Deep Thought: What can be done to “stop” lives being taken away due to Drug -Alcohol Overdose?


Overdoses now leading cause of death of Americans under … – YouTube

Drug Overdose Deaths: Let’s Get Specific
“..In the United States, a total of 38,329 drug overdose deaths were reported via death certificates in 2010, for an age-adjusted rate of 12.3/100,000 population.1 In 16,651 of these deaths, an opioid analgesic (or a combination of opioid analgesics) was listed as contributing to the overdose death (5.4/100,000 population). However, an additional 9,429 drug overdose deaths (3.0/100,000 population) were associated only with “other and unspecified drugs.” Previous work has shown that about 25% of U.S. overdose deaths had no drugs specified on the death certificate, so it is likely that national statistics underestimate by a substantial fraction the number of opioid analgesic- and heroin-related deaths.2 Furthermore, the degree of underestimation varied depending on the type of death certification system the state had in place. States with centralized state medical examiner systems had on average a higher percentage (92%) of drug overdose death certificates listing specific drugs than states with other types of systems, such as a decentralized coroner system, in which 62% of death certificates had a drug-specified, hybrid system—county coroner and medical examiners (73%)—or decentralized county or district medical examiner system (71%).2..”


How to be “not” in the world, but a “light” to the world?

Alcoholism – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment … – YouTube

*see Health-Neutral Perspective: Alcohol: Good and Bad?


This Is What Happens to Your Brain on Opioids | Short Film … – YouTube

What is SUBOXONE® (buprenorphine and naloxone) Sublingual Film …
SUBOXONE Film is a prescription medicine that contains the active ingredients buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used to treat adults who are dependent on (addicted to) opioids (either prescription or illegal)…”

The Sackler Family – A Secretive Billion Dollar Opioid Empire


What Causes a Drug Overdose?
“..Overdoses can be subtle, and without proper attention, can go unnoticed. Users that have overdosed may just be told to “sleep it off”— leaving severe medical consequences to follow. When left untreated, drug and alcohol overdose can cause memory problems, cognitive difficulties, tremors, coma, and death…”

Tragic Stories


Top 10 Musicians Who Tragically Died Due to Drugs and Alcohol …
Published on Aug 13, 2016
Top 10 Musicians Who Died Due to Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol have taken away some truly great musicians over the years. This list looks at some revered, talented artists who died from an overdose, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

List entries and rank:
#10: Whitney Houston
#9: John Bonham (Led Zeppelin)
#8: Sid Vicious (The Sex Pistols)
#7: Keith Moon (The Who)
#6: Michael Jackson
#5: Elvis Presley
#4: Amy Winehouse
#3, #2 & #1: ?


Top 10 Musicians Who Surprisingly Didn’t Die From Drugs

What 11 Now-Sober Celebrities Want You to Know About Addiction
“..Here are 11 celebrities who have lived to share hard lessons and hope, and some of what they say…

“When you’re having a bad day, the best thing you can do is call somebody and ask them how they’re doing, and actually pay attention and listen to the answer to get out of your own head.”

“A woman came up to me after the meeting and said, ‘You’ve just taken away my last excuse to have a drink.’ I asked her what she meant. She said, ‘I’ve always had this little corner of my mind which held the excuse that, if anything were to happen to my kids, then I’d be justified in getting drunk. You’ve shown me that’s not true.’ I was suddenly aware that maybe I had found a way to turn this dreadful tragedy into something positive. I really was in the position to say, ‘Well, if I can go through this and stay sober, then anyone can.’ There was no better way to honor the memory of my son.”…

“I was living in constant fear of who I’d meet, what I might have said to them, what I might have done with them, so I’d stay in my apartment for days and drink alone. I was a recluse at 20. It was pathetic — it wasn’t me. I’m a fun, polite person and it turned me into a rude bore. For a long time people were saying to me, ‘We think you have a problem,’ but in the end I had to come to the realization myself.”..



Shanna’s Story of Recovery from Alcohol Addiction – Truly … – YouTube

Your Inspiration: Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction – YouTube

My Addiction Story | Drugs + Alcohol | Total Transparency – YouTube

How I overcame alcoholism | Claudia Christian | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

-Fight Demons
*see How to “fight” your personal demons?

