Spotlight Sitcom: Cosby Show

The Cosby Show (TV Series 1984–1992) – IMDb

“..The goings-on in the life of a successful African-American family…”

Best of the Cosby Show ( all seasons) !!!! – You

Season 1 Episode 01-Pilot Presentation

Season 2 Episode 03 – Happy Anniversary

The Cosby Show: Vanessa gets caught lying to her parents about staying out past her curfew.

Behind the Scenes

E! True Hollywood Story: The Cosby Kids

Cast Post-Show

Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby’s Big Adventure
“..The Cosby/Wussler management group has plotted “a specific strategic plan,”designed to “dramatically enhance profitability right away, re-establish affiliate relations, and put the network back in the hands of TV professionals,” explained one source. Brandon Tartikoff, initially contacted last fall by Cosby, was formally asked to join the team by a Wall Street intermediary during the second week of June. Tartikoff declined both times. Cosby is, however, continuing his search for other members of a proposed triumvirate to run NBC. He himself would continue to perform, but would also put his philosophical imprint on all programming…

original payment of $6.3 billion for the network and parent RCA, dreads a substantial write-down in the event of a sale. So they are suggesting, sources say, that the deal include some kind of “revenue stream” to G.E. over several years. Clearly, Welch wants more than the network is worth. And it’s worth less since those “G.E. weasels” (as Letterman calls them) have taken over. Cheers and Dave himself are history; aging hits are propping up NBC’s prime time, while the hot new shows are turning up elsewhere. ABC has replaced NBC as the family-friendly network, and even NBC News suffered because of deep cutbacks and the Dateline NBC—rigged G.M.-truck scandal. And Welch may be loath to delve into high-tech interactive television or expand further into cable until the network gets back on track…”

Did Cosby have a chance to buy NBC?

Published on Jun 7, 2018
There are lot of conspiracy theories out there about anything and everything. One very popular one is that Bill Cosby tried to buy NBC and that’s why all these allegations came forward. Is it plausible? We discuss.

Listen to the whole episode here:…”


Dj Lethal Vybz
Published on Jan 2, 2016
Some people need to look more into why so much effort is being put into discrediting Bill Cosby for So Call Rapes That Happened over 30 years ago.This is pure and simple Bill Cosby Tried To Buy NBC and he wouldn’t stop in fact Bill was hell bent on changing the face of black entertainment. Lets take a few minutes and take in this video

Was Bill Cosby “Framed” To Stop NBC Purchase?

Published on Jul 7, 2017
With the announcement that Bill Cosby will be retried on sexual assault allegations, the conspiracy theorists are once again claiming that the Illuminati is trying to stop Bill Cosby from purchasing NBC. Let us do some quick research and see if this is a conspiracy theory or possibly a conspiracy fact.

You can Support BTR News Today By Making A Financial Contribution To The Non-Profit Black Talk Media Project. Thank You For Your Contribution In Support Of Independent Media…

‘Cosby’ actor speaks out after being job-shamed online

Woman regrets sharing photos of “Cosby Show” star Geoffrey Owens working at grocery story

Geoffrey Owens Says Lost ‘Cosby Show’ Residuals a Factor in His Trader Joe’s Job The Wrap Itay Hod,The Wrap Thu, Sep 6 6:27 PM CDT
‘Former “Cosby Show” star Geoffrey Owens says he took a job bagging groceries at Trader Joe’s in part because Bill Cosby’s abuse scandal cut into the income Owens received from “Cosby Show” residuals….

Since “The Cosby Show” went off the air in 1992, Owens has acted on shows like “Blue Bloods,” “The Blacklist” and “The Affair.” But money became tight when networks began yanking “The Cosby Show” reruns from the air following dozens of rape accusations against Cosby…..

“The Cosby Show” reruns had been a staple on cable television. But after dozens of women accused Cosby of drugging, raping, coercing or sexually assaulting them, networks began pulling the show’s reruns from their air. TV Land dropped reruns of the series in November 2014. Cable channels Bounce TV and Centric followed suit. The absence of “The Cosby Show” has meant fewer residual checks for the show’s cast.

“The fact is, yeah, there was a certain amount of money that stopped coming in and that made a difference,” Owens said.

Owens, best known for playing the Huxtables’ son-in-law Elvin Tibideaux on the hit ’80s sitcom, was thrust into the limelight over the weekend after a woman photographed him bagging groceries at a New Jersey Trader Joe’s. The photo led to a wider conversation about work ethic, and job-shaming.

..His hope now is that the conversation he helped spark continues, even if his grocery bagging days are over. Owens quit his job because of the recent attention. After the photos went viral, filmmaker Tyler Perry offered him a job on an OWN drama, which Owens accepted.

