Access security contractor holding a rifle, with his face covered by a bandana, apparently attempting to infiltrate a group of water protectors. A Standing Rock Sioux tribal member says he saw the man driving down Highway 1806 toward the main resistance camp with an AR-15 rifle on the passenger side of his truck. Protectors chased down his truck and then pursued him on foot in efforts to disarm him. In the video, the man can be seen pointing the rifle at the protectors as he attempts to flee into the water. He was ultimately arrested by Bureau of Indian Affairs police. Protectors say inside the man’s truck they found a DAPL security ID card and insurance papers listing his vehicle as insured by DAPL. For more, we speak with Dallas Goldtooth, organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network.”

Read more here:…”

“In God we Trut!”

Armed Dakota Access Contractor Accused Of Trying To Infiltrate Water Protectors 31 Oct 2016 Kevin Gosztola Kevin Gosztola
“..Sacred Stone Camp, which has led indigenous resistance to the Dakota Access pipeline, reported that police cleared blockades, attacked water protectors with pepper spray and concussion grenades, and used shotguns to fire rubber bullets. A sound cannon was also deployed against water protectors as well, as the police brutally tore down the encampment.

Dakota Access denies Thompson was working for the company, however, Thompson posted on Facebook and claimed he was “doing his job to photograph burning company equipment when he was confronted by demonstrators,” according to APTN National News.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe apparently claims Thompson fired off shots while Thompson vehemently denies that any shots were ever fired. He maintains FBI agents, who took him into custody, could back up his story.

However, Thompson’s story becomes incredibly suspicious, as he insists the water protectors “had knives and were dead set on using those knives.” He says a water protector fired a flare.

The video of Thompson’s confrontation in the water definitely does not show any knife-wielding water protectors trying to attack him.

What is troubling is the fact that he was not dressed in a manner that would clearly indicate he was a security contractor for DAPL. He looked like an infiltrator. One wonders what would have happened if he made it to the 1851 Treaty Camp and engaged in disruptive behavior that the police could then use to justify the brute force used against water protectors.

It is unknown what company Thompson worked for, but he was previously deployed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Separately, another suspicious act against the indigenous water protectors occurred overnight on October 29, when a fire spread near the Oceti Sakowin camp.

“There was some mysterious incident of a vehicle that came out of nowhere, that was almost acting as a distraction, was spinning doughnuts in the middle of the road, and then it sped off to the south,” Goldtooth shared on “Democracy Now!”. “And immediately after that, flames were seen on top of the hill to the west. There’s documented footage [of] what appears to be a drip line, which is from what I understand, is a technique used in firefighting. I mean, it was very, very clear that that brush fire that happened was an act of arson by unknown individuals.”

“Given the recent events with the Dakota Access worker, given the escalation of law enforcement, that, you know, a lot of fingers are pointing towards Dakota Access as being a culprit behind this late fire. And thank god that the wind was pushing away from the camp. The fire spread pretty large.”..”

Dakota Access pipeline: police fire rubber bullets and mace activists during water protest Sam Levin and Nicky Woolf in San Francisco

Thursday 3 November 2016 13.30 EDT

Danyion LeBeaux, an 18-year-old protester at the standoff, said he got hit in the ribs by some kind of rubber bullet and saw another young activist bleeding from his mouth after police fired non-lethal rounds.

“It messed me up, but I’m slowly recovering,” said LeBeaux, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe. “People were standing there unarmed, and they start macing us for no apparent reason.”

Johnny Dangers, a photographer who posted images from the police confrontation, said police appeared to indiscriminately spray protesters with mace and some kind of teargas. ..”

Standing Rock: Police shot journalist for no reason | How did it all begin

“Published on Nov 3, 2016

Standing Rock : As peaceful protests over the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline again turn violent, one journalist near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in North Dakota captured shocking video showing herself being shot by police out of nowhere as she conducted an interview.

Erin Schrode, an activist and journalist, was doing an interview at the edge of the Cantapeta Creek when police shot her with a rubber bullet. In her video of the incident, Schrode can be heard screaming, “Ow!” before crumbling to the ground.

Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets and used pepper spray on demonstrators — who call themselves water protectors — on the shoreline of the Cantapeta Creek, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation here on Wednesday.

After a few relatively peaceful days at the campground where thousands have gathered to demonstrate against a controversial North Dakota oil pipeline, demonstrators put out calls on social media to “make your way to the river” for a “river action,” but to do so “in prayer.”

In a Facebook Live stream, Cempoalli Twenny, who says he is at Standing Rock to protect the water, said, “The pipeline is getting really close to the river now, so it’s crunch time.”

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2 Cops Quit Over Tactics At Standing Rock North Dakota,from
Published on Nov 7, 2016
“The police force engaging in violent attacks in the Dakota Access Pipeline protests are cowards for the violence they are inflicting on peaceful protestors.

Jimmy Dore breaks it down.”

DAPL Savages Harass Water Protectors


13 Officers Withdrawn from North Dakota Following Arrest of Madison Elected Official

“Published on Oct 20, 2016

Madison Common Council Alderperson Rebecca Kemble speaks out after her arrest while working as a legal observer during the growing resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline

Visit for more videos.

-Planes and Helicoptors

Helicopter Allegedly Hired by North Dakota Authorities Found Flying in Violation of FAA Rules
10/03/2016 08:26 pm ET | Updated Oct 07, 2016
“…For the past several months, protesters have been harassed and frightened by frequent low-altitude helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft flying surveillance over them. Two such surveillance helicopters are Bell Ranger 206B helicopters. These are not lightweight aircraft. In the 1960s, the U.S. Navy used the 206A as its primary training helicopter. The 206B Jet Ranger was introduced in 1971. In 1993, the U.S. Army approved the Bell 206B-3 as its primary training helicopter. A local company known as Double M Helicopters, Inc. out of Mandan, ND owns one of the surveillance helicopters. Another of the helicopters, flying on behalf of local law enforcement and flying at low altitudes over the heavily populated main Oceti Sakowin encampment, has been found to have been flying with registration numbers that have been altered in order to disguise the identity of its registered owners…”

-True or False?