Korn – Love & Meth – YouTube

Testimony–Choosing Faith – Brian Welch quits Korn and kicks drugs with God’s help

Former Korn Guitar Player Faces Addiction
“..From heavy metal to heavy recovery, Brian “Head” Welch, the former guitarist for multi-award winning hard rock band Korn, has come through an addiction battle with methamphetamine and alcohol that is leading even his own fans to give up their addictions…”

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus – YouTube

Brian ‘Head’ Welch: God Used My Daughter to Save Me From Drug Addiction
“..Welch describes two positive feelings he experienced before he came to Christ: the high of performing in front of thousands of people who loved his music and the “euphoric feeling” he had when his daughter was born. ..”

Three Drug Addicts Saved by Jesus

*see Deep Thought: How to Overcome your own addictions?

Good News Addictions

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Now You Know: North and South Korea Together?

Koreans hope for peace after North and South leaders meet

CBS Evening News
Published on Apr 28, 2018
After decades of tension, there are renewed hopes of peace on the Korean Peninsula after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Ben Tracy has more from Seoul, South Korea.

Christian World News – April 27, 2018
Hope for peace: Will the summit between North and South Korea’s leaders bring lasting change? Why millions of Christians around the world are praying and fasting for the Korean peninsula. Plus, the false gods of North Korea. How the state religion is designed to replace Christianity and make gods out of the nation’s leaders. And, miracle on the baseball field. The congressman who survived a deadly attack and fought his way to recovery. Now, he’s giving thanks to God…”

North And South Korea Agree To Formally End The Korean War | TODAY

Published on Apr 27, 2018
Overnight, North and South Korea came to a historic agreement vowing to formally end the Korean War after 65 years of conflict. NBC chief global correspondent Bill Neely reports live for TODAY from the DMZ.

Korean War Finally Ending, in Huge Victory for Peace Activists

Published on Apr 27, 2018

Did Peace Just Break Out Between North and South Korea? By Heather Hurlburt @natsecHeather
“..Yes, that’s every morning in 2018. But today it wasn’t about Donald Trump, or only peripherally so. Had peace just broken out on the Korean peninsula?

In the wake of a summit between South Korean president Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, some surprising Establishment voices seemed to think so.

William Perry, who served both as secretary of Defense and as a presidential envoy to North Korea, took to Twitter to make the case for optimism:..”

The Deceptively Simple Promise of Korean Peace
Uri Friedman Apr 27, 2018
There’s a reason it hasn’t happened for 65 years.
“..On Friday, after becoming the first North Korean leader to step into South Korea, Kim Jong Un joined with South Korean President Moon Jae In in making an extraordinary announcement: The two leaders vowed to pursue the shared objective of a “nuclear-free Korean peninsula” and, by the end of this year, to finally proclaim an end to the Korean War…”

North Korea

The Most Secret Nation on Earth – North Korea – History Documentary

25 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About North Korea Candace Lowry
BuzzFeed Video Curator

Posted on June 25, 2014, at 12:55 p.m.
A world with unicorns, no traffic lights, and a happy American veteran.
“..The Rungnado May Day stadium has more than 150,000 seats and houses the extravagant Mass Games…

In the 1990s all teachers were required to learn how to play accordions. Today, many citizens continue to specialize in the instrument…

As a way to intimidate South Korea and put on a front, Kijong-dong (Peace Village) was built after the Korean War…

After the Korean War, Joseph Dresnok crossed over the mine-laden border into North Korea. He met three other U.S. soldiers doing the same thing. However, Dresnok was the only one who chose to stay. He admitted, “I feel at home…I wouldn’t trade it for nothing.”..

Two of which are only available on weekends, while the other is broadcast in the evenings. Because of this, South Korean soap operas are among the most popular items smuggled in…

Because of its lack of resources, North Korea was forced to use human feces as fertilizer, demanding the product from its citizens…

A growing number of prisoners continue to fill the estimated 16 work camps.

This means half of the 24 million people don’t even have access to basic human needs.

