Global Spotlight: Australia

Detailed Map of Australia – Nations Online Project

“..Australia is all in one, a country, a big island, and the smallest continent. With an area of 7,617,930 km² it is slightly smaller than continental USA (without Alaska), it is the sixth largest country in the world with only about 23.8 million inhabitants (in 2015)…”


Map of Australia – Lonely Planet

Bush Fires of the summer of 2019


MyFireWatch – Bushfire map information Australia

How big are the fires burning in eastern Australia? Interactive map
The scale of this season’s bushfires can be hard to grasp. This interactive map shows the total area burned in four states, overlaid on different capital cities

Nick Evershed and Andy Ball Sun 29 Dec 2019 22.24 EST
“..This season’s bushfires in eastern Australia have killed nine people and destroyed more than 900 homes in New South Wales, the state worst affected so far…”

KILLER INFERNO Australia fires map: Where are the fires in Australia?
Aletha Adu 31 Dec 2019, 17:55Updated: 31 Dec 2019, 20:48



Police: Australian wildfires were deliberate

198 views•Jan 8, 2020
Australia’s nightmarish ongoing wildfires have burned more than 32,000 square miles. Police are now reporting the arrests of arsonists who they stay started or contributed to the fires, in some cases deliberately. The horrific fires have caused the deaths of at least 24 people and as many as a billion animals. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports for News.Views.Hughes.

Muslim Teen Accused Of Starting Aussie Grass Fire Laughs As He Leaves Court On Tuesday

Aussie Fires ARE Caused by Man — It’s Called Arson and Green Policy
Written by Selwyn Duke

“…Nonetheless, the incident has reminded some that “jihadis have identified setting fires as a tool of jihad,” as Jihad Watch proprietor Robert Spencer points out, reprinting two headlines supporting his case:

“‘Unleash Hell’: New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S. with instructions on how to make ‘ember bombs.’” — Daily Mail, May 3, 2012

“ISIS-linked media: California fires are retribution for Syria,” Preston Business Review, November 15, 2018..”
Australia: Muslim teen laughs after appearing in court for setting grass fire

Minnesota firefighters help to battle devastating Australia fires Author: Emily Haavik
Published: 3:25 PM CST January 6, 2020
The fires have burned more than 12 million acres in Australia.
“Two Minnesota firefighters have traveled to Australia to help fight the raging wildfires, and more could follow.

The wildland firefighters were asked to lend a hand by the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), based in Boise, Idaho. Requests like this for international support go through NIFC. ..”

Hundreds arrested for deliberately starting catastrophic Australian bushfires
Source: Xinhua| 2020-01-07 11:33:38|Editor: yhy
“…CANBERRA, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) — Hundreds of Australians have been arrested for allegedly deliberately lighting Australian bushfires in only a matter of months.

Australia is currently enduring one of the worst bushfire crises in the nation’s history, with at least 25 people having been killed since September.

The Australian reported on Tuesday that 183 people have been arrested for lighting bushfires in New South Wales (NSW), Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

In NSW alone 183 people have been charged or cautioned for bushfire-related offences since November, with 24 arrested for deliberately starting bushfires. While in Victoria 43 were charged in 2019…

In Queensland, where the fires were worst in November, 101 people have been arrested for deliberately starting fires, almost 70 percent of whom were juveniles.

According to James Ogloff, the director of the Forensic Behavioural Science at Swinburne University, approximately 50 percent of Australia’s bushfires are started by arsonists.


Flames rip through towns, fears death toll will rise as bushfires rage on | ABC News

67,121 views•Dec 31, 2019





ABC News (Australia)
783K subscribers
As the year, and the decade, come to an end, the country is burning.

It’s been labelled the “worst fire season ever” recorded – an “apocalypse”, a “nightmare”, like looking into the “gates of hell”.

From the New South Wales/Victoria border, all the way to the Central Coast, nine blazes reached emergency warning level today.

Thousands told to jump into the ocean as Australia’s raging fires approached BY AMANDA YEO
23 HOURS AGO (12.31.19)
“…That black sky soon gave way to a blazing, eerie orange as the flames approached. At least 4,000 people were told to jump into the ocean if the worse came to pass. Gas cylinders could be heard popping like fireworks as they exploded.

The town of Mallacoota looked apocalyptic on Tuesday local time as it became the latest victim of Australia’s out-of-control bushfires…

“At that point, I was praying. I was an atheist. I was praying to God, praying to Jesus, turn the wind,” David Geoffrey, owner of Mallacoota’s Wave Oasis bed and breakfast, told Australia’s ABC News. ..”
*see Famous Phrases: There Are No Atheist in Foxholes

Residents trapped on beach as Australian wildfire rages

Dec 30th 2019

Australia fires: Fires worsen as every Australian state hits 40C – BBC News

Dec 29th 2019

NSW faces second catastrophic fire danger warning | ABC News

91,161 views•Dec 21, 2019





ABC News (Australia)
783K subscribers
A state of emergency remains in place as NSW is hit with scorching temperatures and thousands of firefighters are deployed amid catastrophic fire conditions across the state.

Five homes have been destroyed in the Lithgow area, and one person is unaccounted for.

Bushfires Are Raging Outside Every Major City in Australia. They’re Only Going to Get Worse BY AMY GUNIA
DECEMBER 20, 2019

Ring of fire surrounds NSW | Nine News Australia

136,176 views•Dec 5, 2019





Nine News Australia


NSW on edge as dangerous fire conditions continue | ABC News

148,130 views•Nov 12, 2019





ABC News (Australia)
783K subscribers
Thousands of firefighters across NSW and Queensland have been working around the clock to protect homes and save lives from bushfires.

With weather conditions forecast to deteriorate and winds expected to kick up, emergency crews and authorities are urging people to remain on high alert.

Good News Geology

I lost my home to bushfire. Thoughts and prayers are not enough
The Conversation By Janet Stanley
Updated 12 Nov 2019, 7:00am
“..I lost my home in Victoria’s 1983 Macedon bushfires. I know sympathy and financial assistance for those in the midst of the crisis is important. However, when political leaders such as Prime Minister Scott Morrison offer their “thoughts and prayers”, it’s hard to read this as anything but disingenuous.

Scientists and meteorologists have for years warned of more frequent and extreme bushfires as climate change worsens. Their messages have been met by policy inertia. Nationals leader Michael McCormack on Monday went so far as to dismiss those who link bushfires to global warming as “raving inner-city lunatics”…

The World Meteorological Organisation said in February that the four years to 2018 were the hottest on record, in a clear sign of climate change “associated with record atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases”.

Bushfires are not directly attributable to climate change. However, the fast-warming climate is making bushfires more frequent and intense…

In Australia, weekly bushfire frequencies increased by 40 per cent in the five years to 2016, particularly during summer months, suggesting a serious climatic shift.

