Medical: Various Virus Outbreaks


8 Historically Terrifying Viruses
BY Jessica Bloustein Marshall
May 16, 2013

“..All the hand-sanitizer in the world can’t save us from some of history’s nastiest viruses and the horrifying diseases they cause in humans—and we know you’re just itching to know all about them. Here are eight of the deadliest viruses the world has ever seen…

…8. No virus can claim credit for more worldwide pandemics and scares than influenza. The outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 is generally considered to be one of the worst pandemics in human history, infecting 20 to 40 percent of the world’s population and killing 50 million in the span of just two years. (A reconstruction of that virus is above.) The swine flu was its most recent newsmaker, when a 2009 pandemic may have seen as many as 89 million people infected worldwide…”

Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready

438,360 views•Apr 3, 2015
16M subscribers

In 2014, the world avoided a horrific global outbreak of Ebola, thanks to thousands of selfless health workers — plus, frankly, thanks to some very good luck. In hindsight, we know what we should have done better. So, now’s the time, Bill Gates suggests, to put all our good ideas into practice, from scenario planning to vaccine research to health worker training. As he says, “There’s no need to panic … but we need to get going.”

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.


Contagion (2011) Official Exclusive 1080p HD Trailer

10,096,689 views•Jul 13, 2011
Movieclips Trailers
14.3M subscribers
“Contagion” follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to survive in a society coming apart.

Various Viruses


Responding to Pandemics: 4 Lessons from Church History
March 16, 2020 | Glen Scrivener
“…Here I’ll briefly mention four pandemics in history and how the church has responded in the way of Christ. As we note their examples, let’s be inspired by their faith—even if we might make some adjustments for our own time and circumstances. Their impulse to move toward the needy, displayed in heroic sacrifice, is entirely Christlike; we dare not be less sacrificial in the love we seek to embody. At the same time, the wisdom of such moves in our own day, when we may ourselves be carriers of the infection, needs careful thought. As we look to these historic examples, let the Spirit lead us in our application. But let our own spirits be stirred toward faith, hope, and love. And may we—with our own pandemic—live out the wisdom and way of Jesus before a watching world…”

Jesus the Game Changer Season One – Rodney Stark Extended Interview

1,045 views•Jul 8, 2019
Olive Tree Media
491 subscribers

Karl Faase interviews Rodney Stark, author of more than 40 books, including ‘The Rise of Christianity’. A common theme throughout his books, is the growth of Christianity from a small movement in Galilee to the majority religion of the Roman empire.

20 of the worst epidemics and pandemics in history
By Owen Jarus – Live Science Contributor, All About History 24 days ago
Plagues and epidemics have ravaged humanity throughout its existence, often changing the course of history.

“..Throughout the course of history, disease outbreaks have ravaged humanity, sometimes changing the course of history and, at times, signaling the end of entire civilizations. Here are 20 of the worst epidemics and pandemics, dating from prehistoric to modern times.



*see Health: How to “fight” the flu?

Flu Season From Start to Peak to End
By Vincent Iannelli, MD Medically reviewed by Jonathan B. Jassey, DO

on November 24, 2019
“…In general, flu season can start anytime in late fall, peak in mid-to-late winter (usually January or February), and continue through early spring….On average, flu season lasts about 13 weeks. It will usually end by April, but in some years it can linger into May. There have been six years in the past where the peak was in March, for example…”

The flu is a far bigger threat to most people in the US than the Wuhan coronavirus. Here’s why. (Aylin Woodward)
Business InsiderJanuary 27, 2020, 12:49 PM CST

“…A graver health risk for Americans — not just right now, but every year — is the flu.

Since October, up to 20,000 people in the US have died of influenza. The coronavirus, meanwhile, has infected more than 2,800 people worldwide and killed 81.

“When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there’s just no comparison,” William Schaffner, a vaccine expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Kaiser Health News (KHN). “Coronavirus will be a blip on the horizon in comparison. The risk is trivial.”..”

-Spanish Flu

The Genesis of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic
*37 minute mark on how it started from horses to birds

Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic? Science Editor,
Steve Connor @SteveAConnor
Tuesday 30 June 2009 00:00
Same strain of influenza was released by accident three decades ago
“…Almost 6,000 Britons have now been infected with the influenza “A” (H1N1) strain of swine flu. But two medical researchers believe that this strain of the virus had been extinct in the human population for more than 20 years until it was unwittingly reintroduced by scientists working in a research lab somewhere in the world, leading to a pandemic in 1977 that began in Russia and China.

“Careful study of the genetic origin of the [1977] virus showed that it was closely related to a 1950 strain, but dissimilar to influenza ‘A’ (H1N1) strains from both 1947 and 1957. This finding suggested that the 1977 outbreak strain had been preserved since 1950. The re-emergence was probably an accidental release from a laboratory source,” according to the study published in The New England Journal of Medicine…


What the 1918 influenza pandemic can teach us about the coronavirus outbreak

199,314 views•Mar 13, 2020
Washington Post
1.11M subscribers
The 1918 influenza pandemic killed 50 to 100 million people around the world. John M. Barry, the author of a book on the pandemic, explains what happened. And how the response to coronavirus could avoid a repeat of ‘the great influenza,’ or the Spanish flu. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

14 Facts About The Spanish Flu | The Shorely

The Spanish Flu start in 1918

Ended in 1920

It killed 100 million people

And infect 500 million people.

It killed more people than both World Wars combined

It’s the best disaster that humanity has ever seen

The Spanish Flu didn’t come from Spain

The Reason why it’s called the Spanish flu is because the wide coverage in the Spanish Press.

There was no cure for Spanish Flu…”

10 Misconceptions About the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ PUBLISHED 17 MARCH 2020 THE CONVERSATION
In the pandemic of 1918, between 50 and 100 million people are thought to have died, representing as much as 5% of the world’s population.
“…Especially remarkable was the 1918 flu’s predilection for taking the lives of otherwise healthy young adults, as opposed to children and the elderly, who usually suffer most. Some have called it the greatest pandemic in history.

The 1918 flu pandemic has been a regular subject of speculation over the last century. Historians and scientists have advanced numerous hypotheses regarding its origin, spread and consequences. As a result, many harbor misconceptions about it.

By correcting these 10 misconceptions, everyone can better understand what actually happened and help mitigate COVID-19’s toll….

1. The pandemic originated in Spain
No one believes the so-called “Spanish flu” originated in Spain.

The pandemic likely acquired this nickname because of World War I, which was in full swing at the time. The major countries involved in the war were keen to avoid encouraging their enemies, so reports of the extent of the flu were suppressed in Germany, Austria, France, the United Kingdom and the U.S. By contrast, neutral Spain had no need to keep the flu under wraps. That created the false impression that Spain was bearing the brunt of the disease.

In fact, the geographic origin of the flu is debated to this day, though hypotheses have suggested East Asia, Europe and even Kansas….

3. The first wave of the pandemic was most lethal

…Scientists now believe that the marked increase in deaths in the second wave was caused by conditions that favored the spread of a deadlier strain. People with mild cases stayed home, but those with severe cases were often crowded together in hospitals and camps, increasing transmission of a more lethal form of the virus….

8. Widespread immunization ended the pandemic

Immunization against the flu was not practiced in 1918, and thus played no role in ending the pandemic.

Exposure to prior strains of the flu may have offered some protection. For example, soldiers who had served in the military for years suffered lower rates of death than new recruits….

Why the 1918 Spanish Flu Probably Didn’t Originate in Spain

Spanish Flu: a warning from history

1,887,981 views•Nov 30, 2018
Cambridge University
205K subscribers
100 years ago, celebrations marking the end of the First World War were cut short by the onslaught of a devastating disease – the 1918-19 influenza pandemic. Its early origins and initial geographical starting point still remain a mystery but in the Summer of 1918, there was a second wave of a far more virulent form of the influenza virus than anyone could have anticipated. Soon dubbed ‘Spanish Flu’ after its effects were reported in the country’s newspapers, the virus rapidly spread across much of the globe to become one of the worst natural disasters in human history.
To mark the centenary and to highlight vital scientific research, the University of Cambridge has made a new film exploring what we have learnt about Spanish Flu, the urgent threat posed by influenza today, and how scientists are preparing for future pandemics.

1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918

Coronavirus and the Sun: a Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Richard Hobday
Mar 10 · 6 min read /
“…..Put simply, medics found that severely ill flu patients nursed outdoors recovered better than those treated indoors. A combination of fresh air and sunlight seems to have prevented deaths among patients; and infections among medical staff.[1] There is scientific support for this. Research shows that outdoor air is a natural disinfectant. Fresh air can kill the flu virus and other harmful germs. Equally, sunlight is germicidal and there is now evidence it can kill the flu virus….”
*see Health: Vitamins-How Important is Vitamin D?



In 1918 Pandemic, Another Possible Killer: Aspirin – The New …
Aspirin Misuse May Have Made 1918 Flu Pandemic Worse Date:
October 3, 2009
Infectious Diseases Society of America
“..High aspirin dosing levels used to treat patients during the 1918-1919 pandemic are now known to cause, in some cases, toxicity and a dangerous build up of fluid in the lungs, which may have contributed to the incidence and severity of symptoms, bacterial infections, and mortality. Additionally, autopsy reports from 1918 are consistent with what we know today about the dangers of aspirin toxicity, as well as the expected viral causes of death.

Its use was promoted by the drug industry, endorsed by doctors wanting to “do something,” and accepted by families and institutions desperate for hope.”

*see H1N1 “Swine” Flu Prevention, Cure, etc…


*see Global Country Spotlight: Asia-China

{2020 Outbreak}

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
*live tracker map

What is Coronavirus? How Can You Protect Yourself?

China. Trip to Infected Zone. What’s Fake and Truth about Coronavirus // How People Live(2020)

114,428 views•Feb 28, 2020
The People
45.2K subscribers
China. Coronavirus outbreak. All you wanted to know about China virus or coronavirus in project “How People Live”
My friends, I am Lyadov, and I am in China doing my vlog. Right now, I intend to go to the Hubei Province, which as many of you already know is described as the source of the coronavirus. This is where the city of Wuhan is, where the coronavirus story started. I want to see how the people there are living.

Coronavirus: Four maps and charts that show how serious the deadly virus is
Chelsea Ritschel

The IndependentFebruary 26, 2020, 10:59 AM CST
“…A map from the CDC shows all of the locations around the globe with confirmed cases of coronavirus. So far, the virus as spread throughout China and to 31 other countries.

For a live tracker of the spread of the virus, you can check Johns Hopkins dashboard here, where it displays the number of people infected, the number of deaths, and the number of people recovered from the virus…”

Coronavirus now spreading faster outside of China – amid pandemic fears

168,008 views•Feb 26, 2020
Channel 4 News
1.1M subscribers
The coronavirus is spreading – Pakistan being the latest to declare its first cases – and so is fear of the unknown.

Coronavirus: Shocking Spread of a Viral Pandemic

6,881 views•Jan 30, 2020
Canadian Prepper
320K subscribers

Coronavirus: World must prepare for pandemic, says WHO – BBC News

1,537,587 views•Feb 25, 2020
BBC News
6.38M subscribers
Fears are growing that the coronavirus outbreak could become a pandemic as new cases are reported around the world. The virus, which emerged in China, has spread to at least 29 countries.The World Health Organization has said the world should do more to prepare for a possible coronavirus pandemic.

WHO declares coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency

41,760 views•Streamed live 2 hours ago (1.30.20)
CBC News
1.73M subscribers

The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency at a press conference in the United Nations building in Geneva.

Coronavirus Wuhan Nurse: 90,000 infected by virus

19,944 views•Jan 26, 2020
283 subscribers
Chinese government reportedly trying to downplay the severity of the cornavirus outbreak in Wuhan and across China where according to this whistleblower, an estimated 90,000 people have been infected, much larger than the public reports of only around 2,000.

Infection rates have been confirmed to have tripled in the past weeks as China locks down Wuhan and 17 other cities. First reports of the coronavirus hitting the U.S. have also emerged including a 30 year old man in Seattle, Washington; a 60 year old woman in Chicago; a 50 year old man in Orange County, California, a patient in Los Angeles County; and a fifth in Arizona. All had recently traveled to Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, per CNN.

Chinese President Xi Jinping deems the outbreak a “grave situation” and Chinese officials warn that the virus has been seen to spread without any noticeable symptoms in the early stages of the infection.

Dr. Oz on coronavirus outbreak: Chinese leaders’ new comments ‘alarming’ ‘alarming’
By David Montanaro | Fox News

“…Increasingly drastic anti-disease efforts began with the Jan. 22 suspension of airplane, train and bus links to Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in central China. That lockdown has expanded to a total of 17 cities with more than 50 million people…”

Do these videos show people collapsing in the streets of Wuhan? Footage emerges of men and women ‘unable to stand in Chinese city at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak’ By Chris Pleasance for MailOnline

Published: 03:26 EST, 24 January 2020 | Updated: 03:09 EST, 25 January 2020
“..Disturbing videos have emerged purporting to show people collapsing in the streets of the Chinese city at the centre of the new coronavirus outbreak.

Dozens of videos tagged as coming from Wuhan show people lying in the street after collapsing where they stand or being tended to by medics as people in face masks rush to help.

The new strain of coronavirus, a SARS-like disease which attacks the respiratory system, has killed at least 26 people and infected 800 worldwide. ..”

China building 1,000-bed hospital in 5 days to treat coronavirus

545,367 views•Jan 24, 2020
CBC News
1.69M subscribers

China is swiftly building a 1,000-bed hospital in Wuhan dedicated to patients infected with the new coronavirus. Authorities are aiming to have the facility finished by Wednesday.

