Movie: Reflection – Spider-man Movies & “No Way Home”

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - Official Trailer (HD) After watching Spiderman 3 or "SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME", I was thinking about the theme of "second chance". I was reminded of how we sometimes have a a "hatred" or "dislike" towards an individual, group, or anybody because of a past "indifference" (e.g. mistake, hurt, some type of "abuse", etc..). I've learned to "try" to understand some of the reasons what causes people(s) to do what they do. When you start learning their past that "created" their present behavior , you can have somewhat a more "compassion" for them. That's if you "try" to "understand their past".

Spoiler Alert

In the movie , Peter Parker was about to send these "villains" back home, but his "compassionate" mother challenged him to look at his own heart to decide not too. He wanted to "help" them before returning them back to their own world. However, we sometimes forget that "we" can't do it alone, which he would get some help from others. Are there people around you that you want to "help"? Or are there some individual(s) you are "trying" to help, but not getting anywhere? I've learned from my past "mistakes" that I can't do it on my own, it's more like "we" need one another as a "team" (there is no "I" in team). This is why I love Spiderman and the whole "Marvel" comic characters or "superheroes", they "work together" (most of the times, which is why we need to "pray for unity" - see John 17). It also reminds me of one of the L.O.T.R (Lord of the Rings) movies -"Battle of the 5 Armies". STOP reading if you haven't seen this movie yet as I'll be giving some scenes of the movie from here... Well, Peter Parker begins to realize that he can't help these "villains" that were transported to their current world "after" his "wishful" magic that "no-one will remember him" (due to the "media" chaos off "false" news against him). His friends accidentally "transported" Peter Parker from the past (movies of Spider-man - ...... How to Watch the Spider-Man Movies in Order Before the Multiverse Changes the Timeline 1 Spider-Man (2002) spider man 2002 spiderman movies in order SONY PICTURES It's hard to believe it took until 2002 to get a modern, big-screen Spider-Man adaptation — and, even after remakes and reboots, this one still holds up. It features Tobey Maguire romancing Kirsten Dunst's Mary Jane — the iconic upside-down kiss! — while facing off against Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin. It's directed by Sam Raimi, who will return to the Marvel fold for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.... Spider-Man Official Trailer (2002)