The northern hemisphere is also suffering. Research released earlier this year found that California’s annual wildfire extent had increased fivefold since the 1970s. This was very likely driven by drying forest fuels under human‐induced warming.

The mountain of irrefutable evidence linking global warming to bushfires makes the Federal Government’s failure to act — or even talk about the problem — extremely hard to explain. Of course, worsening bushfires are not the only signal that climate change has arrived…

*see Neutral Perspective: Climate Change is “real” and “not real?


A call to prayer for those affected by bushfires
“…Simon Hansford, moderator of the Uniting Church in NSW and ACT shared this prayer:

God of life and death,
our prayers today are where our hearts and minds
have been during these last days
and where they have been drawn so early in this season;
with those communities and individuals
whose lives have been damaged
in differing ways by the bushfires…

Pray for Australia || Pray for Rain

Fight Fires With Prayer
“..One miracle that has gained national attention took place in eastern Victoria. On New Year’s Eve, 4,000 people were evacuated from the township of Mallacoota to the beach and lakeside. David, a local bed-and-breakfast owner, told this story to ABC radio:

“I was praying. I was an atheist. I was praying to God, praying to Jesus, turn the wind. You wouldn’t believe it—but I’m going to tell you the honest-to-God truth. It pushed this thing back against itself.

“Literally we felt the wind come from off the beach, it shouldn’t have, but it did, but it went back at it. I don’t care if anyone else doesn’t recognise it. It was unbelievable… I believe [it was] God’s intervention, absolutely, through prayer…”..”

Rain brings relief to scorched parts of Australia

“Milder temperatures on Sunday brought some relief to areas of Australia affected by wildfires. But that’s only temporary, with the Prime Minister Scott Morrison warning that there was still “months to go” until the end of bushfire season. The number of those killed by wild-fires increased to 24, in the town of Batlow a 47-year old man died while defending the home of a friend..”

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Neutral Perspective: “Crisis Actors” are Used or NOT!?


Global Scenes

How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans From Tehran Joshuah Bearman Magazine Date of Publication: 04.24.07. 04.24.07 Time of Publication: 2:00 am.
2:00 am
“..He’d become Kevin Costa Harkins, an Irish film producer leading his preproduction crew through Iran to do some location scouting for a big-budget Hollywood epic. Mendez had contacts in Hollywood from past collaborations. (After all, they were in the same business of creating false realities.) And it wouldn’t be surprising, Mendez thought, that a handful of eccentrics from Tinseltown might be oblivious to the political situation in revolutionary Iran. The Iranian government, incredibly, was trying to encourage international business in the country. They needed the hard currency, and a film production could mean millions of US dollars…”

Argo Trailer (2012) – YouTube

*see Neutral Perspective: Our nation (U.S.A.) needs to make stricter gun laws or we have the right to bear arms?


*see Deep Thought: Prayers for Parkland Shooting?

War Propaganda

-Persian Gulf War

How the War Party Sold the 1991 Bombing of Iraq to US by Mitchel Cohen December 30, 2002
“..In October, 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, identified only as Nayirah, appeared in Washington before the House of Representatives’ Human Rights Caucus. She testified that Iraqi soldiers who had invaded Kuwait on August 2nd tore hundreds of babies from hospital incubators and killed them.

Television flashed her testimony around the world. It electrified opposition to Iraq’s president, Saddam Hussein, who was now portrayed by U.S. president George Bush not only as “the Butcher of Baghdad” but – so much for old friends – “a tyrant worse than Hitler.”

Bush quoted Nayirah at every opportunity. Six times in one month he referred to “312 premature babies at Kuwait City’s maternity hospital who died after Iraqi soldiers stole their incubators and left the infants on the floor,”(1) and of “babies pulled from incubators and scattered like firewood across the floor.” Bush used Nayirah’s testimony to lambaste Senate Democrats still supporting “only” sanctions against Iraq – the blockade of trade which alone would cause hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to die of hunger and disease – but who waffled on endorsing the policy Bush wanted to implement: outright bombardment. Republicans and pro-war Democrats used Nayirah’s tale to hammer their fellow politicians into line behind Bush’s war in the Persian Gulf.(2)

Nayirah, though, was no impartial eyewitness, a fact carefully concealed by her handlers. She was the daughter of one Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, Kuwait’s ambassador to the United States. A few key Congressional leaders and reporters knew who Nayirah was, but none of them thought of sharing that minor detail with Congress, let alone the American people.

Everything Nayirah said, as it turned out, was a lie. There were, in actuality, only a handful of incubators in all of Kuwait, certainly not the “hundreds” she claimed…”

Nayirah Kuwaiti girl testimony – YouTube
“..Her testimony, which was regarded as credible at the time, has since come to be regarded as wartime …..”



*see Neutral Perspective: Our nation (U.S.A.) needs to make stricter gun laws or we have the right to bear arms?


*see Deep Thought: Prayers for Parkland Shooting?

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words Jason Wilson @jason_a_w
Wed 21 Feb 2018 15.02 EST
“..In response, Hogg said: “I’m not a crisis actor. I’m someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that.”

Those with little experience of the febrile world of conspiracy theory may not fully understand what Hogg is being accused of. But the idea that mass shooting victims and witnesses are hired performers serving a dark purpose has over the last decade migrated from the farthest margins of conspiracy media…”

No ‘Crisis Actors’ in Parkland, Florida By Saranac Hale Spencer Posted on February 22, 2018
“Q: Are the students who survived the Florida school shooting really “crisis actors”?

A: No. Conspiracy theories have been spreading online to undercut students advocating stricter gun control…”
‘Crisis actors’ YouTube video removed after it tops ‘trending’ videos Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY Published 4:35 p.m. ET Feb. 21, 2018
“LOS ANGELES — YouTube apologized Wednesday for suggesting viewers watch a video that attacked student survivors of the Florida shooting.

The video, since deleted, had gone straight to the top of the YouTube “Trending” tab, a popular spot for users to check out the most popular videos…”

Goodnews Everybody

Global Country Spotlight: Thailand in Southeast Asia

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Thailand

25 Interesting Facts About Thailand

“Do you think you have Thailand all figured out? You might be in for a surprise once you finish reading this list of some of the most interesting facts about Thailand.

Thailand is a land of surprise (and beautiful beach resorts)!…

1. Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country that was never colonized by an European country. In fact, in the Thai language, the name of the country is Prathet Thai which means “land of the free.” Very fitting!..

4. You’re lucky that you know Bangkok as “Bangkok.” Its real name is one of the longest names of a place in the world, made up of Pali and Sanskrit root words: Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokphop Noppharatratchathaniburirom Udomratchaniwetmahasathan Amonphimanawatansathit Sakkathattiyawitsanukamprasit. What does that name mean? It means “City of Angels, Great City of Immortals, Magnificent City of the Nine Gems, Seat of the King, City of Royal Palaces, Home of Gods Incarnate, Erected by Visvakarman at Indra’s Behest.”..

