Neutral Perspective: Athletes or Anyone Else “Should” or “Should NOT” be required to Stand during U.S.A. Anthem ?

Should NOT

African Americans


Colin Kaepernick explains why he won’t stand during National Anthem …

Published on Aug 29, 2016
Raw Video – 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick explains why he is refusing to stand during the National Anthem.

A timeline of Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest and the athletes who joined him By Mark Sandritter Updated Sep 25, 2017, 10:28am EDT
“…Initially, Kaepernick was alone in his protest. And unnoticed. His protest didn’t come to light and gain national attention until the third preseason game. Since then, he’s continued on with his protest while being joined by several other NFL players, other professional, college and high school athletes.

Here is a complete timeline of Kaepernick’s protest and the other athletes who has followed suit.
Aug. 14 and Aug. 20 — Kaepernick goes unnoticed while sitting during the anthem

Kaepernick made headlines when he sat during the 49ers third preseason game, but he also sat during the first two games, according to Mike Garafolo of NFL Network. Kaepernick wasn’t in uniform and didn’t play during the first two games…”

Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee By Eric Reid Sept. 25, 2017
“In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police. The posts on social media deeply disturbed me, but one in particular brought me to tears: the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La. This could have happened to any of my family members who still live in the area. I felt furious, hurt and hopeless. I wanted to do something, but didn’t know what or how to do it. All I knew for sure is that I wanted it to be as respectful as possible.

A few weeks later, during preseason, my teammate Colin Kaepernick chose to sit on the bench during the national anthem to protest police brutality. To be honest, I didn’t notice at the time, and neither did the news media. It wasn’t until after our third preseason game on Aug. 26, 2016, that his protest gained national attention, and the backlash against him began…”

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem Dan Ventura Sunday, September 24, 2017
“..Fueled by comments by President Donald J. Trump aimed at NFL players not standing for the national anthem, McCourty and at least 15 Patriots teammates took a knee during the anthem prior to playing the Texans Sunday. Many fans booed the players in response and called for them to “stand up.” ..”
Everything you need to know about NFL protests during the national anthem By Adam Stites Updated Oct 19, 2017, 11:37am EDT
“..”This stand wasn’t for me. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t.”

His decision to sit during the national anthem drew criticism, though. Many felt and still feel it was disrespectful to the United States, its flag, and its military.

“I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country,” Kaepernick said. “I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening.

“People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they fought have for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right.”..”

*see Neutral Perspective: North Dakota Law Enforcement with DAPL Security Firm vs #NODAPL “Water” Protectors
Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?
Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?
North Dakota: Why Were U.S. Veterans at Standing Rock?

Hansen Unplugged: Anthem protests not about disrespecting the flag

Published on Sep 25, 2017
“Our forefathers made freedom of speech the First Amendment. They listed 10, and not one of them says you have to stand during the national anthem.”

Randy Moss describes hate mail he received after wearing controversial tie at HOF induction Tom Schad, USA TODAY Published 12:15 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2018
“..In an interview with the website that published Thursday, Moss said more than 20 NBA and NFL athletes have reached out privately to thank or applaud him after he wore a tie that listed the names of a dozen black men and women who have been killed by police. But Moss also said he’s gotten “probably 150 to 200 messages” that amounted to hate mail.

“The black community praised me and thanked me for shedding light on African-Americans dying,” Moss told The Undefeated. “Then on the flip side, you’ve got sites where people are slamming me, saying, ‘Hey, (racial epithet), stay in your place.’

“All of this hate mail I’m getting for wearing a tie and talking about the truth. But I can handle it because I’ve been dealing with racism my whole life.”..”


My decision and my right’ — teen has sat out Pledge of Allegiance for years By Mayra Cuevas, CNN Updated 7:45 PM ET, Fri September 16, 2016
“… (CNN)Long before Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, sparking a national dialogue, there was Leilani Thomas.
Leilani, now 14, has sat out the Pledge of Allegiance since the second grade.
“Most of my teachers, they respected my decision and my right and belief. So they never said anything about it,” she told CNN during a phone interview Friday. “I think the pledge is a lie to me and it’s a lie to my people.”

