Deep Thought: Why is sexual abuse common?

Survivors of Sexual Trauma Reveal an Important Truth – YouTube

Various Places



Report details sexual abuse by more than 300 priests in … – YouTube

Pope Francis accepts resignation of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick over sex abuse allegations
“..McCarrick has said he had “absolutely no recollection” of the alleged abuse of the teenager 50 years ago but has not commented on the allegations of abuse of adult men and another minor that were brought forward later.

“Pope Francis accepted his resignation from the cardinalate and has ordered his suspension from the exercise of any public ministry, together with the obligation to remain in a house yet to be indicated to him, for a life of prayer and penance until the accusations made against him are examined in a regular canonical trial,” a statement said.

The scandal surrounding him has stunned the American Church because he was a widely respected leader for decades and was a confidant of popes and presidents.

Last month, American Church officials said allegations he sexually abused a teenager almost 50 years ago were credible.

Since then, several men have come forward to allege that McCarrick had forced them to sleep with him at a beach house in New Jersey when they were adult seminarians studying for the priesthood…”

What’s the State of the Church’s Child Abuse Crisis? February 25, 2014 /
by Sarah Childress Senior Digital Reporter, FRONTLINE Enterprise Journalism Group
“..The first report that church officials received about Father Shawn Ratigan, compiled by a Kansas City Catholic school principal in May 2010, was troubling.

Ratigan had taken hundreds of photographs of children, Julie Hess, the principal, wrote to church officials. He had tried to interact with kids on Facebook, and sometimes had physical contact with children in ways that appeared to other adults to be “boundary violations.”A pair of girl’s underwear was found in a planter in his backyard…”
‘Spotlight’ portrayal of sex abuse scandal is making the Catholic Church uncomfortable all over again By Michelle Boorstein November 9, 2015
“..“Sexual abuse of minors is a problem that affects many institutions in our society,” wrote Cesareo, head of the body charged with making sure the church enforces the rules it created after the scandal exploded. “In 2002, the Catholic Church recognized that it was not immune to this issue.”

Survivor advocates have bristled in the past when church leaders have declared the abuse crisis in Catholicism over, or have tried to remove focus from the institution itself. When Pope Francis this summer met in Philadelphia with survivors and included some people whose perpetrators were outside the church, many survivors who spoke out were angry at what they saw as a diluting of responsibility…”
Corey Haim Murdered Exposing Pedophiles in Hollywood , 14 September 2010
“..The Catholic Church has faced a raft of allegations of child sex abuse by priests and an inadequate response by bishops. Here is a round-up of some of those events:..”


Children Of God Cult Survivor Speaks Out About Life Since Her Escape | Megyn Kelly TODAY


Growing Up In The Satanic Illuminati: The Story of A Survivor

Polygamist Cult Founder’s Daughter, Rachel Jeffs, Gives Her First TV Interview | Megyn Kelly TODAY


Protestant Ministers Guilty of Rape, Molestation, & Sexual … – YouTube

Rachael Denhollander “The Lion & The Lamb – How the Gospel Informs Our Responses to Abuse” @ Valued


The Healing Years documentary: healing from child sexual abuse 7 min excerpts

“Published on Sep 18, 2010

more info at:

“An exhibition of abundant courage and great heart. Thank you.”
Maya Angelou

“A message of hope, healing and empowerment.”
William G. Steiner, Childhelp USA

“An excellent film…
Library Journal

“This powerhouse of a film.. banishes shame & celebrates women’s power.”
Laura Davis, co-author, Courage to Heal

Features Former Miss America, Marilyn Van Derbur and her courageous story of healing from the child sexual abuse by her father, Janice Mirikitani, President of Glide Memorial Church, her inspiring story of healing and launching much needed support groups for women survivors of sexual abuse, also substance abusers, and Barbara Hamilton, who ended generations of child sexual abuse in her family by healing in her later years. Distributed by Tubemogul.”

Joyce Meyer Opens Up About Being Raped by Her Father Over 200 Times-“I Never Felt Safe” Posted on April 27, 2016 Kelsey StraeterKelsey Straeter
“…Even as Joyce started to open up about her dark past, she always referred to it as “sexual abuse”—but in a recent interview posted on her website this week, she admits that term is truly not enough anymore. It was rape.

“Literally, what he did was rape me, every week, at least once a week, until the time I was 18. My father, who I was supposed to be able to trust, who was supposed to keep me safe, raped me a minimum of 200 times,” she said.

