Deep Thought: What is “freedom”?


National Freedom Day, always observed on February 1st, celebrates freedom from slavery. It also recognizes that America is a symbol of liberty. It honors the signing by Abraham Lincoln of a joint House and Senate resolution that later became the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution President Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865. It was not ratified by the states, however, until later on December 18, 1865.


On this day many towns have festivals and celebrations. Others reflect on the freedoms that the United States honors as well as reflect on and appreciate the goodwill of the United States. For many years, wreath laying at the Liberty Bell has also been a tradition to mark National Freedom Day. LET FREEDOM RING. Use #NationalFreedomDay to post on social media.

For more information visit the National Day Calendar page for National Freedom Day.


╫ Slavery & The Bible | Did God Allow It? – Torah Portion: Mishpatim

Slavery in the Bible
“…Exodus on Slavery
“When you acquire a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years; in the seventh year he shall go free, without payment. If he came single, he shall leave single; if he had a wife, his wife shall leave with him. If his master gave him a wife, and she has borne him children, the wife and her children shall belong to the master, and he shall leave alone…”

Does The Bible Support Slavery?

*see GoodnewsUSA.Info Independence -July 4th

Why It’s Wrong to Say the Bible Is Pro-Slavery
JUNE 7, 2018 | Gavin Ortlund SHARE
“..The claim is not incomprehensible. It has some apparent, face-value support—and not just in Old Testament law regulations, but in New Testament epistles written by the very apostles of Jesus Christ:

Ephesians 6:5: “Bondservants, obey your earthly masters.”
Colossians 3:22: “Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters.”
1 Peter 2:18: “Servants, be subject to your masters.”
How should Christians respond to this concern? It’s a complicated issue that one brief article cannot resolve, but here are several initial appeals that may be helpful to at least draw attention to its complexity…”

*see Now You Know: “Human trafficking”-facts, causes, prevention, solution, action plan, etc…

*see Deep Thought: Are all “sins” equal?

Good News Sociology

Movie Reflection: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Fred Rogers | People | Pioneers of Television | PBS
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

Rogers’ famous sneakers became his choice in footwear after he found that they allowed him to walk quietly behind the scenes of the live television productions. The host’s trademark opening song, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, became part of the national consciousness in 1968, when “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” began airing in Pittsburgh and was soon picked up by several other large markets, including Boston and New York. In 1969 PBS contracted the show, and it was broadcast nationally…

Rogers is also known for his vociferous protection of children, and in 1969 he testified in front of a congressional subcommittee to oppose funding cuts to public broadcasting. During the moving testimony, Rogers recited the lyrics to one of his popular songs. “Fred Rogers has proven that television can soothe the soul and nurture the spirit and teach the very young,” said President George W. Bush as he awarded the soft-spoken pioneer the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his contribution to children’s education initiatives. The award came just months before Rogers’ death…”

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, Trailer


Fred Rogers Biography – A Life of Service

Fred Rogers was a legitimate American national treasure. Over 31 seasons he proved to be the reliable, compassionate and all-wise friendly neighbor who guided millions of youngsters through their childhood. Fred single handedly introduced children’s educational television, in the process elevating a medium that was heading downhill fast. His radical kindness, typified by a gentle and personal manner, helped bring sanity to a world beset by problems. Having Mr. Rogers as our neighbor made the world a safer place.

Fred Rogers – Biography

“..Fred McFeely Rogers was born on March 20, 1928 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. Rogers earned his bachelor’s degree in music composition at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida in 1951. Immediately upon graduation, he was hired by NBC television in New York as an assistant producer for The Voice of Firestone and later as floor director for The Lucky Strike Hit Parade, The Kate Smith Hour, and the NBC Opera Theatre. Rogers was married in 1952 to Joanne Byrd, a concert pianist and fellow Rollins graduate…”

Mr Rogers … Cool Dude

Get an Exclusive Look Inside the First Full-Length Mister Rogers Biography By Maxwell King June 1, 2018
“..It was an offer of unconditional love — and millions took it. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood often reached 10 percent of American households, five to ten million children each day who wanted to spend time with this quiet, slightly stooped, middle-aged man with a manner so gentle as to seem a little feminine…”

5 beautiful things we learn about Mister Rogers from new biography, ‘The Good Neighbor’ Hannah Yasharoff, USA TODAY Published 11:37 a.m. ET Sept. 7, 2018 | Updated 3:46 p.m. ET Sept. 9, 2018
“..A new biography, “The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers” by Maxwell King (Abrams Press, 363 pp., ★★★ out of four), chronicles the childhood, family, career and legacy of the man who revolutionized children’s television with messages of kindness, patience and inclusion on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”..”

3rd Person View

Mr. Rogers was my actual neighbor. He was everything he was on TV and more. By Adam Eisenstat Jul 26, 2018, 9:40am EDT
“..This year marks the golden anniversary of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood — 50 years since the children’s TV staple was first broadcast nationally — and a flood of high-profile tributes is well underway. There’s a postage stamp commemorating Fred Rogers, the show’s affable host; a star-powered PBS special; a documentary; and coming later this year, a Rogers biography and a biopic starring Tom Hanks as Rogers…
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was produced in my hometown Pittsburgh, which gave the show an outsize presence there. Some of the cast members were local celebrities: Don Brockett, who played Chef Brockett on the show, was on my paper route. He and other characters from the show appeared frequently at children’s events and charity functions. Mr. Rogers himself, as I found out one day, lived a mere two blocks from me. …

That’s when I got to Mr. Rogers’s house. I recognized him as soon as he opened the door. Though he maintained a certain formality — I was a stranger, after all — he was entirely gracious and approachable. I acted, though, as if I had never seen him. I didn’t want to appear starstruck, and anyway, I didn’t even like his show. Instead, I focused on the task at hand: Do not leave without something. I had to end the day with at least one donation.

After I stammered out my introduction, he invited me in and we stood in the foyer, where he heard my pitch. To my surprise, he really listened to me, asking me questions and requesting that I elaborate on some of the points I was making. The entire day I had been knocking on doors, not a single person asked me why I was doing what I was doing. ..

When I got back home, I stared at the single dollar I had collected, as if in a trance. Mr. Rogers and the world I had stumbled into briefly after ringing his doorbell, the very world conjured on his show, offered a glimpse into how things could be if adults treated children with real respect.

Fred Rogers’s ethos was unlike any other: scrupulously moderate, tolerant, and anti-consumerist, driven by cutting-edge models of child development and infused with dollops of real Christian love. (Rogers was in fact an ordained Presbyterian minister.)..

15 Interesting Mr. Rogers Facts
“..5) Mr. Rogers was a vegetarian. He didn’t smoke or drink or seem to have any major vices. He also stayed married to the same woman until his death; their marriage lasted 47 years. About the only even slightly “scandalous” thing Mr. Rogers seemed to do, which he revealed in an interview, was that he swam laps completely in the buff nearly every morning of his adult life at various clubs that allowed nude swimming at certain times of the day…

10) Mr. Rogers once appeared as preacher, Reverend Thomas, on an episode of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman called “Deal with the Devil”…”

Season 4 Episode 19 – Deal with the Devil

The Reverend mortgages the church to Hank to get money to make church repairs in order to impress his mentor Rev. Thomas. Rev. Thomas: Fred Rogers. Mr. James: Max Gail. Air Date : 17th-Feb-1996..”

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Season 4 Episode 19 Deal with the Devil …
*43 minute mark


Season 3

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood s03e09


You are my friend you are special Mr Rogers – YouTube

Show Topics

Mr. Rogers Talks With Parents About Discipline

Government Involvement

May 1, 1969: Fred Rogers testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Communications

On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers, host of the (then) recently nationally syndicated children’s television series, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (named Misterogers’ Neighborhood at the time), testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Communications to defend $20 million in federal funding proposed for the newly formed non-profit Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which was at risk of being reduced to $10 million. Subcommittee chairman, Senator John Pastore (D-RI), unfamiliar with Fred Rogers, is initially abrasive toward him. Over the course of Rogers’ 6 minutes of testimony, Pastore’s demeanor gradually transitions to one of awe and admiration as Rogers speaks…

Mr. Rogers and the Power of Persuasion

Sen. John O. Pastore, 93, Dies By Richard Pearson
July 17, 2000
“..During his years in the Senate, he became a senior member of the Commerce and Appropriations committees and had served for a time as joint chairman of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. He also also had chaired Commerce’s communications subcommittee, which had jurisdiction over television and radio.

..From his communications subcommittee chair, he had been an early critic of what he regarded as excessive portrayal of both sex and violence on network television. And as both a New Englander and a sports fan, he was instrumental in getting network executives to modify their rules concerning the “blackout” of major sports events.


If he will be remembered in Washington for his speaking ability, the skillful use of his committee assignments and a combative integrity, he may be best remembered in Rhode Island as the first Italian American to win election as governor and senator and as a man who dominated the state’s political scene for decades without losing a single election.





Fred Rogers, our friend and neighbor

Remembering Mr. Rogers (1994/1997) | Charlie Rose

*note: Movie Spoiler Alert!!!

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? a Tribute to Mister Rogers’ Enduring Legacy
“..ighborhood. As a matter of fact, it was probably my favorite show when I was a little kid. He was just such a seemingly gentle and compassionate man. Did you find him to be the same way, as his friend and pastor?

Yes, and it’s an important word that you just used “seemingly,” because some people on TV who are personalities and well known aren’t exactly in person the way they are on the screen. You understand that. But Fred Rogers was the real deal, and the gentle, kind, loving compassionate person that you saw in the neighborhood who wrote all the scripts and did many of the puppets himself, he was the same person, the one you would sit at lunch together and talk for hours, and I think it was one of the unique things about him, Chris, and I use the word “incarnate ministry” for Fred Rogers. He was able to touch millions of people through the screen, through the TV, through the books and through commencement addresses. But he also touched God knows how many one-on-one or in small groups, especially people who were down and out and hurting or disabled in any way. He had a compassion for people who were struggling. He truly had an incarnate ministry…

That people would leave the theater together with tears in their eyes, joy in their heart. I hope a resolve to be more kind, to be more loving, a resolve to be faith in action, a resolve to reach out to the marginalized people, a resolve to be a better person of faith, a hope that people will take away a resolve to be who God has called us to be, whatever faith dimension we’ve got. In many cases, for people who have no faith dimension, I hope that they will have a resolve to actually be more like Fred Rogers.”