Leilani and her family are part of the Elem Indian Colony — a Native American tribe in Northern California, where she attends Lower Lake High School as a freshman. …

Thomas was to join the North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline when Leilani told him about the situation with the pledge and her grades. He decided to stay and stand by his daughter instead.
But even 1,500 miles away from North Dakota, Leilani says she will find a way to make her voice heard in support of Standing Rock.
“As they say ‘justice for all’– we think that is a lie. What they did to my people not long ago? And not so long ago. They still do it today for example with Standing Rock in North Dakota. I want people to realize what has happened and is still happening to the native people to this day. I have my rights to do so,” she said. ..”


Champion U.S. fencer takes knee on medal podium during national anthem, calls for social change
Jack Baer
Yahoo Sports Contributor
Yahoo SportsAug 10, 2019, 7:03 PM
“..The U.S. men’s foil team emerged victorious at the Pan American Games in Peru on Friday, earning gold medals for fencers Race Imboden, Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin.

After the team received its gold medals, Imboden took a knee on the medal podium as the national anthem played.

Following the event, Imboden took to Twitter to explain why he took the knee. The main reasons: racism, gun control, mistreatment of immigrants and the rhetoric of President Donald Trump…

Who is Race Imboden?
The 26-year-old Imboden was born in Tampa, Florida, and hails from Brooklyn, New York. A long-time member of the U.S. fencing team, Imboden has tallied 12 gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals at the Pan American Games between team and individual events. He scored bronze with the American foil team at the 2016 Olympics.

Currently ranked second in the men’s foil in the world by the International Fencing Federation, Imboden was part of the first U.S. foil team to win a world championship this July. Imboden also moonlights as a professional model, working for the likes of Marc Jacobs, J. Crew and Rag and Bone according to USA Today…”

‘Teacher of the Year’ was nervous to kneel during anthem at college football championship: ‘My leg was shaking’ Elise Solé Yahoo LifestyleJanuary 17, 2020, 5:08 PM CST
“A “Teacher of the Year” who skipped last year’s White House awards ceremony to support marginalized communities, kneeled during the national anthem at a college football game with President Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

Kelly Holstine, 46, Minnesota’s 2018 Teacher of the Year and the director of educational equity at OutFront Minnesota, an LGBT+ civil rights group, attended the College Football Playoff National Championship on Monday in New Orleans. Before the Louisiana State University-Clemson University game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, the first couple took the field amid chants of “USA, USA” and “Four more years!”

The former English teacher from Shakopee, Minn., who was the first openly-gay teacher to receive the award, lined up for the national anthem with her colleagues, only 15 feet from the president and the first lady. As singer Lauren Daigle performed, Holstine took a knee.

“We were told that putting our hand over our hearts during the national anthem was optional, but that wasn’t enough for me,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Kneeling is a way to show respect for the military and our country, while also supporting oppressed and marginalized humans.”..”


An open letter from American military veterans in support of Colin Kaepernick By Rhiannon Walker @InstantRHIplay
“..“I wanted to put something out there in the world … to say that ‘There are veterans who not only agree with Colin Kaepernick’s right to do that, but also agree with the substance of the action,’ ” Smith said. “And are willing to stand up and say Black Lives Matter and this is an important issue that we need to address in our country…”
I’m a U.S. military veteran and sitting for the National Anthem is the most American thing ever By Revelist by Joshua M. Patton
“…The right we have to protest the government, refuse to participate in the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance, to go to political events and scream nonsense obscenities at our elected leaders is a miracle.

This list of complaints our ancestors made against the British government to the King got the entire Congress labeled as traitors and marked for the hangman’s noose. Like Kaepernick, they were a bunch of rich guys who were doing well in society-as-it-was, and they went out on a limb for those without power…and that limb snapped in two..”

Neutral Perspective

Debate: Colin Kaepernick

SM East Harbinger
Published on Sep 27, 2016
Students of Shawnee Mission East High School sat down on Thursday, September 22nd and discussed NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Specifically, his decision to kneel during the national anthem.


Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

Published on Nov 23, 2017
Why should every American stand for the National Anthem? Because the Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation. That alone is worth standing for. Joy Villa, singer, songwriter, and recording artist, explains.

Trump Criticizes NFL for Not Forcing Players to Stand for National Anthem By SCOTT RAFFERTY
President said football players are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during “The Star-Spangled Banner”
“..During Tuesday’s meeting with owners and players, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league didn’t ask for a commitment from players to stand for the national anthem. Instead, Goodell explained, “We spent today talking about the issues that players have been trying to bring attention to – issues to make our communities better.”

