Global Spotlight: Europe – Italy


*see Medical: Various Virus Outbreaks

Italy Coronavirus Deaths Rise to 3,405, Topping China

11,056 views•Mar 19, 2020
Bloomberg Markets and Finance
574K subscribers
Mar.19 — Italy surpassed China as the country with the most coronavirus deaths, as its number of fatalities reached 3,405 and the pandemic’s global spread accelerates. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson insisted the U.K. can “turn the tide” against the coronavirus by June. Alessandro Speciale reports on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Australia.”

Coronavirus lockdown in Italy as 16 million people quarantined

‘You Call This a Lockdown?’ Coronavirus Tests Italians’ Commitment to the Common Good BY NICOLE WINFIELD / AP MARCH 10, 2020

And yet for Chinese nationals living in Italy, the government measures failed to impress.

“You call this a lockdown?” was the general sense of the WeChat social media group that Susan Gao belongs to along with other Chinese women living in Italy.

“Our husbands continue to go to work and they refuse to wear masks,” lamented Gao, a Beijing native who lives in Milan and is married to an Italian and has an 8-year-old daughter.

“China didn’t allow anyone (to go to work),” she said. “Everyone had to stay home. You had to ground yourself at home to reduce the risk of passing on the virus.”

She marveled that Milanese were still going skiing on the weekends — until the government abruptly closed all lifts this week — saying she has friends in Wuhan who still can’t leave their compound.

“Everybody wonders how they (Italians) can be so relaxed,” she said. “In our minds we think they are crazy.”..”

Joe Rogan Experience #1439 – Michael Osterholm


‘Brace Yourself’: Doctors in Italy Share Coronavirus Advice | NYT News

1,716,655 views•Mar 23, 2020
The New York Times
2.6M subscribers

Officials in the U.S. and elsewhere fear they’ll face a coronavirus scenario similar to Italy’s soon. Three doctors and a nurse in Lombardy, the region hit hardest by the virus, described what they faced and offered advice to those awaiting the storm.

Coronavirus: Italy’s hardest-hit city wants you to see how COVID-19 is affecting its hospitals
Stuart Ramsay – Chief correspondent
Stuart Ramsay

Chief correspondent @ramsaysky

Sunday 22 March 2020 06:40, UK
The sheer numbers of people succumbing to the coronavirus is overwhelming every hospital in northern Italy.

Italy: Cuban doctors and nurses arrive to help fight coronavirus

14,524 views•Mar 22, 2020
1.08M subscribers

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A delegation of 37 Cuban doctors and 15 nurses arrived at Milan Malpensa airport on Sunday to offer a helping hand to the overloading Italian healthcare system which is currently buried under the weight of the coronavirus outbreak.

Italy: FM Di Maio welcomes Russian aid planes amid coronavirus fight


12-year-old twins play violin concert in quarantine

18,564 views•Mar 27, 2020
CBS News
2.45M subscribers

Mirko and Valerio, 12-year-old twins from Sicily, put on a violin concert while in quarantine, performing Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida.”


Italy: Turin man DJs from balcony as musicians seek to lift spirits amid coronavirus quarantine

24,404 views•Mar 14, 2020
1.06M subscribers
A man in Turin performed an impromptu DJ set from his balcony on the Italian city on Friday, as musicians across Italy sought to raise the spirits of a nation under coronavirus quarantine.

Other locals could be seen standing on their balconies to enjoy the performance, which was part of a nationwide flashmob organised on Facebook that aimed to counter the isolation of the lockdown and foster solidarity between Italians.

Videos of the event in Turin as well as in the other Italian cities have been widely shared on social media platforms calling for solidarity for the people who remain in quarantine.

A nationwide quarantine is currently in effect in Italy, the European country worst hit by COVID-19, with over 17,000 cases and 1,266 deaths.

Note: Music in the file may be subject to copyright.

Coronavirus outbreak: Italian residents join together to sing from balconies during lockdown

1,425,351 views•Mar 13, 2020
Global News
1.3M subscribers
As Italy entered its fourth day of a nationwide lockdown, Italy residents took to their balconies on Friday evening to sing the national anthem in a ‘flash mob’ to raise morale amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Italian musician performs for neighbors on lockdown
89,878 views•Mar 13, 2020
1.44K subscribers
Italian musician Didie Caria performed ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ on a balcony for his neighbors on lockdown because of the coronavirus. His performance was part of a “flash mob” event that encouraged Italians to sing or play music from their windows or balconies.

People in Italy sing outside their windows to raise moral | 10News WTSP

165,880 views•Mar 13, 2020
10News WTSP
26.1K subscribers
A countrywide lockdown in Italy because of the coronavirus didn’t stop defiant Italians from enjoying their Friday. People up and down the country opened their windows and came together to sing the national anthem for a ‘flash mob’ to raise morale in an increasingly difficult time.

Coronavirus: quarantined Italians sing from balconies to lift spirits

2,312,466 views•Mar 13, 2020
Guardian News
874K subscribers
People across Italy have been singing from their balconies in an effort to keep up morale as the country faces the worst coronavirus outbreak outside China. Italy’s 60 million citizens were placed under lockdown to halt the spread of a virus that has so far claimed over 1,000 lives in the country
Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ►

Italians take to singing at windows to beat virus blues | AFP

239,650 views•Mar 13, 2020
AFP News Agency
577K subscribers
Italians are beating the social isolation imposed by the country’s coronavirus lockdown by taking to their windows and singing in unison, with videos of the phenomenon racking up thousands of views online.

American Impacted

Coronavirus Patient Recounts Coming ‘One Inch From Death’
By Jennifer Levitz
March 10, 2020

Rhode Island vice principal in intensive care unit after chaperoning school trip to Italy

Medical Relief

Samaritan’s Purse Italy Field Hospital Opens

written by Jeff Thompson March 23, 2020
“…Cremona, Italy – The Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Response Team is now treating patients with Coronavirus outside Milan.

The 68-bed respiratory unit Emergency Field Hospital is now providing urgent care to coronavirus patients. It is set up in the Cremona Hospital parking lot. Staff worked with the Italian Air Force and Lombardy Region volunteers to unload the 20 tons of medical equipment delivered by air transport. Read the entire story here…”

Pray for Italy

Europe: Prayer of Protection & Intercession for Italy (April1st20)

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Good News Caucasian-European

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to solve, help, or be an answer to any problems or life challenges. Nothing on this site is to be construed as financial advice; the authors are not financial advisers. Please discuss your personal finances, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified financial adviser before making changes to your financial lifestyle. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good financial health and prosperity!”

Medical: Surgery Encouragement


The Day Before Surgery (Preparing Your Child For Surgery) – YouTube


Moms words of encouragement from my mother before surgery …

Bible Verses Before Surgery Compiled and Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff on 6/26/2018
“.. What does the Bible say before surgery? Although the Bible does not specifically mention surgery the Bible does say to trust in the Lord. God wants you to rest assure that he is in control of the situation. “Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Learn more from our list of what the Bible says before surgery below. ..

Isaiah 40:29
29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Prayer For Successful Surgery – Prayers Before Surgery – YouTube

25 Encouraging Bible Verses For Surgery – Bible Reasons
“..Fear not

1. 2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control….”

A Prayer Before Surgery HD – YouTube

What Does the Bible Say About Prayer Before Surgery? –
“..Philippians 4:6-7 ESV / 516 helpful votes
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ..”

Bible Scriptures for Healing – YouTube

6 Prayers For Surgery By Lesli White
God is with you the entire way.
“..Anxiety and fear are relentless, especially when facing a difficult experience like surgery. Your mind can start running crazy, wondering: “What happens if everything doesn’t go according to plan?,” “How painful will the surgery be?,” and “What happens if I don’t make it?” Anxiety and fear are two of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us. Unchecked fear can keep you in bed for hours past what is healthy or wise. Anxiety can also show us as a fiery anger, in unkind speech and hurtful attitudes. The longer you struggle with fear, the more likely it is for you to be overwhelmed by it, allowing it to control your every decision and move. Choosing not to deal with it can leave you with scars. Even still, we have a promise that “God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability” (1 Corinthians 10:13), and this includes the sinful unbelief of an anxious heart. One of the best ways to rid yourself of the fear that is plaguing you is to turn to prayer and remember that God is control. Here are six prayers for surgery. ..”

Medical Surgery Preparation Tips

Abodominal Aorta Aneurysm

Medical: Vascular-“Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm” Causes, Prevention, & Treatment


Dan survivor of esophageal cancer.


Heart Surgery – Tips and Information – YouTube

-Family, Friends, Personal Support

No Man Is An Island by Tenth Avenue North Lyrics – YouTube


A Prayer for a Christian with a loved one having surgery … – YouTube

Prayer Before Surgery,

If you need “someone” to pray with you, here are just “some” places to “connect:

Feel free to post your prayer request here too..

Good News Prayer

Praise You in this Storm-The Most Encouraging Song – YouTube

If you “died” today, tomorrow, or whenever (before, during, or many years after surgery and/or non related to your surgery) ..would you know if your going to Heaven?

Deep Thought: How does one get to “Heaven”?

Good News Medical


*see Medical: Coronavirus stories of “possible” Cures, Recovery, Treatments, Healings, etc…



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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to solve, help, or be an answer to any problems or life challenges. Nothing on this site is to be construed as financial advice; the authors are not financial advisers. Please discuss your personal finances, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified financial adviser before making changes to your financial lifestyle. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good financial health and prosperity!”

Now You Know: Wireless Technology

WiFi Radiation – Dangers of WiFi – See It Measured – How To Remediate WiFi Radiation


Urgent! Forbidden information,a must watch! 5G is a kill grid that will lead to forced vaccinations.

The Fullerton Informer

Urgent! Forbidden information,a must watch! 5G is a kill grid that will lead to forced vaccinations.

60ghz water molecules 5G netflix telephone polls microwave weapons Clinton Tele-Com Act tech

effects produce Vitamin D

BLock it with mylofilm, metal screens , paint,…
or will get side effects (fatigue, neurological disorders, etc..)

Sal: I try to shut off my cell-phone wifi each night before going to bed (e.g. workdays) and I turn my phone off completely during weekends I don’t work. I tried contacting my internet service provider about how to turn off the wi-fi proveder, they haven’t responded (email) yet!

microwave weapon (feels like polio, paralytic disease and will make it mandatory to get vaccine)

Children-Youth (before 20 years of age)

RF or EMF Radiation Health Effects on Children – Get The Facts!
Written by David in RF Radiation
“.. “…Professor Hardell told the IOS: “This is a warning sign. It is very worrying. We should be taking precautions.” He believes that children under 12 should not use mobiles except in emergencies and that teenagers should use hands-free devices or headsets and concentrate on texting. At 20 the danger diminishes because then the brain is fully developed…”..”

Earbuds or Headsets

Are Bluetooth Headsets Safe? – YouTube
“..A really popular example of this would the the Apple Airpods (that I talk about here). The problem with these, and any other Bluetooth earbuds, is that you are essentially putting a RF emitting device as close to your brain as it could possibly get.

As we’ll talk about in this article, radio frequency radiation, which is a type of EMF radiation, has been consistently linked to increased risks of cancer and many other health issues…”

Scientists Warn That Wireless Headphones Could Give You Cancer

Emf Radiation From Airpods – Should You Be Worried?
“…One of the dangers associated with earbuds tech like the Apple AirPods is that it is continuously close to the brain (if always in use) and in direct contact with your skin.


