Deep Thought: A Day Without Hispanics ?

A Day Without a Mexican – Trailer – YouTube


Hispanic Heritage Month 2018 SEPTEMBER 13, 2018
“..In 1989, Congress expanded the observance to a month long celebration (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) of the culture and traditions of those who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean…

Did You Know?
58.9 million
The Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2017, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority. Hispanics constituted 18.1 percent of the nation’s total population….”


Nick Johnson
Published on Mar 14, 2019
In order to rank the most hispanic states in America, we had to look at which US state populations have the highest number of hispanic (or latino) residents, as a percentage of the state’s total population.


How Latino Americans Shaped the U.S., Fought for Acceptance

PBS NewsHour
Published on Sep 13, 2013

From Spanish settlers to immigration reform, the Hispanic-American experience stretches centuries and predates Plymouth Rock. A new PBS documentary series chronicles those often untold stories. Gwen Ifill talks to NewsHour’s own Ray Suarez about his companion book, “Latino Americans: The 500-Year Legacy that Shaped a Nation.”

Latino Contributions To U.S. History
“..Bernardo de Gálvez, the Spanish governor of Louisiana in 1777, played a key role in General George Washington’s battles against British soldiers….

Helped Win Texan Independence
It wasn’t only Anglos at the Alamo when the Mexican army arrived — there were a handful of Tejanos as well. In fact, Anglo immigration into the territory was largely engineered by Tejanos who favored independence and commerce with the United States. Tejano leaders like José Antonio Navarro and Francisco Ruiz joined the independence movement and later served as lawmakers.

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Helped desegregate schools
Before Brown v. Board of Education, there was Mendez v. Westminster. In the landmark case, a judge decided in 1946 that California could not segregate its school system based on national origin or language ability….

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Gave us a bunch of words
New Yorkers call their corner stores “bodegas,” cowboys get together at “rodeos” and yuppies drive “mustangs.” Spanish is so ever-present in the United States that Americans often speak the language without even knowing it.

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Fought in World War II
Somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 Latinos fought the Axis powers in World War II. Because military records didn’t track ethnicity and generally counted Latinos as white, researchers have trouble pinpointing the figure…

9 / 12
Helped revitalize the housing market
Immigrants — of whom people from Latin America are the great majority — boosted the housing market by a whopping $3.7 trillion from 2000 to 2010, according to a study by the Americas Society…

Hispanic American Contributions to American Culture – YouTube

Studies Weekly
Published on Aug 11, 2016
The United States is known as the Great Melting Pot and Hispanic Americans have always been an essential ingredient to our great nation. This video highlights some of their great accomplishments.

Learn all about science and history with Studies Weekly at!


KVIE’s Los Braceros: Strong Arms to Aid the U.S.A.

The Bracero Program Explained – YouTube

Ben Clark
Published on Jan 21, 2016
This documentary was a finalist at the National History Day state competition in California. The theme for this year was “Rights and Responsibilities in History.” Created by Ben Clark, Elijah Gross-Sable, and Drew Schmid

The Bracero Program: Migrant Workers in America Documentary Part 2 (1959)

Xicana Corner
Published on Nov 28, 2010
In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, over 500,000 Mexican Americans were deported or pressured to leave, during the Mexican Repatriation. There were thus fewer Mexican Americans available when labor demand returned with World War II.

When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers August 23, 201810:41 AM ET GUSTAVO ARELLANO
“…The year was 1965. On Cinco de Mayo, newspapers across the country reported that Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz wanted to recruit 20,000 high schoolers to replace the hundreds of thousands of Mexican agricultural workers who had labored in the United States under the so-called Bracero Program. Started in World War II, the program was an agreement between the American and Mexican governments that brought Mexican men to pick harvests across the U.S. It ended in 1964, after years of accusations by civil rights activists like Cesar Chavez that migrants suffered wage theft and terrible working and living conditions.


But farmers complained — in words that echo today’s headlines — that Mexican laborers did the jobs that Americans didn’t want to do, and that the end of the Bracero Program meant that crops would rot in the fields.

“They can do the work,” Wirtz said at a press conference in Washington, D.C., announcing the creation of the project, called A-TEAM — Athletes in Temporary Employment as Agricultural Manpower. “They are entitled to a chance at it.” Standing beside him to lend gravitas were future Baseball Hall of Famers Stan Musial and Warren Spahn and future Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Brown.

Despite such skepticism, Wirtz’s scheme seemed to work at first: About 18,100 teenagers signed up to join the A-TEAM. But only about 3,300 of them ever got to pick crops.

Problems arose immediately for the A-TEAM nationwide. In California’s Salinas Valley, 200 teenagers from New Mexico, Kansas and Wyoming quit after just two weeks on the job. “We worked three days and all of us are broke,” the Associated Press quoted one teen as saying. Students elsewhere staged strikes. At the end, the A-TEAM was considered a giant failure and was never tried again.


But he says the experience also taught them empathy toward immigrant workers that Carter says the rest of the country should learn, especially during these times.