Crock Dusters
A Standing Rock spokesperson denied claims that the government has been dumping chemicals on people protesting the Dakota Access pipeline.
Kim LaCapria
Dec 01, 2016
“..Just this week a so-called ‘secret’ video message was sent to a number of people of a Native woman claiming that the water protectors were being sprayed with chemical weapons from a crop duster plane. The individual identified herself as Candida Rodriguez Kingbird, part of the Red Lake Anishnaabe Chippewa Tribe…”

Pipeline Executives Serve Standing Rock Protesters A Crop Dusting For Thanksgiving (VIDEO)
Includes Full Timeline of DAPL Protest

November 24, 2016 Grace Harwood
“…Candida Savage KingBird, who posted news of crop-dusting of the Standing Rock encampment in a personal video, below, was shot November 20th by police guarding the Dakota Access Pipeline, with a bluepoint rubber bullet, damaging her ribs. Kingbird, who posted the following video, said, “Thankfully no one died last night but they could have. There was bloodshed. Tears. And prayer.” She was luckier than Sophia Wilansky from New York, whose arm was nearly amputated after either a Molotov cocktail or a grenade was thrown into the crowd on Sunday night. More than two dozen were sent to hospital when 400 protestors clashed with police…”
Allegation Of Chemical Warfare Against Standing Rock Water Protectors By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

November 16, 2016

Allegation that the Morton County Sheriff’s Office conducting chemical warfare against Native Americans and allies

“…Mandan, N. Dakota – A water protector at Standing Rock on a self video claims that unauthorized crop planes flying over their camp and spraying unknown chemicals at night. Planes and helicopters are flying at night on tribal land and don’t have authorization, an alleged chemical warfare initiated by the friendly Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Morton County Sheriff’s Office..”
US Government Spraying DAPL Protestors at Standing Rock with Chemicals from Crop Dusters

“Published on Nov 19, 2016

Reports directly from DAPL protestors at Standing Rock that the US Government are using Crop Duster planes to fly over protestors and spray them with chemical agents during the night.”
Beacon Hill Photojournalist Returns From Standing Rock With Tales of Steadfast Resistance
November 24, 2016
“…Okay, but you said people had brought up that planes were spraying things on the encampment?

Yeah, and some of the conversations that I’ve had with people, they talked about seeing the video, or having respiratory problems, or seeing airplanes flying at night or hearing them without seeing their lights. I don’t — I didn’t talk to anyone who saw anyone spraying anything, but there were people who had heard that rumor and there was a woman who said she had worked with herbicides and pesticides in the past and she knows how they make her react, and she was kind of reacting the same way.

I mean if there aren’t any photos, I don’t know how…honestly, there’s an EPA air and water test, because those things tend to stick around for a while. It’s not the time of year one would find a crop duster dusting any crops, we’re way past that point….


Please pray for all parties (e.g. “waterprotectors”, Morton County law enforcement, pipeline workers, residents of both Bismark and Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Reservation, etc..) involved (directly and indirectly) in this #standingrock movement

“Come & let your Justice fall in this place…”

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Neutral Perspective: Dakota Access pipeline project’s Pros & Cons


Dakota Access Pipeline Threat: What You Need to Know Chelsey Luger 3/19/16

There’s a new oil pipeline

All permits have been filed, all four states have approved the project, and at least 90 percent of landowners along the route have agreed to voluntary easements. The project promises economic development, jobs, tax revenue, and hefty payouts to the landowners along the way…”.

In North Dakota, People Vs. Oil Pipeline Protest Strengthens By james macpherson, associated press ·NEAR THE STANDING ROCK SIOUX RESERVATION, N.D. — Aug 13, 2016, 10:59 AM ET
“Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners announced the four-state pipeline in 2014, days after North Dakota Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple urged industry and government officials to build more pipelines to keep pace with the state’s prolific oil production, saying that would reduce truck and train traffic, curb natural gas flaring and create more markets for the state’s oil and gas…”
5 things to know about the Dakota Access Pipeline Updated 7:54 AM ET, Wed August 31, 2016
By Madison Park, CNN
“2. Why is the pipeline being constructed?
The project developer, Dakota Access, a subsidiary of Energy Transfer Crude Oil, says the pipeline would help the United States become less dependent on importing energy from unstable regions of the world. It says a pipeline is the safest, most cost-effective and environmentally responsible way to move crude oil, removing dependency on rails and trucks.
It also estimates the pipeline would bring an estimated $156 million in sales and income taxes to state and local governments as well as add 8,000 to 12,000 construction jobs.
The proposal comes as a glut of cheap oil has devastated North Dakota’s economy. The state had enjoyed a major boom, but after hitting highs in 2014, it suffered a major economic downturn.
The project developers say the $3.7 billion project will “bring significant economic benefits to the region that it transverses.”..”


The Stream – Pipeline standoff at Standing Rock

Al Jazeera English
“Published on Aug 29, 2016

On The Stream: Native Americans protest a massive oil pipeline in the US state of North Dakota.”

Not all the Standing Rock Sioux are protesting the pipeline
Jessica Ravitz-Profile-Image

By Jessica Ravitz, CNN

Updated 5:21 PM ET, Thu November 3, 2016
“…Wishing they’d go home

No one makes this clearer than Robert Fool Bear Sr., 54, district chairman of Cannon Ball. The town he runs, estimated population of 840, is just a few miles from the action. It’s so close that, given the faceoffs with law enforcement, you have to pass through a police checkpoint to reach it.
It’s about time people heard from folks like him, he says…

The crackdown also maddens Valandra’s 25-year-old daughter, Elaina, who works here at “the Z,” as locals call it. She grew up believing racism didn’t exist; not anymore.
She brings up the recent acquittal of Ammon Bundy and six others, who occupied a federal wildlife refuge earlier this year.

“The Bundys were armed to the teeth, and they’re acquitted,” she says.
She pulls up a Facebook post, showing a photo of a number scrawled on a man’s arm after he was arrested Thursday and words likening the treatment to what Nazis once did. Online comments and the stereotyping of her people leave her stunned. She wants people to know this battle isn’t about race.
“It’s about water, not just native people,” she says. “We don’t get another Earth.”…

…A shrug of indifference
Ten miles west of the protests, a man who doesn’t want to be named, for fear of retribution, admits he looks forward to the pipeline. It’ll mean fewer trucks barreling down these rural highways and fewer trains flying down the tracks.
Back at Cannon Ball, however, Carl Bruce, 52, isn’t afraid to say his piece. For this Standing Rock Sioux who has lived his life here, the pipeline doesn’t matter. If it breaks, he says he’d just work around it…”

“…The PSC is using the best techniques possible to keep our water safe.

“The pipe itself is heavier duty when crossing a water body. There are block valves on both sides of the water crossing to allow for shut down of the pipeline,” says Julie Fedorchak, ND Public Service Commissioner.