China quarantines Wuhan amid coronavirus | NTDTV

521 views•Jan 24, 2020
229K subscribers

“..”From what we can see now, the origin is the wild animals sold in the seafood market. This wild animal virus is adapting as well. This fits our knowledge of coronaviruses.”..”

Revolting footage shows Chinese woman eating a whole bat at a fancy restaurant as scientists link the deadly coronavirus to the flying mammals By Billie Thomson For Mailonline

Published: 08:05 EST, 23 January 2020 | Updated: 15:30 EST, 24 January 2020
“..A leading Chinese virologist who helped tackle the SARS epidemic in Asia in 2003 has warned that a new strain of deadly coronavirus from China could lead to an outbreak at least 10 times worse than the health crisis 17 years ago.

Bats are used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a series of illnesses, including coughing, malaria and gonorrhea.

The animal’s faeces is also believed to be able to cure eye diseases, according to ancient Chinese medical masterpiece Ben Cao Gang Mu. ..”

Coronavirus: China puts millions in lockdown amid rising deaths

467,973 views•Jan 24, 2020


Coronavirus, 1st presumptive case, found in Canada

3,584 views•Streamed live 2 hours ago
CBC News
1.69M subscribers

The individual presumed to have coronavirus landed in Toronto on Jan. 22, after travelling to Wuhan, China, and was hospitalized the next day, say health officials.



Minnesota gears up virus precautions as two suspected cases are reported By Jeremy Olson Star Tribune

January 25, 2020 — 11:03am

“State and federal health officials on Friday announced steps to confront the global spread of a novel coronavirus that emerged in China last month, following the discovery of a second confirmed U.S. infection and 63 suspected cases — including two in Minnesota….

In the two confirmed U.S. cases, the travelers returned from China before their symptoms emerged. CDC officials said that sort of lag could make it hard to catch cases via airport screening. The CDC advised that no Americans take non-essential travel to Wuhan, and to take public health precautions such as wearing masks and washing hands while traveling to other regions of China.

State officials stress that the risk of infection here is “low.”

“..At the University of Minnesota, spring semester began Tuesday, with more than 2,200 Chinese international students recently returned from China. While the U said it will work closely with the state health department to monitor any developments, it stressed that there are no confirmed coronavirus cases on any of its campuses, according to a public health alert.

…The global SARS outbreak, which caused 774 deaths in 17 countries from 2002 to 2004, was due to a novel coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization. At the peak of the SARS outbreak in 2003, Minnesota had 11 suspected and probable cases. Many of those cases had alternative diagnoses that could explain their symptoms, however.


UW-Platteville students monitored for possible coronavirus

186 views•Jan 23, 2020
96.7K subscribers


What a Coincidence! A U.S. Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018 Photo of Michael Snyder Michael SnyderJanuary 26, 2020
“..We are being told that the coronavirus outbreak which is currently escalating at an exponential rate probably started with a snake. Perhaps that is true, but a lot of researchers are now pointing out some really odd “coincidences” regarding this outbreak. For example, China’s very first biosafety-level-4 lab is located just 20 miles away from where this outbreak supposedly originated. And a news report about this lab from a few years ago specifically stated that it would be “studying the pathogen that causes SARS”. Of course SARS was caused by a coronavirus, and now a “new coronavirus” has been unleashed in the only Chinese city where coronavirus research was being conducted.


This patent was filed by the Pilbright Institute, and as Stefan Stanford has pointed out, some of the major backers of the Pilbright Institute include the World Health Organization, the European Commission, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation….

The lab cost approximately 44 million dollars to build, and the Nature article specifically mentioned that future plans for the facility included “studying the pathogen that causes SARS”.

In other words, coronavirus research was to be conducted in this lab.

Perhaps it is just a wild coincidence that the coronavirus outbreak began in the only city in China with a biosafety-level-4 lab that was conducting coronavirus research…”


What Coronavirus Symptoms Look Like, Day By Day

7,616,918 views•Mar 18, 2020
Science Insider
1.28M subscribers
After being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19, it can take as few as two and as many as 14 days for symptoms to develop. Cases range from mild to critical. The average timeline from the first symptom to recovery is about 17 days, but some cases are fatal. Here’s what it looks like to develop COVID-19, day by day.

If you have lost your sense of smell or taste you could be a ‘hidden carrier’ of the coronavirus (Adam Bienkov)
Business InsiderMarch 22, 2020, 8:06 AM CDT

“dry cough, sore throat, chills, runny nose, etc..”

“…A sudden loss of smell, known as anosmia or hyposmia, could be a symptom of the coronavirus, even if patients experience no other symptoms, according to leading Rhinologists in the UK.

Evidence from South Korea, China and Italy suggests that many patients with COVID-19 may have experienced a loss of smell without any other symptoms.

The British Association of Otorhinolaryngology calls on the authorities to advise anyone with a loss of smell or taste to self-isolate.

Young people could be more likely to carry the disease without presenting the more commonly-recognised symptoms of fever and coughing, they believe…”


Asians facing discrimination, violence amid coronavirus outbreak

1,212,573 views•Mar 12, 2020
ABC News
7.99M subscribers

ABC News’ Kyra Phillips looks at the rising discrimination against Asian Americans in the wake of COVID-19. Business owners and victims share what they’re trying to do about it.

Good News Racism


Coronavirus Epidemic Update 10: New Studies, Transmission, Spread from Wuhan, Prevention (nocv 2019)

39,942 views•Feb 4, 2020
MedCram – Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY
457K subscribers
Coronavirus epidemic update 10 by pulmonologist Dr. Seheult of
This video illustrates the basic reproduction number and spread of the coronavirus, updated confirmed cases, the safety of packages from China, and coronavirus quarantines and evacuations. Dr. Seheult also discusses a recent Lancet article about coronavirus hospital admissions, MuLBSTA score, and unsubstantiated theories such as an HIV association with coronavirus.

See our first 9 videos on the novel coronavirus:


Li Wenliang: Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower doctor 7 February 2020
“..Li Wenliang contracted the virus while working at Wuhan Central Hospital.

He had sent out a warning to fellow medics on 30 December but police told him to stop “making false comments”.

There had been contradictory reports about his death, but the People’s Daily now says he died at 02:58 on Friday (18:58 GMT Thursday).

The virus has killed 636 people and infected 31,161 in mainland China, the National Health Commission’s latest figures show.

The death toll includes 73 new deaths reported on Thursday…”

The coronavirus conspiracy: is there a cover-up in China?

160,957 views•Feb 25, 2020

Channel 4 News
1.1M subscribers
China’s initial response to the Coronavirus received praise. But now with the accusations of cover-ups, crack-downs and even forced quarantines beginning to mount – is China trying to shut down Coronavirus whistleblowers?
“…Jonathan Wick
Jonathan Wick
1 day ago
There is 300 cases of Possible Corona Virus Here in Albuquerque NM at Kirkland’s Air Base. There lieing to US in the United States there’s thousands infected…”

I Found The Source of the Coronavirus

270,076 views•Apr 1, 2020
429K subscribers

Hey Laowinners,

After 2 weeks of painstaking searching, I refute the claim that the Coronavirus started outside of China.

“It did come from a biological lab, but from a bat they were experimenting with from another province that was brought to Wuhan”

Links for proof:…………………………”

“Seth Bracken
Seth Bracken
4 hours ago
Zheng-li Shi was also on the team at UNC that created a chimeric virus, transforming a harmless coronavirus into one that had the capability to infect human respiratory tract cells….

5 hours ago
Yes, there were similar discussions by another Chinese Youtuber about this lady Huang Yanling. The story is pretty much the same: she worked in the P3 Lab (the one where Shih is the director but Wuhan does have a P4 lab as well) and she died unexpectedly. When she was cremated, she also infected the worker in the nearby crematorium. As to why Shih and others in Wuhan focused on studying bats, it is said that they were studying how to weaponize the coronavirus. That is why China won’t allow US CDC to enter to help in the earlier days. They were afraid of being found that they were trying to create a bioweapon! Of course, all this leads to conspiracy theory, but there are just too many coincidences for people not to get suspicious! Also, China is making such an effort to point the blame to others. They clearly know what they are guilty of and are trying super hard to get away from it.

3 hours ago
My mother works at a similar lab in North America and has contacts with people who worked at the Wuhan virology lab. When I shared her this, she definitely thinks this is plausible. When they analyze viruses in a lab, they increase the quantity and concentration of the virus to make it easier to study. If this was mishandled, the lab staff could easily get infected and given what we know about the disease, it could easily spread from there…

Documentary About COVID 19 That Will Knock Your Socks Off
4,128 views•Apr 12, 2020
Tal Harel
Documentary About COVID-19 That Will Knock Your Socks Off
Wayne Dupree Show
last Wednesday ·
There is nothing out there about COVID-19 like this. You need to take a few minutes to watch, your jaw will drop, I promise.


Coronavirus patient says disease ‘not the scary thing that everyone thinks it is’ Fox News Flash
Published February 29
“…In some cases, these discoveries in the apothecary led to innovation in the kitchen. For example, in Asia, the use of orange zest, lemon zest and dried orange peel in cooking developed out of the knowledge of their application as remedies for digestive disorders. A little citrus peel in your diet can go a long way….

For hundreds of years, herbalists trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have used mature mandarin orange peel, known as chen pi or ju pi in Chinese medicine, to improve digestion, relieve intestinal gas and bloating, and resolve phlegm. This peel acts primarily on the digestive and respiratory systems. We apply it in conditions involving a sense of distension and fullness in the chest and upper middle abdomen combined with loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, or coughs with copious phlegm.

Immature mandarin orange peel, known as qing pi in Chinese medicine, acts primarily on the liver and stomach to promote digestion, relieve food retention and abdominal distension, and promote good liver function. Practitioners of Chinese herbology use this herb when the sense of distension and discomfort lies primarily under the rib cage rather than the central abdomen. …

Citrus peels also contain hesperidin, a flavonoid that reduces the proliferation of cancer cells and induces programmed cell death in human colon cancer cells. Korean researchers found that qing pi extract induces programmed cell death in human colon cancer cells.

Fact Vs. Fear: A Look At The Numbers

51,197 views•Streamed live 15 hours ago (2/21/20)
Kim Iversen
232K subscribers

-Theories Online

=>Biological Lab

Coronavirus: Wuhan has deadly pathogen lab linked to Chinese scientist under investigation By BRIAN MCGLEENON
PUBLISHED: 22:47, Tue, Jan 28, 2020 | UPDATED: 15:20, Wed, Jan 29, 2020

“..According to an Israeli biological warfare expert who spoke to The Washington Times, the deadly animal-borne coronavirus spreading globally may have originated in a laboratory in the city of Wuhan linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, said an Israeli biological warfare analyst.


China coronavirus goes viral: What’s true and what’s fake? | DW News

•Jan 28, 2020

DW News
1.04M subscribers
A transmission in Germany may be the first person-to-person infection of coronavirus outside Asia. Officials say a man contracted the virus from a Chinese colleague at a conference. Other confirmed cases of the viral outbreak in Europe have so far involved patients who had recently been to China. Other than Germany, more than a dozen countries have confirmed cases of the virus. In China, the death toll has jumped to 100, with more than 45-hundred cases confirmed. Scientific studies suggest each infected person passes the virus on to two or three other people, on average. Entire cities are already under quarantine, and now the government has asked people to delay foreign travel. For millions, worrying and waiting are the new normal. Spreading almost as rapidly as the coronavirus itself are false information and conspiracy theories about it. So what’s true and what’s fake?”

Reports: Coronavirus was originated in a Wuhan Lab

229,394 views•Feb 9, 2020
437K subscribers
The deadly animal virus pandemic Coronavirus, which has sent waves of terror around the world, may have had its origins in the pandemic, in Wuhan, a laboratory linked to China’s secret biological weapons program.

China Implies Coronavirus Leaked from Lab?

305,970 views•Premiered Feb 21, 2020
Zooming In with Simone Gao
70.2K subscribers
Welcome to the China Angle. I’m Simone Gao. There are several important points about the #Coronavirus that must be discussed. The first point is the real scope of the #epidemic, including the number of people infected and the death toll. Second, the biosafety of #China’s #P4 labs, and if the virus was in fact leaked from those labs. And third is the origin of the virus itself; could it have been created in Chinese laboratories? Today we’ll address the second point – whether the virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Your Story: Is Coronavirus a biological weapon? WION News | World News

197,517 views•Feb 18, 2020
439K subscribers
The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in mainland China reached 1,868 as of now. According to the National Commission of Health in China presents the recent data.

Iranian, Russian and Chinese Officials Claim COVID-19 Is A Biological Weapon

292,818 views•Mar 13, 2020
Kim Iversen
224K subscribers

Regarding “peddling conspiracy theories”, Im not discussing suspicions raised by people on Reddit or 8 Chan, officials from world governments are saying it. Should I censor what these nation’s officials are claiming? When do I pick and choose which claim to cover and which to ignore? Just because you might not agree with the theory doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be heard. I’m firmly against censorship and think it’s best to be open minded enough to hear someone out no matter how crazy the theory may sound.