Allow me to point out that not all the effects of EMF may yet be known, but here are some that are;

Blood cells clump together and have a distorted shape.
Production of specific cells called stress protein begin to occur; These cells serve as protection from threats when sensed.
Reduction in specific hormone production like Melatonin and Serotonin.
Reduction in sperm production as a result of less cell mobility
Exposure to EMF radiation reduces DNA repair process within the cell.
All the effects mentioned abov..”

Do you use a #wirelessheadset or regualr #headset ?

Should you ditch AirPods over reported health risk?
Melissa Matthews
“. “My concern for AirPods is that their placement in the ear canal exposes tissues in the head to relatively high levels of radio-frequency radiation,” he said. Phillips told the website that risks include abnormal cell functioning, which may cause tumors or other health conditions….”

Although most experts agree that there is no safe level of radiation, it’s simply not possible to avoid exposure, Schulder says.

“We cannot avoid radiation in our lives even if we lived a completely pastoral existence off the grid,” he says.

That’s because radiation is in our food, plants, airplane travel, and even the sun. The bigger question, then, is how much do you willingly want to expose yourself to radiation?..

what is “5G”

A timeline of UK 5G development | The history of 5G: from 1979 to now Christina Mercer By Christina Mercer | Sep 11, 2018
“..Although no formal standard for 5G has been set, according to the Next Generation Mobile Network’s 5G white paper, 5G connections must be based on ‘user experience, system performance, enhanced services, business models and management & operations’. Researchers predict that 5G will be three times faster than the current 4G standard…”

5G is the mother of invention Published on August 8
How an impending wireless upgrade is setting the stage for a new era of American innovation
“..5G will provide faster Internet with lower latency, the time it takes for data to travel within a network. It will also allow for more consistent connectivity. Qualcomm is helping to realize these benefits by bringing a series of products to market that will help make the network upgrade a reality. In July 2018, for example, the company announced two new antennae modules for smart phones that are fully 5G integrated. ..”

It’s Called The 5G BEAST SYSTEM For A Reason (2018)

Intel’s Israel Team Is At The Forefront Of 5G Tech That Will Revolutionize How We Communicate By Ricky Ben-David, NoCamels July 11, 2018
“..5G is set to transform the way we all use the internet by also revolutionizing the current network infrastructure. With greater bandwidth, more powerful processing capabilities and minimal delay (latency), the new generation of wireless connectivity will be able to support unprecedented communications and the transfer of massive amounts of data, according to Intel.

Compared with the current network speed, 4G LTE, 5G is set to be 30 to 50 times faster and will have a dramatic impact across industries and applications…”

Israel Incubating 5G Technology By Video Manager July 13, 2018 , 2:03 pm
“..Israel is frequently defined as the Startup Nation. Boffins at Intel are working on delivering, in the near future, a new era of communications – 5G. The development will allow for the downloading of significant amounts of data in seconds…”

The Truth About 5G – YouTube

5g from the guy who quit installing it

883,602 views•Mar 20, 2020

Vapeshop Patriot

Everything Aquariums
6 days ago (edited)
I became a Free Mason in 2012, by 2019 i learned i sold out for money. I threw all of my Masonery related stuff in the trash and walked away. I walked away from 100k a year position.
I learned about all of these conspiracies and was constantly angry, scared, and began prepping a bug out bag, planning off grid living, and anything i could think of to escape!

I gave my life to Jesus and asked him to be my salvation.
No more prepping, stress, worry, or obsessing over the globalist.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
Brother all of these things must come to pass to fulfill God’s word.
We cannot stop any of this.
Brother a beg you, just talk to Jesus and let him calm you. You have done nothing wrong man.

Its all going to work out just pick team Jesus


US army unveils electromagnetic non-lethal weapon
39,540 views•Mar 12, 2012
AFP News Agency
653K subscribers
Without a sound, a smell or any warning, a new non-lethal weapon developed by the US military can repel crowds using an invisibile electromagnetic beam that delivers a blast of intolerable heat up to a kilometer away. The sudden heat produced by the Active Denial System is so repellant, the immediate instinct is to flee

NO Effects!

Can 5G radiation make you sick? What we found.

•Aug 16, 2019
2.57M subscribers
Can 5G radiation actually make you sick, harm your health, or even kill you? Is 5G dangerous? Is 5G safe? Some interesting reports have emerged – we’re here to deep dive 5G connections and wavelengths, and its potential effects (or lack of effects) on your body. 5G is rolling out to smartphone users across the world offering unprecedented speeds and connectivity but there are some concerns it could have adverse effects on our health. So what does the evidence say? Will 5G make us sick — or is it a conspiracy theory that’s getting out of hand? CNET Science Editor Jackson Ryan takes a look at the current evidence.

Biological Effects?

5G Towers EFFECT Bees, Birds, Trees & PEOPLE | FACT or FICTION ???
205,664 views•Aug 3, 2019
IV Organic
94.8K subscribers
Charles Malki, Biologist & Plant Expert for has an educated discussion with Judy Frankel of on the several studies on 5G (5th Generation) Cellphone Towers, and the approximately 10x more powerful (than the 4G Cell Tower) electromagnetic fields (EMF), and its effects on bees, birds, plants & people.

For more sources on this topic, here are some supporting links:

Health Effects
*see Health: How to protect yourself from too much “radiation” (high powered technology) ?

Cell Phone Brain and Parotid Gland Tumors – Interphone … – YouTube

Lebron James TUMOR LUMP on Jaw growing back again it looks like 9/28/18


Dana Ashlie
Published on Jan 25, 2019


How to FIGHT FIVE GΕΕ in your city!;

Where you can get RF Meters to check your own microwave/RF/EMF levels at home: – RF Meters

Where you can get shielded clothing to protect from RF:

Where to get Shielding Bedding to block RF:
(also paint, curtains, fabrics, phone cases)

Gear to Protect Mama and Baby from Radio/Microwave Frequencies (phone, towers etc)

Belly Blanket Collection –

Belly Band Page –

Maternity Apparel Collection –

As for those who feel moved to financially support this YouTube video work via your donations, HALLELUJAH!

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Music Intro:
Darkening Developments by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (;)

5G and AI Everywhere: 2030 Will Be a New World | Jeff Brown | Ep 60 | The Glenn Beck Podcast

800,976 views•Premiered Nov 23, 2019

Glenn Beck
285K subscribers
11.23.19 | Technology is advancing faster than ever, and it’s not slowing down. This decade was the era of smart phones, streaming, and the internet of things. But with 5G and AI on the rise, high-tech executive Jeff Brown believes 2030 will be a new world. Brown is an early-stage tech investor and analyst who’s seen the modern technological revolution firsthand. He describes quantum computing as a moon landing and 5G as game-changing. He predicts a near future full of artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, wireless surgeries, genetic healing, cryptocurrencies, and more! But with equal advances in encryption hacking and the AI tracking abilities of Google, Facebook, and even China, we must control our own data!

” nuclear fission will be available in 5 years”

Good News Computers

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to solve, help, or be an answer to any problems or life challenges. Nothing on this site is to be construed as financial advice; the authors are not financial advisers. Please discuss your personal finances, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified financial adviser before making changes to your financial lifestyle. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good financial health and prosperity!”

Deep Thought: What’s the difference between “Contrails” and “Chemtrails”?

17 Examples of Chemtrails vs Contrails – Can You Tell The Difference? By Aleks Udris | 06/17/2014
“..Chemtrails really do exist. Don’t believe me? Check these out. By the end, you’ll know the difference between chemtrails and contrails..

Difference Between Contrails and Chemtrails for Dummies #251 …



Doctor warns world about “chemtrail lung,” a new health epidemic causing brain and lung problems across society Wednesday, April 25, 2018 by Isabelle Z.
“..When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming a persistent cough, accompanied by aches, pains, and fever, she visited a doctor. After chest x-rays revealed a type of bronchitis, she was given antibiotics, which only seemed to make her feel worse.

Her doctor told her that lots of bacterial infections are going around, and when she asked him where they are coming from, he told her the truth that many doctors wouldn’t dare reveal to their patients: Chemtrails are at the heart of widespread lung problems right now. Surprised by his candor, she asked if she could videotape him talking about the phenomenon. You can see the video below; the unnamed doctor appears just before the 8-minute mark.

The doctor says he has witnessed hundreds of Californians suffering from this problem, which he calls “chemtrail lung.” He says it is an “emerging problem” that is being faced all around the world, with the toxic gases, chemicals, virus particles, heavy metals and other gases that are being sprayed into the atmosphere leading to problematic levels of respiratory infections…”

The MOST IMPORTANT video on youtube. SHARE THIS NOW they will pull it.


Snowden uncovers shocking truth behind Chemtrails JULY 11, 2013 BY KILGOAR
“..The shocking truth, as he says, is that chemtrails are part of a benevolent program aimed at countering global warming. By cooperating in secret with jet fuel manufacturers, government agents have carefully kept the massive chemtrail efforts completely under wraps. Snowden added, “I am only revealing this program because there is no oversight in the scientific community, no public discussion, and little concern for the side-effects which are well known only to a few privileged people interested in continuing the decades-long chemtrail program in secret.”

Because climate change is a threat to U.S. agriculture, it has been labeled a national security issue. With the influence and cooperation of Monsanto, a secret Geoengineering lab dubbed Muad’Dib has been operating since the late 1960s, and the chemtrail program is often referred to by insiders as its “crown jewel.” Muad’Dib has aimed to protect North America’s climate at all costs – even if that means accelerating desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa or spreading trace amounts of carcinogens over lightly populated areas. Other side effects, which scientists at the secret Muad’Dib Geoengineering Lab have predicted, include droughts in the Amazon and powerful windstorms along the East Coast…”



ARMY ADMITS testing on ST. Louis – Spraying Radioactive Chemicals – in the 50’s and 60’s

Published on Sep 25, 2012

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TTA = Tesla Tech Array



First Time Ever !!! ‘HAARP’ TTA Emissions Exposed – Detrimental Effects On Public – AS IT HAPPENS

TOP SECRET Mission – Chemtrail Pilots SPRAYING BLOOD Cause Face to Face Near Mid-Air Collisions !!!


Title 17 U.S.C. code 107 – FAIR USE
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for entertainment purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

After watching this, denial of chemtrails is just defiance against uncomfortable and inconvenient truth!!!
U.S. Army Tested Chemicals on Cities, Low-Income Residents HEADLINESEP 27, 2012
Newly disclosed documents have revealed details on how the U.S. military carried out testing of chemicals on major U.S. cities during the 1950s and 1960s. Sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor of St. Louis Community College says zinc cadmium sulfide was sprayed in several cities without residents’ knowledge. The most densely sprayed area appears to have been a housing complex for low-income people in St. Louis.

Lisa Martino-Taylor: “It was pretty shocking, the level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people. There’s a lot of evidence that indicates that people in St. Louis in the city, particularly in minority communities, were subjected to military tests that was connected to a larger radiological weapons development and testing project.”..”

Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with ‘radioactive’ particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology
By EMILY ANNE EPSTEIN PUBLISHED: 10:16 EDT, 29 September 2012 | UPDATED: 12:21 EDT, 29 September 2012
“..The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.

While it was known that the government sprayed ‘harmless’ zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.

She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles…

Through her research, she found photographs of how the particles were distributed from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.

In Corpus Christi, the chemical was dropped from airplanes over large swathes of city. In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use….

Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack.

‘It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,’ Professor Martino-Taylor said. …

The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the ‘harmless’ compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified.