“He didn’t force me physically, but through lies, and manipulation, and fears, and threats, I was still forced,” she added. “My father did rape me, numerous times, at least 200 times.”..

The main reason she is being so transparent in her testimony now is because she’s grateful that God’s grace and freedom have released her from the “pretending game” she had to play for so much of her life.

Though the pain and suffering ran deep for many years, Joyce has now been able to find healing through the love of God, who has shown her what a true father’s heart looks like. She even fell in love with her adoring husband, Dave, who reaffirmed that a man’s hands can be gentle, respectful and kind.

“How can that have happened to me, and me be standing here today, if God is not alive and well?” she said. “I want people to know how good God is, and that your struggle is worth it, your journey is worth it. Don’t give up.”

Joyce now loves her life as a mother, grandmother and worldwide Christian speaker, and she hopes that in sharing her story, others may find healing….”

Joyce Meyer Overcomes Abuse

“Published on Sep 5, 2016

Joyce was abused by her father during her childhood and teenage years – here’s her story of healing and forgiveness.

Filmed and produced by Joyce Meyer Ministries. Edited with permission by Lens Stories for RealDeal Trust. All Rights Reserved.”



~South Africa

The Lost Boys Of Bird Island By Mark Minnie & Chris SteynJESSICA CARDINY16 AUGUST, 2018
“..Published in August 5 2018, the book recounts personal sexual assaults experiences as well as the revelation of a pedophilia network which took place in the 80s in South Africa…

In the book, the authors denounce that, boys would be kidnapped from the street and take to Bird Island, near Port Elizabeth via helicopter. There they were raped.

Accord to Steyn, both Mark Minnie former police officer and Chris Steyn investigative journalists received several death threats after the publication of the book.

The book also refers to the alleged acts of murders of key witnesses to cover up the crimes and the corruption and abuse of state resources by several members of the network…”

Renewed interest in Bird Island

SABC Digital News
Published on Aug 21, 2018
Following the publication of the controversial book “The Lost Boys of Bird Island”.. there’s renewed interest in the island, 58 kilometers north-east of Port Elizabeth. The SABC has unearthed a permit that was issued by the Monument Council in the 1980’s, granting PE businessman Dave Allan permission for a diving expedition to the Dodington, which sank near Bird Island. Allen is one of the men identified in the book written by journalist Chris Steyn and Mark Minnie. It implicates among others former National Party ministers Magnus Malan and John Wiley, and Allen in an alleged government pedophile ring in the 80’s. For more on the story, we are joined on the line by our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse.


Jeffrey Epstein, a Billionaire Friend of Presidents Trump … – YouTube
“..Billionaire hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein, who has been accused of sexually assaulting underage girls for more than a decade, will appear in federal court today in Manhattan on sex trafficking charges. He was arrested on Saturday for allegedly running a sex trafficking operation by luring underage girls as young as 14 years old to his mansion in Manhattan. Epstein was previously accused of molesting and trafficking dozens of underage girls in Florida, but he ended up serving just 13 months in county jail after the U.S. prosecutor in Florida, Alexander Acosta, cut what’s been described as “one of the most lenient deals for a serial child sex offender in history.” The plea deal allowed Epstein to avoid a federal trial and possible life in prison, and effectively ended an FBI probe into the case. Acosta is now Donald Trump’s labor secretary. Epstein has counted Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton among his friends. We speak with Vicky Ward, an investigative journalist who profiled Jeffrey Epstein for Vanity Fair in 2003 in a piece headlined “The Talented Mr. Epstein.” The magazine’s editor at the time, Graydon Carter, cut out the testimonies of two young women Epstein allegedly molested who had spoken to Ward on the record. Ward later wrote about the incident for The Daily Beast in an article headlined “I Tried to Warn You About Sleazy Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in 2003.”

Trump retweets conspiracy theory about Bill Clinton after Jeffrey Epstein’s death by suicide PUBLISHED SAT, AUG 10 2019 7:49 PM EDTUPDATED MON, AUG 12 2019 12:06 PM EDT Spencer Kimball

“..President Donald Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory that, with no evidence, tries to connect former president Bill Clinton to the death of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein…

Earlier in the day, a senior official with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Lynne Patton, suggested in an Instagram post that Hillary Clinton was responsible for Epstein’s death…

NBC archive footage from 1992 shows Trump and Epstein partying together. In 2002, Trump told New York magazine that Epstein was a “terrific guy” and “is a lot of fun to be with.”…”

Documentary: Who is Jeffrey Epstein, accused of sexually … – YouTube

Andrew Breitbart tweet before death adds fuel to online speculation of D.C. sex-trafficking ring By Douglas Ernst – The Washington Times – Monday, November 28, 2016
Newspapers, pundits blast charges from ‘dark crevices of the Web’
“…Andrew Breitbart is making news even in death.