Chinese scientists says COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government …

3,762,401 views•Feb 16, 2020
285K subscribers
Chinese scientists says COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government testing lab in Wuhan
“…a Chinese-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, Ming Pao, and the British daily, The Mirror explained Sunday that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, or WHCDC, could have spawned the contagion in Hubei Province.
According to the report penned by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao of the South China University of Technology,… the research lab, which is only 280 meters away from the Huanan seafood market,… kept disease-ridden animals including more than 600 bats.
It stated that while it’s plausible the virus was leaked from the lab and contaminated initial patients in this epidemic,… more solid evidence is required through future study.
The report also raised the possibility that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have leaked the virus while it was carrying out tests involving Chinese horseshoe bats…”

-Bill Gates

REAL News about the Wuhan Virus Real News Network

Peggy Traeger Tierney
“…Bill Gates & Barack Obama released a docuseries on Netflix called PANDEMIC in December right before the Wuhan virus was “discovered.”

The docuseries pushed the need for the Gates Foundation to receive funding to carry on virus research to prevent the next PANDEMIC!

Bill Gates funded the Wuhan lab in China that released the Wuhan virus and is already selling test kits. Coincidence? Bill Gates was a member of China’s Academy of Sciences who built the lab and he was awarded their highest honor.

The Wuhan virus ..”


1,363,408 views•Premiered Mar 18, 2020
London Real
1.37M subscribers


New Coronavirus Wasn’t ‘Predicted’ In Simulation
By Angelo Fichera
Posted on January 29, 2020
“…There was in fact an exercise (called “Event 201”) that took place in October that was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security — which the Gates Foundation participated in — that focused on emergency preparedness in the event of a “very severe pandemic.” But it didn’t deal with 2019-nCoV, and it didn’t make real-life predictions about death tolls.

“To be clear, the Center for Health Security and partners did not make a prediction during our tabletop exercise. For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction,” the center said in a statement. “Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic. We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”..”

-> Wuhan Games

LIVE: Opening ceremony of 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, China

Coronavirus began in US, not China, Chinese official suggests
By Max Walden

Posted 13 Mar 2020, 4:15am
A spokesman for China’s ministry of foreign affairs has lashed out at the United States’ handling of the coronavirus outbreak, saying COVID-19 may have been brought into China by US soldiers.


We Are Being Played
183,846 views•Mar 19, 2020
Amazing Polly
207K subscribers

Who exactly is handling the Corona Virus Task Force in the US?
I look in to the back ground of Debra Birx which leads us to PEPFAR, which leads us to Bono and Bill Gates and the swampy depths of the Frankenstein Medical Industrial Complex. It’s GLOBAL.
If you would like to support my work, please do so either of these two ways:

“opening for vaccines with RFID chip ”


COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 01, 2020

“..The simulation conducted in October entitled nCoV-2019 was undertaken barely 2 months prior to to the outbreak of COVID-19…

January 30th, 2020, WHO Director General announces the “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

And now a Worldwide vaccination campaign has been launched to curb the COVID-19 under the auspices of CEPI in partnership with GlaxoSmithKline.

Concluding Remarks

While COVID-19 (alias nCoV-2019) constitutes a multi-billion corporate bonanza for Big Pharma, it has also contributed to precipitating humanity into a dangerous and unfolding global process of economic, social and geopolitical destabilization…”
We Debunked All The Lies Being Spread About Coronavirus
by Rachael Conaghan 30 January 2020

Jokes may seem harmless, but they can lead to something more insidious. Today a man in Sydney’s Chinatown collapsed and died, and it’s being reported that no one performed CPR to save his life because of coronavirus concerns.

In a seperate Sydney incident a photo of a person who had collapsed was posted to social media, with the caption insinuating the person had the virus…”

Did a doctor in China really collapse during surgery because he had contracted coronavirus? Coronavirus / China – 02/07/2020
“..The text also says that the footage was filmed in a hospital in Yunnan province and that the doctor collapsed because he was overworked and suffering from hypoglycemia.

If you type the keywords “doctor”, “Yunnan” and “faint” in Chinese into Google, then you’ll pull up an article from the Chinese newspaper Beijing News that was published on January 17. The article says that the incident occurred in the hospital in Zhenxiong, an administrative district in Yunnan, and confirms that the doctor was suffering from hypoglycemia and overwork…”

Wuhan coronavirus: what a photo of a drunk Chinese man in Seoul says about fears of the disease David Lee

Published: 4:00pm, 30 Jan, 2020
‘A picture of a Chinese man passed out in a subway station in Seoul that was shared on an online forum caused concern about the spread of coronavirus in South Korea. Photo: ScreengrabA picture of a Chinese man passed out in a subway station in Seoul that was shared on an online forum caused concern about the spread of coronavirus in South Korea. Photo: Screengrab
A picture of a Chinese man passed out in a subway station in Seoul that was shared on an online forum caused concern about the spread of coronavirus in South Korea. Photo: Screengrab
An image of a Chinese man collapsed in a Seoul subway station, apparently too sick to stand, has been held up by many Koreans as proof of just how great a threat the Wuhan coronavirus

The picture of the man and two women trying to help him was shared in a post on an online forum titled “A Chinese man collapsed in Konkuk University Station” which went viral. “I was going back home with some friends when I saw a Chinese man collapsed on the ground. I ran home holding my breath … People living near Konkuk University, be careful,” the author of the post wrote.

Except the man was not, as so many claimed, infected with the virus. He was just drunk. This was confirmed by representatives of the subway…”

China Blames America for the Coronavirus Outbreak

132,290 views•Mar 6, 2020
China Uncensored
1.04M subscribers
China is getting the World Health Organization to praise its handling of the deadly coronavirus outbreak while spreading propaganda and misinformation around the world! Including blaming the outbreak of the corona virus COVID-19 on America, and saying Shen Yun Performing Arts carry the disease!

-Harvard Professor

Harvard Professor among three arrested with lying about China government ties #Coronavirus Wuhan

2,496 views•Feb 20, 2020
Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, who is the chair of Harvard’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, is accused of lying about working with several Chinese organizations, where he collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from Chinese entities

Head of Harvard’s chemistry department arrested for lying about work with China
By Justine Calma@justcalma Jan 28, 2020, 3:24pm EST
Charles Lieber allegedly misled Harvard, the DoD, and NIH

“..The head of Harvard’s chemistry and chemical biology department, Charles Lieber, was charged Tuesday with making false statements about his involvement with China’s program to recruit foreign researchers. Lieber’s contract with the program, Thousand Talents, afforded him a monthly salary of up to $50,000 and annual living expenses of more than $150,000 over three years, according to an affidavit supporting the criminal complaint against Lieber unsealed on Tuesday. He was also given more than $1.5 million by the Chinese government and the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) to set up a lab and conduct research at the university…”
DOJ: Harvard University professor lied about work for the Chinese government
Kristine Phillips
“..Lieber, who specializes in nanoscience and is principal investigator of Harvard’s Lieber Research Group, has received more than $15 million in grants from U.S. federal agencies since 2008. He is required to disclose any conflicts of interest and money he receives from foreign governments.

..But authorities say Lieber denied his affiliation with the Chinese program, called the Thousand Talents Plan, and with Wuhan University.

Lieber told investigators and Harvard University officials in 2018 that he “is not and has never been a participant” in the program and he “had no formal association” with Wuhan University after 2012, according to court documents. He claimed the university “continued to falsely exaggerate” his involvement. …

The Justice Department also charged two Chinese nationals, but their case is not related to Lieber’s.

Yanqing Ye, 29, and Zaosong Zheng, 30, each were charged with visa fraud, making false statements, acting as an agent of a foreign government and conspiracy. Both came to the United States through a work-study program of the State Department….
No Link Between Harvard Scientist Charles Lieber and Coronavirus
By Jessica McDonald

Posted on February 21, 2020
“..On Jan. 28, the Department of Justice announced the charges against Lieber and the two Chinese nationals in a single press release. But as the title of the release says, the three cases are “separate.”

..There is nothing inherently wrong with Lieber participating in the Chinese program, but he needed to disclose those relationships and funds to Harvard and when receiving grant money from U.S. agencies. Lieber allegedly failed to do so on multiple occasions, including when he was asked about his Chinese ties from curious investigators. Lieber has not been charged with sharing intellectual property with the Chinese.

..Lieber’s affiliated school, Wuhan University of Technology, also does not appear to do work with viruses, according to a list of research projects on its website. WUT is primarily an engineering school, focused on subjects such as material science, transportation and logistics.


Gaddafi reveals who is behind the Corona virus !

Photo altered to show train car labeled COVID-19
March 21, 2020
“…CLAIM: Train cars have been found in the U.S. marked with “COVID-19.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A cropped photo circulating on social media showing a rail car marked with COVID-19, the name of the coronavirus disease spreading around the globe, was altered to include the marking.

THE FACTS: In recent days, social media user have been sharing manipulated images of railroad tank and freight cars labeled with COVID-19, falsely claiming that the U.S. was behind the spread of coronavirus. A fuller version of the photo shows the extended train with the marking “GATX 208630,” meaning the train belonged to GATX Corporation, a global railcar lessor that operates in North America…”

*see Now You Know: Wireless Technology


43,876 views•Mar 5, 2020
A Call For An Uprising
498K subscribers

Coronavirus conspiracies debunked: 5G isn’t responsible for the deadly infection and it didn’t crash-land on Earth on a meteor By HARRY HOWARD FOR MAILONLINE

PUBLISHED: 13:35 EST, 5 March 2020 | UPDATED: 15:49 EST, 5 March 2020
Some suggested that the virus has come from space or been invented in a lab
Others said that hand dryers spraying alcohol or chlorine with protect you
Also fears that the virus can be transmitted through packages from China
“…A post on Facebook page ‘Stop 5G UK’ claimed: ‘Wuhan is where 5G was rolled out.

‘What if all we are seeing in Wuhan is sickness from exposure to excessive 5G radiation, and weakened immune systems?’

And in a video on Twitter, an unidentified woman said: ‘5G absorbs oxygen, and that’s really important to know.

‘On your oxygen molecules, the little electrons, with 5G they start to oscillate. So 5G is absorbing the oxygen and then your haemoglobin can’t take up the oxygen.

‘So how long do you think it’s going to take the human body to fall over because it suddenly cannot take up oxygen into cells?’

It is true that Wuhan boasts a 5G network, but there is no evidence at all of a link between the network and the virus. .”

Secret plans during lockdown? Calling all Ψhιstlε βlowers to do the right thing…

For optimum health, I HIGHLY recommend REMOVING microwave frequencies from your home. Wifi, cordless phones, wireless devices etc. Good news! You can use your phone for INTERNET with the CELL/Bluetooth Wifi OFF (airplane mode ON) by connecting these adapters to an ETHERNET cable (from your router).

*see Health: How to boost one’s immune system?

I am NOT Afraid of the Corona Virus THT in 10 min

131,017 views•Feb 28, 2020
Dr. John Bergman
*build immune system with probiotics

Coronavirus, Protect yourself and family

309,639 views•Jan 28, 2020
Dr. John Campbell
198K subscribers
Practical tips to protect yourself and your family from Coronavirus from China.
Coronaviruses – Protect yourself and your family

Cases have been confirmed in Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, France, South Korea, United States, Vietnam, Japan, Canada and Nepal

1. Stay home, avoid planes, buses, trains, busy areas

2. No visitors, avoid close contact with symptomatic people or potential carriers, don’t share cups

3. Wear a quality medical mask

4. Wrap around glasses

5. Gloves and meticulous hand hygiene, don’t touch eyes, nose mouth

6. Don’t trust hand sanitizers

7. Avoid hospitals, limited visiting

8. Good nutrition, vitamin D

9. Keep warm

10. Thoroughly cook meat and eggs

11. Catch it – bin it – kill it

12. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

13. Avoid public spaces if you start to feel ill with fever

Chinese Coronavirus: What to Know & What to Do (2019-nCoV)

210,840 views•Jan 24, 2020
989K subscribers

‘..The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) originating near Wuhan, China is spreading to other countries and is increasingly causing people to wonder what they should know & what they should do. Like many viruses, this virus can spread quickly and may mutate as time goes on. You need to know what to do to protect yourself and your family from this new virus.

This new virus in China may become a dangerous pandemic, and you need facts and an action plan you can share with your family and the people you care about. The media is giving you some helpful information, this video will give you the rest.

***If it would help non-english speaking people, you can click this link to translate this video’s title, show notes & captions into another language…

Needed Supplies:

More Info:
W.H.O. Coronavirus Q&A:
M.E.R.S. –…
S.A.R.S. –……”

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The coming coronavirus vaccine (Full show)

3,951 views•Jan 28, 2020
RT America
1.06M subscribers

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding biotech companies tasked with stopping the spread of the deadly coronavirus emerging from China. RT America’s Michele Greenstein (in for Rick Sanchez) reminds us of Bill Gates’ links to controversial medical research. Dafna Tachover, senior attorney and director of the 5G program at Children’s Health Defense weighs in on the health risks posed by 5G wireless technology. (TIMECODES) RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House for the unveiling of President Trump’s “win-win” peace plan for the Middle East. (TIMECODES) RT’s Charlotte Dubinskij reports on ongoing protests in France. (TIMECODES) RT America’s Alex Mihailovich reports on the disturbing role that the European weapons sector plays in fueling violent crime associated with Mexico’s drug trade. (TIMECODES) RT’s Donald Courter reports on former State Sec. Hillary Clinton’s contention that Facebook is to blame for the Trump presidency. (TIMECODES) RT America’s Sayeh Tavangar reports on NASA’s decision to begin to allow tourists to visit the International Space Station. (TIMECODES)

Preventing Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Infection

-Masks ?

How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirus

385,674 views•Premiered Mar 6, 2020
Peak Prosperity
280K subscribers

For those asking how best to SUPPORT Chris & Peak Prosperity in their efforts to provide continuing coverage of news that matters:

Coronavirus: Doctor explains the proper way to wash your hands and put on a face mask

•Jan 29, 2020
South China Morning Post
958K subscribers

-Outdoors Safe?