Love Thy Neighbor as Mister Rogers Did KENNETH R. MOREFIELD| JUNE 7, 2018
“..In March 2000, Christianity Today ran a cover story about Rogers, equating adults who evaded the call to love their neighbor with the self-justifying expert in the law who interrogated Jesus and prompted the parable of the Good Samaritan. The 50th anniversary of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (which, in a bit of historic irony, featured King Friday building a wall around his kingdom in its first episode) has prompted a new outpouring of affection and appreciation for Rogers and his work. But as the documentary illustrates, a large part of the current wave of appreciation has more to do with Rogers being ahead of his time than with his being a symbol of a simpler past.

…To cite just one example, the film cuts between scenes of Rogers soaking his feet in a plastic pool alongside a black actor and footage of whites throwing bleach into public swimming venues that had recently been integrated. Sometimes a demonstration of solidarity with the oppressed and compassion for the persecuted makes a greater impact than any laws, sermons, or tweets. Rogers’s television show may be wrongly remembered in some quarters as innocuous pabulum, but its host was actually quite brave, talking to kids about topics like divorce, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, and the explosion of the space shuttle, and trusting that, with loving guidance, they could handle it.

Part of what made Rogers enduringly successful is that he viewed the television show as his ministry rather than simply as a platform for his message. “I got into television because I hated it so,” he once admitted. But after earning his divinity degree in 1962, he had realized that the medium would be a “fabulous instrument to nurture those who would watch and listen.” Producer Margy Whitmer explains in the film that Rogers’s formula was to “take all of the elements that make good television and do the exact opposite.” That’s a great quip, but even more, it is a powerful reminder of the potential for Christians to transform their industry rather simply conform to it.


Public Speaking

Fred Rogers on Children’s Television: Quotes, Education, History, Life, Legacy (1990)

Memorable Quotes

“..It’s you I like. It’s not the things you wear. It’s not the way you do your hair … but it’s you I like. The way you are right now. The way down deep inside you. Not the things that hide you. Not your fancy toys. They’re just beside you. But it’s you I like. Every part of you. Your skin, your eyes, your feelings, whether old or new. I hope that you’ll remember even when you’re feeling blue. That it’s you I like. It’s you, yourself. It’s you.

FRED ROGERS, “Mister Rogers’ Money Tips,” The Motley Fool, Jan. 20, 2006

The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.

These Five Mister Rogers Quotes Will Make You a Better … – YouTube

11 Mr. Rogers Quotes Every Christian Should Read
“..In the years since his death, his legend has grown. Some people say he wore cardigans to cover up his tattoos (false.) Some say he started every morning by skinny dipping (true.) Instead of adding to the myth, we’ll turn the microphone over to him. Here are a few of his own thoughts on love, community and being a neighbor.


Inspirational Mr. Rogers Quotes – YouTube

Fred Rogers 2001 Commencement Address at Middlebury

You Are Special Quotes

Mr Rogers Quotes – YouTube

15 Mister Rogers quotes for when you need a friendly neighbor
20 Gentle Quotations from Mister Rogers
“..5. On Looking for the Helpers
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers–so many caring people in this world.”..”

Fred Rogers: Look for the Helpers – YouTube

Good News Movie

Neutral Perspective: Athletes or Anyone Else “Should” or “Should NOT” be required to Stand during U.S.A. Anthem ?

Should NOT

African Americans


Colin Kaepernick explains why he won’t stand during National Anthem …

Published on Aug 29, 2016
Raw Video – 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick explains why he is refusing to stand during the National Anthem.

A timeline of Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest and the athletes who joined him By Mark Sandritter Updated Sep 25, 2017, 10:28am EDT
“…Initially, Kaepernick was alone in his protest. And unnoticed. His protest didn’t come to light and gain national attention until the third preseason game. Since then, he’s continued on with his protest while being joined by several other NFL players, other professional, college and high school athletes.

Here is a complete timeline of Kaepernick’s protest and the other athletes who has followed suit.
Aug. 14 and Aug. 20 — Kaepernick goes unnoticed while sitting during the anthem

Kaepernick made headlines when he sat during the 49ers third preseason game, but he also sat during the first two games, according to Mike Garafolo of NFL Network. Kaepernick wasn’t in uniform and didn’t play during the first two games…”

Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee By Eric Reid Sept. 25, 2017
“In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police. The posts on social media deeply disturbed me, but one in particular brought me to tears: the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La. This could have happened to any of my family members who still live in the area. I felt furious, hurt and hopeless. I wanted to do something, but didn’t know what or how to do it. All I knew for sure is that I wanted it to be as respectful as possible.

A few weeks later, during preseason, my teammate Colin Kaepernick chose to sit on the bench during the national anthem to protest police brutality. To be honest, I didn’t notice at the time, and neither did the news media. It wasn’t until after our third preseason game on Aug. 26, 2016, that his protest gained national attention, and the backlash against him began…”

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem Dan Ventura Sunday, September 24, 2017
“..Fueled by comments by President Donald J. Trump aimed at NFL players not standing for the national anthem, McCourty and at least 15 Patriots teammates took a knee during the anthem prior to playing the Texans Sunday. Many fans booed the players in response and called for them to “stand up.” ..”
Everything you need to know about NFL protests during the national anthem By Adam Stites Updated Oct 19, 2017, 11:37am EDT
“..”This stand wasn’t for me. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t.”

His decision to sit during the national anthem drew criticism, though. Many felt and still feel it was disrespectful to the United States, its flag, and its military.

“I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country,” Kaepernick said. “I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening.

“People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they fought have for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right.”..”

*see Neutral Perspective: North Dakota Law Enforcement with DAPL Security Firm vs #NODAPL “Water” Protectors
Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?
Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?
North Dakota: Why Were U.S. Veterans at Standing Rock?

Hansen Unplugged: Anthem protests not about disrespecting the flag

Published on Sep 25, 2017
“Our forefathers made freedom of speech the First Amendment. They listed 10, and not one of them says you have to stand during the national anthem.”

Randy Moss describes hate mail he received after wearing controversial tie at HOF induction Tom Schad, USA TODAY Published 12:15 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2018
“..In an interview with the website that published Thursday, Moss said more than 20 NBA and NFL athletes have reached out privately to thank or applaud him after he wore a tie that listed the names of a dozen black men and women who have been killed by police. But Moss also said he’s gotten “probably 150 to 200 messages” that amounted to hate mail.

“The black community praised me and thanked me for shedding light on African-Americans dying,” Moss told The Undefeated. “Then on the flip side, you’ve got sites where people are slamming me, saying, ‘Hey, (racial epithet), stay in your place.’

“All of this hate mail I’m getting for wearing a tie and talking about the truth. But I can handle it because I’ve been dealing with racism my whole life.”..”


My decision and my right’ — teen has sat out Pledge of Allegiance for years By Mayra Cuevas, CNN Updated 7:45 PM ET, Fri September 16, 2016
“… (CNN)Long before Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, sparking a national dialogue, there was Leilani Thomas.
Leilani, now 14, has sat out the Pledge of Allegiance since the second grade.
“Most of my teachers, they respected my decision and my right and belief. So they never said anything about it,” she told CNN during a phone interview Friday. “I think the pledge is a lie to me and it’s a lie to my people.”

Leilani and her family are part of the Elem Indian Colony — a Native American tribe in Northern California, where she attends Lower Lake High School as a freshman. …

Thomas was to join the North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline when Leilani told him about the situation with the pledge and her grades. He decided to stay and stand by his daughter instead.
But even 1,500 miles away from North Dakota, Leilani says she will find a way to make her voice heard in support of Standing Rock.
“As they say ‘justice for all’– we think that is a lie. What they did to my people not long ago? And not so long ago. They still do it today for example with Standing Rock in North Dakota. I want people to realize what has happened and is still happening to the native people to this day. I have my rights to do so,” she said. ..”


Champion U.S. fencer takes knee on medal podium during national anthem, calls for social change
Jack Baer
Yahoo Sports Contributor
Yahoo SportsAug 10, 2019, 7:03 PM
“..The U.S. men’s foil team emerged victorious at the Pan American Games in Peru on Friday, earning gold medals for fencers Race Imboden, Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin.

After the team received its gold medals, Imboden took a knee on the medal podium as the national anthem played.

Following the event, Imboden took to Twitter to explain why he took the knee. The main reasons: racism, gun control, mistreatment of immigrants and the rhetoric of President Donald Trump…

Who is Race Imboden?
The 26-year-old Imboden was born in Tampa, Florida, and hails from Brooklyn, New York. A long-time member of the U.S. fencing team, Imboden has tallied 12 gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals at the Pan American Games between team and individual events. He scored bronze with the American foil team at the 2016 Olympics.

Currently ranked second in the men’s foil in the world by the International Fencing Federation, Imboden was part of the first U.S. foil team to win a world championship this July. Imboden also moonlights as a professional model, working for the likes of Marc Jacobs, J. Crew and Rag and Bone according to USA Today…”

‘Teacher of the Year’ was nervous to kneel during anthem at college football championship: ‘My leg was shaking’ Elise Solé Yahoo LifestyleJanuary 17, 2020, 5:08 PM CST
“A “Teacher of the Year” who skipped last year’s White House awards ceremony to support marginalized communities, kneeled during the national anthem at a college football game with President Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

Kelly Holstine, 46, Minnesota’s 2018 Teacher of the Year and the director of educational equity at OutFront Minnesota, an LGBT+ civil rights group, attended the College Football Playoff National Championship on Monday in New Orleans. Before the Louisiana State University-Clemson University game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, the first couple took the field amid chants of “USA, USA” and “Four more years!”

The former English teacher from Shakopee, Minn., who was the first openly-gay teacher to receive the award, lined up for the national anthem with her colleagues, only 15 feet from the president and the first lady. As singer Lauren Daigle performed, Holstine took a knee.

“We were told that putting our hand over our hearts during the national anthem was optional, but that wasn’t enough for me,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Kneeling is a way to show respect for the military and our country, while also supporting oppressed and marginalized humans.”..”


An open letter from American military veterans in support of Colin Kaepernick By Rhiannon Walker @InstantRHIplay
“..“I wanted to put something out there in the world … to say that ‘There are veterans who not only agree with Colin Kaepernick’s right to do that, but also agree with the substance of the action,’ ” Smith said. “And are willing to stand up and say Black Lives Matter and this is an important issue that we need to address in our country…”
I’m a U.S. military veteran and sitting for the National Anthem is the most American thing ever By Revelist by Joshua M. Patton
“…The right we have to protest the government, refuse to participate in the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance, to go to political events and scream nonsense obscenities at our elected leaders is a miracle.

