Music: Karaoke -“First Noel” (Hymn) by Crazy lil’ Sal

Karaoke -“First Noel” (Hymn) by Crazy lil’ Sal

The First Noel (With Lyrics)

Karaoke The First Noel – Christmas Carol * – YouTube

History of Hymns: “The First Noel” by C. Michael Hawn
“..Christmas hymns, by contrast, are a part of the literate song tradition. While carols began to flourish during the medieval era, Christmas hymns can be traced back to the fourth century during the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) and subsequent councils where the Nicene Creed was shaped, defining the nature of Christ in what became orthodox theology. These early Latin hymns were polemical statements that explained the doctrine of the Incarnation in opposition to Arianism, a concept that asserted that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was created by God at a specific point in time and was an entity distinct from God the Father, and therefore subordinate to the Father. “Corde natus ex Parentis” (“Of the Father’s Love Begotten,” The United Methodist Hymnal, 184) is one of the most famous hymns from the orthodox perspective that is still sung. The Spanish judge Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (b. c. 348–d. c. 413) left a legacy for the church’s sung faith that has lasted for centuries. (See History of Hymns: “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” »)..”

#creativemusicartsy #crazylilsal

Goodnews Everybody

Spotlight: Who was Michael Jackson (“king of pop music”)?

New MJ Documentary: March, 2017 (Man in the Mirror) with Earnest Valentino

“..Published on Apr 3, 2017

Earnest Valentino makes several appearances as the adult Michael Jackson throughout the Documentary which shows the pain, and suffering Michael Jackson endured while being used, abused, and accused from those he thought were his friends.

This was very difficult for me, and challenging to say the least….”

-Early Life Battles

‘…When the Jackson 5 reached national fame with Motown, Michael was only 11 years old. In short time he and his brothers were touring around the country to audiences that including thousands of adoring female fans. During these road trips, Michael witnessed sexual liaisons between his brothers and female groupies – they often had sex in the same room where he slept. Sometimes his father would sleep with the young women who showed up after performances eager for a connection with the famous family. Joseph warned his sons not to tell their mother about his secret and no matter how much Michael may have wanted to expose his father, for a Jehovah’s Witness, a father’s word is gospel. A key scripture repeated over and over again is the one admonishing children to honor their father and mother in all things. If a child questions their parent, or fails to submit to their direction, it is viewed as a sin against God, so it creates an atmosphere where its seems best to stay quiet and say nothing. Michael expressed disgust by his father’s behavior and betrayal of his mother but said nothing to her about it – he was torn. Disobey his father and God, or lie to his mother – it was an difficult choice he preferred not to make…”

“..Things came to a head over the Thriller video. Michael came up with the concept for the Thriller video after watching the horror-fantasy film An American Werewolf in London. He hired its director, John Landis to direct the 14 min video which included special effects combining illusion with reality. In the video Michael is transformed into a monster who dances with a troupe of ghouls newly emerged from their graves. It was a unique and revolutionary concept and approach to music videos that would transform MTV and the music business generally, but to church elders it was viewed as advocating Satanism and the occult. When they confronted him about it – Michael initially refused to repudiate his work. However, when he was threatened with disfellowshipping – spiritual death – if he failed to comply, Michael became very upset. He called his lawyer – John Branca – and ordered him to destroy the master tapes of the video, which had cost more than one million dollars to produce. After days of back and forth, with Michael repeatedly asserting the tapes had to be destroyed – his lawyer came up with a compromise. He suggested that Michael could place a disclaimer at the beginning of the video stating that it did not reflect Michael’s personal or religious convictions. Michael thought this was a great idea and agreed to do so. The disclaimer, [“Due to my strong personal convictions , I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult-Michael Jackson“] viewed by millions of people who watched Thriller on MTV – got Michael a reprieve from the church – at least in the short run. However, the issues surrounding the Thriller video was not the only problem Michael faced with church elders…”

‘…Michael: Right, I’m trying to imitate Jesus in the fact that he said to be like children, to love children, to be as pure as children and to make yourself as innocent and to see the world through eyes of wonderment and the whole magical quality of it all – and I love that. And we’ll have like a hundred bald headed children, they all have cancer and they’re all running around…..”