12 Incredible Facts About Thailand – YouTube

Mar 25, 2017 – Uploaded by FTD Facts

7 Facts about Thailand – YouTube

Prayer Requests

Deep Thought Vlog: Thailand Cave Rescue

*see Deep Thought: What are considered “idols”?

How Did Boys Get Stuck In Thailand Cave? | ABP News – YouTube

Thai cave rescue update: How did the Thai soccer team end up in the cave? By Rachel Russell PUBLISHED: 10:37, Sun, Jul 8, 2018 | UPDATED: 14:34, Mon, Jul 9, 2018
“..The group became trapped on June 23 when they started exploring the caves after going on a picnic following football practice.

The group had been missing for nine days before they were found huddled inside the cave and survived by drinking water dripping off the stalactites above them…”

-Good News Update!!

6 Heartbreaking Details Revealed About The Thai Soccer Boys Who Were All Rescued From A Flooded Cave Jill Zwarensteyn,YourTango 16 hours ago (7.10.18)
“..Following their soccer practice on June 23, the boys and their assistant coach, Ekkapol Chantawong, were hiking inside the cave located in the northern region of Thailand’s Chiang Rai Province when it began to flood, leaving them stranded deep inside the cave. …

As of Tuesday, all 12 boys were successfully rescued as was their coach.

…Due to the dangers of flooding inside the cave, a sign at the cave’s entrance warns any visitors to not enter during the region’s rainy season, which falls from July until November.

Although technically the boys entered the cave on June 23, the fact that it was on the cusp of July still meant that the threat of rain and flooding was a possibilit..

2. It took 10 days to locate them in the cave.

When the boys were finally located inside the cave by the rescue divers, they were three miles from the cave’s entrance. Due to the extensive size and numerous passageways inside the cave, it took divers as long as ten days to find the soccer team…

6. One of the divers died trying to rescue the boys.

Navy SEALs who rescued Thai soccer team from cave almost didn’t make it out, military officials say By Matt Gutman,
Brandon Baur

Jul 10, 2018, 8:53 PM ET
“.. The system, which had pumped hundreds of millions of gallons of rainwater out of the cave over the past 18 days, gave out soon after rescuers extracted the coach and the four Thai Navy Seals who had volunteered to stay with them. Thai SEALs and support teams, who were carrying air tanks from the third to the second chamber of the labyrinthine cave, soon noticed the waters rising. The third chamber filled, then the second and then the first, as crews scrambled to avoid the kind of cave flooding that had trapped the soccer team on June 27, according to Thai military sources. ..”

World’s leading cave divers came together to save trapped Thai boys By Bani Sapra, CNN Updated 9:26 AM ET, Tue July 10, 2018
“..Thirteen foreign divers joined five Thai Navy divers for the initial rescue Sunday. The team of international experts included the two British divers who originally found the boys on July 2, Richard “Rick” Stanton and John Volanthen. ..

…Alongside volunteers, countries sent their own contingents to to Thailand. Seventeen Australian police divers, 36 US military Pacific Command personnel, and six rescue specialists from Beijing joined the rescue efforts…

“This is a Thai-led, multi-national rescue operation, and what’s fantastic is that you see the US here, the Australians, the Chinese, the British divers, obviously,” she said. “It shows that when militaries train together, it’s for this — it’s for the real world.”

Other volunteers living in Thailand also pitched in to help, including Israeli diver Rafael Aroush. International companies also offered equipment and expertise… ..

US billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk flew in to Thailand Monday with “kid-size” submarines which he suggested could help to bring the boys out….

Thailand cave rescue mission

There’s a reason that the soccer team rescued from a cave in Thailand was so tough and resilient By Matt Blomberg Jul 11, 2018 | 12:25 PM | Mae Sai, Thailand
“..At least three of the rescued boys and their assistant coach, Ekapol Chanthawong, are stateless — members of ethnic minorities seen as easy prey for nefarious actors looking to sweep children into the drug trade.”..

-Prayers Answered

Thailand Cave Rescue: Parents of Rescued Compassion-Sponsored Boy Say “Thank You”
“..One of the boys* is a Compassion beneficiary, and our photojournalist in Thailand had a chance to interview his parents…”
Thai-Burmese church members say boys’ rescue were answered prayers
Updated Jul 11; Posted Jul 11
“..Martha Hla also said she was worried about the situation, and was hoping they will make it out safely. She believed God would show a miracle.

Kahmiya Win also praised the diver who died while trying to help the boys and their coach. “It’s sad that one passed away. But he…gave his life helping others.”

Rev. Powell said some of the Thai and Burmese at the church have experienced religious persecution for being Christians in their homelands.

“Most of them who come here are already a part of the body of Christ,” said Rev. Powell. “So they come and want to serve, and they just want to do God’s work. They are praying people.”..”
R.I. locals react to successful rescue of trapped Thai soccer team By Kevin G. Andrade
Journal Staff Writer
Posted Jul 10, 2018 at 7:42 PM Updated Jul 10, 2018 at 9:53 PM
“..Morgan said that she had been following reports in both Thai and U.S. media, which provided similar coverage and were equally celebratory when 12 boys of the Wild Boars soccer team and their coach were rescued, after being trapped in a flooded cave in Chiang Lai.

Cameron Hummel, a student of athletic training at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, just returned from a ministry trip in the Chiang Mai region of Thailand.

“People were talking about it,” said the Barrington native. “For the most part you go about your daily life there and then get updates in conversation…

Religious organizations also involved themselves in the celebration, with Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence sending out a tweet of gratitude.

“All the boys are out of the cave in Thailand,” Bishop Tobin tweeted. “Many prayers answered. Praise God!”..”

Thai cave rescue: Churches across Thailand celebrate answered prayer by Rachel Phua // July 10, 2018, 6:50 pm
Churches sowing in prayer

Pastor Janepiriyaprayoon, 48, the associate pastor of Mahapawn Bangkok Alliance Church, said that his church had been praying for all concerned, especially for one of the boys named Adul Sam-On.

The pastor said that boy is a believer from Myanmar. The 14-year-old has been under the care of a local Thai church which has supported him since he was seven. According to a report by Agence France-Presse, Adul speaks English, Thai, Burmese and Chinese, and he was the only one able to talk to the British divers when they discovered the boys.

“We believe God used Adul to be involved in a significant way, by communicating in English to the rescue team,” said the pastor. Mahapawn Bangkok Alliance Church and other churches in Thailand have been constantly praying for Adul and his family, he added. ..”