‘The idea that thousands of Missourians were unwillingly exposed to harmful materials in order to determine their health effects is absolutely shocking. It should come as no surprise that these individuals and their families are demanding answers of government officials,’ Senator Blunt said…

Did Army Spray Harmful Chemicals on US Cities?
By Eli MacKinnon, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer | October 8, 2012 02:14pm ET
“..The powder scattering was part of Operation Large Area Coverage (LAC), a series of tests the Army says were designed to assess the threat of biological attacks by simulating the airborne dispersion of germs. The experiments exposed large swathes of the United States, and parts of Mexico and Canada, to flurries of a synthesized chemical called zinc cadmium sulfide.

New research from sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor in St. Louis, one of the cities singled out for heavy-duty testing during LAC, suggests the Army may have mixed radioactive particles with the zinc cadmium sulfide it spread throughout a poor, mostly black neighborhood there…”

Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

The HAARP Report
Published on Dec 14, 2014
This video contains text, which was forwarded to me. The source is highly credible, and has given permission to post his youtube account here:; If you have questions, you can contact him directly. This message originally came from a USAF pilot, who flies Aerosol Tankers, as part of the secret Indigo Skyfold (geoengineered aerosol “chemtrail”) program.
Please save this text, and forward the video! (The text was too long for Youtube to put in the description, so I will put the entire message in the comments section.)

I’ve known the source for over a year, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he’s told me, IN ADVANCE.
Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be “after Jan 20, 2015, they are shutting down the program”.
INSTEAD, he says the opposite: “a very new “extremely toxic” chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible.”
That is not how disinfo works. The last communication was the opportunity to calm the herd, instead, it is a call to action.
If you have a geiger counter, with an alpha/beta probe, please test the aerosol fallout. The best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe your car hood, and windshield, with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radon sources upwind.

BTW, the building at 7:30 is the International Criminal Court, at The Hague, Netherlands. This is where the criminals behind these programs need to be taken, to be put on trial, while the world watches.

P.S. if anyone can do a better job of narration, please upload your own video! Don’t let this disappear from the internet!
The first comment has the complete pilot text, so please copy it, and spread the word.

P.P.S. This is my only video, where a shady group of investors offered to purchase the rights to the video. I didn’t sell, of course. No money should change hands, while the public is being offered this information.

Fair Use Notice:
In case any of the images are copyrighted, here is a Fair Use Notice:
This video may contain copyrighted material encountered in the Internet, the use of which could not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economy, democracy, scientific and social justice issues, etc…
We believe this constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this Site is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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*see Now You Know: Dark History of Research on Civilians

Feel free to click on each of the individual pics of collected sources or links related to this topic.

Good News Chemistry

Movie Reflection: Sci-Fi~ Annihilation

Annihilation, Trailer


Annihilation’: How the Movie Differs From the Book It’s Based On (and Why It’s Better) Michael Nordine Feb 23, 2018 3:17 pm
“..It completely, utterly changes the ending.

VanderMeer’s novel ends with the biologist choosing to stay in Area X so that she might learn more about what happened to her husband. Garland’s biggest departure comes here: His version ends with Lena encountering a refracted, Shimmer-created version of herself and destroying it (or not) with a phosphorous grenade after gazing into a psychedelic void that either reveals the mysteries of the universe or nothing at all (if not both). From there she returns back to base, where she’s reunited with the being she knows isn’t really her husband…”

New ‘Annihilation’ Trailer Looks a Lot Like ‘Alien: Covenant’ | Inverse

“..Before long, we learn that whatever is infecting the gene pool has infected Lena, but that’s where things get even weirder. “It’s not destroying,” she explains. “It’s making something new.”

This focus on a creating “something new” through evolution sounds just like the genetically perfect monster the android David created in Covenant.

Is the horrifying monster presented in this trailer just another version of that classic sci-fi monster, or is The Shimmer hiding something even worse?..”

Annihilation ENDING EXPLAINED – Details You Missed!

“..Annihilation (2018) movie explained! What does the ending of Annihilation mean? What is the Shimmer, and what happened in the lighthouse scene? What is the film’s alternate ending, and how does the story differ from the book? Erik Voss breaks down the final sequence of Annihilation and explains the deeper meaning of the movie’s extended metaphor. How does director Alex Garland build on the sci-fi concepts he laid out in Ex Machina (2014)? Is Natalie Portman’s character a secret imposter?..”

The End of Natalie Portman’s ‘Annihilation’ Changes the Book to Add More Mystery By Emma Stefansky Published On 02/23/2018 @stefabsky

“..This doppelganger perishes in a lighthouse blaze set by one of the Lena’s, as the human Lena escapes.

Or does she? In the book, the biologist decides to stay, and it’s only later that you learn her double has been sent out into the world by Area X for some unknown purpose, her original form transformed into something no longer human. The film ends far more ambiguously, leaving audiences to puzzle over what’s actually happened: Lena and her husband, Kane (Oscar Isaac) hug each other, both irrevocably altered by the Shimmer, which glows ominously in their eyes; they’re poised to plant more seeds of change out in the world beyond.

It’s a very Garland-esque conclusion, a repetition of the android’s escape from her facility in Ex Machina. To human viewers, watching our home become altered in some incomprehensible way is terrifying, but to something as alien as a robot or, well, an alien, it would perhaps come as a comfort. In physics, the term “annihilation” means what happens when a subatomic particle collides with its equivalent antiparticle, creating new particles, like an electron and positron smashing together to produce two photons (see where that light comes from?). As Annihilation’s Lena calmly says in the film, the process that made Area X is not destroying. It’s making something new. “

Annihilation Ending Theory Explained – YouTube

Ouroboros, The Infinity Symbol
“..The term ouroboros is derived from two words in ancient Greek language. The first word is “oura” which means “tail” and the second is “boros” which means “eating”. Combined, these two words give the meaning “he /it that eats his/its own tail” or “tail eater”. A serpent eating its own tail has been depicted in different versions of the infinity symbol throughout the history.

There are a few interpretations regarding the meaning of ouroboros symbol. One of them suggests that the serpent in the symbol represents the cycle of life and death that the Universe maintains…”

About The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

“..The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks tells a riveting story of the collision between ethics, race, and medicine; of scientific discovery and faith healing; and of a daughter consumed with questions about the mother she never knew. It’s a story inextricably connected to the dark history of experimentation on African Americans, the birth of bioethics, and the legal battles over whether we control the stuff we’re made of…”

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2017) | Official Trailer | HBO …

Annihilation Angry Movie Review

The Ending of Annihilation Explained

Annihilation Ending Theory Explained

-Self Destruction
*see Good News Addictions

What are your thoughts ? How does this speak to your life?

Good News Biological

Deep Thought: Should I get my DNA Tested?

Taking a DNA Test

Taking a DNA Test
Follow these guidelines:

Brush your teeth and/or use mouthwash.
Don’t eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum or tobacco for 30 minutes after brushing your teeth and before providing your saliva sample.
To encourage saliva production, gently rub your cheeks from the outside (pressing them against your teeth and gums) before spitting into the tube.
If you find it hard to produce saliva, place 1/4 teaspoon of white table sugar on your tongue.
If you can’t produce enough saliva in one try, refrigerate your tube in an upright position between attempts. You can refrigerate your sample for up to a week before needing to add it to the blue solution in the saliva tube. ..”

How Safe is Your Information When You Use a DNA Testing Kit?
by Jessa Barron October 22, 2015
“..They can help us discover more about our origins and even help us connect to family members we didn’t know we had. While there are questions about how these tests are completed, one of the more pertinent questions relates to the security of these tests. Many are concerned with who has access to your DNA test once it’s sent back into the lab and what the lab can legally do with your DNA. To help you determine how safe your information is if you use a DNA testing kit, we answer some of the most common questions when it comes to protecting your information and test results…”

Risks of DNA Testing in Search for Ancestors May 30, 20069:00 AM ET

“..I should point out that, when you look at the mitochondria and you look at the Y chromosome, it is only looking at one chapter in the 23 chapters of the DNA history. And DNA is, if you want to think about it in a more practical term, it’s like a tape recorder. And it records all of your ancestral migrations, and it has nothing to do with politics, or race, or religion. It is only recording those events, and half of it comes from your mother and half of it comes from your father. But it’s not always equal.

So, that being said, parents and children do not necessarily always inherit, let’s say the minor components of a genetic ancestry. So you might have three children, and one child would inherit, let’s say, a 15 percent sub-Saharan African content, and the second child will inherit none. And that’s just the DNA shuffle, as we call it. ..

But we also know that this DNA and this racial categorization is used in forensics and in criminology, in ways that your own privacy might be subject to a court order, for example. To find out if any relatives in your family might be involved in some activity. “

What DNA Testing Companies’ Terrifying Privacy Policies Actually Mean Kristen V. Brown Senior Writer, Gizmodo.
‘..Lucky for you, Gizmodo slogged though every line of, 23andMe, and Helix’s privacy, terms of service, and research policies with the help of experts in privacy, law and consumer protection. It wasn’t fun. We fell asleep at least once. And what we found wasn’t pretty.

“It’s basically like you have no privacy, they’re taking it all,” said Joel Winston, a consumer protection lawyer. “When it comes to DNA tests, don’t assume you have any rights.”..

here’s what you need to know before giving away your genetic information.
Testing companies can claim ownership of your DNA

Okay, so your DNA is inside of you. A corporation can’t really claim ownership of it. But they can claim ownership of the DNA sample you send them, and the analysis they run on it, including the resulting information on the makeup of your genome.

When it comes to Ancestry, while the company recently revised its policy to state that it “does not claim any ownership rights in the DNA that is submitted for testing,” another clause in its policies asserts that even if they don’t actually own your DNA, the company can use that DNA basically however it wants: …

Pitts also pointed out that if a genetic testing company was bought, there’s no telling how a new owner might handle the data….

The other thing that’s clear is that genetic testing companies are definitely selling information to third parties for medical research in order to make money. ..

Not to mention, while the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act allegedly prevents health insurers and workplaces from discriminating based on your genetic information, gaps in the law mean that life, long-term care, or disability insurance providers as well as the military can still make decisions based on findings from your DNA. ..

Genetic testing companies may promise to not share information with insurers without your consent, but that doesn’t stop an insurer from asking you whether you have ever taken any genetic tests. And if the answer is yes, you could be compelled to share information relevant to your health. (A new health care bill and seemingly stalled legislation introduced last March in the house both further threaten to challenge protections that allow you to keep your genetic information private.)…

If you do not read those documents—and many don’t—you’re missing the fine print that explains how your DNA can be used, misused, leaked, hacked, sold and commodified without your knowledge or deliberate consent.

Privacy risks lurk in DNA tests, experts warn By Patrick Cain National Online Journalist, News Global News August 15, 2016 8:00 am
“..But others are curious about the complex, highly personal information about you coded in your DNA: drug companies, insurers, sometimes police.

And once you put your cheek swab in the mail, you risk permanently losing control over a complete copy of your genetic data, linked to your real identity.

Should insurers see the secrets locked in your genes?
Liberal MP Rob Oliphant announces bill to prevent genetic discrimination
Internet of Things our ‘biggest threat to privacy,’ expert warns

“I think you have to assume that you’re going to lose control over that information,” warns Ann Cavoukian, a former Ontario privacy commissioner who runs the Privacy and Big Data Institute at Ryerson University…

Closing a 23andMe account doesn’t necessarily mean the company’s copy of your genetic data will disappear:

“We allow customers to close their accounts. It’s a bit complicated by our regulatory compliance for laboratories in the United States, which requires that raw information be held for a minimum of 10 years. The information will be de-identified, but will continue to be stored for that set amount of time.”…”

…Your genetic data can show your odds of getting diseases, like the BRCA1 genetic mutation that can mean a much higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Some diseases, like Huntington’s disease, are genetic, and susceptibility can be read from someone’s genetic information. With the science of genetics in its infancy, it’s impossible to know what can be told about you from your DNA in the future.

