Global Regional Spotlight: Pacific-Oceania Islands

The History of Oceania: Every Year

Oceania From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“ a geographic region comprising Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.[4] Spanning the eastern and western hemispheres, Oceania covers an area of 8,525,989 square kilometres (3,291,903 sq mi) and has a population of 40 million. Situated in the southeast of the Asia-Pacific region, Oceania, when compared to continental regions, is the smallest in land area and the second smallest in population after Antarctica…”

Chamorro DNA Studies and the Origin of the Chamorro People
“…Analysis of the specific E1 and E2 haplogroups of the Chamorros showed they were not present outside the Mariana Islands. This pattern indicates that a founder effect occurred. A founder effect is when an original founding population arrives, becomes isolated, and over time, results in a new population that has only a small amount of the genetic variation seen in the original population. In the Marianas, the founding E1 and E2 haplogroup lineages arrived from Island Southeast Asia around 4,000 years ago and after 3,500 years in isolation, the two lineages acquired the mutations that gave rise to the unique genetic lineage seen in the Marianas. The scientists also believe the initial arrival of the Marianas population may have occurred even earlier, maybe 5,000 years ago.


While eager to work with Chamorros who are interested in their genetic origins and connections, Vilar understands the necessity of being respectful and sensitive to the needs of the community. As research is not done in a vacuum, researchers should always work under a strict code of ethics that includes treating people who provide samples with respect and dignity. Vilar works only with live individuals and not ancient skeletal remains. In addition, he plans to share his research with his informants before he publishes his findings, perhaps in another two years.’

New Guam Museum exhibit tells Chamorro people’s story – YouTube

Genetic History of the Pacific Islands: Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia




Melanesia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“..The region includes the four independent countries of Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea, as well as the French special collectivity of New Caledonia, and the Indonesian region of Western New Guinea. Most of the region is in the Southern Hemisphere, with a few small northwestern islands of Western New Guinea in the Northern Hemisphere…”


Micronesia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“..Micronesia is divided politically among several sovereign countries. One of these is the Federated States of Micronesia, which is often called “Micronesia” for short and is not to be confused with the overall region. The Micronesia region encompasses five sovereign, independent nations—the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and Nauru—as well as three U.S. territories in the northern part: Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and Wake Island…”



Kiribati: a drowning paradise in the South Pacific | DW Documentary

Marshall Islands


U.S. Territories

Northern Mariana Islands


Saipan & Tinian, CNMI (America’s Forgotten Colonies, Part 3/3)

Chamorro man supports theory that Earhart was held prisoner on Saipan Jerick Sablan, Published 2:19 p.m. ChT Nov. 25, 2017 | Updated 9:39 a.m. ChT Nov. 28, 2017
“..A Chamorro man with ties to Saipan shared information that promotes a theory that Amelia Earhart was brought to the island and held prisoner 80 years ago.

William “Bill” Sablan said his uncle Tun Akin Tuho worked at the prison where Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were taken prisoner in Saipan.

The History Channel shared the theory that the two were taken prisoner in a recent TV special called “Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence.”

Eighty years after Earhart made her voyage around the world, people are still trying to figure out what happened to the famed pilot…”


Guam: Why America’s Most Isolated Territory Exists

Should U.S. Territories Like Guam Be Independent? | AJ+

Wake Island


*see Hawaii: Polynesian Cultural Center in Oahu

Deep Thought: Where are the “original” Tribes of Israel?

12 Tribes of Israel Today: Who Are They?

“..Two kingdoms

After they spent time as slaves in Egypt, God delivered Abraham’s descendants and allowed them to form the ancient nation of Israel. Over time, 10 of the tribes formed the northern kingdom of Israel and two of the tribes formed the southern kingdom of Judah. Due to their breaking of His laws, God allowed the northern kingdom to be taken captive by the Assyrians and, later, the southern kingdom to be taken by the Babylonians…”

The 12 Tribes Of Israel And Who They Are – YouTube

Biblical History

Just Thoughts – The Lost Tribes of Israel REVEALED 2012 .wmv

1hr 42 minute mark: US History

Who Are the Lost Tribes of Israel? – YouTube

Jul 5, 2018 – Uploaded by ASKDrBrown

Where are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel Today? The Prophecy of the Return

What Are Judaism’s Lost Tribes? By MJL Staff
Who were they and where are they now?

“..After King Solomon died around 922 BCE, the tribes split into two kingdoms as a result of a power struggle. The northern kingdom consisted of Reuben, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim, and Menasseh. The southern kingdom was composed of Judah, Simeon, and most of Benjamin (often it was referred to simply as Judah).

In 722 BCE Assyria invaded Israel, and the northern kingdom was conquered. Many of the people who lived in the northern kingdom were exiled, mainly to Assyria, Media, and Aram-Naharaim…”

Where Did the Lost Tribes of Israel Go? Part 1: Kurdistan? Philippines? Africa?

*see Neutral Perspective: Spanish (others) Colonialism in the Philippines was “good” and “bad”?

Northern Kingdom-10 Tribes


Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
“..This project hopes to explore academic studies, and historical sources regarding the quest to find the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Please feel free to add any information you may have…

These are the 12 Israeli tribes (sons of Jacob):
In addition to these two tribes which make the total 14 :


Quest for the Lost (10) Tribes of Israel – Documentary [Full] – YouTube

The Ten Lost Tribes | Where They Went, What They Are … – YouTube

Where Are the Ten Lost Tribes? By Yehuda Shurpin
The saga of the ten lost tribes of Israel—Part 3
“..So, Where Are They?

While there haven’t been any other major reports of “actual” emissaries from the ten lost tribes, there have been many other supposed discoveries and sightings of the ten lost tribes by travelers and explorers throughout history.27 This has resulted in an abundance of theories, however far-fetched they may be, about their present-day whereabouts. The list includes places such as Africa, Japan, China, India, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, the Caucasus, Yemen, Persia, and even the Americas.

Before the entire globe was explored, people postulated that perhaps the tribes were in some yet undiscovered region. Speculation spiked with the discovery of the Americas, the “new world.”28 In 1655, the great Jewish philosopher and advocate Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel used the theory that the Native Americans were descended from the ten tribes to support his petition to Oliver Cromwell for the Jews’ readmittance into Britain.29 (They had been expelled by King Edward I in 1290.)..”

Where are the Ten Lost Tribes?


Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
..Beta Israel of Ethiopia
“The Beta Israel (also known as Falashas) are Ethiopian Jews. Some members of the Beta Israel as well as several Jewish scholars believe that they are descended from the lost Tribe of Dan, as opposed to the traditional story of their descent from the Queen of Sheba…”



The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel and the Ethiopian Jew By: Edgar Mana-ay
“..According to an old Jewish tradition, Ethiopian Jews are descendants from the Israelite tribe of Dan. Whatever their antecedents, they clearly split from the rest of the Jewish people at a very early time. How they have changed from fair skinned to black is a puzzle that no anthropologist can explain. Though conversant with the Bible, Ethiopian Jews were totally ignorant of the TALMUD (Jewish traditions) and their practice of Judaism (the religion of the Jewish people) differed greatly from the rest of the Jewry…

Black Jews in Ethiopia PART 1.wmv – YouTube

Dec 6, 2011 – Uploaded by oWiSeKiDo

The lost tribes of Israel
“..According to scholars, Bieta Israel may be the descendants of one of the ten lost tribes of Israel, the tribe of Dan, which fled the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the 10th century BC during the destructive civil war between King Solomon’s sons. Another version says that they are the descendants of the Israelite tribe who accompanied Menelik I, the first King of Ethiopia, supposed son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, when he travelled from Jerusalem back to northern Ethiopia. According to the legend, after her visit to King Solomon in Jerusalem the Queen of Sheba returned to Ethiopia pregnant. She gave birth to a son, Menelik, who as a adult returned to Jerusalem to visit his father and bring the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia. It is believed that since that day, the Ark of Covenant, containing the tablets of the ten commandements, has been kept in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum. However, it is the first version of the origins of Bieta Israel which is officially accepted…”

Lost Tribes of Ethiopia – YouTube

Aug 28, 2013 – Uploaded by Jewish Voice

Sudan connection: Are Ethiopian Jews descendants of the ancient Israelites? Ibrahim Omer | Genetic Literacy Project | July 22, 2013
…The Beta Israel

“Until they were forced to leave Ethiopia in the 1980s, Ethiopian Jews lived in small villages scattered in the northwestern region of the Ethiopian plateau around Lake Tana and in the Semien mountains area. They traditionally referred to themselves as the Beta Israel, and were referred to by other Ethiopians as Falasha, meaning “strangers” in the indigenous Semitic language Ge’ez. Thus, the term Beta Israel will be used throughout this article to label the community.

The community has venerated the Old Testament of the Ethiopian Bible and its religious language has been Ge’ez. Today, the Beta Israel show closest resemblance in external cultural characteristics to their surrounding Habash, i.e. the ethnic category that encompasses the Amhara and Tigray-Tigrinya populations. And although both the Habash-Christians and the Beta Israel claim royal descent from the time of King Solomon and Queen Sheba, an important difference exists (Entine, 2007, p.148-9). While the Christians claim descent from King Menelik—the offspring of Solomon and Sheba in Ethiopia—the Beta Israel claim descent from first-generation Israelites from the tribe of Dan who some believe accompanied Menelik as guards of hono..

It wasn’t until recently that scholars realized that the name Ethiopia, in ancient and medieval sources, denoted the Nile valley civilization of Kush, also known today as ancient Nubia, in what is today Northern Sudan. On the other hand, the geographical area that encompasses the modern country of Ethiopia had in the past housed the ancient kingdom of Aksum, which developed in the northern parts of the plateau, and was sometimes referred to as Abyssinia….”

Ark of the Covenant Actually Found in Ethiopia

The Truth about The Ark of The Covenant

Acolyte Morningstar
Published on Apr 25, 2014
This movie proves that The Ark of The Covenant is neither in Aksum in Ethiopia, nor Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, and it reveals its true location.

It is compiled from JAH’s research; which can be found throughout this site; and selected and corrected footage from “The Lost Ark” by Bruce Burgess.


A Lost Tribe of Israel Returns from Ethiopia – YouTube


The Igbo/Israel connection & the Lost Tribes of Israel – YouTube

Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
..Igbo Jews of Africa

“The Igbo Jews of Nigeria claim descent variously from the tribes of Ephraim, Naphtali, Menasseh, Levi, Zebulun and Gad…”

The lost tribe of Israel. Igbos are Hebrews – YouTube

Nigeria’s Igbo Jews: ‘Lost tribe’ of Israel? By Chika Oduah, for CNN Updated 6:00 AM ET, Mon February 4, 2013
“..”I am a Jewish Igbo,” he says.
The Igbo are one of Nigeria’s largest ethnic groups with population estimates ranging from 20 to 50 million. Abor is convinced that the Igbo’s ancestors were Jews.
“The son of Yaakov, Jacob, [was] Gad and I learned that he was among those people who went out of Israel to exile,” Abor says. “So from there he had a son called Eri and a son gave birth to a son called Aguleri and that’s how the Igbo race began.”

