Deep Thought: Did you know “Yeshua” was “mentioned” in the “Torah”-“Old Testament”?

Jesus in the Old Testament

Jesus’ References to Old Testament Scriptures by Rich Robinson | May 16, 2017
“..his article lists many references to the Old Testament found on the lips of Jesus in the Gospels. They have been organized by the three divisions of the Old Testament: Torah (Five Books of Moses), Prophets (or Nevi’im), and Writings (or Ketuvim)…

The two greatest commandments

In the next instance, Jesus replies to an inquiry by citing the two greatest of all the 613 commandments of the Torah. Why are they the greatest? Because all the others can be placed under one or the other of these. Note that while the Torah has “all your might,” in Matthew Jesus says “all your mind.” Variations like that were common (the Greek translation of the Torah has “all your strength”) and all the more in verbal conversation. Perhaps Jesus wanted his inquirer to think more deeply about things!

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37–39, cf. Mark 12:28-34)..

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:5, cf. Leviticus 19:18)..”..

*click pic above for full chapter that includes the same verse read/quoted by Jesus/Yeshua

Jesus Christ in the Torah (The Books of Moses)

Jesus In The Old Testament – YouTube

Who Was Melchizedek and Why Was He So Important? Chara Donahue
“Genesis introduces Melchizedek – a “priest of God most High,” as he blesses Abram. He is mentioned again in Psalms, but we aren’t alerted to how much attention we should give him until we see his name again in the book of Hebrews. For as much mention the author of Hebrews gives to Melchizedek we know it is worth our time to discover who he is and what he was about. Each word of the Bible should be held with reverence because we know each one was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 110: is talking about Jesus, “’You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.’” The Matthew Henry Concise Commentary said this about the Psalm:

“[Jesus] is the Priest of the order of Melchizedek, which was before that of Aaron, and on many accounts superior to it, and a more lively representation of Christ’s priesthood.”

So who is this man who was an imperfect foreshadow to Jesus and why should we care?..”

Did Jesus Appear in the Old Testament? (Melchizedek Mystery REVEALED!)

AoC Network
Published on Apr 25, 2017
Did Jesus show up in the Old Testament? And Who is Melchizedek?Find out the Shocking Answer to this Mystery HERE!

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About the Speaker:
Jerren Lewis attended Beeson Divinity School obtaining a Masters of Divinity and completed his Clinical Pastoral Education residency at Princeton Baptist Medical Center serving as a hospital chaplain. Jerren is a Biblical Studies teacher at AoC Network. He and his wife, Stacey, have two sons.For inquiries contact us via email at:

“.. Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. ..”-Genesis 14

Good News Philosophy

Now You Know: How did “we” get to this point of deportation of “illegal” -“legal” “immigrant”-“migrant” and their children (DACA) -being “separated” ?

Stop blaming the “other” political party for where we are at! “We” caused this on ourselves…

Here are some facts:

Trump Feeding “Tear Away” Immigrant Kids to America’s “Elite Pedophiles” By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – June 17, 2018
“..The “elites,” as they love calling themselves, who own the Federal Reserve, run Washington and London, who start our wars, loot our economy, run our media, control our lives, live on a diet of ritual sexual abuse, sex hormones and amphetamines…

Their diet of stolen children come from families destroyed by narcotics or targeted by fake courts and fake police. Kids seized by “family services” are picked through and fed into the rape and murder mill of the real “Pizzagate,” built around those who own the GOP….

In America, it began with “boy’s homes” and detention centers. It began with teenage boys but, as it moved on, it became smaller and smaller children…

Kids that hit the US border, and this is Trump’s doing 100%, are picked through like meat, the “prime kids” are sent off to pedophile rings run by Trump cronies, to be passed around Pentagon brass, Tea Party get togethers and among the GOP faithful. They are stored at elite hunting “camps” and “religious retreats” owned by billionaires and big corporate donors. We aren’t making this up, it isn’t fake news and it was originally “busted” as the Franklin Scandal…”

The Franklin Scandal – YouTube

Oct 17, 2009 – Uploaded by trinedaybooks
“Video account of child pornography, sex rings, government coverup and innocent kids being sent to jail, based …”

Major documentary on highest-level child sex-abuse is suppressed Listen | Print By Ralph Lopez Aug 14, 2014 in World
“..On May 3rd, 1994, the Discovery Channel was set to air Conspiracy of Silence, an hour-long documentary on a network of Nebraska businessmen and Washington politicians who flew children, some under age ten, to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. ..”