This list of complaints our ancestors made against the British government to the King got the entire Congress labeled as traitors and marked for the hangman’s noose. Like Kaepernick, they were a bunch of rich guys who were doing well in society-as-it-was, and they went out on a limb for those without power…and that limb snapped in two..”

Neutral Perspective

Debate: Colin Kaepernick

SM East Harbinger
Published on Sep 27, 2016
Students of Shawnee Mission East High School sat down on Thursday, September 22nd and discussed NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Specifically, his decision to kneel during the national anthem.


Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

Published on Nov 23, 2017
Why should every American stand for the National Anthem? Because the Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation. That alone is worth standing for. Joy Villa, singer, songwriter, and recording artist, explains.

Trump Criticizes NFL for Not Forcing Players to Stand for National Anthem By SCOTT RAFFERTY
President said football players are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during “The Star-Spangled Banner”
“..During Tuesday’s meeting with owners and players, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league didn’t ask for a commitment from players to stand for the national anthem. Instead, Goodell explained, “We spent today talking about the issues that players have been trying to bring attention to – issues to make our communities better.”

In response, Donald Trump criticized the NFL via Twitter for not forcing players to stand for the national anthem, writing they are displaying “total disrespect for our great country” by protesting during the national anthem…”

Republican official who called black NFL players ‘baboons’ on Facebook resigns Tom Barnes,The Independent Mon, Sep 3 10:54 AM CDT
“..A Republican official in Pennsylvania has resigned after it emerged she called black NFL players protesting the national anthem “baboons” in a Facebook rant.

Carla Malony, who was secretary of the GOP’s Beaver County branch, apologised for the series of posts she made on the social network last year.

Although it is unclear exactly when the comments were made, they appeared to be in reaction to players kneeling in protest as the national anthem played before NFL games.

In one post, Ms Malony described American footballers taking part in the gesture to protest cases of police brutality in the US as “over paid ignorant blacks”, suggesting they should “go to Africa”.

When another Facebook user commented: “Go Steelers,” in reference to the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL franchise, the GOP activist launched into another racially-charged tirade.

“Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons. You respect your flag, country and our national atnthem (sic),” she wrote.

“Stop watching, or going to a game and paying for over priced food, water and tickets. Lets see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries.”

The Beaver County Republican Committee said in a statement that it had accepted Ms Maloney’s resignations from both of her roles in the party and denounced her comments.

“The views expressed in her posts are abhorrent and have no place in reasonable public discourse,” the committee said.

The NFL national anthem protests first began in 2016, when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to highlight police violence against minority groups and racial inequalities in America.

Since then, hundreds of players have refused to observe the anthem at American football games and in a variety of other US sports.

The protests have drawn the ire of president Donald Trump, who last year called on NFL franchise owners to fire players who refused to stand during the national anthem.

From the beginning of the 2018 NFL season, due to start on Thursday, players will be required by league rules to observe the anthem on the field or stay in the dressing room.

In her resignation statement, Ms Malony apologised for her remarks about the protests, which she said had been “in poor taste.”

“I apologise for my distasteful, inappropriate and insensitive social media posts,” she added.

“Those that know me know that I come from a diverse family that represents modern America.

“I know my posts and comments were disrespectful to not only the people that I love, but families across the country.

“I know I am a better person than this and, as I step away from these public positions, I will work to show everyone who I truly am.”..”

Report: GOP official resigns after calling kneeling NFL players ‘baboons’

Published on Sep 2, 2018
According to the Beaver County Times, Carla Maloney, a Republican county official in Pennsylvania, has resigned after it was revealed that she’d written Facebook posts referring to kneeling NFL players as “baboons.”

Good News USA

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Deep Thought: What’s the difference between “Contrails” and “Chemtrails”?

17 Examples of Chemtrails vs Contrails – Can You Tell The Difference? By Aleks Udris | 06/17/2014
“..Chemtrails really do exist. Don’t believe me? Check these out. By the end, you’ll know the difference between chemtrails and contrails..

Difference Between Contrails and Chemtrails for Dummies #251 …



Doctor warns world about “chemtrail lung,” a new health epidemic causing brain and lung problems across society Wednesday, April 25, 2018 by Isabelle Z.
“..When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming a persistent cough, accompanied by aches, pains, and fever, she visited a doctor. After chest x-rays revealed a type of bronchitis, she was given antibiotics, which only seemed to make her feel worse.

Her doctor told her that lots of bacterial infections are going around, and when she asked him where they are coming from, he told her the truth that many doctors wouldn’t dare reveal to their patients: Chemtrails are at the heart of widespread lung problems right now. Surprised by his candor, she asked if she could videotape him talking about the phenomenon. You can see the video below; the unnamed doctor appears just before the 8-minute mark.

The doctor says he has witnessed hundreds of Californians suffering from this problem, which he calls “chemtrail lung.” He says it is an “emerging problem” that is being faced all around the world, with the toxic gases, chemicals, virus particles, heavy metals and other gases that are being sprayed into the atmosphere leading to problematic levels of respiratory infections…”

The MOST IMPORTANT video on youtube. SHARE THIS NOW they will pull it.


Snowden uncovers shocking truth behind Chemtrails JULY 11, 2013 BY KILGOAR
“..The shocking truth, as he says, is that chemtrails are part of a benevolent program aimed at countering global warming. By cooperating in secret with jet fuel manufacturers, government agents have carefully kept the massive chemtrail efforts completely under wraps. Snowden added, “I am only revealing this program because there is no oversight in the scientific community, no public discussion, and little concern for the side-effects which are well known only to a few privileged people interested in continuing the decades-long chemtrail program in secret.”

Because climate change is a threat to U.S. agriculture, it has been labeled a national security issue. With the influence and cooperation of Monsanto, a secret Geoengineering lab dubbed Muad’Dib has been operating since the late 1960s, and the chemtrail program is often referred to by insiders as its “crown jewel.” Muad’Dib has aimed to protect North America’s climate at all costs – even if that means accelerating desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa or spreading trace amounts of carcinogens over lightly populated areas. Other side effects, which scientists at the secret Muad’Dib Geoengineering Lab have predicted, include droughts in the Amazon and powerful windstorms along the East Coast…”



ARMY ADMITS testing on ST. Louis – Spraying Radioactive Chemicals – in the 50’s and 60’s

Published on Sep 25, 2012

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TTA = Tesla Tech Array



First Time Ever !!! ‘HAARP’ TTA Emissions Exposed – Detrimental Effects On Public – AS IT HAPPENS

TOP SECRET Mission – Chemtrail Pilots SPRAYING BLOOD Cause Face to Face Near Mid-Air Collisions !!!


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After watching this, denial of chemtrails is just defiance against uncomfortable and inconvenient truth!!!
U.S. Army Tested Chemicals on Cities, Low-Income Residents HEADLINESEP 27, 2012
Newly disclosed documents have revealed details on how the U.S. military carried out testing of chemicals on major U.S. cities during the 1950s and 1960s. Sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor of St. Louis Community College says zinc cadmium sulfide was sprayed in several cities without residents’ knowledge. The most densely sprayed area appears to have been a housing complex for low-income people in St. Louis.

Lisa Martino-Taylor: “It was pretty shocking, the level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people. There’s a lot of evidence that indicates that people in St. Louis in the city, particularly in minority communities, were subjected to military tests that was connected to a larger radiological weapons development and testing project.”..”

Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with ‘radioactive’ particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology
By EMILY ANNE EPSTEIN PUBLISHED: 10:16 EDT, 29 September 2012 | UPDATED: 12:21 EDT, 29 September 2012
“..The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.

While it was known that the government sprayed ‘harmless’ zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.

She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles…

Through her research, she found photographs of how the particles were distributed from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.

In Corpus Christi, the chemical was dropped from airplanes over large swathes of city. In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use….

Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack.

‘It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,’ Professor Martino-Taylor said. …

The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the ‘harmless’ compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified.

‘The idea that thousands of Missourians were unwillingly exposed to harmful materials in order to determine their health effects is absolutely shocking. It should come as no surprise that these individuals and their families are demanding answers of government officials,’ Senator Blunt said…

Did Army Spray Harmful Chemicals on US Cities?
By Eli MacKinnon, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer | October 8, 2012 02:14pm ET
“..The powder scattering was part of Operation Large Area Coverage (LAC), a series of tests the Army says were designed to assess the threat of biological attacks by simulating the airborne dispersion of germs. The experiments exposed large swathes of the United States, and parts of Mexico and Canada, to flurries of a synthesized chemical called zinc cadmium sulfide.

New research from sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor in St. Louis, one of the cities singled out for heavy-duty testing during LAC, suggests the Army may have mixed radioactive particles with the zinc cadmium sulfide it spread throughout a poor, mostly black neighborhood there…”

Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

The HAARP Report
Published on Dec 14, 2014
This video contains text, which was forwarded to me. The source is highly credible, and has given permission to post his youtube account here:… If you have questions, you can contact him directly. This message originally came from a USAF pilot, who flies Aerosol Tankers, as part of the secret Indigo Skyfold (geoengineered aerosol “chemtrail”) program.
Please save this text, and forward the video! (The text was too long for Youtube to put in the description, so I will put the entire message in the comments section.)

I’ve known the source for over a year, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he’s told me, IN ADVANCE.
Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be “after Jan 20, 2015, they are shutting down the program”.
INSTEAD, he says the opposite: “a very new “extremely toxic” chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible.”
That is not how disinfo works. The last communication was the opportunity to calm the herd, instead, it is a call to action.
If you have a geiger counter, with an alpha/beta probe, please test the aerosol fallout. The best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe your car hood, and windshield, with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radon sources upwind.

BTW, the building at 7:30 is the International Criminal Court, at The Hague, Netherlands. This is where the criminals behind these programs need to be taken, to be put on trial, while the world watches.

P.S. if anyone can do a better job of narration, please upload your own video! Don’t let this disappear from the internet!
The first comment has the complete pilot text, so please copy it, and spread the word.

P.P.S. This is my only video, where a shady group of investors offered to purchase the rights to the video. I didn’t sell, of course. No money should change hands, while the public is being offered this information.