-Criminal Charges

Michael Jackson child abuse case: New shock revelations from his lawyer and manager By Stefan Kyriazis
PUBLISHED: 12:08, Wed, Jun 22, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:22, Wed, Jun 22, 2016
“..Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, has defended her father against allegations of child pornography, and a new book, Making Michael by Mike Smallcombe, features testimony from over 60 of Michael Jacksons’ colleagues, staff and friends.

It reveals that Micahel may have been drugged by his own investigator to get him out of the country before police could arrest him in 1993.

It also reveals that Michael himself did not want to settle the subsequent court case with Chandler’s family, but Elizabeth Taylor persuaded him to do so.

Plus, Michael’s own lawyer says whether he personally believed the star was guilty of any sexual acts with the young boys he invited to Neverland…

“’I thought that paying a substantial amount of money would forever tarnish his reputation, and injure him professionally. But he was listening to Elizabeth Taylor, and I suspect that she had the attitude where she told him, ‘Michael you’ve got all the money in the world, why do you need a trial?’

“‘He had a very good lawyer in Johnnie Cochran, who was convinced he would have won an acquittal. It’s very tough to lose a case in which you are innocent.””

Jordy Chandler disappears: Boy now aged 36 who sparked Michael Jackson’s pedophile scandal in 1993 cannot be found for deposition in a separate sex abuse case By Reporters Published: 21:32 EDT, 6 November 2016 | Updated: 03:20 EDT, 7 November 2016
“…Finaldi said Robson wasn’t the only child Jackson, Staikos and his companies lured to Neverland Ranch.

‘(Staikos) would call parents and say, “Hey, he wants to meet you, come down to the ranch,’ Finaldi told the New York Daily News.

Finaldi said the family’s plane tickets and food would be paid for. They would arrive to the ranch in a limousine, and be given gifts from the staff.

‘Make no mistake, Neverland Ranch was nothing but a well-orchestrated trap,’ he told the New York Daily News.

‘It was custom-built to attract kids so he could groom them and decide which to sexually abuse.’

Jackson’s estate called Robson’s allegations ‘less than credible’, but the choreographer said he would never make such public claims for money.

‘The idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my son, my entire family through this extremely stressful and painful experience all for money is incomprehensible,’ he said.

‘I’ve lived in silence and denial for 22 years and I can’t spend another moment in that.’

Michael Jackson: The Footage You Were Never Meant To See…


Michael Jackson Rare Funny Moments. Don’t Mess With Michael!

“Published on Oct 16, 2016

Compilation of Rare funny Michael Jackson moments, Also moments Michael Jackson caught acting like a Boss. Don’t mess with Michael Jackson. Rare Clips.

Michael Jackson Private Home Movies HD 720P


60 Minutes | Katherine Jackson Interview | A Mother’s Pain [FULL] 1/09/2013


Michael Jackson | Album Discography | AllMusic
Michael Jackson Discography at Discogs

Michael Jackson ‎– HIStory – Past, Present And Future – Book I

Michael Jackson – HIStory [Disc 1] (Album)

Michael Jackson – You Are Not Alone (Official Video) – YouTube

Music: Karaoke-“You Are Not Alone” (originally from Michael Jackson) by “Crazy Lil Sal”

Music: Karaoke-“Man in the Mirror” by (MJ) Crazy lil’ Sal


michael jackson – billie jean live first time moonwalk

Michael Jackson – Smooth Criminal – Live in Munich 1997

“Published on Nov 6, 2014

Michael Jackson – Smooth Criminal – HIStory World Tour Live in Munich 1997

Michael Jackson – You Are Not Alone – Live Munich 1997 – Widescreen HD

Michael Jackson – They Don’t Care About Us – Live Munich 1997- Widescreen HD

Best of Michael Jackson STAGE FAILS!


