Folks with Signs Along the Highway Exit Ramps or Other Places Part 4

On Saturday, September 15th 2017-I was just exiting of Highway 280 going to University Avenue (towards Minneapolis to visit a friend) from I-94 (St. Paul side). I saw one of those “homeless guys with signs” again, which I was prepared. Earlier, I got bag of bottle water read with invitation “tickets” for a free meal at Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities‘ homeless shelters, which anyone can print online…

Give a Ticket of Hope

..this would be the first person to “hand this ticket” too…

I ran quickly to my trunk as there was a red light and handed to this guy saying “God bless you” as the green light came on. I didn’t have time to chat, but I quickly prayed for him again as I might’ve drove by him again (can’t tell with the pic) across the bridge (pic above) when I was going back to St. Paul.

Hope this encourage you to do something similar or better, whatever God lays in your heart. Feel free to come back for possible other related stories like this or share one of yours down below…

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Good News Sociology

Folks with Signs Along the Highway Exit Ramps Part 3

I was coming to downtown Minneapolis on the 5th Avenue exit from I-35W (intersects S. 10th St.) when my friends and I came to this stoplight. We saw this guy holding this sign..

“Please Smile for me if you cannot donate”


Wished I took a pic of what he was holding. I was inspired by his unique sign, so I was looking around my car right away for something to give him before it turned green. I found an apple that my friends didn’t want to eat, so I handed it to him and said “God bless” after he said “thank you” sincerely.

“Heavenly Father, we know you know this particular individual. We pray that you bless him and that he’ll come to a personal growing relationship with Jesus’ name..Amen”

Good News Minneapolis

Homeless guy with Sign in St. Paul

I was riding my bicycle to Culvers Restaurant by Sun Ray Shopping Center in East St. Paul to pick up lunch for my family. I rather bike as it was only a quarter of a mile or so and I love the exercise.

While riding my bike, I rode by this “homeless” guy with a sign by the gas station on the corner of Ruth Street and Old Hudson Road. The highway exit ramp to I-94 was block close by due to the construction, so this was probably the reason why this guy was holding his sign in this particular area.

I decided to skip lunch and give him my lunch as he probably need it more. I bought a chicken sandwhich with bbq sauce (along with chicken tenders) and put it in a separate bag for this guy. I then put this bible tract..

…to give him some “soul food ” too! As I rode my bike to deliver this food for him, there was a “mom” and son giving him money and chatting with him. I decided to hand it to him and said “God bless”, which he said the same as he continued to chat with these people. I did a quiet prayer for him as I rode my bike away.

“Heavenly Father, we pray for this particular individual wherever he is right now. We pray that this food (physical and spiritual) will nourish his body and soul…in Jesus’ name..Amen!”

Good News St. Paul

Tribute to:


When you wake up on the first Friday in September make a commitment for National Food Bank Day to contribute to the cause that believes no one should go to bed hungry.

Hunger may be as close as your neighbor or your coworker in the next cubical. Bare cupboards and empty stomachs look just like yours and mine behind closed doors.

Food banks across the country help some of the 42 million men, women and children who struggle with putting food on the table. The reasons range from illness to job loss and a general change in circumstances. Circumstances that can happen to anyone of us.

For parents struggling to make ends meet, the ability to look their children in their eyes over a meal instead of into hungry eyes is a difference made by supporting food banks. Food banks fill the gap for those living on a meager budget.
Many food banks offer educational opportunities that help people change their situation and begin anew. Often, those who have benefited from the programs return to volunteer and contribute to the very food bank that staved off hunger to do the same for others.


Help a neighbor, a friend, coworker or a child by making a donation or volunteering at your local food bank. Food banks take nonperishable food items and cash donations every day. Check their needs list for the fresh items they are seeking.

Use #NationalFoodBankDay to give your local food bank a shout out and to share on social media.

Food Book 50 Logo

St. Mary’s Food Bank founded National Food Bank Day to recognize the outstanding contributions of food banks around the country and to commemorate the establishment of St. Mary’s Food Bank by its founder John ven Hengel in 1967. John ven Hengel came up with the idea of grocery rescue and food banking and the idea spread throughout the country making St. Mary’s Food Bank the very first in the world! In 2017, St. Mary’s celebrates its 50th anniversary!

They distribute 250,000 meals on a daily basis through the efforts of dedicated staff, partnering agencies and volunteers.
Their mission is to alleviate hunger through the gathering and distribution of food while encouraging self-sufficiency, collaboration, advocacy and education.

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Food Bank Day to be observed annually on the first Friday of September beginning in 2017.”

How do I get along with everybody?

I was driving through this rainy afternoon in this small rural college town and thought about this blog topic after reflecting on some life circumstances. I was pondering on a recent article online that was shown on facebook a lot on “percentage of Americans identifying being Christian has gone down over the years”-something like this. Anyways, I thought about all the people I’ve met that has come and go at my local church, campus ministries during my early Christian walk, etc… The number one “issue” that seem to get people “to leave” church is being “offended” (see my blog on this life challenge).

If you are one of the many people, like me, that have been offended by “the church”…please continue to read. I think “we all” have been offended by someone in our lives so far. But, what makes us forgive and forget “certain individuals”. Why not “everybody”? Do we pick and choose “who to forgive”?

Here is my personal tip on “How I get along with everybody” (it doesn’t meant that “everybody” gets along with me)? It’s one of the best “life advice” my earthly father gave me growing-up, which is “look at the positive of everybody instead of that “one” or “more” negative experience”. We tend to forget the “good” side of everybody that we don’t get along with or have gotten offended. Why is that? What keeps me “keeping positive” is reading my Heavenly Father’s Word (Bible) morning and evening.

For example, I’ve had many situations when I got offended by someone, but I “chose” to forgive them because of a verse that I read previously from the Bible. If you have hard time to “forgive” someone that “offended” you no matter how “bad” it is, try to remember at least “one good-thing” about that person and ask God to help you to “forgive” those that wronged you.

Ephesians 4:32New International Version (NIV) Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Good News Love McCormack - an Atheist - Dead on Morgue Slab - Goes to Hell, then to Heaven and Back!!

Lastly, if your a person that don’t consider yourself a Christian because of various reasons (e.g. turned away from God, different religion/faith, no belief, etc…). I challenged you to go to God and ask Him your questions about faith. ..

“Taste and see that the Lord is good”-Psalm 34:8

Do you have any other tips that you would like to share to help others in our similar situations? Please share as “we” all can work together to build that peace and reconciliation with our family, friends, workplace, community, region, and world!

Good News Peace