Coronavirus outbreak: Australians crowd Bondi Beach despite restrictions, social distancing=

What outdoor activities are safe to do during the coronavirus outbreak?
Nicquel Terry Ellis

“…Medical experts say fresh air and exercise are important for your physical and mental health but advise Americans to use caution.

They recommend only doing outdoor activities with the people in your household and staying 6 feet away from neighbors or others in public areas.

Coronavirus is highly contagious, can live in the air for hours and on some surfaces for up to three days, and can be spread easily by droplets from someone’s cough, ..”


Coronavirus sweeps across China By Kevin ZellerJanuary 28, 2020
“..How To Help
Handley says believers can help by praying for the region around Wuhan. “They’re deeply impacted and their hospitals are overflowing. This is a chance for the church to be the church, using extra precautions, wearing face masks . . .being careful not to do anything that’s going to spread the disease, but they also want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of what’s happening.”

(image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

As fear of the virus spreads, so can the Gospel. Handley recalls the words of a senior ministry leader in China, saying, “Please pray for China. This is a humbling time for us, and a time for real spiritual reflection. He said, Actually, this might be spiritually good for us to be reminded that even a rising, growing power can be brought down by a small, unseen bug.”

Handley says the people at Asian Access need prayer to know when to have people travel, and when to let them stay home. The outbreak of the virus will increase costs for the ministry, and Handley asked for prayer that funds would rise to meet them…”

{2003 Outbreak}

Killer Bug – SARS Coronavirus

312,475 views•Dec 31, 2014
Naked Science
831K subscribers

*see Medical: How the Lungs (respiratory system) Function?

Descriptive review of geographic mapping of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) on the Internet

“..The aim of these mapping services is to educate the public (especially travellers to potentially at-risk areas) and assist public health authorities in analysing the spatial and temporal trends and patterns of SARS and in assessing/revising current control measures…”


Coronavirus – Why You Should Panic More

264,477 views•Premiered Feb 6, 2020
916K subscribers
What is the Coronavirus and why should you panic more? In this life enhancing video you’ll have these questions answer. Being able to feel more fear and have a lower quality of life because of clickbait, fear mongering headlines is empowering.
Subscribe to my channel for MORE! New videos every week!:

-Known People fighting Coronavirus

Coronavirus: Tom Hanks Points People to Faith in God


Dean Koontz novel predicted coronavirus?

144,497 views•Feb 21, 2020
ABC 10 News
163K subscribers
Dean Koontz novel predicted coronavirus?

Did a 1981 science fiction book predict coronavirus? 24/02/2020
Vita Molyneux
“..”They call the stuff Wuhan-400 because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan,” reads the passage.

“Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings, No other living creature can carry it and like syphilis Wuhan-400 can’t survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute.”..”

Gravitas: Did a writer predict the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak?

52,737 views•Feb 18, 2020
437K subscribers
Dean Koontz released ‘The eyes of darkness’ in 1981. Claims have emerged that this novel predicted the coronavirus outbreak almost 40 years ago. Wion’s Palki tells you the truth behind ‘Wuhan 400’.

40 Years Ago, A Novel Predicted The Coronavirus Outbreak; Called It Wuhan-400?

COVID-19 [Wuhan 400] Was Created By Chinese Military Researchers (1981) & The Documented Release Date 2020: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Video By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.
Friday, February 28, 2020 11:13
“… “credible fact finding” SNOPES to ease your concerns about a “fictional” book written in 1981 by author Dean Koontz “The Eyes Of Darkness.”

“An excerpt from the American author’s 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness” is being shared online after he wrote about a virus with an apparently uncanny resemblance to the one experts warn could prove a pandemic.”


…The book was a fictional novel, but like many fictitious books written about military intelligence operations, there is always a seed of facts, just as Tom Clancy provided in his writings…..information provided to him from intelligence sources. His untimely death at 66, along with Breitbart (2013) is an indication of more things coming-out soon about the Muslim Brotherhood “insurgency” by Hussein Obama.

Did Tom Clancy get too close to the truth?..”

Tom Clancy–why has death certificate not been filed
“..He said the Obama administration is made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Garrow said it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals. This is why all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed. Ex-CIA agent says Obama had Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy assassinated |

*see Peace: How can we live with Muslims? & Deep Thought: Why is sexual abuse common?

“…Now, we would all like to know how Dean Koontz, the world’s sixth-most highly paid author, who ties with John Grisham, at $25 million annually, knew of Wuhan and even named the deadly bacteriological weapon “Wuhan-400,” 40 years ago? We would like to have a chat with him about his “prophetic visions”on what seems to have striking similarities with the nVoC-2019 Coronavirus.

We now all know that the Coronavirus pandemic was not, as some early reports claimed, the product of a Wuhan seafood market, where people were allegedly eating infected bats, but instead a Chinese biological weapon that had escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and one lab, in particular, that seems to match the description of the RDNA labs in Dean Koontz’s fictional book. Koontz, who obviously has contacts with U.S. military intelligence must have known in the early 80s that the Chinese were working on this kind of thing.


1981 book predicts corona virus/a new bird flu hits China/ virus of UNKNOWN origin found in Brazil

7,465 views•Streamed live on Feb 10, 2020
11.1K subscribers

VERIFY: Dean Koontz did not predict the coronavirus outbreak …
*actually 1996 they changed it from “Gorki-400” (Russian) to Wuhan-400 (Chinese) origination

Joseph Prince Prophesied The Coronavirus In 2018

241,688 views•Mar 4, 2020
Joseph Prince
484K subscribers
In his recent sermon on 16 Feb 2020 (Anointing Oil For Healing And Protection), Pastor Prince screened an excerpt from a sermon he preached on 19 August 2018 in which he prophesied a new strain of flu-like virus that was to come. He also shared how God has already released a new “strain” of healing among His people.

The coronavirus is not from God but from the devil, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (see John 10:10).

This sermon excerpt assures us that we, God’s people, need not worry during these dangerous and uncertain times because God is always ahead of the devil. The devil plays catch up to God, not the other way around!

While we exercise wisdom in carrying out our daily affairs, we can live fearless and confident in God’s protection, knowing that even if a thousand fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, it shall not come near us (see Ps. 91:7). Instead of allowing fear to dictate our every move, let’s continue to place our entire trust in the Lord and claim His powerful promises of protection found in Psalm 91.

Coronavirus Prophecy (2017) – Bishop Isaiah Mbuga | 2017 New Year’s Message CHMI

69,595 views•Jan 8, 2017
Christ’s Heart Ministries International
3.76K subscribers
Bishop Isaiah Mbuga 2017 New Year Message.
Christ’s Heart Church Mukono, Uganda.
TV Airing Date: 08-Jan-2017
Christ’s Heart TV Program airs every Sunday 7:30 a.m. EAT on Urban TV Uganda



Clean & Disinfect

Interim Recommendations for US Households with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019

Coronavirus and What House Cleaners Don’t Want You to Know

How to Protect Your Home From Coronavirus | This Morning

Sal:I wash my hands right away when I go home and I have hand sanitizer with me all times.

Coronavirus | About | Prevention and Treatment | CDC

“…How to protect yourself
There are currently no vaccines available to protect you against human coronavirus infection. You may be able to reduce your risk of infection by doing the following…

There are no specific treatments for illnesses caused by human coronaviruses. Most people with common human coronavirus illness will recover on their own. However, you can do some things to relieve your symptoms

take pain and fever medications (Caution: do not give Aspirin to children)
use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help ease a sore throat and cough
If you are mildly sick, you should

drink plenty of liquids
stay home and rest…”

=>Vitamin C

Vitamin C (vitamin) for prevention of coronavirus infections in healthy Adults
Do not use this treatment: It does not prevent cold symptoms, and it only slightly speeds up recovery. The treatment seems safe but pointless…”

Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia
“..Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has antioxidant properties. When sepsis happens, the cytokine surge caused by sepsis is activated, and neutrophils in the lungs accumulate in the lungs, destroying alveolar capillaries. Early clinical studies have shown that vitamin C can effectively prevent this process. In addition, vitamin C can help to eliminate alveolar fluid by preventing the activation and accumulation of neutrophils, and reducing alveolar epithelial water channel damage. At the same time, vitamin C can prevent the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps, which is a biological event of vascular injury caused by neutrophil activation. Vitamins can effectively shorten the duration of the common cold. In extreme conditions (athletes, skiers, art workers, military exercises), it can effectively prevent the common cold. And whether vitamin C also has a certain protective effect on influenza patients, only few studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency is related to the increased risk and severity of influenza infections. In a controlled but non-randomized trial, 85% of the 252 students treated experienced a reduction in symptoms in the high-dose vitamin C group (1g / h at the beginning of symptoms for 6h, followed by 3 * 1g / day). Among patients with sepsis and ARDS, patients in the high-dose vitamin group did not show a better prognosis and other clinical outcomes. There are still some confounding factors in the existing research, and the conclusions are different…”
Coronavirus: Is High-Dose Vitamin C the Answer?
by innovation | Feb 13, 2020 | IV Nutrition Therapy, Press | 0 comments
“..A lack of vitamin C has been long known to increase susceptibility to viruses, and a few studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency is related to the increased risk and severity of influenza infections.

Vitamin C is significant to the human body and plays a role in reducing inflammatory response and also helps to boost the immune system when you are ill with a cold or the flu. Supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system, vitamin C is well known for its contribution to the body’s immune defense.



Most Effective Way To Kill A Virus

“fluids (no caffeine), let your immune system do it’s job, rest, honey, humidifier, etc…”


*see Medical: Coronavirus stories of “possible” Cures, Recovery, Treatments, Healings, etc…



Hundreds pray at Western Wall for cure to coronavirus: ‘God has the power to send healing’ CORONAVIRUSPublished February 17 By Caleb Parke | Fox News
“…Nearly a thousand Jews at the Western Wall in Jerusalem prayed for a cure to combat the coronavirus outbreak that has killed 1,770 people.

Orthodox rabbis joined Jewish congregants, including dozens of Chinese citizens in Israel, as they gathered Sunday at Judaism’s holiest site seeking divine intervention, as Chinese authorities report an uptick in cases linked to the COVID-19 virus, which was first detected late last year…”

Miraculous Cure for Incurable Deadly Disease

Prayer in the Time of Coronavirus
A microbiologist urges Christians to resist the fear that surrounds contagious diseases.

Vice President Mike Pence Prays With Coronavirus Task Force
“..During one of the first joint meetings of the group, Pence took a moment to pray with the task force before they began a discussion on the next steps to combating the coronavirus…”

Prayer for Coronavirus Victims
“1,639 views•Mar 2, 2020
271K subscribers

Let us pray for the intercession of St. Rosalie on behalf of the victims of the coronavirus.
May the afflicted find healing and comfort during their suffering. Amen.”

Coronavirus Outbreak in China | Guided Christian Healing Prayer Meditation
“..94 views•Premiered 5 hours ago
Abide – Healing Prayers
3.81K subscribers
Find peace with this guided Christian healing prayer meditation in response to the Coronavirus Outbreak in China..”

‘God Is the Ultimate Healer’: Southern Baptists Pray for Coronavirus Breakthrough

1,190 views•Feb 14, 2020
CBN News
237K subscribers
‘God Is the Ultimate Healer’: Southern Baptists Pray for Coronavirus Breakthroug

Gospel for Asia calls on Christians to pray and fast for end of coronavirus during Lent
By Caleb Parke, Fox NewsFebruary 26, 2020 | 7:22pm
“..Gospel for Asia (GFA) created a Lent devotional calendar online that includes daily prayers and Bible readings as Christians remember the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert, as recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke…”

Coronavirus – Prayer Requests From the Church in Wuhan, China
“…Over the years, Asia Harvest has printed and delivered more than 380,000 Bibles to believers in Hubei. While that work will need to be put on hold for a while, as the whole province is on lockdown (no one allowed in or out, and internal travel has also been curtailed), our work continues throughout the other 30 provinces of China.

A Prayer Request from a Wuhan Pastor:

* Peace be upon you. At this time the virus has been at the center of our thoughts and lives. We are always watching the latest news, and thinking about how our family and the church should face this.

* As for my family, I have gathered masks and food and have ventured outside as little as possible. When venturing out in public I have worn a mask, but as for the rest, I place my life in the Lord’s hands.

* As for the church, we are all part of a great struggle. We are facing a severe test of our faith, and we feel that Christians in our city are not only called to suffer with the people, but we have been called to pray for those who are fearful, and to introduce them to the peace of Christ…”

The Coronavirus Predicted in the Bible? Yes!

289,720 views•Feb 3, 2020
The Christian Life
84.3K subscribers
The Coronavirus outbreak has captured the whole world’s attention. Face masks sold out, travelers denied access into certain countries and the media broadcasts every new development. Are we to worry? Not if you believe the Bible! When you understand what the Bible says about this, fear is turned into hope!

Corona Virus COVID-19 National Day of Prayer | Guided Christian Healing Prayer Meditation

68 views•Premiered 38 minutes ago (3.15.20)
Abide – Healing Prayers
4.13K subscribers

Join us for a #NationalDayOfPrayer with this guided Christian #HealingPrayer meditation for the #Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Neutral Perspective: COVID 19 “Lock down” Works or NOT ?

Lord we pray that you give local and global leaders knowledge on what to do on how to go about this situation in Jesus’ name..amen!

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Good News Biological

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Deep Thought: Shootings with “manifestos” of hate , are they connected?