M. O. Eneoko – Ndi Igbo The Lost Tribe Of Israel | How The … – YouTube

Here’s why there is a possibility that this tribe is from Israel Published: 10.01.2018
Duke Oreva
However, apart from the story of how they came into being, the Igbos also shares some similar practices with the biblical Jews

An Igbo man practicing Judiasm (Dady can do it)
To believe that the Igbos is one of the lost tribes of Israel might sound ridiculous to a lot of people. But upon factual analysis, one is forced to re-think the possibility of this claim.

Known to be third largest of the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria, the typical Igbo communities are found in the southeastern part of Nigeria.

And according to oral tradition and many writers of Igbo history, Eri is to the Igbos, what Oduduwa is to the Yoruba.

But unlike Oduduwa whose father is unkown, Eri was the fifth son of Gad, the seventh son of Jacob (Genesis 46:15-18 and Numbers 26:16:18).

He was said to have migrated from Egypt with a group of companions just before the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt thousands of years ago.

Eri and his group were said to have traveled by water and finally arrived at the confluence of Ezu and Omambala Rivers, located in present-day Aguleri, Anambra State. ..”

Igbo tribe of Nigeria: Scattered Israelites – YouTube

-South Africa

Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
…Lemba people of Africa
“The Lemba people (Vhalemba) from Southern Africa claim to be descendants of a lost tribe which fled from what is now Yemen and journeyed south. DNA testing has genetically linked the Lemba with modern Jews.

They have specific religious practices similar to those in Judaism and a tradition of being a migrant people with clues pointing to an origin in West Asia or North Africa. According to the oral history of the Lemba, their ancestors were Jews who came from a place called Sena several hundred years ago and settled in East Africa. Some research suggests that “Sena” may refer to Wadi Masilah (near Sayhut) in Yemen, often called Sena, or alternatively to the city of Sanaa, also located in Yemen….”

Lemba tribe of South Africa lost tribe of Israel – YouTube

The Lemba, The Black Jews of Southern Africa
In an interview with NOVA, team member Dr. David Goldstein commented on the team’s findings: “The first striking thing about the Y chromosomes of the Lemba is that you find this particular chromosomal type (Cohen modal haplotype) that is characteristic of the Jewish priesthood in a frequency that is similar to what you see in major Jewish populations. Something just under one out of every 10 Lemba that we looked at had this particular Y chromosomal type that appears to be a signature of Jewish ancestry. ..”

Revealing the mysteries of a Lost Tribe, the Lemba and … – YouTube

African ‘Jewish’ tribe displays its lost ark
“..The item is a ngoma, a sacred drum made of wood. According to oral tradition, a ngoma was carried from Israel by the Lemba, a South African tribe who believe they are descendants of Jews from the Middle East. After it burst into flame and was destroyed, another ngoma – the one currently on display – was constructed from the ruins…

By contrast, Perez Hamandishe, member of parliament from the Movement for Democratic Change and a pastor in the Pentecostal church, says that the Lemba believe that they are Jews.

“We are Jews by blood,” he insists, adding that like the majority of the Lemba, he is Christian by religion, but Jewish by culture.

“My lifestyle is Jewish, we observe everything Jewish – we only eat kosher,” he said. “If I go to a Gentile house, I don’t eat their food. When I travel, I carry my own pots and food. I don’t eat prawns, fish without scales or rabbit.”

Sam Benatar, president of the Zimbabwe Jewish Board of Deputies, said that there were “all sorts of claims all over Africa by people purporting to be Jewish”, but the Lemba’s belief “may well be true”.

Peter Sternberg, former president of the Board, said that the Lemba “are virtually all either Christians or Muslims – one should really leave it at that.”..”

The Lemba Tribe ~ The Never Lost Tribe of Israel 1 – YouTube

The Lemba Jewish Tribe
Prophecy Fulfilled
By MJBI Staff
“..The Lemba Tradition Begins

Lemba oral tradition, passed on through generations, says they came from the Rabbinical Tribe, the Levites. The Lemba say they fled their original home and traveled to Sena, in modern-day Yemen, where they became traders and craftsmen until they were forced to escape war or natural disaster. This drove the Lemba across the Red Sea to Africa.

During their journey down the African continent, tradition says the Lemba built great cities of stone. This is where science comes in….

MJBI learned of the Lemba, and has been involved on the ground with them since 2012. At that time, there were no Messianic congregations amongst the Lemba.

Today, just five years later, there are now 72 congregations of people meeting on the Sabbath to worship Yeshua the Messiah. Each of them are led by some of the 140 MJBI Lemba graduates.

God is faithful to His ancient promises. He is regathering his Covenant People from the four corners of the earth in preparation for the return of the Messiah. MJBI exists to train leaders for this great restoration around the world because every revival has influential leaders, and every influential leader needs to be equipped.”
*see Now You Know: Who was/is Jesus…to “you”?

The Lemba: Our Israelite Brothers – YouTube


The Lemba: Israelites in Zimbabwe – YouTube

Unlike Many ‘Lost Tribes,’ Zimbabwe Clan Has Science on Its Side AFP May 08, 2012 1:19 AM
The secretive Lemba observe strict rules that have more in common with norms in Jerusalem than Harare: a ban on pork, ritual slaughter of livestock and male circumcision.
“..He is a member of the country’s Lemba tribe, which still observes Jewish traditions. DNA evidence from tribe members show that these traditions were brought here from the Middle East thousands of years ago. ..

There is no written history of their forefathers’ passage to what is now Zimbabwe, but the Lemba believe their forefathers arrived with a replica ark – known as the ngoma lungundu – that went missing.

The Lemba say they are descendants of white men who came from a place believed to be modern Yemen. But their ties to Judaism are cultural and not religious, they say. ..”

*see Neutral Perspective: U.S.A. did NOT and did have a Christian founding?

Christopher Columbus: The Secret Jew
“…Among the men, de Torres spoke Hebrew—a great part of Columbus’ belief that he would need someone conversant in Hebrew if or when he encountered members of the ten Lost Tribes. He, and others of his time, firmly believed the stories of the wandering Hebrew children who had, after their Babylonian captivity, migrated throughout Asia and imprinted numerous civilizations with their cultural mores. Today, there are Asian people, mostly Muslim, who light candles on Friday nights but have never known where this custom originated. There is said to be a group in Japan who once a year drive a goat over a cliff in a ceremony that resembles the Yom Kippur service observed by the Jews.


Columbus was adamant that the Temple in Jerusalem had to be rebuilt and the Antichrist revealed. In his writings Columbus reiterated that the world would soon end with the second coming of Christ. His manuscript Libro de las Profecias (Book of Prophecies) includes a letter of theological proportions which reads: “At this time I both read and studied all kinds of literature: cosmography, histories, chronicles, and philosophy and other arts, to which our Lord opened my mind unmistakably to the fact that it was possible to navigate from here to the Indies, and He evoked in me the will for the execution of it… All those who heard of my plan disregarded it mockingly and with laughter. All the sciences of which I spoke were of no profit to me nor the authorities in them… Who would doubt that this light did not come from the Holy Spirit, anyway as far as I am concerned, which comforted with rays of marvelous clarity and with its Holy and Sacred Scriptures.”


God Save America Again documentary (Full) Crusade to Save our Nation!
*see Neutral Perspective: U.S.A. did NOT and did have a Christian founding?

-Multiculturally Diverse

Who are the 12 tribes of Israel today?


[North America]


crypto jews 10 PKG transfer

Mexican Jews Secretly Migrated to New Mexico? Tell Me More.

-Natives (Ephraim)

Native American Indians: Descendants of the Lost Tribe of Israel …

Are Native Americans Part of the Ten Lost Tribes? By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz October 25, 2016 , 12:30 pm
“..Unmistakable traces of Jewish prayer echo in the voice of Joseph Riverwind, the Amahura (war chief) of the Northern Arawak Nation, the indigenous peoples of South America and Caribbean, as he sings, “Shema, shema, nayena, popaska hoya yah”. He translated this ancient Native American song for Breaking Israel News:

“Listen, listen, people, as you gather together, we will dance before the creator.” This is strongly reminiscent of the Jewish prayer, Shema, which literally means ‘hear’. ..

“Among my people, our ancient name for God is Yah Yah ‘The Supreme Spirit of Spirits’, very similar to Yahweh,” Chief Riverwind explained. “Among my wife’s ancestors, the AniKituwahYah (Cherokee), they called God YoHeWaH. And the similarities don’t stop there. They carried an ark into battle, celebrate seven feasts, kept a seventh day of rest, had cities of refuge, and don’t eat pork.”..

“Some Anishnabi (Chippewa) believe they are from the Tribe of Ephraim,” Chief Riverwind explained. “Anishnabi” is amazing similar to the Hebrew words, “Anshe Navi” (people of the Prophet). “They lived on the coast, but their legends say that before that, they came from across the great waters. We have cave-drawings of these ships that are very similar to drawings of Phoenician ships in history books.”..”

Lost Jewish Tribe thought to be Cherokee Native Americans – YouTube

=> Gad


Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?

…Native Americans

Several explorers, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries, claimed to have collected evidence that some of the Native American tribes might be descended from the Ten Lost Tribes. Several recent books and articles have focused on these theories.

The belief that some Native Americans were a Lost tribe of Israel goes back centuries and includes individuals like the 1782 President of the Continental Congress Elias Boudinot and Mordecai Noah, the most influential Jew in the United States in the early 19th Century. Some sources such as Howshua Amariel and various researchers assert that there is DNA evidence, linguistic research and other research which indicates links between the Cherokee Nation and the Jewish people…

Yuchi/Yuchee Indians
Yuchi/Yuchee Indians last seen in Kentucky. They were comprised of two colonies of Jews who left Palestine around 135 AD.

Kentucky Tribes

 Kentucky Natives
Native Languages
Scientists have found waste products in a cave in Kentuky (ancient name Ken-take: it was a designated battlefield. Some say that the soil there is so rich because of all the blood spilled over the years)


Native Elder Speaks With Israelites

The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes Haim F. Ghiuzeli

..The New World

“The discovery of the American continent with its various populations generated among the Jews and the Christians alike a number of speculations about the supposed Israelite origin of the American Indians. The Spanish bishop Bartolomeo de Las Casas (1484-1566), a fervent defender of the rights of the native nations of the Americas, forwarded a theory according to which the American Indians were descendants from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The same idea was advanced by some English missionaries. Thomas Thorowgood is his book Jewes in America, or Probabilities that the Americans are of the Race (London, 1650) strongly supported the idea of relating the American Indians to the ancient Israelites. Although Thorowgood’s theory was disputed soon after its publication, among others by members of the clergy, it nevertheless did not loss its attractiveness for other seekers of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who continued to raise new ideas and speculations in support of the Israelite origin of all or part of Native American nations in both the Northern and Southern American continents.