Pete Carter as Michael Jackson : Tribute Artist/Impersonator/Look-Alike

“Published on Mar 19, 2013

Pete Carter is a Michael Jackson Tribute Artist based in NJ/NY/PA area.”

Heal the World-“Make it a Better Place”

King of Pop: Michael Jackson-How are you going to help “heal the world…and make it a better place?

Any favorite links, footage, etc.. that you would like to be included here..

Good News Music

Neutral Perspective: Rock music is satanic and NOT satanic?

Rock Music is satanic

Rock Music: The Devil’s Advocate, from
“…According to the book The Emerging Generation, the average teenager consumes 6 hours a day of rock music! It is their most devoted companion. It’s their ….”
John Todd talks about how demons took over the music industry.

“…John Todd explains how demons are in mainstream music. After creating the master copy, they pray to the devil over it to get demons to go out into unsuspecting music lovers. Be careful what you listen to, it could be cursed. Bless all your music to get the demons out. …”
The Devil’s Music Part 1: Why God Doesn’t Love Rock ‘N’ Roll, from
“+Mat Loyal Rock music isn’t Satanic because Satan doesn’t exist. What it is is worldly, which, according to the bible at least, is something Christians are supposed to avoid. Personally I think the notion of living in the world but not being of the world is nonsense, which I think would explain why Christians listen to and play rock music even though they technically shouldn’t. The same goes for everything else Christians do but aren’t supposed to do...”

“..Modern electronic-rock music, inaugurated in the early 1960s, is, and always has been, a joint enterprise of British military intelligence and Satanic cults. On the one side, the Satanists control the major rock groups through drugs, sex, threats of violence, and even murder. On the other side, publicity, tours, and recordings are financed by record companies connected to British military intelligence circles. Both sides are intimately entwined with the biggest business in the world, the international drug trade.

The so-called “rock stars” are pathetic puppets caught in a much larger scheme. From the moment they receive their first recording royalties, the groups are heavily immersed in drugs. For example, much-admired “stars” such as John Lennon of the Beatles and Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones, were heroin addicts. Richard had to obtain blood transfusions, replacing his entire heroin-laced blood supply, in order to get a visa to enter the United States. (Tony Sanchez, Up and Down WIth the Rolling Stones, p.319)..”
“A church thought it would be a good idea to play satanic music as part of their worship to God! In this video I plead for the church to wake up! This is a disgrace to Christ! Please share this video !!! God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL !!!

SUBSCRIBE TO TVC YouTube Channels:..”

The Lyrics Don’t Matter – Christian Rock is still the Devil’s music , from
“…Uploaded on Mar 25, 2011

This video proves that it doesn’t really matter if the lyrics are ‘christian’, once they are mixed with Rock and Roll the message is changed and satan’s poison is introduced into the blood stream of the listener. Would you eat steak from a dirty toliet seat? That is what you do when you try to consume ‘pretty lyrics’ in the context of Rock. It makes the whole dish corrupt!”

What’s Wrong with Christian Rock Part 1

“Uploaded on Mar 26, 2009

For music by many of the artists featured in this video visit:”
What’s Wrong with Christian Rock Part 6, from
Amy Grant
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amy Grant Is On The Devil’s Side By David J. Stewart | October 2005 | Updated January 2016
“…The six-pointed-star Amy “communicates” is a hexagram. “Hex” is a spell used to place a curse. Hex is also the Greek word for the number six. Sean Sellars, a former Satanist, who was executed for sacrificing 3 people to Satan, says in his book, Web of Darkness (p.51), the hexagram “is said by some to be the most powerful and evil sign in Satanism and of all the occult world.” Sellers also states, “The hexagram is used mainly in witchcraft to summon demons from the underworld.” As Amy’s is flashing the “hexagram”, a mysterious black-attired man begins digging up a guitar (the curse) from the “underground”! This is no coincident or accident. These videos cost thousands of dollars to produce. They are researched and choreographed to the smallest detail. ..”
Wolves in Costume: Amy L. Grant