*see Now You Know: “Human trafficking”-facts, causes, prevention, solution, action plan, etc…

Inside Casa Padre, the converted Walmart where the U.S. is holding nearly 1,500 immigrant children by Michael E. Miller, Emma Brown and Aaron C. Davis June 14 2018
“..Texas-based Southwest Key has grown quickly in recent years, fueled by surges of young Central Americans seeking refuge north, an expansion that has helped push annual compensation for the nonprofit’s chief executive, Juan Sanchez, to nearly $1.5 million, filings with the Internal Revenue Service show. The organization now houses 5,129 immigrant children in three states — approaching half the approximately 11,400 currently in federal custody — in facilities that are being strained to capacity, according to Sanchez…”

*see Neutral Perspective: FEMA Camps are being “built” or “NOT” in the U.S?

DACA: What you need to know CBS News January 24, 2018, 6:00 AM
“..The government is open again, and now the fight begins over securing the fate of several hundred thousand immigrants known as Dreamers. To end the shutdown, Democrats exacted a promise from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring a legislative fix for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients (DACA) to the floor on Feb. 8, if government remains open (that’s when the new short-term spending bill expires).

Congress will now try and come up with a solution for the undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, in balance with upgrades in border security. Here are some of the questions about DACA and about the challenges ahead:..”

Family separation crisis: How we got here Author: Suzanne Nuyen
Published: 1:37 PM EDT June 18, 2018
Since the Trump administration rolled out its ‘zero tolerance’ policy on immigration, about 2,000 children have been separated from their parents.
“The Trump administration has said its “zero tolerance” policy on immigration is an effort to deter individuals from entering the U.S. illegally.

Since its rollout, about 2,000 children have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border.

Here’s a look at how this policy came to be:

March 2017: Former Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly confirms that the administration was considering the policy of separating families as a deterrent to illegal immigration. Nearly 200 national, state and local organizations write a letter to Kelly in opposition of the policy. Multiple members of Congress also write letters to Homeland Security. ..”

Did Obama separate families at the border? – YouTube

Published on Jun 21, 2018
Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson says that he discussed separating kids from their parents as a deterrent to illegal immigration but didn’t think the practice was right.

Jeff Sessions’ church slams his use of the Bible to defend separating migrant families
“..Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a United Methodist, and he is also the face of the Trump administration’s widely condemned policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border. In a Friday statement slamming the policy as “a shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel,” the United Methodist Church registered its dissent to Sessions’ use of the Bible to defend the separations: Jesus is our way, our truth, our life. The Christ we follow would have no part in ripping children from their mothers’ arms or shunning those fleeing violence. It is unimaginable that faith leaders even have to say that these policies are antithetical to the teachings of Christ. Christian sacred texts ….”

Fact-checking immigration spin on separating families and 1,500 ‘lost’ children
By Salvador Rizzo | The Washington Post Published: May 30 Updated: May 30, 2018

Trump blames Democrats for a law that separates undocumented immigrant children from their families. Some Democrats blame Trump’s administration for losing track of nearly 1,500 immigrant kids.

None of this is accurate.

We’ve fact-checked many claims about the border, and it’s clear that the latest spin from both sides deserves a turn under the microscope. However, since this is a roundup of multiple claims, we won’t be giving Pinocchio ratings.

Trump tweeted “Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS..”

How the US’s Foreign Policy Created an Immigrant Refugee Crisis on Its Own Southern Border By James NorthTwitter
July 9, 2014

President Obama is showing little concern for international law, and none at all for Washington’s historic responsibility in Central America.

…The Ramirezes (their names have been changed to protect them from retribution) got through Mexico and crossed the Rio Grande just south of here safely, but Esperanza, who is 24, has had to live with violence her entire life. She and her daughter had just fled the most dangerous city in the world, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where the two biggest criminal gangs, which have memberships across the region in the tens of thousands, fight with automatic weapons. The city has become a war zone, with a murder rate of 193 per 100,000 (New York City’s rate is 5.1). Angelica’s father died in gang-related violence a couple of years ago. “In some neighborhoods, people are abandoning their homes from fear,” she said. “The gangs are even murdering 8-year-old kids who will not join them.” …

Americans, especially young Americans, probably know more about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda than they do about how their own government funded murderous right-wing dictatorships in Central America back in the 1980s. The Reagan administration’s violent and immoral policy included $5 billion in aid to the military/landowner alliance in El Salvador, which prolonged an awful conflict in which some 75,000 people died—a toll proportionally equivalent to the casualty rate in the American Civil War. But once shaky peace agreements were signed in the 1990s, the United States walked away, leaving the shattered region to rebuild on its own. ..