In South America the hypothesis connecting the American Indians to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel was advanced mainly by Spanish missionaries and travellers while coming across impressive archaeological remains of the pre-Columbian civilizations or investigating the way of life of local tribes believed to recognize various costumes and beliefs that they related to the Bible and Judaism. Most reports referred to native tribes living in regions that today are part of Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru, but also in the countries of Central America, especially Mexico. Among the prominent expositors of those theories a mention should be made of Father Diego Duran (d.c.1588), author of The Aztecs: the History of the Indies of New Spain, Father Gregorio Garcia and his Origen de Los Indios de la Nuevo Mundo (Madrid, 1729).

The supposed connection between the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel and the Native American nations of North America gained support during the 18th century with the increase of European exploration of the continent. James Adair (1709-1783), a trader with the Indians who lived amongst them for forty years was one of the earliest to believe in a connection between the Ten Lost Tribes and the various Indian tribes of North America, a theory that he formulated in his History of the American Indians (London, 1775). At the same period, this theory also received the support by Charles Beaty, a missionary to the territories west of the Allegheny Mountains, who detailed it in his Journal of a Two Months Tour with a View of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and of Introducing Christianity among the Indians to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains, (London, 1768).

In the 19th century a connection with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel was made again by the believers of the Jesus Christ Church of the Latter-Day Saints. Believing to be descendants of Israel, the Mormons identify themselves with all tribes of Israel and while most are regarded as sons of Joseph through his son Ephraim, some see themselves as belonging to other tribes of Israel….”


Conclusion – North & South American Indians are 10 Lost Tribes of Israel

[South America]


The Tribe of Reuben in Ecuador, South America – YouTube

Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes Ecuador by Rabbi Marvin Tokayer
“..Manasseh was fully convinced of the authenticity of the Sambatyon legend. He wrote in his book that all think that the Ten Tribes dwelled beyond this Sabbatical river. He cites many authorities in support of his belief including the statement of Josephus that Titus himself had seen the river. Later on, after his meetings with a remarkable missionary, the Marrano Jew (Jew who was forced to convert to Christianity in Spain and Portugal), Antonio de Montezinus, he became fully convinced that the American Indians constituted some of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

Menorah Was Found in South America

As for the Indians in South America and the Lost Tribes of Israel, there was an interesting article in a newspaper published in Israel (Maariv, Dec 31, 1974) as follows:…

In 1587, a Jesuit Nicholas Delttsu was sent to South America by the king of Spain to convert the Indians. In Argentina, he found a tribe with Hebrew names, Abraham, David, Moshe, etc.. When he asked them if they were circumcised, they answered, “Yes, just as our ancestors.” In the same area were found knives of stone used for circumcision. Sharpened stone knives are cited in the Bible as used for circumcision.

Of equal interest is the recent find of a tribe in Argentina related to the Incas of Peru. On a stone tablet were found 3 commandments – “Do not steal.” “Do not lie.” and “Do not murder.” Scholars concluded that these commandments come from the Ten Commandments of Moses but existed hundreds of years before the Spaniards arrived.

And in 1974 in the same area, round stones were found with Hebrew Menorah (candlestick with 7 arms of ancient Israel) on the stone, and on the side is written in Aramaic, Pascha (Passover). Aramaic is an ancient language which ancient Israelites used and this itself means very old.
A few meters away was found a long stone in the shape of a brick with an engraving of a boat (the emblem of Zevulun is ship) with the word Tzipora (the same name as the wife of Moses and one of names of Israelites. The name of the ship?) written on it. Does this mean that they came here on boat? Scholars believe it is 3000 years old…”

Few in number, strong in faith By NORMA DAVIDOFF SHULMAN, RICHARD H. SHULMAN
April 27, 2011 23:28
Though there are only 1,000 Jews in Ecuador, others are increasingly ‘returning’ to the religion.
“..Franco, 36, remembers keeping many Jewish holidays. “My father always said, ‘We’re not Jewish; we’re B’nai Israel. We don’t know our own tribe. We don’t know if we’re descendants.’” Franco believes a person is a Jew because that person lives according to the Torah. He describes himself and his followers as “b’nei anusim,” the sons of converts…

His website,, calls his synagogue both Emunat Yisrael and Emunat Yahshua (Jesus), which can be construed as Messianic. While Franco’s congregation is not on the website list of worldwide Messianic congregations, the rabbi under whom he studied in the US, Caleb Alcala, is on the list….

He states, “You have probably heard of the association Jews for Jesus; they teach Jews to become Christians. Our work is the opposite of it. We teach Christians that were unaware of their Jewish heritage to return to Judaism.”..”


-Chiang Min people of (Kaifeng, China)

Chiang Min people of China
The Chiang Min people of northwest China claim to be descendents of Abraham. Tradition holds that their forefather had 12 descendents.

The Jews of Kaifeng, China According to historical records, a Jewish community with a synagogue built in 1163 existed at Kaifeng from at least the Southern Song Dynasty until the late nineteenth century. A stone monument in the city suggests that they were there since at least 231 BC.

For the first time, a group of seven descendants of the Jewish community of Kaifeng, China has moved to Israel.The new arrivals, who were brought here by the Shavei Israel organization, arrived at Ben-Gurion airport late Tuesday night…”

Sinim, the Land Of – Easton’s Bible Dictionary – Blue Letter Bible
Sinim, the Land Of:

(Isa 49:12), supposed by some to mean China, but more probably Phoenicia (Gen 10:17) is intended….”

The Lost Tribes of Israel Who Came to China 15 July, 2013
“..In the mountainous area of northwest China, west of the Min River, near the border of Tibet, in Szechuan lives the ancient people called by the Chinese, Chiang or Chiang-Min, who numbers about 250 thousand people.
In 1937, a book was published entitled, China”s First Missionaries, subtitled, Ancient Israelites, by Rev. Thomas Torrance, who was a missionary in this area of China and was the first to write about this tribe and what he believed to be their ancient roots of the Lost Tribes of Israel…

The language of the Chiang tribe had been forgotten and they had also lost their ancient script. Today they speak Chinese.
They themselves see themselves as immigrants from the west who reached this area after a journey of three years three months. The Chinese treated them as Barbarians, while Chiang people related to the Chinese as idol worshipers…
This God gives them the opportunity to do repentance and to gain atonement for their actions. In times of trouble, they call God in the name of “Yawei”, the same as Yahweh.
They also believe in spirits and demons and they are forbidden to worship them, but this is probably a Chinese influence. In the past they had written scrolls of parchment and also books but today they only have oral traditions. They themselves do not understand the prayers that they recite every week…

These priests wear clean white clothes and perform the sacrifices in a state of purity as the priests in ancient Israel did (1 Samuel 15:27). I recall that Japanese Shinto priests also wear clean white clothes at holy events.



Israelites Came To Ancient Japan
…The Lost Tribes of Israel Went East Along the Silk Road

“I have mentioned above about the people of the Yusufzai and the Pathans in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the people of Kashmir, the Menashe tribe in India and Myanmar, and the Chiang (Chiang-Min) tribe in China. These places are all along the Silk Road. Are these all where they went?
Otherwise, were there any other people who went further east along the Silk Road?
Where is the destination of the Silk Road? Japan. Did the Ten Tribes of Israel come to Japan?
If the Ten Tribes came to China, we must say that there is a strong possibility that they came to Japan also, for next to China is Japan. But someone may think, “There is a sea between China and Japan, which makes it difficult to get to Japan.”
However, it was not a big problem for the Israelites. Scholars say that Israelites already traded in the time of King Solomon (the 10th century B.C.E.) with India and other countries of the Mediterranean Sea with a fleet of ships (see 1 Kings 10:22, Some of the words are from Sanskrit). Israelites knew well about ships even in the times before the country of Japan started..

Japan Which Kaempfer Saw

Engelbert Kaempfer was a German medical doctor who stayed at Dejima, Nagasaki Japan during 1690-1693 C.E.. He came to Japan after he traveled and saw various countries of the world. He was an erudite man and published a book about Japan after he went back to Europe.
In the book Kaempher states that the Japanese language, customs and religion are much different from the ones of the Chinese or the Koreans, and that the main race of the Japanese are not derived from the Chinese or Koreans but rather a tribe from the area of Babylon came to Japan and became the main race of the Japanese. He wrote:
“The Japanese must be of a tribe who emigrated directly from the area of Babylon.”
The area of Babylon is the Middle East where there was the Assyrian Empire which the Ten Tribes of Israel were exiled to. Kaempher also states:..”

*see Deep thought? Where did all these cultures come from?

The Mystery of Jews in Japan – YouTube

Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
..The Japanese

Some writers have speculated that the Japanese people themselves may be direct descendants of part of the Ten Lost Tribes. There are some parallels between Japanese and Israelite rituals, culture, traditions, and language, which provide some evidence for this possibility.
An article that has been widely circulated and published, entitled “Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes: Japan” by Arimasa Kubo (a Japanese writer living in Japan who studied the Hebrew Bible), concludes that many traditional customs and ceremonies in Japan are very similar to the ones of ancient Israel and that perhaps these rituals came from the religion and customs of the Jews and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who might have come to ancient Japan.

Joseph Eidelberg’s “The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People” makes a similar case: Late in his life, Joseph Eidelberg began analyzing ancient traditions, religious ceremonies, historical names, haiku poems, Kana writings and Japanese folk songs, discovering thousands of words with similar pronunciations, sounds and translations between Hebrew and Japanese.

These discoveries are history in the making, giving credible new information on the meanings of many unknown Japanese words, numbers, songs and cultural traditions – and this book is the first time that these remarkable similarities are combined into a single consistent theory….

Israelites Records Found In Japan -The Gathering of Israel … – YouTube

Transit to Freedom: How Ordinary Japanese Citizens Helped Jewish Refugees in WWII

Israel Scattered Amongst the Chinese and Japanese!

LIonsRoar 12 Tribes
Published on Oct 21, 2016
Some Information in this video came from a book called “The World of Ancient China” and maps from”The Lost Tribes A Myth” by Godbey (Harvard University).


The Jews of Kaifeng, China: History, Culture, and Religion 1st Edition by Xin Xu (Author)
“..From the ninth century on, there was an indigenous Jewish community in the city of Kaifeng in northeastern China. Separated by thousands of miles from the rest of the world, and largely cut off from contact with the main centers of Jewish life, the Kaifeng Jews developed a distinctive culture that was unquestionably Jewish, but progressively absorbed Chinese elements. Their greatest problem was not separation from other Jews so much as the openness and tolerance of Chinese society. Intermarriages occurred frequently, and Jews were fully accepted as merchants, .”

“..In the book Isaiah we find the Hebrew name Sinim. Sin is Hebrew name for China. And the inhabitants (Chinesare called “Sinim”. The verse reads:..

Torrance notes that the Chiang-Min “…retain unquestionable marks of being members of the Israelitish branch of the Semitic race…”..

among them unmistakable Semitic features. He finds many customs common to ancient Israelite religion. The Chiang-Min believe in one God and serve the Abbah Molan, reminiscent of the Israelite Malach or messenger of God (angel). “In times of calamity or acute distress, the people have a moan or cry of a ‘Yawei’ sound – very suggestive…of the Biblical name of G’d.” ..