In response, Donald Trump criticized the NFL via Twitter for not forcing players to stand for the national anthem, writing they are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during the national anthem…”

Republican official who called black NFL players ‘baboons’ on Facebook resigns Tom Barnes,The Independent Mon, Sep 3 10:54 AM CDT
“..A Republican official in Pennsylvania has resigned after it emerged she called black NFL players protesting the national anthem “baboons” in a Facebook rant.

Carla Malony, who was secretary of the GOP’s Beaver County branch, apologised for the series of posts she made on the social network last year.

Although it is unclear exactly when the comments were made, they appeared to be in reaction to players kneeling in protest as the national anthem played before NFL games.

In one post, Ms Malony described American footballers taking part in the gesture to protest cases of police brutality in the US as “over paid ignorant blacks”, suggesting they should “go to Africa”.

When another Facebook user commented: “Go Steelers,” in reference to the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL franchise, the GOP activist launched into another racially-charged tirade.

“Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons. You respect your flag, country and our national atnthem (sic),” she wrote.

“Stop watching, or going to a game and paying for over priced food, water and tickets. Lets see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries.”

The Beaver County Republican Committee said in a statement that it had accepted Ms Maloney’s resignations from both of her roles in the party and denounced her comments.

“The views expressed in her posts are abhorrent and have no place in reasonable public discourse,” the committee said.

The NFL national anthem protests first began in 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to highlight police violence against minority groups and racial inequalities in America.

Since then, hundreds of players have refused to observe the anthem at American football games and in a variety of other US sports.

The protests have drawn the ire of president Donald Trump, who last year called on NFL franchise owners to fire players who refused to stand during the national anthem.

From the beginning of the 2018 NFL season, due to start on Thursday, players will be required by league rules to observe the anthem on the field or stay in the dressing room.

In her resignation statement, Ms Malony apologised for her remarks about the protests, which she said had been “in poor taste.”

“I apologise for my distasteful, inappropriate and insensitive social media posts,” she added.

“Those that know me know that I come from a diverse family that represents modern America.

“I know my posts and comments were disrespectful to not only the people that I love, but families across the country.

“I know I am a better person than this and, as I step away from these public positions, I will work to show everyone who I truly am.”..”

Report: GOP official resigns after calling kneeling NFL players ‘baboons’

Published on Sep 2, 2018
According to the Beaver County Times, Carla Maloney, a Republican county official in Pennsylvania, has resigned after it was revealed that she’d written Facebook posts referring to kneeling NFL players as “baboons.”

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Sports: Can “miracle” be used in the NFC Playoff Divisional Game the Minnesota Vikings “won” against the New Orleans Saints?

Can’t Miss Play: Diggs MIRACULOUS last-second TD Seals Vikings Win

Stefon Diggs Makes Miracle TD Catch on Last Play, Vikings Win! 🦄 | Can’t-Miss Play | NFL HLs


Stefon Diggs: You Dream About Plays Like This Your Whole Life | Vikings vs Saints


Minnesota Vikings Players Credit the Lord for ‘Miracle’ Playoff Victory: ‘That Was God’ By Samuel Smith , CP Reporter | Jan 15, 2018 1:04 PM
QB: Winning Important Playoff Game Not Bigger Moment Than When I Accepted Christ
“..Minnesota Vikings players are crediting the power of the Lord after they miraculously escaped Sunday’s NFL divisional playoff game against the New Orleans Saints with a victory that puts them one win away from reaching Super Bowl LII, which will be held in their own stadium…

“I ran the route, my QB gave me a great throw. God took care of the rest,” Diggs, a former standout at the University of Maryland, told ESPN after the game. “If you watch the play, a guy ran into another guy. I give all the glory to God. I give him the praise on this praise Sunday.”

“I still don’t know what just happened. I really don’t,” Diggs added when asked what he was thinking when he scored the game-winning touchdown. “I give it to God because without Him nothing is possible and I wouldn’t be here.”

Fellow Vikings wide receiver Adam Thielen, a Minnesota native, agreed after the game and remarked, “That was God.”

“That play right there was God,” Thielen said, according to Sports Illustrated.