Stevie Nicks – Australian interview – September 2011


Eye To Eye: Stevie Nicks On Songwriting

The Stevie Nicks Witch Rumor Uncovered
“..In a 1997 interview Nicks stated, “Twenty years ago I sat down and decided that I would create a really wonderful image, an unforgettable image. And now I’m kind of stuck with it. It’s like when I don’t wear my fringy, gypsy stuff, people kind of look at me like, what’s wrong?”

Whether intended or not, the witchy, boho, gypsy, moonchild image Nicks created for herself stuck, and it does not look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon. If her clothes, jewelry and other accessories do not already establish her image, nicknames like, gold dust woman, sister of the moon, or the white witch definitely do.

Stevie Nicks has made many wonderful songs with Fleetwood Mac, but these are her witchiest ones yet…

Top 3 Witchiest Songs by Fleetwood Mac
Rhiannon – Fleetwood Mac (1975)..

Is Stevie Nicks a Witch?
No. Despite the lack of truth behind the Stevie Nicks witch rumors, her long hair and flowing black dresses along with the above songs portrayed an image of mythical and haunting beauty. Which has left us with a legacy of music we will never tire of listening to.

In a Yahoo! interview on April 28, 1998, when discussing the Stevie Nicks witch rumor, she said, “I have no idea what precipitated those rumors… I am not a witch. Get a life!”..”


Is “Rock and Roll” the Devil’s Music? jwallace January 30, 2014 Christian Living, Culture, Writings
“… Is “rock and roll” unholy? Is there something prohibitively un-Christian about this form of music? Can we, as Christians, listen to “rock and roll” or contemporary “pop” music in good conscience? I think the answer is “yes” (and “no”).

Musical expression is a combination of melody and lyric. As a Christian, I will not listen to (or affirm) unholy, demeaning, profane or ungodly lyrics. That’s an easy call. But what about the melody? Is there something innately ungodly about the melodic, rhythmic form of rock or pop music? Can I affirm rap music if it’s lyrically appropriate? Can I enjoy a punk or metal band if their lyrics are God honoring? Sure. I do it all the time. My iPod playlist tonight includes a number of Christian rock and pop bands, including Skillet, Switchfoot, Kutless, Project 86, Sumerlin, House of Heroes, Stellar Kart and Relient K. I’ve been to a few of their concerts. They’re loud –very loud. But, they’re God honoring…”
Rock N Roll: just music or the devil’s music?
Christian Rock Music: Is Rock Music of the Devil?,
All is not well in the world of rock and roll. Many of today’s biggest rock stars promote violence, drug abuse, sexual immorality, and occultism by both their songs and lifestyles. With an image like this, it’s no wonder that many Christians believe rock music was spawned by the Devil himself. Nevertheless, there are other Christians who see absolutely nothing wrong with rock music — whether performed by Christian or secular artists. So which side is correct?…”

Rock Music is NOT satanic

53d. America Rocks and Rolls
“…The roots of rock and roll lay in African American blues and gospel. As the Great Migration brought many African Americans to the cities of the north, the sounds of rhythm and blues attracted suburban teens. Due to segregation and racist attitudes, however, none of the greatest artists of the genre could get much airplay.

Disc jockey Alan Freed began a rhythm-and-blues show on a Cleveland radio station. Soon the audience grew and grew, and Freed coined the term “rock and roll.”..”

1950’s Rock And Roll (Part One)

“The foundations of rock music are in rock and roll, which originated in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, and quickly spread to much of the rest of the world. Its immediate origins lay in a melding of various black musical genres of the time, including rhythm and blues and gospel music, with country and western. In 1951, Cleveland, Ohio disc jockey Alan Freed began playing rhythm and blues music for a multi-racial audience, and is credited with first using the phrase “rock and roll” to describe the music…”

How did Gospel influence American popular music?