Fedorchak says pipelines are the safest and cleanest option available.

But people not in favor of pipelines say there should be more choices to.

“We’re often asked if you’re not for pipelines then you’re obviously for more train traffic. More train traffic, more trucks. I think that we’re limiting our options,” says Nicole Donaghy, Field Organizer, Dakota Resource Council.

And the Dakota Resource Council says many pipelines in operation are owned by offenders of repeat spills. They say the company which was responsible for the Bear Den Bay Spill had a record of spills.

“That same company Crestwood Arrow had four previous spills that year. So we have repeat offense, we have repeat offenders here in North Dakota that are running these pipelines,” says Donaghy.

The commission says it’s impossible to build anything that is 100 percent safe

“You can’t ensure that there’s never going to be a leak. I mean, that’s an impossible task, just like you can’t ensure that a train is never going to come off the tracks or that a truck is never going to crash carrying any of these kinds of products that we use every day,” says Fedorchak.

But Fedorchak says all pipelines go through incredible scrutiny and are as safe as possible.

Fedorchak reiterated that the Dakota Access Pipeline will not come into physical contact with the Missouri River, as it will be deep underneath the river bottom sometimes as deep as 90 feet.”
Voices from Standing Rock | The Washington Post Video by Zoeann Murphy, McKenna Ewen Published on December 2, 2016
“…Most were peaceful and shouted “Water is life.” But one young man suddenly tried to push his way through the line of riot police, who threw him to the ground and cuffed him. The man screamed “Help!” and “I’m being kidnapped!” over and over and spat at the officers.

Bryson shook his head. To him, it was obvious the man had provoked arrest, for the benefit of the news cameras.

“This is what the community is tired of,” Bryson said. “We are one pin-drop away from this escalating to a really violent situation.”
….Recently, the protest has been “hijacked by extremist environmentalists” from out of state who harass workers, one of whom was beaten up at a gas station because he was wearing a safety vest with the company logo, Bryson said. People have put dirt into gas tanks of heavy machinery, smashed windshields and committed other acts of vandalism, reports confirmed by local police.

“Guys have gotten a lot smarter — traveling in groups, not wearing company branding or labels,” Bryson said. He himself received an anonymous email that included a photo of himself, his wife and his three small children taken from his Facebook page and his home address. It said: “We hope you enjoy burning in your home with your children.” He turned it over to police.

And it’s the out-of-towners, he said, who have turned the Dakota Access standoff into “a racial issue.”

“The only people creating a race issue or anything along those lines is out-of-state people that are just adding fuel to the fire, most of them being white themselves,” he said.

Bryson said Native American culture has always been “a big part of the community” in North Dakota. He said that he went to school with Native Americans who were “like brothers” to him: “We slept at each other’s houses, ate dinner together all the time as children.”

He is sympathetic to concerns about burial grounds and water purity but said that he thinks the project still can be completed safely and sensitively.

“To say that we’re doing this because we don’t care about them is totally not what it’s about at all,” he said.

Bryson said about 15 of his union members working on the pipeline were Standing Rock Sioux from the reservation. But nearly half of them have asked to be taken off pipeline work because “they were getting a lot of heat” from family members and others in their community…”

-Christian Perspective

Why One Standing Rock Pastor Won’t Preach About the Pipeline-Tonya White Mountain lives out the Christian call to be a peacemaker Interview by Kate Shellnutt/ December 5, 2016
“…During a recent trip, a truck tried to drive her off the road. After her twin sister recounted several incidents of aggression toward Native American drivers and cars with bumper stickers opposing the planned Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL), she realized it might not have been a random case of road rage.

For locals like White Mountain, the contentious pipeline debate isn’t constrained to the protest sites covered on the news. The tension spills over to the roadways, the hair salons, and even the church pews.

The greatest challenge for churches like hers, Good News Assembly of God Church in McLaughlin, South Dakota, is being a faithful witness amid political and racial polarization…

Speaking as a Native American, I have to say that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has never ceded the lands north of the Cannonball River. Those were lands that were “given” to the Standing Rock tribe during the treaty of Fort Laramie. Our tribe never did cede those lands back. They were chipped away at over the years. It’s an issue that for me, personally, I feel strongly about. But being that it’s a personal issue as a Native American, I did not, have not, and will not take a stand behind the pulpit. To me, it’s more of a political issue…

… In my travels, I noticed—all over the country—wherever there’s a minority, there’s going to be issues of discrimination. But it’s not really discrimination. It does boil down to the fact that it is the sin nature of human beings. As strongly as I feel about the whole DAPL issue, it does boil down to the fact that we are dealing with a fallen race. Until our Lord returns, there will always be issues that divide…

Every time I mention it when I’m behind the pulpit or in prayer meetings, I remind people that we are called to pray for everyone, and we are called to pray for those in authority over us. I reminded the congregation that whether or not we agree with either side, we are to pray for souls. I remind them that the things we see on Facebook or TV, we should be praying for the safety of the people—the police included. Anytime I ask for people to pray for the water protectors, I also reminded them to pray for the police, the military, and even the DAPL security. We’re all souls in need of saving…”


Dakota Access Pipeline Threat: What You Need to Know Chelsey Luger 3/19/16
But to those who oppose the pipeline, the environmental impacts are not worth the money. They are more concerned with the health and well-being of their people and land, and with the health and well-being of future generations. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is trying to stop the pipeline—and might be the only entity with the ability to actually prevent the project from moving forward…”

1 mn gallons of oil-drilling byproducts leaked into N. Dakota drinking water
Published time: 10 Jul, 2014 17:28
“…The cleanup is expected to last for weeks, according to Miranda Jones, vice president of environmental safety at Crestwood Midstream Partners LP. A subsidiary of Crestwood – Arrow Pipeline LLC – owns the underground pipeline.

Jones believes the leak started over the Fourth of July weekend, but was only detected when the company was sorting through production loss reports, according to AP.

“This is something no company wants on their record, and we are working diligently to clean it up,” Jones said.

Yet Karolin Rockvoy, a McKenzie County emergency manager, visited the site of the leak and said, based on the amount of devastation done to local vegetation, the spill had probably gone undetected for some time.

The pipeline was not equipped with technology that alerts operators of a leak, Jones said. Last year, the state legislature rejected legislation mandating pipeline flow meters and cutoff switches.