A weekend of mass murder reflects how American violence goes viral By Marc Fisher August 4

“In El Paso, Dayton and Chicago, a weekend of horrific gun violence seemed on the surface to be another spasm of disconnected mayhem, people taking the lives of others almost at random. But on closer examination, the attacks served to illustrate how America’s lone-wolf shooters aren’t really alone.

….The New Zealand shooter wrote in his manifesto that immigration “is ethnic replacement. This is cultural replacement. This is racial replacement. This is WHITE GENOCIDE.”


And American neo-Nazis in the last decades of the 20th century relied heavily on the influence of a novel by extremist William Pierce, “The Turner Diaries,” to motivate a wave of white supremacist terrorist attacks, including Timothy Mc­Veigh’s bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995; the attack killed 168 people.


What Causes Mass Shootings? | The Daily Show

From El Paso to Christchurch, a Racist Lie Is Fueling Terrorist Attacks
The Daily Beast By (Kelly Weill),The Daily Beast (8.5.19)
“..Alleged killers in Christchurch, New Zealand; Poway, California; and El Paso, Texas believed a theory that claims white people are being “replaced” by people of color through mass immigration. Conspiracy theorists often falsely claim this is a deliberate effort by any number of groups demonized on the far right: liberals, Democrats, Jews, Muslims. It’s the theory peddled by white-supremacist groups seeking recruits and the torch-bearing marchers in Charlottesville two years ago. It’s also a thinly disguised—and often not disguised—talking point from some conservative politicians and pundits, experts say…”

Dayton Shooter Was Leftist Antifa, Satanist, 2736

James Starr
1 hour ago
I knew it was ANTifa, George Soros, DemocRAT terrorists that did this! It’s time Patriots!

Ron Snyder
54 minutes ago
Democratic shooter again. In a gun free zone. During the time Democrat put to the fire. Then the media and Democratic Party blames it on conservatives Republicans and NRA. Story is all similar…”

Connor Betts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know By Jessica McBride Updated Aug 5, 2019 at 7:04pm
‘..Betts was also in a “Pornogrind” Band that, according to Vice News, “released songs about raping and killing women.” Vice called it the “extreme metal music scene.” The bands he performed in sometimes were called Menstrual Munchies and Putrid Liquid, and the songs contained vile names like “6 Ways of Female Butchery” and “Preeteen Daughter Pu$$y Slaughter,” Vice reported.

On social media, the suspect’s biography started to emerge. On his Twitter page, reviewed by Heavy, he described himself as “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.” The Greene County Board of Elections lists his party as “Dem.” You can read a roundup of his tweets – which also dealt with Parkland, Florida and 9/11 – here and later in this article. Here’s his tweet on Donald Trump’s election victory:


Authorities have now named the 9 deceased victims. In addition to Megan Betts, they are Lois Oglesby, black female, 27; Saeed Saleh, 38, black male; Logan Turner, white male, 30; Nicholas P. Cumer, white male, 25; Thomas J. McNichols, black male, 25; Beatrice N. Warren-Curtis, black female, 36; Monica E. Brickhouse, black female, 39; and Derrick R. Fudge, black male, 57. You can read tributes to the victims here. Heavy has included the victims’ race to be consistent with how local police povided the information in a press release and press conference.


Former high school classmates described him as a misogynistic bully. “I went to high school with the shooter. He made a hit list of fellow students and was arrested. Somehow he was still able to legally purchase a gun, which he used to kill at least 9 people. Something needs to be done,” wrote one…

El Paso, Dayton shootings appear motivated by opposite sides of political spectrum By Napp Nazworth, Christian Post Reporter CP CURRENT PAGE: U.S. | SUNDAY, AUGUST 04, 2019

El Paso shooting: What’s in the shooter’s reported ‘manifesto’

El Paso Walmart Shooter Allegedly Wrote Anti-Immigrant Manifesto Calling Hispanics ‘Invaders’ Eric Boehm | 8.3.2019 8:30 PM
At least 20 are dead. The manifesto praises the shooter in Christchurch, New Zealand.
“..Hours before he allegedly attacked shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, Patrick Crusius published a hate-filled diatribe in which he called Hispanics “invaders” and criticized the supposed takeover of the U.S. government by pro-immigrant corporations…

In the four-page manifesto published on 8chan, the alleged shooter wrote that he was responding to the “Hispanic invasion of Texas” and called on others to similarly take up arms against “low-hanging fruit”—lightly guarded, soft targets. He lauded the man who killed 51 in a pair of Mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March—a shooting that was also accompanied by an anti-immigrant screed posted online…

What We Know About the Southern California Synagogue Shooting By Chas Danner domestic terrorism Updated Apr. 28, 2019

“..The Gunman

John T. Earnest is a 19-year-old white man who lives in Rancho Peñasquitos, which is just west of Poway. He has no criminal history and no known links to white-supremacist groups, Sheriff Gore said on Saturday.

In an anti-Semitic manifesto attributed to Earnest and published to the white-nationalist-frequented message board 8chan just over an hour before the attack, the gunman described himself a “man of European ancestry,” quoted the Bible, and wrote of his hatred and “disgust” for Jews. He said he had been inspired by the deadly attacks on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh last October and a pair of mosques in New Zealand last month — both of which were perpetrated by white supremacists. Saturday’s shooting also happened approximately six months, to the day, after the Pittsburgh attack, which was the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history…”

The New Zealand shooter’s manifesto shows how white nationalist rhetoric spreads By Jane Updated Mar 18, 2019, 10:45am EDT
The same language featured in the alleged gunman’s manifesto is seen in white nationalist writings and outlets around the world.
“..But his writings suggest that the white nationalist ideas behind violence and attempted violence in the United States and elsewhere influenced him deeply.

The shooter reportedly left behind a 74-page manifesto. It’s the kind of document instigators of mass violence often write to inspire copycat attackers (which is why I chose not to link to it)…

That means that historically, terrorist manifestos have never been accurate documentation of either their belief system or the planning that went into their attacks. The main intention of terrorist manifestos is not to help everyday people understand how they became terrorists — it is to create new terrorists…

In short, everything in the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto is what the Christchurch shooter wants us to know about him. Like Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber who killed three people and injured 23 others in a nationwide bombing campaign from the 1970s to the 1990s, or even Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, published in 1925, the point of these manifestos is not to be factual or realistic about the inner worlds of their authors. In Mein Kampf, Hitler portrays himself as a talented artist and lover of architecture. In Kaczynski’s manifesto, he portrays himself as a man profoundly concerned about the material problems of industrial society. Manifestos aren’t honest. Manifestos are for mass consumption…”

Norway suspect Anders Behring Breivik released manifesto, “A European Declaration of Independence” BY CAMILLE MANN

JULY 25, 2011 / 12:49 PM / CBS NEWS
“..Breivik staged the bombing and youth camp rampage as “marketing” for his manifesto calling for a revolution that would rid Europe of Muslims, he said.

Breivik laid out his extreme nationalist philosophy as well as his attack methods in a 1,500-page manifesto entitled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence.” The manifesto describes a hypothetical response to his perceived threat of “cultural Marxist/multiculturalism atrocities” and the “threat of Islam.”


The writings reveal a delusional personality filled with hatred and self-aggrandizing dreams and includes passages lifted from the writings of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski.


The FBI Files: Season 1 – Ep 9 “The Unabomber”

Unabomber Victim Names Found in Cabin; Suspect May Have Met Some Victims MICHAEL J. SNIFFENApril 9, 1996
“.. Elsewhere, federal agents scouring the Unabomber’s suspected haunts and target sites across the nation have turned up evidence that Kaczynski may have actually crossed paths with four Unabomber victims, according to a federal law enforcement source. Three people have been killed and 23 injured in nine states in Unabomber attacks.

These are the possible casual contacts:..”

What Is The Unabomber Manifesto? The Document Helped End The ‘Manhunt’ For Ted Kaczynski By Kayla Hawkins Aug 1 2017
“.. The Attorney General and the Director of the FBI recommended publication.” (In 1998 Kaczynski plead guilty to 16 bombings and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.)

The manifesto itself is largely concerned with how society is affected by technology, particularly modern, industrial technology. Titled “Industrial Society and Its Future,” Kaczynski began with these claims:..”

Full text of “Industrial Society and Its Future – The Unabomber’s Manifesto”

Ted Kaczynski: How A Child Math Prodigy Became The Serial-Killing Unabomber By Andrew Lenoir
Published June 7, 2019 Updated June 9, 2019
The Unabomber’s reign of terror lasted for 17 years and sparked the biggest manhunt in FBI history. But what drove math prodigy Ted Kaczynski to murder?
“..The victims were seemingly random, with attacks in Chicago, California, and New Jersey. They were academics, lobbyists, airline executives, and computer store owners. Many were maimed and lost fingers, limbs, and eyes. Fortunately, apart from Murray, only two others were killed. The only commonalities between the targets seemed to be a tenuous connection to technology or the destruction of the environment…

Born in Chicago in 1942, Ted Kaczynski had, for the most part, a fairly normal middle-class suburban childhood. He had two loving parents and a younger brother, David, who idolized him. He played the trombone and collected coins. He was quiet, sensitive, and shy with others, but he loved animals and being outdoors. He also had an IQ of 167, placing him just above Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein…

Ted Kaczynski Becomes The Unabomber

A former army intelligence officer during World War II, Harvard Psychology Professor Henry Murray completed a psychological profile of Adolph Hitler. In 1947, he returned to Harvard as a chief researcher.

At the time, one of the CIA’s biggest projects — apart from undermining Communist regimes around the world — was an internal one: MKUltra, a study of mind control. Some have alleged that Murray’s Harvard research was part of MKUltra….

*see Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?

Henry A. Murray – LSD – MK ULTRA – Ted Kaczynski(Unabomber)

Ted Kaczynski and the Harvard Experiment
“…In other words, why did Murray subject a vulnerable boy to intensive interrogation—what Murray himself called “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks, assaulting his ego and most-cherished ideals and beliefs?

“In one part of the experiment, subjects were pressured to respond to questions asked under extreme duress, with bright lights and cameras pointed at them and electrodes attached to their bodies.

Dr. Ross Neissuler, who also took part in the study, said that participants also took the Thematic Apperception Test, a psychological test that Murray himself developed.

The experiences left some participants scarred for life.”

What remains of Murray’s notes from the experiment are sealed.…

Alton Chase cites several other participants in the study who were quite disturbed by the experience, and remembered years later how angry, frightened and violated they felt. Chase suggests that feelings of this kind might have driven Kaczynski to lash out against society.

The body of this video is a reading of Murray’s article, “America’s Mission” (to lead the world to one world government) published in the periodical, Survey Graphic, Issue No. 37, October, 1948.

Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber ALSTON CHASE
In the fall of 1958 Theodore Kaczynski, a brilliant but vulnerable boy of sixteen, entered Harvard College. There he encountered a prevailing intellectual atmosphere of anti-technological despair. There, also, he was deceived into subjecting himself to a series of purposely brutalizing psychological experiments—experiments that may have confirmed his still-forming belief in the evil of science. Was the Unabomber born at Harvard? A look inside the files
“..e has apparently carried on a similarly voluminous correspondence with many others, often developing close friendships with them through the mail. Kaczynski told me that the Henry A. Murray Research Center of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, although it released some raw data about him to his attorneys, had refused to share information about the Murray team’s analysis of that data. Kaczynski hinted darkly that the Murray Center seemed to feel it had something to hide. One of his defense investigators, he said, reported that the center had told participating psychologists not to talk with his defense team….

Mello is only half right. It is true that many believed Kaczynski was insane because they needed to believe it. But the truly disturbing aspect of Kaczynski and his ideas is not that they are so foreign but that they are so familiar. The manifesto is the work of neither a genius nor a maniac. Except for its call to violence, the ideas it expresses are perfectly ordinary and unoriginal, shared by many Americans. Its pessimism over the direction of civilization and its rejection of the modern world are shared especially with the country’s most highly educated. The manifesto is, in other words, an academic—and popular—cliché. And if concepts that many of us unreflectively accept can lead a person to commit serial murder, what does that say about us? We need to see Kaczynski as exceptional—madman or genius—because the alternative is so much more frightening….

..Thus, Kaczynski records, although the Kaczynskis were atheists, his parents instructed him to tell people they were Unitarians. The tension created by the family’s efforts to look good to the neighbors increased significantly when, in the fifth grade, Kaczynski scored 167 on an IQ test. He skipped the sixth grade, leaving his friends behind to enter a new class as the smallest kid in the room…

*see Famous Phrases: There Are No Atheist in Foxholes

“..) During the war Murray served in the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA, helping to develop psychological screening tests for applicants and (according to Timothy Leary) monitoring military experiments on brainwashing. In his book (1979), John Marks reported that General “Wild Bill” Donovan, the OSS director, “called in Harvard psychology professor Henry ‘Harry’ Murray” to devise a system for testing the suitability of applicants to the OSS. Murray and his colleagues “put together an assessment system … [that] tested a recruit’s ability to stand up under pressure, to be a leader, to hold liquor, to lie skillfully, and to read a person’s character by the nature of his clothing. … Murray’s system became a fixture in the OSS.”…

Although most Americans strongly condemn terrorist acts committed in the name of political agendas of which they do not approve, many turn a blind eye toward savagery done in the name of ideals they share. Indeed, many are reasonably comfortable with violence short of murder, as long as it’s done for a cause they support. It was easy for Americans to unite in condemning the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City bombings, because few approved of the bombers’ goals: the destruction of the state of Israel and of the U.S. government. But some conservatives seem to be untroubled by anti-abortion bombings or by the rise of armed militias, and some liberals consistently condone or ignore the proliferation of terrorism putatively committed on behalf of animals or the environment…”


As part of this program, Murray and other CIA-funded scientists were — allegedly — tasked with exploring the means of making and breaking an individual’s personality, and developing techniques for brainwashing and mind control including torture, sleep deprivation, and psychedelic drugs, all of which were often used on unsuspecting victims.