“…In this lesson, students will trace the influence of Gospel music on early Rock and Roll, particularly in R&B’s embrace of such key musical features as the call-and-response and in the uses of complex rhythms. The class will make side-by-side comparisons of Gospel and early Rock and Roll songs, as well as work in groups to chart the overall influence of Gospel on a range of different popular music genres. ..”
Rock And Roll – A Very Brief History , from

Thoughts, suggestions, feedback, etc..?

Good News Music

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Neutral Perspective: There are subliminal messages in music and NOT?

Ever listen to music on the radio and never realize certain lyrics until after, such as doing karaoke? I remember I took a psychology class in college my freshmen-sophomore year and the professor played this song backwards..

Queen – it’s fun to smoke marijuana , from

What do you think? Well, these subliminal message don’t have to be so discreet with playing records’s in our “face”!..

10 Hidden Subliminal Messages In Popular Songs

“…While kids loved the new music and innovative sounds that made this music different from their parents’, the older generation grew concerned. We look back on this period and laugh because the older generation at the time believed this music was evil, degenerate and corrupting the youth. There were people who thought these bands were delivering satanic messages. In short, this new wave of music and their musicians were destroying the fabric of society.
A lot of the criticism that was aimed at the music industry 40 or 50 years ago continues to be seen today. Music and musicians are often labelled as corruptive forces and bad role models for our kids. They dress controversially, their music sounds different and, importantly, the lyrics in their songs send messages that parents don’t want their kids to hear. Yes, the message, often hidden within the song has been upsetting uber-conservative adults for generations. With old school rock, people looked for a message that could only be heard when the record or tape was played backwards. Called ‘backmasking,’ parents of the 1960s, 70s and 80s all got their torches and pitchforks when they heard what sounded to be satanic messages coming from their kids’ vinyl records. Satan aside, hidden drug and sex references have also been popular to find, whether playing a song backwards or just translating the lyrics that are hidden in plain sight..

20 Popular Songs With Creepy Hidden Messages

Because those rumours about backwards Satanic messages weren’t all urban legends…


John Todd talks about how demons took over the music industry.

“..Uploaded on Oct 9, 2011

John Todd explains how demons are in mainstream music. After creating the master copy, they pray to the devil over it to get demons to go out into unsuspecting music lovers. Be careful what you listen to, it could be cursed. Bless all your music to get the demons out. ..”



Songs that promote fornication, rebellion, drugs, drinking, violence, rape, murder, fighting, lust, anarchy, false religion, the new age… etc are obviously Satanic, and are spreading openly the message of Lucifer. Yet Satan has even more sinister ways of adding his message to a song. In this study we are going to expose these “Wiles of the Devil”.

Backmasking and subliminal messages

Back masking has been found in Rock music for decades. Why does Satan backmask? To gain MIND CONTROL. The alcohol, tobacco and retail industries spend millions of dollars yearly on subliminal programming. Shops use it to fight shoplifting.

“Enchantment is a form of spell casting primarily involving mind control. Enchanters dispatch or assign wicked spirits to objects and places for whatever purpose the spell calls for…. Enchantment controls the mind and is one of the most powerful spells that can be cast on a person….” David Meyer ex-occultist.

Jimi Hendrix revealed the conspiracy of subliminals 20 years ago.
“Atmospheres are going to come through music, because music is in a spiritual thing of its own….. you hypnotise people to where they go right back to their natural state which is pure positive … and when you get people at that weakest point, you can preach into the subconscious what we want to say ….. ”

-Kanye West

Monster (lyrics)- Kanye West

155,763 views•Nov 26, 2010





10.6K subscribers
I LOVE this song!!! I hope you enjoy it. Lyrics are on the screen.