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In case any of the images are copyrighted, here is a Fair Use Notice:
This video may contain copyrighted material encountered in the Internet, the use of which could not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economy, democracy, scientific and social justice issues, etc…
We believe this constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this Site is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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*see Now You Know: Dark History of Research on Civilians

Feel free to click on each of the individual pics of collected sources or links related to this topic.

Good News Chemistry

Neutral Perspective: Iraq War was justified or not?

I decided to write this blog topic after #standingrock

After Two Wars, Standing Rock is the First Time I Served the American People by Will Griffin Published on
Sunday, October 30, 2016 by Common Dreams
‘I’ve been on the wrong side of history’
“…I was in Iraq when President Bush announced the “surge” in January 2007. I was in Afghanistan when President Obama announced the “surge” in December 2009. But it wasn’t until I visited Standing Rock in October 2016 when I actually served the American people. This time, instead of fighting for corporate interests, I was fighting for the people.

I traveled to Standing Rock with a small group of members from Veterans For Peace (VFP). VFP has had a continued presence at Standing Rock for months now, rotating members in and out. Two VFP members, Tarak Kauff and Matthew Hoh, were arrested on Oct. 10, Indigenous People’s Day, while peacefully protecting (not protesting) the water. We were also joined by VFP members Ellen Davidson, Sam Adams, Richard Gilchrist, Martin Bates, Michael Sullivan, Ann Wright, and drone whistleblower Cian Westmoreland.

Fellow veteran Matt Hoh and I agreed the camp was a reminder of Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in Iraq and Afghanistan, without the mortars or rockets blowing up everywhere…

Matt and I also agreed that after our military “service” and multiple deployments to two wars, this was the first time we served the American people. After going to a few nonviolent direct action protests against the Black Snake, we realized what it actually meant to stand by the American people and fight in their interests. We suddenly had this feeling of honor, something we never had from our deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan.

We agreed that the only “people” we served overseas fighting were the likes of Halliburton, KBR, AECOM, DynCorp, Raytheon, Environmental Chemical, and so many more. We know that our own government lied to us. We know that the world is not a safer place than it was before the United States illegally occupied Iraq and Afghanistan; we understand that militaries don’t bring peace. Looking into the eyes of the police at Standing Rock, we saw ourselves.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice.” That’s what we were fighting for at Standing Rock, peace and justice.

The militarized police forces on the ground weren’t keeping the peace or protecting justice, they were protecting corporate interests. The police were blocking peace and obstructing justice on behalf of corporations, greedy bankers and investors. During my 11 days there, I saw local law enforcement, out-of-jurisdiction police forces, private security forces, and the North Dakota National Guard—all on behalf of the corporations and the state, not the people. They arrested the people and protected the construction equipment.

We saw journalists being attacked and warrants issued for their arrests just for holding a microphone and interviewing people. We saw police forces using military-grade equipment that Matt and I used in combat zones overseas. We saw the infringement of constitutional rights such as the right to assemble. But most important, we saw Native Americans courageously continue to defend their land and people from a genocidal 500-year war against the state and corporations alike…

That’s why I joined the military; to provide a selfless service to my country. That myth has been shattered. After two wars, PTSD and moral injury, I’ve come to realize I’ve been on the wrong side of history.”

Below are other sides of this still on-going debate able topic..


*see Now you know: History of Oil

Secrets of the Gulf War, Oil, Saddam, Hipocrisy and unkown history of Kuwait (1991)

Machiavellian Approach to Foreign Policy: Analyzing The Prince (Part III) Posted on December 29, 2012 by Andrew Tyrus Maina
“..In the book, Machiavelli describes how a prince is to maintain his rule over a territory that he calls new. This territory is one that is annexed to an already existing territory which is under the prince’s dominion. One of the things that he advices a prince to do is ensure that no other dominant power settles at his borders. This is because his neighbours who are disgruntled by his rule by virtue of fear or ambition may provide this power with an opportunity to make inroads into the former’s territory…”

1st Iraq: Persian Gulf War -Operation Desert Storm

The Persian Gulf War Explained: US History Review – YouTube

‘..Mar 29, 2013 – Uploaded by Hip Hughes
Kuwait was slant drilling Iraqi oil and selling the hell out of it, it was theft. Iraq was given the green light by the …..”

The Persian Gulf War 1990 to 1991 Ep2 of 2 – Part 1 of 3


John Howard defends Iraq war, saying it was ‘justified at the time’ Ben Doherty @bendohertycorro Thursday 7 July 2016 01.32 EDT
Former PM says claims Australia went to war on a lie are untrue: ‘There were errors in intelligence but there was no lie’
“..The Chilcot report was excoriating in its assessment of the British government’s decision-making process over going to war, saying that the threat posed by dictator Saddam Hussein was overplayed, intelligence was flawed, and the legal basis for the war was unsatisfactory…”

5 Reasons the Iraq War Was Not a Mistake by Joel B. Pollak19 May 2015
“..2. An American force in the Middle East would increase pressure on Iran. Removing Saddam Hussain meant removing a threat to the Iranian regime. But putting hundreds of thousands of American troops on Iran’s western border–along with those already in Afghanistan to the east–meant posing a much more potent threat to the regime. That is why Iran temporarily slowed its nuclear program after 2003–and why the Iranian people found the courage to rise in 2009.

3. Freeing the people of Iraq was, and is, a worthy goal. Just a few years ago, with American and allied troops still in Iraq in significant numbers, the sectarian violence and terrorism that had plagued the country for years had begun to slow down. The Iraqi people began to enjoy some semblance of order, of democracy, and of liberty. Instead of staying in Iraq to guide and protect that process–as Obama had promised to do in 2008–Obama abandoned the Iraqi people.

4. International law means nothing unless it is backed up by the will to enforce it. Saddam Hussein defied international law repeatedly: He used WMD against his own people; he invaded his neighbors; he sponsored terrorism. And he did it because he had no fear of facing the consequences. International law, flawed though it is, is a necessary and stabilizing institution–and needs enforcement, even (especially) when global institutions are too corrupt to enforce it.

5. There is potential for freedom in the region–with American leadership. The fall of Saddam Hussein inspired the Lebanese people to rise up against Syrian occupation, and planted the seeds of what later became the Arab Spring. If American leadership had remained strong, that process might have been a positive one. (Certainly Syria would not have become a killing field.) The Middle East may never be fertile soil for democracy, but it can certainly be freer than it is today.

There are, of course, excellent arguments against the war. The best is that it was carried out in crisis management mode, without any real attempt to grapple with the strategic challenge of Iran (or extremism in other nations, such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan).

That argument still stands. But it has nothing to do with the question of whether Iraq had WMD…”
The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion By Jason Leopold March 19, 2015 | 12:10 pm
“..The NIE also restores another previously unknown piece of “intelligence”: a suggestion that Iraq was possibly behind the letters laced with anthrax sent to news organizations and senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy a week after the 9/11 attacks. The attacks killed five people and sickened 17 others…

According to the latest figures compiled by Iraq Body Count, to date more than 200,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed, although other sources say the casualties are twice as high. More than 4,000 US soldiers have been killed in Iraq, and tens of thousands more have been injured and maimed. The war has cost US taxpayers more than $800 billion.

In an interview with VICE founder Shane Smith, Obama said the rise of the Islamic State was a direct result of the disastrous invasion.

“ISIL is a direct outgrowth of al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion,” Obama said. “Which is an example of unintended consequences. Which is why we should generally aim before we shoot.”..”

Tom Cotton Thinks The Iraq War Was Justified from
“Published on May 23, 2015

Several prominent Republicans have recently backed off from full support of the Iraq war, which is certainly a change of pace from just a few years ago. Do not get tricked into believing that all Republicans no longer support that disastrous war.

John Iadarola (Think Tank) and Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick) discuss the details of the story. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Read more here:…

“Tom Cotton, the Iraq war veteran from Arkansas turned Republican senator, has a message to fellow soldiers: ‘We should not be ashamed of the war we conducted in Iraq.’

Leading Republicans are sticking by the Iraq war, declining to follow the Democrats into full retreat and regret.

Cotton, while conceding that there are lessons to be learned from the conflict and that it might have been handled differently in retrospect, maintains that President George W. Bush made the best decision he could at the time based on the available intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s presumed stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.””

Christopher Hitchens on Reasons for the Iraq War, Justifications, Military, and Media (2005) ,
“Published on Oct 14, 2013

The rationale for the Iraq War (i.e. the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent hostilities) has been a contentious issue since the Bush administration began actively pressing for military intervention in Iraq in late 2001. The primary rationalization for the Iraq War was articulated by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress known as the Iraq Resolution.

The U.S. stated that the intent was to remove “a regime that developed and used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored and supported terrorists, committed outrageous human rights abuses, and defied the just demands of the United Nations and the world”. Additional reasons have been suggested: “to change the Middle East so as to deny support for militant Islam by pressuring or transforming the nations and transnational systems that support it.” For the invasion of Iraq the rationale was “the United States relied on the authority of UN Security Council Resolutions 678 and 687 to use all necessary means to compel Iraq to comply with its international obligations”.[3]

In the lead-up to the invasion, the U.S. and UK emphasized the argument that Saddam Hussein was developing “weapons of mass destruction” and thus presented a threat to his neighbors, to the U.S., and to the world community. The U.S. stated “on November 8, 2002, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1441. All fifteen members of the Security Council agreed to give Iraq a final opportunity to comply with its obligations and disarm or face the serious consequences of failing to disarm. The resolution strengthened the mandate of the UN Monitoring and Verification Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), giving them authority to go anywhere, at any time and talk to anyone in order to verify Iraq’s disarmament.”[4] Throughout late 2001, 2002, and early 2003, the Bush Administration worked to build a case for invading Iraq, culminating in then Secretary of State Colin Powell’s February 2003 address to the Security Council. Shortly after the invasion, the Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies largely discredited evidence related to Iraqi weapons as well as links to Al-Qaeda, and at this point the Bush and Blair Administrations began to shift to secondary rationales for the war, such as the Hussein government’s human rights record and promoting democracy in Iraq. Opinion polls showed that the population of nearly all countries opposed a war without UN mandate, and that the view of the United States as a danger to world peace had significantly increased. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan described the war as illegal, saying in a September 2004 interview that it was “not in conformity with the Security Council.”

Accusations of faulty evidence and alleged shifting rationales became the focal point for critics of the war, who charge that the Bush Administration purposely fabricated evidence to justify an invasion it long planned to launch. Supporters of the war claim that the threat from Iraq and Saddam Hussein was real and that this has later been established. The U.S. led the effort for “the redirection of former Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) scientists, technicians and engineers to civilian employment and discourage emigration of this community from Iraq.”