Inside North Korea – BBC Documentary 2017 BBC horizon 2017

South Korea

S. Korean Church Marks 35 Years of Early Prayer

Praying for Peace

US evangelicals urge prayer for North and South Korea ahead of historic peace summit
Christian Today staff writer Thu 29 Mar 2018 15:38 BST
“..A diverse collective of US evangelical leaders this week released a joint message urging prayer for peace and reconciliation in the Korean peninsula. It comes as North and South Korea today set a date for a historic summit on denuclearisation.

‘We are heartened by proposals for dialogue between our national leaders at a time when increasing tensions seemed to be marching our countries perilously in the direction of greater conflict, if not war,’ said the statement, posted at Evangelicals for Peace.

‘We call on all Christians everywhere to join us in praying for a just and peaceful resolution.’..”

Pray Round The World: North Korea – pray with us now! – 2 min video – Clayton TV


Good News Koreas

Financial: Netural Perspective-“Economic Collapse Will and Not Occur around the Up-Coming Blood Moon” (Sept 13th 2015)?

Will Occur “around” the Blood Moon

Financial Collapse of the US before 13 Sept 2015

packrat23456 .
“Published on Mar 14, 2013

Please “Friend” me on FaceBook.
Prophesy 101

Please click the link for the update of this video. 1 Prophecy 4 Preppers, the 4 Blood Red Moons…

Financial Collapse of the US before 13 Sept 2015
Jonathan Cahn was given a revelation from Almighty God and wrote a book by the name of “The Harbinger”
A harbinger is a warning, and in this case it is a pattern of warnings from Almighty God to the American people.
I have taken the warnings seriously and I am warning others to also take the warnings seriously.
I have edited the commercials out of some Public Domain video interviews with Jonathan Cahn and reposted them with my notes.
I can tell you now that if Almighty God continues His pattern of judgment on the USA, the financial collapse of the US dollar, will happen on Sunday, the 13th of September 2015.
This date is the 29th of ELUL 5775 on the Hebrew calendar and the next Shemitah in the Septennial Sabbatical Cycle
Jonathan Cahn in his book and the video will explain what has happened on the 29th of Elul in the past.
I can tell you now that if Almighty God continues His pattern of judgment on the USA, the financial collapse of the US dollar, will happen on Sunday, the 13th of September 2015.
The Shemitah & The Septennial Sabbatical Cycle
09/17/2001 is 29 Elul, 5761 Monday
09/29/2008 is 29 Elul 5768 Monday
09/13/ 2015 is 29 Elul 5775 Sunday
(FALL of the stock market) The plunge of just over 7 percent or nearly 700 points occurred in response to the 9/11attacks.
29 Elul 5768 corresponds to 29 September, 2008 in Gregorian calendar Monday (FALL of the stock market) the drop of 777.7 points or 7 percent took place in reaction to the US Congress failing to approve the first vote for a Wall Street bailout during the financial crisis that year.
EVENTS NOT WRITEN IN THE HARBINGER BOOK: Luke 21 25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
Prophecy ” politics war Time End economy news World ISRAEL TURKEY RUSSIA IRAN 666 ANTICHRIST BIBLE CHRISTIAN GOD JESUS LORD PROPHESY PROPHET EZEKIEL 38 europe states ISRAEL “United Nations” “United States” Brazil European India Africa army “

No Opening Bell at NYSE , from
“Uploaded on Sep 29, 2008

No Opening Bell at NYSE”

The Project Prophecy 2.0 WEALTH SYSTEM
*beware of fear foretelling..

A Financial Collapse of the U$ dOLLAR before 13 Sept 2015
12 Signs That An Imminent Global Financial Crash Has Become Even More Likely
Tyler Durden’s picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/12/2015 18:30 -0400


Prophecy Update 8-11-15: Russia, China In Economic Collapse! Blood Moons: The Truth

Terry Malone
“Published on Aug 11, 2015

The Russian and Chinese economies are in free fall. Where will it end and what does it have to do with Bible prophecy?

I have now created a paperback version of my free tribulation period survival guide ebook. To purchase a copy to personally hand to your lost loved one’s and friends go to :…

or you can go to the Calvary Prophecy Report webpage:”

Will NOT Occur “around” the Blood Moon

The Harbinger Warning – September 13, 2015 – Fact or Fiction?