“There’s nothing you can say to us that [migrant laborers] are rapists or they’re lazy,” he says. “We know the work they do. And they do it all their lives, not just one summer for a couple of months. And they raise their families on it. Anyone ever talks bad on them, I always think, ‘Keep talking, buddy, because I know what the real deal is.’ ”



Mario Molina
As a postdoctoral researcher, Molina proposed that CFCs had the potential to destroy the earth’s protective ozone layer. He eventually received a Nobel Prize for his discovery.
“..Mario Molina (b. 1943) was the first to realize that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could destroy ozone. In the two decades following his discovery, he and his mentor became voices alerting the world to the danger of CFCs and ozone depletion. Their warnings often fell on deaf ears. Once confirmed, however, their findings earned them a Nobel Prize…

Early Life

Molina was born in Mexico City, where his father was a successful lawyer and a diplomat. As a child Molina was fascinated with chemistry and converted one of the family bathrooms to a chemistry laboratory for himself. His aunt, Esther Molina, was a chemist, and she encouraged and mentored the boy by helping him carry out more advanced experiments than normally possible with a child’s chemistry set. Recognizing his passion for science, Molina’s parents sent him to a boarding school in Europe, where they thought his interests would be nurtured…

By 2009 all nations in the United Nations had ratified the original protocol. In 1996 Molina and Rowland were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, along with Swedish scientist Paul Crutzen, for the work they had done in helping unravel the mysteries and dangers of CFCs…


Facts About Hispanics in the United States: Hispanic Heritage Month

Speaking Latino
Published on Sep 9, 2013

Famous Hispanic Americans – YouTube

Hispanic Culture in USA – YouTube

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to persuade or change your “beliefs” on an issue. Nothing on this site is to be construed as “real or fake news” ; the authors are just sharing their finding “known to be” facts. Please continue to “research” on your own, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal instincts. Feel free to share your own findings, material not shared above, or own opinions on the comment section available below. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good “news” and optimism!”

Neutral Perspective: North Dakota Law Enforcement with DAPL Security Firm vs #NODAPL “Water” Protectors


Dakota Access protesters set fires, lob Molotov cocktails, fire shots in face-off with police By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Thursday, October 27, 2016
“Activists threw rocks, burned tires, set blazes, lobbed Molotov cocktails and even fired gunshots as officers in riot gear moved to clear protesters Thursday from a camp illegally blocking the Dakota Access pipeline route.

The confrontation saw 141 protesters arrested as they tried to stop law enforcement from removing the blockade on private land, hours after thick black smoke rose from a flaming barricade along Highway 1806 near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

Meanwhile, the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services reported that a protester pulled out a .38 caliber gun and fired three shots at law enforcement, narrowly missing a deputy, while a driver was run off the road by protesters and shot in the hand.

“Protesters have started two fires on the Backwater Bridge and are throwing Molotov Cocktails at law enforcement,” said department spokeswoman Cecily Fong in a late Thursday statement.

Officers used pepper spray against protesters who hurled projectiles, including rocks, and refused to comply with orders, according to the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.

Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said the department was left with little choice after activists set up tents and teepees last weekend in the path of the pipeline project and refused repeatedly to leave the property, which is owned by the “…”

-Native’s Perspective:

As “Dave Archambault” Chairman of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe saids “Always two sides to each story”

“Published on Oct 22, 2016

They claim not to be voilent. Watch each video clip, and decide for yourself.”


The view from 2 sides of the Standing Rock front lines Author: Jack Healy, The New York Times Updated: November 28 Published November 1

“..Activists have accused law enforcement of needlessly roughing up and pepper-spraying demonstrators, and of responding to their sit-ins and marches with militarized force. But Moll says the deputies are not the bad guys.

Earlier this fall, about 70 demonstrators rallied at one of the ranches being bisected by the pipeline. Ranchers have grown angry and impatient with the protests and regularly come up to Moll when he gases up his car to ask him when it will all just be over. He says he sees the Standing Rock Sioux as neighbors and respects them, but he has a harsher view of what he sees as hard-core protesters from outside North Dakota. “Folks are terrified,” he says.

On this day, officials decided to move in and arrest the protesters for trespassing. As they did, some in the crowd started to yell, “Bring out your horses!” to fellow activists who had parked their trailers in a field of winter wheat. From his patrol car, Moll says, he saw one of the horses charge directly at a line of officers, and he hit the gas and raced over to cut off the horse as another officer raised a shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds at the rider.

“You run a 1,000-pound animal at a 200-pound person, that’s a deadly threat,” Moll said. “They were willing to use the threat of the horse against us, all the while screaming, ‘We’re peaceful protesters.'”

He has been working around the protests almost every day since, and expects to be on straight through to Thanksgiving.

-Prairie Fire

Grass burns hills across from Dakota Access protest camp; possible drowning
By Mike Nowatzki on Oct 30, 2016 at 7:20 p.m.
“NEAR CANNON BALL, N.D. — North Dakota National Guard helicopters with water buckets scooped water from the Missouri River on Sunday to extinguish a large grass fire that started overnight just west of the main camp where Dakota Access Pipeline opponents are staying.
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A United Nations official also visited the camp Sunday to hear from protesters about their encounters with law enforcement and possible human rights violations. Authorities also were investigating a possible drowning in the Cannonball River between two of the protest camps.

Confused about Dakota Access controversy? This primer will get you up to speed
Complete coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests

People at the main Oceti Sakowin camp said the grass fire started around 1:30 a.m. on a hill across Highway 1806 from the camp entrance. The fire spread to the northwest, away from the camp that is just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

Claudia Skenandore, 60, from Oneida, Wis., said she was still awake inside her tent when she heard commotion outside as campers noticed the fire.

“They were going nuts. And security was on the radio saying, ‘It wasn’t us, it wasn’t us. We don’t know who did it,’ ” Skenandore said of the camp’s security volunteers.

Two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters with 600-gallon water buckets scooped water from Lake Oahe, a dammed section of the Missouri River, and dumped on the fire for more than an hour until about 10 a.m. No infrastructure was damaged, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said.