" 2 Spider-Man 2 (2004) spider man 2 spiderman movies in order SONY PICTURES Whether or not Maguire returns for No Way Home, one of his major foes definitely will: Fans flipped out after seeing images of Alfred Molina's Dr. Octopus in the trailer, and Molina has confirmed he'll be back. If you want to revisit the first time Doc Ock squared off against a Spidey, proceed directly to Spider-Man 2.... SPIDER-MAN 2 Trailer (2004)
" 3 Spider-Man 3 (2007) spider man 3 spider man movies in order SONY PICTURES This film concludes Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, and it's the last we'll see of this roster of actors and characters (for now at least). In it, Spidey faces many villains — some say too many — including the Sandman, Venom and a new Green Goblin... Spider-man 3 (2007) - Trailer
" 4 The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) amazing spider man spiderman movies in order SONY PICTURES After it became clear that Raimi's vision for a Spider-Man 4 wouldn't come to fruition, we got our first reboot — this time directed by the appropriately named Marc Webb. It's a re-telling of Spidey's origin story, starring Andrew Garfield as the high-schooler-turned-webslinger and Emma Stone as his love interest, Gwen Stacy.... The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Official HD Trailer Premier
" 5 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) amazing spider man 2 spiderman movies in order SONY PICTURES ... And then this is the last Webb/Garfield Spider-Man movie. This version of Spidey didn't even make it to a trilogy. But this movie, like Spider-Man 3, has enough villains for a whole franchise, including the Rhino, yet another Green Goblin and Jaime Foxx really going for it as Electro. .." THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 - Official Trailer (HD)
" 6 For Completists: Captain America Civil War (2016) captain america civil war spider man movies in order MARVEL STUDIOS No one can say Captain America: Civil War is Spider-Man's movie. He's definitely not even in the top three most important characters in the film. But this is Spider-Man's introduction into the proper MCU. (Fun fact: None of the pervious films were Marvel Studios — they all came from Sony, which is why they're not on Disney+. Spidey was only allowed back into the MCU due to a complicated rights agreement hammered out between Sony and Marvel.) You can see how Iron Man recruits Peter Parker to be one of the Avengers, so it's a good one to revisit. .. Captain America: Civil War Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD
"7 Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) spider man homecoming spider man movies in order MARVEL STUDIOS Whereas Civil War gives us just a taste of Tom Holland's take Spider-Man, Jon Watts' Homecoming really lets him shine. While this movie thankfully skips the origin story, it's still filled with familiar Peter Parker troubles, namely balancing heroism and high school. Michael Keaton turns up as the villain Vulture, who may return in a future movie. ... Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers
".. 8 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) spider man into the spiderverse spiderman movies in order SONY PICTURES Peter Parker isn't the only Spider-Man in New York. And, if you count multiverses, there are even more, including Spider-Ham, Penny Parker, Spider Gwen, Spider Noir and Peter B. Parker. In this animated delight, Brooklyn teen Miles Morales teams up with all of these variants to help keep the universe intact and safe from the dreaded Kingpin. It doesn't link up with any of the other movies (at least until a sequel comes out next fall), but it might offer a clue about how comics handle multiple universes. SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE - Official Trailer (HD)
9 For Completists: Venom (2018) venom spiderman movies in order SONY PICTURES While Venom is a tried-and-true Spider-Man villain in the comics, Spider-Man isn't even mentioned in the movie Venom. But Tom Hardy plays the same character, Eddie Brock, that Topher Grace played in Spider-Man 3 — and they both are infected with a space symbiote that gives them powers — so it's a fun point of comparison for fans who truly want to see every riff on every Spider-Man character put to film. .." VENOM - Official Trailer (HD)
" 10 For Completists: Avengers Infinity War (2018) and Avengers Endgame (2019) avengers endgame spiderman movies in order MARVEL STUDIOS Again, since there are so many Avengers vying for screen time, Infinity War and Endgame aren't Spider-Man's films. If you're looking for lots of Spidey time, you'll be disappointed. But he does get an important — and poignant — story arc in both, even if they mostly serve as motivation for Tony Stark. (Bonus: Both Infinity War and Endgame are streaming on Disney+.)... AVENGERS: ENDGAME (2019) Thanos Vs. Captain America & Thor [HD] IMAX Clip
" 11 Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) spider man far from home spider man movies in order MARVEL STUDIOS After Endgame, Spidey gets the full limelight again. This time, he travels to Europe on a class field trip, where he encounters the villain Mysterio (played by Jake Gyllenhaal). After all of the interconnected MCU adventures, this one is pretty stand-alone, even if it does feature MCU faves like Nick Fury and Maria Hill... SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - Official Trailer
' 12 For Completists: Venom Let There Be Carnage (2021) venom let there be carnage spider man movies in order SONY PICTURES Before Spider-Man returns for No Way Home, Venom gets another adventure in under his belt. In this one, Eddie Brock, who is learning to live with Venom inside him, tries to get his journalism career back on track by interviewing a serial killer. Little does Brock know that the killer has his own symbiote. Note: Watch until the end of the credits to see more Spider threads come together. VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE - Official Trailer 2 (HD)
Every Live Action SPIDER-MAN Movie Recapped (Before ‘No Way Home’)
Well, Peter Parker from the past Spider-men come together to help Peter Parker "3" in this movie..the power of unity. Before Peter Parker could defeat the "last" villain, he needed to learn about "forgiveness.. ...which isn't that easy in "human standards". How can Peter Parker "forgive" someone that killed his mom. How can you forgive someone that did anything similar to a love one? Can you relate? Well, it isn't easy and this is where you need "help" from "someone else". Remember, when I shared it's teamwork? Well, what has helped me to forgive my enemies ("love your enemies" - quoted by the famous Rev. Martin Luther King , Jr.) is God (aka "Heavenly Father) God's team consist of his followers (brothers and sister in Christ), who can pray for you. If you have a tough time to forgive someone(s). Consider asking others to pray for you! Feel free to ask them how prayer has changed them or what prayers God has answered them (power of prayer, especially where there are numbers of people - "where 2 or more gathered") Lastly, the Marvel Movies show the many "powers" each super hero has. Well, don't you wish you had some of the powers? Well, you can ask God for this.. It's called "spiritual gifts"... However, the most important of these is LOVE! This where "LOVE" can help forgive your "enemies" ! How can you love your "enemies"? Well, the first step is to LOVE the One ("Creator") that created them and you. God can "help" you do this by first by starting a "personal relationship" with him , which you can do this just by "asking" Him. Here is an example (prayer) way to do it.. "13 Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021).. Spider-Man: No Way Home SPIDERMAN NO WAY HOME BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!
Feel free to share your personal thoughts, reflections, etc.. in our facebook site Good News Movies