At age 17, Ted Kaczynski signed up to be a test subject in one of Murray’s studies on the effects of stress on the human psyche…

Murray would record the data of the subject’s anger and embarrassment and then would take the time to show the subject the video recording of their experience and specifically point out their expressions of impotent rage. Kaczynski described it as “the worst experience of my life,” but he stayed in the study for three years. As he later explained, “I wanted to prove I could take it, that I couldn’t be broken.”

After graduation, Ted Kaczynski attended the University of Michigan to pursue a master’s and then a Ph.D. in mathematics. It was here that he started to come undone. He hated his fellow students and his teachers…

Then, in July of 1979 — after having already mailed two bombs in the span of a year — having hiked far out into the woods, Kaczynski was relaxing in a hunting camp as far from humankind as he could manage. He heard the sound of airplanes going on for about an hour, followed by what he called a sonic boom. Kaczynski became so enraged and depressed at the interruption that he called off the excursion and returned to his cabin….

He began trying to shoot passing helicopters and low-flying planes with his hunting rifle, but he never succeeded, and it never helped. He remained so upset by the incident that he kept writing about it in his journal for several months….

He pointed to the automobile — once a luxury and now a necessity — to argue that “advancement” eroded personal freedom and created new norms that individuals had to adopt in order to remain in society. He argued that “progress” in the political, economic, and media structures, would destroy individuality and ecological stability. He attacked “leftism” and the push for “social reforms.”…

Kaczynski’s defense attorneys, against his wishes, prepared a convincing insanity defense. Their key piece of evidence would be Kaczynski’s cabin and argued that no sane person would willingly spend 25 years in the brutal Montana winters in such a small and rudimentary structure…

Infamous Killers: Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber | A&E – YouTube

Ted Kaczynski
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Table of bombings

New York Times News ServiceCHICAGO TRIBUNE
“..Thomas J. Mosser, 50, was killed Saturday in his suburban North Caldwell home when he opened a package addressed to him and delivered by the Postal Service, FBI agent Barry Mawn said….

Mosser, who was promoted to executive vice president earlier this year and recently was named general manager at Young & Rubicam, one of the largest advertising firms in the world, appears to be the first victim in advertising.

Young & Rubicam has some technology clients, including Digital Equipment Corp. and Xerox. It also works for the U.S. Postal Service, Philip Morris, KFC, Kraft General Foods and several other conglomorates.

Investigators said one reason Mosser might also be linked to the other victims was that he was mentioned recently in The New York Times. At least three of the other victims, including the two last year, had been featured in articles in The Times that characterized them as leaders in their fields…”

What Does FC Mean In ‘Manhunt: Unabomber’? The Initials Stand For Ted Kaczynski’s Deadly Mission By Alaina Urquhart-White
Aug 15 2017
‘..Unabomber, viewers hear excerpts from a letter from Kaczynski wrote demanding the publication of his “manifesto,” where the Unabomber refers to himself as a group called FC.

As reported by The Independent, the initials FC stand for Freedom Club. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a letter from the Unabomber identified that Freedom Club was a terrorist organization whose goal was the “destruction of modern industrial society in every part of the world.”..”

The Unabomber and the doctor behind him 2017-09-28 06:00 by Rozanne Els
‘..Discovery Network’s depiction of Kaczynski’s trail of destruction can be hard to watch at times – the scenes with Murray are particularly unsettling – and a myriad of questions about the ethics of human experimentation is hard to shake off.


To what extent Murray’s experiment contributed to Kaczynski eventually becoming a serial bomber, however, is debatable. Murray’s experiment explored psychic deconstruction by humiliating the participating students to the extent that they experienced intolerable stress. Murray was reportedly working for the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the precursor to the CIA, and the experiment was allegedly intended to help with questioning tactics.

What is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Brent S.
United States



Rampage – Official Trailer

Phase 4 Films
Published on Mar 31, 2010
The boredom of small town life is eating Bill Williamson alive. Feeling constrained and claustrophobic in the meaningless drudgery of everyday life and helpless against overwhelming global dissolution, Bill (Brendan Fletcher) begins a descent into madness. His shockingly violent plan will shake the very foundations of society by painting the streets red with blood.

“..Teo Tofte
Teo Tofte
8 years ago
just like the crazy Norwegian guy( Anders Breivik) from last week. Who went straight Loco and killed 0ver 100 person in Oslo..

9 years ago
i love gore movies and slashers movies but THIS MOVIE SHOCKED ME……”

Rampage (2009) Brendan Fletcher Killcount – YouTube

The Hunt – In Theaters September 27 (Private Hunting Experience) [HD]


Mass Shootings By Country 2019
“..School shootings are a common type of mass shootings, as saddening as it is, especially in the United States. Though there is not actual global definition of a mass shooting, the general consensus is that a mass shooting results from armed weapons taking the lives of many people at one time.



A Texas man planned a mass shooting. His grandmother stopped him and ‘saved lives,’ officials say N’dea Yancey-Bragg,USA TODAY 3 hours ago (8.5.19)
“..William Patrick Williams, a 19-year-old from Lubbock, Texas, told his grandmother that he had purchased an AK-47 rifle and planned to “shoot up” a local hotel and “commit suicide by cop,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Texas.

Concerned for his safety and for the safety of others, she convinced her grandson to let her take him to a local hospital, a news release said…

Other items found during the search included a black trenchcoat, black tactical pants, a black T-shirt that read “Let ‘Em Come,” and black, fingerless tactical gloves.

Williams could face up to five years in federal prison if convicted, according to the release.

“If you suspect a friend or loved one is planning violence against themselves or others, do not hesitate to seek help immediately by calling law enforcement,” Cox said…”


Power of Prayer!

Billy Graham chaplains respond to mass shootings written by Michael Ireland August 5, 2019
“..“Please join me in praying for the grieving families whose loved ones were killed today and for the nearly two dozen more who are injured and being treated in nearby hospitals,” Billy Graham Evangelistic Association President Franklin Graham said on his Facebook page following the first incident. “Even the youngest of children were not spared from this senseless evil. Unbelievably, all at a local Walmart. I join with Governor Greg Abbott who said, ‘We ask God to bind up the wounds of all who’ve been harmed.’”..

Marr also stated: “While we are on higher alert especially in soft target spaces like theatres, schools, malls and churches as part of our daily routine now, God’s Word…

… in Acts 4:29-30 reminds us: ‘Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.’ This is a time when Christians need to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically resilient. Again, let’s be Aware, Ready and There sharing Christ together!”..”


Good News Sociology

Neutral Perspective: “Racism” or “Not”?


California teacher held at border checkpoint: “It made me feel sick to get asked” Last Updated Jul 26, 2017 3:13 PM EDT
“.. A California teacher posted a video of border patrol agents detaining her after she refused to say if she was a U.S. citizen at a checkpoint in New Mexico, about 35 miles from the border.

The video has many wondering if she was within her rights or had an obligation to comply.

When San Diego resident Shane Parmely was stopped at a New Mexico border patrol station she refused to answer the agent’s questions. She was heading home from vacation with her three children and asked one of them to start recording the exchange.

The videos have generated thousands of views on Facebook and sparked a heated debate on immigration rights.

The middle school teacher says she did it after hearing her Latino friends talk about their experiences at checkpoints.

“It made me feel sick to get asked, knowing what my friends have been through. It just made me feel physically ill,” Parmely said. ..”


Police: Iowa woman says she intentionally ran over teen because she was ‘a Mexican’ Published just in Iowa FOX 9
“DES MOINES – A 42-year-old Des Moines, Iowa woman has been charged with attempted murder after she told police she intentionally ran over a 14-year-old girl because she was “a Mexican,” according to the Clive Police Department.

Nicole Marie Poole Franklin is in custody at the Polk County Jail.

Police say on Dec. 9 around 5 p.m., police responded to an apparent hit-and-run crash near Indian Hills Jr. High School in Clive, a suburb of Des Moines. A 14-year-old girl had been walking on the sidewalk headed to an event at the school when a vehicle left the road and hit her. The girl suffered multiple injuries.

Thursday, Clive police identified the driver as Franklin and interviewed her at the Polk County Jail, where she was being held on unrelated charges. Officials say Franklin admitted she hit the girl with her vehicle on purpose because she was “a Mexican.” Throughout the interview, Franklin made a “number of derogatory statements about Latinos,” according to police.

“I want to say, in the strongest terms possible, that there is no place in our community (or any other) for this type of hatred and violence,” read a statement from Clive Police on Facebook. “We are committed to stand by and support this family and work diligently with them to seek justice.””

Law Enforcement

When a police shooting victim is a white woman-
The sympathetic reaction to Justine Damond’s death shows the relentless power of race in America.

Updated by German Jul 24, 2017, 1:10pm EDT
“…It’s not just Breitbart. Conservative media, based on some sleuthing on Google, has been generally quiet about Damond’s death — which is notable on its own, given that these outlets often counter what they see as liberal news narratives with their own narratives, particularly when it comes to police shootings. As one example, a Google search turns up four stories on the Blaze, the network founded by conservative pundit Glenn Beck, about Damond, but there are pages and pages of results from the Blaze for each of the killings of black men like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, and Philando Castile.

When conservative outlets have written about Damond’s death, they by and large have framed her as a victim. Here is, for example, Fox News: “Australian woman shot dead by Minneapolis police after calling to report possible crime.” And here is the Blaze: “Questions swirl after Australian woman is fatally shot by Minneapolis police; bodycams were off.”

Damond’s lawyer played into this as well, calling Damond “the most innocent victim” of a police shooting that he has ever seen. He quickly added, “I’m not saying Philando wasn’t innocent, too, or that Frank Baker wasn’t innocent. But here is someone who called the police and was trying to stop someone from being hurt … and ends up being shot in her pajamas.”

Ranking victims of police shootings is odd enough, but there are plenty of totally innocent victims of police killings besides Damond. Consider that, in Detroit, police in 2010 killed a sleeping 7-year-old when they stormed her home while looking for her uncle — though this girl, unlike Damond, was poor and black…”

Justine Damond Case Sparks Debate Over #BLM’s Support of an Unarmed White Woman While Blue Lives Matter Abandon a Black Cop-
Some have called for the execution and deportation of the Somali-American officer.
“..Tom Plunkett, Noor’s attorney, said the officer feels very bad for the family of Justine Damond. Plunkett also elaborated that Noor felt that being a police officer was a calling since he came to America.

“He joined the police force to serve the community and to protect the people he serves,” the statement read.

Noor joined the Minneapolis Police Department in March of 2015 and was later celebrated as the first Somali officer for the 5th Precinct.

After the officer was identified, people on social media noticed the difference in reaction to the case. ..”

Cop quits on eve of hearing for inaction in Puerto Rico shirt harassment ByMitchell Armentrout
@mitchtrout | email
“..The 10-year veteran officer resigned late Wednesday, according to Cook County Forest Preserve District officials, rather than fight to keep his badge over the encounter that has recorded and viewed millions of times, drawing international scorn for Connor’s inaction while an aggressive, finger-pointing loudmouth berated a woman wearing a shirt bearing the Puerto Rican flag…”

Minority on Minority

Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man with a brick, tells him to ‘go back to your country’ by Deanna Paul July 9 at 11:55 PM

Traffic had slowed Borjas’ car at a corner in Willowbrook, California, around 7 p.m. on July 4. Rodriguez accidentally bumped into a young girl while walking on the sidewalk, Borjas told The Washington Post. Borjas, a 35-year-old Los Angeles resident, watched the child’s mother — a black woman — push the elderly man to the ground and repeatedly bash him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, “Go back to your country.”

Laquisha Jones Is Arrested For Attacking 92 Year Old Grandfather With Brick (Rodolfo Rodriguez)

Laquisha Jones: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know Updated Jul 11, 2018 at 6:31pm
“..Laquisha Jones, a 30-year-old African American woman who lives in Los Angeles, was assisted by three or four other men who are still at large, police say. Here’s what you need to know:..

“She was yelling at him, ‘Go back to your country,’ or ‘Go back to Mexico,’” the witness said, via The Los Angeles Times. “It was racist.”

Rodriguez is from Mexico, but visits his family in Los Angeles often. The witness explained that while she was on the phone with 911, the men returned to continue beating Rodriguez…

One week after Mendoza launched the GoFundMe site for his grandfather, over 9,000 people have donated to contribute to the current $250,000 sum…

The witness did not photograph the other suspects who are alleged to have taken part in the attack, but identified them as African American males…

Many Twitter users are citing the Trump administration as a catalyst for this violent act, as seen above. Still others are claiming racism on the part of the media outlets who didn’t outwardly identify Jones as African American in their titles….

King has not replied to users about why he’s not commenting, though many are suggesting it’s because the perpetrator of the act is an African American woman. Some users are even alleging that King tweeted out news of the attack, then deleted the tweet upon finding out Jones’s race…”

Willowbrook, CA | Data USA

“..The population of Willowbrook, CA is 74.4% Hispanic, 22.6% Black, and 0.96% White. 67.8% of the people in Willowbrook, CA speak a non-English language, and 76.7% are U.S. citizens…”

Searching for Civic Unity for L.A. Black and Latino Communities By Johnny Magdaleno | November 4, 2016
“..But decades later, as the manufacturing jobs that gave these communities an anchor started trickling out of the city, the black middle class left with them, and more than 150,000 black residents moved out of the South L.A. area between 1980 and 2000. Meanwhile, Latinos, whose populations started shifting north for economic opportunities in the U.S. and away from the civil unrest in South America, continue to trickle into the region by the tens of thousands every decade, adding around 280,000 to the Latino population between the same time frame…”

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What’s up with…?! Post-elections Hate

Mich. students chant ‘build the wall’ in viral video USA TODAY Katrease Stafford (Thursday, November 10th 2016)
“…ROYAL OAK, Mich. — A viral video of middle school students at a Michigan school shouting “build the wall” during a lunch hour Wednesday has sparked outrage across social media, leading some to demand that school district officials take action.