West Fargo woman wins $500,000 house in Fargo

The Mandan Rural Fire Department was dispatched to the area but couldn’t reach the fire because of the terrain, Morton County spokeswoman Donnell Preskey said. The fire started on private property, she said.

People staying at the camp with high-powered camera lenses watched as the fire developed.

Myron Dewey, an independent filmmaker at the camp, said on his Facebook page he observed two people in a white Honda leaving the area. Dewey, who said he has experience working for hotshot fire crews, said the fire appeared to be started by a drip torch.

Speculation about who started the fire ran wild in the camp, with some suggesting it was started by the pipeline company or other outside “agitators” with hopes that protesters would be blamed. A spokeswoman for Dakota Access could not immediately be reached for comment…”


Nov 20, 2016 Confrontation at Standing Rock “

“Published on Nov 21, 2016

November 20th 2016

More abuse by law enforcement at Standing Rock

Standing Rock Water Protectors attempted to
move two trucks left on a bridge on HWY 1806 that
were burned in a previous confrontation with law enforcement.
Morton county has refused to remove the trucks.

Morton County Sheriffs, other state law enforcement, DAPL security and the national guard proceeded to use tear gas, fire grenades, rubber bullets, and water cannon in freezing temperatures to
disburse the water protectors.
Many were hurt.”

I Watched An Armed Dakota Access Pipeline Employee Get Arrested After Entering Protesters’ Camp

Wes EnzinnaOct. 28, 2016 5:00 AM
A tense standoff near the site of yesterday’s confrontation at Standing Rock ends with arrest of DAPL security agent. Protesters then torched his truck.
“..An armed security agent employed by the company behind the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline was arrested Thursday after he was caught entering the camp of activists protesting near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in southern North Dakota. After a car chase and a standoff during which he allegedly pointed his assault rifle at a local Sioux teenager, the man, whose ID indicated he was an employee of Dakota Access LLC, was arrested and handed over to the FBI…”

Armed Fake Protester Planted By Oil Company

“Published on Nov 1, 2016

A DAPL employee was discovered infiltrating protesters. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“On Friday, Amnesty International dispatched human rights observers to North Dakota to monitor the ongoing repression of the thousands of Native Americans resisting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. Amnesty’s move came one day after hundreds of police with military equipment arrested over 140 people, after attacking them with pepper spray, Tasers, sound cannons, bean bag rounds and rubber bullets. More details are emerging from Thursday, including video footage of a man who appears to be a Dakota Access security contractor holding a rifle, with his face covered by a bandana, apparently attempting to infiltrate a group of water protectors. A Standing Rock Sioux tribal member says he saw the man driving down Highway 1806 toward the main resistance camp with an AR-15 rifle on the passenger side of his truck. Protectors chased down his truck and then pursued him on foot in efforts to disarm him. In the video, the man can be seen pointing the rifle at the protectors as he attempts to flee into the water. He was ultimately arrested by Bureau of Indian Affairs police. Protectors say inside the man’s truck they found a DAPL security ID card and insurance papers listing his vehicle as insured by DAPL. For more, we speak with Dallas Goldtooth, organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network.”

Read more here:…”

“In God we Trut!”

Armed Dakota Access Contractor Accused Of Trying To Infiltrate Water Protectors 31 Oct 2016 Kevin Gosztola Kevin Gosztola
“..Sacred Stone Camp, which has led indigenous resistance to the Dakota Access pipeline, reported that police cleared blockades, attacked water protectors with pepper spray and concussion grenades, and used shotguns to fire rubber bullets. A sound cannon was also deployed against water protectors as well, as the police brutally tore down the encampment.

Dakota Access denies Thompson was working for the company, however, Thompson posted on Facebook and claimed he was “doing his job to photograph burning company equipment when he was confronted by demonstrators,” according to APTN National News.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe apparently claims Thompson fired off shots while Thompson vehemently denies that any shots were ever fired. He maintains FBI agents, who took him into custody, could back up his story.

However, Thompson’s story becomes incredibly suspicious, as he insists the water protectors “had knives and were dead set on using those knives.” He says a water protector fired a flare.

The video of Thompson’s confrontation in the water definitely does not show any knife-wielding water protectors trying to attack him.

What is troubling is the fact that he was not dressed in a manner that would clearly indicate he was a security contractor for DAPL. He looked like an infiltrator. One wonders what would have happened if he made it to the 1851 Treaty Camp and engaged in disruptive behavior that the police could then use to justify the brute force used against water protectors.

It is unknown what company Thompson worked for, but he was previously deployed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Separately, another suspicious act against the indigenous water protectors occurred overnight on October 29, when a fire spread near the Oceti Sakowin camp.

“There was some mysterious incident of a vehicle that came out of nowhere, that was almost acting as a distraction, was spinning doughnuts in the middle of the road, and then it sped off to the south,” Goldtooth shared on “Democracy Now!”. “And immediately after that, flames were seen on top of the hill to the west. There’s documented footage [of] what appears to be a drip line, which is from what I understand, is a technique used in firefighting. I mean, it was very, very clear that that brush fire that happened was an act of arson by unknown individuals.”

“Given the recent events with the Dakota Access worker, given the escalation of law enforcement, that, you know, a lot of fingers are pointing towards Dakota Access as being a culprit behind this late fire. And thank god that the wind was pushing away from the camp. The fire spread pretty large.”..”