There are Jews who established communities in various parts of China, chiefly in Kaifeng, who probably arrived in the region in the 10th-11th centuries as traders via the “Silk Route.”


the Lost Tribes of Israel in Kaifeng, China【文章轉載】開封 … – YouTube

Evolutionism Is Anti-Science Lie
Published on Dec 29, 2016
Credit to MrThesagamanga

以Isa 49:12 看哪,這些從遠方來;這些從北方、從西方來;這些從秦(原文作秦吶Sinae)國來。 “Behold, these shall come from far:… and these from the land of Sinim.” ie. land of Qin
Standing at the magnificent and historic Great Wall of China (built by the emperor Qin Shi Huang during the Qin dynasty 260 BC-210 BC), this video reveals the divine mission of this most important information regarding the Lost Tribes of Israel pursuant to their travel along the Silk Route through ancient Persia, modern day Afghanistan and India, integrating into the Chinese culture and population approximately 800 years before the birth of the Messiah Yahushua. Traces of some ancient Jewish rituals have been observed in some places.

Lost Tribes of Jews from China

Published on Aug 3, 2011
Lost Tribes of Jews from China. This is the Reason why Jesus had to come to Asia, to teach the Lost Tribes of Israel.
The life, Death and Tomb of Jesus are proofs that Jesus was only a Humble Prophet of God, Not the So of God, Was Crucified but Survived Crucifixion, Migrated to Asia to teach the Lost Tribes of Israel and Died like a Normal Human Being in Kashmir India.

Visit to know more about this Truth.
Visit to know more about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

-Ophir Philippines
*see Neutral Perspective: Spanish (others) Colonialism in the Philippines was “good” and “bad”?

Where Did the Lost Tribes of Israel Go? Part 2A: Ophir, Philippines?
*19 minute mark
Isaiah 11

-Karen People (Southeast Asia)

the lost tribe of Israël

Published on Feb 22, 2012
(English Version), 26 minutes, documentary showing of the situation so complex that Karen Poeple on the Burmese border, in relation with the military Junta. Special mention of the Jury international reportings and social phenomenons, FIPA Biarritz 1998


Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
…Tribe of Dan.

“..The Tribe of Dan had been carried off by the Assyrians (modern day Germans and Austrians). But when the Babylonians destroyed Assyria, the slave tribes scattered. Dan headed northwest.

Interestingly, many note that maps of Russia, Ukraine and eastern Europe have rivers with names that start with Don, Dan, Dun, etc. The tribe of Dan, it is speculated, followed these rivers and renamed them along the way, as well as this the name Denmark means: the mark of Dan…”

Scythian / Cimmerian Theories

Several theories claim that the Scythians and / or Cimmerians were in whole or in part the Lost Tribes of Israel. The theories are generally based on the belief that the Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been deported by the Assyrians, became known in history as the Scythians and / or Cimmerians. Various points of view exist as to which modern nations these people became.

The Behistun Inscription is often cited as a link between the deported Israelites, the Cimmerians and the Scythians (Saka). George Rawlinson wrote: We have reasonable grounds for regarding the Gimirri, or Cimmerians, who first appeared on the confines of Assyria and Media in the seventh century B.C., and the Sacae of the Behistun Rock, nearly two centuries later, as identical with the Beth-Khumree of Samaria, or the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.

Adherents often believe that the Behistun Inscription connects the people known in Old Persian and Elamite as Saka, Sacae or Scythian with the people known in Babylonian as Gimirri or Cimmerian. It should be made clear from the start that the terms ‘Cimmerian’ and ‘Scythian’ were interchangeable: in Akkadian the name Iskuzai (Asguzai) occurs only exceptionally. Gimirrai (Gamir) was the normal designation for ‘Cimmerians’ as well as ‘Scythians’ in Akkadian.

The archeologist and British Israelite, E. Raymond Capt, claimed similarities between King Jehu’s pointed headdress and that of the captive Saka king seen to the far right on the Behistun Inscription. He also posited that the Assyrian word for the House of Israel, “Khumri”, which was named after Israel’s King Omri of the 8th century BCE, is phonetically similar to “Gimirri.” (Cimmerian)

Critics of the Israel / Scythian theory argue that the customs of the Scythians and Cimmerians contrast those of the Ancient Israelites and that the similarities and theories proposed by adherents stand in contradiction to the greater body of research on the history of ancient populations, which does not provide support for the purported links between these ancient populations..

The 12 Tribes of Israel in Russia

Russia’s Scythian Past: Lost Tribes and Lost Origins AUGUST 7, 2015 06:40 PM
‘..One of the more interesting theories of the origins of these Scythians is that they were of the lost tribes of Israel. The name Scythian is at its root “Isaac”, or “Saka” or “Sacae.” Depending on which language or dialect one applies, most of the lands that now surround what was Scythia used variations of the name to describe the warlike herdsmen. It’s interesting to note here, It is always been assumed that the missing ten tribes of Israel had been either “abandoned by God,” or that they simply “died out.” However far fetched this idea may sound, around 730 years before the birth of Christ, the people of Israel were scattered to the four winds, and simultaneously a nomadic people appeared in South Russia that would eventually conquer anyone who attacked them. The name “Scythian” (tribe of Isaac) spread across much of the known world before Roman times. Looking at the biblical record, Genesis 21:12 foretells:..”
Asher, Dan, and Naphtali
“… Dan, Asher, and Naphtali in Northern Europe

The spatial arrangement of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali in the Land of Israel was repeated after the tribes had moved westward and settled there.
We find Dan in Denmark, Naphtali in Norway, Asher in Scandinavia in general (as the As, Aseir, as well as in Sweden).
[Sweden on the whole however pertains more to the Tribe of Gad.]..”


Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
…Bene Israel of South Asia:

The Bene Israel (Hebrew: “Sons of Israel”) are a group of Jews who live in various Indian cities, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmadabad, and in Pakistan such as in Karachi, Peshawer and Multan.

Prior to their waves of emigration to Israel and still to this day, the Bene Israel form the largest sector of the subcontinent’s Jewish population, and constitute the bulk of those sometimes referred to as Pakistani Jews. The native language of the Bene Israel is Judæo-Marathi, a form of Marathi. Most Bene Israel have now emigrated to Israel. Some researchers believe that the Bene Israel are descended from the Ten Tribes…

Tribal Groups – Afghanistan, Pakistan & Kashmir

Straddling the boundaries between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir lives the world’s largest tribal grouping—the Pathans. All of the 15 million Pathans, who comprise some 60 tribes, claim descent from Kish, an ancestor of the Biblical King Saul.

Many of them also claim to be them children of the Lost Israelites. The Pathans perform circumcision of the eighth day, wear a fringed garment similar to the Jewish tzizit, light candles on Friday nights and observe food taboos similar to the laws of Kashrut.

Kashmir is renowned as one of the most spectacularly beautiful places in the world. Kashmir consists of a wide and beautiful valley, surrounded by tall mountains and is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

There have been many controversies regarding its history. Till now many references about the origin of Kashmiri people have been given but controversies are still present. One such theory is about kashmiries being the Lost Tribe of one of the twelve tribes of Bani-Israel .

The history of the Kashmir is shrouded in mystery, as is the history of other people in Kashmir. Many researchers are of the opinion that many inhabitants of Kashmir are descendants of the Lost Tribes who were exiled in 722 BC. They wandered along the Silk Road into the countries of the East, Persia and Afghanistan until they reached the Kashmir valley and settled there.

Others say the wanderings began approximately 300 years later. The wanderers settled in Kashmir, kept their traditions until they slowly started idol worship and gradually got converted to Hinduism & ultimately they got converted to Islam when the word of Allah (Islam) reached the valley and thus once again started worshiping the one GOD “ALLAH”.

There are 5 to 7 million people here. Generally speaking, they have clearer complexions and are different from the other citizens of India.

The priest Monstrat said that in the time of Vasco da Gama in the 15th century, “all the inhabitants of this area who have been living here since ancient times can trace their ancestry, according to their race and customs, to the ancient Israelites…”

Pashtun lost tribe of Israel – YouTube

Connecting with Pashtuns: The Ten Lost Tribes By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz February 19, 2018 , 4:00 pm
“..At a groundbreaking conference on Thursday, experts will gather in Jerusalem to discuss the status of Pashtun, a tribal nation of tens of millions of Afghani and Pakistani Muslims who believe they are descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The experts will discuss how reconnecting Israel to the Pashtun will have enormous consequences, most notably as their prophesied return…

The Pashtun, an Iranic ethnic group of 50 million Muslims living, refer to themselves as the “Bani Israel,” very similar phonetically to the Hebrew term for the “children of Israel,” Bnei Yisrael.

“The Pashtun have an intricate and strong tribal system and are meticulous about family genealogy (Shijra), but within this tribal framework is a strong oral tradition that they are descended from the lost Ten Tribes of Israel,” Sofy explained to Breaking Israel News.

“Many Pashtun have family traditions identifying with specific tribes. Those from the tribe of Yusufzai, for example, believe they are descended from Joseph, Lewani from Levi, Rebbani from Reuven, Afridi from Ephraim, Gaghai from Gad, and Benyamin from Benjamin.”

Sofy described a surprisingly long list of customs among the Pashtun, which are also observed by Jews. Pashtun men wear four-cornered fringed garments that are similar, though not completely identical to, Jewish prayer shawls. …

Quest for the lost tribes of Israel (Pashtuns or Pathans) – YouTube
*Kandahar -Aramaic writings found, but destroyed during Soviet Union war with Taliban

“..Pashtun (also spelled Pushtun, Pakhtun, Pashtoon, Pathan) are a people who live in southeastern Afghanistan and the northwestern province of Pakistan. They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan. There is no true written history of the Pashtun in their own land. Pashtun are traditionally pastoral nomads (herders who move frequently to find grazing land) with a strong tribal organization. Each tribe is divided into clans, subclans, and patriarchal families.

Pashtun – Semitic People, Lost Tribes of Israel, Army of Jesus – YouTube


The Lost Tribes of Israel in Afghanistan & the hidden … – YouTube
“..Theological Research Institute
Published on Apr 6, 2017
Rabbi Harry Rozenberg interviews the famed traveler Amir Dromi on his travels across the Silk Road in search of a very specific remnant of the ancient Israelite exile; The Bnei Moshe (the children of Moses). This specific family was said to have been in hiding for thousands of years in a location behind the River Sambatyon. Watch and listen to the incredible journey Amir undertook in search of these Tribes.

Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
…Pashtuns of the Afghan region: Is One of the Lost Tribes the Taliban?

“The Pashtuns are a predominantly Muslim people, native to Afghanistan and Pakistan, who adhere to their pre-Islamic indigenous religious code of honour and culture Pashtunwali. They traditionally claim descent from the Lost Tribes. The Yousafzai (Yusafzai) are a large group of Pashtun tribes. Their name means “Sons of Joseph”.