Movie: “Dead Poet Society” Reflections

Dead Poets Society (1989) Original Trailer – YouTube

Dead Poets Society
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
‘…is a 1989 American drama film directed by Peter Weir, written by Tom Schulman, and starring Robin Williams. Set in 1959 at the fictional elite conservative Vermont boarding school Welton Academy,[4] it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry.

The film received critical acclaim and was a box office success. It won the BAFTA Award for Best Film,[5] and César Award and David di Donatello Award for Best Foreign Film. Schulman received an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for his work…”

Dead Poets Society 1989 Full Movie Online Watch – YouTube

On Conformity

Robert Frost reads The Road Not Taken – YouTube

The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

Dead Poets Society – Carpe Diem
“seize the days boys, make your lives extraordinary”

Kick the ball

Dead poet society Neil Perry and his father

Dead Poets Society – Neil’s Suicide (original)

Dead Poets Society: Right after Neil’s suicide

Cameron ratting out Mr. Keating

Damn it Neil, the name is Nuwanda

Dead Poets Society – “It’s God”

O Captain, my Captain! | Thank you to Robin Williams (HD)

Dead Poets Society (Laserdisc Deleted Scenes)

Robins Williams on LATE NIGHT with DAVID LETTERMAN. Dead Poets Society. 1989

Ethan Hawke Dropped Out Of College For “Dead Poets Society”

A Barbaric YAWP – Dead Poets Society

Ethan Hawke Remembers Robin Williams and Dead Poets Society

O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.


Analysis of “O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman
written by: Trent Lorcher • edited by: SForsyth • updated: 3/9/2015
“..Background Information

Abe Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was a man Walt Whitman deeply admired and is the captain to whom Whitman refers.

David Reynolds of History Now – American History Online discusses the relationship between the master poet and the fearless leader. He asserts that Whitman looked for a “Redeemer President of These States,” who would come out of the real West, the log hut, the clearing, the woods, the prairie, the hillside.” This “Redeemer President” appeared six years later in the form of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln did not disappoint his poet admirer and gained stature as Lincoln’s presidency progressed and as the North won the Civil War, preserving the Union…”

15 Facts About Dead Poets Society BY Joy Lanzendorfer February 3, 2015
“..6. In the screenplay, John Keating is dying of cancer.

The movie is faithful to Schulman’s screenplay except for a scene where the boys discover that Keating has Hodgkin’s disease. The scene was intended to show the audience why Keating is so intent on seizing the day, but Weir thought the movie was stronger without it. He told Schulman, “You don’t have to explain it.”
7. Filming was moved from Georgia to Delaware because of snow.

The movie was originally going to be filmed in Rome, Georgia, but the director wanted snow to enhance the feel of a New England prep school. Since snow is expensive to replicate, they moved filming to Delaware, where snow is free…

10. A Decent Chunk of Williams’ Lines Were Improvised.

And not just the scene mentioned above. Producers estimate about 15% of Robin Williams’ dialogue was improvised by the actor….

15. Ethan Hawke credits a scene with Williams for introducing him to the possibilities of acting.

In an interview with Jian Ghomeshi, Ethan Hawke talks about the impact working with Robin Williams on Dead Poets Society had on his career, particularly in a scene where Keating teaches him to sound his “barbaric yawp.”

“That was the scene where I was supposed to read a poem in front of the class and it was the first time in my life that I ever experienced the thrill of acting and the thrill of losing yourself. You know, there’s this whole thing in the public that acting is this huge celebration of the personality and the ego, of course, and the irony is that whenever it’s any good, it’s devoid of ego. It’s a high that I’ve chased my whole life since that day with Robin. It’s this way of losing yourself, where you lose yourself inside a story, a story that’s in service of something way beyond you. And I felt that in Dead Poets Society.”

dead poets in nyc

Dead Poet Society (1989): Where Are They Now?