The very name of one of the giant criminal gangs—18th Street, or Calle 18—reveals the origins of the current crisis. Eighteenth Street is not in San Pedro Sula, or in San Salvador, or in any of the other Central American cities torn apart by gang warfare. Eighteenth Street is actually in Los Angeles, where the gang and its rival, the Mara Salvatrucha, were born among young Salvadorans who had been displaced by the civil war in the 1980s. After the United States started deporting gang members, they arrived back in Central America, some barely speaking Spanish and knowing only how to do one thing: grab the weapons the region was already awash in and start killing. During the decade-long civil war, family and community life had weakened, so the newly arrived gangs partly filled a vacuum…

Here in McAllen, the community center of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church has become a relief station for adults with children who are pouring across the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Children who are by themselves do not come here; they are held in the overcrowded Border Patrol detention centers until a relative who is already in the United States sends them funds for an air ticket to join them, pending a resolution of their immigration case. (Roughly 90 percent of the Central Americans already have a family member in the United States.) ..”

Why Central Americans are fleeing their violent homelands for the US By Danika Fears and Lorena Mongelli April 13, 2017 | 1:26am | Updated
“..n 2016, El Salvador’s murder rate was 81.2 per 100,000 inhabitants — down from 104 in 2015, the highest in the world. Honduras’ murder rate was 59 last year, while Guatemala’s was 27.3, dropping from a high of 46.5 in 2009.

“There’s no such thing as people going out jogging there,” Ana Quintana, a policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said of Honduras. “There are 24-hour funeral homes. It’s incredibly sad.”

Civil wars rocked El Salvador and Guatemala until the mid-1990s, leaving them vulnerable to transnational crime outfits — like MS-13, which was created by Salvadorans who fled to LA.

Drug trafficking from South America and Mexico — in which some of the gangs have become involved — has also contributed to the bloodshed.

In 2014, US officials said 80 percent of drug flows into America pass through routes in Central America…”

Deporting people made Central America’s gangs. More deportation won’t help. By Daniel Denvir July 20, 2017
‘..“MS-13 is one of the most vicious criminal gangs in this country today,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “As I said when I visited Long Island after these murders took place in April, MS-13’s motto may be ‘kill, rape and control,’ but the Department of Justice’s motto is justice for victims and consequences for criminals.” In April, Sessions made a stop on his immigrants-are-killing-Americans tour in Long Island, where he went further into his view of transnational gangs…

In reality, it is U.S. foreign policy and the very sort of deportation policies Sessions embraces that have created the “horrific violence” and “lawlessness” he expresses concern about, and there’s no reason to believe that continuing these policies will do anything other than cause more harm….

The gang Sessions pinpointed, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), was founded in Los Angeles, as was its rival, Barrio 18. Many of the youths who formed MS-13, and who joined its rival Barrio 18 (initially formed by Mexicans) had fled El Salvador as refugees as civil war raged between 1980 and 1992. At the time, the right-wing military government in El Salvador was backed by President Ronald Reagan’s administration. All in all, the U.S. spent billions of dollars on its dirty war against left-wing rebels of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, or FLMN. Wars were also ripping apart Guatemala, where the U.S.-backed military committed genocide against indigenous people, and Nicaragua, where the U.S. supported a Contra army that sought to overthrow the left-wing Sandinista government because it had dared to depose the right-wing Somoza family dictatorship…

In fiscal 2014, the Border Patrol apprehended almost 137,000 unaccompanied minors and individuals traveling with their families, the majority part of a new refugee exodus from Central America to seek asylum from violent conflicts between gangs and governments in their deeply impoverished native lands…

. In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility law, which made it far easier for the government to deport people convicted of certain crimes, including relatively minor ones and crimes committed by lawful permanent residents. At the same time, the INS Violent Gang Task Force, created in 1992, was working with local police to target immigrant gang members for deportation. In 2005, ICE’s Operation Community Shield was launched to target MS-13…