Social media speculation of a sex-trafficking ring in the nation’s capital has burned up social media sites for weeks. Complicating matters is Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s decision not to comment on anything WikiLeaks-related for months.

Explosive claims by Internet sleuths, which were prompted after reading stolen documents belonging to Mr. Podesta, have been derided as “viciously phony” by Fox News’ Howard Kurtz. A tweet by Mr. Breitbart shortly before his March 1, 2012, death is now being cited by online researchers as proof that they are onto something big…”

If Breitbart was murdered; this is how it happened.

173,742 views•Mar 3, 2012
5.32K subscribers
This clip from the documentary SECRETS OF THE CIA with retired CIA employee Mary Embree shows that the CIA developed a poison dart gun. This gun was designed to murder people in an undetectable manner.


Corey Haim’s A-list rapist may finally be named — what took so long? 1 day ago (9.20.16) by Caroline Goddard

“..Feldman has been discussing the sick environment of Hollywood child sexual abuse for years, even detailing the abuse both he and Haim suffered in his memoir, Coreyography. Most recently, last spring he told The Hollywood Reporter about parties for preteen actors where predators groom their next victims, and said that he and Haim had attended many. And he’s not the only one speaking out.

Elijah Wood said he was protected from such predators because his mother would not allow him to attend the parties, and although he later denied firsthand knowledge of rampant sex abuse in the industry, he gave some very telling quotes to the Sunday Times.

“Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized. There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind,” he said.

“There is darkness in the underbelly. If you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”

More: Corey Feldman details Hollywood sex abuse conspiracy

Even Alison Arngrim, who played Nellie Oleson on Little House on the Prairie, said the abuse was an open secret in Hollywood…”
Actor Corey Feldman Exposes Pedophile Hollywood Elite , from
Corey Haim Murdered Exposing Pedophiles in Hollywood , from
Corey Feldman’s 1993 report of sexual assault found in Santa Barbara sheriff’s office Maria Puente, USA TODAY Published 5:58 p.m. ET Dec. 6, 2017 | Updated 11:25 a.m. ET Dec. 7, 2017

Corey Feldman’s 1993 report of sexual assault found in Santa Barbara sheriff’s office

*see freedom_faction
“..The #SantaBarbara, CA Sheriff’s Office has located tapes of former child actor #CoreyFeldman testifying in 1993 about the identities of multiple child sex predators in the entertainment industry. reported Wednesday morning that after denying that the tapes existed, the sheriff’s department has now located the audio files, which were recorded during the trial of #MichaelJackson on charges of #childmolestation.

Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office public information officer Kelly Hoover emailed a statement to Fox News that said, “Following the recent inquiries into the Sheriff’s Office interview of Mr. Feldman in 1993, the Santa ..”

*see Movie Reflection: “Goonies”

Corey Feldman talks sexual abuse, Joaquin Phoenix, and the never before story of Michael Jackson

Thoughts On Cory Feldman’s Accusations

21,532 views•Mar 12, 2020
Kerry The Nosy Hausfrau
10.2K subscribers
*correction I did the math, Corey Haim died a bit over 3 years after we saw him. He passed March 10, 2010.

This is difficult to say in a video without crying so forgive me for posting this here: I know he doesn’t need my pity but my heart breaks when I see Corey Feldman because I know he has been through hell and the adults around him failed him. I have zero doubt he is a victim.

I want to say, although I don’t share the exact perspective that Corey does with regards to how large a “ring” exists, I am fully on his side in his struggle to make his truth known.
Every time people don’t believe Corey was abused, he gets abused all over again.

Any revenue that comes in through this video will be donated to Corey’s fund raiser.…
Receipts of any donation or demonetization (very probable) will be shown in a later video.

Corey Feldman Names One of His Alleged Sexual Abusers
“…The show later released a video saying its attorneys believe Grissom was imprisoned in 2003 for child molestation and is a “fugitive from justice” because he never registered as a sex offender.