Dakota Access pipeline: police fire rubber bullets and mace activists during water protest Sam Levin and Nicky Woolf in San Francisco

Thursday 3 November 2016 13.30 EDT

Danyion LeBeaux, an 18-year-old protester at the standoff, said he got hit in the ribs by some kind of rubber bullet and saw another young activist bleeding from his mouth after police fired non-lethal rounds.

“It messed me up, but I’m slowly recovering,” said LeBeaux, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe. “People were standing there unarmed, and they start macing us for no apparent reason.”

Johnny Dangers, a photographer who posted images from the police confrontation, said police appeared to indiscriminately spray protesters with mace and some kind of teargas. ..”

Standing Rock: Police shot journalist for no reason | How did it all begin

“Published on Nov 3, 2016

Standing Rock : As peaceful protests over the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline again turn violent, one journalist near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in North Dakota captured shocking video showing herself being shot by police out of nowhere as she conducted an interview.

Erin Schrode, an activist and journalist, was doing an interview at the edge of the Cantapeta Creek when police shot her with a rubber bullet. In her video of the incident, Schrode can be heard screaming, “Ow!” before crumbling to the ground.

Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets and used pepper spray on demonstrators — who call themselves water protectors — on the shoreline of the Cantapeta Creek, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation here on Wednesday.

After a few relatively peaceful days at the campground where thousands have gathered to demonstrate against a controversial North Dakota oil pipeline, demonstrators put out calls on social media to “make your way to the river” for a “river action,” but to do so “in prayer.”

In a Facebook Live stream, Cempoalli Twenny, who says he is at Standing Rock to protect the water, said, “The pipeline is getting really close to the river now, so it’s crunch time.”

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2 Cops Quit Over Tactics At Standing Rock North Dakota,from
Published on Nov 7, 2016
“The police force engaging in violent attacks in the Dakota Access Pipeline protests are cowards for the violence they are inflicting on peaceful protestors.

Jimmy Dore breaks it down.”

DAPL Savages Harass Water Protectors


13 Officers Withdrawn from North Dakota Following Arrest of Madison Elected Official

“Published on Oct 20, 2016

Madison Common Council Alderperson Rebecca Kemble speaks out after her arrest while working as a legal observer during the growing resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline

Visit for more videos.

-Planes and Helicoptors

Helicopter Allegedly Hired by North Dakota Authorities Found Flying in Violation of FAA Rules
10/03/2016 08:26 pm ET | Updated Oct 07, 2016
“…For the past several months, protesters have been harassed and frightened by frequent low-altitude helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft flying surveillance over them. Two such surveillance helicopters are Bell Ranger 206B helicopters. These are not lightweight aircraft. In the 1960s, the U.S. Navy used the 206A as its primary training helicopter. The 206B Jet Ranger was introduced in 1971. In 1993, the U.S. Army approved the Bell 206B-3 as its primary training helicopter. A local company known as Double M Helicopters, Inc. out of Mandan, ND owns one of the surveillance helicopters. Another of the helicopters, flying on behalf of local law enforcement and flying at low altitudes over the heavily populated main Oceti Sakowin encampment, has been found to have been flying with registration numbers that have been altered in order to disguise the identity of its registered owners…”

-True or False?

Crock Dusters
A Standing Rock spokesperson denied claims that the government has been dumping chemicals on people protesting the Dakota Access pipeline.
Kim LaCapria
Dec 01, 2016
“..Just this week a so-called ‘secret’ video message was sent to a number of people of a Native woman claiming that the water protectors were being sprayed with chemical weapons from a crop duster plane. The individual identified herself as Candida Rodriguez Kingbird, part of the Red Lake Anishnaabe Chippewa Tribe…”

Pipeline Executives Serve Standing Rock Protesters A Crop Dusting For Thanksgiving (VIDEO)
Includes Full Timeline of DAPL Protest

November 24, 2016 Grace Harwood
“…Candida Savage KingBird, who posted news of crop-dusting of the Standing Rock encampment in a personal video, below, was shot November 20th by police guarding the Dakota Access Pipeline, with a bluepoint rubber bullet, damaging her ribs. Kingbird, who posted the following video, said, “Thankfully no one died last night but they could have. There was bloodshed. Tears. And prayer.” She was luckier than Sophia Wilansky from New York, whose arm was nearly amputated after either a Molotov cocktail or a grenade was thrown into the crowd on Sunday night. More than two dozen were sent to hospital when 400 protestors clashed with police…”
Allegation Of Chemical Warfare Against Standing Rock Water Protectors By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

November 16, 2016

Allegation that the Morton County Sheriff’s Office conducting chemical warfare against Native Americans and allies

“…Mandan, N. Dakota – A water protector at Standing Rock on a self video claims that unauthorized crop planes flying over their camp and spraying unknown chemicals at night. Planes and helicopters are flying at night on tribal land and don’t have authorization, an alleged chemical warfare initiated by the friendly Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Morton County Sheriff’s Office..”
US Government Spraying DAPL Protestors at Standing Rock with Chemicals from Crop Dusters

“Published on Nov 19, 2016

Reports directly from DAPL protestors at Standing Rock that the US Government are using Crop Duster planes to fly over protestors and spray them with chemical agents during the night.”
Beacon Hill Photojournalist Returns From Standing Rock With Tales of Steadfast Resistance
November 24, 2016
“…Okay, but you said people had brought up that planes were spraying things on the encampment?