Other critics have noted that the Iraq War has several similarities with the Korean War and Vietnam War.

The United States officially declared its combat role in Iraq over on August 31, 2010, although several thousand troops remained in the country until all American troops were withdrawn from Iraq by December 2011; between that time American troops also engaged in combat with Iraqi insurgents…”

Paul Schiffer interviews Jayna Davis on Terrorism and Middle East Connection to Oklahoma City-first , from
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing Paperback – July 27, 2008 by Jayna Davis
“..In this alarming book, reporter Jayna Davis tells of her amazing journey leading from the smoking rubble of the Murrah Federal Building to the sleazy haunts of John Doe #2, the mysterious Middle East suspect who the Justice Department was at first desperate to find?then insisted never existed.

With a reporter’s practiced skill, Jayna Davis unscrambles the convoluted and distorted facts of the Oklahoma City bombing to present a compelling case that proves Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols did not act alone and in fact worked in tandem with Middle East connections that lead directly to Saddam Hussein’s personal army.

Ten years after the tragic April 19 bombing, this revised edition of the controversial book that captured the attention of the 9/11 Commission offers new information and a new afterword that covers the Iraq War, the verdict in the Nichols state murder trial, and recent confirmation of Al-Qaeda General Al-Zawahiri’s visit to OKC to approve the bombing…”
1995 Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was a Muslim sympathizer Posted on November 23, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn
“..In her bestseller, The Third Terrorist, investigative journalist Jayna Davis presents the evidence showing that Timothy McVeigh was a front man for Middle Eastern terrorists, and that a third co-conspirator was an Iraqi — the mysterious “John Doe” who was never found. Davis says the evidence was ignored and dismissed because the Clinton Administration didn’t want to go to war with Iraq, the likely culprit, and wanted to blame the attack on domestic right-wingers for political reasons. ..”

Homeless Muslim Arrest Revisits OK City Bombing Islam Connection March 11, 2011, – 2:15 pm By Debbie Schlussel
“…An FBI spokesman in Boston, Greg Comcowich, said Thursday night that a man named Hussain Al-Hussaini was “thoroughly investigated” in connection with the Oklahoma City bombing and “was found to not have any role whatsoever in the attack on the Murrah Federal Building in 1995.”..”



Uploaded on Mar 22, 2009
->Is an armament sickening U.S. soldiers updated 8/12/2006 10:43:50 PM ET

“…Depleted uranium is the garbage left from producing enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and energy plants. It is 60 percent as radioactive as natural uranium. The U.S. has an estimated 1.5 billion pounds of it, sitting in hazardous waste storage sites across the country. Meaning it is plentiful and cheap as well as highly effective.

Reed says he unknowingly breathed DU dust while living with his unit in Samawah, Iraq. He was med-evaced out in July 2003, nearly unable to walk because of lightning-strike pains from herniated discs in his spine. Then began a strange series of symptoms he’d never experienced in his previously healthy life.

Then the medic from their unit showed up. He too, was suffering. That made eight sick soldiers from the 442nd Military Police, an Army National Guard unit made up of mostly cops and correctional officers from the New York area.

Tests come up positive, but …
Reed, Gerard Matthew, Raymond Ramos, Hector Vega, Augustin Matos, Anthony Yonnone, Jerry Ojeda and Anthony Phillip all have depleted uranium in their urine, according to tests done in December 2003, while they bounced for months between Walter Reed and New Jersey’s Fort Dix medical center, seeking relief that never came…

The veterans, using their positive results as evidence, have sued the U.S. Army, claiming officials knew the hazards of depleted uranium, but concealed the risks.

The Department of Defense says depleted uranium is powerful and safe, and not that worrisome…

Echoes of Agent Orange
It took more than 25 years for the Pentagon to acknowledge that Agent Orange — a corrosive defoliant used to melt the jungles of Vietnam and flush out the enemy — was linked to those sufferings.

It took 40 years for the military to compensate sick World War II vets exposed to massive blasts of radiation during tests of the atomic bomb.

In 2002, Congress voted to not let that happen again..”


Saddam Hussein should have been left to run Iraq, says CIA officer who interrogated him By Ishaan Tharoor December 16 at 12:44 PM
“Both President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump believe the United States never should have invaded Iraq in 2o03 (or, at least, Trump claims he now does). The war in Iraq and its chaotic aftermath in many ways prefigure the present moment in the Middle East; it triggered a sectarian unraveling that now haunts both Iraq and Syria and looms large in the minds of an Obama administration wary of further intervention in the region’s conflicts.
In a new book coming out this month, John Nixon, a former CIA officer who interrogated Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein after he was captured by coalition forces in December 2003, details his encounter with the toppled despot and the varied discussions that followed. Early on, Hussein warned that the occupation of Iraq wouldn’t be as much of a “cakewalk” as Washington’s neoconservatives assumed at the time. From an excerpt published on Time magazine’s website:

Nixon now reckons Hussein had a point and that a ruthless strongman like him was necessary to “maintain Iraq’s multi-ethnic state” and keep both Sunni extremism and the power of Shiite-led Iran, a Hussein foe, at bay…”
When I interrogated Saddam, he told me: “You are going to fail. You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq.” When I told him I was curious why he felt that way, he replied: “You are going to fail in Iraq because you do not know the language, the history, and you do not understand the Arab mind.”..”

Bush, Blair and the Lies That Justified the Illegal Iraq War Jul 6 2016 By Robin Andersen
‘..Of three possible justifications, two were dismissed. Self-defense was not plausible, as British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw argued: “The case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capacity was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran.” Nor would humanitarian intervention make the case: Saddam was not engaged in genocide. The foreign secretary solved the puzzle when he said: “We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.”…
This case illustrates that what journalists know and understand is something quite different from what they actually report. For the most part, the known and the reported are two very different narratives. With a “nothing new” defense, reporters and editors are making astonishing admissions of complicity and redefining the role of journalism. Admitting to understanding at the time that justifications for war were a ruse, yet not challenging such claims, leaves them not only complicit, but compelling actors in promoting war…

Untold Story of the Iraq War ~ Commandos, Dirty Wars and Col. James Steele

“Published on Mar 22, 2013

Shocking information for many!!

Col. James Steele: America’s mystery man in Iraq – Full Documentary

Iraq war: 10 years on

A 15-month investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded special police commandos who ran a network of torture centers in Iraq. Another special forces veteran, Colonel James Coffman, worked with Steele and reported directly to General David Petraeus, who had been sent into Iraq to organize the Iraqi security services.

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases
The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel…&#8221;

Iraq War Media Propaganda – Al Jazeera Perspective 1 of 2

Iraq War Media Propaganda – Al Jazeera Perspective 2 of 2

“..Uploaded on Jan 26, 2008

Al-Jazeera perspective on the propaganda during the Iraq war. The full documentary “Control Room – Propaganda of the Iraq War” goes for 1Hr 24 Minutes and can be downloaded from google video.

The link for playing from google video is :

Phil Donahue on His 2003 Firing From MSNBC, When Liberal Network Couldn’t Tolerate Antiwar Voices

Published on Mar 21, 2013 — In 2003, the legendary television host Phil Donahue was fired from his prime-time MSNBC talk show during the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The problem was not Donahue’s ratings, but rather his views: An internal MSNBC memo warned Donahue was a “difficult public face for NBC in a time of war,” providing “a home for the liberal antiwar agenda at the same time that our competitors are waving the flag at every opportunity.” Donahue joins us to look back on his firing 10 years later. “They were terrified of the antiwar voice,” Donahue says.

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Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror

“…Damning archive footage shows contradictory speeches by US Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice. In a lengthy address to the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003, Powell solemnly declares that Iraq is in possession of vast stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and is involved in an elaborate campaign to conceal weapons materials and manufacturing facilities. However, two years earlier Powell and Condoleeza Rice claim the opposite. Speaking in Cairo on February 24, 2001, seven months before 9/11, Powell categorically declares: “He [Saddam Hussein] has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbours.” Rice repeats this in July 2001 when she tells US television that the Iraqi military has not been rebuilt since the 1991 conflict.

Pentagon paid UK PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos during Iraq war

“Published on Oct 4, 2016

The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.


-Confessions of “Whistleblowers”

“I Don’t Work For You No More”
“I Am No Longer the Monster I Once Was”
“…A former Marine who had served two tours in Iraq, Jon Turner did not look like a monster. He was a little above average height, good-looking, with a thick thatch of blond hair, and gentle manners. If not for the small blue-dot earring in his left ear – and the tattoos he later exposed – he could easily pass for the all-American boy.

But the stories he related, and the videos and slides he showed during four days of hearings called “Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan,” were a million miles away from Norman Rockwell America.

During last month’s hearings, held just outside Washington, D.C., a group called Iraq Veterans Against the War presented 55 veterans, including Turner, who gave personal testimony of what they had seen and done in Iraq. It was one horror story after another.

Turner, whose unit had lost 18 soldiers in Iraq, reported routinely firing rounds into mosques just out of anger; “kicking in doors and terrorizing families”; the mistaken firing of rounds into cars filled with civilians whose drivers were simply confused or didn’t understand the English commands to stop; and dozens of other brutalities carried out daily against the population of Iraq.

Other veterans testified to similar incidents, but two of Turner’s stories were among the heaviest we heard in those four days.

The first was of Turner’s “first kill” – a “fat man” on foot whom he shot for refusing a command to halt. The “fat man” did not die from the first bullet that Turner put in his neck, so while he screamed and looked pleadingly into Turner’s eyes, Turner deliberately dispatched him with a shot at close range.

The second story was even worse. Turner and his men were having a bad day – and bad days are apparently not hard to have in Iraq – so Turner and two fellow soldiers “took out some individuals” who were doing them no harm. Turner shot a man going by on a bike, then threw the body behind a wall and tossed his bike on top of it.

At the hearings, my friend Anthony Swofford, author of “Jarhead” and a former Marine himself, leaned over to me and said, “I think Turner just confessed to murder.” But putting that remark in perspective, Swofford would also tell me later, “I know that for every guy up there testifying today, there are probably a thousand others out there keeping silent.”

Some of the protesters outside, including the group Eagles Up!, claimed these testifiers weren’t real vets, but they had all been thoroughly checked out by a verification team from Iraq Veterans Against the War. Moreover, nobody – unless they’d done a few years at the Actors Studio – could have faked the emotions these vets were displaying as they testified: voices choking up and cracking, tears spontaneously welling.