There are also similar names in other areas of the region, such as the disputed land of Kashmir. There are a variety of cultural and ethnic similarities between Jews and Pashtuns. A visit by a Western journalist in 2007 revealed that many currently active Pashtun traditions may have parallels with Jewish traditions. The code of Pashtunwali is strikingly similar in content and subject matter to the Mosaic law.

A book which corresponds to Pashtun historical records, Taaqati-Nasiri, states that in the 7th century a people called the Bani Israel settled in Ghor, southeast of Herat, Afghanistan, and then migrated south and east. These Bani Israel references are in line with the commonly held view by Pashtuns that when the twelve tribes of Israel were dispersed, the tribe of Joseph, among other Hebrew tribes, settled in the region. Hence the tribal name ‘Yusef Zai in Pashto translates to the ’sons of Joseph’.

This is also described extensively in great detail by Makhzan-i-Afghani, a historical work from the 17th Century by Nehamtullah, an official in the royal court of Mughal Emperor Jehangir. A similar story is told by Iranian historian Ferishta.

This account is also substantiated by the fact that the Bnei Menashe of India also have traditions which trace their wanderings as going originally from the Persian Empire to Afghanistan. In their case, they then went to China, where they encountered persecution, then pressed on to India and Southern Asia.

The Bani-Israelite theory about the origin of the Pashtun is based on Pashtun traditions; the tradition itself is documented in a source titled Makhzan-i-Afghani, the only written source addressing Pashtun origins. It was written in 1612, by Nematullah Harvi, a scribe at the court of Mughal Emperor Jehangir of Hindustan.

Nematullah compiled his book on the order of Khan Jehan Lodhi of the Lodhi dynasty, a Pashtun noble and a courtier of the Emperor Jehangir. Some sources state that the Makhzan-i-Afghani has been discredited by historical and linguistic inconsistencies. The oral tradition is believed to be a myth that grew out of a political and cultural struggle between Pashtuns and the Mughals, which explains the historical backdrop for the creation of the myth, the inconsistencies of the mythology, and the linguistic research that refutes any Semitic origins. There are also other sources which disagree strongly with the hypothesis that the Pashtuns have Israelite origins…”

The Jews of Afghanistan
“..It is a city of commercial importance…, Naisabur – to the mountains of Naisabur by the river Gozan…., four of the tribes of Israel dwell, namely the tribe of Dan, the tribe of Zebulun, the tribe of Asher and the tribe of Naphtali, who were included in the first captivity of Shalmanaser, king of Assyria… The extent of their land is twenty days’ journey, and they have cities and large villages in the mountains; the river Gozan forms the boundary on the one side. They are not under the rule of the Gentiles, but they have a prince of their own, whose name is R. Joseph Amarkela the Levite. There are scholars among them. And they sow and reap and go forth to war as far as the land of Cush by way of the desert.”..”


..Bnei Menashe of India

The Bnei Menashe (from northeast India) claim descent from the lost Tribe of Manasseh. Their oral traditions depict them as originally going from the Persian Empire into Afghanistan. (They may have been in the Persian Empire because it occupied the lands of Assyria when it conquered Babylonia.) According to their traditions, they then went to China, where they encountered persecution, then pressed on to India and Southern Asia…”

India’s Bnei Menashe – A Lost Tribe of Israel – YouTube

Mar 4, 2009 – Uploaded by Shavei Israel

These incredible photos show members of an Indian-Jewish ‘lost tribe’ moving to Israel By Josefin Dolsten February 13, 2017 2:50 pm
“..The immigrants, who hail from the northeastern Indian state of Mizoram — home to the second largest concentration of the country’s Bnei Menashe community, as they are called — will arrive in Israel on Tuesday and Thursday. The move is being facilitated by Shavei Israel, a nonprofit that seeks to connect “lost” and “hidden” Jews to the Jewish state…”

With DNA Tests, Mystery of the “Lost Tribe” of Indian Jews Finally Solved By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz April 15, 2016 , 8:00 am
“..When the Bnei Israel first came to Israel from India in 1952, little was known about their history, and their connection to the Jewish people was rejected by the Chief Rabbi of Israel. However, a new genetic study has justified their claims, opening up new possibilities that one of the Lost Tribes of Israel has been found…”

Legends of the Lost Tribes Chapter 02 – Bene Israel – India – YouTube

Mystery of 10 lost tribes of Israel solved? TNN | Update Jan 14th 2016
“… They also asserted that the first Jews arrived on Indian shores about 1,500 years ago. In a study titled Genetic Affinities of the Jewish Populations of India’ published on Tuesday , the scientists said the Diaspora in India was concentrated in three pockets: Cochin, the Bene Israel in Mumbai and he Baghdadi Jews of Kolkata…”

India’s ‘lost tribe’ of Jews looks to Israel – YouTube

Mar 28, 2012 – Uploaded by AFP news agency

India: The Kuki people, possible descendants of one of Israel’s lost tribes
Feb 24, 2017 – Uploaded by FRANCE 24 English

One of The Lost Tribes of Israel is Brahmin Hindus of India – YouTube


India’s Jewish ‘Lost Tribe’ Faces Hard Times in Israel
Shira Rubin July 5, 2016TEL AVIV
“..Haokip, who works as a community liaison for Shavei Israel, embodies many of the paradoxes that currently characterize the rough process of immigration and absorption for this tribe who, indeed, often seem lost in the maze of Israel’s complex bureaucracy and hurly-burly culture. Reinforced and encouraged in their convictions that they are descended from ancient Jewish roots by Shavei Israel, a group funded in part by evangelical Christians, some 3,000 Bnei Menashe have relocated to Israel with support from the organization. Most arrived without state recognition as Jews, and the benefits in aid and support this brings. Most converted only after they moved to Israel with help from Shavei Israel, which is devoted to searching the earth for groups that it believes share Jewish lineage…”

A Lost Tribe of Israel Returns from India – YouTube


Ten Lost Tribe Is In Iran,Yewish Persian Blood Is The Same – YouTube

Published on Nov 18, 2007
The Iranian Persian Race Is A Mongol Türk Yewish Mix From Mesopotamia They Went To The Arab Area And To Europ.

Where are the Ten Lost Tribes?

…Benjamin of Tudela
“..The great medieval Jewish traveler is familiarly known as Benjamin of Tudela. We know little about him other that what emerges in his famous Book of Travels. In whichever community he visited, and even in those he didn’t, Benjamin recorded his observations, many of which are quite imaginative.

When visiting in Persia and in the Arabian peninsula, Benjamin came across Jewish tribesmen whom he was convinced were descendants of the Lost Israelites. The self-sufficiency and fierceness of these tribesmen deeply impressed him. He writes as follows: ..”

The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes Haim F. Ghiuzeli
“..At various periods, indigenous tribes and peoples over all continents were identified as possible descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes. The supposed offspring of the Ten Lost Tribes have included different ethnic groups living in Asia – Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Burma (Myanmar), Kurdistan, Kashmir, China, Japan; in various countries and regions of West Africa – Mali, Ghana, Nigeria; in Southern Africa – Zimbabwe, Lesotho, South Africa, Mozambique, in East Africa – Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea; in Europe – the Celts of the British Isles; in Oceania – the native people of New Zealand; in South America – Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela; and in North America, where various native American nations as well as the Mormons were linked to the Ten Lost Tribes. Occasionally, beliefs disseminated by European travellers, Jews and Christians alike, were eventually adopted by some of the indigenous ethnic groups and sometimes, after being further elaborated by them, evolved into an integral part of their ethos and identity…”

Abbas Amanat: Iran’s Relationship with the Jewish People – YouTube


Europeans Are The “Lost” Tribes Of Israel – A Rare … – YouTube

Where Did The Lost Tribes Of Israel Go? – To EUROPE! – YouTube

Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
British Israelism variant

“British Israelism (also known as ‘Anglo-Israelism’) is the theory that people of Western European descent, especially Britain and the United States, are descended from the ‘Lost Tribes’ of Israel. Adherents believe that the deported Israelites became Scythians / Cimmerians who are then alleged to have become the Celts / Anglo-Saxons of Western Europe. This theory also provides the meaning why we use the term Caucasian to the Anglo Saxon people of today. Caucasian means white skin tone, with this following meaning it explains how Anglo Saxons are called Caucasian within the British Israel Preaching in many churches today. Caucasian is the name given to the Israelites when they were put into captivity between the Caspian and the Black sea, this place was named the Caucasus Mountains, the Tribes when released did not move back into Palestine but headed Westward into the Isles. British Isles. Then after this they continued Eastward, then Northward, then Southward. We see history matching this as the colonies of the Commonwealth of England. This also is backed up by the Bible explaining the Lord will return again to take back the throne of David. The tribe of Judah. Judah was promised his son Pharez to be the family of royals. Judah then had the child Pharez who begat Ezrom, who begat Aram, who begat Aminadab, who begat Nashon, who begat Salmon, who begat Boaz m Ruth, who then Obed the father of Jesse the father of King David. There is no monarch in Israel but in the British Israel Message we see the throne of David being the Royal Throne in Britain…”


“An obscure person named Richard Brothers who lived in England between 1757 to 1824 is credited with the origination of this farfetched fantasy. He was true to the form of religious fanatics and his movement was strikingly parallel with Joseph Smith and the Mormons. Richards was as eccentric as Smith was ignorant. There is a distinct similarity in the origination of these episodes, a resemblance in the characters of the men, and in the cues to their religious fictions, particularly in the purported saga of the ten tribes of Israel upon which the respective movements were founded. The religious lunacy of these men was about identical in degree, the difference being in the circumstances of Richard Brothers’ commitment to an asylum and Joseph Smith to a jail. The dignity which the movement lost by this circumstance in connection with its originator was later regained by one Piazzi Smyth, a Scot astronomer, who evolved the British Israel theory by complicated mathematical calculations in some remote connection with the Great Pyramids upon which he based the claim that the throne of England is the throne of David, and the kings and queens of England Queen Victoria in 1800 and George VI in 1944— are of the royal lineage of David, and the British people, therefore, the real Israel today, which they claim descends not through Judah or the Jews but from the ten tribes. The true Israel, they claim, does not include Jews but are the Anglo Saxons. There are numerous adherents of this theory, in the main Britishers of the Anglican church. In America it was confined to the parts of the country named, Canada and the New England states, until its recent infiltration into the Pacific coast region, which is due to the fact that California in particular is a sort of rallying ground for all of the fanatical sects from everywhere. The Anglo-Israelists have made a significant showing along the coast from Vancouver, B. C., to San Diego, Calif., if their claims are true that they had upwards of fifty thousand adherents in these coast sections…”

The Myth of British Israelism By Albert Emanuel
“..Many have claimed the distinction of having discovered the lost tribes of Israel. When Christopher Columbus arrived in the new world, he thought he had found lost Israel. Joseph Smith was supposed to have received divine revelation on the identity of lost Israel. According to one estimate, there are twenty-seven lost tribe theories. The Indians of America, the Kaffirs of South Africa, the Subbotniki of Russia, the Moussai of Persia, the Shindai of Japan, the Karens of Burma, are all people who have enjoyed the distinction of being called the lost tribes of Israel…”


Dan & Judah in Ireland – YouTube

Aug 19, 2014 – Uploaded by Yair Davidiy

Are the Celts one of the ten lost tribes of Israel? James O’Shea @IrishCentral Jun 13, 2016
“.. Proponents of this theory in historical essays and elsewhere point to various parallels between Irish and ancient Hebrew culture. For example, they note that the harp, the symbol of Ireland, also plays a role in Jewish history, as the musical instrument of King David…

The most celebrated Danite was Samson, who some suggest is derived from Danyen tribal legends. The anti-Christ is also said to be a member of the tribe of Dan.