It was a Hollywood ending even Owens couldn’t have anticipated.

“It was really generous of him to do that and to do that so publicly,” Owens said of Perry. “It was very bold and courageous and generous of him.”

Cosby, who has denied any wrongdoing, was convicted in April of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his Pennsylvania home 14 years ago.”

Phylicia Rashad tells the truth about Bill Cosby
David D.
3 months ago
There’s a good reason Phylicia called this thing “orchestrated.” At least thirty of the women who accused Cosby of almost exactly the same thing were represented by the same lawyer, Gloria Allred. Is that just a coincidence? Who’s paying her fees? Let’s look into that.…

CNN Documentary on Bill Cosby Accusers, May 2018

Lili Bernard
Published on May 16, 2018
CNN Documentary on Bill Cosby Accusers, May 2018

*see Deep Thought: What causes “sexual harassment” and what can be done?

Good News USA

Now You Know: Do you have a right to not show your ID when asked?

Law Enforcement

When can police ask for ID?
“..You’ve probably seen old movies where the protagonist is approached by a Nazi or Soviet guard and ordered to “show your papers.” We know that’s a tell-tale sign of a police state. So if police ever ask you to show ID during your travels, it’s natural to feel violated.

In a free society, citizens who are minding their own business are not obligated to “show their papers” to police. In fact, in the United States there’s no law requiring citizens to carry identification of any kind.
So when can police ask for ID?

Carrying an ID is generally required if you’re driving a vehicle or a passenger on a commercial airline. These requirements have been upheld on the slippery premise that individuals who prefer not to carry ID can choose not to drive or fly…”

COP harassing me for not showing my ID and video recorder in a public airport and calls for backup

Vehicle Situation

Do you have to show an ID to a cop? How do you refuse a search on your car?

*see 4th Amendment

You Lose Constitutional rights when in a vehicle!!




When the police question you… QUESTION THEM BACK!

Security Guards

What Security Guards Can and Can Not Do – YouTube

U.S. Customs Border Checkpoint

Customs & Border Protection – Entering the U.S. – YouTube

What Customs and Border Officials Can and Can’t Do Patrick G. Lee
Mar 13, 2017
Recent detentions and seizures of phones and other material from travelers to the United States have sparked concern and alarm.
“..How broad is Customs and Border Protection’s search authority?

According to federal statutes, regulations, and court decisions, CBP officers have the authority to inspect, without a warrant, any person trying to gain entry into the country and their belongings. CBP can also question individuals about their citizenship or immigration status and ask for documents that prove admissibility into the country.

This blanket authority for warrantless, routine searches at a port of entry ends when CBP decides to undertake a more invasive procedure, such as a body cavity search. For these kinds of actions, the CBP official needs to have some level of suspicion that a particular person is engaged in illicit activity, not simply that the individual is trying to enter the U.S…”

“No Thanks” DHS Checkpoint Refusals Compilation ✔

Can they search my phone? A guide to your rights at the border By Masuma Ahuja, CNN Updated 4:07 PM ET, Thu February 16, 2017
“..Do I have the same legal rights at the border that I would elsewhere?
No. The Fourth Amendment, which protects people from searches and seizures without probable cause of a crime being committed, doesn’t apply in the same way at the border, Rizzo said.
According to Holman, probable cause and reasonable suspicion are not needed to search people — Americans or foreign visitors — at the border. ..”

What border agents can search on your phone (and more) – YouTube

What Happens If You Don’t Cooperate At Border Check … – YouTube

EXCLUSIVE: US Citizens Arrested at Airport for Refusing … – YouTube

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Good News Law

Deep Thought: How to show “love” throughout the year?

What did you do for Valentines Day? Do you “celebrate” it? Why? What “holidays” do you observe throughout the years and do you ever re”searched” the “origins” (history)? Have you stopped afterwards?


Where Did Valentine’s Day Come From? Is It Wrong for a Christian to Celebrate It?
Posted on Jan 25, 2011 by United Church of God
‘..The World Book Encyclopedia tells us regarding Valentine’s Day: ” “The customs connected with the day . . . probably come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia which took place every February 15. The festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature”” (1973, vol. 20, p. 204)…

Friendship and sending cards are wonderful things, and God is not opposed to romance at the right time in the right way. But does the pagan religious history of Valentine’s Day taint the modern practices? What does God have to say about observing pagan traditions, renamed or not?

“When the Lord your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess … do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way; for every abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods … Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it” (Deuteronomy 12:29-32)..”

Valentine’s day exposed: the truth about its pagan/satanic origins!