Although the horror stories kept coming for four days, not all of them involved personal malice. Marine gunner James Gilligan sobbed as he recounted how in Afghanistan in 2004, he placed an unfamiliar compass too close to a machine-gun barrel, causing it to give a false enemy position. Instead of taking out the Taliban artillery, the troops caused extensive civilian casualties in a nearby Afghan village.

The name Winter Soldier was taken from a similar series of hearings held by Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Detroit in 1971. The term originally derived from Revolutionary War patriot Thomas Paine’s description of Washington’s soldiers at Valley Forge, who withstood a terrible winter on starvation rations in order to come back and fight for their nation one more time – and eventually win. Clearly these Iraq vets, just like their Vietnam vet counterparts, saw themselves as still fighting for their country in trying to bring the truth they experienced into a public forum.

They spoke with no discernible hostility or partisan bias, and less anger than one would have expected. Most expressed their reason for being there along the same lines as former Marine scout Sergio Kochergin, who said he was expecting his testimony to be heard by Congress and to help bring a rapid end to the war.

US Soldier Exposes USA FEMA Camps

Jon Michael Turner (American)
“..Jon Michael Turner is a returned Iraq War veteran, who has taken up the art of paper and book making since his return to the United States. Originally from Connecticut, he now makes his home in Burlington, VT and works out of the Green Door Studio. Jon has also traveled with the Combat Paper Project, telling his story while teaching other veterans the art of papermaking and telling their personal stories…”

-Aleppo, Syria?

Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong Daniel McAdams Posted on September 29, 2016
“..The mainstream media portrays the fight for Aleppo as one between Syrian President Assad and the people, painting Assad as someone killing his citizens for the fun of it. In other words, as they did with Iraq and Libya, etc. the mainstream media again happily takes up the role of mouthpiece of the US government. The reality is quite different, in fact. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report speaks with independent journalist Vanessa Beeley, who has recently returned from an investigative trip to Syria including in Aleppo. What’s really going on there? Tune in!..”
*see Now you know: Who are “mercenaries”?
James Le Mesurier – Syria Civil Defense

“..James has spent 20 years working in fragile states as a United Nations staff member, a consultant for private companies and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and as a British Army Officer. Much of his experience has involved delivering stabilisation activities through security sector and democratisation programmes. Since 2012, James has been working on the Syria crisis where he started the Syrian White Helmets programme in March 2013. In 2014, he founded Mayday Rescue, and is dedicated to strengthening local communities in countries that are entering, enduring or emerging from conflict…”


Brother of airport shooting suspect says US gov’t failed him
DANICA COTO,Associated Press 3 hours ago (1.7.16)
“…Esteban Santiago, 26, had trouble controlling his anger after serving in Iraq and told his brother that he felt he was being chased and controlled by the CIA through secret online messages. When he told agents at an FBI field office his paranoid thoughts in November, he was evaluated for four days, then released without any follow-up medication or therapy.

“The FBI failed there,” Bryan Santiago told The Associated Press. “We’re not talking about someone who emerged from anonymity to do something like this.”

Bryan Santiago said his brother had requested psychological help but barely received any.

“I told him to go to church or to seek professional help,” he said.


Pray for Iraq War vets and Iraqi (many various tribes, ethnic groups, Muslim sects, etc..)..


“Come & let your Peace fill this….”

Is there any other topics on either side that I didn’t share yet? Feel free to share below…thanks and God bless!!

Good News Middle East

Deep Thought: What’s your personal definition of “freedom”?

I was at a friend’s house and we had an interesting conversation about “freedom”. My friend’s guest said he doesn’t feel free in this country. I thought about his statement and wonder how many others out there feel the same. What about you?

Feel free to share your personal definition, thoughts, etc..

Good News Sociology

Reflection: Church Service-“Spirit Move~Freedom of Change””

This past Sunday, my local church had some guest speakers after a weekend conference (Friday’s notes & Saturday’s notes) for women in our fellowship community. I was actually personally praying for this weekend conference for God to personally touch my sisters in the Lord. Well, I came to church yesterday morning after unintentionally staying up too late. I was so blessed that I had to share…

Here were the songs Cherish led our church family into praise and songs…dancing too!

“Freedom in this place..”

“We Want Change in the Spirit”…open my eyes to see , my ears to hear..on what your saying God…to me”

MCC: Worship Service with Cherish

“Bringing order, bringing life….Father you know best”

“Consuming Raging Fire”…fire,fire, You are our consuming fire”..burn me up, burn me up,….consume me, consume me,…He is residing in me”.
-return to the 1st love
During worship, I felt some spoken words to me, so I had to write these down..

“I’m royalty, I have destiny…I’m waking now, it’s time to shine. I was born for such a time as this..”

“We worship you Jesus…let everything that has breath praise the Lord”

“My determined purpose is to know You”…

“waves” (look in the concordance Bible on this word)

“8”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.”Isaiah 55

Other Songs led by Cherish:

Q: God’s ready, are you?
A: feet of readiness (Ephesians 6)

This was a word that led me to write this..

“You feel you are not significant, stop comparing/measuring (2 Corinthians 10) yourself with others around you. You are significant (see 1 Corinthians 12) and loved in God’s eyes

“my determined purpose is to know your Word”


-Pat F. share

Sal’s: I thought of this old cartoon…
Tom and Jerry (devil keeps chasing God’s people)

Alexis de Tocqueville – Facts & Summary –
Democracy in America Volume I – Part 1 of 2 – FULL Audio Book – by Alexis de Tocqueville , from


-Jonathan shares Bible Verses:

1 Timothy 5:3
1 Corinthians 10:24-31
1 Corinthians 11:1
Jeremiah 33:15
Psalm 24:32
Exodus 34:14


-Jennifer T. (Expectancy Life Church in Virginia, Minnesota)

Rebuking demonic spirit (see 1 John 3) of a popular death metal band member
Sharing God’s love with “Love Bombs”
“no one is perfect, will keep changing/growing until we are taken to Heaven” (our next Salvation)

Can’t be lukewarm or mix (e.g. Sprite & Coke can’t be mixed together, one or the other has to be totally dumped out for pure drink of one)

Lap like a dog” (thirsting for more of God)
[Judges 7:5]

Ephesians 4:3

” 22 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. 23 When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”Matthew 10:22-24 & Mark 13

Q: Are you willing to change your thinking? (e.g. religious traditions)
A: Renew mind (e.g. Romans 12)

-Cherish K. of Oasis International

“8”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. 8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. 8″For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. 8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 8For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” This is the LORD’s declaration.”
9″As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55

“Return to the Beginning”
*I thought of my song that I wrote last year (“Come Back to the Beginning”)

Word-:line-up with God’s thinking

Sal: After service, these words came to me and it became a song…

Music: New Song-“Change is Coming”

For more info: Ely Churches

Any thoughts? Feel free to share below..

Morris Community Church

What “lies” have you believed….do you still?

Hello…my name is___________?

” />

Can you fill the blank? What does your name mean to you? Have you ever been called “some other name” that you believed?…from a “bully”? teased/make fun of?

I remember being teased back in middle school/junior high and was called many names that I started to believe. For example, my physical features (e.g. “big eyes”, “Yoda”, “big nose”, “shorty”, “terrorist”, “you look like the enemy” (Persian Gulf War at the time), racist remarks , sexuality, etc..) weren’t the same with the people around me-who does anyways? -God has made us all uniquely-beautiful-and different! Can you relate? Feel free to boldly share your story down below or email me too.

Anyways, I started to believe in many of these “lies”..

The Fall (Genesis 3) Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”What is the ROOT of SIN ? - [Part 1] News Sin and the False Apostles (2 Corinthians 11 ) I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. ......13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds....Good News Future Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

“…Hello, my name is regret
I’m pretty sure we have met
Every single day of your life
I’m the whisper inside
That won’t let you forget

Hello, my name is defeat
I know you recognize me
Just when you think you can win
I’ll drag you right back down again
‘Til you’ve lost all belief

Oh, these are the voices. Oh, these are the lies…”-Hello, My Name Is
Matthew West (

My self-esteem just went lower and lower as I grew older. I would at times have “suicidal” thoughts and suffered depression. I went through a season where I even wished I was “white” like most of my peers. With all this, my hatred and anger grew, which I would keep to myself and was anti-social.

I slowly grew out of the lies starting my college years when I had a “spiritual awakening” (see personal testimony). My low self-esteem didn’t disappear overnight, but it slowly faded away as I grew in my faith and my found identity as a “child of Him (Heavenly Father)…

“…And I have believed them for the very last time…..

Matthew West – Hello, My Name Is (Lyrics)

…Hello, my name is child of the one true King
I’ve been saved, I’ve been changed,
And I have been set free
“Amazing Grace” is the song I sing
Hello, my name is child of the one true King

I am no longer defined
By all the wreckage behind
The one who makes all things new
Has proven it’s true
Just take a look at my life

What love the Father has lavished upon us
That we should be called His children
I am a child of the one true King.”- Hello, My Name Is
Matthew West (

One last thought is we need to be careful what you put above God (e.g idols). I used to struggle with this (e.g. sports, music, celebrities, etc..), which I can share the “negative effects” on another blog topic. This will affect one’s identity, which will give you a false belief.

*NOTE: I’m not trying to be the “angel” (righteous) here, but I’ve had my share of being the “devil”. I’ve teased others too or said things that might’ve “offended” them, which some has boldly reminded me. If I have and I don’t know it, please forgive me and let me know (in person if possible or via email, phone, etc..) too! I want to learn from my mistakes.

Satan-“father of lies”

Testimony from an Ex Satanist! What satan DOES NOT! want you to know!!!