-Volunteer Tribute

Volunteers pour in to help Thai boys stuck in cave

Good News Asia

Deep Thought: Prayers for Parkland Shooting?


Parkland School Shooting: Here Are the Victims Who Lost Their Lives Inside Edition Inside Edition Staff,Inside Edition Thu, Feb 15 9:59 AM CST

What you need to know about the FBI tip-line that failed in the Florida shooting Author: Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY Published: 6:11 PM EST February 19, 2018
Until last week, the FBI’s tip-line call center had been operating in near-anonymity from its hub in rural West Virginia.
“..Nearly 4 million telephone calls and emails have poured into the so-called Public Access Line since the operations were consolidated six years ago.

The program, which grew out of the FBI’s effort to combat massive fraud spawned by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, was aimed at centralizing separate call centers that had been functioning at all 56 field offices across the country – freeing up more agents to work the streets in divisions across the country.

In wake of the tip-line’s breakdown in the Cruz case, it is now the focus of an internal FBI review. Lawmakers, meanwhile, have called for congressional inquiries and President Trump offered his own rebuke in a weekend tweet, saying that the FBI was “spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion.”

Here, we break down everything you need to know about the tip-line.

How are tips routed to the FBI public access line?

Typically, calls of all kinds are received at local FBI field offices across the country where they are sorted by topic.

Those with leads on potential crimes or threats to public safety are transferred to the call center located at the FBI’s offices in Clarksburg, W.Va., the same location that houses the National Instant Criminal Background Check System that reviews the backgrounds of gun purchasers…”

FBI Missing Opportunity??

The Florida School Shooting Story Changes | Nikolas Cruz Warning Signs

Stefan Molyneux
“Published on Feb 18, 2018

We Need Your Support:

On Wednesday February 14th, 2018 at approximately 2:30pm, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and wounding thirteen survivors – including two people who remain in critical condition.

The suspect was reportedly armed with an AR-15 style rifle, “countless magazines” of ammunition, a gas mask and even smoke grenades – as he set off a fire alarm and brought students out from their classrooms and into the school hallways prior to the shooting.

Cruz was apprehended on Wednesday and charged on Thursday with 17 counts of premeditated murder in the third-deadliest school shooting in American history.

The Truth About The Florida School Shooting and Nikolas Cruz


Florida lawmaker fires aide who allegedly called mass shooting survivors ‘actors’ KARMA ALLEN,Good Morning America 6 hours ago
“..An aide to a Florida state lawmaker was fired on Tuesday after he allegedly referred to some survivors of last week’s mass shooting as “actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” officials said.

Florida state Rep. Shawn Harrison said he was “appalled” by the comments made by his district secretary, Benjamin Kelly, earlier in the day and supported a decision to have him terminated.

Harrison also apologized for “any pain this has caused” to families of the victims in last week’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where a former student allegedly shot and killed 17 students and teachers…”


It’s all THEATER: Florida high school shooting survivor caught on video rehearsing scripted lines, coached by camera man Monday, February 19, 2018 by: Mike Adams
“(Natural News) Is anyone surprised anymore at the depths of deception invoked by the fake news media? All weekend long, the media paraded high school kids in front of news cameras, exploiting them as props for the emotional exploitation of the public. Now it turns out these kids were coached to repeat scripted lines, just like actors reading lines for a movie production. It’s all scripted, in other words, to push a gun control narrative rooted in emotional reaction rather than constructive solutions…

It also turns out that one of these kids — David Hogg — is the son of an FBI agent. In other words, his father was part of the same deep state swamp that has been committing treason to try to destroy Trump. This was almost never mentioned in any of the TV news interviews where he was vehemently defending the FBI and blaming President Trump for the shooting…

Why would the child of an FBI agent be used as a pawn for anti-Trump rhetoric and anti-gun legislation? Because the FBI is only looking to curb OUR Constitutional rights and INCREASE their power. We’ve seen their propaganda many times. Don’t let them win.

Read more coverage at The Gateway Pundit.

Curt Schilling is peddling conspiracy theories surrounding the Parkland shooting Big League Stew Mark Townsend,Big League Stew 13 hours ago (2.25.18)
“..That was the case again on Saturday, when Schilling angered the masses by retweeting a conspiracy theory that alleges one of the survivors from the mass shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. was actually a paid crisis actor.

The student, 17-year-old David Hogg, has been one of the strongest voices in the aftermath of the shooting that claimed 17 lives and left several others wounded. Those attempting to discredit his story claim Hogg has been coached by his father, a former FBI agent, or that he’s been paid to travel to different shooting sites to support stricter gun laws…”

False Flag

Here’s why the Florida high school mass shooting was a false flag black operation By Editor — February 15, 2018 8 Comments
“KEY POINT: That a high school was selected in President Trump’s own back yard in South Florida makes it very difficult for him to avoid the highly politicized parental backlash that is sure to manifest. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida is less than 40 miles south of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago luxury resort that functions as Trump’s Camp David. How convenient for the perps to have shot up a school located in Broward County, perhaps the most ultra-liberal county south of the border. Clearly, every single detail of this [SHOCKING] mass shooting was well thought out in advance in order to have maximum impact. And so it has! But not without serious blowback on the Deep State decision-makers.”

*see Neutral Perspective: Our nation (U.S.A.) needs to make stricter gun laws or we have the right to bear arms?

Good News Sociology

Deep Thought: Prayers for Manchester Arena Bombing Victims and Residents Affected

22 dead after blast at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester
By Euan McKirdy, Zayn Nabbi, Samantha Beech and Darran Simon, CNN

Updated 8:45 AM ET, Tue May 23, 2017
“MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – Police and fans close to the Manchester Arena on May 23, 2017 in Manchester, England. There have been reports of explosions at Manchester Arena where Ariana Grande had performed this evening. Greater Manchester Police have have confirmed there are fatalities and warned people to stay away from the area. (Photo by Dave Thompson/Getty Images)

“The attacker, I can confirm, died at the arena. We believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated, causing this atrocity,” said Chief Constable Ian Hopkins.
While police believe the suspect was acting alone, investigations are ongoing to establish if he was part of a network.
As many as 400 police were deployed overnight, Hopkins said early Tuesday. He added that residents should expect to see more armed officers on the streets.
If confirmed as a terror incident, it would be the deadliest attack on British soil since the 2005 London bombings, which killed 52 people…”

-Prior to "Bombing"

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Performance Before The Suicide Attack

Manchester Victims Smile for Selfies Before Terror Attack

Ariana Grande Attack PROOF Was a False Flag Authorities Rehearsed Weeks Before it Happened Freemason

“Published on May 23, 2017

PROOF Ariana Grande Attack Was a False Flag Authorities Rehearsed Weeks Before it Happened in Manchester England Mall illuminati Freemason
My Video⬇


The Rebel in Manchester: Eyewitnesses describe concert attack chaos

Rebel Media


Manchester terror attack suspect identified
WTVD – Raleigh/Durham 11 hours ago
“..Police in Manchester, England confirm 22 people are dead and nearly 60 injured after an explosion at an Ariana Grande concert. Police are treating the incident as a terrorist attack. ..”