Last week on “Megyn Kelly Today,” Feldman named former talent manager and convicted sex offender Marty Weiss, who he had also referred to in his memoir, as another abuser. He then teased a different name, saying, “The second one ran a child’s club in Hollywood … he’s working for the L.A. Dodgers.”..”

Former Child Star Corey Feldman Talks About His Hollywood Pedophilia Claims | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Hollywood’s greatest betrayal: How sexual predators operate in plain sight

The Hollywood Sex Abuse Documentary That You Almost Couldn’t See Adam B. Vary
BuzzFeed News Reporter

The documentary creates a stark and sobering portrait of a loose network of Hollywood professionals — some outsize personalities like Collins-Rector, others Hollywood insiders with far smaller profiles — who use their positions of power and influence to sexually abuse and exploit underage (in the film’s case, male) actors whose nascent careers they’re supposed to be supporting. The movie, directed by the Oscar-nominated filmmaker Amy Berg (Deliver Us From Evil), premiered to some fanfare last November at the DOC NYC festival. But despite Berg’s pedigree and its startling, headline-grabbing subject matter, no top-tier distributors picked up the film for release…”

An Open Secret
Watch An Open Secret in News | View More Free Videos Online at

An Open Secret- Available to screen near you today!

“..Published on May 6, 2015

Arrange a screening of AN OPEN SECRET today! CLICK HERE:

AN OPEN SECRET is now available via Theatrical On Demand with @GathrFilms in the US.

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Be Courageous. Report It. Life Gets Better…”
Pedophiles in Hollywood Conspiracy + Charlie Sheen + UK Stars + MUCH MORE , from
“..Published on Dec 29, 2014

This video is sponsored by Preppers Shop UK – – Prepare, Defend, Survive.

Thanks to TheBlackChild YouTube channel –…

Share this documentary…”

Elijah Wood Clarifies Comments on Hollywood Pedophilia By DANIEL VICTORMAY 24, 2016
“…The actor Elijah Wood clarified his remarks on Monday after suggesting in an interview with a London newspaper that sexual abuse of child stars was more widespread in Hollywood than had been reported.

After the interview with The Sunday Times drew international headlines and questions, Mr. Wood put out a statement emphasizing that his comments weren’t based on personal experience.

“Let me be clear: This subject of child abuse is an important one that should be discussed and properly investigated,” Mr. Wood said. “But as I made absolutely clear to the writer, I have no firsthand experience or observation of the topic, so I cannot speak with any authority beyond articles I have read and films I have seen.”..”

*see Now You Know: “Human trafficking”-facts, causes, prevention, solution, action plan, etc…,

A notorious mansion. An alleged assault by a Hollywood producer. A suicide. What happened to Brian Claflin?
By Gus Garcia-Roberts May 11, 2018 | 5:00 AM
“..Goddard, a director, producer and theme park designer, has faced similar allegations. Last December, eight former members of a Santa Barbara youth theater group in the 1970s alleged that Goddard molested or attempted to molest them. A ninth was said to have told others before he died that Goddard sexually assaulted him as a child. Goddard denied their allegations…

Claflin’s chance to exit Utah came when he met a man from Santa Monica at a gay nightclub before his senior year. In the letter to a lawyer, Claflin wrote that the stranger told him he “was the most beautiful boy he’d ever met” and that he knew “some very rich and powerful people that wanted to meet me and could possibly get me a job.”

The mansion would become notorious as a site for sexual exploitation of underage boys. It was home to the three co-founders of Digital Entertainment Network (DEN), an early internet content streaming experiment with investment from wealthy Hollywood figures including Goddard, stock filings show.

In his statement, Claflin said Goddard and a friend of the filmmaker persuaded him to inhale nitrous oxide one night, which was the first time he had used drugs. He immediately felt dizzy and passed out, he wrote, and awoke to being further drugged while Goddard sexually assaulted him. “I was in a delirious state and remember saying NO, NO, NO, several times but they persisted,” he wrote. “I just sort of shut down and went somewhere else in my head. After a while I remember praying aloud to God to just make it/them stop.”.

A Florida-based attorney, Jeff Herman, had filed lawsuits against Goddard and “X-Men” director Bryan Singer, both former DEN investors, accusing them of sexually abusing boys in connection with that company, and at a London hotel room in 2006. Singer and Goddard denied the allegations…

He told friends about powerful men in Hollywood who wanted him dead because he knew too much. A week or so before his death, his parents Skyped with him as he barricaded himself in his bathroom, afraid of men he said were stalking him from his roof. On June 2, 2014, Claflin texted his father to “have a handgun nearby.”