Paul Beck
“Published on Sep 20, 2014

What is the Christian to make of The Harbinger Warning? Will an “event” occur on Elul 29 within the next Shemittah year? What dates revolve around those terms Elul and Shemittah? Within this video teaching, we not only review the claims of The Harbinger, but we take an in-depth look at some of the facts and figures that should be giving each of us cause for concern.”


Whatever happens, you should always “store” or “save” your resources (e.g money) and always prepare…

Genesis 41 New International Version (NIV)’s Dreams They should collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain under the authority of Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. 36 This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine.”more... News  Financial Collapse of the US 13 Sept 2015"...Published on Mar 21, 2013The Shmita & The Septennial Sabbatical Cycle,17 September 2001 corresponds to 29 Elul, 5761Monday (FALL of the stock market) The plunge of just over 7 percent or nearly 700 points on 9/17/01, occurred in response to the 9/11attacks.29 Elul 5768 corresponds to 29 September, 2008 in Gregorian calendar Monday (FALL of the stock market) the drop of 777.7 points or 7 percent took place in reaction to the US Congress failing to approve the first vote for a Wall Street bailout during the financial crisis that year.April 15, 2014 total lunar eclipse PassoverApril 29 2014 annular solar eclipseOct 8, 2014 total lunar eclipse Feast of TabernaclesOct 23 2014 partial solar eclipseMar 20 2015 total solar eclipseApril 4 2015 total lunar eclipse PassoverSept 13 2015 partial solar eclipse Yom TeruahThe Lord placed Israel on the Lunar calendar.Blood Red Moons, lunar eclipses are usually a sign of trouble for Israel.The Gentiles are on the solar calendar, and the total solar eclipses are usually a sign of trouble for the gentiles...."*see Good News Astronomy News Future News Prophecy

REPENT…. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. “1 John 1:9

Thoughts, questions, suggestions, comments, prayer requests, etc.. on anything related above?..

Good News Financial

Extraterrestrials ever mentioned in the Bible?


What Does the Bible Say About Aliens? –


“..The crash of the vehicle, undergoing its first powered test flight since January over the Mojave Desert, 95 miles (150 km) north of Los Angeles, came days after another private space company, Orbital Sciences Corp, lost a rocket in an explosion moments after liftoff in Virginia…”


Ed Slade – Area 51 Scientist Who Worked with Aliens! – Part 1

-UFO Sightings


Russia Threatens Obama to Reveal Alien Presence or They Will



*hidden agenda of aliens “disquised”



UFOs revealed? Rosetta comet mission is an ‘alien’ space structure, NASA coverup
November 14, 2014 1:10 PM MST






-Area 51


EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE:- Watch it before its DELETED from Facebook.

The Movement

This is the video that they are ERASING off the internet. Facebook has been Asked to DELETE.

SHARE IT before it gets Deleted. Make this go Viral Now.



=>Man Landing


From 1937 to 1945, von Braun was the technical director of the Peenemünde rocket research center, where the V-2 rocket – which devastated England – was developed. As noted previously, his dossier was rewritten so he didn’t appear tohave been an enthusiastic Nazi.
Von Braun worked o­n guided missiles for the U.S. Army and was later director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. He became a celebrity in the 1950s and early 1960s, as o­ne of Walt Disney’s experts o­n the “World of Tomorrow.”
In 1970, he became NASA’s associate administrator.

“..Other whistleblowers have also come forward to claim that NASA and affiliated government agencies have a policy of destroying or altering photos that reveal artificial structures on the moon or in space. Karl Wolfe, for example, claims that he witnessed NASA, the NSA and the US Air Force cooperating to remove such structures from Apollo and satellite imagery when detected. At a highly classified military facility Wolf says he was shown NASA images by a colleague revealing a base on the far side of the moon:..”

-Challenger Explosion


See more notes on mars...
*click on pic above for link to notes on this “red planet”


Is Pluto a Planet?
By Dr. Danny Faulkner at Answers in Genesis | December 18, 2014


Wow! INTERSTELLAR 2014: New film about “Wormhole Travel” featuring.. SATURN!


Did God create life on other planets?

by Gary Bates
Otherwise why is the universe so big?