Live Manchester Arena attack: 22 killed at Ariana Grande gig by bomber named as Salman Abedi By Danny Boyle Barney Henderson Leon Watson 24 May 2017 • 5:02am
“…Abedi, believed to have been born in Manchester and of Libyan descent, studied business at Salford University but dropped out before completing his degree….

As counter-terrorism agencies mounted a massive inquiry into the outrage – the worst terrorist attack since 52 innocent people were killed in the July 7 bombings in London in 2005:

The first victims were confirmed as eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos from Leyland and teenager Georgina Callander from nearby Chorley
Prime Minister Theresa May denounced the “appalling sickening cowardice” of the suicide bomber
Many of the 59 people hurt in the attack were treated for life-threatening injuries. Twelve of those rushed to hospital were children
Donald Trump denounced those responsible for the atrocity as “evil losers” and pledged America’s “absolute solidarity” with the people of the UK
Andrew Parker, the Director General of MI5, condemned the “disgusting attack” and declared that the agency remains “relentlessly focused” on tackling the “scourge of terrorism”

Olivia Campbell, a fifteen-year-old, was killed in the Manchester terror attack, her mother said on Tuesday night.

Charlotte Campbell, paid tribute to her daughter on Facebook.

She said: “RIP my darling precious gorgeous girl Olivia Campbell taken far far to soon go sing with the angels and keep smiling mummy loves you so much.”

Anyone with concerns over loved ones can contact 0800 096 0095 for assistance.

Father of suspected Manchester bomber says son is innocent By Maggie Michael | The Associated Press PUBLISHED: May 24, 2017 at 12:29 pm | UPDATED: May 25, 2017 at 6:59 am
“Last time I spoke to him, he sounded normal. There was nothing worrying at all”
“…Ramadan Abedi, 51, also known by his nom de guerre of Abu Ismail, spoke to The Associated Press by phone from the Libyan city of Tripoli. He confirmed that his other son, Ismail, had been arrested Tuesday around Manchester by British authorities in the concert attack probe.

“We don’t believe in killing innocents. This is not us,” the senior Abedi said. “We aren’t the ones who blow up ourselves among innocents. We go to mosques. We recite Quran, but not that.”

Authorities say 22 people died and nearly 120 were wounded in the bombing at an Ariana Grande concert

He said last time he spoke to the 22-year-old Salman was five days ago as he was getting ready for a trip to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah, a smaller pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

…In 2011, Abedi returned to Libya during the mass uprising that descended into a civil war and ended with Gadhafi’s ouster and death. Libya since then sank into lawlessness, with rebels turning into militias and undermining successive transitional governments.

The Abedi family, however, is a close friend to the family of al-Qaeda veteran Abu Anas al-Libi, who was snatched by U.S. special forces off a Tripoli street in 2013 then died in US custody in 2015. Al-Libi was on the FBI’s most wanted terrorist list and was accused of having links to the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa.

The wife of Abu Anas told the AP that she went to college in Tripoli with Abu Ismail’s wife, who was studying nuclear engineering. The two women also lived together in the U.K. for years before they returned to Libya.

The elder Abedi has been appointed administrative manager of Tripoli Central Security forces, which answers to the U.N.-backed government.

“My message to the world is that there are hidden hands that want to tarnish the image of Muslims who live in the west,” he said.”

#Critical #ManchesterBombing I think there’s a pattern emerging in the attacks. Everyone please SHARE and RETWEET this! This is IMPORTANT ♥️

— Lara Tang (@lozible) May 23, 2017

Manchester false flag in a nutshell., from

Proof Manchester Attack Was A Manufactured False Flag Hoax

Trust One News

Manchester Bomber, Salman Abedi, Linked to Libyan ISIS – “Libyan Dawn”… Posted on May 24, 2017 by sundance
The Manchester Bomber is one of Hillary Clinton’s Libyan “Rebels”
“..In essence, the Abedi family linkage to Libya is directly connected to the radical extremist elements within Eastern Libya that centered near Benghazi. The ideological outlook of the Abedi family aligned with the decision by President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power’s to overthrow Qaddafi in 2011…”

-Hillary Connection?

Seth Rich Conspiracy Theorists Claim Ariana Grande Attack Was A False Flag By Alexander Nazaryan On 5/23/17 at 3:11 PM
“..Few details about the bombing at an Ariana Grande concert were confirmed in the hours immediately after the attack, but by Monday night, the far-right Internet had figured out the entire thing, a mystery at once fiendishly simple and incredibly complex: the Manchester bombing was a distraction engineered by liberal activists—perhaps by Hillary Clinton herself! —who wanted to distract free-thinking Americans from the investigation into last summer’s murder of Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee employee.

Rich, you see, had been responsible for giving DNC internal communications to Wikileaks, because he had been a supporter of Bernie Sanders who was furious at the way the Socialist from Vermont was being treated by establishment supporters of Clinton. The killing was a silencing by the shadow elite.

Manchester Bombing Hoax Examined : Paramedics Need Not Apply

“…Published on May 25, 2017

It simply beggars belief that paramedics would be turned away for 90 minutes.

Say that to yourselves a few times as you try to tell me this was real.


Find me on Twitter @DanaEddy or my backup @DWTruthSleuth

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Dallas Police Shooting Hoax Examined:;

Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting Hoax :;

Assorted False Flags & Hoaxes :;



White House Grants Press Pass to Outlet That Called Manchester Bombing Victims ‘Liberal Trendies’ Jake ThornhillFollow
Studying Politics & Philosophy at the University of San Francisco, Intern at SF City Hall

May 28·6 min read
Trump saw an early ally in Infowars host Alex Jones, who shares his propensity for disregarding evidence in favor of intuition.
“..One of Infowars’ most popular conspiracies is that 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting were just a few examples of a long list of false-flag operations the U.S. government has carried out.

Infowars has also, at various times, promoted the following conspiracies:


Manchester explosion: Map shows Manchester Arena

Aerial image from Google Earth shows Manchester Arena, where last night’s attack took place.

Don’t Believe These Fake News Stories About The Ariana Grande Concert Attack Lee Moran,HuffPost 19 hours ago (May 22nd 2017)
“..Fake news swept across the internet in the aftermath of a deadly explosion at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, on Monday night.

An attacker killed 22 people and injured dozens more, police say. Many used social media to offer and appeal for help, others used it as an opportunity to troll and put out false information.