“Published on Oct 10, 2016

There sits today in rulership of this fallen world order one who has grown ancient in evil, cunning in subtlety, and cruel in deceit. He waged the first war of the universe in the distant planet called heaven, and subsequently brought conflict to this little world we call earth as it spins on the outer edges of the milky-way galaxy. He filled all heaven with discord and the earth with death, and both with great sorrow. He deceptively challenged every transparent purpose of the Creator, and even coveted the throne of the Eternal, planning to either assume rule of the universe or if not, then to plunge it into chaos and ruin.
This menacing figure who has hijacked our planet well explains the presence of every conflict that disturbs our world today, every pestilence that afflicts humanity, every sorrow and pain and death that tortures the children of earth. Lucifer, the former covering cherub and one-time honorable prime minister of the angelic intelligences in Heaven, has become Satan, the great adversary of our smitten world. This powerful angel heads a vast army of unseen intelligences, the hosts of darkness who oppose in this world, every beneficent purpose of our Creator the Almighty God of the universe. He especially hates the Holy One who in great condescension assumed our human nature that He might by divine power destroy the works of Satan, conquer evil and lift the terrible sentence of eternal death from our fallen race.
To speak of a throne of evil controlling this world system is no mere figure of speech, it is a grim reality. And the occupant of that throne is no figment of anyone’s imagination. Jesus Christ ascribes to him the title of “prince of this world.” John 14: 30. The famed Christian apostle Paul describes him as “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.” Eph. 2: 2. Paul also warns us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness…” Eph 6:12 John the Revelator describes this foe as “the great dragon,” “that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan who deceives the whole world.” Rev. 12:9.
When the leader of revolt against the Eternal Creator was expelled from heaven, expelled along with him were many other angel intelligences who had yielded to his cunning sophistries and had joined in his unworthy rebellion. This world is today their singular abode. This is because that tremendous event, which rid heaven of the fallen hosts, was followed by the tragic fall of our first parents under Satan’s lies. This historic fall let loose legions of fallen angels to bend all of their efforts and genius over many thousands of years in the work of spoiling, corrupting and ruining the once noble human family, originally created to be the crown of God’s handiwork. A key element of the strategy to ruin humanity has been to lead man to blight and degrade the fair earth that was intended to be our perfect and eternal home.
The apostle Peter warns us “Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 Finally, the inspired revelator says ” Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.” Rev. 12:12.”

So…what “lies” have you believed? Feel free to share down below your thoughts of any of the content above. Remember, you not alone! Lastly, do you believe them still? Why or why not?

Good News Sociology

ACTION: What are some ways to “heal” (e.g. emotionally) from the scars of your past?

Thank you to my Heavenly Father for giving the inspiration to Matthew West to write this song to touch others, like me (see Who Am I?) !

Neutral Perspective: Same-Sex Marriage

US Supreme Court – Freedom to Marry



  • Jimmy Carter supports same-sex ‘marriage’ as he launches his new Bible from
  • “…President Carter told Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, senior religion editor of The Huffington Post:

    Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things – he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies. (Emphasis added.)…


  • Dalai Lama supports gay marriage

    By AFP

    10:05AM GMT 07 Mar 2014

  • Pro-gay marriage bishop slams pastor’s stance, Monday, April 20, 2015
  • “….The Right Rev Dr Paul Colton, the Church of Ireland Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, said he read Baptist pastor Craig Ledbetter’s remarks with “disbelief”.

    “It is reprehensible, and is certainly not representative of either the God or Christianity I believe in,” Bishop Colton said.

    Mr Ledbetter, head of the Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig, Co Cork, sparked outrage when he rowed into the referendum debate.

    “Homosexuality is a sexual sin, just like rape, just like adultery,” he said.

    “If a rapist demanded his crimes to be recognised legally, we as a society wouldn’t allow it.

    “When [same-sex marriage] is available elsewhere, you can’t force every religious group to provide it.

    “We used to live in a free society. Of all people, liberals demand diversity. Now, they demand conformity. It’s wrong.”…

  • Emerging Muslim movement embraces gay and interfaith marriages, female imams and mixed prayers
    Published August 02, 2014 Associated Press
  • “….In Los Angeles, a religious group called Muslims for Progressive Values has been pushing the boundaries with a female imam who performs same-sex and interfaith marriages, support groups for gay Muslims and a worship style that includes women giving sermons and men and women praying together. The group has chapters in half a dozen major U.S. cities and at least six foreign countries and last year was recognized by the United Nations as an official non-governmental organization….

  • What does the Church of Satan think about homosexuality?, from
  • We fully accept all forms of human sexual expression between consenting adults. The Church of Satan has always accepted gay, lesbian and bisexual members since its beginning in 1966. This is addressed in the chapter “Satanic Sex” in The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey…”
    Marilyn Manson, from
    “…Brian Warner took the first name of a well-known glamour queen (Marilyn Monroe) and the last name of an infamous serial killer (Charles Manson) to come up with the name Marilyn Manson….
    Dracula in Drag
    …Manson also strongly promotes the unnatural and deviant practice of homosexuality. Manson often dresses like a transvestite and mixes a feminine persona with that of the macabre, appearing like Dracula in drag. Many Satanists seek to promote homosexuality in an attempt to undermine God’s plan for the family. Satanist Aleister Crowley spoke of the family as “Public enemy number one” and also promoted homosexuality among the youth as a way of increasing lawlessness and the break down of the family in the world. In one of Manson’s videos, he shows himself with an Aleister Crowley look alike in a dress, lying with him in various sexual positions. Quite disgusting to say the very least! Manson also has Crowley’s Satanic slogan, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” at the beginning of chapter nine of his book, The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. This chapter is entitled, The Rules. Manson has stated that he is seeking to erode the traditional moral value that homosexuality is wrong….”

  • Freemasonry’s Secret Homosexual Agenda

    October 22, 2013
  • “..Freemasonry is still a force in America and the world. The fact that this group is evidently biased against women (who cannot join) and biased in favor of homosexual relationships should not go unnoticed, and neither should the fact this group is using its influence to try to impose pro-homosexual “values” on the public. ..”
    The occultist Illuminati purpose behind the gay agenda in the USA.
    Satanic Illuminati Gay Agenda Exposed
    Posted: March 7, 2015 in Culture


  • In Support of Same-Sex Marriage
    Posted: 04/27/2015 2:11 pm EDT Updated: 3 hours ago
  • “…Same-sex marriage should be accepted both as a matter of justice and as a measure that promotes health. [3] Marriage as an institution is about stable, long-term relationships, which we know encourage health, reduce the risk of some diseases, and promote healthy families. All health professionals know that in those with chronic and severe illness, care almost always relies in part on family. And when things get really difficult, as when life and death decisions need to be made, physicians know that talking with a patient’s partner is not legally the same as working with a patient’s spouse. Many same-sex couples are now raising children, and the health of those children demands that their parents have the full rights and protection of marriage. In our society, marriage is often essential to obtaining and keeping adequate health insurance coverage for both members of a couple and for their children. More than 1,000 federal benefits are conferred by marriage, among them access to family medical leave, Medicaid, and Veterans Affairs medical services. Some of those benefits, however, are in jeopardy for same-sex spouses in states that do not recognize their union. The current situation — with same-sex marriages, including those in families with children, legally recognized in some states but not others — makes no sense, and the harmful consequences for health are well documented….


    In My Shoes: Stories of Youth with LGBT Parents

    “..Uploaded on Apr 14, 2011

    In a time when LGBT families are debated and attacked in the media, courts and Congress, from school houses to state houses across the country, five young people who are children of LGBT parents give you a chance to walk in their shoes – to hear their own views on marriage, making change, and what it means to be a family. This film was produced by the COLAGE Youth Leadership and Action Program and directed by Jen Gilomen.


    Gay Marriage’s Constitutional Debate

    “Published on Mar 26, 2015

    Former NYU Law Professor & ACLU LGBT Rights Director Matthew Coles debates Alliance Defending Freedom Sr. Counsel Jeff Shafer on whether the 14th Amendment requires states to license & recognize same-sex marriages.

    Insight: Gay Marriage – Arguments over Islam



  • 10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed

    By TFP Student Action

  • Same-Sex Marriage
  • a

  • New GoFundMe Policy Targets Christian Campaigns

    By Abigail Robertson
    CBN News Reporter

    Wednesday, May 06, 2015

  • “…A campaign started for Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa was shut down last week after raising a little over $100,000. The campaign was started by a friend of the Kleins after an Oregon judge ruled the family owed $135,000 to the lesbian couple whose wedding the bakery refused to cater in 2013.

    After news broke of the incident, the Kleins were forced to close the bakery after the same-sex couple filed a complaint saying the bakery had discriminated against them because of their sexual orientation.

    Shortly after the judge’s ruling, the Kleins announced on Facebook that the $135,000 would not come from the now closed business but would come from personal funds.

    “He (the judge) is ordering that we pay $135,000 in emotional damages,” they wrote. “This money will not come from the business, but instead would have to be paid from money that should be going to pay for food and housing for us and our five children… This amount will financially ruin us.”

    The Kleins continued, saying, “Our government was put in place to protect the people, not to punish people because of their faith. We have had many people ask to help. Someone kindly set up a GoFundMe for us. Thank you to all who are willing to fight for religious freedom.”


  • Not all gays support same-sex marriage

    by Kenyon Farrow | June 9, 2009 at 10:03 AM
  • “…I can, and have, tried to explain the nuances of homophobia in the Black community. I have also taken many white gay organizations to task for their continued arrogance and racism. Why are Black LGBT folks put into a position where we end supporting homophobia by default? How can we get down to the business of organizing to really aggressively confront the intense marginalization, harassment and rampant violence against Black lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Black community unless we’re no longer willing to give homophobes cover?

    I don’t have to support gay marriage. But I don’t have to give excuses for Black people’s homophobic behavior either…


    Obama Wrong to Support Gay Marriage says Dr. Tony Evans

  • Crisis In America: The Supreme Court and Gay Marriage
    Date:April 26, 2015

  • Christopher Yuan to tour MN with “former homosexual” message

    by Andy Birkey September 24, 2014
  • “The goal for Christians should not be homosexuality or even heterosexuality, but instead holy sexuality,“ Yuan said at a recent talk….
    “God has clearly set out what holy sexuality means. God gives us two options for holy sexuality: if we are single, then abstinence and if we are married, then faithfulness (and God has very clearly proscribed marriage to be with a man and a woman).
    Therefore, my goal has never been to become straight. Because if I become straight, then I would begin lusting after women (which is a sin) and I would still have to focus on holy sexuality. My goal is holiness,” he wrote on his blog. ..”

  • Gay Marriage: Islamic View
  • “…Gay marriage is totally prohibited in Islam as well as in all the divine religions. Gay marriage is an atrocious and obscene act which belongs to unsound nature. Islam teaches that believers should neither do the obscene acts nor in any way indulge in their propagation. Allah says, “Those who love (to see) obscenity published broadcast among the Believers will have a grievous Penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: Allah knows, and you know not.” (An-Nur 24:19)..
    SHOCKING TRUTH About ORLANDO SHOOTING Mainstream Media Isn’t Telling You !!!