Farewell Mr. Bunting – SNL

Family Guy – Dead Poets Society parody

Good News Education

Movie: The Passion of the Christ Scenes Reflections

The Passion of the Christ – HD (Trailer)

“Published on Jun 6, 2013

A film detailing the final hours and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.”

Q&A with Mel Gibson And Jim Caviezel

Watch Online

The Passion of the Christ – Full Movie

*pic from

-Life of Christ

The Passion of The Christ – Best Scene HD



Passion of the Christ – Whipping Scene (Third Day)

Passion of the Christ 2004 “Gesmas” Scenes

Mel Gibson’s interview on “The Resurrection” movie (“Passion of the Christ 2”) – with Greg Laurie

“Published on Sep 2, 2016

Greg Laurie is interviewing Mel Gibson on the recent news of him possibly preparing to film a continuation of “The Passion of the Christ” movie – an account about what happened AFTER the crucifixion! This has taken place in late August 2016 at the SoCal Harvest crusade…

Will Mel actually make this movie? And will Evangelical Christians support the distribution of that movie after the problems with the law that the famous actor and director had in the past. More on those problems here:…”

Jim Caviezel – Inspirational video

Illuminati HATES Mel Gibson and This Is WHY! (2018)

What Happened On The Set That Day Ruined Mel Gibson`s Career! (2018)

*see Deep Thought: What do I have to “give up” when becoming-growing (as) a Christian?


Movies: “Faith-Based” Impact?

I plan to add more as I’m still re”searching” many of the scenes from the movie. Feel free to share your suggestions down below..

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Movie Reflection: “Beauty and the Beast”

Beauty and the Beast (2017)
“.. An adaptation of the Disney fairy tale about a monstrous-looking prince and a young woman who fall in love.
Director: Bill Condon
Writers: Stephen Chbosky (screenplay), Evan Spiliotopoulos (screenplay)
Stars: Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans |..”

Beauty and the Beast – US Official Final Trailer

“Published on Jan 30, 2017

The final trailer for Beauty and the Beast is here 🌹 On March 17, rediscover a tale as old as time. Get your tickets now at

Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” is a live-action re-telling of the studio’s animated classic which refashions the classic characters from the tale as old as time for a contemporary audience, staying true to the original music while updating the score with several new songs. “Beauty and the Beast” is the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart and soul of the true Prince within. The film stars: Emma Watson as Belle; Dan Stevens as the Beast; Luke Evans as Gaston, the handsome, but shallow villager who woos Belle; Oscar® winner Kevin Kline as Maurice, Belle’s eccentric, but lovable father; Josh Gad as Lefou, Gaston’s long-suffering aide-de-camp; Golden Globe® nominee Ewan McGregor as Lumiere, the candelabra; Oscar nominee Stanley Tucci as Maestro Cadenza, the harpsichord; Oscar nominee Ian McKellen as Cogsworth, the mantel clock; and two-time Academy Award® winner Emma Thompson as the teapot, Mrs. Potts.”


Beauty and the Beast (2017)
3.20.17 –“70%
Average Rating: 6.7/10
Reviews Counted: 212
Fresh: 148
Rotten: 64

Critics Consensus: With an enchanting cast, beautifully crafted songs, and a painterly eye for detail, Beauty and the Beast offers a faithful yet fresh retelling that honors its beloved source material.

Why Some Parents Say Christians Should Watch Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 03-19-2017
“..When Disney announced it would feature an “exclusively gay moment” in its new “Beauty and the Beast” remake, Christians everywhere vowed to boycott the movie. Despite the backlash, some Christians say parents should think twice about prohibiting their children from seeing the film.

CBN News caught up with folks who saw the movie opening weekend to find out what they think about the controversy. Click the video above to see what they said.

One of those parents is Sarah Wallace, a blogger for The Gospel Centered Mom, and mother of four. She says the movie gives parents the opportunity to teach their children how to interract with a world that loves sin.

“This is the culture God has appointed for us to raise our children in. We need to know how to live in it and interact with it,” she says. Instead of ignoring a culture that celebrates homosexualtiy, Wallace argues that Christians should send their children out into the world with strong knowledge of what the Bible says. ..”
*see Homosexual Acts a Sin? Judge Not!