Reports that a gunman was on the loose at a nearby hospital, that Grande had been injured in the blast and that she had immediately retired from music all circulated within hours of the explosion which British police are treating as a terrorist incident.

Here’s a round up of the fake news stories to watch out for so far:
Ariana Grande Was Not Photographed Backstage, Battered And Bruised..”

manchester arena attack hoax mother crisis actor….

“Published on May 22, 2017

Recording software: Bandicam (

Matt Hill4 hours ago
I live in London so was nowhere near the attack so I speak purely from what I witnessed last night on the news as events unfolded. The BBC reporters that were reporting at the scene were reporting on any scrap of information that was coming there way and the reporter repeatedly said that “the US media is at the forefront of developments and information in regard to this shocking tragedy”. Now I’m one that does believe people are inherently good and compassionate which is why many reporters become journalists in the first place but what they seem to not understand is that most of the time they are just repeaters of a particular narrative dictated too by the mainstream media outlets. I also understand that journalists tend to have there own teams and sources of information…. With this in mind it is my belief that 90% of the information was probably handed to them by there employers (news media outlets) while the other 10% they source for themselves which could explain why the reporter I was listening to mentioned about the US media being at the forefront of developments as this is what her team were finding from reports on other news media networks…

The main question I really want answering is not whether this is a hoax but how the hell did American officials and tell-LIE-vision media networks know anything before the BBC? HOW!?
By answering this 1 question we can unravel the twisted truth. I don’t think people will fall for the whole ‘found the terrorists passport’ narrative anymore so we have to wait for a coroners findings to prove who this terrorist was and once again I see on the news that it was US officials who broke the news of who the terrorist was first. WTF!? That’s got to be the fastest coroners report I’ve ever heard about when you consider the injuries he would have sustained and also inflicted on 22 others who would have probably been as fragmented as the bomber himself!…
I do believe people died which is very very sad and it’s even sadder that people have become so disillusioned by current world events that we question whether people actually died at all! Says a lot about the system and of how governments and media networks have conducted themselves over the years… very very sad indeed!

In my mind it’s not a question of whether this was a hoax or not but whether this was a false flag where normal people were caught in the middle of an extremely twisted plot to provide the problem, reaction, solution scenario needed to scare people into accepting more government controls and laws where people will accept handing increasingly more power to those in positions of power.

It’s like building7 all over again! If anyone was to suggest nobody died on 911 you would be shouted down and be shown hours of footage where you can clearly see people jumping to there deaths and yet a growing number of people are at the forefront of inferring that tragic events like this and those that happen in places like Syria etc don’t claim any lives whatsoever!

My heart goes out to those caught up in these sickening and tragic events and the friends and family’s of the bereaved. God bless you all xx 😞..”

Manchester bombing!! But is it really? watch & decide NEW EVIDENCE!!

Truth Network


😬😬Manchester bombers father With Hillary Makes You Wonder???‼️😫😫#MAGA#ManchesterBombing

— Deplorable Jim K (@JimKuther) May 26, 2017

Manchester Ariana Grande Fake Bombing

No More Bullshit
“Published on May 22, 2017

Can’t get away from this fake terror attacks…Just in time too as Donald Drumpf gives handjobs to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

For all you false copyright claimer shills, THIS VIDEO IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. I DO NOT PROFIT OFF OF IT!

Manchester false flag: “Man, 22, kills 22 on May 22” By Kevin Barrett on May 23, 2017
“…When a suspected false flag raises its ugly head, the first question is always: Who benefits?

The upcoming British election, scheduled for Thursday, June 8, pits Establishment front-woman Theresa May against insurgent Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, a supporter of the 9/11 truth movement, was a close friend of former Environment Minister Michael Meacher, who died mysteriously shortly after agreeing to push for an independent British investigation of 9/11….

The British Establishment (led by the City of London banksters) will stop at nothing to make sure that 9/11 truth supporter Jeremy Corbyn – who is also a threat to expose the elite pedophile network – loses to May. And the obvious way to do that would be to stage a huge false flag to make the sheeple “rally ’round the Union Jack” behind their current leader, Theresa May.

The freemasonic cabal responsible for false flag events often “signs” their work by prominently featuring the number 11 or its multiples. 9/11/01 and 11/22/63 are prominent examples. For details, see my articles:

..As always, Wikipedia appeared with the signed-sealed-and-delivered version of the official story almost instantly.

Will the Manchester (suspected) false flag destroy the candidacy of another left-leaning insurgent, Jeremy Corbyn, the way the pre-election French false flags stymied Melenchon’s surge? Or will British voters prove themselves more sophisticated than their French counterparts, and send Theresa May and her false-flagging entourage down to a well-deserved defeat?

Stay tuned for updates!

Manchester Attack: How Manchester’s churches are responding harry-farley Harry Farley Journalist 23 May 2017 | 2:54 PM
“…Manchester’s churches are offering refuge, prayers and support to the victims of the terrorist attack that killed at least 22 people, including several children, on Monday night.

A ‘lone wolf’ suicide bomb hit a teen pop concert at Manchester Arena with 59 left injured, including 12 under the age of 16 and several in a critical state….
Several churches near the area responded by offering shelter to emergency services and families of victims throughout Tuesday as well as prayer vigils….

Audacious pentecostal church, a two minute walk from the Arena, is opening their building for prayer, counselling or refreshments for emergency services….


Emily Dugan


Rabbi bringing tea for police at the cordon. “We are Manchester. We are together”
4:24 AM – 23 May 2017

5,926 5,926 Retweets


Don’t Pray For Manchester – Reject Religious Extremism May 23, 2017 by Michael Stone


2016 Grammy Awards- Ariana Grande BOOED!? , Illuminati satanic demon summoning exposed from
TheGreat deception
Ariana Grande – Everyday ft. Future , from youtube.coM

Pray for Victims

Donald Trump vows to probe, prosecute ‘troubling’ Manchester bombing evidence leaks
Nick Miller May 26 2017
“Some of the young survivors of Monday’s suicide bombing in Manchester have been left with horrific and potentially life-changing injuries, doctors said on Thursday.

More than 30 children and adults were still being treated in hospital for blast wounds on Thursday.


Media Caught Using Dead Girl’s Photo in Manchester Arena Hoax (News Propaganda Breakdown)

Johnny SuperTramp 2
Angry Mother Exposes Dead Daughter’s Pic Being Used In Manchester Event

“Published on May 25, 2017

Samantha Shrewsbury was horrified to see images of Jayden Parkinson, 17, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend and dumped in a graveyard, circulating online.

Ben Blakeley strangled Jayden in Didcot, when she told him she was pregnant and was jailed for 20 years in 2014.

But her mum Samantha was horrified to see a selfie snapped by Jayden among images of people being searched for after the Manchester bombing, and spoke of the damage this could cause.