“With genetic data, it is very concrete, in terms of a road map to your physical conditions,” Cavoukian says….

“We are very clear that users own and control their data,” spokesperson Patrick Erlich wrote in an e-mail. “They can download it, ask us to delete it and destroy the sample, and can revoke their opt-in consent to participate in research projects at any time.”

“As disclosed in our policies, DNA samples are stored without personally identifying information at either a testing laboratory or other storage facility and may be kept by us unless or until circumstances require us to destroy the sample, or it is no longer suitable for testing purposes. ”

So what should an individual do? Like any other decision about digital privacy, the answer really comes down to your own comfort level, and how you perceive the trade-off between some information now and a potential privacy breach in the future…”
CORRECTION: Hands Over Client DNA Test Results to Cops Witho̶u̶t̶ a Warrant*-
A pretty good way to discourage people from using gene testing services

Ronald Bailey|May. 6, 2015 1:11 pm

-Health Liabilities?

The Risks and Benefits of 23andMe DNA Analysis | Healdove

In the event of corporate bankruptcy, consumers’ genetic data would likely be considered a corporate asset and sold. That is what happened when deCODE, a prior competitor of 23andMe, went bankrupt in 2009. Pharmaceutical giant Amgen purchased the company in December 2012 for $415M, in part for its large data bank.

You may learn about your own health risks or carrier status and by extension the potential risks and carrier status of your relatives…”

Is home genetic testing safe and reliable? – The Feed

Differences Between Companies

Ancestry DNA vs 23andMe: Full Comparison

23andMe, Ancestry and Selling Your DNA Information 23andMe, Posted on December 30, 2015
“..However, opting out of his higher level DOES NOT stop the company from utilizing, sharing or selling your anonymized DNA and data. Anonymized data means your identity and what they consider identifying information has been removed.

Many people think that if you opt-out, your DNA and data is never shared or sold, but according to 23andMe and Ancestry’s own documentation, that’s not true. Opt-out is not truly opt-out. It’s only opting out of them sharing your non-anonymized data – meaning just the higher level of participation only. They still share your anonymized data in aggregated fashion…”
Uprooted: The dangers of DNA testing
Virginia Hughes | October 1, 2013 | MATTER
“Searching your genetic ancestry can certainly be fun: You can trace the migration patterns of 10,000-year-old ancestors, or discover whether a distant relative ruled a continent or rode on the Mayflower. But the technology can just as easily unearth more private acts—infidelities, sperm donations, adoptions—of more recent generations, including previously unknown behaviors of your grandparents, parents, and even spouses. Family secrets have never been so vulnerable…”

Problems with AncestryDNA’s Genetic Ethnicity Prediction? Blaine Bettinger19 June 2012 201 Comments
Different Reference Populations and Algorithms

As I suggested above, different companies use different reference populations and algorithms to create a biogeographical estimate, which can result in varying estimates.

For example, in my previous review of AncestryDNA’s Genetic Ethnicity Prediction, I compared my genetic ethnicity results from three companies (, 23andMe, and FTDNA), and found that their results varied considerably. I’m not surprised by this, but I do expect that over time – as the industry arrives at more standard reference populations and algorithms (which the cheap whole-genome sequencing revolution will enable) – that estimates from different companies will align much more closely. Be patient and enjoy being a pioneer…”

Database ?

DNA database: who’s watching your genes? – YouTube

Proposing a new world DNA order – YouTube

Police collecting DNA from random citizens to create database …


My DNA Results: AncestryDNA vs 23andMe, & thoughts about the slave trade

*Ancestry DNA had more “Scandinavian compared to 23 & Me”
Ancestry DNA had more Southeast Africa to 23 & Me (more Western Africa)
*slave trade

Family Tree DNA Vs Ancestry Test Results Comparison Autosomal YDna MtDna Two People Tested Versus
*Family Tree DNA does more updates of others doing DNA test related to you
*ANcestry DNA charges for updates if you request them after getting the results

Comparing 4 Major DNA Companies

Honoring our Past
Published on May 7, 2018
Science Behind DNA Testing:

Ethnicity DNA Test Results vs Family Tree: DNA Test Results and Understanding:
*$74, takes 6 weeks, shows migration patterns in a map
Living DNA Test Results and Understanding:
*swab test, takes 8 weeks,
*XX chromosomes (mitochond , female) XY chromosomes (male)
My Heritage DNA Test Result and Understanding:
$59, shows family tree, events in your family tree in a clickable map,
23andMe DNA Test Results and Understanding:
*spit, takes “6-8 weeks”,

-Results didn’t show?

Ask Ancestry Anne: Where Is My Native American DNA?
“..So how much of your great-great-grandmother’s DNA are you likely to have? Probably around 1.5625%! And that may not be enough to detect Native American ethnicity.

dna percentage2

If you can find older generations on that line to test, I recommend that. Also, get brothers, sisters and cousins tested. You never know who might have enough DNA to be detected.

Even if you find the DNA connection, you will still want to follow the paper trail. I recommend our Native American Research Guide to get you started.

Happy searching!.”

At-Home DNA Tests Might Not Be as Accurate as You Think
Published on Aug 11, 2017
DNA tests are a popular resource for people wanting to understand their ancestry and disease probability. But how accurate are these tests?

We Got Our DNA Tested, Here’s How It Actually Works –

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Read More:

Seeking Ancestry in DNA Ties Uncovered by Tests;

“Genetic tests, once obscure tools for scientists, have begun to influence everyday lives in many ways. The tests are reshaping people’s sense of themselves – where they came from, why they behave as they do, what disease might be coming their way.”

Revamped DNA Test Kit Back on Shelves;

“The company also promised ‘personalized insights based on analysis of 650,000 genetic variations,’ and the ‘only service available direct-to-consumer with reports that meet FDA standards.'”

DNA Test Sheds Light on Mystery Deaths;

“A new DNA test can restore at least part of the identity of long-dead people who left no trace of their image, scientists reported on Monday. The technique has revealed the hair and eye colours of unknown individuals slaughtered as sub-humans by the Nazis and of a mystery woman buried alongside monks in a mediaeval crypt, they said.”


Seeker inspires us to see the world through the lens of science and evokes a sense of curiosity, optimism and adventure.

-> Triplets

These Stunning Triplets Took A DNA Test With Unexpected Results!

…As far as genetics goes, all three of the triplets had their result show up as being 99% European. However, it was when that percentage began to be broken down that some real discrepancies began to arise. As the results were revealed on the show, the girls, the audience and even the doctors themselves were more and more shocked at the results. First, it was revealed that Erica had around 16% Irish and British ancestry, however Nicole had 18% Irish and British ancestry. Well, that seems to be fairly minor so far right? It was only going to get crazier as more was revealed! ..l

Different Ancestry?

The rest of the results continued to deviate from what was expected. The 23andMe test showed that while all three girls had French and German heritage, each triplet had a different percentage. Nicole had 11% French and German, Jaclyn had 18% and Erica had 22.3%. Twenty-two to eleven percent seems like a pretty drastic difference for triplets with identical DNA. For their Doctors segment, each time a new percentage was revealed it would flash on the screen and the audience would react in absolute amazement. The girls themselves were also clearly very confused about how their differing results could happen.

The final ethnicity to be revealed was the girls’ Scandinavian heritage. And for this one, yet another shocker was revealed. Two of the girls, Erica and Jaclyn both had the exact same results with the same percentage of Scandinavian ancestry at 7.4%. However, Nicole had a totally different and higher percentage at 11.4% Scandinavian. The Doctors, the Inside Edition reporter, and the Dahm triplets themselves were totally shocked at the amazing results. It turns out, these amazing ancestry DNA results might reveal even more about DNA science than previously known…
Dr. Travis Stork said, “I think the answer here is that we’ve come so far in terms of genetic testing, but you can’t just spit in a cup and have every single answer that you are looking for.” On Inside Edition, another set of triplets had similar results with another DNA kit. Only one set of triplets had results that were extremely close which was a test done with Ancestry DNA. Perhaps one day, at-home testing for ancestry will become even more streamlined and accurate. However, in the meantime it’s definitely interesting to get a peek inside where your ancestors may have descended from many years ago!

The at-home tests seem to be imperfect as far as percentages go, however they do undoubtedly offer insight into one’s background and ethnic makeup. Lisa mentioned on the show that while she was very interested in pursuing her own ethnic background, she might not go the route of the at-home DNA test. Instead, she said she would probably have a personalized test run by a doctor or genetic scientist. This kind of testing is definitely on the more expensive side, but are probably far more accurate. However, if you’re on a limited budget but still want to know more, an at-home test certainly won’t do you any harm! …

Family Roots
Elie Dolgin
January 18, 2011 Kurt Hoffman
DNA tests to uncover Jewish origins have been offered for decades by companies such as Houston-based Family Tree DNA and DNA Tribes of Arlington, Va. They have shown, for example, that many Hispanic Americans likely descended from Jews who were forced to convert or hide their religion more than 500 years ago in Spain and Portugal. Yet although standard ancestry-testing platforms can point to centuries-old Jewish origins, none would have flagged Pickrell’s relatively recent Semitic pedigree.

That’s because most DNA tests have traditionally relied on only two small parts of the genome: the Y-chromosome, which is passed down almost unchanged from father to son, and mitochondria, which mothers pass faithfully to their offspring. Because these stretches of DNA remain relatively consistent from one generation to the next, they are particularly useful for testing direct-line paternal and maternal ancestry, respectively; however, they essentially ignore the bulk of someone’s DNA ancestry and cannot detect genetic signatures that cross gender lines…

CeCe Moore, a 41-year-old amateur genealogist who runs a television production company in Orange County, Calif., is one such customer. In 2008, Moore tested her mitochondrial DNA and her father’s Y chromosome, but found no traces of Jewish heritage. Then, last year, she obtained her DNA readout from 23andMe and learned that a small but significant amount of her genome appeared to be of Ashkenazi origin…”

momondo – The DNA Journey

“Published on Sep 30, 2010

Ola tells CNN’s World’s Untold Stories about her experience when she found out her Neo-Nazi husband was also Jewish.”

My Dad isn’t my “Dad”



Found my Dad

Did DNA Just Find My Dad?


10 Shocking Results from DNA Ancestry Tests
#6 Cobb, Neo Nazi found he was 14% Sub-African, etc..


Adopted DNA Test Results – NOT What I Expected 🤯 Mind Blown

Midlife Credo
Published on Nov 27, 2018
Ancestry and 23andMe DNA test results SURPRSE! Heads up, DNA testing for adoptees can be complicated! I told you I wasn’t looking for my birth parents or biological family and it was 100% true. I’m happily adopted and love my REAL adopted parents and siblings. But when I got the results of my DNA tests from Ancestry DNA and 23andMe it changed my life FOREVER.

To be completely honest, I’m still processing everything that has happened. If my Ancestry adoption story is convoluted, please understand that it’s confusing to me, too! This is all so new and unexpected and…bizarre.

PLEASE, if you have a DNA adoption story to share, I’d love to hear it. Now more than ever!

📹 My Adoption Story – Why I’m NOT Searching for Birth Parents – DNA Test?

🐧 TWEET the crazy story:


Ancestry DNA Results (Grandma edition)
*10% European

SHOCKING African Ancestry DNA Results. I’m UPSET! | Nia Hope
100% European???