Sal: I’ve seen various versions of this story, but somehow this particular movie inspired me to write about this one. One major reason was the character…

Hattie Morahan as Agathe /
“..– a reclusive, old woman who lives in Villeneuve who, in reality, is a beautiful enchantress in disguise responsible for cursing the Prince. She watches and manipulates the events between Belle and the Prince, secretly acting as their guardian.[18]

Morahan also narrates the prologue…”

I saw her as the “guardian” angel and a particular symbol in the Bible of someone we “humans” need to watch for in life. Can’t let looks disguise you as the theme of this movie pretty much teaches..



What’s Up With Agathe In ‘Beauty And The Beast’? She’s A Complicated Character, To Say The Least By Olivia Truffaut-Wong
“..Just a nameless and vindictive creature in the animated film, the Enchantress depicted in the new Beauty and the Beast, as played by Hattie Morahan, has a life beyond just cursing a spoiled Prince who refused to give her shelter. Named Agathe, the Enchantress appears in the prologue scene to curse the Beast, but she also pops up throughout the film as a villager. Agathe makes her debut in the film as the provincial town’s local old maid. She is an unmarried woman left begging on the streets, used by Gaston as a cautionary tale after Belle tells him she doesn’t want to go out with him. Pointing to Agathe, Gaston warns Belle that, in this town, an unmarried woman is destined to end up on the street…

Perphas the most significant change to the story in the live action Beauty and the Beast is the presence of Agathe at the end of the film. In the movie, the last rose petal has already fallen when Belle tells the Beast that she loves him. Belle didn’t break the curse at all, Agathe did. When the townspeople rush the castle, she enters with them, slipping in among the angry mob and making her way up to the West Wing of the castle. After witnessing Belle’s declaration, Agathe makes the conscious decision to lift the curse. In other words, she plays an active role in creating their Happily Ever After. Ultimately, the power to break the curse is in her hands and hers alone. She’s not just a random witch, she’s a woman with agency….”
*see Deep Thought: What “causes” us to do “bad” (sin) stuff?
on breaking that “generational curse”

What other “life lessons” or any personal thoughts or reflections you got from this movie or any of the Beauty and the Beast versions?



(Music: Karaoke-“Tale as Old as Time” (Beauty & the Beast) from Crazy lil’ Sal

Beauty and the Beast (2017 soundtrack) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“…Condon originally planned on not only drawing inspiration from the original film, but he also planned to include most, if not all, of the songs composed by Alan Menken, Howard Ashman and Tim Rice from the Broadway musical, with the intention of making the film as a “straight-forward, live-action, large-budget movie musical”. Menken returned to score the film’s music, which features songs from the original film by him and Ashman, plus new material written by Menken and Rice. Menken said the film would not include songs that were written for the Broadway musical and instead, created four new songs. On January 19, 2017, it was confirmed by both Disney and Celine Dion, singer of the original title track, that she will perform one of the new original songs, “How Does a Moment Last Forever”, to play over the end titles.[1][4] The film will also feature a new version of “Beauty and the Beast” by Ariana Grande and John Legend.[1][5] Some songs contained Ashman’s unused lyrics that were cut from the animated version…”
Beauty and the Beast (From “Beauty and the Beast”/Official Video)

Music: Karaoke-“Be our guest” (Beauty & the Beast) by Crazy lil’ Sal



10 MOVIE MISTAKES Fixed By Beauty And The Beast (2017)

Thoughts of the new version? Any similarities and differences that stood out for you between the old and new? Anything interesting you would like me to add on this subject?

Follow us at #creativemusicartsy

Good News Movie

Movie: Star Wars Series Reflections

As a tribute to the Star Wars (Disney made) new series in 2015, I made this music video…

Music: “Star Wars” movie theme (whistling)



Star Wars Movies |
There is a correct order to show your children the Star Wars movies October 24, 2014
“…Let’s say you grew up watching the Star Wars trilogy, then had children sometime after 1999, when George Lucas started releasing the prequels.

When your kids are old enough, what order should they watch the films in? The order they were released — Star Wars (A New Hope) (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Return of the Jedi (1983), then The Phantom Menace (1999), Attack of the Clones (2002), and Revenge of the Sith (2005)? Or the order the events happened in the Star Wars universe: Phantom Menace (I), Attack of the Clones (II), Revenge of the Sith (III), New Hope (IV), Empire Strikes Back (V), and Return of the Jedi (VI)?