In one of the suits against him by the two executives, Herman was deposed, and discussed Brian Claflin under oath. He said that Claflin was one of many people he heard from “around the world who said that they were abused by people in Hollywood.

He described Claflin as a witness with important information, having been an errand boy at the DEN mansion in Encino. Claflin was fearful that “somebody was going to try to kill him” because he knew too much about a “gay Mafia in Hollywood,” Herman said.

Brian Claflin’s parents said that they decided to take their son’s allegations public in support of several new accusers — including “ER” star Anthony Edwards — who alleged that Goddard molested them four decades ago.


-Mission Field

Paul Young – Pt 1 – Sexually Abused Missionary Kid

“Published on Apr 8, 2011

Paul tells his story of being sexually abused on the mission field from the age of 4 by the tribes his parents were trying to reach, and then by other kids at missionary boarding school. He discusses the consequent sexual addiction, porn use, and adultery that ensued.”
*shack movie

*see Deep Thought: Does “curiosity” really “kill the cat”?

Lawrence E. King Jr: Overachiever By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – February 8, 2015

The satanic abused children of San Francisco Presidio between the ages of 3 to 7 years old identified Lt. Col. Michael Aquino as “Mickey”.[67] Temple of Set, led by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, U.S. Army, had been founded in Vietnam. In Vietnam, Lt. Aquino was military intelligence along with 15 year Army security (intelligence) specialist, Billy Stegall.[68]..Z”

“The children had led their mother to the place they had described where their father had taken them for encounters with naked adults and children (they denied ever being molested, but their drawings were full of decapitation and bloodshed). The children spoke of group encounters in other locations as well, involving both a defendant in the McMartin case and a suspect from a second preschool then under investigation.” Summit, R.C. (1994). “The Dark Tunnels of McMartin” Journal of Psychohistory[69]…
*see Now You Know: “Human trafficking”-facts, causes, prevention, solution, action plan, etc…



Private school teachers sexual abuse on Students – YouTube

Catholic school teacher accused of sexually abusing teen student …


PD: Newport gym teacher sexually abused student – YouTube

Teacher sexually abuses a student – YouTube

Teacher Confesses To Sexually Abusing Students – YouTube

Two English Teachers Caught Having Sex With 16 Year Old Male Student

Student on student sexual assault is more common than we … – YouTube


Sexual Abuse: I Am A Survivor

“Published on Feb 16, 2012

The aftermath of sexual abuse can be devastating. For Hannah, it manifested itself through alcoholism, eating disorders and even cutting herself… all before she turned 18. This is her story.”

Women Tell Us Why They Didn’t Report Their Sexual Assault – YouTub


What Does the Bible Say About Guilt And Shame? –


*see Fitness: Sport-Gymnastics Training Tips

Jacob and Rachael Denhollander “Walking Through Abuse with a Loved One” @ Valued Conference 2019


Sexual Abuse and how it happens

The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse – YouTube

What happens to a child after he/she suffers sexual abuse? – YouTube

False Reports

Ex’s lawyer: Video shows woman beating herself up Posted: Aug 25 2016 05:47PM EDT
“..”The explanation for the black eye is now very different,” Foster said, referring to a black eye Hunt claimed was given to her by an abusive Mitchell.

Hunt described some of the alleged abuse to FOX 13 in June:

“There were so many times when I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t do it anymore and I think about how much he would have wanted this,” explained a tearful Mary Hunt.

The bad blood between them began after their nasty breakup. Mitchell accused Hunt of stealing millions of dollars worth of diamonds, jewels and gold from his home safe. Mary said he set her up.

But Foster says the bumps and bruises were self-inflicted.

“There is no evidence that he ever beat her,” said Foster. “This video now demonstrates that she is striking herself in the same area of the face and head that they allege Scott struck her.”..”



NSPCC: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse – YouTube

My Story of Surviving Sexual Abuse & How To Prevent this Silent Killer | Jenna Quinn | TEDxUTD

TEDx Talks
Published on May 16, 2017

Jenna Quinn is a sexual abuse survivor and the driving force behind “Jenna’s Law” that requires school districts, daycare centers, foster care centers, and child placing agencies to educate children and adults on how to recognize, prevent, and report abuse and sex trafficking.