..Since taking office, President Trump has proclaimed that his government is “actually liberating towns” from the gang’s clutches and falsely claimed that he has deported half of the gang’s U.S.-based membership. He has blamed “weak illegal immigration policies” under President Barack Obama for allowing the gang to spread, calling it “a serious problem” that “we never did anything about.” In fact, deporting alleged gang members had been a bipartisan priority for three presidential administrations. And for presidents from both parties, the emphasis on gangs has served the same purpose: fomenting public anxiety over crime and foreigners in the service of a system that mostly deports immigrants who have been convicted of no violent crime…

The tragic upshot is that, thanks to flashy headlines about international gang violence, people are primed to support the same sort of policies that created this spiraling crisis in the first place: deporting Central Americans, refugees and alleged gang members alike, while funding law-and-order crackdowns and business-friendly economic reforms in the region that can only make things worse. We are not importing Central American problems. Rather, it is the U.S. that has exported violence, time and again, to Central America.”

ICE Repatriation Flights to Central America

What happens to migrant children who get deported back to Central America?

CBS This Morning
Published on Jul 25, 2014
Many undocumented migrant children who fail to reach the U.S. are sent home to Central America. Manuel Bojorquez recently traveled to El Salvador to find what is waiting for them when they arrive home.

Why so many migrant kids are coming to the U.S. alone

PBS NewsHour
Published on Jun 20, 2014
Hoping to stop the surge of unaccompanied minors arriving in the U.S., Vice President Biden visited Guatemala to get support from Central American leaders. The NewsHour’s P.J. Tobia reports on why kids are coming and what happens to these child migrants when they arrive.

Immigrant America: The High Cost of Deporting Parents

Published on Mar 19, 2014
Subscribe to VICE News here:

As Barack Obama considers ways to enforce immigration laws “more humanely,” VICE News travels to Guatemala to meet a deportee named Ray Jesus, who lives apart from his American wife and 5 American children. When Ray lived in the U.S., he was the family’s breadwinner. Now they rely on welfare to get by. It turns out that deporting parents costs much more than the price of a one-way ticket home.”

Deportation Archives

‘Like a kidnapping’: ICE snatches 25-year Minnesota resident from his family in harrowing video ALAN PYKE
JUL 31, 2018, 4:34 PM
UPDATED: AUG 1, 2018, 3:36 PM
Plainclothes, refusal to show ID, threats of federal assault charges — all in the broad daylight of a county courthouse.
“..No clean cases
Carlos’ story is not neat or simple. He was in court that day because he’d struck a pedestrian with his car in early 2017. His blood-alcohol level was under the legal limit, but because he’d had two beers and didn’t blow a perfect 0.0 he was charged with a felony. During his nearly six months in county lock-up following his arrest, he completed a rehab program. He enrolled in and completed another after his release…
“He has always admitted his fault in what he has done, and also has said to me various times, you know, I feel like I had to experience going to jail to understand what so many people are going through in our criminal justice system,” said Catalina, who’s sat alongside Carlos in church pews and marched with him at protests for eight years. “He always brings me back to understand that we are instruments of God’s work. He never hides. He was never shameful about his story. He would always acknowledge what happened, and say we go through these things for a purpose. He leads through that.”


Inhumane ?

Bus Driver Tells Passengers Only U.S. Citizens Can Ride As Border Patrol Agent Looks On Sebastian Murdock,HuffPost 13 hours ago (6.17.18)
“..A bus driver in Maine told passengers they needed to be U.S. citizens to ride on a bus while an immigration official questioned passengers’ citizenship.

The incident happened in the city of Bangor over Memorial Day weekend, the ACLU of New Hampshire said in a video statement.

The footage shows passengers being confronted by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent.

“Are you folks U.S. citizens?” the CBP agent asks.

“I’m not answering that question, sir,” a man says in the video…”

VIDEO: Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters
“..“Secretary Nielsen, how dare you spend your evening here eating dinner,” the protester shouts, accusing Nielsen in being “complicit” in the separation and deportation of children. Nielsen kept her head down for most of the video and did not interact with the protesters. “Shame! Shame! Shame!” the protesters chanted. They held a sign that said, “no human is illegal.” Men in suits stood between the protesters and the secretary. “End family separation,” the protesters shouted. “If kids don’t eat in peace, you don’t eat in peace.” They shouted, “Not in D.C. Not in the U.S.” and “In a Mexican restaurant of all places….The F*cking gall. Shame on you….fascist pig.” They also shouted, “Abolish ICE” and “No borders, no wall, sanctuaries for all.” ..”


