Deep Thought: “Hands Up or Down to get ID?”


“..Tylor S…10 hours ago
Comply and don’t die, I don’t even have a conceal carry permit and I know you should be on your toes when the police come up if you have one, even more so if you’re a black man, if you’re reaching for something in today’s day and age, you’re gonna get shot to shit by the police because they’re afraid for their lives.///Chinese officer… I thought it was a white guy according to the news?…

Cop Fatally Shoots Black Man, Leaves Victim’s Girlfriend To Record Tragic Aftermath 07/07/2016 02:09 am ET |
“..Castile’s death at the hands of police comes just a day after local cops shot another black man, Alton Sterling, in circumstances that shocked the world. Sterling was selling CDs outside a store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Tuesday when police, responding to a complaint about a man wielding a gun, tackled him in order to arrest him.

Someone yelled that Sterling had a gun and the police shot him at point-blank range while he was subdued on the ground. The shooting was captured in a graphic video that roiled the public’s conscience. The subsequent release of another video confirmed that Sterling was not have a gun in his hands at the time.

Many observers are expressing dismay at the regularity with which police kill unarmed black men in the United States…”
Philando Castile death: Aftermath of police shooting streamed live 7 July 2016 From the section US & Canada

Philando Castile: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Published 1:32 am EDT, July 7, 2016 Updated 9:23 am EDT, July 8, 2016
“..In her Facebook Live video, Lavish Reynolds said that Philando Castile was “licensed to carry” and was “trying to get out his ID” and “let the officer know he had a firearm, and he was reaching for his wallet, and the officer just shot him. … He just shot his arm off.”..

In an emotional press conference held Thursday, which you can view above, Reynolds gave a detailed account of the stop that led to Castile’s death, prompted by a “broken taillight, which wasn’t broken.” She described Castile as “the quietest, most laid-back person you would ever meet. He was loving. … Nothing within his body language said intimidation. Nothing within his body said ‘shoot me.’ Nothing within his body language said ‘kill me, I want to be dead.’ He did not do nothing but what the police officer asked of us, which was to put your hands in the air and get your license and registration.” She said they were returning from the grocery store when stopped, according to CNN.”..

Mangseth said the details were still being investigated. He told the Post that he hadn’t yet seen the Facebook video. At one point in the video, the officer can be heard saying, “I told him not to reach for it! I told him to get his head up!”


jstanley01 says:
July 8, 2016 at 11:38 am

When you inform an officer that you are armed, you need to follow the officer’s instructions exactly. Not reach for your wallet when he is telling you to keep your hands where he can see them. How in the hell is the officer supposed to know what you are reaching for? A white would have gotten shot for the exact same thing I guarantee you.

Van Blam says:
July 8, 2016 at 12:29 pm

According to reports the officer asked to see his ID after Castile told him that he was armed and had a permit. If he was reaching for his ID to comply with the officer’s request, that cop is guilty of murder. I’m not saying the cop intentionally murdered him rather that he was jittery and overreacted. Do you really think that he would have reacted to a white guy the same way he did with Castile? Nope. I wouldn’t be surprised if this officer ends it all. He knows he’s in deep sh*t.

Read Mark Zuckerberg’s Response to the Video of Philando Castile’s Shooting Rishi Iyengar @Iyengarish July 7, 2016

Police group: Minn. governor ‘exploited what was already a horrible and tragic situation’

By T. Rees Shapiro, Lindsey Bever, Wesley Lowery and Michael E. Miller July 8 at 3:10 PM
“..ST. PAUL, Minn. — The morning after Minnesota’s governor said Philando Castile ended up dead during a traffic stop in part because he was black — and after five police officers were killed during a shooting attack in downtown Dallas — the head of a national police organization said law enforcement officers across the country are distraught, angry and anxious…”

Two Phony Excuses for Shooting Philando Castile-
Jeronimo Yanez’s defenders falsely portray Castile as a disobedient stoner.

Jacob Sullum|Jun. 22, 2017 8:30 am
“..oxicology tests found THC in Castile’s blood, but post-mortem levels are an unreliable indicator of impairment because THC is stored in body fat and re-enters the bloodstream after death. Even when blood is drawn from a living source, THC levels cannot be directly tied to impairment, partly because individual responses vary widely and regular users develop tolerance. It is therefore not clear whether Castile was under the influence of marijuana at the time of the shooting or, if so, how intoxicated he might have been.