    “Published on Jun 12, 2016

    Over 50 people were killed at a gay club called The Pulse in Orlando, FL in the largest mass shooting in recent U.S. history. The man responsible for the shooting, Omar Sadiqqui Mateen, has now been identified as an Islamic fundamentalist and supporter of ISIS. This goes to show the potential dangers of the religion of Islam. True, not all Muslims are terrorists, but a lot of terrorists are Muslims! The fact that the Quran is full of verses inciting Muslims to violence against infidels, Christians, Jews, and homosexuals doesn’t help. Islam is not a religion of peace

    Donald Trump gloated on Twitter about the attack, saying he was right about Islamic terrorism all along, which resulted in a negative backlash. And people took to social media and Facebook to share their condolences for the injured and vent their anger against Islamic extremists.

    This attack has been part of a trend of increased violence in the United States of America. Incidentally, the Bible indicates that the end times would be full of violence and that Jesus will come back soon to rapture His church. Therefore, the Orlando attack is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Watch this video to learn more!..”


  • The Supreme Court’s Mind Made Up on Gay Marriage?
    By Paul Strand
    CBN News Washington Sr. Correspondent Saturday, April 25, 2015
  • “….”Faith actually teaches nothing about hatred toward gays and lesbians; in fact, the opposite. But it also says the behavior is damaging and harmful to your eternal salvation. That’s the faith teaching,” John-Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews, said….


    The Kids Are Not Alright

  • The Kids Are Not Alright: A Lesbian’s Daughter Speaks Out
    By Brandi Walton
    April 21, 2015
  • Some children of gay parents, just like some gay people, do not support gay parenting or gay marriage. Male and female biology each provide something every child needs—together.
    No, I would never align myself to a community as intolerant and self-absorbed as the LGBT community, a community that demands tolerance with fervor and passion, yet does not give it in return, even to its own members at times. In fact, this community attacks anyone who does not agree with them, no matter how lovingly any difference of opinion is expressed.

    I myself am a product of the Lesbian Revolution of the 1980s. My mother always knew she liked girls, but tried hard to be a good, straight, southern Baptist girl. When I was a year old, she left my dad for another man, whom we lived with until I was somewhere around four years old. After the divorce, she told my father to leave, which he did, and in his own words, “I did because I knew I couldn’t fight the entire family to see you.” I cannot remember the man she left him for very well, but I can remember being happy living with him. It did not last, however, and when she left him, she left him for a woman.
    I knew from a young age that living with two women was not natural. I could especially see it in the homes of my friends who had a mom and a dad. I spent as much time with those friends as I possibly could. I yearned for the affection that my friends received from their dads. I wanted to know what it was like to be held and cherished by a man, what it was like to live with one from day to day…..

  • Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

    January 23, 2015 – 5:24 PM
  • “…B.N. Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Dawn Stefanowicz, and Katy Faust all grew up with homosexual parents. All four argued that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would harm children by depriving them of a mother or father.

    In her brief, Dawn Stefanowicz described her experience living in a same-sex household.

    “I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief. “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.”

    “There was no guarantee that any of my Dad’s partners would be around for long, and yet I often had to obey them,” she said. “My rights and innocence were violated.”

    “As children, we are not allowed to express our disagreement, pain and confusion,” Stefanowicz explained. “Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s). Some gay parents have threatened to leave no inheritance, if the children don’t accept their parent’s partner du jour.”

    “I grew up with a parent and her partner[s] in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” B.N. Klein wrote of her experience with a lesbian mother. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

    Klein said she was taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic” because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’”

    “At the same time I was given the message that if I did not agree (which I did not), I was stupid and damned to a life of punishing hostility from my mother and her partner,” she recounts. “They did this with the encouragement of all their gay friends in the community and they were like a cheering squad. I was only allowed out of my room to go to school. This could go on for weeks.”

    “I was supposed to hate everyone based on what they thought of my mother and her partner,” said Klein. “People’s accomplishments did not matter, their personal struggles did not matter, and their own histories were of no consequence. The only thing that mattered was what they thought of gays.”

    Robert Oscar Lopez who was also raised by a lesbian mother and her partner, had a different experience which he described as the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.”

    “Had I been formally studied by same-sex parenting ‘experts’ in 1985, I would have confirmed their rosiest estimations of LGBT family life,” Lopez wrote, but then went on to argue against same-sex marriage saying that, “behind these facades of a happy ‘outcome’ lay many problems.”

    He describes experiencing a great deal of sexual confusion due to the lack of a father figure in his life. He turned to a life of prostitution with older men as a teenager.

    “I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males,” he recounted, saying he “wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.”

    “The money I received for sex certainly helped me financially because it allowed me certain spending money beyond what I earned with my teenage jobs at a pizzeria and in my mother’s [psychiatric] clinic,” he states in the brief. “But the money was not as impactful as the fact that I needed to feel loved and wanted by an older male figure, even if for only as short as a half hour.”

    “As early as ten years ago, I developed a clear stance on homosexual relationships. A civil union or some kind of state recognition would have helped my mother and her partner,” Lopez writes.

    “Yet the traditional marriage laws in New York State as they existed back then prevented my mother and her partner from entirely cutting my father out of my life,” he explained. “The latter reality proved pivotal because my re-establishment of ties to my father in 1998 led to a transition in my life, from being lost and sexually confused to being stable and romantically fulfilled.”

    Katy Faust, who grew up with a lesbian mother and her partner also testified against gay marriage but clarified that “my advocacy against gay marriage and for the rights of children will never include condemnation of my mother and her partner or details about their private lives.”

    “When we institutionalize same-sex marriage,” Faust writes, “we move from permitting citizens the freedom to live as they choose, to promoting same-sex headed households. In doing so, we ignore the true nature of the outcropping of marriage.”

    “Now we are normalizing a family structure where a child will always be deprived daily of one gender influence and the relationship with at least one natural parent,” she explains, “Our cultural narrative becomes one that, in essence, tells children that they have no right to the natural family structure or their biological parents, but that children simply exist for the satisfaction of adult desires.”

    Good News Family


    Dennis Jernigan: Freedom From Homosexuality (LIFE Today / James Robison)

    *see movieSING OVER ME, The Dennis Jernigan Documentary

    Others Related to this topic:

    My Conversation with a FORMER Gay Rights Activist

    THE BEAT by Allen Parr
    Streamed live on May 15, 2019

    In this LIVESTREAM I have the pleasure of interviewing a FORMER gay rights activist who has been set free from that lifestyle. In this interview she shares her unique story, journey and struggles as we have a candid conversation about Christians and the LGBTQ+ community.


    *NOTE: This is an on-going blog, which I’m never going to finish this. Stay tune for more….

    ACTION: PLEASE share your perspective for both (“for” and “against”) as “we” all need to learn from each other stories. Just like the song prelude to GNR’s Civil War song: “what we got here is failure to communicate”…Let’s sit down and talk to each other, so we can better understand each others unique individual stories -STOP JUDGING!

    Good News Sociology

    Financial Advice? Financial “Wisdom”, Advice, Budgeting, Tips, etc…

    I was raised in a family with financial challenges and I didn’t want to go through the same trials when I got older. After seeking financial wisdom from God through his Word and others that He has put in my life, I’m proud to say I’m financially free from any debts (currently a co-signer for some credit companies for my brother and a friend of mine). I want to share my story with as many people as I can to help them get out of financial debts. Instead of hiding this knowledgleable resources, I want to share this with as many people as I can. Feel free to contact me on any of this or if you have any suggestions, feedback, questions, or even prayer requests….

    After doing a budgent analysis 2 years ago, I was able to break down some categories where I put most of my money in. These are the following categories I got in order by month:


    High School Days

    I wished we could’ve learned about “financing” earlier , like in high school. I didn’t really “learn” until after college. I grew up not really knowing how much I needed to “save”. I did save money for college back in my high school days. However, I spent my paycheck in my job(s) like it was “candy” coming out of a “gum ball machine”! For example, I wanted the “cool” expensive “Oakley style sunglasses”. However, I didn’t want to spend that much, so I got an almost “second” to near expensive style sunglasses called “Bolle”. Well, within a week or so, I lost these one-hundred dollar pair of fancy expensive sunglasses 😦 ! I was working my fast-food job at Taco Bell. I didn’t like wearing my uniform before walking (2-3 blocks) to work, so I would carry a duffel bag with my work-uniform and change in the restaurant’s Men’s Restroom. While changing, I forgot my sunglasses that I laid on top of the sink or toilet??? Well, when I remembered this, I went back and it was gone 😦 This was the last time I spent this much on “sunglasses”. Since this “life-learning” experience, I ‘ve bought cheap “discounted” sunglasses (e.g. gas stations, discounted grocery stores, etc…); However, I try not wear them if I really need to now (e.g. driving when the sun is setting or rising in front of me), which is another “health-related” (see => Medical: How to improve your eye sight Part Two? ) long story!

    Money Saving Tips For Students | Financial Advice – YouTube

    Money Management Tips For Teens – YouTube

    College Days!

    When I went to college, I was fortunate and blessed (thankful to God) to get a “full-ride” scholarship for 4+ years. However, I still had my “Room & Board” (Fees and Bills) to cover! I lived in the residential halls all 4 years. I look back and wished, I learned how to live “on my own” in “off-campus” housing to learn about “saving money” more! It was expensive living “on-campus” . I should’ve cooked my food and learned how to live in a “house” (e.g. I would’ve learned about utilities and how to “conserve”) off-campus. Well, I was very “gullible” about credit cards. I was “sucked” into applying for every credit card that was given to me in person on campus. I would sign-up just to get a “free” prize (e.g. t-shirt). I didn’t learn much about “credit-limit”. Unfortunately, I would max all of my 3-5 credit cards on this “pyramid scheme” business my sophomore year!

    -Credit Cards

    Financial Advice for College Students + Credit Card Tips – YouTube

    Credit Cards for College Students: Applications, Income … – YouTube


    Budgeting 101 for Current and Future College Students – YouTube

    Financial Literacy – 9 things a college student should know

    Career Life

    Living Paycheck To Paycheck – YouTube

    How To Increase My Income?


    Financial Literacy 101

    William Ackman: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing in Under an Hour

    Q: Let me know what you think and feel free to reply with any feedback, personal suggestions-financial advice/tips, comments, etc…


    Good News Financial