The video, which has nearly 2 million views and more than 45,000 shares, shows a group of students leading the chant in the cafeteria of Royal Oak Middle School. The woman who posted the short video on Facebook, Dee Perez-Scott, said in a brief caption that the incident happened Wednesday.

“The taunts, the ‘Build that Wall’ with such bullying power and hate from children to children,” wrote Perez-Scott. “Just horrifying!”..”

This is sample of why “us” adults need to be careful on how we express our “political views” at home. Kids are watching our reaction to this political election and everything we do. I have a “young” teenager friend that came to my house wanting to bike one day as he shared how he was tired of his parents watching the “political debates”. Then another “friend” (college age) express similar feelings on how he was “tired” of his parents watching it too.


-Pro: Trump

Post-election racism makes students uneasy Solvejg Wastvedt · Nov 10, 2016
“The day after the election, messages including “whites only”, “Trump Train” and the n-word were scrawled on a bathroom door at Maple Grove Senior High.

The district reacted by starting an investigation and contacting police. And the next morning, a parent told MPR News that her daughter found students smiling and handing out cookies, along with messages of acceptance posted on the wall.

• NewsCut: Maple Grove kids fight back against the racists

Reactions to Tuesday’s presidential election are playing out in schools around the state, with tension reported in some cases as students bring differing views to class.

The smiles and cookies after the racist graffiti in Maple Grove were a step toward healing divisions — but they certainly won’t solve a problem that is not unique to Maple Grove.

Students around the state are struggling with divisions that mirror the country’s deeply divided voting-age adults.

• Related: Trump victory spells uncertainty for Minnesotans feeling alienated by his rhetoric

East across the Mississippi River at Spring Lake Park High School, Principal Jane Stevenson wrote a Facebook post about a report of “disrespectful, inappropriate and racially offensive graffiti” on a girls’ bathroom wall. Pictures of it made the rounds on social media, and Stevenson condemned the act.

Stevenson said the police are involved and the district is investigating.

In an interview before word of the graffiti spread to media, Spring Lake Park band teacher Nora Tycast said she hadn’t seen an increase in racist incidents post-election, she said the school routinely struggles with racial tension.

“My colleagues and I see just a wide gamut of reactions from students, students that are really sad and scared, and students that are really excited and pleased,” Tycast said. “So on Wednesday morning we saw a lot of fist pumping, and really kids really feeling free to express their excitement and kind of their pride in the country in a bunch of different ways. And we also had some students that were a lot more subdued.”

It’s unclear how many incidents similar to the racist graffiti in Maple Grove there may be.

The Minnesota Department of Education says it’s received three calls about incidents of harassment in schools. MPR News looked into a report of white students intimidating Latino students at Jefferson High School in Bloomington. The district says it’s investigated the report and denies that physical intimidation happened.

But shy of explicit incidents, it’s undeniable that some students are dealing with anxiety. Administrators in several districts sent letters home encouraging civility and denouncing racism and harassment.

Amy Hewett-Olatunde, who teaches English Language Learners at LEAP High School in St. Paul, said all her students are immigrants or refugees, and many of them are fearful.

“Many of them think that they need to think about where to go, if they go home. If they don’t have a place to go home to, what should they do,” she said. “Their parents are also extremely fearful of what may happen in terms of retaliation.”

Higher Ground Academy, also in St. Paul, has a primarily African-American population. Teacher Catherine Eisele said she’s sensed fear among her students since the primaries.

“I had three kids come up to me yesterday like, ‘Am I going to get deported?’ like quietly in the halls, not in front of everybody,” she said.

But on Thursday in civics class, Eisele taught her students how the American government works — she’s teaching them how to debate ideas.

Her students have been split throughout the election on policies. For Lyla, a 10th grader, President-elect Donald Trump’s views don’t worry her too much.

“It’s not like he’s going to make every single decision,” she said. “He has a cabinet behind him, they’re going to help him make good decisions.”

Another 10th grader, Adar, feels differently about Trump, saying she’s afraid of an increase in hate crimes following the election.

“I am worried about his supporters,” she said. “Racism has existed, you know, for a long time in our history, but I feel like he brought all the racists out, all the sexists out.”

But Adar said she’s not worried about being deported. She’s been paying attention in civics class.

“I know my rights”, she said.


“Published on Jan 2, 2017



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Students Tweet Their Fears After Trump’s Victory
“..Minority, Muslim, and gay students tweeted their concerns about going to school after the election.

During his presidential campaign, Trump made comments about refugees from the Muslim countries, Mexican immigrants, and crime policy that have instilled fear in some minorities.

heard rich white boys at school say how funny it is that Trump got elected; it’s so easy to laugh when it doesn’t affect you#NotMyPresident
— shan (@shannessian) November 9, 2016

i feel so bad. i’m in the school bathroom listening to a girl cry because she is so terrified of being deported.
— katherine 💱 (@pockyprincess1) November 9, 2016

My cousin comes home and tells me kids bullied them at school today telling them to go home now Trumps president…
— Nav Singh (@NaV__SiNgH) November 9, 2016

My niece first response to election: “should i tell people at school I am not Muslim anymore?”

She is eight. #TrumpPresident
— Saba Ansari (@SabaBrazil) November 9, 2016

My little sisters friend has been bullied at school because of her race & partly because of this election….PLEASE educate your kids!!!!!
— gwen (@miaatoledo) November 9, 2016

I told my child not to talk about the election or her family at school. She asked, “Does this mean Daddy can’t be trans anymore?”
— Saundra Mitchell (@SaundraMitchell) November 9, 2016

Y’all pray for me at school tomorrow… nothing’s wrong, I’m just a minority
— Barbara Martinez (@barbiemtze) November 9, 2016
One teacher posted about her experience teaching children the day after the election. Najah Imani Muhammad posted that one of her second grade students said that he was afraid that Latinos would be deported. Trump promised to increase immigration enforcement during his campaign.

Immigrant communities fear deportation after election of Trump November 9, 2016, 8:39 PM
‘We are scared’: Students share fears, teachers calm nerves after election Written by
Sanya Mansoor
and Holly K. Hacker
20 Horrific Acts Of Violence In Donald Trump’s First Days As President-Elect
Chris Riotta,IBTimes Tue, Nov 15 10:35 AM PST


Trump supporters brutally attack gay man in California
Mike Anzalone | November 10, 2016
“…When Ball left the bar alone later in the night, Trump supporters followed him to an alley way and assaulted him, Ball said. The last thing he remembers before awaking bloody on the pavement was having a beer bottle smashed over his head. Friends took him to the hospital…”


Trump: “I Will Protect Our LGBTQ Citizens’
NBC News 07/22/2016 1:03


White nationalist Richard Spencer punched during interview
By Paul P. Murphy, CNN Updated 7:13 AM ET, Sat January 21, 2017
“…Video posted online by the outlet shows the white supremacist speaking to Washington bureau chief Zoe Daniel when he was interrupted by individuals off camera.

Spencer was answering questions on whether he was a neo-Nazi. He said he was not, and was then asked what the “Pepe the Frog” pin he was wearing signified.
“Pepe the Frog” is an internet meme so often used by racists and anti-Semites it was designated a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League.
As Spencer was speaking, a masked individual ran up, socked him in the face and fled. Spencer left, later tweeting there was, “no serious damage.”..”

->Fake/False Flag??
Go back to Asia!’: Trump supporter grabs woman–police arrive and handcuff the victim
Nathan Wellman | November 10, 2016
On social media, police say they did not respond to University student’s alleged campus assault 11/10/2016, 6:11pm
By Jessie Bekker
In a widely-shared Facebook post, Kathy Mirah Tu alleges she was accosted while walking across the Washington Avenue Bridge.
“…The University of Minnesota Police Department tweeted Thursday afternoon, saying they were not involved in the alleged handcuffing of a University student, who said she was verbally and physically attacked while crossing the Washington Avenue Bridge in a Facebook post Wednesday.

The Minneapolis Police Department also said it was unable to find a record of the incident, in a Facebook post Thursday evening.



Trump to a divided America: ‘Don’t be afraid’ By Marisa Schultz and Bruce Golding

November 13, 2016 | 8:21pm | Updated
“…President-elect Donald Trump said Sunday that Americans have nothing to fear from his incoming administration.

“I would tell them don’t be afraid, absolutely,” Trump told CBS’ “60 Minutes” when asked about the thousands of protesters from coast to coast who have taken to the streets since he became president-elect…”



Michael Moore: They Voted For A Guy Named ‘Hussein’ Twice, Trump Voters Are Not Racist
“…Michael Moore disputed the notion that all the people who voted for President-elect Donald Trump are racist Friday, reiterating the fact that millions of them voted for…

Man beaten on South Side while onlookers yell, ‘Don’t vote for Trump’
WLS – Chicago 21 hours ago (Saturday, November 12th 2016)

-Washington D.C. Inauguration

RAW: Violent anti-Trump protest near Inauguration

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration By Jonathan Landay and Scott Malone | WASHINGTON Politics | Sat Jan 21, 2017 | 7:58am EST
Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trump’s swearing-in on Friday clashed with police a few blocks from the White House, in an outburst of violence rare for an inauguration.

At least 217 people were arrested in the melees, police said.

The burst of civil disorder followed a fierce presidential campaign that ended in a stunning victory for Republican Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8 and left the country divided.

Many of Trump’s supporters traveled to Washington to cheer their new president on Inauguration Day. Tens of thousands of detractors are expected to march peacefully on Saturday.

In the violence, knots of activists in black clothes and masks threw rocks and bottles at officers wearing riot gear, who responded with volleys of tear gas and stun grenades as a helicopter hovered low overhead. …

Protesters and police said the violent activists were acting independently of organized opposition to Trump.

The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, and that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November.

Not far from the White House, Bob Hrifko, a member of the Bikers for Trump group, said he was struck in the face with an aluminum chair when he tried to intervene in a scuffle involving police and protesters.

“We need more order. This ain’t right,” said Hrifko, who was bleeding from a cut under his eye.

….In Seattle, one person was shot in the abdomen during a demonstration at the University of Washington, the Seattle Police Department said on Twitter. Demonstrators gathered there to protest Trump and conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, who gave a talk on campus, local media reported. ..

Washington Anti President Trump – Protesters Burn Limo Car & Fighting Police (COMPILATION)
, from

Connection to Post -Election?

He yelled ‘Get out of my country,’ witnesses say, and then shot 2 men from India, killing one By Mark Berman and Samantha Schmidt February 24
“..According to witness accounts, the gunman reportedly told two of the people who were shot — both Indian men who work for Garmin, the technology firm — to “get out of my country” before opening fire and had also used racial slurs during the Wednesday evening shooting…

The father of one of the people injured pointed to the election of President Trump, who has routinely described a threat posed to Americans from people outside the country’s borders, and pleaded with parents in India “not to send their children to the United States.”

The White House responded by calling the link to Trump’s rhetoric absurd, according to Reuters….

He reportedly came back into the bar and hurled racial slurs at the two Indian men, including comments that suggested he thought they were of Middle Eastern descent. When he started firing shots, Grillot, a regular at the bar whom Bohnen called “everyone’s friend,” moved to get involved…”
Andhra Engineer Killed By US Navy Veteran First Indian Hate Crime Victim In Trump Era

“Published on Feb 23, 2017

An Indian-American IT engineer employed by a US company was fatally shot and his Indian colleague wounded by a white man who thought they were Middle Easterners and who was heard telling them to “get out of my country” at the time of the shooting.

India Today Television marks the entry of the nation’s most credible name in journalism – India Today into news television. Powered by a future-ready look and backed with the 40 year legacy of the India Today brand, the channel addresses the news consumption habits of an evolved digital-savvy audience while staying true to the journalistic principles of the India Today Group.
With a paradigm shift in terms of television workflows and technology, the channel sets a new benchmark with a differentiated look. Innovative content formats and multiple news updates on the TV screen give immediacy and choice to the news viewer.”

Pre 2020 Presidential Election

Man arrested after allegedly driving van into GOP registration tent
Good Morning AmericaFebruary 9, 2020, 4:33 AM CST
“..A man has been arrested after allegedly deliberately driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters who were working to register new voters at a shopping center parking lot.

The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon in the Kernan Village Shopping Center in eastern Jacksonville, Florida, when a man, later identified by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office as 27-year-old Gregory Timm, allegedly drove a van through a tent where people were working to register voters. The driver narrowly missed several people in the tent and fled the scene after the incident by car…”


If You’re Overwhelmed By The Election, Here’s What You Can Do Now 11/09/2016 02:36 am ET | Updated 18 hours ago Jenna Amatulli Trends Editor, The Huffington Post

How can we “fight” evil with love?

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Don’t let “anyone” make you “hate” a particular group !

I decided to write this blog after all the “garbage” going out in our society that the media has been putting on the “negative” news lately. We have to remember that we are all unique individuals and the we CAN’T just judge a whole group of people just because of the individual actions of one or even the majority.

Evil forces are doing various tactics to go against each other, so DON’T let them win!
*see Deep thought: This is how the “devil” is trying to divide us?