Jenna Quinn is a child sexual abuse survivor, author, and the force behind Jenna’s Law. Jenna’s Law was the first child sexual abuse prevention education law in the United States named after a survivor to require that each school district adopt and implement a prevention policy that educates students, teachers, and parents on the likely warning signs of sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and how to report. Now, over half the country has passed some form of legislation since Jenna’s Law in 2009. With a master’s degree in communication studies, she is a sought-after speaker who has traveled nationwide, educating and sharing her inspiring story with legislatures, law-enforcement, abuse-prevention groups, schools, communities of faith, nonprofit organizations, and the general public for over twelve years. She has participated in both local and national radio, television, and news programs, and she has dedicated her life to preventing child sexual abuse through education and legislation.

For more information visit

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Why Do People Sexually Use or Abuse Children?
A very important question, asked by many people.
And a question – a search or quest, even – that some will struggle with for years.
Fearing they somehow brought it on themselves, and hoping that understanding the other person will prove it wasn’t their fault.
Still loving the person who used or abused them, and hoping that understanding why they did it will bring healing to their relationship.
Hoping that understanding why the person who used or abused them will help them to prevent other children (perhaps their own), from ever being sexually abused.
Feeling that life is unfair, unjust, random and/or meaningless, and hoping that understanding how someone could sexually abuse a child will bring some order and meaning to life.
Focusing on the other person, including why they did it, can be a way of avoiding one’s own responsibility, as an adult, for dealing with harmful effects in one’s own life, including self-destructive and harmful behaviors. (We mention this possible reason with no criticism of those to whom it applies. It’s not uncommon, and totally understandable, among those still struggling with major negative effects.)

Importantly, people may not be fully aware of some reasons why they’re asking why the other person (or people) did this to them. They may not recognize some hopes they have for the benefits that such understanding could bring. That’s totally normal. Over time the full significance of this question in your life may become clearer – or completely change as other aspects of your life change…”
Why would an adult sexually abuse a child?
“..Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults. Sometimes, adults who have intimate sexual relationships with other adults may sexually abuse children in moments of unusual stress, such as after the loss a job or during a divorce. Some adults are primarily sexually attracted to children, and some never act on those feelings. Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child. Other people, particularly youth with high social status or with social or emotional delays, may not even fully understand the harmful impact of their actions…”
An Ongoing Sex Drive Directed Toward Children

What Causes Someone To Molest?
A few sexual abusers will sexually touch a child because they are profoundly intellectually disabled, or they have developed a brain disorder, or they are psychotic. Close supervision and, when appropriate, medications to control the disorder often stop child molesters in this group.

George does not fit here.

Some abusers will sexually touch a child because they have an antisocial personality disorder. Think “anti-society.” People with this disorder may be social, even glib. So why do we call them “antisocial?” Because they believe that the rules of society do not apply to them. They break many of society’s rules. Essentially, antisocials lack feelings for others. In the mind of an antisocial, all of the rest of us, including children, exist to be used. The child molesters in this group appear most often in horrific accounts you see on television and in the newspaper.

-Responding with Action

Protecting Kids from Sexual Abuse

CBS News
Published on Apr 12, 2010

As the sex abuse scandal thickens within the Catholic Church, some churches are taking action of their own to protect children. Elaine Quijano has the story.


Healing From Sexual Abuse Can Start With One Word | Rena Romano | TEDxOcala

TEDx Talks
Published on Dec 8, 2017

After Rena Romano gained the courage to speak out about her experience of childhood sexual abuse, she discovered that few victims have the same supportive experience. This compelling talk reveals a new approach allowing each of us to aid sexual abuse survivors to lead healthy, happy, productive lives. “How you and I react and speak to sexual abuse survivors can make a difference in whether we shut down or get help,” Romano says. “If healing begins by telling, then we must make telling safe!” Discover how in this talk by a woman who learned by living it.
Author and Mindset Coach, Rena Romano is a Survivor and Advocate for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. She was a successful sales rep for 20 years in the male dominated Construction Industry. During her career, Rena discovered her successes strengthened as she had a perspective shift of her painful past. Her acknowledgement and celebration of her survival allowed her to achieve and maintain a positive mindset. A featured guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, she shared her story to the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Secret to Being Healed from Sexual Abuse

“Published on Nov 22, 2015

Have you or someone you love been sexually abused? Healing is on the way! #MotivationalMonday #RealPeople #RealStories

Follow Joyce here:…”

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Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?

Unfortunately, we hear, watch, or read more of the increasing “negativity” of our nation’s law enforcement. What can “we” do about it as a nation?

Have them do more training in “cultural sensitivity” topics, such as racism. More education on how to deal with the “developmental disability” community?