It is as yet unknown how much of this saltwater – between 10 and 30 times saltier than sea water and considered an environmental hazard by the state of North Dakota – found its way into Bear Den Bay, which leads to Lake Sakakawea.

The lake supplies water for the reservation, where the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes live in an area of western North Dakota that is experiencing an unprecedented drilling boom.

Leonardo DiCaprio Stands With Great Sioux Nation to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline
Lorraine Chow By Lorraine Chow
“…The people of Standing Rock, often called Sioux, warn that a potential oil spill into the river would threaten the water, land and health of their reservation.

In DiCaprio’s tweet, the Oscar-winning actor and clean energy advocate said he was “standing with the Great Sioux Nation to protect their water and lands,” and linked to a petition that urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The petition was written by 13-year-old Anna Lee Rain YellowHammer on behalf of Standing Rock youth. It states:

A private oil company wants to build a pipeline that would cross the Missouri River less than a mile away from the Standing Rock Reservation and if we don’t stop it, it will poison our river and threaten the health of my community when it leaks.

My friends and I have played in the river since we were little; my great grandparents raised chickens and horses along it. When the pipeline leaks, it will wipe out plants and animals, ruin our drinking water and poison the center of community life for the Standing Rock Sioux.

Rezpect Our Water: Sign our petition

“..Published on Apr 27, 2016

We, the Standing Rock Youth, oppose the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Missouri and Cannon Ball River because it poses a serious threat to our water and our land. This campaign echoes our belief that together, we can protect our water and our future.

Join our mission for clean safe water by signing our petition urging the Army Corps of Engineer NOT to sign off on a construction permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline. With YOUR help we can work to maintain and protect this sacred land.

Spread the word: @rezpectourwater

Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh tears up explaining Standing Rock’s importance, from
“..Published on Nov 18, 2016

Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh, (a former oil employee), who has spent his life savings documenting oil spills– and who turned down a 60 million dollar settlement explains the dangers of oil pipelines everywhere, and why they are designed to fail. Oil companies profit from the insurance companies who pay them to clean up their own messes. These messes are poisonous because of the molotov cocktail of chemicals used to thin the tar sands. As John puts it, he is definitely not a tree-hugger, and was not an environmentalist in any way until he saw how it was making people sick. When he realized the gravity of the situation, (as he says in his own words), “he had to do something about it or go to hell.”
John is an encyclopedia of the horrors of big oil. I hope there are more interviews to come.
#NoDAPL, #StandingRock, #JohnBolenbaugh #MassMovement

Also– Watch John’s eye-opening evidence on video– you won’t want to miss it!

**It should be noted that DAPL workers were the one’s who beat me up and put the cut on my forehead. John corrects himself after he says “police,” but I wanted that to be clear.

DAPL’s Worst Nightmare: Big Oil EXPOSED By Whistleblower from
“Published on Nov 21, 2016

Energy Transfer Partners: (214) 981-0700
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers: (202) 761-0010; (202) 761-0014
Department of Justice: (202)-353-1555; (202)-514-2000
White House: (202)-456-1414; (202)-456-1111


#NoDAPL Playlist:…

Full documentary:…

TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton ( spoke with John Bolenbaugh, a whisteblower who exposed the oil industry’s cover up of major oil spills throughout the United States. These spills have polluted water, giving fish and other animals tumors, as well as causing debilitating illnesses in human beings.

For more, subscribe to TYT Politics:…


Veterans to deploy for Standing Rock By Sophie Lewis, CNN Updated 11:55 AM ET, Wed November 23, 2016
“I’m going for religious reasons. I’m not a leader. I’m not in charge. We are self-organizing this,” Clark said. They are hoping for a turnout of 500, but, “if we only have 20 or 30, that’s what God provides us,” he said.
Clark decided to take action after an elder from Standing Rock called him about the protests. “When she described what was going on, it brought tears to my eyes,” he said. “People are concerned about the way the elders who are praying are being brutalized, and what we are doing to the planet.”
Wood said, “If we don’t stand up for the oppressed, that’s the snowball that starts that leads to everyone else’s oppression.
“It doesn’t matter if you are a libertarian, a conservative, or a progressive, this is everyone’s fight,” he said…”

U.S.A flag Hoisted Upside down by Retired U.S NAVY #Patriots for #Nodapl


Debating still to support or not to support, here are some facts I found…

Column: What Dakota Access Pipeline protesters aren’t telling you
By Shawn McCoy on Nov 14, 2016 at 7:58 a.m.
“…In September 2014 alone, the Corps made five unsuccessful attempts to meet with Standing Rock Sioux leaders. The next month, a meeting was arranged, but “when the Corps timely arrived for the meeting, Tribal Chairman David Archambault told them that the conclave had started earlier than planned and had already ended,” according to a federal judge.

At a planned meeting the next month, the tribe took the pipeline off the agenda and refused to discuss it. This stonewalling by tribal leaders continued for a year and a half.

Typical of the misinformation spread during the protests is a comment made by Jesse Jackson, who recently joined the activists in North Dakota. He said the decision to reroute the pipeline so that it crossed close to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s water intake was “racism.”

He did not mention, possibly because he did not know, that the company is paying to relocate the tribe’s water intake to a new spot 70 miles from the location of the contested pipeline crossing…”
Dakota Access Pipeline Protests: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Published 11:00 pm EST, September 3, 2016 Updated 10:56 pm EST, November 25, 2016
“…The elder, Allard, told the Seattle Times: “I am a common man, a man of prayer. We live our lives in peace and nonviolence.” The newspaper said he persuaded the protesters known as “Water Protectors” to put rocks back in the river and take down barricades. He told the newspaper the tribe would try to win the argument with prayer, not violence.

However, the Water Protectors have claimed they were subjected to human rights abuses, including being placed in what they felt were shelters similar to dog kennels…”
The Protests Over The Dakota Access Pipeline Explained 9:51 AM 11/06/2016

The Tribe Never Took Part In The Initial Consulting Process

The Army Corps of Engineers attempted more than a dozen times between 2014 and 2016, according to court documents, to discuss the DAPL route with the Standing Rock. The tribe either failed to respond to requests for consultation or dragged its feet during the process.

The Corps sent a letter to the tribe in October of 2014 with information about the proposed pipeline routes as well as maps documenting the known cultural sites the Corps had identified.

“In addition, the letter requested that any party interested in consulting on the matter reply within thirty days,” the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia wrote in August. “No response was received from the Tribe.”

The head of the North Dakota Public Service Commission mirrored the judge’s decision earlier this week, telling reporters that the tribe had plenty of time to voice concerns before the pipeline’s construction.