Rod Hilton, a computer programmer in Colorado, has given this a lot of thought, and he probably has the best solution. His (correct) instinct is to start with New Hope (IV), because if you start with Phantom Menace (I) you lose the essential shock of learning Luke’s parentage in Empire Strikes Back. But he also wants to end on a high note — so, none of the prequels. Here’s Hilton’s “Machete Order,” named after his blog, Absolutely No Machete Juggling:

Next time you want to introduce someone to Star Wars for the first time, watch the films with them in this order: IV, V, II, III, VI…”
Star Wars From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“…is an American epic space opera franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”.

The franchise began in 1977 with the release of the film Star Wars (subtitled Episode IV: A New Hope in 1981[2][3]),..”

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)
“Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire’s world-destroying battle-station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader. “

Star Wars – Episode IV – Trailer (original 1977)

Star Wars: Episode 4 A New Hope OFFICIAL Blu-Ray trailer from


=> Spotlight: Celebrity-Carrie Fisher’s “success”!

“Published on Aug 31, 2014

Part 1 of 2.

Two months prior to the airing of this episode of “The Mike Douglas Show”, the mega-blockbuster film “Star Wars” debuted in U.S. movie theaters. Host Mike Douglas and co-host Richard Thomas are joined by the three top “Star Wars” cast members — Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill.

This is a rare chance to see these three “Star Wars” actors in their younger days, prior to the time when “super stardom” enveloped the trio.

This show was taped at Mike Douglas’ Philadelphia studios on July 20, 1977.

©1977 Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, Inc.
©2000 Rhino Home Video




RARE 1977 interview with Harrison Ford on Star Wars , from
“Uploaded on Oct 18, 2011

May the Force of Nostalgia Be With You NYTimes com Bobbie Wygant interviews Harrison Ford fir Star Wars in 1977.”

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
“..After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke. ..”
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – Trailer

Sal: We need to get “equipped” (see Good News Ministry) and “taught” by mentors (those who have walked the walked) before we personally/individually take on the “enemy”. Season to “train” and season for “active duty” for war…

Yoda training Luke pt1 from
Star Wars: Biblical Wisdom from Yoda. | Theology within Film
“..During Luke’s training with Yoda on Dagobah, Luke starts to lose hope when he is distracted by thoughts of his friends. Yoda consistently works Luke toward being able to pull the X-Wing out of the swamp using the Force, but Luke is distracted. ..”
*there is power in the mind to overcome distractions we face in our daily lives!

Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983) from
“After rescuing Han Solo from the palace of Jabba the Hutt, the rebels attempt to destroy the second Death Star, while Luke struggles to make Vader return from the dark side of the Force. ..”

Star Wars- Return Of The Jedi Trailer (HD)

Sal: The famous fight seen (see Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi – Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader – Edited , from )reminds me of the “spiritual battle” between “good” and “evil” within.

Update: Just watched it again (January 2nd 2016) and got this “relevation”-I was watching the scene where the evil guy tries to make Vader and his son Luke kill each other. He keeps telling Luke to “hate” (“let the hate flow through you…haha!”) and be “angry”. Fortunately, Luke remembers his teaching (mentored by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda) to fight with “love“!

Spoiler Alert: Luke wins his dad’s heart through love and forgiveness..

5 Christian Messages Found in Star Wars
It’s Never Too Late for Redemption

“At the very end of The Return of the Jedi, just when it seems that all hope is lost, something incredible happens. Darth Vader, the longstanding antagonist of the series, sacrifices himself to save his son and defeat the emperor. Vader had believed he was too far gone to ever find redemption. He had done so many terrible things, betrayed so many people. How could he ever be forgiven?

Luke, on the other hand (no pun intended), never lost faith in Vader. In fact, he believed so strongly he was willing to pay the ultimate price for his forgiveness. There are many people like Vadar who look back on their mistakes and think it’s too late, but they are wrong. I doesn’t matter how far we’ve strayed or how mangled we’ve become, Jesus gave his life so that we could be forgiven (John 3:16). God doesn’t need to save you, He already has…”
*see Luke 17

-Behind the Scenes of Original Trilogy

Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: The Original Trilogy ILM Special Effects Makers. , from
“Published on Jan 3, 2016

To YOUTUBE and All of its Viewers,

THIS VIDEO HAD NO INTENTION OF MAKING ANY PROFITS. All of the material belongs to their respective owners.