Learn More:;;

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Good News Caucasian-European


Deep Thought: What’s the “oldest” age recorded of women having a baby?


“….”Genesis 17

The Bible talks about barren women who later had children. Why did they have to wait?

What does the bible say about barren women who had to wait til late in life to have children? What is the lesson for us?

“Thank you for asking a question on

In the Bible just 6 women are described specifically as ‘barren’.

By nature the women who were barren would have borne no children. Each had children by the direct intervention of God.

Barrenness in women and infertility in men are evils of this present world of sin and death brought about by Adam’s disobedience. Barrenness is not punishment on individuals, but like disease, accidents, famines, floods and earthquakes, just another evil that many have to endure.

The promise to Israel, had they kept the covenant made with God at Sinai, makes clear that God can and would intervene and ensure fertility of both people and livestock…

Top 7 Bible Verses About Barren Women
“..Children are a blessing from the Lord, and motherhood is a gift to mankind. In many cultures across the ages a woman’s value was based on her ability to reproduce, and her worth went up even more if she gave birth to a son. Not everyone can have children, though, so it has been a source of pain and suffering for many families through the years. Fortunately, a woman’s value today is not based solely on her fertility, but rather on the many other gifts and talents she might possess. The Scriptures do provide a source of hope and comfort to those who desire children, so here are my top 7 Bible verses about barren women…”
Scriptures concerning Fertility and Childbirth
“..Is it God’s will for me to conceive and give birth to children?

Yes, absolutely, The first command God gave to mankind was to “be fruitful and multiply.” ..”


After Menopause, 52 Year Old Woman Delivers Her First Baby

“Published on Aug 11, 2013

Mrs Kate Fezigha, a 52-year-old woman, has given birth to her first baby, which came after 19 years of her marriage.

Mrs Kate Fezigha got married in 1994.

For years, the new mother, who is a midwife at the General Hospital, Sagbama in Bayelsa State, has supervised the delivery of many children but she never had a child.

She got frustrated after her attempt to adopt a child from a Bayelsa-based orphanage home was scuttled, as she was duped by the coordinator of the home.

Her menstrual flow ceased sometime last year and Fezigha concluded that menopause had set in and her chances of having a child gone.

Afterwards, she started experiencing regular dizziness and pains in some parts of her body and went for a test and the scan showed she was pregnant.

Nine months after, she gave birth to a baby girl named Prudent on June 3, 2013.

Fezigha said at the dedication of the child and thanksgiving service, in Yenagoa that the conception and birth of the “miracle baby” was “the Lord’s doing and it is indeed marvellous”.

She said the pressure on her during her 19-year wait was unbearable, especially as the children she assisted their mothers to be delivered had become parents.

She said: “I was worried that all the children I had taken delivery of while on duty in the hospital were now parents.

“I reflected and declared to myself that in spite of the fact that no child had died in my hand during birth as a midwife, why shouldn’t I have mine?

“But a voice kept telling me to redouble my effort and I shall be blessed.

“But the mysterious voice started reducing in my head as I was fast losing hope. I decided to adopt a baby from an orphanage and I was swindled.

“At this stage, I ignored the voice and handed the matter over to God. And now I am a happy mother.”

It emerged that it was a mysterious sickness that led her into going for a scan that revealed a fibroid or cyst.

Another scan revealed that she was pregnant.

“I had mixed feelings after the second scan. I even told my husband that it’s false pregnancy.

“When my husband asked me what that meant, I became his lecturer, telling him what it meant and saw the expectation of a pregnancy in his eyes.

“A few months later, I started seeing some changes in my body. Throughout this period, I could not go to work and had to be hospitalised twice before I was delivered of the baby.

“Those who knew me could not believe it and screamed when they saw my protruding stomach. They screamed and shouted praise the Lord.”

Basking in the euphoria of her new bundle of joy, Fezigha said that her family is full of praises to God.

“All the period of waiting was not easy, but I am comforted by the word of God. Women who are hoping to have children should put their trust in God.””



90-YEAR-OLD WOMAN PREGNANT AFTER YEARS OF PRAYING!, by Magde 11 months ago 2,601 views (today is March 14th 2017, so minus 11 months)
“..“But God always answers my prayers and though, at my age, the so called “doctors” say I can’t get knocked up, they is wrong. I pray hard enough, God will let me give birth to a grandchild. I mean, my own child, that I will treat like a grandchild.”

What Margaret Allen does every morning is get at 3am and pray to God for 14 hours make her pregnant. When she finishes with praying, this 80-year-old has dinner and goes to bed “mating with” a 22-year-old who she’s chosen to be the father of her baby…”


How old is too old to have a baby? – Health – Health care – Breaking … By Arthur Caplan, Ph.D. contributor
updated 1/24/2005 3:06:34 PM ET

The case of the ‘world’s oldest mom’

Assistance in knowing how old is too old has now been provided by a Romanian woman named Adriana Iliescu. The 66-year-old unmarried professor and writer gave birth by emergency Caesarean section to a baby girl on Jan. 17 at the Giulesti Maternity Hospital in Bucharest. She is now the oldest woman in the world ever to give birth. Her doctor, when asked why he would use reproductive technology to permit a 66-year-old woman to become pregnant, said he helped her because that is what she wanted to do, and because he was impressed with her faith in God and with her “determination.”…


Stories of Faith from Miracle Mothers… – Miracle Mothers International

“..That first meeting was so amazing! Listening to all the women’s stories, their successes, and their struggles, it was nice to not feel so alone! I began to see that the Lord led me to this group. I began to understand that I was in need of spiritual healing. Karen was so dynamic and passionate about helping us through our struggles. The meeting left me emotionally exhausted, but with a sense of renewed faith and peace! Through Karen’s teaching, I learned that the Lord will fulfill His promises to me and that my past sins cannot separate me from His love—if I ask for His forgiveness. I learned that the Lord is never early and never late! He has a plan, which I can now see unfolding little by little. I now know that He will direct me to the path I should follow—whether IVF, adoption, IUI, or natural conception. WOW, what a weight that has been lifted off of me! Knowing that He is in control and I don’t have to be, I no longer feel pressure to do IVF or even know all the answers. I have put all my faith in Him, and I am giving Him my dreams! ..”

Genesis Chapter 21 – Isaac is Born

“Published on Feb 7, 2015

Audio by Word of Promise”

Thoughts, stories, prayer requests, etc..?

Good News Women

Deep Thought: Prayers for Orlando Shooting

Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance

By Ralph Ellis, Ashley Fantz, Faith Karimi and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN

Updated 11:05 AM ET, Mon June 13, 2016
“Orlando, Florida (CNN)An American-born man who’d pledged allegiance to ISIS gunned down 49 people early Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the deadliest mass shooting in the United States and the nation’s worst terror attack since 9/11, authorities said.
Read the latest developments
* The gunman, Omar Mateen, 29, of Fort Pierce, Florida, was interviewed by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 but was not found to be a threat, the FBI said….”