For entertainment purposes only

BLASPHEMY-Kanye West Brings out Jesus Christ on stage during Yeezus Tour In Seattle 2013 !!!

Was Kanye West’s “Monster” Video Banned? – YouTube


Kanye West: ‘I Sold My Soul to the Devil’
*see Philosophy: Is the devil real?

Hundreds Of People Walkout Of Kanye West’s Sunday Service!

170,061 views•Oct 2, 2019





The Lionel B Show
266K subscribers
#KanyeWest #SundayService

Kanye West has been doing a lot to promote the release of Jesus Is King over the last week. Despite these efforts, it doesn’t seem like the album will be released anytime soon as there is no concrete release date in sight. On Sunday, Kanye West setup shop in Greater Allen A.M.E Cathedral in New York City to give yet another one of his “Sunday Service” performances.
According to reports churchgoers were so unamused by the content of his performance that they rushed for the exits before he could even finish. Even if people at home think the “Sunday Service” snippets are exciting, it seems like not everyone feels the same way.

Positive Queen on Purpose
4 weeks ago (edited)
Kanye came right out and said… He sold his soul… How is it now he has a Church… How is it… There are so many in support… When he clearly said… He sold his soul for a Happy Meal… Who are all these people REALLY worshipping? I just dont get it…”

“Born Again renewed faith in Jesus in 2019”
*see Celebrity: Success Measured in Faith

-Michael Jackson
*see Spotlight: Who was Michael Jackson (“king of pop music”)?

The Occult Meaning Behind Billie Jean

Rabbit Hole Productions
Published on Nov 4, 2018

For the first-time on YouTube, an esoteric breakdown of the meaning behind the song Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Who or what is Billie Jean? The life changing novel, THE ESCAPE DIARY, is now available on Amazon.

*see Spotlight: Celebrity-“Prince” Rogers Nelson Tribute

Satan’s Musical Prophets Documentary Chapter 1 The Artist formerly known as Prince Video


Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Hidden Messages)
The meaning of Bohemian Rhapsody
” 🅱️
2 years ago
It tells the story of a man coming out (Freddie at the time) He doesn’t know what reality is and knows he can’t escape it. So he kills his other self to come out as gay. He realizes he threw his reputation away by doing so. And is bullied for many years. His time is up when it becomes too much to handle. He then does horrible things to his body and eventually dies. Then when he dies he sees a silhouetteo of a man, his old ego. And God and the Devil fight on where he should go. The devil then calls his name, Galileo. He is thrown into hell. He begs that he is a poor boy and to let him out of hell. But the devil says no. Galileo then asks what his hell is. and the Devil replies with “I have a devil put aside for you” Galileo is then seen as the rest of the song battling with the devil. Which is himself.
Summary: Man conflicted on sexuality, decides he is gay, is bullied, kills himself, goes to hell. continues to battle himself as punishment. “

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
“..Mercury’s parents were deeply involved in Zoroastrianism, and these Arabic words do have a meaning in that religion. His family grew up in Zanzibar, but was forced out by government upheaval in 1964 and they moved to England. Some of the lyrics could be about leaving his homeland behind. Guitarist Brian May seemed to suggest this when he said in an interview about the song: “Freddie was a very complex person: flippant and funny on the surface, but he concealed insecurities and problems in squaring up his life with his childhood. He never explained the lyrics, but I think he put a lot of himself into that song.” ..”

What are your thoughts? Can you think of any songs out there that have a “positive” or “negative” message? Feel free to see Neutral Perspective: There are subliminal messages in cartoons and NOT?

Feel free to comment below of any other information that can be helpful.

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to persuade or change your “beliefs” on an issue. Nothing on this site is to be construed as “real or fake news” ; the authors are just sharing their finding “known to be” facts. Please continue to “research” on your own, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal instincts. Feel free to share your own findings, material not shared above, or own opinions on the comment section available below. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good “news” and optimism!”