Julie Fedorchak, who serves as the chairman of the commission, told National Public Radio in an interview Wednesday that Standing Rock Sioux did not participate in the nearly 30 hours of meetings held to determine the pipeline’s southern route.

..The tribe has attempted to meander around that problem by arguing the land is theirs under the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851.

“This demolition is devastating,” Standing Rock Chairman David Archambault II told reporters in October. “These grounds are the resting places of our ancestors. The ancient cairns and stone prayer rings there cannot be replaced. In one day, our sacred land has been turned into hollow ground.”

The treaty was forged between the U.S. government and the Great Sioux Nation, not Standing Rock. Still, tribe members have challenged the treaty and others like it in court for not being honored…

Check the Facts – Standing Rock Fact Checker

“Published on Sep 21, 2016

Standing Rock Fact Checker is committed to reporting on what’s fact and what’s fiction with regards to the Dakota Access Pipeline protest.

This represents the first in what will become a series of videos aimed at doing just that—focusing on the facts, and refuting erroneous claims.

Despite claims made by pipeline opponents, the opposition has not been peaceful, pipeline workers fear for their lives, and protestors have inaccurately reported the facts.

As always, stay tuned for more from Standing Rock Fact Checker.

CNN caught lying about the situation at Standing Rock FAKE reporting , from


Female Water Protectors BRUTALIZED By Oil Police

“TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton ( spoke with Angie Spencer, a female water protector and trauma councilor who was arrested near the Standing Rock Sioux camp on October 27th, 2016.

Pipeline Protestor Sophia Wilansky Was NOT Injured By A Concussion Grenade Posted at 12:42 pm on November 25, 2016 by Bob Owens
‘..There were actually several 1-pound propane canisters recovered from the site of the explosion by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). You’ll note that the more severely damaged of the two canisters, shown in two different angles in the second and third photos above, seem to have coagulated blood and tissue upon them.

If testing does confirm that the material on the propane cylinder is blood and tissue, then there is clearly enough to get a DNA match to the person who left that genetic material behind.

While the ATF was cataloging the apparent components of a faulty improvised explosive device (IED, a kind of bomb) that domestic terrorists/protestors attempted to deploy against police lines, agents with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) went to the hospital to acquire Sophia Wilansky’s clothes, and they confiscated it into evidence.

Standing Rock Protester Shot in Face With Tear Gas Canister May Go Blind Justin Glawe
11.29.16 8:10 PM ET
“…That’s when police opened fire, according to a lawsuit filed by Dundon on Monday in federal court. The protesters opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline were choked by tear gas and struck by rubber bullets and bean bags, the lawsuit states. In sub-freezing temperatures, police soaked protesters with a water cannon over and over again…”

-Freedom of Press?

Arrests of Journalists at Standing Rock Test the Boundaries of the First Amendment
Alleen Brown

November 27 2016, 7:00 a.m.
“..The arrests of journalists and filmmakers covering the front lines of the Dakota Access pipeline fight highlight the limits of press protections and the central role of police, prosecutor, and court discretion in deciding whether or not members of the press should face legal consequences when covering protests. The arrests and violent crowd suppression tactics also reflect the refusal of police to discriminate between peaceful protesters, aggressive agitators, and journalists…”

-History of Oil Spills

Health: Effects from Water Contaminated by Oil Spills

Legal Issues

Water Protectors file class action suit for retaliation and excessive force against brutal police
by Lauren C. Regan on November 28, 2016 in Articles,
BRAVE Environmental Lawyer Explains Standing Rock Legal Issues


Obama Finally Addresses Standing Rock – Suggests Rerouting The Pipeline , from
Standing Rock Chair: Obama Could Stop the Dakota Pipeline Today & Preserve Indigenous Sacred Sites

“Published on Nov 4, 2016 – President Obama says the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is considering rerouting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, amid months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and members of more than 200 other Native American nations and tribes from across the Americas. “My view is that there is a way for us to accommodate sacred lands of Native Americans,” Obama said. “And I think that right now the Army Corps is examining whether there are ways to reroute this pipeline in a way.” Meanwhile, on Wednesday, police deployed pepper spray and tear gas against dozens of Native American water protectors during a standoff at Cantapeta Creek, north of the main resistance camp. At least two people were shot with nonlethal projectiles. Video and photos show police firing the pepper spray and tear gas at the water protectors, who were peacefully standing in the creek. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had ordered police to arrest the Native Americans and destroy a bridge that members of the camp had constructed over the creek in order to protect a sacred burial ground they say is being destroyed by construction and law enforcement activity.

Trump sells his stake in Dakota Access Pipeline developer Jacob Pramuk,CNBC 11 hours ago (12.5.16)


Wes Clark Jr. at Standing Rock: General’s activist son heads to N.D., driven by “spiritual fire” and “ready to be killed” Alli Joseph
Monday, Dec 5, 2016 05:30 AM CST
Gen. Wesley Clark’s son and namesake on why protecting the environment is a human issue, not an Indian issue

“…When Phil Young called me to say that elderly women who were praying were being beaten, children were being bitten by dogs, people were being put into dog kennels, it brought back memories from my childhood where I was sitting in church and hearing the gospel, with Jesus saying, “What you do to my brothers, you do to me.” Suddenly it made sense. Now it’s like a spiritual fire has been lit inside me. So I’m going to do whatever is right for people defending their resources. I’m no Jesus: I’ve been a sinner. But I do believe in “do unto others.”

The most important things in life are kindness, compassion, honesty, caring for neighbors. Most important is forgiveness. I am going out there literally ready to be killed, and if that’s what happens, I don’t want any violence to come out of it. I want forgiveness.

We are raised in America to be spectators. The vast majority of children don’t play sports in school; they watch games. Life is about living not watching other people do it. It’s not enough to go to church and say you believe; you have to live it. I’m nothing special. Everyone is going to Standing Rock with the same idea. We will not stop until this country gets it right, until we live by our proposed ideals…”

-Violent Protestors?