Yeah, and some of the conversations that I’ve had with people, they talked about seeing the video, or having respiratory problems, or seeing airplanes flying at night or hearing them without seeing their lights. I don’t — I didn’t talk to anyone who saw anyone spraying anything, but there were people who had heard that rumor and there was a woman who said she had worked with herbicides and pesticides in the past and she knows how they make her react, and she was kind of reacting the same way.

I mean if there aren’t any photos, I don’t know how…honestly, there’s an EPA air and water test, because those things tend to stick around for a while. It’s not the time of year one would find a crop duster dusting any crops, we’re way past that point….


Please pray for all parties (e.g. “waterprotectors”, Morton County law enforcement, pipeline workers, residents of both Bismark and Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Reservation, etc..) involved (directly and indirectly) in this #standingrock movement

“Come & let your Justice fall in this place…”

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“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to persuade or change your “beliefs” on an issue. Nothing on this site is to be construed as “real or fake news” ; the authors are just sharing their finding “known to be” facts. Please continue to “research” on your own, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal instincts. Feel free to share your own findings, material not shared above, or own opinions on the comment section available below. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good “news” and optimism!”

Neutral Perspective: Abortion and Pro-Life


The Woman Behind Roe vs. Wade (and what I didn’t know) July 2, 2014 By Jacqueline
“Few Supreme Court rulings have been as consequential as Roe vs. Wade, but not many know the true story of the pseudonym-cloaked plaintiff ‘Jane Roe’….

…It is my desire that this post is not seen as a condemnation of those who have faced the devastation of an abortion or used by the evil one to cause more guilt, but rather a call to prayer to our Heavenly Father to change our hearts, have mercy on us, and rid this horrendous blight from our land.

May we, like young Emily Mackey reached out to Norma, reach out to the hurting souls all around us. You never know what impact you can make…”

What is the “abortion” process?

Abortion Treatments – Types of Abortion | BPAS
“There are two types of abortion treatment:
Medical abortion: The abortion pill

The abortion pill involves taking medicines to end the pregnancy.

How abortion pills work and side effects Human Body | Abortifacient

“..How abortion pills work and side effects Human Body | Abortifacient

Watch this video to learn the ill effects of using Abotion pills and its side effects.

This is HD video we have made. Let us know your thoughts in the comment box should you have any feedback or New videos that you want to watch. Thanks

What are the Facts and Long Term Side Effects of Abortion Pill
By A R on May 24, 2011
“..Abortion is the termination of pregnancy. This term is used to mean any form of termination, including miscarriage which is also called spontaneous abortion. Abortion can be induced by certain medications…”
My sister died after taking abortion pill Posted by anon on 23 Mar 2006 at 4:16 am
“My little sister died, age 24, after taking the abortion pill. She died March 8th at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs, Co. I have submitted a report to FDA’s medwatch but do not know if her death has been included.

She took the second course of pills vaginally and died aproximately two days later of sepsis, specifically the anaerobic bacteria cited in this article according to the autopsy.

I don’t understand why there aren’t huge warning labels about fatality risks mandated for these drugs – the risk is much higher than for cigarettes or alcohol. If she had known about the other cases of death related to vaginally inserted misprostal she would not have risked it – she had a son to think about and she’d be here for all of us today. ..”

Surgical abortion

Surgical abortion involves a minor operation that may be done with local anaesthetic, with sedation or rarely with general anaesthetic.”

2nd Trimester Surgical Abortion: Dilation and Evacuation (D & E)

Abortion Procedure-What you Need to Know,


  • Benefits of Legal Abortion – THE PRO-CHOICE ACTION … from
  • “..Legal abortion is also a very critical factor in improving survival rates for women. About 600,000 maternal deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth occur every year in the world, mostly in the developing world. 13% of these deaths are due to unsafe abortion. But almost all maternal deaths are preventable, simply by providing safe abortion; improving pre-natal care, nutrition, and contraceptive use; and preventing common obstetrical complications. ..”

    Abortion: “Benefits” to Women,

    Abortion should be Legalized and Benefits Civilized Societies
    By MUZAFFER SENA SAHIN on January 30, 2013 10:54 AM

    “..Abortion is a very common and historical medical procedure that ends the pregnancy and experienced from ancient China to Rome. Although it is performed over 46 million times every year in all over the world regardless of laws against it, about 20 million of those are illegal. (Arthur, 1999, Parag. 2). Every two over five abortions are practiced in unsafe conditions and by untrained providers and about 78.000 women die, as a result of illegal and restricted laws of abortion in many countries. Furthermore, countless of women become infertile or injured caused by unsafe abortions or they are forced to raise their unwanted children. (Arthur, 1999, Parag. 3). Many of those children are abused, neglected or had to live in a dismal environment. About one-third of women who live in the countries that abortion is banned, victimized motherhood and born their unwanted children. In today’s modern world, it is unacceptable to force women to keep their pregnancy or compelling them to find unsafe or illegal abortions, because of religious, social or ethical issues. For example, in South America except Cuba over 4 million illegal and unsafe abortions are performed every year, The Latin America Considered as the most religious Roman Catholic Region of the world. Just in Brazil, over 250.000 women are hospitalized or died as a result of unsafe abortion. (Arthur, 1999, Parag. 7). ..”

    Shivana Jorawar, NAPAWF: Lift the bans on abortion coverage for women using Medicaid benefits

    -Coat Hanger

    Consider the Coat Hanger Rebecca J. Rosen Aug 23, 2012
    “….So despite the law, abortion persisted. Public policy exists in words, on the books, so to speak. But where it matters is where it is carried out: in city apartments, doctor’s offices, women’s-health clinics, and, proverbially, back alleys. To seriously consider the meaning of the hanger, or, less abstractly, the outcome of the Republican platform if realized, is to concern yourself with that reality, with the lives of women who had unwanted pregnancies during the century before Roe v. Wade.