“Trigger Happy” Violent Cops:

Their motto is “to protect and to serve” us, right? Why don’t they use “rubber bullets” instead of the “real” ones that can kill “us” ?

Good Question: Why Don’t Police Just Try To Hurt Suspects?
November 24, 2015 10:43 PM By Heather Brown
“MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Over the past week, WCCO has devoted significant coverage to officer-involved shootings — from the death of Jamar Clark a week and half ago to a Columbia Heights man early Tuesday morning.

That had Sherri from Buffalo Lake and Fitz from Excelsior wanting to know: Why don’t police just try to hurt suspects? Good Question.

“They’re not really trained to shoot to kill, they’re trained to stop the threat, which often results in death,” says Dale Burns, a Hennepin Technical College teacher of police training programs for the state of Minnesota.

Burns says officers are trained to shoot at the chest, or center mass of a person’s body, because it is the biggest target and will stop someone if he or she gets hit.

“They could’ve shot him in his arm or leg, tased him, but kill him?” asked Jamie Castilla on Tuesday after her brother was killed by police. “That’s a shot to kill.”

Shooting at a hand or arm is very hard to do, says Burns. Research from the Force Science Institute shows hands and arms can be the fastest moving body parts. Shooting at a person’s legs can also leave their hands free.

“If I could see their hand perfectly and they were holding still and I had lots of time to aim, sure — but it doesn’t work that way. It’s very fluid. It happens extremely fast,” Burns said. “If you miss, you’re probably going to get killed, or shot yourself, or stabbed, or clubbed — whatever the case may be.”

Minnesota law allows officers to use deadly force to protect themselves or someone else from death or great bodily harm. Defense attorney Joe Tamburino says police are legally able to use more force than the average person.

“The reviewing party has to decide from the perspective of a reasonable police officer on the scene if there was a threat,” he says.

In 2012, lawmakers in New York proposed legislation that would require officers to shoot at limbs, but that bill was quickly tabled. Over the past three decades, the Supreme Court has ruled police can use deadly force if they believe there’s a threat of death or serious physical injury.

“They got tasers, other things around them, why are guns the first option?” asked Deondre Lowe of Minneapolis.

Burns says tasers don’t always work, especially in Minnesota where people wear lots of layers of clothes. He also points out a taser takes a relatively long time to reload if it doesn’t work the first time.

“They do use tasers quite a bit, but if you use a taser in a deadly force situation, you’re asking an officers to take on a lot of risk that they shouldn’t be expected to do,” he said.”

-Need more Humility and take blame/fault of “imperfect” system and find ways to improve

The Daily Show – The Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

*see Deep Thought: “Hands Up or Down to get ID?” from

Planting “Fake” Evidence?

Baltimore Police Officer Accidentally Records Himself Planting Drugs At Crime Scene
Latifah Muhammad,Vibe Thu, Jul 20 11:08 AM PDT
“An officer from the Baltimore Police department accidentally recorded himself planting evidence. On Wednesday (July 19), Baltimore’s Fox 45 published footage of the officer hiding drugs at a crime scene without realizing that his body-worn camera caught him in the act.

In the recording, which was captured in January, officer Richard Pinheiro and two other officers, can be seen in an ally on the side of a house. The body camera appears to capture Pinheiro hiding a bag of pills under a heap of trash, while the two other officers stand behind him.

The cops head back to the sidewalk, at which point Pinheiro turns on his body camera. But as VOX notes, body cams can record up to 30 seconds of footage before being manually activated.

“I’m going to check here,” Pinheiro is heard telling the other officers before heading to the back of the house where he pretends to rummage through the trash heap. After a few second, he uncovers the bag and alerts the other officers.

Ex-Baltimore Cop Michael Wood Exposes Police Culture Of Corruption & Abuse (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)


Officer Melendez sentenced

Judge GOES OFF on COP for being a RACIST SCUMBAG


This is how you can be arrested for DUI — even if you’re stone cold sober
Published on Dec 21, 2017
Watch the full investigation: “

-Sexual Harassment

Creepy video appears to show cop ‘GROPING young mum over car on motorway’ By Paul Harper / Published 7th March 2018
“…Her two kids, aged three and eight, were in the vehicle at the time on interstate 75 in Campbell County.

The furious mother claimed in her legal bid that the same officer stopped her three hours later near home and remarked: “We have to stop meeting like this.”