Activist: What They Are Not Telling You About the Standing Rock Protest

“Published on Nov 3, 2016

Please Subscribe: American Intelligence Report broadcaster Kristan T. Harris interviews activist and journalist Derrick Broze from the Conscious Resistance about the simmering back story to a looming heritage war near the Standing Rock reservation. (Part 1)


Watch Derrick Broze’s video live from Standing Rock:…

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Donate towards the broadcast. AIR: Live 100% listener funded”


5 things every non-native needs to consider before visiting Standing Rock by Jen Deerinwater
September 27, 2016

-Weapons used against protestors

concussion grenade

Sonic Weapons being used on Protestors at Standing Rock- North Dakota Pipeline , from

Police deploy water hoses, tear gas against Standing Rock protesters
BY Joshua Barajas November 21, 2016 at 10:08 AM EST
“…Activists can be heard on several Facebook Live videos shouting “No DAPL!” (Dakota Access pipeline) as law enforcement appeared to use water cannons, tear gas and sound weapons against the people amassed on the bridge….”

Police threw grenade at DAPL protesters – father of activist who faces amputation Published time: 22 Nov, 2016 09:24 Published time: 22 Nov, 2016 09:24

Edited time: 28 Nov, 2016 23:06
“…Speaking outside the Hennepin County Medical Center on Tuesday, Wayne Wilansky confirmed his daughter was facing 20 or more surgeries in hope of saving her arm.

Wilansky said that witnesses clearly saw law enforcement officers throwing the concussion grenade.

“This is not Afghanistan, this is not Iraq… we don’t throw grenades at people,” he said, blaming the local and state authorities for Sophia’s injury.

“Even president Obama, who I love, said 3 weeks ago, ‘We’ll wait and see.’ What is there to wait and see? People will die if the situation isn’t stopped,” Wilansky said.


Rezpect Our Water,
“..We, the Standing Rock Youth, oppose the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Missouri and Cannon Ball River because it poses a serious threat to our water and our land.

This campaign echoes our belief that together, we can protect our water and our future.

Join our mission for clean safe water by signing our petition urging the Army Corps of Engineer NOT to sign off on a construction permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline. With YOUR help we can work to maintain and protect this sacred land.

Thousands of Facebook users check in to Standing Rock to confuse police monitoring pipeline protest Andrew Griffin
Monday 31 October 2016

It isn’t clear whether the call originated with people at the North Dakota protest or if it’s a hoax — but people are using it as a way of expressing solidarity all the same



Why I Stand With Standing Rock (As a Christian Pastor and Human Being)

“500 Clergy Come to Standing Rock by Indigenous Rising Media:…

Veterans Head To Standing Rock To Support ‘We The People’ by The Real News:…

Trespassing on Your Own Land at Standing Rock by Fusion:…

“Mni Wiconi” Short Film by Divided Films with support from the WK Kellogg Foundation:…

Clergy Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery by Chas Jewett:… and…

BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia by TYT Politics:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Obama’s “No Brainer” DAPL Choice by TYT Politics:…

Standing Rock Tribal Council meeting minutes with ETP/DAPL representatives that occurred September 30th 2014, by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe:…

Some of the places you can make donations to (all of these are legitimate, official sources):

Send EXTREME COLD weather gear to:
Kevin care of Lindsey Norton
PO BOX 1281 Cannon Ball ND 58528

Items desperately needed: wool blankets and socks, Visa gift cards, non-cotton thermal underwear, indoor propane heaters, sub zero sleeping bags, extreme weather overalls and gloves, extreme weather coats, feminine hygiene products, incontinence pads, horse supplies, jerky, nuts and dried fruit. NO LIGHTWEIGHT, COTTON ITEMS, PLEASE. Winter on the prairie is no joke!

Dear Pres. Obama: Will you Honor Your Commitment to Protect The People of Standing Rock?…

Some Alternative News Sources:
Unicorn Riot:….
Digital Smoke Signals:…
Oceti Sakowin:…
Sacred Stone Camp:…
TYT News Network:…
Indigenous Rising Media:…
Democracy Now!

You can contact me, Nicole at:”
Tucson pastor arrested at North Dakota pipeline protest
By Curt Prendergast Arizona Daily Star Nov 12, 2016

Christian Communities Support Standing Rock Sioux Protection of Land and Water from Dakota Access Pipeline
“…Join in prayer for Standing Rock. We have collected liturgical resources and prayers from the United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

A Day of Prayer at Standing Rock #WaterIsLife By PNW Conference – Nov 4, 2016
“…Today 544 clergy and people of faith gathered at the Oceti Sakowin Camp. We said prayers, and burned the Doctrine of Discovery with high ceremony. We then were smudged with lovely smoke and walked together to the bridge where militarized police block the road.

Rev. John Floberg had negotiated a truce for a few hours and that allowed us to gather there. We walked up singing Dona Nobis Pacem–after all, we are clergy. We formed an enormous circle, then gathered together again to hear the speakers.

Call to Standing Rock: Dec. 4th Interfaith Day of Prayer
Why Christians Should Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Marlena Graves 11/17/16
“..Standing Rock is more than a protest over water rights. It is an icon beckoning us to behold the litany of atrocities and injustices that have been committed against indigenous peoples. It’s a call to look, listen, and confess of the sins that have been committed against them. Standing Rock is a call to lament and repent. Only when we admit to wrongdoing can we then ask Native Americans how we might produce fruit in keeping with repentance…”

-Make a Difference

Christmas Dream Box
“…In 2012, over three-thousand Christmas gift and food basket donations were generously provided by faithful partners to children, adults, and elders of the Lakota nation on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. However, despite this overflowing demonstration of kindness and charity (the spirit of Christmas, itself), not everyone on Pine Ridge was able to celebrate the tradition of Christ’s birth. Let’s give Christmas Away this year…”


Standing Rock Legal Update 1 of 3 090617

“.Green Party of Santa Clara County CA
Published on Sep 9, 2017”

The Seventh Generation: Youth at the Heart of the Standing Rock Protests | ABC News

“Published on Feb 28, 2017

For months, the International Indigenous Youth Council has helped steer the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.


I decided to go to #StandingRock myself after a high volume of visitors to this blog, so I can build the credibility and share my notes from my personal experience…

My Personal Adventure Visit to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Reservation: Day #1 -Friday, December 2nd 2016

Good News Circle of Tribes

Maryland: Baltimore “Good” & “Bad” Reports of Freddie Gray’s Funeral Aftermath

Law Enforcement


Freddie Gray FULL RAW VIDEO: Black Man DIES as Baltimore Cops Break SPINE in BRUTAL Police Beating

Baltimore Man Spine Severed By Police #FreddieGray

New video shows arrest of Freddie Gray in Baltimore

Latest Police Neglect Victim: Freddie Gray Dies Of A Severed Spine [Graphic Video]

Police: We failed to get Freddie Gray timely medical care after arrest
By Ed Payne, Steve Almasy and Michael Pearson, CNN
Updated 8:31 PM ET, Fri April 24, 2015

IMPORTANT : It’s getting crazy out there in Baltimore…

Baltimore riot: seven officers hurt, one ‘unresponsive’

In a press conference Sunday, Rawlings-Blake said, “I … instructed (the police) to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. … We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that.”