    That’s where the hanger comes in, because that’s what the hanger is meant to stand for: Unsafe back-alley abortions that left women dead. But is that an accurate picture of the period?..

    Research confirms that the actual number of abortion deaths in the twenty-five years prior to 1973 averaged 250 a year, with a high of 388 in 1948. [4] In I966, before the first state legalized abortion, 120 mothers died from abortion. [5] By 1972 abortion was still illegal in 80 percent of the country, but the use of antibiotics had greatly reduced the risk. Hence, the number dropped to 39 maternal deaths from abortion that year. [6] Dr. Christopher Tietze, a prominent statistician associated with Planned Parenthood, maintained that these are accurate figures, with a margin of error no greater than 10 percent. [7] …”
    The Coat Hanger Project – A critically acclaimed documentary film …

    “..The Coat Hanger Project (US, 2008, 53 minutes) is a documentary film and teaching tool and about abortion and the current state of the reproductive justice movement…”


    How to Stump Anti-Abortionists With One Question January 21, 2009 by Daniel Florien
    “If abortion was illegal, what should be done with the women who have illegal abortions?..”


    *see need for #communitydialogue Music: New Song-“Failure to Communicate”

    Abortion: Pros and Cons

    ACTION: Stop the “fighting” and let’s listen to both sides and understand each other.

    “what we got here is a Failure to communicate“….

    Lila Rose and Ilyse Hogue debate abortion on CNN Crossfire

    “Published on Jan 23, 2014

    On the evening of January 22, 2014, just after the March for Life, Live Action President Lila Rose debated Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL, on CNN’s Crossfire.

    When presented with a “gotcha” clip of herself on the Glenn Beck Program, Rose affirmed her conviction that children conceived through rape do not deserve the death penalty for their fathers’ crimes. Further, Rose said on Crossfire, “[a]bortion doesn’t un-rape a woman. An abortion just adds more violence on top of that first violence that she endured.””
    *Doesn’t a baby have “human rights” too?

    Christian Street Evangelists Met With Anger, Spat on at Women’s March on Washington By Samuel Smith , CP Reporter
    Jan 22, 2017 | 8:51 AM
    “..”What my stance is, and I quote the Dr. Rev. William Barber, is that a lot of times, Christians speak the most about what the Bible speaks the least about and speak the least about what the Bible speaks the most about,” he continued. “If you want to have a pro-life agenda, you have to be willing to stand for the orphan, the widow, the stranger and the poor.”..

    Good News Peace




    Opposing Views Episode 13 – Should Abortion Be Legally Recognized in the Philippines?

    “Published on Nov 12, 2013

    Opposing Views: A hard, straightforward discussion of today’s most pressing issues.

    Aggressive, bold and spontaneous—Opposing Views aims to bring pressing issues to the fore by showcasing clashing, divergent opinions. It serves as a venue for a special debate, providing two panels a chance to present the pros and cons of the discussion. Hosted by Rod Nepomuceno.”


    The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences
    By Rob Schwarzwalder Senior Vice-President
    “..Some “Pro-Choice” Arguments

    “Outlawing abortion will mean back-alley butchers and countless women dying.”

    Your rejoinder may include several points, but you should always start here: Overturning Roe doesn’t make abortion illegal, it simply changes the venue of the question: …

    You may want to concede the point that, even after limitations are established in the states, there will always be abortionists willing to break the law and exploit vulnerable women for financial gain. But because a destructive activity will not be completely eradicated is no reason to make or keep it legal (think of drug laws or laws against prostitution). No compassionate person wants a woman to suffer through the personal tragedy of abortion, whether legal or illegal. As Feminists for Life says, women deserve better than abortion. Establishing legal limits to the current “absolute right to abortion” will mean fewer abortions, and that is to the good of women, children, families, and society.

    There are a number of points to make regarding the charge that countless women will die.

    First, it is impossible to calculate the number of maternal deaths from abortion before Roe v. Wade because they were not reported, so any claim regarding the number of maternal deaths from illegal abortions is purely speculative. However, it is a fact that abortion industry insider Bernard Nathanson admitted to circulating false numbers. Dr. Nathanson co-founded NARAL (originally called the National Alliance to Repeal Abortion Laws and, today, NARAL Pro-Choice America) and was director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health in New York City, at one time the largest abortion clinic in the western world. In 1979 Nathanson said:

    How many deaths were we talking about when abortion was illegal? In NARAL we generally emphasized the drama of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but when we spoke of the latter it was always “5,000-10,000 deaths a year.” I confess that I knew the figures were totally false, and I suppose that others did too if they stopped to think of it. But in the ‘morality’ of our revolution it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics? The overriding concern was to get the laws eliminated, and anything within reason that had to be done was permissible.[44]

    Second, it is a fact that another abortion industry insider disputed the “back-alley butcher” notion in the decade before Roe v. Wade. In 1960 Dr. Mary Calderone, a former medical director for Planned Parenthood, estimated that 9 out of 10 illegal abortions were done by licensed doctors: “they are physicians, trained as such…Abortion, whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.”[45] We don’t have to agree with Calderone that abortion is not dangerous to cite her statement that illegal abortions were done as well as legal ones. In fact, hundreds of women have died from abortion since Roe v. Wade according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,[46] and this is likely only a fraction of the actual number in light of the fact that several states (including, significantly, California) have failed to report abortion data for many years[47] and in light of the latitude given to doctors in reporting causes of death (e.g., “hemorrhage” rather than “induced abortion.”)[48]