“… Those who believe life evolved on the earth usually see it as virtual ‘fact’ that life has evolved on countless other planets. Discovering life on other planets would in turn be seen as confirming their evolutionary belief.

But even many Christians think, ‘God must have created life elsewhere, otherwise this enormous universe would be an awful waste of space.’ In my experience, this seems to be the major underlying reason why people think that there must be other life ‘out there’. However, our thinking should be based on what God said He did (the Bible), and not what we think He would, should or might have done.

Firstly, since God is the one who made the universe, it can scarcely be ‘big’ to Him. Humans struggle with its vastness because our comprehension is limited to the created time/space dimensions within which we exist, and it is mind-bending to try and comprehend anything beyond our dimensional existence. Size is only relative to us as inhabitants of this universe. And size and time are related somewhat. Because the universe is big to us we consider how long it would take us to travel across it, for example. But, time itself began with the creation of the physical universe, so how can we comprehend what eternity is, or might be? What was ‘before’ the universe? Similarly, how do we imagine how ‘big’ God is? We cannot use a tape measure that is made of the very atoms He made to measure Him. One example of this might be if you were asked to build a small house and you did. Now you are asked to build a large house. In our dimensions, for you to build the larger house it would require more effort and take more time. So, is it harder, or does it take longer for God to build a big universe compared to a smaller one (according to our perspective on what constitutes large or small of course)? Of course not, because He isn’t bound by time and space (which He created). Isaiah 40:28 says; ‘… the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not grow weak nor weary …’. ..”

The pyramid-like mountain isn’t associated with any bright spots, but bright streaks run top to bottom on some of the slopes, he said.


AngelsAngels Featured Written by Brian Nixon…

Posted by Sal Monteagudo on Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Shocking Secrets Of The Vedic Science Revealed!

Solar Flares

‘Extreme’ Sun Storm Heading for Earth, Scientists Say
Published: Sep 10, 2014, 8:13 PM EDT

Space Station


He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.-Psalm 147

Psalms 147 by Sal (Rap Version)



Chuck Missler – Return Of The Nephilim_ UFO’s_ Aliens & the Bible




-W . Virginia



more at.

Good News Astronomy

Education: Biggest lies taught in schools?



JFK assassination: CIA and New York Times are still lying to us David Talbot
Fifty years later, a complicit media still covers up for the security state. We need to reclaim our history
“…All this artful dodging about the murder of President Kennedy began, of course, nearly 50 years ago with the Warren Commission, the blue-ribbon panel that was appointed by President Lyndon Johnson — not to get at the truth, but to “lay the dust” (in the words of one commissioner) on all the disturbing rumors that were swirling around the bloody events in Dallas. Two new books take us inside the Warren Commission sausage factory, and show in often shocking detail how the august panel got it so terribly wrong. Soon after the Warren Report was released in September 1964, polls began showing that the American people rejected its conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of the president – and nearly a half century later, the report remains a notorious symbol of official coverup. [This does not prevent Abramson from blithely declaring that “the historical consensus seems to have settled on” the lone gunman theory – there is no such consensus, only a deeply fractious ongoing debate.]..
Lyndon Johnson Admits To Walter Cronkite That He Knows Who Killed Kennedy , from
Published on Apr 22, 2012
“LBJ makes an incredible mistake with his first answer by undermining the purpose of his Warren Commission. His supposed doubts about international connections opens the door for Uncle Walter to question the conclusions of the WC. LBJ tries to close it again at 0:55. But Cronkite walks right in and LBJ
The Robert Kennedy Assassination
“..Political views related to the Arab-Israeli conflict may have motivated Sirhan Sirhan. But that motivation was not necessarily that of his accomplices, whoever they were. The tenuous conspiracy leads that exist, including Jerry Owen and perhaps Michael Wayne, point toward right-wing religious extremists, but there is not enough to go on to make any definitive statement. The giddy behavior of the polka-dotted dress girl and her companion seem hardly that of professional killers. But Robert Kennedy had accumulated many powerful enemies during his career – CIA officers, organized crime bosses, Vietnam war hawks, ardent segregationists. Given the fear that Kennedy’s achieving the Presidency could induce in them, it is not at all clear who the ultimate sponsors of Sirhan and his accomplices might have been. ..”
Ex-agent in Bulger case accused of lying about MLK assassination rifle By Andy Rosen Globe Staff April 30, 2015
Bin Laden’s Assassination: a Volcano of Lies
by Alexander Cockburn May 12, 2015
“On Sunday, the London Review of Books published an new account of the killing of Osama Bin Laden by legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, which exposed the story told by the Obama Administration to be, in Hersh’s piquant words, “a blatant lie.” Using sources inside the CIA and Pakistani intelligence, Hersh dismantles plank-by-plank the official narrative first paraded by President Obama in his public address a few hours after the raid in Abbottabad and later embellished by John Brennan. ..”