“Space” to rob, loot and commit arson? Even after 35 people were arrested and six police officers injured during the protests? It was an extraordinarily inflammatory comment.

Meanwhile, Baltimore police report “credible information” that an alliance of gangs has formed to “take out” cops — possible fallout from the mayor’s remarks.

It has been claimed that this violence was all the handiwork of “outsiders.” “The Baltimore Police Department believes that outside agitators continue to be the instigators behind acts of violence and destruction,” Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts told the media.

Yes, some fanning the flames were outsiders. As several news organizations reported, one of them was Malik Shabazz, president of Black Lawyers for Justice and former head of the New Black Panther Party.

Angry mother beats son for participating in Baltimore riots


-Negative Image

*coverage goal?

-Positive Images


#Baltimore (VIDEO) Gang members speak out:

“We did not make truce to harm cops.”

#FreddieGray #BaltimoreRiots

MLK’s Niece: Baltimore Mayor’s Invitation ‘Unbelievable’
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


A Baltimore activist was snatched up by police, black-bag style, on live TV
Joseph Kent: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Published 1:32 am EDT, April 29, 2015 Updated 3:43 pm EDT, April 29, 2015 183 Comments By Paul Farrell 181.1k
Joseph Kent: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Baltimore protester Joseph Kent a ‘free man,’ attorney says
USA Today Network Lori Grisham, USA TODAY Network 10:46 a.m. EDT April 30, 2015




#FreddieGray was the 111th person killed by Maryland police between 2010 and 2014, according to a new ACLU report.


CBS This Morning
“To see my son come from across the street with a rock in his hands… I just lost it.”
Baltimore’s “#MomOfTheYear” Toya Graham describes the moment she saw her son in the riots:

Good News USA


Netural Perspective: Law Enforcement-Police “Protect and to Serve?”

Bio: I personally have had more positive experiences with local and statewide law enforcement overall as a “law-abiding” citizen. Unfortunately, this might not be the same for many of you out there. Please feel free to share your stories down below.


*I had a personal “good” experience this past winter (2014) when my car got stuck going to work (overnight shift) around 10:45pm. A policewoman was driving around town helped me get “unstuck”. I was very grateful of her driving around town late at night during this last snowstorm/blizzard in Morris
smile emoticon

Photo of Officer Giving Boots to Barefoot Man Warms Hearts Online
Published: November 28, 2012

Instead of giving out a ticket, Officer Ben Hall went beyond the call of duty for a young mother who couldn’t afford a car seat for her daughter.

Good Morning America
WATCH this amazing holiday spirit: while pretending to pull over drivers, a police officer asks people what they, along with family members, want for Christmas – minutes later, his helpers deliver the gifts. Bravo, Rob Bliss Creative and Lowell Police Department!


Actual Bank Robbery In Detroit — Absolutely Priceless !!!!


2nd Amendment: Right to bear Arms


Police officer buys bed, TV, Wii for teen
Posted: May 07, 2014 9:41 PM CST

“SWAT teams, military contractors and law enforcement from the world over are gathering this weekend in Oakland, CA for the annual event Urban Shield, a training and weapons expo made possible by the Department of Homeland Security and arms manufacturers.”



Illuminati Defector Details
Pervasive Conspiracy
Satanic Cult Plans ‘Fourth Reich’
By Henry Makow, Ph.D
The cult trained military leaders and people under their direction will use arms as well as crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. …Military bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are already here, but are covert). In the next few years, they will go above ground and be revealed. Each locality will have regional bases and leaders to which they are accountable. The hierarchy will closely reflect the current covert hierarchy.


NYC subway fight: Swedish cops on vacation break up homeless brawl on uptown 6 train


White Police Chief Loses It and Tells the Blunt TRUTH About Black Crime [VIDEO]
Monday, November 24th, 2014


Justified or NOT?

-North Carolina

Brentley Vinson: The Charlotte cop involved in deadly shooting
Michael Walsh,Michael Walsh Fri, Sep 23 10:13 AM PDT

“..One of Vinson’s friends, Michael Scurlock, told CNN that Vinson is “distraught” and “torn” over the incident.

“No matter if it’s justified or unjustified, it’s tough when you have to know that you had to take someone else’s life,” the friend said.

Scurlock said he had a brief phone conversation with Vinson and could tell that the situation was hard for him based on the emotional tone of his voice…”
Yielding to Pressure, Charlotte Releases Videos of Keith Scott Shooting
“…The dashboard video, the lawyers said, appeared to show that the front window on the driver’s side was rolled up. Mr. Bamberg said the video then showed Mr. Scott stepping out of the vehicle, his hands down, with his right hand empty and “some type of object” in his left hand. “It’s impossible to make out what it is,” he said, noting that Mr. Scott was right-handed.

“He doesn’t make any dramatic movements,” Mr. Bamberg said. He also said Mr. Scott seemed “confused.”

In the video, Mr. Scott took a couple of steps forward “in a nonaggressive manner,” Mr. Bamberg said, and then a step back. Gunshots followed…”

-Excessive force?

WATCH: Cop Slams 22-Year-Old Woman to the Ground Face-First During Scuffle
“A disturbing Instagram video shows a Colorado police officer slamming a woman face-first to the ground after a scuffle.

In the video, which was posted by Barstool Sports over the weekend, a woman in a black dress and high heels can be seen struggling with a Fort Collins police officer outside a bar.

After several seconds of grappling, he turns and throws her face down on the pavement with a judo-style trip.,,”


*I had a policeman asked me to give him $10/$20 after I asked him if he could borrow me his cell phone to call a relative to pick my mom and I up at the airport (Manilla Philippines) in November 2012.