Modern artists use the “scales of justice” to represent the Tribe of Dan due to Genesis 49:16 referencing Dan judging his people. However, more traditional artists use a snake to represent Dan, based on Genesis 49:17…”

Israelites in Ireland – YouTube

Oct 30, 2013 – Uploaded by Yair Davidiy

The Irish-Jewish connection By RORY FITZGERALD March 17, 2010 12:48
Today, when we remember the feast of St. Patrick, we remember more than just the coming of Christianity to Ireland.
“..TODAY, WHEN we remember the feast of St. Patrick, we remember more than just the coming of Christianity to Ireland. Embedded intrinsically within Christianity is the Jewish law, the sacred Ten Commandments, and the knowledge of the one God, which both peoples..”

the celtic white europeans are from the lost tribes of israel – YouTube




East Asia-Middle East/b>


There are Israelites amongst the Kurds!!! – YouTube

Kurds are the ten lost tribes of Israel?
“..“So where do these Kurds come from? One theory is that they may actually be the 10 lost tribes of Israel. The Jews of today are descended from the two southern tribes (Judah and Benjamin), but the ten northern tribes were conquered by Assyria in the 8th century B.C., and settled in the exact same area where the Kurds dwell. The Yazidi religion traces their descent from Adam, moreover they have a yearly pilgrimage in the month of September/October, which is the same time as one of the Jewish festivals required Jews to attend the temple in Jerusalem.” ..

2 Kings 15:29 and 17:6 record that the northern tribes of Israel were taken into “Assyria” and “Halah and in Habor by the river Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes”. (It was the Assyrians who took the Israelites to those places, but later when the Persians conquered Assyria, the areas in question came to lie within the Medo-Persian area.)

Further, regarding this search for ethnic groups which might belong to the “lost” tribes: According to the biblical criteria – see for instance Deuteronomy 28:64 and 65 with their context – those groups must be (relatively) few in number, and again, they would not have a country of their own.

History of the Jews in Kurdistan – YouTube

Kurdish- Jewish Kingdom of Adiabene – YouTube

Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
“..The Kurds
Some have promoted the notion that the Kurds represent a Lost Tribe. Some claims have been made regarding a genetic relationship between the Kurds and the Jews on the basis of a similarity between Kurdish Y-DNA and a Y haplotype that is associated with the Jewish priesthood.

However, in genetic testing of the Y chromosome of 95 Muslim Kurds, only one sample (1.05% of the Kurds tested) matched the so-called Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH), consisting of six specific Y-STR values. Various misleading statements have associated typical Kurdish Y-DNA with that of the Jews. However, these attempts are based on several sources of confusion:..”

Southern Kingdom-2 Tribes

Lost Tribes Series Part 3A: Southern Kingdom of Israel Migration Into Africa

“It’s time for the final migration of the Southern Kingdom in which Isaiah, Zephaniah, etc. tell us went into Africa. Notice neither of these 3 groups migrated into the Russian Steppes nor Europe as traditional tells us and this according to scripture. Review all the evidence from ancient maps, history and language and see how they support the Bible. Enjoy the journey.

*see Deep Thought: Who to “blame” for the world’s corruption?

Debate able ???

Genetic Roots of the Ashkenazi Jews Oct 8, 2013
Most Ashkenazi Jews, traditionally believed to have descended from the ancient tribes of Israel, may in fact be maternally descended from prehistoric Europeans.

“..The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women, according to study published today (October 8) in Nature Communications. While the Jewish religion began in the Near East, and the Ashkenazi Jews were believed to have origins in the early indigenous tribes of this region, new evidence from mitochondrial DNA, which is passed on exclusively from mother to child, suggests that female ancestors of most modern Ashkenazi Jews converted to Judaism in the north Mediterranean around 2,000 years ago and later in west and central Europe.


12 tribes: is Ashkenazi jews one of them?
New genetic study: More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews’ ancient Hebrew patrimony Bruce Goldman
Published on December 20,
“..Tradition holds, though, that Ashkenazi Jews ultimately trace their origins straight back to ancient Israel, whence most Jews were expelled en masse in 70 CE by their Roman conquerors and sent skittering to all parts of the globe. (Jews who initially fled to Spain and Portugal are referred to as Sephardic. Those who took up residence in Iran, Iraq and Northern Africa are designated as Mizrahi.)..

Plausible at the time, the Khazar-origin premise has crumbled under the onslaught of modern molecular genetics. The latest volley: a study published this week in Nature Communications. The study’s senior author, Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill, PhD, works in the lab of Carlos Bustamante, PhD, whose high-resolution techniques have highlighted the historical hopscotch of other migratory peoples.


Ashkenazi Jews are not Khazars – Jewish DNA

The Tribe of Dann and the Lost Tribe of Israel
by Mary Sutherland 2005

*see Deep Thought: Should I get my DNA Tested?

DNA ties Ashkenazi Jews to group of just 330 people from Middle Ages By KAREN KAPLAN SEP 09, 2014 | 2:20 PM
“…Today there are more than 10 million Ashkenazi Jews around the world, including 2.8 million in Israel, according to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Who Were the Ashkenazi Jewish People, and Are You Related to Them?
“..If you ever get your DNA tested, you might be surprised to discover a certain percentage of Ashkenazi Jewish DNA. Many people with European ancestry who are not practicing Jews and know of no Jewish ancestors do discover some Ashkenazi in them. There is a lengthy discussion on the topic on, a popular DNA testing site. People are using the discussion to try to determine their Jewish ancestors and their origins after discovering they are descended from some of the Ashkenazi population. Here’s what you need to know about the Ashkenazi Jewish people, and how they are different genetically from the general Jewish community.

The name Ashkenazi comes from a Biblical person named Ashkenaz. He was the eldest son of Gomer. Gomer was a grandson of Noah through Noah’s son Khaphet. This makes Ashkenaz a great-grandson of Noah. The Jewish population in eastern and central Europe began being distinguished from the Holy Land Jewish people by the use of the name Ashkenazi in the early Medieval period of history. There was a Christian custom at this time of calling areas of Jewish settlement in Europe with Biblical names, which is how the Ashkenzazis received their name. By the later Medieval period, the term Ashkenazi was used for the German and French Jewish populations alone and was even adopted by the Jewish people and scholars of the area themselves.

It was only with the rise of Emperor Charlemagne, who joined the mini-kingdoms of France into one country in 800 A.D. that the history of the Ashkenazi Jewish people in Europe becomes well documented. Charlemagne gave them the same freedoms they once enjoyed under the Romans, and they began opening businesses in finance and commerce. They also got into banking, as Christians were prohibited from charging interest by their religion. By the 11th century A.D., the Ashkenazi Jewish people were well known for their Talmudic studies and halakhic learning. They were also criticized by Jewish people in the Holy Land for their lack of knowledge in traditional Jewish law and the Hebrew language. They spoke Yiddish instead, which was a combination of traditional Hebrew and various German dialects from the communities in which they lived. The Yiddish language was still written with Hebrew letters, however, while also being influenced with Aramaic.



Jewish DNA – The Kohanim Gene and the Lost Tribes of Israel …
Published on Sep 25, 2010
Excerpt of a lecture by Dr. Jon Entine discussing the Kohanim (Cohanim) Gene, also known as the Y chromosomal Aaron hypothesis. And how it can help us establish the truth or fiction behind the ten lost tribes of Israel. Also discussed are groups such as the Ethiopian Jews, the Lemba tribe and crypto-Jewish communities.”

Who’s Who At Family Tree DNA

Bennett Greenspan | DNA Testing for Jewish Ancestry


12 Tribes of Israel – History, Charts & Maps

(The True Hebrew Israelites) Scattered Among the Nations: Part 1

Israelite Communities Thruout the world

Beyond Today — The Lost Tribes of Israel: Why They Matter – YouTube

Deep Thought: Did you know “Yeshua” was “mentioned” in the “Torah”-“Old Testament”?

Good News Yeshua

Hypocrites: Military Uses of Biological-Chemical Weapons around the World

Other Countries

World War One Chemical Warfare

“..Uploaded on May 26, 2011

History Channel Modern Marvel: WWI Chemical Warfar..”
“fritz haber was indeed a jew , ironicly enough he invented zyklone A the later renewed to zyklone B wich was used to murder in the gaschambers ..”
Fritz Haber,
“…Haber was from a well-to-do German-Jewish family involved in various manufacturing enterprises. He studied at several German universities, earning a doctorate in organic chemistry in 1891. After a few years of moving from job to job, he settled into the Department of Chemical and Fuel Technology at the Polytechnic in Karlsruhe, Germany, where he mastered the new subject of physical chemistry. His research in physical chemistry eventually led to the Haber-Bosch process. In 1911 he was invited to become director of the Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the new Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft in Berlin, where academic scientists, government, and industry cooperated to promote original research.

The Haber-Bosch process is generally credited with keeping Germany supplied with fertilizers and munitions during World War I, after the British naval blockade cut off supplies of nitrates from Chile. During the war Haber threw his energies and those of his institute into further support for the German side. He developed a new weapon—poison gas, the first example of which was chlorine gas—and supervised its initial deployment on the Western Front at Ypres, Belgium, in 1915. His promotion of this frightening weapon precipitated the suicide of his wife, who was herself a chemist, and many others condemned him for his wartime role. There was great consternation when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for 1918 for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements.

After World War I, Haber was remarkably successful in building up his institute, but in 1933 the anti-Jewish decrees of the Nazi regime made his position untenable. He retired a broken man, although at the time of his death he was on his way to investigate a possible senior research position at Rehovot in Palestine (now Israel)…”

Iraq officials say Islamic State chemical attacks kill child, wound 600
Published March 12, 2016 Associated Press
“..BAGHDAD – Iraqi officials say the Islamic State group has launched two chemical attacks, killing a three-year-old girl and wounding some 600 people near the northern city of Kirkuk.

Security and hospital officials say the latest attack took place early Saturday in the small town of Taza, which was struck by a barrage of rockets carrying chemicals three days earlier.

Helmi Hamdi, a nurse at the Taza hospital, says the wounded are suffering from infected burns, suffocation and dehydration. Eight people were transferred to Baghdad for treatment.

The security officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters.