50 People Killed In Orlando Club Shooting

“..Published on Jun 12, 2016

At approximately 2.a.m on Sunday morning, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, opened fired in a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 50 people and shooting more than 100 in total, in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history…”


Orlando Shooting | Video From Inside Pulse Nightclub , from


Pulse Night Club Mass Shooting Orlando, FL June 2016, from
Shocking Footage from Orlando Pulse Nightclub Mass Shooting , from


Thoughts and Prayers Following Orlando Shooting


Megachurch Pastor Joel Hunter on Nightclub Shooting: ‘I’ve Got to Go Back and Examine My Own Heart’
By Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons 06-14-2016
“…There is no place for hatred and violence in any healthy religion or in any healthy society,” Hunter said at a news conference called by the Florida branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The senior pastor of the 20,000-member, nondenominational Northland Church shared more in a phone interview about the intersection of LGBT discrimination and religion in light of the shooting. The interview was edited for length and clarity…”

After Orlando Shooting, Chick-fil-A Made This Heartfelt Gesture 3:00PM EDT 6/14/2016 Jessilyn Justice
“…Chick-fil-A—known for the strong religious values of its founders—is normally closed on Sunday and has in the past supported traditional marriage. But after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, a group of Chick-fil-A employees showed up to work on Sunday, June 12, to cook sandwiches and hand out drinks, free of charge, for the people in line to donate blood. ..

Area resident Luke Herzog spread the word on Twitter: “Chick-fil-a opened up their restaurants in Orlando to serve people waiting in line to give blood … pretty cool.”

Attorney Kevin Hayslett wrote on Facebook: “While the founders definitely don’t approve of that choice of lifestyle, they believe in compassion. Who knew? A bunch of people claiming to be Christians care about others even when they don’t agree with them. This group took time out of their schedules to volunteer to help those who were also trying to do their part. On top of that, the franchise’s location on Wells Road in Orange Park is even offering coupons for a free frosted lemonade to anyone who donates blood when the One Blood mobile unit is at their store on June 14th.”..”


17 Facts About The Orlando Shooter That Every American Should Know
by Tyler Durden – Jun 14, 2016 1:25 AM
“#1 According to the Director of the FBI, Mateen had “links to al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State“.

#2 Mateen’s father has openly expressed support for the Taliban on YouTube.

#3 Despite those links to terror organizations, Mateen was allowed to work “as a security guard at a local courthouse“.

#4 Mateen wasn’t directly hired by the courthouse. Instead, he was officially an employee of the largest security services company in the world…

The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor, raising alarms that ISIS sympathizers and agents have infiltrated the federal agency set up after 9/11 to combat terrorists.

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

#5 It turns out that this U.S. subsidiary of G4S is a company that works very closely with “the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army, and federal and local law enforcement.”

#6 Mateen’s ex-wife says that he would repeatedly beat her while they were married.

#7 He started to become radicalized after separating from his first wife. While they were together, she said that he didn’t show much interest in religion.

#8 He made pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.

#9 He claimed to personally know the Boston Marathon Bombers.

#10 According to the FBI, Mateen has “been on the radar before“, he was interviewed by them three separate times, and they conducted a 10 month investigation of his activities in 2013.

#11 He is being described as “unhinged and unstable” by his former coworkers.

#12 Mateen once declared that he hoped to martyr himself someday, and the FBI knew all about this.

#13 Despite everything that the federal government knew about Mateen, he was still permitted to legally buy guns just last week.

#14 In an odd twist, it also turns out that Mateen was a registered Democrat.

#15 A respected Islamic scholar was urging Muslims in Orlando to “get rid” of homosexuals just a couple of months before this shooting took place…

Farrokh Sekaleshfar – a British-born doctor and Muslim scholar – has gained a following by urging Muslims to ‘get rid of’ homosexuals.

And in April, he took his speech titled ‘How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality’ to the Husseini Islamic Center in Sanford, just outside Orlando, Florida.

Two months later, 29-year-old Omar Mateen carried out the worst massacre in US history by opening fire on a gay club in the same city.

#16 Hillary Clinton’s State Department shut down an investigation of the mosque that Mateen attends because it “unfairly singled out Muslims“.

#17 Just moments before the attack, Mateen reportedly called 911 to swear his allegiance to ISIS…”

Orlando shooting, false flag event aimed at demonizing Muslims: Expert Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:40PM
“… We spent the week mourning the death of Muhammad Ali, a great Muslim fighter for justice and a defender of the Palestinians. Additionally, this week we just learned from The Washington Post that Obama was planning to push through the United Nations a Security Council resolution that would essentially recognize the state of Palestine and establish the state of Palestine on the pre-1967 boundaries.

This is a very, very dangerous situation for people like Netanyahu and his party, the people who have been behind virtually all of the spectacular so-called Islamic terror attacks blamed on Muslims from September 11th through London, Madrid, Bali and more recently the two Paris attacks of 2015 and San Bernardino. We know all of those events were false flag events arranged by professionals and intelligence agencies and falsely blamed on Muslims. We have no reason to believe the official story of this event. We should assume that this is a false flag event carried out by the supporters of Netanyahu and the neoconservatives who have whipped up the clash of civilizations out of whole cloth through false flag terror events like this in order to pursue their geopolitical agenda…”

Orlando Shooting Hoax Decoded , from
“..Published on Jun 12, 2016

Let’s unpack and decode the press coverage of the Orlando gay club shooting hoax. It’s loaded and coded, folks.
If you think two hijacked planes can fly unabated over USA airspace for well over an hour then powderize three skyscrapers while two others disappear into thin air you might also believe evil Muslim sharpshooters with anagram names bring long rifles into gay bars. You’ll also likely think Donald Trump isn’t an actor but a real political candidate and they actually count your vote. That’s the problem with you coincidence theorists; you’re a dangerous bewildered frightened herd of cattle ready to tear each other apart while submitting to incrementally more Orwellian control systems with increasingly limited freedoms amidst a collapsing dollar while illusory diversity only creates an increasingly homogenous and distorted society of confused, scared, and divided mouth breathing screen gazing troglodytes who attack and slander the most insightful and intelligent amongst us still capable of independent thought. You sold out with your fellow citizens and you’re now a part of the problem. You’re the dangerous ones- the scared bewilder herd. Walter Lippmann was right- you’re voluntary slaves who can’t handle the truth, and you deserve what’s coming to you…”

*see Deep thought: This is how the “devil” is trying to divide us? ,<br?

*see Neutral Perspective: Our nation (U.S.A.) needs to make stricter gun laws or we have the right to bear arms?