Abuses Documented

-Civil Rights

Video shows cop punching woman on L.A. freeway


Why Did Police Beat an Elderly Man for Jaywalking?
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 15:12 By The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program | Op-Ed
“..But we need to go bigger than that. We need to make a commitment to funding the COPS program so that police work is seen not just as a way to catch the bad guys, but as a way to serve communities all across the country…”


Vacationing Family Pulled Over, Handcuffed At Gunpoint By Air Force Base Security
Vacationing Family Pulled Over, Handcuffed At Gunpoint By Air Force Base Security





Full un-edited video presented in Kelly Thomas Murder Trial


=> Louisiana

Alton Sterling Shot! (*Warning Graphic 18+)

New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police written by
Zack Kopplin
“.. homeless man reportedly called 911 after Sterling showed him his gun after the man asked him for money, an official told CNN. A Baton Rouge police dispatcher then told officers a man matching Sterling’s description “pulled a gun” on the 911 caller, according WAFB-TV.

Muflahi walked out the front door when he saw the officers talking to Sterling and said there was no “altercation,” as police claimed, until the cops tasered and tackled Sterling. That’s when Muflahi took out his phone and started recording.

The Daily Beast is publishing this video in its entirety—despite its graphic nature—because it shows what happened before, during, and after the killing of Sterling. A previous video only showed him being tackled and the first two gunshots…”
Here’s what liberals DON’T want you to know about Louisiana shooting victim
Written by Matt Palumbo on July 7, 2016
“…Police were called after Sterling had been threatening a homeless man with a firearm for asking him if he had any spare change. The homeless man had made the 911 call. After police arrived, Sterling had resisted arrest, and appeared to make a grab for his firearm at one point. This is still disputable, however. In the video footage of the shooting, you can hear the officer shout “He’s got a gun!” and “if you f—king move, I swear to God.” One of the officers then says something unintelligible, and two shots are fired.

So who is Alton Sterling? For starters, liberals should know he possessed an illegal firearm. As a felon with a lengthy rap sheet, Sterling is legally prohibited from possessing a firearm. Police records show Sterling had been a member of the Bloods gang, and had a list of offenses including battery, assault, drugs and weapons charges, and owed $25,000 in child support. He was also a registered pedophile, having impregnated a 14-year-old girl when he was 20. The media, by contrast, has portrayed him as a loving father of five.


Peter Rosenberg Loses It On Police Officer Over Alton Sterling Killing


Baltimore protests death of Freddie Gray – RT Special Coverage

“Published on Apr 22, 2015

Ben Swann reports from the scene of the Baltimore protests following Freddie Gray’s mysterious death in police custody. Swann interviews the Gray family lawyer and a local minister in an attempt to unravel the events going on in the city. Anya Parampil reports live from the protests and captures the mood of the demonstrators. Finally, Manuel Rapalo delivers the latest information on the timeline leading up to and after Gray’s death.”

Top 10 Cases of Police Brutality
Zabrina November 7, 2012

Rodney King tape on national news.flv

The L.A. Riots: 15 Years After Rodney King,28804,1614117_1614084_1614831,00.html #ixzz2rB4IrLqJ,28804,1614117_1614084,00.html

=> Minnesota

Thu Aug 28, 2014 at 10:38 AM PDT
St. Paul police violently arrest a black man for sitting on bench, waiting for his children (VIDEO)

4 Roseville police officers sued for excessive force
Jana Shortal, KARE 11:05 p.m. EDT April 16, 2014

My “Racist Tones”
“..There is a reason that the second feeling I felt when I heard about the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile was shame. First, I felt sadness. Then, I felt shame…”
EXCLUSIVE: Black man whose shooting death by police was streamed live by his girlfriend had been pulled over AT LEAST 31 times and hit with 63 traffic charges Published: 11:35 EST, 8 July 2016


BaseballMLB All-Star Adam Wainwright’s Secret to Success… taken way back in 2000 or so

Posted by Sal Monteagudo on Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie
U.S. News

*false accusation?



  • How Police Officers Are (or Aren’t) Trained in Mental Health
    Megan Pauly Oct 11, 2013
  • Requirements vary across the U.S., but experts say training is necessary and helpful.
    “…Without the appropriate amount of mental health training for police, experts say, rash stigmatization and misinterpretation of the intentions of the mentally ill can cause vital errors and ultimately make the difference between life and death….

    Dallas police shoot mentally ill man on his porch, footage reveals

    “Published on Mar 19, 2015

    Recently released body cam footage from June 2014 shows two Dallas police officers fatally shooting the mentally ill Jason Harrison seconds after arriving on scene. Shirley Harrison, Jason’s mother, walks past Officers Andrew Hutchins and John Rogers telling them her son is “biopolar, schizo,” when Jason exits the home with a screwdriver. Seconds after telling him to drop it, the officers open fire.”


    4 Unarmed Black Men Have Been Killed By Police in the Last Month
    From New York City and LA to Ohio and Ferguson, MO, they all died under disputed circumstances.
    —By Josh Harkinson
    | Wed Aug. 13, 2014 9:50 PM EDT


    => Nevada

    MUST SEE: How One Filmmaker May Have Prevented the Bundy Standoff From Becoming a Massacre

    By Top Right News on April 17, 2014 in Bundy Ranch, Liberty, Politics, Top Clips

    =>New Jersey


    =>New Mexico

    FBI investigating police shooting of camper
    This March 16, 2014 photo from an Albuquerque Police Department lapel camera still shows a standoff with an illegal camper in the Albuquerque foothills, before police fired six shots at the man.
    AP 1 hr ago (Sat. Mar 29th 2014)| By JERI CLAUSING of Associated Press

    =>New York


    Posted by Sal Monteagudo on Wednesday, September 10, 2014

    Behind the Video of Eric Garner’s Deadly Confrontation With New York Police
    Josh Sanburn @joshsanburn
    July 22, 2014


    After video surfaces, grand jury charges 2 Philadelphia policemen in beating

    => Utah

    Ferguson-like attack in Utah escapes media notice; race bias seen
    Discrepancy in attention given to Ferguson’s Michael Brown, Utah’s Dillon Taylor fuels resentment


    Madison Police Response to Shooting Contrasts with Ferguson

    Former police officer accused of assaulting 8 boys



    *Disclaimer: I don’t encourage fleeing

    -Physically/Mentally Challenged

    Caught On Cell Phone: LA Cop Punches Special Needs Girl In The Face On A Bus!






    -Hong Kong



    Mexico leader vows justice over 43 missing students
    By Leticia Pineda (Mon, Oct. 6th 2014)
    Ayotzinapa (Mexico) (AFP) – Mexico’s president vowed Monday to punish those responsible for the disappearance of 43 students who vanished in a night of violence blamed on crooked police tied to a drug gang.


    Any personal stories (good/bad) related to the stories above? What is your suggestion to solve this growing epidemic?

    Good News USA