This was taken from the Star Wars: The Complete Saga as a special feature for the Original Trilogy of Star Wars.

You can purchase the Complete Saga on Amazon here in the link below:”


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) from
“Two Jedi Knights escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the long dormant Sith resurface to reclaim their old glory. ..”

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace – Trailer

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
“…On the flip side, there is also a “dark side” which is easier to tap into because anger, fear, and aggression all lead to it. Only by staying calm, patient and passive can one avoid turning to the dark side. Obviously we need to teach our kids what the Bible has to say about all of this. We need to teach them that there is a real force and His name is Jesus Christ and in fact all things were created by Him (John 1:3; John 1:10) and through Him all things truly consist (Colossians 1:17)! Furthermore, they need to know that sin, which we have all committed, (Romans 3:23) leads to the “dark side” and we must accept Christ as Lord of ours lives to get us into heaven (Romans 6:23)…”

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
“Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padmé, while Obi-Wan investigates an assassination attempt on the Senator and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi. ..”

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones – Trailer

Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones
compiled by Jeffrey Overstreet Copyright Christianity Today International 2002 1 Jan
“.. In this chapter, young Anakin Skywalker starts giving in to his foolish impulses, rejects the counsel of his teachers, and responds to the temptations that lead him on the path of the Dark Side. His primary weakness is his infatuation with the beautiful Senator Padme Amidala…”

Sal: What temptations do you have?


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) Bloopers Gag Reel , from

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
“..During the near end of the clone wars, Darth Sidious has revealed himself and is ready to execute the last part of his plan to rule the Galaxy. Sidious is ready for his new apprentice, Lord… See full summary » ..”

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith – Trailer


Episode III Lightsaber Training , from

Star Wars Ep 3 Revenge of the Sith Final Battle Clip , from
“You turned her against me..”.-Anakin & “.. You’ve done that yourself…Your anger and lust for power have already done that..”-Obi Wan
Episode III The Final Battle – Darth Vader Vs Obi-Wan Kenobi – Part 1 , from
*see satan (a.k.a. father of lies), deceiver, etc..


Sal: I watched this movie again (via online) after watching Rogue 1 the other day (Friday, December 16th 2016). I was encouraged and had a revelation during the scenes (e.g. Star Wars VII The Force Awakens- Rey vs Kylo Ren Lightsaber Fight Scene from , of “using the force” (see 1 Corinthians 12).

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) from
“..Three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, a new threat arises. The First Order attempts to rule the galaxy and only a ragtag group of heroes can stop them, along with the help of the Resistance. ..”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)

Sal: Another revelation or thought was during the scene when Rey “commands” the Star Trooper to release her and drop his! I saw this as believers needing to practice using their authority as God’s children against the evil and dark forces…in Jesus’ name!


Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) Full Cast & Crew
Carrie Fisher Interview with Gary on The Force Awakens , from
“Published on Dec 4, 2015

Carrie Fisher played Princess Leia in the first “Star Wars” in 1977 and returns this month in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” | Carrie Fisher, who will forever be known for playing Princess Leia Organa in the original “Star Wars” trilogy, has died, family spokesman Simon Halls has confirmed to ABC News…”
Billie Lourd On How She Got A ‘Star Wars’ Role Without Help From Mom Carrie Fisher | TODAY , from


Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base – SNL, from

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), from
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
“From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves. In theaters December 2016.

Rated: PG-13

Released: December 16, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer (Official)

Rogue One review: this is the first Star Wars movie to acknowledge the whole franchise is about war Updated by Todd VanDerWerff@tvoti Dec 16, 2016, 11:14am EST
It’s often incoherent and messy. But it’s also beautiful and has a strong central theme.
“..But if the film is politically relevant, it’s only accidentally so, not intentionally. I say that not just because Rogue One was completed long before Donald Trump’s election or even Brexit, but because Edwards uses a kind of scattershot approach to political content in his films — he’ll give you just enough of an idea of what he’s going for, but he’s uninterested in pushing any further than that.