The 29-year-old quarterback, Keenum, who had a breakout season in 2017 after struggling through early parts of his career and will now be quarterbacking in the NFC Championship game, also praised the Lord.

“God is so good,” Keenum told Fox in a televised interview after the game. “It’s probably the third best day of my life; the day I gave my life to Jesus Christ, the day I married my wife, and probably this one.”..”

Stefon Diggs Cries Emotional Post Game Interview | Vikings vs. Saints NFL

“7 Heaven” winning play call Minnesota Vikings WR Stefon Diggs from Keenum to beat saints

‘God Is so Good’: Meet the ‘Backup’ QB Who Led the Vikings to a Stunning Win and Still Puts Jesus First 01-15-2018 Benjamin Gill
“..”I give everything to God,” Stefon Diggs told Fox Sports. He thanked his coaches and teammates for giving him the opportunity, then pointed to God. “God did the rest, He put me here. And I’m just thankful.”

Give all glory to God….

— DIGGS (@stefondiggs) January 15, 2018

Another Vikings wide receiver, Adam Thielen, described the final play this way: “That was God. That play right there was God.”

“God is so good,” Keenum said after the game.

“It’s probably gonna go down as the third best moment of my life; behind giving my life to Jesus Christ, marrying my wife, and this one’s right there close,” Keenum continued.

Three best moments of Case Keenum’s life:
1) Giving his life to Jesus
2) Marrying his wife
3) Throwing walk-off touchdown against the New Orleans Saints
in the Playoffs

Case Keenum: I Just Threw It, Man … And He Caught It | Vikings vs Saints

Case Keenum’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know By Laura Amato
Updated Jan 14, 2018 at 10:06am Published Jan 14, 2018 at 10:00am
“…That, however, hasn’t stopped the Texas native, and, now, Keenum is primed for one of the biggest performances of his career, leading the Vikings in the postseason as the squad sets its sights on Super Bowl glory. Keenum wasn’t the planned starter in Minnesota this year, but he’s hit his stride under center with a team that’s rallied around his underdog mentality. And, through it all, Keenum has relied on the his family to keep him positive. Here’s everything you need to know about the QB’s support system:..

4. Keenum Credits Family & Faith for his Success…

It’s been a challenging road to postseason glory for Keenum – he was recruited by just one Division I program out of high school, set a handful of records at Houston, but was sidelined with an ACL injury and went undrafted out of college. Still, the quarterback never lost his faith or the support of his family. In fact, throughout his season with the Vikings, Keenum has been quick to point out how important both are to his success on the gridiron.

He told Pioneer Press:

That’s why I became a Christian — being around Christian athletes through FCA. I’m not playing for the name on the back of my jersey, I’m playing to glorify God. He’s given me talents, and I’m trying to maximize those talents however I can.

There have been plenty of detractors throughout his career, but Keenum’s family hasn’t shied away from voicing their support. His father, Steve, told Pioneer Press, “He’s a good man that loves his Lord and loves his wife, loves kids and he loves to play football. I wouldn’t play golf with him, and I wouldn’t hunt with him, because he’ll make you look bad.”

Vikings QB Keenum 3rd Best moment in life after giving his life to Jesus Christ & marrying his wife

Different Calls

Paul Allen’s Radio Call of the Minnesota Vikings’ Unbelievable Miracle …

Home Radio Broadcasters Freak Out on Stefon Diggs Walk-Off Minneapolis Miracle TD! | NFL Highlights


Absolutely Stunned Everson Griffen’s Winning Postgame Interview | Saints vs Vikings | Jan 14, 2018

Mike Zimmer: I Don’t Know What To Say | Vikings vs Saints


Media Coverage

NFL Playoffs 2018: Vikings exorcise playoff demons with Diggs’ miraculous TD catch by Reid Forgrave @ReidForgrave 22h ago • 8 min read
Vikings advance to NFC title game thanks to incredible walk-off 61-yard TD catch

Vikings defeat Saints in last-second comeback

Game Day Highlights: Watch Reggie Bush’s reaction to Vikings Diggs miracle play for TD Saints

Stephen A. Smith on Vikings’ winning touchdown: I’ve never seen anything like it | First Take | ESPN

Images Of Sean Payton Mocking Vikings Crowd Just Before Game-Winning TD Emerge By NFLMemes – January 15, 2018


Vikings Win The Game Vs Saints TITANIC MUSIC

Fans Reactions



Vikings vs Saints Post Game Pandemonium

Live Reaction at US Bank Stadium Stefon Diggs Walkoff Touchdown! Minneapolis Miracle!