    Third, the experience of other countries shows that restricting abortion does not cause a rise in maternal deaths. Despite its tight abortion restrictions, Ireland has the lowest maternal mortality rate in the world, according to a study by several agencies at the United Nations.[49] Malta also has substantial abortion limitations and yet has among the lowest maternal death rate world-wide, lower than the United States.[50] Data compiled by Polish government agencies shows a marked decrease in maternal deaths once abortion was made illegal.[51]

    Summary: The Supreme Court created a virtually unlimited right to abortion, a policy with which most Americans disagree. In fact, our country is not divided down the middle on abortion, but most of America is substantially with us. As we continue to expose the truth about abortion law and practice, we will move closer to the day that abortion policy making is returned to the people….”

    Pro-Life Answer to the Rape Question,
    “..Rape and incest are horrific wrongs. A woman, violated in a sexual assault should be surrounded by love and support. If that assault results in pregnancy, aren’t there now two people affected by the assault? Two people in need of protection and care?

    The perpetrator must be punished to the fullest extent of the law, but does the helpless child, who is guilty of no crime, deserve death? Is the violent act of abortion a good solution to the violent act of rape?

    The emotional effects of rape on the woman must be addressed. Will her grief or memories of the rape disappear with her child she aborts? Aborting a child conceived through rape simply extends this pattern of violence and victim-hood. It does not “unrape” the woman, but it will most certainly increase her regret and misery.

    Rape is an act of violence for which she bears no responsibility, the abortion is an act of violence for which she would be morally culpable. Abortion is not a healing or compassionate procedure for the mother or her child, and will not erase the rape….”

    “UNWANTED” A Story About Choice

  • Isn’t abortion justified for population control and to ease the financial and emotional burden a child may put on a family?,
  • “…This is not to say that the human race may not reach a time in its history at which overpopulation becomes a problem so severe that it must significantly curtail its birthrate. At such a time it would be wise to try to persuade people either to willingly use contraceptive devices or to practice sexual discipline. If such a tactic does not work, then forced sterilization may be a viable—albeit desperate—option, since it does not entail the death of the unborn. In any event, if the unborn are fully human, abortion is not a solution to population problems even in the most dire of circumstances. Hence, the real question is whether or not the unborn are fully human.

    Underlying this type of pro-choice argument is a fundamental confusion between the concept of “finding a solution” and the concept of “eliminating a problem.” For example, one can eliminate the problem of poverty by executing all poor people, but this would not really solve the problem, since it would directly conflict with a basic moral truth that human beings should not be gratuitously exterminated for the sake of easing economic tension. This “solution” would undermine the very moral sentiments that ground our compassion for poor people—namely, that they are humans of great worth and should be treated with dignity regardless of their predicament….”
    Some Economic Consequences of Abortion

    by Tim Shaughnessy | Jan 17, 2012 | The Faith |
    “…Even if these economic facts were reversed, however, the morality of abortion would be unchanged. If abortion unambiguously led to less crime, greater economic growth, an increased autonomy and respect for women by men, etc., it is still the deliberate murder of an innocent unborn child. While we can point out secondary and tertiary economic, societal, or political problems associated with legal abortion in America, the primary moral problem remains and is sufficient itself to render abortion as always gravely wrong…

    Any personal stories, feedback, suggestions, thought, etc.. regarding any sides of this debate? Would love to “hear” (read) both sides, so we can have a better understanding of each other instead of arguing with each other. Let’s better understand one another in both sides of the “coin”!”….”

    -Almost Aborted: Survivors

    10 Abortion Survivors Isaac Cabe August 20, 2013
    “..Abortion is a very hot-button issue that can send good friends into heated arguments. But no matter what your stance is on abortion, the one irrefutable fact is that it is an intense medical procedure. And abortion, like any medical procedure, has the potential to go wrong. The only difference with abortion is that a “failed” one typically leads to the premature birth of a child. We won’t waste your time with gross pictures or politics, just the stories of 10 people who say they’ve survived an abortion and decided to prove from the start how hard it would be to take them out completely…”
    12 Famous People Who Were Almost Aborted
    “..Abortion continues to be an incredibly controversial issue today. You might be surprised to find that a number of celebrities may have not been around had it not been for their mother’s change of thought at the abortion clinic. Here we explore 12 famous people who were almost aborted.
    One of the best Pro-life speeches EVER! Gianna Jessen abortion survivor Full video

    “Published on Aug 21, 2013

    This is hands down one of the most powerful and best Pro-life speeches I have ever heard. It changed my life. Gianna Jessen is an abortion survivor the hit movie October Baby was loosely based on her life. This is the full speech it is usually only available in two separate parts. Gianna was speaking at Queen’s Hall Parliament House in Victoria. Australia on the eve of the debate to decriminalize abortion in Victoria.”

    -“Coat Hanger” Abortions

    Refuting the Claim Women Will Resort to Coat Hanger Abortions Opinion Deanna Candler Jan 27, 2012 | 12:11PM Washington, DC
    “…“In NARAL, we generally emphasized the frame of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but when we spoke of the latter it was always 5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year. I confess that I knew that the figures were totally false and I suppose that others did too if they stopped to think of it. But in the ‘morality’ of our revolution, it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics? The overriding concern was to get the laws eliminated, and anything within reason that had to be done was permissible.”..