U.S. and Iraqi officials said U.S. special forces captured the head of the IS unit trying to develop chemical weapons in a raid last month in northern Iraq…”

The US Wants to Blame Someone For Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attacks By Samuel Oakford
July 9, 2015 | 6:40 pm

Isis ‘manufacturing and using chemical weapons’ in Iraq and Syria, US official claims Kurdish fighters have reported numerous chemical attacks in both countries, possibly using mustard agents
Lizzie Dearden @lizziedearden Friday 11 September 2015

U.S. & Allies

A very brief history of the U.S. use of chemical weapons
“…After the Baath regime in Syria had allegedly used chemical weapons against the civilian population in the suburbs of Damascus, the US decision makers accused the Syrian government of breaking an international agreement reached at the end of WW I. According to this agreement, chemical weapons are not permitted to be employed in any sort of military conflict. From the way the US leadership speaks, someone who is not familiar with world affairs may think that chemical weapons have not been used in wars from the end of WW I until the attacks of the Baath regime on August 21, 2013. Contrary to the image the US political leadership has been presenting recently, from WW II to today, the US has the lead in the world in the development, production and deployment of chemical weapons on both military forces and civilian populations at home and across the world…”
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn’t Want You to Talk About
Wesley Messamore’s avatar image By Wesley Messamore September 04, 2013
“…Washington doesn’t merely lack the legal authority for a military intervention in Syria. It lacks the moral authority. We’re talking about a government with a history of using chemical weapons against innocent people far more prolific and deadly than the mere accusations Assad faces from a trigger-happy Western military-industrial complex, bent on stifling further investigation before striking.

Here is a list of 10 chemical weapons attacks carried out by the U.S. government or its allies against civilians.
1. The U.S. Military Dumped 20 Million Gallons of Chemicals on Vietnam from 1962 – 1971

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military sprayed 20 million gallons of chemicals, including the very toxic Agent Orange, on the forests and farmlands of Vietnam and neighboring countries, deliberately destroying food supplies, shattering the jungle ecology, and ravaging the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Vietnam estimates that as a result of the decade-long chemical attack, 400,000 people were killed or maimed, 500,000 babies have been born with birth defects, and 2 million have suffered from cancer or other illnesses. In 2012, the Red Cross estimated that one million people in Vietnam have disabilities or health problems related to Agent Orange.
2. Israel Attacked Palestinian Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2008 – 2009

White phosphorus is a horrific incendiary chemical weapon that melts human flesh right down to the bone.

In 2009, multiple human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and International Red Cross reported that the Israeli government was attacking civilians in their own country with chemical weapons. An Amnesty International team claimed to find “indisputable evidence of the widespread use of white phosphorus” as a weapon in densely-populated civilian areas. The Israeli military denied the allegations at first, but eventually admitted they were true.

After the string of allegations by these NGOs, the Israeli military even hit a UN headquarters(!) in Gaza with a chemical attack. How do you think all this evidence compares to the case against Syria? Why didn’t Obama try to bomb Israel?
3. Washington Attacked Iraqi Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2004

In 2004, journalists embedded with the U.S. military in Iraq began reporting the use of white phosphorus in Fallujah against Iraqi insurgents. First the military lied and said that it was only using white phosphorus to create smokescreens or illuminate targets. Then it admitted to using the volatile chemical as an incendiary weapon. At the time, Italian television broadcaster RAI aired a documentary entitled, “Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre,” including grim video footage and photographs, as well as eyewitness interviews with Fallujah residents and U.S. soldiers revealing how the U.S. government indiscriminately rained white chemical fire down on the Iraqi city and melted women and children to death.
4. The CIA Helped Saddam Hussein Massacre Iranians and Kurds with Chemical Weapons in 1988

CIA records now prove that Washington knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons (including sarin, nerve gas, and mustard gas) in the Iran-Iraq War, yet continued to pour intelligence into the hands of the Iraqi military, informing Hussein of Iranian troop movements while knowing that he would be using the information to launch chemical attacks. At one point in early 1988, Washington warned Hussein of an Iranian troop movement that would have ended the war in a decisive defeat for the Iraqi government. By March an emboldened Hussein with new friends in Washington struck a Kurdish village occupied by Iranian troops with multiple chemical agents, killing as many as 5,000 people and injuring as many as 10,000 more, most of them civilians. Thousands more died in the following years from complications, diseases, and birth defects.
5. The Army Tested Chemicals on Residents of Poor, Black St. Louis Neighborhoods in The 1950s

In the early 1950s, the Army set up motorized blowers on top of residential high-rises in low-income, mostly black St. Louis neighborhoods, including areas where as much as 70% of the residents were children under 12. The government told residents that it was experimenting with a smokescreen to protect the city from Russian attacks, but it was actually pumping the air full of hundreds of pounds of finely powdered zinc cadmium sulfide. The government admits that there was a second ingredient in the chemical powder, but whether or not that ingredient was radioactive remains classified. Of course it does. Since the tests, an alarming number of the area’s residents have developed cancer. In 1955, Doris Spates was born in one of the buildings the Army used to fill the air with chemicals from 1953 – 1954. Her father died inexplicably that same year, she has seen four siblings die from cancer, and Doris herself is a survivor of cervical cancer.
6. Police Fired Tear Gas at Occupy Protesters in 2011

The savage violence of the police against Occupy protesters in 2011 was well documented, and included the use of tear gas and other chemical irritants. Tear gas is prohibited for use against enemy soldiers in battle by the Chemical Weapons Convention. Can’t police give civilian protesters in Oakland, California the same courtesy and protection that international law requires for enemy soldiers on a battlefield?
7. The FBI Attacked Men, Women, and Children With Tear Gas in Waco in 1993

At the infamous Waco siege of a peaceful community of Seventh Day Adventists, the FBI pumped tear gas into buildings knowing that women, children, and babies were inside. The tear gas was highly flammable and ignited, engulfing the buildings in flames and killing 49 men and women, and 27 children, including babies and toddlers. Remember, attacking an armed enemy soldier on a battlefield with tear gas is a war crime. What kind of crime is attacking a baby with tear gas?
8. The U.S. Military Littered Iraq with Toxic Depleted Uranium in 2003

In Iraq, the U.S. military has littered the environment with thousands of tons of munitions made from depleted uranium, a toxic and radioactive nuclear waste product. As a result, more than half of babies born in Fallujah from 2007 – 2010 were born with birth defects. Some of these defects have never been seen before outside of textbooks with photos of babies born near nuclear tests in the Pacific. Cancer and infant mortality have also seen a dramatic rise in Iraq. According to Christopher Busby, the Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, “These are weapons which have absolutely destroyed the genetic integrity of the population of Iraq.” After authoring two of four reports published in 2012 on the health crisis in Iraq, Busby described Fallujah as having, “the highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied.”
9. The U.S. Military Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Japanese Civilians with Napalm from 1944 – 1945

Napalm is a sticky and highly flammable gel which has been used as a weapon of terror by the U.S. military. In 1980, the UN declared the use of napalm on swaths of civilian population a war crime. That’s exactly what the U.S. military did in World War II, dropping enough napalm in one bombing raid on Tokyo to burn 100,000 people to death, injure a million more, and leave a million without homes in the single deadliest air raid of World War II.
10. The U.S. Government Dropped Nuclear Bombs on Two Japanese Cities in 1945

Although nuclear bombs may not be considered chemical weapons, I believe we can agree they belong to the same category. They certainly disperse an awful lot of deadly radioactive chemicals. They are every bit as horrifying as chemical weapons if not more, and by their very nature, suitable for only one purpose: wiping out an entire city full of civilians. It seems odd that the only regime to ever use one of these weapons of terror on other human beings has busied itself with the pretense of keeping the world safe from dangerous weapons in the hands of dangerous governments…”

America’s Secret War: Germs & Biological Weapons – Spies, Scientists (2001)
The Film Archives

“..The United States biological weapons program officially began in spring 1943 on orders from U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. Research continued following World War II as the U.S. built up a large stockpile of biological agents and weapons. Over the course of its 27 year history, the program weaponized and stockpiled the following seven bio-agents (and pursued basic research on many more): Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) Francisella tularensis (tularemia) Brucella spp (brucellosis) Coxiella burnetii (Q-fever) Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) Botulinum toxin (botulism) Staphylococcal enterotoxin B

Throughout its history, the U.S. bioweapons program was secret. It became controversial when it was later revealed that laboratory and field testing (some of the latter using simulants on non-consenting individuals) had been common. The official policy of the United States was first to deter the use of bio-weapons against U.S. forces and secondarily to retaliate if deterrence failed. There exists no evidence that the U.S. ever used biological agents against an enemy in the field (see below for alleged uses).

In 1969, President Richard Nixon ended all offensive (i.e., non-defensive) aspects of the U.S. bio-weapons program. In 1975 the U.S. ratified both the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)—international treaties outlawing biological warfare. Recent U.S. biodefense programs, however, have raised concerns that the U.S. may be pursuing research that is outlawed by the BWC…”


A Short History of Bio-Chemical Weapons by Zoltan Grossman September 2, 2013
“..1962: Chemical weapons loaded on U.S. planes during Cuban missile crisis.”..

“We Used Chemical Weapons in Vietnam”: Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick Explain How Telling the Untold History Can Change the World for the Better
Sunday, 06 October 2013 11:22 By Satoko Oka Norimatsu and Narusawa Muneo, The Asia-Pacific Journal | Interview

Why the U.S. military exposed minority soldiers to toxic mustard gas
June 22, 2015 at 6:20 PM EST
“..The U.S. government conducted experiments with mustard gas and other chemicals on some U.S. troops at the time. That chapter of history was first revealed in the early ’90s. Now a new investigation by NPR finds the military used race-based experiments as part of those tests. African-American men, shown here in protective gear, as well as Japanese-American and Puerto Rican soldiers, were singled out.

These pictures show the forearms of men exposed to mustard gas and other agents. Some, like Rollins Edwards, are living with the effects decades later, including injuries to their skin.

Caitlin Dickerson led NPR’s investigation. And Susan Smith is a professor of history at the University of Alberta, Canada. She has studied and written extensively about this…”

Own People

You Won’t Believe What They Admitted on the News in 1971…

Truthstream Media
“Published on May 31, 2017

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*vaccinations were found to have caused cancer in soldiers in 1962 and didn’t know about it until 3 years later in 1965.
*see Neutral Perspective: Vaccinations are safe and NOT?

The Origin of AIDS, the CIA and Army Biological Warfare

The Film Archives
Published on Jun 21, 2012

AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which originated in non-human primates in Sub-Saharan Africa and was transferred to humans during the late 19th or early 20th century.

Two types of HIV infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is more virulent, is more easily transmitted and is the cause of the vast majority of HIV infections globally. The pandemic strain of HIV-1 is closely related to a virus found in the chimpanzees of the subspecies Pan troglodytes troglodytes, which lives in the forests of the Central African nations of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo (or Congo-Brazzaville), and Central African Republic. HIV-2 is less transmittable and is largely confined to West Africa, along with its closest relative, a virus of the sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys atys), an Old World monkey inhabiting southern Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and western Ivory Coast.