Pagan Roots of Valentine’s Day

The Shocking History of Valentine’s Day
“..February 14th has been observed as a day to express love for untold centuries. But where did this holiday come from? Why do people send valentine’s cards to those whom they desire? Where did the symbol of the heart come from, and why is it used to represent love and sexual desire? How did a character named cupid become associated with personal intimate feelings? Produced by the Eternal Church of God (WTC 2016)…”


SymbolX – The Origin of the Heart Symbol

Valentines Day: History of the Heart Symbol | Time
St. Valentine’s Day (2): Occult Heart Symbols – Olivet Journal

“..Bottom Left: This is a typical Cross and Crown masonic symbol. Cross is a symbol of phallus, and the crown, the female counterpart. A typical kabbalistic male-female union. If you pay attention, you see these symbol as a logo of many churches, and as you can find on the Pinterest board, the logo of Jehovah’s Witness contains this symbol as well (see upper left side of the poster)…”
Origins of Valentine’s Day
“..When you see people doing the heart shape symbol with their hands, or using it in text message or photos, they unknowingly are doing a woman’s VAGINA shape, not realising they are promoting a VAGINA and sexual immorality!..”
Vagina Power and the History of Christian Symbols November 30, 2016 by Alexis Record
“I saw the symbol for vagina on the back of a car the other day. I also saw one on a business card, a necklace, a church bulletin, and even a Bible. Vaginas are everywhere! People in America must really love female sexuality…”


What is the origin of Valentine’s Day, and should Christians celebrate it?
“..Valentine died in approximately A.D. 270. Others claim the church may have decided to celebrate in mid February to “Christianize” the pagan Roman celebration Lupercalia. The first Valentine sent in the United States was in the 1840’s by Esther Howgald. Most of us enjoy “spoiling” a loved one on Valentine’s Day. Sending gifts and cards conveys love, affection, and friendship.

There is no biblical reason why Christians should not celebrate Valentine’s Day by giving their loved ones flowers, candy and/or cards. As with celebrating any holiday, the decision should be between the individual and God. Some people feel very strongly that observing any secular holiday is wrong, while others see it as harmless. The important thing to remember is that celebrating or not celebrating holidays should not be a cause for pride or division among Christians.

NOT Celebrate!

10 Simple but Powerful Reasons Christians Should not Celebrate Valentine’s Day joshuainfantado / January 27, 2016
“..It is estimated that Americans spend about $20 billion on this single holiday alone, making it the second most expensive holiday next to Christmas.

However, the majority is not always right.

One must ask whether Christians should celebrate this day. Most importantly, what does God think about Valentine’s Day?

Before I proceed, let me tell you this SHOCKING TRUTH: Valentine’s Day should NOT be celebrated by Christians.

In this post, let me share the reasons why this is so. Let me make it as simple as possible for everyone to understand. Here are the 10 reasons Christians should not celebrate Valentine’s Day…

Reason no. 4: You can Celebrate Love without Valentine’s Day

Why do so many Christians limit their love on a specific day, in this case, Valentine’s Day? Wouldn’t it be great to demonstrate your love every single day?

Married couples or those who are in a relationship can show their love and concern every day and not wait for Valentine’s Day to arrive.

After all, even if you celebrate your love on Valentine’s Day, it really feels awkward since this day celebrates lust and not true love…..”

Sal: If your single and feel lonely, you have to remember your NEVER alone. God is with us (Emmanuel). Your never alone when you accepted Jesus into your heart!

Newsboys – That’s How You Change The World

30 Ways to Show Someone You Care by the Cru staff team at Bowling Green University 12 August 2016
“…Cru’s ministry at Bowling Green University in Ohio has been intentionally trying to show care and concern for everyone they interact with.

The purpose is for encouraging and blessing others by serving them, and it’s a way to build relationships with Christians and non-Christians.

What does this look like in your life? How can you show concern for those around you?..”

Being lost in hollywood to knowing Jesus and serving Him

Love LA 24/7,
Love Twin Cities (Minnesota),

Prayers for Freedom , testimony of Jon and his current outreaches to share God’s love…

“..As a result of prayer, I myself was freed from my sins and hell-fire back in 1974 when I put my faith in Jesus, repented (surrendered to God), and asked Him to forgive my sins and make me the kind of person He wanted me to be. Years later, I received freedom and healing from my anger/bitterness problem through the prayers of many, and the prayers led by a very helpful and precious Biblical counselor. Not yet all I want to be, I still need freedom in some areas of my life and hope you will pray for me. Thanks in advance. May God bless you on your journey and in your use of this website!..”

How to Glorify God | 5 Ways to Glorify the Lord


Woman Moved to Tears After Delivering Pizza to Chicago Church 3.8.18 WGN – Chicago
“…A Domino’s delivery driver in Chicago was surprised when she arrived at New Life Covenant Church with an order in February and the pastor brought her on stage. ..”

What are some “creative” ways to show love throughout the year?

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