Commentary: Time magazine’s major mistake on the crying-girl cover Time magazine’s cover for July 2, 2018. (Time)
Aaron Blake
“..Unfortunately, they made their most iconic image something that wasn’t a family being separated — and ultimately undermines their cause.

The photo of a nearly 2-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother is being patted down quickly went viral. It also has been used for a Facebook fundraiser to raise more than $18 million to help reunite families that have been separated. And the whole thing culminated in its placement in a photo illustration on the cover of Time magazine. The image on the July 2 issue features the girl against a red background, with President Donald Trump towering over her and the words, “Welcome to America.”

The implication was clear: This was a girl who, like 2,300 other children, was being separated from her mother. Time and many others made a decision to suggest that this was an example of Trump uprooting our American ideals.

But that’s not what it was. As The Washington Post’s Samantha Schmidt and Kristine Phillips report, the girl’s father says the child and her mother were never separated. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol confirmed it, as did the Honduran deputy foreign minister.

The image is a sad one, but it is of a rather standard occurrence at the border: A mother and her daughter attempted to immigrate illegally and were apprehended. The mother, in fact, had tried this before and was deported in 2013. The photo says virtually nothing about Trump’s now-aborted policy. In fact, it’s an example of how not all young children were separated from their parents…”

Time Magazine Corrects Cover Story on Crying Migrant Girl, Admits Family Was Never Separated Jon Levine,The Wrap 19 hours ago (June 23rd 2018)
“..Time Magazine issued a correction to their most recent cover story on Friday, revealing that Yanela Hernandez, who became world famous over a tearful image of her being separated from her family, was, in fact never separated at all.

“The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she taken from the scene,” read the correction at the bottom of their cover story.

“The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.”

While there is no doubt the family separation policy at the border did take place, the revelation that Hernandez herself was not separated is a high-profile mistake for the iconic magazine…’

Detention “Concentration Camps” Centers ?

U.S. Immigration Detention & Freedom for Immigrants Visitation Map

Inside America’s $2bn immigrant detention industry – BBC News

BBC News
Published on Apr 2, 2014
Subscribe to BBC News
Under President Barack Obama, the US has deported almost two million undocumented immigrants, more than any of his predecessors.

Before being kicked out of the US, most of these people will spend time locked up in a detention centre. Some have criminal convictions, but the majority are detained on immigration charges.

A little-known federal law enacted in 2006 ensures that a minimum of 34,000 undocumented immigrants must be held on every single day. Private companies run most of the centres.

The BBC’s Franz Strasser went to Georgia to investigate America’s $2bn (£1.2bn) detention and deportation industry.

Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps? June 23, 2019
‘Aviva Chomsky discusses the reality of refugees coming to the U.S in light of the controversial statement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that refugees are kept in concentration camps

KPIX Gets Rare Look Inside Federal Immigrant Detention Center …

Published on Sep 30, 2017
Reports of abuse and inhumane conditions in federal immigrant detention centers prompted the California attorney general to take over control and monitoring of the facilities this year. ICE officials say past problems have been fixed and invited KPIX 5’s Allen Martin to see for himself. (9-29-17)

What are conditions like at the detention facility in … – YouTube

U.S. detention centre for undocumented migrant children

CBC News
Published on Jun 16, 2018

New video released by the U.S. government goes inside an El Cajon detention centre where undocumented immigrant children are separated from their parents.
To read more:

DHS whistleblower: Children detained at the border are at risk of deep trauma

18-year-old U.S. citizen detained by border officials said conditions were so bad he lost 26 pounds, almost self-deported BY CAITLIN O’KANE
UPDATED ON: JULY 26, 2019 / 1:26 PM / CBS NEWS
“..Francisco Erwin Galicia, the 18-year-old Dallas-born U.S. citizen detained by border officials, is speaking out about the conditions inside the facility where he was wrongfully held for more than three week. Galicia said conditions were so bad, he considered self-deporting just to get out — even though he has a birth certificate proving he’s American-born…

During the 23 days he was in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Galicia was not allowed to shower, he told The Dallas Morning News, which first reported his story.