SAINTS Fans React to Stefon Diggs NFC Divisional Winning Touchdown

Saints bar reaction to Vikings Playoff Game


Vikings and Saints Fans React To Stefon Diggs Game Winning Catch

Game Highlights

Saints vs. Vikings 2018 NFC Divisional Game Highlights “The …

Past Playoff “Curses”

-Cold Frozen FG Miss (2016)

Blair Walsh missed FG (radio home, away & national broadcast calls) (NFC Wild Card ’16)

Blair Walsh on Missed FG: ‘It’s My Fault’ | Seahawks vs. Vikings | NFL

-Head Bounty Gate “Saints” (2009)

New Orleans Saints put Brett Favre’s Pants on the Ground (featuring American Idol’s Larry Platt)

Vikings to face Saints in rematch of 2009 NFC championship game By Chris Tomasson | | Pioneer Press
PUBLISHED: January 7, 2018 at 6:52 pm | UPDATED: January 7, 2018 at 11:28 pm

Eight years later, the Vikings can get some revenge against the New Orleans Saints.

With the Saints defeating Carolina 31-26 in a wild-card game Sunday at home, they advanced to face the Vikings in a divisional playoff at 3:40 p.m. next Sunday at U.S. Bank Stadium. It will be the first playoff meeting between the teams since New Orleans defeated Minnesota 31-28 in overtime in the 2009 NFC championship game.

The Vikings are the No. 2 seed in the NFC while the Saints are No. 4. The teams met in the Sept. 11 season opener, with Minnesota winning 29-19 at U.S. Bank Stadium.

The Vikings have a 2-1 playoff series edge over New Orleans, winning a wild-card game in 1987 and a divisional game in 2000. But the Saints won the most important game between the teams on Jan. 24, 2010 at the Superdome and two weeks later beat Indianapolis 31-17 in Super Bowl XLIV.

Afterward, many on the Vikings alleged Saints players were trying to take quarterback Brett Favre out of the game. In 2011, the NFL initiated the “Bountygate” investigation.

In 2012, the league ruled there was a system in place in which Saints players were illegally paid bonuses for injuring opposing players. Penalties included coach Sean Payton and then-defensive coordinator Gregg Williams suspended for the entire 2012 season.

The only Vikings player remaining from the 2009 NFC championship game is defensive end Brian Robison. When asked last week about the possibility of rematch against the Saints, he said, “I’m not worried about that. This is 2017. That’s a long time ago.”

The Vikings went 13-3 during the regular season and won the NFC North while the Saints went 11-5 and won the NFC South. New Orleans didn’t look like a playoff-caliber team in the loss to open the season at Minnesota and started 0-2 before winning eight straight games.

Chris joined the Pioneer Press in 2013 to cover the Vikings. He was a longtime NBA writer with the Akron Beacon Journal, Rocky Mountain News and AOL FanHouse. Before coming to Minnesota, he covered the Miami Heat and Dolphins for Fox Sports. Chris has won six awards in the past three Pro Football Writers of America contests. Chris is a graduate of Northwestern University, where he spent his college years watching the losingest team in the history of Division I-A football.
Follow Chris Tomasson @christomasson

Bounty Bowl Greatest Hits – $10K For Knocking Favre Out Of The Game!

New Orleans Saints Bounty Program Biggest Hits

-Atlanta Falcons FG Winning Kick (1998)

1998 NFC Championship Game: Atlanta Falcons vs. Minnesota …

Gary Anderson’s Missed FG – 1998 NFCCG – YouTube

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Adam and Caitlin Thielen

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Kimberly & Case Keenum Brought Together by Faith, Football & a Snow Cone Lindsey Young Assistant Editor & Staff Writer Posted Jan 12, 2018
“..Because at the end of the day, Case and Kimberly know they’re in this adventure together – as husband and wife, study buddies, as best friends.

“A lot of people talk about the negative along the way, but I really feel like it’s been a great experience for us,” Kimberly says with a smile. “Everything we’ve been through, God has always been there in our lives.”..”