An early shot in Rogue One features Stormtroopers patrolling the streets of a city rife with tension between various factions, rolling around in a tank. At various moments, it calls to mind the US occupation of Iraq and police militarization of American cities. But it’s not entirely clear whether Edwards has thought about what these similarities might mean in the larger tapestry of Rogue One beyond “Do you get this reference?” It’s political commentary as Family Guy joke…”
*see Neutral Perspective: Iraq War was justified or not?
An Epic Scene in Rogue One Will Change How You See Darth Vader Megan McCluskey Dec. 16, 2016
This post contains spoilers for Rogue One.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Final Trailer | Experience It In IMAX®

Sal: These are some of my favorite quotes that motivated me ..

“…Zorri Bliss: They win by making you think you’re alone.


Many of us feel like we are the only one going through a specific or particular challenge. We start feeling down and want to give up. However, when we start listening (or reading)to what other’s are going through (sometimes “worse”), we don’t feel as bad. This is where we need to keep communicating with one another and sharing our hearts with each other.

*all the quotes from

“Poe Dameron: We’re not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them..”

Sal: This can apply in our own lives if we (leaders) “rise” up and “not ” stay quiet when “we” are getting “oppressed”


“..It’s an instinct. A feeling. The Force brought us together. -Finn


Sal: Love this movie as it had some memorable quotes including the one you shared about the “force bringing them together”. In times of life challenges , I feel the Holy Spirit brings His people together as one (John 17) if “we” are willing also to put our differences and come together for the “One” that brings us together that we have in common.


“..bring the war to them..” – ??

Sal: We have to stop “playing “defense ” only all the time. Just like many sports (e.g football). No team will win a game just by playing “defense” the whole time, they need to be “aggressive” on offense.


The Best Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker Quotes

-2nd Time Watching

Sal: I was hoping to watch it again in “3D”, but wasn’t able to..

However, I was able to remember some “scenes” I was going to write about earlier. The most important reflection topic was on “unity”. How we need to “come together” to fight this “common enemy” (part of a movie quote from Lord of the Rings). Also we “need the force”. I see it as God’s power that is within us if we “believe” we have it through our “salvation” in Him (Jesus Christ). He left us with the “Holy Spirit” before he ascended to Heaven. However, He’s “Emmanuel” (God is with us)and we just gotta empower one another on this using the various “spiritual gifts”..

*see Deep thought: Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is One?



Star Wars Animated Series | from


9 Ways Star Wars Parallels the Bible by Paul Kent
The Death Star and pride? Luke Skywalker and Moses? Star Wars mirrors Scripture more than you think.
“..His life goal is to spur interest in the Bible for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Paul has loved the Star Wars saga since he saw the original movie poster at age 11. He is the author of The Real Force: A 40-Day Devotional. We asked him to list 9 ways in which the Star Wars series parallels the Bible..”
Star Wars, Literary Parallels and the Bible April 11, 2013
“..Have you noticed how the second Star Wars trilogy (episodes I-III) parallels the first (episodes IV-VI)? Here are a few examples..”

-Behind the Scenes

‘Star Wars’ locations that actually exist
By Griffin Shea, for CNN Updated 11:00 AM ET, Wed December 21, 2016

40 Years of Star Wars Panel Full – Star Wars Celebration 2017 Orlando

-Characters Bio

Mark Hamill From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“.. (born September 25, 1951) is an American stage, screen and voice actor. He is known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars film series and for his voice-over work in animations and video games as the Joker, commencing with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992. Hamill has acted in several theater productions, notably The Elephant Man, and is the co-writer of The Black Pearl comic book miniseries…”

An Hour With Mark Hamill Panel – Star Wars Celebration 2016


10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind , from
Did Han Solo really survive on dumb luck, or was the Force with him? Why do the Ewoks think C-3PO is their god? Was Luke Skywalker standing next to a grave at the end of The Force Awakens? Star Wars fans have burning questions. Sometimes, they also have the answers. This video is a review of our favorite mind-blowing Star Wars fan theories, the ones that change the whole picture of what’s going on in the movies.”


Star Wars Featurette: The Birth of the Lightsaber , from
“Published on Apr 9, 2014

Star Wars creator George Lucas, actor Mark Hamill, and sound designer Ben Burtt discuss the concept and creation of the lightsaber.”

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