    3) Abortion is not safe now.

    Almost every week there is at least one article on reporting that a woman has suffered a botched abortion and 911 was called. Here are just a few examples from the past year:…


    Abortion Pill Reversal Questions
    “Is it too late to reverse the abortion pill?

    Our goal is to start the reversal treatment within the first 24 hours of taking the abortion pill, mifepristone, also known as RU-486. However, we have had many successful reversals when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the abortion pill.

    Even if 72 hours have passed, call our hotline (877) 558-0333. We are here to help. It may not be too late…”


    My Story And Experience Of Abortion At 17

    “Published on May 11, 2016

    Please SUBSCRIBE It’s FREE!…

    Hello Ladies, Welcome Back To : Much More Than Beauty

    You are now watching:

    My Story and Experience of near Abortion at 17. I wanted to share this story in hopes it will help someone out there. If any of you have any questions, leave them below and I will reply.

    Related Articles: | The Negro Project from
    How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion

    Mary Meehan
    Birth control leader Margaret Sanger: Darwinist, racist and eugenicist
    by Jerry Bergman
    Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”
    “..L.I. – What role does abortion play in satanic rituals, and when did you first get involved in abortion with regard to Satanism?

    King – Just after I turned 14, the coven members came to me and said that I was going to be involved in an abortion in about 9 months. There was a sex party with all the male members between 12 and 15 and a female member over 18 and her purpose was to get pregnant, and then she was going to have an abortion in 9 months. When I was told this, I said “cool” out loud, but had no clue what an abortion was. In my family, I think I heard my parents whisper the word abortion once when talking about somebody else, so I thought it was a dirty word because they whispered it and I had never heard that word anywhere else. When I asked about what an abortion was to the coven members, I said I don’t know what I have to do here, they explained that there’s a baby in the womb and you are going to kill it. There will be an abortion doctor there to help you and there will be a nurse because it’s a full medical procedure. My first question was, “is that legal?” The response was, “Yes it is, as long as it’s in the womb. As long as the baby is still inside the woman, you can kill it.”..”

    -Misuse of Funding (Planned Parenthood)

    Fourth Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Released — and It’s Graphic
    Jul. 30, 2015 10:39am Billy Hallowell
    Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen

    The Center for Medical Progress

    Any feedback on any of the content above? If you have had an abortion, do you have any personal stories that you would like to open-up about? Would you suggest this to others?

    He refuses to pay taxes because he opposes abortions. He just beat the feds in court By Matthew Martinez April 14, 2018 10:51 AM Updated 3 hours 14 minutes ago (4.14.18)
    “Michael Bowman, a 53-year-old self-employed computer software developer from Columbia City, Oregon, hasn’t paid his federal income taxes since 1999.

    He says it’s because his Christian ideals don’t allow him to pay into a system that funds abortions. In a YouTube video explainer of his defense, he likened paying taxes that then go toward funding abortions to German citizens under Nazi rule who outed Jewish citizens, sending them to their deaths.

    And according to The Associated Press, he beat the feds in court this week.

    To be clear, Bowman won the battle, not the war he’s fighting with the IRS and the Oregon U.S. District Court, when federal Judge Michael W. Mosman dismissed a felony tax evasion charge against Bowman….

    In April of 2017, though, President Donald Trump signed a law that prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, except in cases of rape or to save a woman’s life. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that for the years 2014 and 2015, $450 million in government funding was distributed to Planned Parenthood, which provides abortions as well as education, contraception and other forms of reproductive care.”

    Bible Verses about Abortion

    Child Sacrifices

    In this nation, children’s body parts are sacrificed for witchcraft
    Tonny OnyuloSpecial for USA TODAY
    “..Police later arrested a wealthy neighbor, businessman Gilbert Odima, who authorities alleged used Jane as a human sacrifice in a witchcraft ritual designed to bring him good fortune. “He confessed to me that he carried out the ritual to boost his dwindling business,” Misanya recounted about Odima, who is now in prison awaiting trial. “He said he knew the act would bring him good luck and success in life.”

    Child body parts are especially prized in rituals because people believe mixing their blood with herbs makes a strong concoction that can cure diseases and appease local spirits. Genitalia are especially prized.


    The Link Between The Satanists Human Sacrifice,The Vatican The Bank of England,The Federal Reserve. OCT 23, 2019 —

    Contess Wilhelm
    MONTREAL, Canada
    “…From a very young age the subject of my book “Twenty Two Faces” Jenny Hill, was raped and tortured into multiplicity by a Satanic coven under direction of a CIA Operative Mind Control expert known as Dr. Green.

    Green was one of many Nazi criminals which what was later known as the CIA, imported out of Nazi Germany through help of a Vatican Underground Railroad. These horrific Nazis infiltrated colleges, universities and hospitals across the US, Canada and Australia where they performed horrendous experiments on innocent children…

    Since the end of World War II, this horrendous exploitation of innocent children has been run by CIA – US Inc – British Crown – Vatican international Child Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking, Drug and Gun running Rings. Known as the Cabal, they had control of the US and World Monetary System that was funded out of US Taxpayer dollars by way of a CIA Black Budget and run through the Central Banking System, with their nefarious activities enforced by various mafias.

    *see Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?

    Ancient Times

    Hearts Ripped from 140 Children and 200 Llamas in Largest Child Sacrifice in Ancient World
    By Laura Geggel March 06, 2019

    Thoughts, learned any thing new, feedback, prayer requests, etc..?

    Good News Life

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