Nia Hope
Published on Oct 27, 2018
Hi! I took my African Ancestry DNA Test hoping for certain results, but could have never guessed what the actual results turned out to be. Watch to see my live reaction!!


Asian Americans Take A DNA Test
*you inherit 50% of your parent’s DNA
*Asian Indian woman shared she was %100 Indian, but when her mom got the test -she got 7% European, which explains Grandma’s blondish hair, which this Indian women didn’t get this European DNA -that explains why she didn’t get the European %


My DNA Results REVEALED! 23andMe || Mayim Bialik


Ethnically Ambiguous People Take A DNA Test


CNN: Neo-Nazi Skinhead finds out he is Jewish

“Lost Tribes of Israel”

“Hidden Jews” traced to N.M. Catholicism By ELECTA DRAPER | The Denver Post
March 4, 2006 at 3:26 pm
“..Albuquerque – When the Rev. Bill Sanchez was a little boy growing up in Santa Fe, his family expected he would become a priest.

Their Spanish nickname for him meant “Little Priest.” It was just something in the manner of the soft-spoken young Catholic, now the 53- year-old pastor of St. Edwin Parish in Albuquerque.

And, as Sanchez recently discovered through DNA testing, he is part of a priesthood tradition thousands of years old…”

Jewish researcher attacks DNA evidence linking Jews to Israel Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | May 13, 2013
“..Khazarian myth

Elhaik, who is now a post-doctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins, is recirculating the debunked “Khazarian hypothesis” promoted by journalist Arthur Koestler in his 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe, written before scientists had the tools to compare genomes and challenge his conclusion…”


5 things to know about the Golden State Killer’s case Author: Staff
Published: 11:07 AM PDT April 27, 2018
Updated: 1:11 PM PDT April 27, 2018
ABC10’s Walt Gray sat down with criminal defense attorney Don Heller to learn more about what’s next for the suspect as he awaits his legal fate.
“..4. Genealogy plays a major role in this case. Investigators used a free genealogy website to connect the killer’s to the crimes. Lead investigator Paul Holes said authorities didn’t need a court order to access GEDMatch’s large database. Heller explained, the information collected about the East Area Rapist’s distant relatives from the site was enough to move the case forward. ..”


Twins get ‘mystifying’ DNA ancestry test results (Marketplace)
*50% “confidence” statistically accurate only, results based on comparing to other DNA data results in their system, etc..only accurate more to the “continent”

CBC News
1.58M subscribers

CBC Marketplace investigates the science and marketing behind popular DNA ancestry kits. Host Charlsie Agro and her identical twin sister Carly test five top brands. Find out why ancestry test kits are not as accurate as you might think. To read more:

Biblical Perspective?

*see Neutral Pespective: The Bible is God’s Word and Not?

Bible Family Tree

A Biblical Perspective On Deep Ancestry Genetics

The Genealogy of Christ, 1611 King James Bible

Origins: Noah’s Flood Genetics

Adam and Eve Family Tree

The Genealogy in the Bible as a story!!!

The Gospel in Genesis
A Hidden Message
by Chuck Missler • February 1, 1996
“…And, indeed, the year that Methuselah died, the flood came.[3]

It is interesting that Methuselah’s life, in effect, was a symbol of God’s mercy in forestalling the coming judgment of the flood. Therefore, it is fitting that his lifetime is the oldest in the Bible, speaking of the extensiveness of God’s mercy.

The Other Names
If there is such significance in Methuselah’s name, let’s examine the other names to see what may lie behind them…

That’s rather remarkable:

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.

Here’s the Gospel hidden within a genealogy in Genesis!…”

Chuck Missler: Adam – Noah; The Genealogy, The … – YouTube

Ever got your DNA tested? Why or why not? What did you find out? Any other comments, suggestions, feedback, questions, etc… regarding the content above or not mentioned that you suggest me sharing here?

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Good News Multiculturalism

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to persuade or change your “beliefs” on an issue. Nothing on this site is to be construed as “real or fake news” ; the authors are just sharing their finding “known to be” facts. Please continue to “research” on your own, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal instincts. Feel free to share your own findings, material not shared above, or own opinions on the comment section available below. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good “news” and optimism!”

Miracles: Stories of Visions of Jesus


Born with a hole in her heart, she saw Jesus before angels carried her home
June 10, 2014
“..After her second birthday, she had her first vision of Jesus. It happened in their family room, only a few weeks before her passing….
“Hey Jesus. Hi. Hi Jesus,” she said, to her mom’s surprise.

“What do you see, babe? Tamrah asked.

“Hi Jesus. Hi,” little Giselle continued, her eyes wide with delight.

“Where is He?

“Right there,” she pointed.

Giselle had at least two more visions of Jesus in the weeks before her graduation to heaven. One happened in the car while they were driving and another in a store.

One day in the car, Giselle began to spontaneously sing, “Rejoice! Rejoice! (E)mmanuel…” She had not learned to pronounce ‘E’s’ so it came out as ‘Manuel.’

“How does Giselle know that Christmas song?” sister Jolie Mae wanted to know….”
A Girl Got Gift From Heaven and Painting with Jesus – Jordan Cook/Sid Roth

“Prince of Peace Painting by Akiane Kramarik
Like This Page · December 19, 2014 · Edited ·”
“Jesus Prince of Peace by Akiane KramarikMeet Akiane Kramarik the artist who painted Prince of Peace in this 4 minute Video Bio … .

#Jesus #Akiane #Christ”

The Girl who Paints Heaven! – Akiane Kramerik


Woman Healed of Cerebral Palsy Through Vision
“…”You could just feel God’s love and His presence, and it came all around me, and it was really, really warm,” she continues. “God showed me in a vision that He was going to heal me. He showed me the inside of a church. The church had light-colored woodwork. The doorknob was a triangular glass-colored doorknob. And then the vision showed me in a rust-colored stretcher and people gathered around praying for me. There was a man in a pinstriped suit. Then God showed me a picture of myself out riding a bike on beautiful green grass, and it said ‘March 29th’ in just great big bold letters — that was three weeks away.” ..”

But with each step that she took, they started to straighten out. And as her toes and her knees straightened out, she got stronger and stronger. She took a few steps on her own, and then was literally running around the church.”

“Then she started into going on a little bit of a dogtrot around the church,” says Lucille. “Finally, she began praising the Lord and going around. And I tell you, you talk about the glory of the Lord — we just shouted. The presence of the Lord was so real.” …
Jesus visits dying Muslim in hospital room, brings healing September 20, 2012

Sal: Personal Oral (3:45 minute) Interview

Revelation 21 New International Version (NIV) A New Heaven and a New Earth

Last week (April 4th/5th 2016), a client (anonymous for confidentiality) at my workplace shared this story after she sporadically told me she was “healed” (medical condition is confidential, but trust me-I saw her in a really serious medical condition that I just laid my hands on her and prayed for her during this “severe” medical condition in front of my co-worker) and “saw” Jesus. I have to be honest, I was skeptical at first, but as she shared some specifics of her personal encounter with Jesus in Heaven. Her story confirmed many other stories I’ve heard (e.g. Victoria T. from my local church when she shared late last spring (see Sermon Download 04.19.2015 – Speaker: Spencer and Victoria Tiernan – [DOWNLOAD]) of 2015. I already have consent from her to share:

Personal Encounter with Jesus in Heaven and Healed!

“…He said it wasn’t my time to go yet… (Sal: “so you told me earlier that you saw your grandparents/relatives and they were younger lookin’?) never grow old in Heaven…(Sal: this happened last Friday)..Yup..this was a real miracle for me. God is watching over me (Sal..healed from your “medical condition”)..and that I was walking, running, playing, etc.. with the dogs and cats…(Sal: you were walking..this is an encouragement for people in wheelchairs too)…that I was a miracle I was in Heaven and not in wheelchair…and saw ____(name of our friend is confidential)____ (saw ___(friend)___? how did he look?)….”good..(Sal-younger?)…yup…(Sal-no white hair?)…yup”…(Sal-‘should share this with __(another common friend of ours)__) ..(Sal-Heaven is real!)..and there was angels and yeah..and see some…nice trees, was really beautiful (Sal..”new earth”)..if I go back to Earth , I would like to come down was as a dog (Sal: we’ll get new heavenly bodies..)..[stopped video]

After she shared this story, I remembered most of last week I was singing the chorus of this song (“Come & Let Your Presence fall in this…”)…e.g. workplace) that was in the list of worship songs for last Sunday as part of my local church worship team.

I was so inspired and encouraged by her story, that I told her to keep sharing this to as many people as she can. She would immediately share this with her peers, visitors at our workplace, co-worker, etc.. I’ll keep you updated of any further testimonies. Till then, may this and all these stories (above and below) encourage you in your faith and to share your own personal “faith building” story to as many people around you!

2 Corinthians 5New Living Translation (NLT)
New Bodies

” 5 For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. 2 We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 3 For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies.[a] 4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. 5 God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit.

6 So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. 7 For we live by believing and not by seeing. 8 Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord. 9 So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please him. 10 For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body…”
Rick Settoon


Ron Zaucha: A Vision of Jesus, from
“…“I had a vision there in jail of Jesus Christ. He appeared to me as real as you are and finally spoke. I said, ‘What do You want?’ And He said, ‘You.’ I says, ‘You can’t want someone like me. I’ve done all these things. Hurt all these people. Done all this stuff in my life.’ And He said, ‘I came for people like you.’ When that happened, I knew I needed to change my life.”

That night Ron called his mother and grandmother who bailed him out of jail. The first thing he asked for was to be taken to church. It was Easter Sunday.”..
Knows our Hurts

I SAW JESUS! (The Karen Templin Story) Jesus Did It!
By: Karen Templin
“…As I was thinking I should look for His face, I raised my eyes, and I couldn’t have been more surprised by what I saw. I saw Jesus — He was actually there! It was just His face, but he was alive, and moving around. He had dark, shoulder-length hair with light streaks of gray, and He was wearing a crown of thorns. I just gazed up at Him, and He was smiling at me with the most loving smile I had ever seen in my life!

The first thing I thought was – He looks a little different than He does in His pictures, but only slightly different. I had expected His hair to be longer, and His nose was a little different…

Next, I saw Him sending beams of transparent, white light towards my heart. I felt the light penetrating my being. The light felt like nothing, other than pure love and compassion. Jesus was very kind and loving towards me — not condemning at all. I only sensed a strong outpouring of love from Him. He seemed perfect in His goodness and kindness.

Next He began to communicate to me, but no words were used. He communicated by sending me feelings. There was knowledge in the feelings that I understood easily and clearly as it was transferred into my mind.

He said that He already knew about it all — my lack of forgiveness towards others — how I had been hurt by other people, and the circumstances in my life that had made me feel that way. He said, “I know everything about you.” That surprised me greatly, but I also felt comforted by it. It meant that He had never been far from me like I had always thought. I realized that I had been constantly under His supervision, like when our children are small, and we never let them out of our eyesight.

Again, I felt more compassion from Him pouring out to me. He said, “I feel your pain. I grieve with you.” He was like a loving parent who will pick you up when you are hurting, and hold you in his loving arms. He will comfort you, and wipe away all of your tears. I actually felt like I had been comforted, and held in the arms of Jesus.

After He comforted me, He spoke again. He told me not to worry or concern myself with these things because He would take care of it for me. I sensed an incredible strength in Him. I felt like a burden had been lifted, and I felt like He could easily carry all of my burdens. We have all been taught about the meek and humble man, but he exuded strength, and I could feel it.