She alleged that after being ordered out of the truck, Lloyd put his hands inside her waistband and touched her bum and genital area…
The Tennessee Highway Patrol in the US have supported their officer, saying that he “conducted this traffic stop in a professional manner in an effort to protect the motoring public”.

But state prosecutor Jared Effler slammed the cop, saying his actions were “inconsistent with his training”.”

DISTURBING dash cam footage appears to show a police officer groping a young mum over her car during a traffic stop.

Cop Forces Woman to Lift Shirt and Expose Herself (Video)

Women Sue for Humiliating Vaginal Search From State Troopers (Video)


A Former Baltimore Cop Explains Why the Department Targets Black Men


Ex-BPD Cop Joe Crystal Blew The Whistle On Corrupt Police & Paid The Price (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)

“On October 27, 2011, Baltimore police officer Joe Crystal witnessed two fellow cops beating up a drug suspect after the suspect, fleeing from the officers, kicked in the door of a home belonging to another officer’s girlfriend. Faced with the difficult decision of whether to turn in his fellow officers, Crystal felt he had to do the right thing, and reported the officers’ actions to the State’s Attorney’s Office. As a result, Crystal was labeled a “snitch” and a “rat cop” by many of his fellow officers and subjected to threats and intimidation — including having a dead rat placed on his car’s windshield. Eventually, in 2014 he bowed to the pressure and resigned from the Baltimore PD.”

Any other suggestions, solutions, etc.. relating to the content above or any that wasn’t mentioned?

Good News USA

Abused: How do you heal from your traumatic “childhood” past?

I just chatted with a “friend” about how it was tough living in an abusive home as a child. She said it was good to talk about it with someone as it was difficult to talk to anyone growing-up. We shared about how it was tough to talk about anything to our high school counselor.

How about you? Have you had any similar experiences? How do you deal with it?

Stories from Adults Looking Back on Abuse
“…As a young child, as soon as my dad started yelling when he was drunk, I was locked in my bedroom in the dark, crying while my dad belted my mum. I could hear everything – the yelling, the crying. As I got older I would get my little brother and sister, hide them in my room, then run out of my room to help my mum. Sometimes I would get hit trying to protect her.

I hated going to school – I couldn’t concentrate. Who could be bothered with it – everyone sitting up nicely doing their work and me pretending I wasn’t worried about going home to protect my mum and siblings again. …

I’m now 25 years old and I am working in a women’s refuge for domestic violence. I work with the children who come in to the refuge. It’s a rewarding job, being able to assist the children in living with and leaving domestic violence. I love life – I have a gorgeous husband and son with another baby on the way.

I believe if I can come from the lowest place possible to achieving my goals and believing life really is a good thing, then it is possible for other young people too. Seek help from someone you trust or a professional. There are people out there who care even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. It’s okay to feel the way you feel because of the situation you are in.

BBC Dont Hit My Mum ¦ 480p [1/4]

“Alesha Dixon explores the trauma and fall-out from domestic violence, from a child’s perspective. Alesha highlights the neglect of children at the centre of domestic violence and how, left unheard, those children can be emotionally scarred for life.

Alesha witnessed her mum Beverley being beaten by her live-in boyfriend when she was very young. In this film, she meets girls and boys who have witnessed domestic violence and discovers how it affected their lives.

This is a journey for Alesha as she, in parallel with her own experiences, examines what happens when relationships break down — between parents, between local authorities and between parent and child. And she looks ahead to see how those broken bonds can be healed.”

Children: The silent victims of domestic violence
By Kelly Wallace, CNN Updated 10:10 AM ET, Wed September 10, 2014
“When a case of domestic violence captures the national headlines like the story of fallen NFL star Ray Rice and his wife, Janay, there’s a laser focus on the abuser and the victim.

But what about the children?

Ray and Janay Rice have a 2-year-old daughter.

We don’t know if she has ever witnessed domestic violence in her household or ever will. What we do know is more than 3 million children have witnessed it in their homes every year, according to estimates. What those children see and hear can have a profound impact on their lives, experts around the country who deal with domestic violence tell CNN….

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Can you relate? Feel free to share your own experiences/stories? Opening up is part of the healing process. Remember, you “are not alone”! Let’s all help one another through our past pain and move forward together to prevent further abuse for future generations!

ACTION: Do you struggle with “anger”?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.-Galatians 5*original...!i=2646262413&k=XL9v9Mw

Sal: I would pray/meditate on the verse(s) above daily while going to work..

Good News Abused