-Eagles “Fly”

Nick Foles nearly quit NFL, but prayer led him to Chiefs. Now he’s on cusp of Super Bowl By Pete Grathoff
January 19, 2018 10:26 AM
“..Foles, 28, talked more about that time of his life during a news conference in Philadelphia. Ultimately, prayer led Foles to reunite with Chiefs coach Andy Reid, who had drafted Foles in 2012 when he coached the Eagles.

The Chiefs signed Foles before the 2016 season and he appeared in three games, making one start. Foles completed 36-of-55 passes for 410 yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions.

“I talked a lot to my wife and I remember just saying a prayer,” Foles said this week. “I literally said a prayer and then … my heart said go back. At that moment, it was going to back to play for coach Reid, and when I did, you know, I am a better person because of that decision.

Is there an NFL conspiracy against the Eagles? Enrico Campitelli,NBC Sports Philadelphia 5 hours ago
“Somebody jumped the gun this week in a promotion for Super Bowl LII. Or did they?

This year’s Super Bowl will feature either the Patriots or Jaguars taking on either the Eagles or Vikings. Unless there is some conspiracy afoot!

You see, there is an image going around that the NFL posted a promo of Super Bowl LII featuring only the Patriots and Vikings along with some head-scratching text. Just another attempt to disrespect the Birds!

It included the following text:

Your team is headed to Super Bowl LII…and you could too! When you donate to United Way, you could score 2 club-level seats to watch the PATRIOTS vs. the VIKINGS battle it out for the coveted Super Bowl title! But…that’s not all! You could also WIN pre-game sideline access + other cool perks! Don’t pass up this touchdown experience – donate TODAY for your chance to WIN big


So are the conference championship games fixed?!? Unlikely. “

Vikings Fans Completely DISRESPECT The People of Philly!

Vikings fans put up with Eagles’ fans antics for ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ trip to Philadelphia By Jace Frederick | | Pioneer Press
PUBLISHED: January 21, 2018 at 6:50 pm | UPDATED: January 21, 2018 at 8:44 pm
“..At one point while tailgating Sunday afternoon, Mike decided to walk over to the Vikings’ tailgating section along with former Bethel football player and Eden Prairie native Ben Wahlquist and Ben’s younger brother, J.J. To get there, they had to cross paths with a sea of Eagles fans. They paid the price for doing so.

“I took two hot dogs and a beer can (to the body) and a football almost went by my ear,” Mike said. “The hot dog actually hurt, me getting hit in the back with a hot dog.”

Said Ben Wahlquist: “That was more verbal abuse in five minutes than I’ve taken in my entire life.”

Asked what the worst thing said to him was, Wahlquist said, “I probably shouldn’t repeat it. I went to Bethel.”

That was a common theme among Vikings fans who tailgated outside Lincoln Financial Field on Sunday…

There were some fun moments with Philadelphia fans, too. As White Bear Lake’s John Howalt was driving into the tailgate lot, an Eagles fan lined up like he was going to tackle Howalt’s rental car.

“He came up, lifted up the front end, and then he gently set it down,” Howalt said, “and gave us a high five on the way (by).”

Becky Uhlenkamp, from Victoria, Minn., said “most” Eagles fans were nice, but noted there were a few beers launched into the Vikings contingent. A few of those cans did more damage than others. Eric Streich, from Madison, Minn., said one can hit a kid, but that the fan who threw that can was indeed arrested…”

Things got BLOODY at Eagles/Vikings NFC Tailgate

Vikings fan starts GoFundMe for Vikings charity
‘..One Vikings fan is hoping to end the season on a more positive note, with some #MinnesotaNice. .”

Vikings Fan BEHIND ENEMY LINES at the NFC Championship Tailgate!

Eagles fans make ‘financial apology’ for behavior toward Vikings fans Andrew Kulp | The700Level,NBC Sports Philadelphia 4 hours ago (1.27.18)
“..In the words of Donovan McNabb, a handful of Eagles fans have even made a “financial apology” on behalf of the team’s supporters. ESPN’s Tim McManus reports a sizable uptick in donations to The Mike Zimmer Foundation – the Vikings’ head coach its namesake – with notes of contrition attached.

Almost $7,000 has been collected from Eagles fans since the game, per McManus, with more money flowing in.