Biological warfare (also known as germ warfare) is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war. Biological weapons (often termed “bio-weapons” or “bio-agents”) are living organisms or replicating entities (viruses) that reproduce or replicate within their host victims. Entomological (insect) warfare is also considered a type of biological warfare.

Biological weapons may be employed in various ways to gain a strategic or tactical advantage over an adversary, either by threats or by actual deployments. Like some of the chemical weapons, biological weapons may also be useful as area denial weapons. These agents may be lethal or non-lethal, and may be targeted against a single individual, a group of people, or even an entire population. They may be developed, acquired, stockpiled or deployed by nation states or by non-national groups. In the latter case, or if a nation-state uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered bioterrorism.

There is an overlap between biological warfare and chemical warfare, as the use of toxins produced by living organisms is considered under the provisions of both the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention. Toxins and Psychochemical weapons are often referred to as midspectrum agents. Unlike bioweapons, these midspectrum agents do not reproduce in their host and are typically characterized by shorter incubation periods.

The U.S. General Accounting Office issued a report on September 28, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, DOD and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances.

The quote from the study:

Many experiments that tested various biological agents on human subjects, referred to as Operation Whitecoat, were carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland, in the 1950s. The human subjects originally consisted of volunteer enlisted men. However, after the enlisted men staged a sitdown strike to obtain more information about the dangers of the biological tests, Seventh-day Adventists [SDAs] who were conscientious objectors were recruited for the studies.

The Army purchased an additional 147 acres (59 ha) in 1946 to increase the size of the original “Area A” as well as 398 acres (161 ha) located west of Area A, but not contiguous to it, to provide a test area known as Area B. In 1952, another 502.76 acres (203.5 ha) were purchased between West 7th Street and Oppossumtown Pike to expand the permanent research and development facilities.

Jeffrey Alan Lockwood finds that the biological warfare program at Ft. Detrick began to research the use of insects as disease vectors going back to World War II and also employed German and Japanese scientists after the war who had experimented on human subjects among POWs and concentration camp inmates. Scientists used or attempted to use a wide variety of insects in their biowar plans, including fleas, ticks, ants, lice and mosquitoes—especially mosquitoes that carried the yellow fever virus. They also tested these in the United States. Lockwood thinks that it is very likely that the U.S. did use insects dropped from aircraft during the Korean War to spread diseases, and that the Chinese and North Koreans were not simply engaged in a propaganda campaign when they made these allegations, since the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of Defense had approved their use in the fall of 1950 at the “earliest practicable time”. At that time, it had five bio warfare agents ready for use, three of which were spread by insect vectors. By 1952, the U.S. had dropped insects carrying a wide variety of diseases over China and North Korea, including plague, anthrax, encephalitis, cholera, dysentery, neurotropic viruses, and plant and livestock pathogens.

Lyme Disease

*see Health: How to “fight” Lyme Disease?

US military chiefs ordered to reveal if Pentagon used diseased insects as biological weapon The Independent Adam Forrest,The Independent 14 hours ago (7.16.19)

US lawmakers have voted to demand the Pentagon discloses whether it conducted experiments to “weaponise” disease-carrying ticks – and whether any such insects were let loose outside the lab.

A bill passed in the House of Representatives requires the Defence Department’s inspector general to investigate whether biological warfare tests involving the tiny arachnids took place over a 25-year period.

It follows claims that Pentagon researchers implanted diseases into inspects to study the potential of biological weapons in the decades after the Second World War.

A tick-related amendment, first reported by Roll Call, was added to the fiscal 2020 defence authorisation bill by Republican congressman Chris Smith prior to its passing in the House.

The New Jersey politician said the inspector general’s office should “conduct a review of whether the Department of Defence experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as a biological weapon between the years of 1950 and 1975.”

If the experiments did take place, the office must provide a report explaining “whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design”, the amendment also stated.

A book released earlier this year, entitled Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, sets out the case that the Defence Department did conduct research on biological warfare.

Author Kris Newby also suggests a possible relationship between the experiments and the spread of Lyme disease – an infectious disease spread by ticks causing fever, headaches and fatigue.

“We need answers and we need them now,” said Mr Smith, a founding co-chairman of the Congressional Lyme Disease Caucus, which advocates for greater understanding of the disease.

Pat Smith, president of the Lyme Disease Association, said uncovering past experiments might help with current work trying to tackle the illness.

“We need to find out: is there anything in this research that was supposedly done that can help us to find information that is germane to patient health and combating the spread of the disease,” she said.

The defence authorisation bill still needs to pass in the Senate before heading to Donald Trump’s desk at the White House.

Lyme Disease – a Biological WEAPON Invented By the US … – YouTube

John St Julien Baba Wanyama
Published on Jan 21, 2019
eileen MAIZE Carey
5 months ago
AWESOME as I’m writing & listening to You. .EXACTLY I’m a Daughter of a Retired Naval Radio/Cryptographer for 23 YEARS. He was “ORDERED” TO be as a”HUMAN GUINEA PIG” which is LITTERALLY what the US GOUL GOV called my Beloved Papa (i have the EMBOSSED government stamped paper to prove it) my Papa was ORDERED TO BE IN SIX nuclear bomb “tests” I’m affected by this too so for over 50 years I’ve been an activist TRYING TO HELP AWAKEN The Human Race to the facts of “Plumb Island” & “Operation PAPERCLIP” ALL GOVERNMENT GHOULS ARE VILE PERVERT VAIN DECADENT foul demons .Trust they go after ANYONE that speaks THE TRUTH..Care Infinite

Good News Multicultural

Thoughts, suggestions (e.g. for peace), feedback, etc..?

Good News Chemistry

What “lies” have you believed….do you still?

Hello…my name is___________?

” />

Can you fill the blank? What does your name mean to you? Have you ever been called “some other name” that you believed?…from a “bully”? teased/make fun of?

I remember being teased back in middle school/junior high and was called many names that I started to believe. For example, my physical features (e.g. “big eyes”, “Yoda”, “big nose”, “shorty”, “terrorist”, “you look like the enemy” (Persian Gulf War at the time), racist remarks , sexuality, etc..) weren’t the same with the people around me-who does anyways? -God has made us all uniquely-beautiful-and different! Can you relate? Feel free to boldly share your story down below or email me too.

Anyways, I started to believe in many of these “lies”..

The Fall (Genesis 3) Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”What is the ROOT of SIN ? - [Part 1] News Sin and the False Apostles (2 Corinthians 11 ) I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. ......13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds....Good News Future Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

“…Hello, my name is regret
I’m pretty sure we have met
Every single day of your life
I’m the whisper inside
That won’t let you forget

Hello, my name is defeat
I know you recognize me
Just when you think you can win
I’ll drag you right back down again
‘Til you’ve lost all belief

Oh, these are the voices. Oh, these are the lies…”-Hello, My Name Is
Matthew West (

My self-esteem just went lower and lower as I grew older. I would at times have “suicidal” thoughts and suffered depression. I went through a season where I even wished I was “white” like most of my peers. With all this, my hatred and anger grew, which I would keep to myself and was anti-social.

I slowly grew out of the lies starting my college years when I had a “spiritual awakening” (see personal testimony). My low self-esteem didn’t disappear overnight, but it slowly faded away as I grew in my faith and my found identity as a “child of Him (Heavenly Father)…

“…And I have believed them for the very last time…..

Matthew West – Hello, My Name Is (Lyrics)

…Hello, my name is child of the one true King
I’ve been saved, I’ve been changed,
And I have been set free
“Amazing Grace” is the song I sing
Hello, my name is child of the one true King

I am no longer defined
By all the wreckage behind
The one who makes all things new
Has proven it’s true
Just take a look at my life

What love the Father has lavished upon us
That we should be called His children
I am a child of the one true King.”- Hello, My Name Is
Matthew West (

One last thought is we need to be careful what you put above God (e.g idols). I used to struggle with this (e.g. sports, music, celebrities, etc..), which I can share the “negative effects” on another blog topic. This will affect one’s identity, which will give you a false belief.

*NOTE: I’m not trying to be the “angel” (righteous) here, but I’ve had my share of being the “devil”. I’ve teased others too or said things that might’ve “offended” them, which some has boldly reminded me. If I have and I don’t know it, please forgive me and let me know (in person if possible or via email, phone, etc..) too! I want to learn from my mistakes.

Satan-“father of lies”

Testimony from an Ex Satanist! What satan DOES NOT! want you to know!!!

“Published on Oct 10, 2016

There sits today in rulership of this fallen world order one who has grown ancient in evil, cunning in subtlety, and cruel in deceit. He waged the first war of the universe in the distant planet called heaven, and subsequently brought conflict to this little world we call earth as it spins on the outer edges of the milky-way galaxy. He filled all heaven with discord and the earth with death, and both with great sorrow. He deceptively challenged every transparent purpose of the Creator, and even coveted the throne of the Eternal, planning to either assume rule of the universe or if not, then to plunge it into chaos and ruin.
This menacing figure who has hijacked our planet well explains the presence of every conflict that disturbs our world today, every pestilence that afflicts humanity, every sorrow and pain and death that tortures the children of earth. Lucifer, the former covering cherub and one-time honorable prime minister of the angelic intelligences in Heaven, has become Satan, the great adversary of our smitten world. This powerful angel heads a vast army of unseen intelligences, the hosts of darkness who oppose in this world, every beneficent purpose of our Creator the Almighty God of the universe. He especially hates the Holy One who in great condescension assumed our human nature that He might by divine power destroy the works of Satan, conquer evil and lift the terrible sentence of eternal death from our fallen race.
To speak of a throne of evil controlling this world system is no mere figure of speech, it is a grim reality. And the occupant of that throne is no figment of anyone’s imagination. Jesus Christ ascribes to him the title of “prince of this world.” John 14: 30. The famed Christian apostle Paul describes him as “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.” Eph. 2: 2. Paul also warns us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness…” Eph 6:12 John the Revelator describes this foe as “the great dragon,” “that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan who deceives the whole world.” Rev. 12:9.
When the leader of revolt against the Eternal Creator was expelled from heaven, expelled along with him were many other angel intelligences who had yielded to his cunning sophistries and had joined in his unworthy rebellion. This world is today their singular abode. This is because that tremendous event, which rid heaven of the fallen hosts, was followed by the tragic fall of our first parents under Satan’s lies. This historic fall let loose legions of fallen angels to bend all of their efforts and genius over many thousands of years in the work of spoiling, corrupting and ruining the once noble human family, originally created to be the crown of God’s handiwork. A key element of the strategy to ruin humanity has been to lead man to blight and degrade the fair earth that was intended to be our perfect and eternal home.
The apostle Peter warns us “Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 Finally, the inspired revelator says ” Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.” Rev. 12:12.”

So…what “lies” have you believed? Feel free to share down below your thoughts of any of the content above. Remember, you not alone! Lastly, do you believe them still? Why or why not?

Good News Sociology

ACTION: What are some ways to “heal” (e.g. emotionally) from the scars of your past?

Thank you to my Heavenly Father for giving the inspiration to Matthew West to write this song to touch others, like me (see Who Am I?) !