The teen said he lost 26 pounds during his time in the immigrant detention center, and said officers didn’t provide him with enough food. He was crammed into an overcrowded holding area with 60 other men. They slept on the floor with aluminum-foil blankets — some even had to sleep in the bathroom area, he said…

“It was inhumane how they treated us. It got to the point where I was ready to sign a deportation paper just to not be suffering there anymore. I just needed to get out of there,” he told the newspaper. “It’s one thing to see these conditions on TV and in the news. It’s another to go through them.”

Galicia’s brother Marlon, who was born in Mexico and is not a U.S. citizen, decided to agree to deportation after two days in the facility.”

US Teen Wrongfully Detained Near Border – YouTube


Minnesota Detention Project – The Advocates for Human Rights

Pitch to expand immigrant detention in Sherburne County draws protests By Maya Rao Star Tribune JULY 22, 2019 — 5:16PM
Immigration detention brings jobs, cash to county.

“..Elk River – The jail here is home to most of Minnesota’s immigration detainees, and it’s brought nearly $30 million to Sherburne County in recent years.

But a proposal to expand its capacity to house even more detainees has prompted a debate over whether the county should profit from or opt out of the nation’s growing immigration detention system…

On Aug. 10 and 11, Jewish organizations are coordinating #CloseTheCamps events on Tisha B’Av, a Jewish day of mourning.

The Torah commands Jewish people to love the stranger as one of their own, and the majority of Jews in the U.S. have an immigration story, said Carin Mrotz, executive director of Jewish Community Action (JCA), which organizes Jewish Minnesotans for social change.

“That story also involves not being welcome. … Often in moments of history when we have not been welcome, we have come anyway,” she said. “So we have all of these textual but also historical and cultural and traditional reasons why we tend to prioritize immigrant rights.”..

Mia Freiberg, a 25-year-old Minneapolis activist who is also helping coordinate the event, has long been aware of border issues, having grown up in San Diego. And social justice has always been a strong tenet of the Jewish community, she said: There’s a Jewish experience of being part of a diaspora and a persecuted minority group.

Questions about comparing immigration policies to the Holocaust are beside the point, Freiberg said.

“Compare it to the Japanese internment camps of World War II; compare it to whatever state-sanctioned violence,” she said. “The fact that we have to question whether or not it’s as bad as one of the most publicized mass genocides in the history of the world — that bar is too high. And I think it is a distraction from … the fact that people are dying, the fact that innocent people are in cages because they’re just trying to find a better life.”..


Trump’s border patrol chief ‘posted in secret Facebook group’ featuring violent anti-migrant content Chris Riotta,The Independent 1 hour 53 minutes ago (7.12.19)
“..Carla Provost, chief of the US Border Patrol, participated in a secret Facebook group used by members of her agency to share racist and violent commentary about migrants, a report has alleged.

Ms Provost addressed the group and its controversial content, which was posted by current and former Border Patrol officers, when it was uncovered earlier this month.

In a public statement at the time, she said: “These posts are completely inappropriate and contrary to the honour and integrity I see — and expect — from out agents day in and day out.

“Any employees found to have violated our standards of conduct will be held accountable.”

However, Ms Provost was apparently aware of the secret group long before her public statements, as she had responded to a post in it just three months after her appointment, The Intercept reported. ..”

American war veteran who spent several days in ICE detention receives $190k settlement
The IndependentNovember 14, 2019, 9:36 AM CST
“A US citizen and military veteran suffering from a mental health condition will reportedly receive $190,000 (£147,988) from a Michigan city after local officials transferred him to ICE detention following an arrest last year.

Jilmar Ramos-Gomez, a decorated Marine veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, was arrested while experiencing an episode in which he lost all recollection, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Police found the veteran, who was born and raised in Michigan, on the helipad of a hospital after he started a small fire and pulled an alarm, according to reports.

Mr Ramos-Gomez was set to be released from jail after pleading guilty to a misdemeanour trespassing charge, but was instead turned over to ICE by the Kent County Sheriff’s Department, which reportedly has a contract with the federal immigration enforcement agency.

“The fact that he has the name that he does, that he’s of the ethnic background that he is, almost certainly played a role,” Miriam Aukerman, a senior attorney for the ACLU of Michigan, told CNN…”

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