Whether Vikings fans who complained about the hospitality are being crybabies or have a legitimate gripe is probably in the eye of the beholder…”

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“Give PEACE a chance!..”

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The Faces of a Walk-Off Miracle Win

Whitney Houston – When You Believe (From The Prince Of Egypt …

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Vikings “Miracle” Collage from NFC Divisional Playoff Game (1.14.18)

Sal: I actually did a “little” prayer during the Vikings’ 4th quarter when they were down. I prayed that God will be “glorified” if the Vikings win after reading a recent article (posted above) on Case Keenum prior to the game. I believe many others were praying too. Do you think “our” prayer were answered?

-Continue the “miracle” in various ways throughout the year..

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The spirit of giving is contagious.

And with so many people in need – it’s vital that the habit of giving back spread like crazy.

in 2014, Thomas Morstead and his wife Lauren started What You Give Will Grow as a way to help the New Orleans community and beyond – especially children battling cancer – and encourage the giving spirit…”
Morstead Foundation gives to Children’s Minnesota (1.16.18)’s%20Minnesota&site=89&playerid=6918249996585&dfpid=32805352&dfpposition=Video_prestream_external§ion=home
“..Saints punter Thomas Morstead, injured early on, was the epitome of sportsmanship at the end of the game. Lindsey Seavert shows us how his actions are helping others in Minnesota…”

Viking Fans Fun Stuff

What does ‘SKOL’ mean?
By Ted Glover@purplebuckeye Jun 27, 2010, 4:52pm CDT
Viking fans say ‘Skol Vikings!’ Ever wonder what ‘skol’ means? Now you will, if you read this story.
‘..Anyway, at the end of the battle, Viking warriors would decapitate the king or leader of the tribe/army they had just vanquished and that night would drink from his skull–spelled skoll–as a sign of respect for the fallen opponent. It was only then, Viking warriors believed, could an opponent who had fought valiantly be allowed into Valhalla.

In battle, Vikings would urge each other forward by yelling “SKOLL” to one another. By doing so, they were telling each other to keep it up so they could drink from the skull (and the top of a lopped off skull looks roughly like a..wait for it…BOWL!!) of the Vanquished that night…”

What Does ‘Skol’ Actually Mean?

Minnesota Vikings “Parody (Twins) Theme Song

“MN Vikings @BigCatStadium -Kai Forbath Personal Interview

What were you thoughts of this “memorable” game? Are there other words to describe this game besides “miracle”?

Good News Minnesota

Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?

Unfortunately, we hear, watch, or read more of the increasing “negativity” of our nation’s law enforcement. What can “we” do about it as a nation?

Have them do more training in “cultural sensitivity” topics, such as racism. More education on how to deal with the “developmental disability” community?

“Trigger Happy” Violent Cops:

Their motto is “to protect and to serve” us, right? Why don’t they use “rubber bullets” instead of the “real” ones that can kill “us” ?

Good Question: Why Don’t Police Just Try To Hurt Suspects?
November 24, 2015 10:43 PM By Heather Brown
“MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Over the past week, WCCO has devoted significant coverage to officer-involved shootings — from the death of Jamar Clark a week and half ago to a Columbia Heights man early Tuesday morning.

That had Sherri from Buffalo Lake and Fitz from Excelsior wanting to know: Why don’t police just try to hurt suspects? Good Question.

“They’re not really trained to shoot to kill, they’re trained to stop the threat, which often results in death,” says Dale Burns, a Hennepin Technical College teacher of police training programs for the state of Minnesota.

Burns says officers are trained to shoot at the chest, or center mass of a person’s body, because it is the biggest target and will stop someone if he or she gets hit.

“They could’ve shot him in his arm or leg, tased him, but kill him?” asked Jamie Castilla on Tuesday after her brother was killed by police. “That’s a shot to kill.”

Shooting at a hand or arm is very hard to do, says Burns. Research from the Force Science Institute shows hands and arms can be the fastest moving body parts. Shooting at a person’s legs can also leave their hands free.

“If I could see their hand perfectly and they were holding still and I had lots of time to aim, sure — but it doesn’t work that way. It’s very fluid. It happens extremely fast,” Burns said. “If you miss, you’re probably going to get killed, or shot yourself, or stabbed, or clubbed — whatever the case may be.”