I was still looking at Him. I was still surprised by some of the things that He said. He was still looking at me. He still wore that loving smile on his face that would melt the heart of the worst hardened sinner. He was still sending me love, and it was to overflowing. There was so much love that I felt like my heart couldn’t hold it all, and it may burst if I took in much more. I began to feel like I couldn’t handle it anymore. Maybe in human form we can’t. I don’t know.

Seeing all of the goodness and purity in Him, I felt like I may break down into tears and sobs. I started to feel unworthy of His pure holiness. He was a soul at the highest level of perfection. Seeing this makes you aware of even your smallest sins. I felt unworthy of Him, and then I looked away.

When I looked back, He wasn’t there anymore, but I was left with a feeling of total awe. Jesus had been there. I had seen Him. I had felt Him. He had communicated with me. The thing I was left knowing, above everything else, was that He loved me more than anyone had ever loved me in my life!..”


What does Jesus really look like?
by Tom Brown
“..I didn’t see Him in his traditional garments; instead I saw Him sitting in a wheelchair with a blanket over His legs. There was suppose to be an elderly man sitting there, but instead it was the Lord. As I looked across the room, all I could see was Jesus. I saw Jesus in the place of all the people. He wore a nurse’s uniform. He sat in a chair where there was a lady supposed to have sat. I could not see anyone’s face. I only saw the Lord.

As I looked in astonishment, I heard the Lord say, “Whatever you have done for one of the least of these, you have done unto me.” The vision ended…”


Divine Revelations
Face to Face encounters with Jesus Christ. … This is an account of 5 of the most amazing stories of people who came back from the dead, and what they saw while dead. … Anna Rountree was caught up in a tremendous vision of Heaven…”

#1 Best Videos of Encounter with Jesus, Angels, Healing, Heaven and Hell (Sid Roth with 12 people)

“..Published on May 28, 2013

I selected 12 different wonderful testimonies which showed dramatic encounter of Jesus or Angels or Heaven/Hell from Sid Roth It’s Supernatural. I pray to God that anyone who is watching this video will be have same wonderful encountering with Jesus. Jesus is coming shortly! Please be ready with daily repentance and loving Jesus all your heart. Jesus bless you!..”


Jesus Christ and the Near-Death Experience
“..The following are some of the important insights concerning Jesus from many near-death accounts and my own research concerning the NDE and the Christian connection to it. There are many interesting experiences with Jesus from NDEs and many insights concerning him within them. Some of these experiences are humorous and all of them profound. There are many different descriptions of the appearance of Jesus which is because, as one person put it, Jesus appears to us in a way that we can recognize him. You will find all the various descriptions of Jesus from NDE accounts on this website. You will find interesting quotes and NDE insights concerning Jesus. ..”

Religious Backgrounds

Visions of Jesus?
“…Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs say a vision of Jesus changed their lives and led them to believe in him. Christians and sceptics in the west say they too have had visions of Jesus that profoundly changed them. Is it possible, or were they just hallucinations? What difference does it make?..”


More than DreamsMore than


“More Than Dreams” tells the compelling, true stories of five Muslims from five countries who share one life-changing experience. Each of them saw Jesus Christ in a dream or a vision and their lives were forever transformed..”
Visions of Jesus appearing to Muslims?
Middle East evangelists report nagging dreams leading to conversions
Published: 02/09/2013 at 5:03 PM


Angels coming for me, A Glimpse of Heaven, from
“..Published on Apr 10, 2015

Arthur Blessitt shares Holy Moments as Angels come rejoicing saying “Arthur, Arthur, Arthur”. Golden cloud, Sparkling white. What it will be like at the moment we depart this earth for heaven..”

Do you have a story? Feel free to share below..

Good News Dreams

Neutral Perspective: Vaccinations are safe and NOT?

My personal story: I never “called-in” sick the entire winter season this past year and I called in sick only once the winter season before due to the flu. However, I was able to treat it with natural remedies. I missed work only one day. However, I admit that I should’ve stayed home the next day as I wasn’t 100%. All these years, I’ve never had a flu-vaccination. Feel free to check other of my health blogs for prevention-treatment tips. I welcome any feedback, questions, comments, etc.. down below.

Quick Flu Question? from



Be Informed |
“Vaccines are held to the highest standard of safety. The United States currently has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history. Vaccines undergo a rigorous and extensive evaluation program to determine safety and effectiveness. If a vaccine does receive approval by FDA, it is continuously monitored for safety and effectiveness.

Read more about common questions related to vaccine safety, including:..”


Anti-vaccination concerns not based in fact The Rachel Maddow Show 2/3/15

” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, talks with Rachel Maddow about the health risks associated with not being vaccinated, and the importance of dispelling the myths behind the anti-vaccination argument Duration: 4:54 “


Vaccine Safety Facts for Parents from
“…agree that vaccines are even safer than vitamins. Millions of children and adults are vaccinated every year—safely. Thousands of people take part in clinical trials to test a vaccine before it is licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). After it’s licensed, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) helps track any health effect that happens hours, days, weeks, or even months later. Anyone can report a possible side-effect so that it can be studied. This monitoring helps ensure vaccines are safe. To learn more about vaccine safety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, visit the CDC vaccine safety page. ..


How To Argue With The Anti-Vaccine Crazies: A Guide By Francie Diep July 17, 2013
“..What if McCarthy’s new platform really does bring on a resurgence of unscientific, anti-vaccination beliefs? Here at Popular Science, we wanted to be prepared. We’ve made a guide for you to help you refute common anti-vaccine questions and claims. Ready, set…..”


*see H1N1 “Swine” Flu Prevention, Cure, etc…

Health Decoder – The Facts About Flu Shots

“Published on Oct 12, 2012

So what’s the truth about flu shots? Do they keep you from getting sick or do they actually make you sick? Here are the facts, Jack (and non-Jacks) about flu shots.

Subscribe to 3V:
All Episodes of Health Decoder:
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Info on the Flue Vaccine:;

Health Decoder debunks common myths about all things health-related. Get real answers to your biggest questions every week on Health Decoder.”|


The Vaccine Debate Among Health Experts

The Real Truth About Health
Published on Jan 17, 2018
Today’s expert panel takes a look at the vaccine schedule, how vaccines affect your health, and how the medical industry handles vaccination behind the scenes.

Panel Participants: Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N., Joel Kahn, M.D., Alison Bass, Jim Lieber, Allen Frances, M.D., Del Bigtree

Connect with The Real Truth About Health;

Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO’s. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.

Vaccines: Are They Safe and Effective?

“Published on Sep 15, 2015

A virtual debate in which a PhD chemist/biochemist and an MD pediatrician/vaccine inventor/ leading forceable vaccine proponent confront the other. Full HD video of the debate is available at publicaffairsmediainc.blogspot”


Read This BEFORE You Get a Flu Shot
…How effective is the shot?
“..The flu shot is only as good as the educated guesses of a group of vaccine researchers across the globe. Every February, they try to predict which flu viruses will work their evil during the next fall and winter. Their three top choices are put into the vaccine. The CDC claims that vaccine will be 70 to 90 percent effective against just those strains of flu. “We hope that these smart scientists who get together with the vaccine producers make the right call,” says immunologist Randy Horwitz, MD, medical director of the University of Arizonas School for Integrative Medicine. But sometimes they dont, partly because the virus mutates from year to year. In 2003–2004, the CDC admitted that it completely missed the virulent Fujian flu strain that hit hard that winter…

Heres another concern: Except for about 8 million doses, the flu vaccine contains a preservative, thimerosal, that is 49 percent mercury, a known neurotoxin. While the latest research seems to disprove any link between thimerosal vaccines and autism in children, the debate still rages, and several states have prohibited the use of thimerosal in childrens vaccines. Yet supplies of mercury-free flu vaccine are limited due to man-ufacturing capacity. If you want to avoid thimerosal, you may have to make a special request to your health-care provider in advance..

-Children’s Cases

I have 1 vaccinated and 1 unvaccinated child #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig

Streamed live on Oct 7, 2017


I was a scientist and will now never vaccinate my children

*mother had a baby with gut issues and finally decided to see a naturopathic doctor and was encouraged not to get her child vaccinated until they find the “real” issues of child’s gut. Child didn’t get any more vaccinations and got “better” 🙂

I am a doctor and I now know the truth about vaccines #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig

=> Autism

Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link BY ALICE PARK
AUGUST 28, 2014 5:13 PM EDT
“..William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and one of the authors of a 2004 study published in the journal Pediatrics, spoke with Brain Hooker, who serves on the board of Focus Autism (which was founded to “put an end to the needless harm of children by vaccination and other environmental factors”), about the data that was not included in the final report. The study looked at both healthy children and those with autism, to see if there were any differences in their rates of being vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), and found none. That suggested that childhood immunizations likely were not contributing to an increased risk of autism. Hooker and Thompson, however, discussed a subset of the 624 children with autism and 1824 without the condition who were studied and Thompson admitted that among African-American boys, the incidence of autism was higher among those who were vaccinated than among those who weren’t. But that information was not part of the paper. Thompson claims he was not aware that the discussion was being recorded, and his statements appeared in a video released on YouTube on August 22 entitled “CDC Whistleblower Revealed.”..


Vaccines Articles

During One of the Worst Flu Seasons, is the Flu Vaccine the Answer? 10.5K January 22, 2013 • 354,297 views
…How to Protect Yourself During the Flu Season …

“……voiding a serious case of influenza is not about vaccination but more about maintaining a healthy, well functioning immune system. By following these simple guidelines, you can help keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you’re far less likely to acquire the infection to begin with or, if you do get sick with the flu, you are better prepared to move through it without complications and soon return to good health.

Optimize Your Gut Flora. This may be the single most important strategy you can implement as the bacteria in your gut have enormous control of your immune response. The best way to improve your beneficial bacteria ratio is to avoid sugars as they will feed the pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, processed foods and most grains should be limited and replacing with healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados, olives, olive oil, butter, eggs and nuts. Once you change your diet, then regular use of fermented foods can radically optimize the function of your immune response.
Optimize your vitamin D levels. As I’ve previously reported, optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds, and vitamin D deficiency may actually be the true culprit behind the seasonality of the flu – not the flu virus itself. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. Regularly monitor your vitamin D levels to confirm your levels are within the therapeutic range of 50-70 ng/ml.

Ideally, you’ll want to get all your vitamin D from sun exposure or a safe tanning bed, but you can also take an oral vitamin D3 supplement. According to the latest review by Carole Baggerly (, adults need about 8,000 IU’s a day. Be sure to take vitamin K2 if you are taking oral vitamin D as it has a powerful synergy and will help prevent any D toxicity.
Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods. Sugar impairs the quality of your immune response almost immediately, and as you likely know, a healthy immune system is one of the most important keys to fighting off viruses and other illness. It also can decimate your beneficial bacteria and feed the pathogenic yeast and viruses. Be aware that sugar (typically in the form of high fructose corn syrup) is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice. If you are healthy then sugar can be consumed but the LAST thing you should be eating when you are sick is sugar. .
Get Plenty of Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep for some great tips to help you get quality rest.
Have Effective Tools to Address Stress. We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma.
Get Regular Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads. Be sure to stay hydrated – drink plenty of fluids, especially water. However, it would be wise to radically reduce the intensity of your workouts while you are sick. No Peak Fitness exercises until you are better.
Take a High-Quality Source of Animal-Based Omega-3 Fats. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response.
Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this – antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple non-toxic soap that you can switch your family to.
Tried and True Hygiene Measures. In addition to washing your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. If possible, avoid close contact with those, who are sick and, if you are sick, avoid close contact with those who are well.
Use Natural Antibiotics. Examples include oil of oregano and garlic. These work like broad-spectrum antibiotics against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa in your body. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, they do not appear to lead to resistance.
Avoid Hospitals. I’d recommend you stay away from hospitals unless you’re having an emergency and need expert medical care, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds. The best place to get plenty of rest and recover from illness that is not life-threatening is usually in the comfort of your own home.

