Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?

Unfortunately, we hear, watch, or read more of the increasing “negativity” of our nation’s law enforcement. What can “we” do about it as a nation?

Have them do more training in “cultural sensitivity” topics, such as racism. More education on how to deal with the “developmental disability” community?

“Trigger Happy” Violent Cops:

Their motto is “to protect and to serve” us, right? Why don’t they use “rubber bullets” instead of the “real” ones that can kill “us” ?

Good Question: Why Don’t Police Just Try To Hurt Suspects?
November 24, 2015 10:43 PM By Heather Brown
“MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Over the past week, WCCO has devoted significant coverage to officer-involved shootings — from the death of Jamar Clark a week and half ago to a Columbia Heights man early Tuesday morning.

That had Sherri from Buffalo Lake and Fitz from Excelsior wanting to know: Why don’t police just try to hurt suspects? Good Question.

“They’re not really trained to shoot to kill, they’re trained to stop the threat, which often results in death,” says Dale Burns, a Hennepin Technical College teacher of police training programs for the state of Minnesota.

Burns says officers are trained to shoot at the chest, or center mass of a person’s body, because it is the biggest target and will stop someone if he or she gets hit.

“They could’ve shot him in his arm or leg, tased him, but kill him?” asked Jamie Castilla on Tuesday after her brother was killed by police. “That’s a shot to kill.”

Shooting at a hand or arm is very hard to do, says Burns. Research from the Force Science Institute shows hands and arms can be the fastest moving body parts. Shooting at a person’s legs can also leave their hands free.

“If I could see their hand perfectly and they were holding still and I had lots of time to aim, sure — but it doesn’t work that way. It’s very fluid. It happens extremely fast,” Burns said. “If you miss, you’re probably going to get killed, or shot yourself, or stabbed, or clubbed — whatever the case may be.”

Minnesota law allows officers to use deadly force to protect themselves or someone else from death or great bodily harm. Defense attorney Joe Tamburino says police are legally able to use more force than the average person.

“The reviewing party has to decide from the perspective of a reasonable police officer on the scene if there was a threat,” he says.

In 2012, lawmakers in New York proposed legislation that would require officers to shoot at limbs, but that bill was quickly tabled. Over the past three decades, the Supreme Court has ruled police can use deadly force if they believe there’s a threat of death or serious physical injury.

“They got tasers, other things around them, why are guns the first option?” asked Deondre Lowe of Minneapolis.

Burns says tasers don’t always work, especially in Minnesota where people wear lots of layers of clothes. He also points out a taser takes a relatively long time to reload if it doesn’t work the first time.

“They do use tasers quite a bit, but if you use a taser in a deadly force situation, you’re asking an officers to take on a lot of risk that they shouldn’t be expected to do,” he said.”

-Need more Humility and take blame/fault of “imperfect” system and find ways to improve

The Daily Show – The Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

*see Deep Thought: “Hands Up or Down to get ID?” from

Planting “Fake” Evidence?

Baltimore Police Officer Accidentally Records Himself Planting Drugs At Crime Scene
Latifah Muhammad,Vibe Thu, Jul 20 11:08 AM PDT
“An officer from the Baltimore Police department accidentally recorded himself planting evidence. On Wednesday (July 19), Baltimore’s Fox 45 published footage of the officer hiding drugs at a crime scene without realizing that his body-worn camera caught him in the act.

In the recording, which was captured in January, officer Richard Pinheiro and two other officers, can be seen in an ally on the side of a house. The body camera appears to capture Pinheiro hiding a bag of pills under a heap of trash, while the two other officers stand behind him.

The cops head back to the sidewalk, at which point Pinheiro turns on his body camera. But as VOX notes, body cams can record up to 30 seconds of footage before being manually activated.

“I’m going to check here,” Pinheiro is heard telling the other officers before heading to the back of the house where he pretends to rummage through the trash heap. After a few second, he uncovers the bag and alerts the other officers.

Ex-Baltimore Cop Michael Wood Exposes Police Culture Of Corruption & Abuse (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)


Officer Melendez sentenced

Judge GOES OFF on COP for being a RACIST SCUMBAG


This is how you can be arrested for DUI — even if you’re stone cold sober
Published on Dec 21, 2017
Watch the full investigation: “

-Sexual Harassment

Creepy video appears to show cop ‘GROPING young mum over car on motorway’ By Paul Harper / Published 7th March 2018
“…Her two kids, aged three and eight, were in the vehicle at the time on interstate 75 in Campbell County.

The furious mother claimed in her legal bid that the same officer stopped her three hours later near home and remarked: “We have to stop meeting like this.”

She alleged that after being ordered out of the truck, Lloyd put his hands inside her waistband and touched her bum and genital area…
The Tennessee Highway Patrol in the US have supported their officer, saying that he “conducted this traffic stop in a professional manner in an effort to protect the motoring public”.

But state prosecutor Jared Effler slammed the cop, saying his actions were “inconsistent with his training”.”

DISTURBING dash cam footage appears to show a police officer groping a young mum over her car during a traffic stop.

Cop Forces Woman to Lift Shirt and Expose Herself (Video)

Women Sue for Humiliating Vaginal Search From State Troopers (Video)


A Former Baltimore Cop Explains Why the Department Targets Black Men


Ex-BPD Cop Joe Crystal Blew The Whistle On Corrupt Police & Paid The Price (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)

“On October 27, 2011, Baltimore police officer Joe Crystal witnessed two fellow cops beating up a drug suspect after the suspect, fleeing from the officers, kicked in the door of a home belonging to another officer’s girlfriend. Faced with the difficult decision of whether to turn in his fellow officers, Crystal felt he had to do the right thing, and reported the officers’ actions to the State’s Attorney’s Office. As a result, Crystal was labeled a “snitch” and a “rat cop” by many of his fellow officers and subjected to threats and intimidation — including having a dead rat placed on his car’s windshield. Eventually, in 2014 he bowed to the pressure and resigned from the Baltimore PD.”

Any other suggestions, solutions, etc.. relating to the content above or any that wasn’t mentioned?

Good News USA