Minnesota law allows officers to use deadly force to protect themselves or someone else from death or great bodily harm. Defense attorney Joe Tamburino says police are legally able to use more force than the average person.

“The reviewing party has to decide from the perspective of a reasonable police officer on the scene if there was a threat,” he says.

In 2012, lawmakers in New York proposed legislation that would require officers to shoot at limbs, but that bill was quickly tabled. Over the past three decades, the Supreme Court has ruled police can use deadly force if they believe there’s a threat of death or serious physical injury.

“They got tasers, other things around them, why are guns the first option?” asked Deondre Lowe of Minneapolis.

Burns says tasers don’t always work, especially in Minnesota where people wear lots of layers of clothes. He also points out a taser takes a relatively long time to reload if it doesn’t work the first time.

“They do use tasers quite a bit, but if you use a taser in a deadly force situation, you’re asking an officers to take on a lot of risk that they shouldn’t be expected to do,” he said.”

-Need more Humility and take blame/fault of “imperfect” system and find ways to improve

The Daily Show – The Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

*see Deep Thought: “Hands Up or Down to get ID?” from

Planting “Fake” Evidence?

Baltimore Police Officer Accidentally Records Himself Planting Drugs At Crime Scene
Latifah Muhammad,Vibe Thu, Jul 20 11:08 AM PDT
“An officer from the Baltimore Police department accidentally recorded himself planting evidence. On Wednesday (July 19), Baltimore’s Fox 45 published footage of the officer hiding drugs at a crime scene without realizing that his body-worn camera caught him in the act.

In the recording, which was captured in January, officer Richard Pinheiro and two other officers, can be seen in an ally on the side of a house. The body camera appears to capture Pinheiro hiding a bag of pills under a heap of trash, while the two other officers stand behind him.

The cops head back to the sidewalk, at which point Pinheiro turns on his body camera. But as VOX notes, body cams can record up to 30 seconds of footage before being manually activated.

“I’m going to check here,” Pinheiro is heard telling the other officers before heading to the back of the house where he pretends to rummage through the trash heap. After a few second, he uncovers the bag and alerts the other officers.

Ex-Baltimore Cop Michael Wood Exposes Police Culture Of Corruption & Abuse (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)


Officer Melendez sentenced

Judge GOES OFF on COP for being a RACIST SCUMBAG


This is how you can be arrested for DUI — even if you’re stone cold sober
Published on Dec 21, 2017
Watch the full investigation: “

-Sexual Harassment

Creepy video appears to show cop ‘GROPING young mum over car on motorway’ By Paul Harper / Published 7th March 2018
“…Her two kids, aged three and eight, were in the vehicle at the time on interstate 75 in Campbell County.

The furious mother claimed in her legal bid that the same officer stopped her three hours later near home and remarked: “We have to stop meeting like this.”

She alleged that after being ordered out of the truck, Lloyd put his hands inside her waistband and touched her bum and genital area…
The Tennessee Highway Patrol in the US have supported their officer, saying that he “conducted this traffic stop in a professional manner in an effort to protect the motoring public”.

But state prosecutor Jared Effler slammed the cop, saying his actions were “inconsistent with his training”.”

DISTURBING dash cam footage appears to show a police officer groping a young mum over her car during a traffic stop.

Cop Forces Woman to Lift Shirt and Expose Herself (Video)

Women Sue for Humiliating Vaginal Search From State Troopers (Video)


A Former Baltimore Cop Explains Why the Department Targets Black Men


Ex-BPD Cop Joe Crystal Blew The Whistle On Corrupt Police & Paid The Price (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)

“On October 27, 2011, Baltimore police officer Joe Crystal witnessed two fellow cops beating up a drug suspect after the suspect, fleeing from the officers, kicked in the door of a home belonging to another officer’s girlfriend. Faced with the difficult decision of whether to turn in his fellow officers, Crystal felt he had to do the right thing, and reported the officers’ actions to the State’s Attorney’s Office. As a result, Crystal was labeled a “snitch” and a “rat cop” by many of his fellow officers and subjected to threats and intimidation — including having a dead rat placed on his car’s windshield. Eventually, in 2014 he bowed to the pressure and resigned from the Baltimore PD.”

Any other suggestions, solutions, etc.. relating to the content above or any that wasn’t mentioned?

Good News USA