Vaccinations- Myths, Beliefs, and Facts

“Published on Oct 12, 2015

The myth that vaccines are safe and effective needs to be destroyed by scientific facts and the belief system of vaccines needs to change as a result. According to the facts from the CDC and the manufacturers, vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Get ready for some mind blowing facts on vaccines and viral shedding that may shock and amaze you.

At and we strive to educate people on natural solutions to health.
http://www.theArthritisReversalSystem&#8230; is my online video course with 21 videos, 3 manuals and an online forum!; for online consults.

CALL TOLL FREE 1-855-712-0012 to get bonus materials not on YouTube or text your first name and email plus 89869 to 1-817-591-2905.”


Vacciness -The truth behind vaccinations

“Published on Jan 14, 2013

A collection of many documentaries such as:
Shots in the Dark- Silence on Vaccines.
The Greater Good.
Vaccination -The Hidden Truth.
Vaccine and Overdose babies.
and… many many more.

Please support the documentaries above.”

You Won’t Believe What They Admitted on the News in 1971…

Truthstream Media
“Published on May 31, 2017

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*vaccinations were found to have caused cancer in soldiers in 1962 and didn’t know about it until 3 years later in 1965.
*see Hypocrites: Military Uses of Biological-Chemical Weapons around the World

Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is ‘Total Population Control’

1,323,935 views•Aug 7, 2014
CBN News
294K subscribers

Bill Gates, No more Public gathering until EVERYONE Gets the Vaccines 🙄😷🤬😡

57,536 views•Apr 13, 2020
Dagnet Strikes Again
1.18K subscribers


Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding May 5, 2020 by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
“..Retrovirus exposure intensified in the 1970s as new vaccines and pharmaceutical products were developed. These retroviruses and related infectious agents are now associated with dozens of modern chronic illnesses – perhaps nearly all of them. In these diseases, infection leads to inflammation — and unresolved inflammation can lead to chronic disease.

The list of diseases stretches from autism to cancer and from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Alzheimer’s. The diseases cripple the development of the young, steal the productivity and enjoyment of life for adults, and provide a slow and withering death to the elderly…

Once activated, they create diseases such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Chronic Lyme disease, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), numerous cancers, and a wide range of other autoimmune, neuroimmune, and central nervous system diseases. Please see reference number 2 at the end of this article for a comprehensive list of diseases. [2]

How Did These Viruses Infect Millions Worldwide?

These viruses were most likely introduced into humans through contaminated vaccines and biological products including GMOs, human blood products, the milk of cows, and human breast milk. These retroviruses can be passed between family members through body fluids…

PLANDEMIC Part 1 (Dr. Judy Mikovits)
8,521 views•May 5, 2020

Papa Stephane
311 subscribers
Not my work, go give some love to the author:;

Dear gatekeepers of truth and free speech, before removing this video, please read these words:

The world is watching you. We understand the pressure you’re under to censor any information that contradicts the popular narrative. We know the risk that comes with defying the orders of those who pull the strings. We realize even the biggest of tech giants are under the command of powerful forces that wield the ability to destroy your empire with the click of a key. But due to the critical condition of our world, “I was just doing my job” is no longer an acceptable excuse.

This is no time to play politics. Our future is your future. Your family’s future. Your children’s future. Your grandchildren’s future. This is a plea to the human in you. Preventing this information from reaching the people is taking a firm stance on the wrong side of history. A choice you will certainly live to regret as truth exponentially emerges. There is nothing, no billionaire, no politician, no media, no level of censorship that can slow this awakening. It is here. It is happening. Who’s side are you on?

And to the citizens of this magnificent planet…

If anything is clear at this moment, it is the fact that no one is coming to save us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Though great forces have worked long and hard to divide us, our resilience, strength, and intelligence has been gravely underestimated. Now is the time to put all our differences aside. United we stand. Divided we fall.

Be brave. Share this video far and wide! Should this video be removed from this platform, download your own copy at:

Then, upload directly to all of your favorite platforms. You have our full permission to spread this information without limitation.


Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)

COVID-19 Agenda

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai Full Interview on the Health Crisis (MUST WATCH!)

•Premiered Apr 8, 2020
Keto Kamp
88K subscribers
In this controversial interview, Dr Shiva explains why he sent President Trump a letter about the health crisis. ▸ [FREE] 🔥E-BOOK: “The Keto Kickstart Guide: 4 Steps to Burning Fat Instead of Sugar” |

Keto Kamp Kits:

Former AIDS Scientist Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Medical Corruption

1,068,962 views•Premiered Apr 29, 2020
2.25M subscribers

Dr Judy A Mikovits PHD has a virtual sit-down with Patrick Bet-David and opens up about her fallout with Anthony Fauci that led to her 5 year gag order and whistleblower status. Order her book Site: Plague of Corruption Follow her on Twitter:@DrJudyAMikovits

“vaccine is driving the virus, so when they get the actual virus..they get worse or die”

*see Health: Medical-How to “fight” HIV (AIDS)?

#COVID19 is caused by vaccines | Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD
168,404 views•Apr 23, 2020
André Levy
2.85K subscribers
Full interview by Framing The World:

Dr. Mikovits is a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University and Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute. She led the Antiviral Mechanism Labs at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland where she developed purification methods for Interferon alpha. She worked at Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in Kalamazoo Michigan developing production methods to ensure biological materials manufactured using human blood products were free of contamination from HIV-1.


-Fight Flu!
*see Health: How to “fight” the flu?

Avoid vaccines and use these top four natural remedies for flu prevention instead
Monday, September 16, 2013 by: PF Louis
“… Flu vaccinations don’t work.

If you’re not aware of it, that’s understandable. The Cochran Collaboration studies were published in 2010 without any fanfare from the mainstream media. Only recently did Heidi Stevenson of Gaia Health pick up on it, and Jon Rappoport immediately cited her article in a Natural News article.

… Use natural means to improve your immunity against influenza.

Four easy, natural immune system promoters

…Improve lifestyle and diet by avoiding processed foods that contain toxic additives, oils, sweeteners, and GMOs. Include generous amounts of raw garlic with your organic foods. Hydrate often with purified non-fluoridated water. If you can get real spring water, that’s perfect.

Get your own reverse osmosis filtered water to eliminate 85 percent of fluorides. Add lime or lemon…

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*see more health & fitness tips

… to that water to balance out the resulting acid (pH) forming property or re-mineralize that water with trace mineral drops or real sea salt. (

Get plenty of quality sleep and stress less. Make sure your bedroom doesn’t allow any light into it. Keep electronic and EMF devices away from your bed. Meditation, laughter, and mild exercise help handle stress.

During One of the Worst Flu Seasons, is the Flu Vaccine the Answer? January 22, 2013 • 354,297 views
Protect Your Right to Informed Consent and Vaccine Exemptions

With all the uncertainty surrounding the safety and efficacy of vaccines, it’s critical to protect your right to informed consent to vaccination and fight to protect and expand vaccine exemptions in state public health laws. The best way to do this is to get personally involved with your state legislators and the leaders in your community. ..”

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Good News Biological

“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; the authors are not doctors. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good health and prosperity!”

Visiting those “sick” in the hospital

Last weekend during a conference “Storm the Planet Returns”) at my local church, a friend shared about a “friend of ours” that was just taken to the ER. She told it was pretty serious and thinks he might not make it. I didn’t bother to ask the medical condition as it didn’t matter to me. I then did a quick prayer for our friend and I non-verbally asked that God will just “heal” him and give some added time for me to see him.

The following day, I got an update via text that he was in the hospital and encouraged me to visit him. I was getting ready for church service (also 2nd session of the conference) and did a quick prayer for our friend, so I can visit him afterwards. I just had some faith and trusted God that He’ll give our friend some extra time for me to visit him later on.

During the service, one of the speakers (Jennifer) shared how we need to be the “pastor” (a.k.a. “church body ministry”) to the people around us. I thought of the people I work with (including my particular “friend”). Then after towards the end of the service, one of the leaders (Spencer) in our local congregation gave an invitation to come up for prayer (e.g. healing). I thought it was my cue to leave early and head to the hospital to visit our “friend”.

When I got to the hospital..

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..and was praying as I was riding my bike there, I went over to his bed side and smiled. He looked very weak and frail. The nurse (from the group home) left, so I took that time time to pray for him and shared with him some worship music that I recorded from our church service…

“Storm the Planet Returns” Conference: Day #2 (Session 2)-Worship Pt 1of2

…I would repeat some of the songs that was sung at church..

“You are my joy…, the joy of the Lord is your strength…!” I was declaring it with faith for my friend.!
After awhile, my “friend” would grab my hand hard and tight. I noticed some increase strength..praise the Lord!

I would get a call from another pastor friend about how he got a call from a lady in charge of the group home about “my” friend that lives there. I told him a friend and I already visited him. He ended up visiting “our” friend and told me that he looks good, which I replied thanks to the many prayers! I would visit him again that day (Monday the 21st) just to see how he’s doing and would hear “good news” that he’ll be coming “home” in hospice environment.

Just this past Saturday (26th), I went to visit him at “home” and would encourage him by praying for him again. I also turned on his room radio, which it was already set to the local Christian station (Praise FM 101.5 FM/103.9 FM). I then started to sing this song that came to my mind (“You Are Not Alone“) and would do a parody with faith-building encouraging words.



Prayer Before Surgery
, from
Bible verses for surgery

Got any personal stories/testimonies, feedback, comments, suggestions, etc.. regarding any of the content above? Would love to hear some to encourage others in similar situations as we are “not” alone!

Good News Medical

Neutral Perspective: Marijuana (“weed”) is “good” and “bad” for you?


State Marijuana Laws in 2017 Map

‘..Information is current as of Sept. 14, 2017…”


Pot and Rental Properties: What Landlords and Property Managers Should Know


Minnesota Marijuana Laws
“..Possession of more than 42.5 grams of the drug is charged as a felony, with a maximum possible sentence of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. The most severe penalty is reserved for those convicted of selling more than 50 kg. of marijuana, with a possible 30-year prison sentence and $500,000 fine…”
The Landlord’s Guide to U.S. Marijuana Laws April 21, 2014


Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary

“Published on Mar 15, 2011
In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health.

This game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the real science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant.

Topics include: * What the consensus is from over 1500 scientific and medical trials * What conditions have been proven to benefit from medical marijuana * Its historical use as medicine dating back over 5300 years * Methods of delivery and their different advantages * Government sponsored studies intended to show Marijuana having negative effects that yielded the exact opposite results * Common myths about negative effects of Marijuana and what the research really says about these topics

Visit: http://www.MarijuanaMovie.Org
Directors YT: MindzEyeFilm..