One way is getting us “angry” and wanting to take the situation in our “own” hands by seeking revenge..


The Political Message of The Hunger Games
“..the plot, it is set in a near future where countries have been destroyed and replaced by 12 Districts under the control of the Capitol. To strengthen its tight control over the districts, the Capitol organises games each year where 24 helpless children, 2 from each district, have to fight to the death in a wild arena filled with dangerous animals and cruel tactics to destroy the teenagers, both physically and psychologically. The winner, after killing all the others to survive, has to deal with the pain, the nightmares and the Capitol’s control. Forced to appear on camera constantly, physically changed and shaped for entertainment, the tributes remain all their lives tied to the Capitol and its murderous president. …

drawing an interesting parallel with Romans and their arena games, linking past and future and showing how humanity always had, and still has, this violent impulse, this thirst for destruction. She gets inspiration from 1984, Metropolis and A clockwork’s Orange while modernising them at the same time. Like these classics, she pushes the boundaries of violence to the extreme. But unlike them, she addresses it specifically to adolescents and has political violence penetrate their literature. A book for teenagers and where teenagers die, so young people can understand the dangers of extremist power and imagine what a world like this would be like. And do everything to prevent it from happening. Of course, the book is 90% exaggerated, but it still manages to illustrate a point and deliver a political, social, cultural and environmental message – we must be careful not to ruin this Earth and not to make it an uninhabitable place. Avoid Panem and the Capitol at all cost…

We need to deal with our flaws one by one, on the political, social and environmental sides…

The Hunger Games Official Trailer 2012 HD

The Hunger Games: Donald Sutherland on the story’s impact on society , from

What are some ways to “prevent” that hate to grow in us?

Good News Peace

YOU offended me!

“YOU offended me! Have you ever been offended? We all have, but how can we counterattack that? We don’t, we give it to God. Yeah right, it isn’t that easy! Before I became a Christian my 1st year college, I was easily offended. This was due to my past from being “hurt” so many times in various ways (e.g. bullying). I can’t pin point exactly when I started getting offended, but I just remember when I was growing-up-I grew very insecure (see self-image) because of the people around me were very “critical” of my outward appearance. I look back now and I can’t blame them because of our “negative” media that keeps giving them the “wrong” message, which is another blog (see Good News Sociology).

Getting back to when I was growing-up, a “close one” would always criticize me in almost everything I did. I seem to not be able to do anything “right” in her eyes. I tried to do well in school, but I just wasn’t “smart-enough”. I was very “slow” in things I did. I look back and have to attribute part of this with my family’s psychological history (another story in itself) and health nutrition as I realize I ate a lot of “junk-food” (somewhat due to my economic background and poor “eating” choices I was very ignorant at the time). This particular individual was just “negative” most of the time with me, so I was always “fearful” every time I encountered her. I grew to be always trying to “please” her by “trying” my hardest to do better (e.g. academically), which I never could achieve. Now, I know the only One I should try to “please” is my Heavenly Father, which is much easier through prayer.

Another “social issue” I was easily offended growing-up was racism. Yes, I grew-up in the “diverse” city of St. Paul, but it was a different type of racism compared to living up here in rural Morris, Minnesota. I somehow couldn’t “fit-in” with any particular group of friends. I already wrote about the specifics in another site. For the sake of jumping to another link, which you probably have already above. In short, I would get “teased” by every racial group I hung out with growing-up. A so-called “friend” (Caucasian-American) made a remarked that I “look like the enemy” during Dessert Storm (war in Iraq sometime in the early 90’s. Even though it was a joke, this put a scar in my mind growing-up (would be reminded of this on 9-11. It might seem “little”, but with the many other “racism” experiences (too many to mention here) I’ve gone through, it was just another added to many different scars (e.g. almost hit with a foot long wine bottle while playing tennis by a couple of “white guys-almost skinheads”, Neo-Nazi group visited my workplace-Taco Bell, called “gook” while delivering newspapers, etc..) added to me.

To be fair, it wasn’t just a “white on Chink/Gook/”Dessert Nigga”/Mexican/etc.., I was teased by my own “racial” group (Asian) in high school. I joined the Asian Club because I needed a place of “belonging”. Well, one of my peers teased me by saying I “don’t look Asian” because of my big eyes. Then I started to want to hangout within my own “ethnic-group” (Filipino over the years later, but somehow I couldn’t “fit-in” because I didn’t know the language (Tagalog). My parents didn’t teach my siblings and I their native language because they thought we would have trouble assimilating in the American culture. I personally think it’s important to learn the native language of the parents to have some sense of cultural identity and it’s good for brain development, which is why I currently love teaching English as a second language.

Well, I can keep sharing many “little” to “big” things I’ve been offended, but that would take a book! I just wanted to give some examples above so “you” readers can somehow relate. Now, let’s make a list of the things how I’ve offended others. This would probably take a second volume! We sometimes forget that we’ve also probably “offended” others too as we focus on ourselves (looking for people to feel sorry for ourselves). If you know me good and have been offended (more likely if you’ve known me longer) by me, please forgive me too :(. We sometimes don’t realize that we all have offended one another, which is why it’s important to dialogue and share with each other honestly and openly. For example, a good “friend” that I worked with at the local college (summer program) was offended by me when I jokingly told her she was “lazy” (after eating lunch together and she didn’t bring-up her tray to the dish room at Food Service in campus). I told her “sorry” after she openly-honestly told me her reason for this offense (she grew up being called “lazy” by her family, so she would work harder). PLEASE contact me (e.g. phone, email, in person is better!) if I offended you because sometimes I didn’t know! Let’s be real with one another and stop being “Minnesota Nice” and “sugar coat” the things we say to one another. We can’t expect to know all of each others’ past, but we can be “more sensitive” (this is where the Holy Spirit comes in) and “compassionate” (this will increase as one grows in their personal relationship with their Heavenly Father) to one another. We are (most of us) mature adults and we need to act like it! This is probably why married couples or couples/friends in general fight with each other because of a misunderstanding or miscommunication. Don’t give Satan a foothold!..

Take care of it right away (see Ephesians 4:26) or the walls (as mentioned in the teaching above and the sermon message at my local church this morning too) will be built too high to take down.

How can we overcome offense? I’ve learned (still learning) to do this more as I’ve grown in my personal relationship with God. For example, I got offended by certain individuals in various places (e.g. home, work, church, etc..), so the way I “combat” it is through prayer. The more I pray for certain individuals, my compassion for them increases. I know there are some other circumstances with people (e.g. enemies-people who have taken advantage on you) that requires more than prayer, which might require some “wisdom” (e.g. spiritual gifts) from other people (e.g. mentor, pastor, etc..).

We can’t “judge” or “stereotype” (e.g. NOT all Somolians are “evil” as the movie “Black Hawk Down” might stereotype these people group) any group because of the actions of a “few” of a group of people (e.g. race, nationality, political party, religion, institution, etc….). This would be another blog topic on how media can carelessly give or promote the “wrong” negative message about a particular group of people.

In the meantime, I want to leave you with this last video, which I was reminded while listening to the beginning part of the video above. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend you do. For those who haven’t seen this movie yet, the scene below is about a father trying to give some advice to his son as he plans to share how he’s been “offended” by his wife and wanting a divorce….

Fireproof -The Cross – Today’s Christian VideosGodTube

“Heavenly Father, I pray for each of us who have been offended by someone(s). We ask for your love and healing touch from the various offenses (e.g. physical, emotional, spiritual abuse, etc..) we’ve experienced in the past. We too have probably offended someone too and we ask You to forgive us. Give us wisdom and strength on how to ask these individual(s) for forgiveness. We ask You to continue “molding” us to be the “man”/”woman” you want us to be. In the meantime, show us how we can be your light to others that are hurting around us too. We ask all this in Your (Jesus’) name… …And all God’s people say?…Amen!”

ACTION: Let’s all help be peacemakers in the world out there with what we’ve learned!

Religion: What is Christianity?

Is it a religion?

Religion is a “man-made” institutions like school, government, etc.. Anything “made” by man is “not” perfect, which we will always find something “wrong” in it. Thus, there is corruption (e.g. violence, abuse, etc..) in schools, government, etc.. We then shouldn’t give our 100% trust and total dependence on any of these institutions. Who can we trust then?

Is it violent?

Religion has caused many wars. Jesus taught..

“””Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”Matthew 26:52

Then why there are “so-called” (e.g. KKK-Protestant “racist” group, Catholic Crusaders, etc..) Christians go against Jesus’ teachings. Isn’t it hypocritical?
*see Hypocrites?: Religion-Christianity


Triune God/Trinity

Theology Q&A – God
Dr. J. Rodman Williams 3. God – the Holy Trinity
“..Let me give you two verses-and there are many others-that validate Christian belief in the Trinity. First, there are Jesus’ own words in Matthew 28:19: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Second, there are Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 13:14: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.” Incidentally, the Catholic Church did not start the doctrine of the Trinity…”
There is Only One True God By: Dr. John Weldon
‘…..The biblical doctrine of the Trinity is vital to understand because it concerns who God is, which is essential for having a proper realization of the nature of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To understand the Trinity is to understand God as He has revealed Himself to be. To misunderstand the Trinity is to fail to understand who God is. ..”
Don Stewart :: What Are Some Common Misconceptions about the Trinity?

There are a number of misconceptions that must be cleared up when considering the doctrine of the Trinity. The following points need to be made. The Trinity is not a pagan idea. It is based upon what the Bible has to say about the nature of God. There is no credible evidence that the Trinity was borrowed from any pagan belief. The Trinity doctrine is difficult for humans to comprehend but not impossible. The mystery of the Trinity means it is a truth that was formerly secret that God has now revealed to humanity. The Trinity doctrine is not contrary to reason. Reason, however, should not be the ultimate test as to what is true and what is false. The doctrine of the Trinity does not destroy the oneness of God. Much confusion surrounds the word person with reference to the Trinity. The three members of the Trinity are persons in the sense of distinct personalities not separate individuals. The Trinity is not formally or explicitly taught in Scripture. The church did not invent the doctrine of the Trinity. The church only recognized what the Bible taught on the subject. Although the term Trinity is not found in the Bible the Scripture teaches one God exists in three distinct persons. Finally we must note that criticisms of the Trinity are based mostly upon misconceptions of what the Bible has to say about the subject. ..”

What is the Trinity? – YouTube

*see Religion: Different beliefs within Islam?

Trinity! An Explanation for Muslims
“….To say, as the minority cult of the Maryanyas did, that Mary was the mother of God through whom He produced a physical son, and both were to be taken as separate gods besides God, is absurd! This ludicrous and heathen concept of the Trinity is completely condemned by both Islam and Christianity! The Quran rejects it in clear terms in Surah 4, Al Nisa, verse 171. The Trinity has also been missuderstood to mean that God is three persons and only one person at the same time and in the same sense. Neither are there three substances in one substance. In opposite to this contradictions the Christians definition of the Trinity is expressed in the Athenasian Creed: “We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons; nor dividing the Substance (Essence).” The word “person” is here used in the sense of “self with a particlular function” (The Illustrated Bible Dictionary” by F.F. Bruce, IVP Leicester, 1962, see “person”)…


“…There are a number of verses in the New Testament that call Jesus and the Holy Spirit God, besides God the Father. (John 8:58, compare with Exodus 3:14; Acts 5:3-4 etc.) In the light of this truth the following verses are understood to be speaking about the Trinity:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name (singular!) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

In Acts 2:38, 8:16, 19:4 People are baptised in the name of Jesus only. Since Jesus is now included in a way he was not in John’s baptism (19:4), the abbreviated form is used in the beginning to emphasize the distinctive quality of the new baptism.

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14).

For more verses speaking about the Trinity when one considers the Biblical context see Ephesians 4:4-6, 5:18-20, 1 Cor 12:4-6, and Romans 8:9-11.

Even tough the word “Trinity” does not literally occur in these passages, the concept is quite clearly taught. In Islam too God is called “El Adl,” meaning “the Just,” “El Wajid,” meaning “The Inventor or Maker,” “Edh Dhur,” meaning “the harmful,” etc. in the list of the 99 names of God. However these words are nowhere found in the Quran but Muslims still accept these attributes as belonging to God. See The Muslim Doctrine of God by S.M. Zwemer, American tract Society, 1905, pages 39-45…”

Sam Shamoun – How to get Muslims to understand the Trinity

The Truth About Trinity


Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word

“Jesus is Lord”?

What does it mean when giving your “life to Christ”? It means giving Him control of “everything” in your life. To depend and trust in Him on all your “life challenges”.

I try to ask God to use me each day. The other day I was having trouble with my lawnmower. I was hoping to mow my lawn and then leave town for the cities for a 3-day weekend. I was disappointed that my lawnmower wouldn’t start yesterday. I then said, it it’s Your will Lord for me to stay here an extra day before going out of town…let it be done! Well, I finally got my lawnmower “fixed” (praise God for His wisdom and creative answer to fix it) today. I would realize the “reason” for it to be fix today throughout the rest of the day. Earlier this morning, I asked God this… “Lord, show me how I can be used by You today”?. Well, God answered it by having me help a “neighbor” wheel her “friend” up several steps on her wheel chair. Then I went to this annual “picnic”. I would sit at this table with a “family” I haven’t seen for awhile. We had a great fellowship time and “catching up” ! My lawnmower being fixed the day after was worth it. This is just “one” of many stories of what it means when you “ask Jesus the Lord of your life” (daily)!

It’s a lifestyle when one “tries” to follow Christ’s teachings through a “daily personal relationship” with Him!

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Good News Philosophy