Moon Landing Conspiracy by Peter Bassett FRAS

PROOF HOAX MOONLANDING!!! Buzz Aldrin admits we … – YouTube


9 Things You Should Know About the Communion Service on the Moon JULY 17, 2019 | Joe Carter SHARE

50 years of Apollo mission: Was Moon landing fake? Here are the facts business- BS Web Team | New Delhi
Last Updated at July 19, 2019 11:02 IST
Conspiracy theories that claimed that the moon landing was faked and that it was all a Hollywood-like cinematic production shot on Earth have been doing the rounds for decades

“..1) Claim: In the photos from the Moon, the American flag looks like it’s flapping in the wind. That would be impossible because there’s no air up on the Moon.

Fact: Instead of letting the American flag droop, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) had decided to use a right-angled rod to keep the flag spread out, Roger Launius, Nasa’s former chief ..

2) Claim: No stars can be seen in the background of any photographs as Nasa knew that astronomers would be able to use them to figure out whether the photos were taken on the Earth or the Moon.

Fact: Astronomer Emily Drabek-Maunder, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich in London, told AP that the shutter speeds on the astronauts’ cameras were too fast to capture the stars’ faint light. …

3) Claim: The lunar module didn’t scatter any dust and didn’t leave a crater from the rocket blast that slowed its descent when it descended onto the Moon’s surface

Fact: Drabek-Maunder told AP that while landing on the Moon, the module was traveling horizontally for some time, and so the thrusters weren’t pointed down and wouldn’t have kicked up dust. However, Drabek-Maunder added that when the module did finally touch down, “you can see dust actually being thrown up”. ..

Why the Moon Landing COULDN’T Have Been Faked … – YouTube

10 Unknown Facts about the First Moon Landing


6 big lies the government told us
Module Voice Image
Bonnie Kristian, Rare Contributor | Posted on August 25, 2014 1:53 pm




Author of ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ claims American textbooks have been lying about the Civil War
Barbara Tasch

Jul. 2, 2015, 10:41 AM


Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong Paperback – October 16, 2007

by James W. Loewen (Author)
“…In this revised edition, packed with updated material, Loewen explores how historical myths continue to be perpetuated in today’s climate and adds an eye-opening chapter on the lies surrounding 9/11 and the Iraq War. From the truth about Columbus’s historic voyages to an honest evaluation of our national leaders, Loewen revives our history, restoring the vitality and relevance it truly possesses.

Thought provoking, nonpartisan, and often shocking, Loewen unveils the real America in this iconoclastic classic beloved by high school teachers, history buffs, and enlightened citizens across the country…


Can you believe “everything” that’s shared on the internet?



The 25 Biggest Lies You Were Told During Your Childhood
posted on Feb. 18, 2013, at 3:43 p.m.
Dave Stopera
BuzzFeed Staff
My childhood sits on a THRONE OF LIES!

“22. There are nine planets in the solar system…”

Biggest Lies We Were Taught In School

“For more videos and articles visit:

10 Lies Taught To Us In School
Andrew Handley January 20, 2013
“The school system is a bastion of education and enlightenment, a fortress of higher learning where our children can safely discover the facts about the way our world works. Through this system we have the opportunity to grow and mature into responsible adults, secure in our knowledge of history, science, and mathematics.

Except, of course, for all the ridiculously irresponsible lies we’re being fed. Here are ten of the biggest lies taught to us in school…”
*not all are “true”, do you own research and share your thoughts below..

ACTION: What do we do about this? Who do we believe or trust in?

Did you learn anything new? Feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, etc..

Good News Education