Why Cannabis is the Future of Medicine By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“…When it comes to cannabis’ medical applications, cannabis’ ‘healing properties’ is a loaded term. In fact, it is extremely dangerous, as far as the medical industrial complex goes, who has the FDA/FTC to enforce it’s mandate: anything that prevents, diagnoses, treats or cures a disease must be an FDA approved drug by law, i.e. pharmaceutical agents which often have 75 or more adverse effects for each marketed and approved “therapeutic” effect…

Let’s look at the actual, vetted, published and peer-reviewed research – bullet proof, if we are to subscribe to the ‘evidence-based’ model of medicine – which includes over 100 proven therapeutic actions of this amazing plant, featuring the following:…

The Healthiest Way To Smoke Marijuana: As Cannabis Culture Evolves, Vaporizers May Be The Safest Way To Avoid Carcinogens
Feb 27, 2014 04:58 PM By Matthew Mientka

“…Everything considered, the healthiest way to smoke marijuana is to not smoke at all. Despite much potential for marijuana as a medicine and safe recreational drug, smoking any herbal blend presents a dangerous long-term health risk to the user, including a possibly increased susceptibility to some cancers. Instead, the magic bullet lies with the vaporizer, a handheld device gaining popularity in the United States and around the world.

Rather than burning marijuana to produce smoke, a vaporizer heats the herb to an optimal temperature of approximately 338 F., just above the threshold at which inhalable vapors are produced, smelling lightly of smoke and, curiously, like popcorn. As for the science, Donald I. Abrams, a professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, reported in 2007 in the Journal of the American Academy of Neurology “there was virtually no exposure to harmful combustion products” using the vaporizing device…”
Smoking Weed Has No Negative Effect On Health | The Rubin Report

“Published on Oct 4, 2013
According to U.S. researchers, marijuana has no negative effects on human health. They that determined that the weed users they studied were no more likely to go see the doctor than non-drug consumers.

This episode of The Rubin Report is brought to you by Coupaw! Click to get 20% off of all your pet needs using promo code “RR”

Researchers from the Boston Medical Center and the Boston University School of Medicine randomly sampled patients who tested positive for marijuana to see if the marijuana-use had any impact on their health. They found that there’s no difference between people who smoke cannabis daily and those who do not.

Should this study come as a surprise, or are people finally beginning to come around on weed?


NY Post discovers the real cause of America’s mass shootings: legal weed Aldous J Pennyfarthing
Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)
Friday August 09, 2019 · 10:26 AM CDT
“.. And state pot-law histories tend to be more complicated than the dates of full legalization, anyway — in Alaska and Oregon …, it’s been decades since having small to moderate amounts of marijuana for personal use could lead to anything worse than a small fine. The idea that a state flipping over from a very liberal pot policy to a very liberal pot policy would lead to an immediate uptick in violent crime demands evidence that’s absent from Berenson’s column.

So, yeah, this is all nonsense. But we’ve seen a lot of that in conservatives’ attempts to absolve Donald Trump and the NRA from their sins.

Seriously. Weed. Don’t make me laugh…”


Should marijuana be legalized?

Should Marijuana Use Be Legalized?


The Health Effects of Marijuana
In this installment of a regular feature, the author attempts to present a balanced assessment of the health effects of marijuana.

By Michael Castleman
May/June 1981

Although research into the health effects of marijuana often produced contradictory results, relatively disinterested assessments concluded the smoke irritates the throat and lungs and has as many carcinogenic compounds as tobacco…

Two years ago, investigators at the UCLA Pulmonary Research Laboratory published the abstract of a study on the respiratory effects of heavy marijuana smoking among 75 young men who consumed an average of five marijuana cigarettes, or joints, a day for two months. Among other less dramatic findings, this “Tashkin Report” suggested: “Smoking four joints a week may cause more respiratory impairment than smoking 16 cigarettes a day…”

Health Risks of Marijuana
by Dr. Anna Grace Tagliaferro

“…Marijuana is known to causes risks to the lungs, brain, stomach and intestines, and mind. It can also cause birth defects. Here are the details…”
What smoking marijuana does to the brain By DENNIS THOMPSONHEALTHDAYNovember 11, 2014, 9:38 AM

“…MRI scans revealed that people who use pot for years have a smaller-than-usual orbitofrontal cortex, a region in the frontal lobes of the brain that is involved in decision-making and assessing the expected rewards or punishments of an action, said study author Francesca Filbey, from the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas…

How teenagers addicted to cannabis risk damaging their IQ and show signs normally seen in early Alzheimer’s By FIONA MACRAE FOR THE DAILY MAIL
PUBLISHED: 16:07 EST, 27 August 2012 | UPDATED: 10:54 EST, 28 August 2012

*see Health: How to “get out” of drug addiction?,


Mysterious illness tied to marijuana use on the rise in states with legal weed
By Jonathan Lapook |
Posted: Wed 7:01 PM, Dec 28, 2016 |
Updated: Thu 6:25 AM, Dec 29, 2016
“NEW YORK (CBS) – For more than two years, Lance Crowder was having severe abdominal pain and vomiting, and no local doctor could figure out why. Finally, an emergency room physician in Indianapolis had an idea.

“The first question he asked was if I was taking hot showers to find relief. When he asked me that question, I basically fell into tears because I knew he had an answer,” Crowder said.

The answer was cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS. It’s caused by heavy, long-term use of various forms of marijuana. For unclear reasons, the nausea and vomiting are relieved by hot showers or baths.

“They’ll often present to the emergency department three, four, five different times before we can sort this out,” said Dr. Kennon Heard, an emergency room physician in Aurora, Colorado.

He co-authored a study showing that since 2009, when medical marijuana became widely available, emergency room visits diagnoses for CHS in two Colorado hospitals nearly doubled. In 2012, the state legalized recreational marijuana.

“It is certainly something that, before legalization, we almost never saw,” Heard said. “Now we are seeing it quite frequently.”…”

-Second Hand

What Are the Side Effects of Secondhand Marijuana Smoke?
“..Is secondhand marijuana smoke as bad as tobacco?
There isn’t much by way of clinical data to understand if secondhand marijuana smoke is as bad for your health as tobacco smoke.

According to the American Lung Association, regularly smoking marijuana yourself can damage your lungs and weaken your immune system.

And a 2016 study on rats showed that just one minute of secondhand marijuana smoke impaired lung function for at least 90 minutes — which is longer than the lungs are affected by tobacco secondhand smoke.

Secondhand marijuana smoke exposes you to many of the same toxic chemicals as smoking it directly does. Because of this, the American Lung association recommends that people avoid exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke.

Secondhand marijuana side effects
Contact high may be less common than we think, but it’s possible. Here are some of the other side effects and symptoms of secondhand marijuana smoke exposure.

Delayed reflexes
Smoking weed can slow your reaction time when you’re on the road. If you have high levels of THC in your blood from secondhand marijuana smoke, it might have the same effect.

If you’re around marijuana smoke for a long period of time, you may begin to feel lightheaded or dizzy.

One effect of the THC in marijuana is the feeling of calmness it gives some users. For others, this calmness can take the form of feeling tired or lethargic.

Researchers are still trying to understand the connection between excessive marijuana exposure and mental health. It appears that marijuana use can trigger or worsen some mental health conditions, including depression.

No link has been established between secondhand smoke marijuana exposure and depression…”

How Dangerous Is Secondhand Marijuana Smoke?
‘How Dangerous Is Secondhand Marijuana Smoke?
48,604 views•Nov 30, 2014





1.34M subscribers
Smoking marijuana is typically thought of as not that bad, especially compared to the hazards of drinking. But is secondhand smoke from marijuana more dangerous than people think? Or does it damage your lungs, heart, and blood vessels in the same ways as cigarette smoke? Find out with John and Sandra!

What do you think of this study? Will it deter you from smoking marijuana, or spending time around those who do? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more here:

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New study shows risks of second hand marijuana smoke

Law Enforcement

*see Deep Thought: Shootings with “manifestos” of hate , are they connected?

Ohio Lawmaker Blames Mass Shootings on Weed, Trans People, Fatherlessness, and That’s Not All Stephen A. Crockett Jr. 8/05/19 2:00pmFiled to: BATSHIT
‘…After shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas left 29 people dead and several others injured, an Ohio lawmaker took to Facebook to blame the massacres on everything from “homosexual marriage” to the legalization of marijuana…”

=>Deep Thought: “Hands Up or Down to get ID?”

Philando Castile’s Killer Says Castile’s Marijuana Use Made Him Dangerous
News Luria Freeman @CandidlyLuria | June 23, 2017 – 11:46 am
“..The Washington Post reports that Officer Jeronimo Yanez, the police officer who killed Philando Castile in 2016 during a traffic stop, pinpointed the smell of marijuana in Castile’s car as a sign that the deceased was potentially dangerous.

READ Philando Castile’s Mother On Case Verdict: “The System Continues To Fail Black People”

“I thought, I was gonna die,” Yanez reportedly told investigators from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension 15 hours after the shooting. “And I thought if he’s, if he has the, the guts and the audacity to smoke marijuana in front of the five year old girl and risk her lungs and risk her life by giving her secondhand smoke and the front seat passenger doing the same thing then what, what care does he give about me.”

Claims that Castile was “stoned” and failed to follow the officer’s instructions during the fatal traffic stop made up Yanez’s defense team’s central argument during the trial…

A local Minnesota publication recounted Defense Attorney Earl Gray’s closing argument from the trial: “Had it not been for Castile’s decision to “get stoned” on marijuana before operating a vehicle while armed with a gun, and further his decision to “ignore” Yanez’s commands not to reach for his firearm, “none of this would have happened,” Gray told jurors.”..”


Florida teens laugh, film disabled man drowning instead of helping (video) Updated on July 21, 2017 at 8:14 AM Posted on July 21, 2017 at 7:56 AM
“..”The kids were at the park that day smoking marijuana and apparently saw him walk into the water,” Martinez told the newspaper. “They were watching him.”..

“While the incident depicted on the recording does not give rise to sufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution under Florida statutes, we can find no moral justification for either the behavior of persons heard on the recording or the deliberate decision not to render aid to Mr. Dunn,” the office said.

According to CNN, the state of Florida does not have any laws requiring citizens to render aid or call for help for anyone in distress…”

theheatmagSomeone mailed a giant bucket of #weed to a random stranger 🍁📦📫 (Via @nowthisnews) @theheatmag #theheatmag

Second – Hand

What are the effects of secondhand exposure to marijuana smoke?
“..The known health risks of secondhand exposure to cigarette smoke—to the heart or lungs, for instance—raise questions about whether secondhand exposure to marijuana smoke poses similar health risks. At this point, very little research on this question has been conducted. A 2016 study in rats found that secondhand exposure to marijuana smoke affected a measure of blood vessel function as much as secondhand tobacco smoke, and the effects lasted longer.88 One minute of exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke impaired flow-mediated dilation (the extent to which arteries enlarge in response to increased blood flow) of the femoral artery that lasted for at least 90 minutes; impairment from 1 minute of secondhand tobacco exposure was recovered within 30 minutes. T..”
Hazards of secondhand marijuana smoke By Dennis Thompson HealthDay November 17, 2014, 10:06 AM
“..”Smoke is smoke. Both tobacco and marijuana smoke impair blood vessel function similarly,” said study senior author Matthew Springer, a cardiovascular researcher and associate professor of medicine in the university’s cardiology division. “People should avoid both, and governments who are protecting people against secondhand smoke exposure should include marijuana in those rules.”..”

How Dangerous Is Secondhand Marijuana Smoke? – YouTube

New study shows risks of second hand marijuana smoke – YouTube

Nov 30, 2017 – Uploaded by NEWS 1130

Can You Get Bronchitis From Second Hand Smoke? – YouTube

Can You Get A Cough From Second Hand Smoke? – YouTube

*see Deep Thought: How to Overcome your own addictions?

Any other feedback, information, etc..?

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