Castile was disobedient. The question of Castile’s cannabis consumption is relevant only if you accept the defense argument that marijuana impaired his ability to follow Yanez’s instructions, as evidenced by his failure to do as he was told. But the dashcam video of the shooting does not support the claim that Castile was uncooperative. To the contrary, he interacted with Yanez calmly and politely, handed over his insurance card as instructed, and let the officer know he was carrying a concealed firearm (for which he had a permit). According to Reynolds, whose account on this point has always been consistent, Castile was reaching for his wallet so he could retrieve his driver’s license, which Yanez had also requested, when the officer became agitated.

Notably, Yanez never told Castile to stop moving, to keep his hands in plain view, or to put them on the dashboard. Instead he told Castile, “Don’t pull it out,” referring to the handgun. “I’m not pulling it out,” Castile assured Yanez. “He’s not pulling it out,” Reynolds reiterated. This is the point at which Yanez freaked out, screaming, “Don’t pull it out!” He immediately drew his pistol and fired seven rounds at Castile, who managed to say “I wasn’t reaching for it” before he died.

You can argue that Castile should have realized his movements were making Yanez nervous or that he should have proactively put his hands on the dashboard, even though Yanez had not told him to do so. But it is not accurate to say that Castile disobeyed Yanez’s commands. All the evidence suggests that Castile thought he was doing what Yanez wanted by retrieving his driver’s license. It was Yanez who made mistaken assumptions about Castile (viewing him as a robbery suspect based on no real evidence, viewing him as a deadly threat after Castile disclosed that he had a gun), failed to communicate his wishes, failed to take routine precautions (such as instructing Castile to put his hands on the dashboard or stepping back from the car window), and flew into a panic within seconds.

It is true that Castile might still be alive had he acted differently. If he had never mentioned the gun, for example, he in all likelihood would have survived the encounter. But even though Minnesotans with concealed-carry permits are not legally required to tell police about their guns when they are pulled over, cops prefer that they do so to avoid scary surprises, and experts generally recommend disclosure. Castile was doing what he thought he was supposed to do when he said, “Sir, I have to tell you that I do have a firearm on me.” It turned out to be a fatal mistake only because of Yanez’s unprofessional, irrational reaction…”

Officer Side of the Story

Officer’s Attorney: ‘He Is Deeply Saddened for The Family and Loved Ones of Philando Castile Nate Leding
Updated: 07/09/2016 10:01 AM
“…“He is deeply saddened for the family and loved ones of Philando Castile. Tragically, the use of force became necessary in reacting to the actions of Mr. Castile. This heartbreaking incident had nothing to do with race. It had to do with the presence of a gun.”

According to a BCA release, Officer Yanez and Officer Joseph Kauser conducted a traffic stop about 9:17 p.m. Wednesday near the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue West and Fry Street in Falcon Heights. Castile, of St. Paul, was the driver of the vehicle involved in the stop.

Both officers have been with the St. Anthony Police Department for four years.

Both are on standard administrative leave.

Yanez approached the vehicle from the driver’s side as Kauser approached from the passenger side. At one point during the exchange, Yanez fired his weapon, striking Castile multiple times, according to the BCA.

Yanez radioed for an ambulance as members of the Roseville Police Department and the St. Paul Fire Department administered medical aid…”
Who Is Jeronimo Yanez? The Cop Who Shot Philando Castile Has Been Identified Alana Romaina day ago (7.9.16)
“…While filming, Reynolds was told by Yanez, who sounded agitated, to keep her hands in the air. She replied, “I will, sir, no worries. I will,” and Yanez could then be heard yelling, “I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand off it.”

Although Yanez’s face couldn’t be seen on the video, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) released his and Kauser’s name to the public Friday, according to The Daily Mail. Twenty-eight-year-old Yanez has been an officer with the St. Anthony Police Department for the past four years, but is now on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. The Department has not responded to Romper’s request for comment regarding the shooting.

Details about Yanez are still scarce, although The Daily Mail noted that now-deleted accounts linked to Ynez on wedding site The Knot and its related pregnancy site The Bump suggested he was married to his wife in November 2014, and that they welcomed a child together on August 4, 2015. Yanez appears to have no prior criminal record, other than a few minor traffic violations. Castile’s death is reportedly the first officer-related shooting in the St. Anthony Police Department in 30 years….”
Officer Jeronimo Yanez, an ‘all-around good guy,’ fired shots that killed Castile
By Mara Gottfried / St. Paul Pioneer Press on Jul 8, 2016 at 8:26 p.m
“…The city’s annual report also notes Yanez’s involvement in volunteering, including giving a tour of the police station to a local Cub Scout troop and volunteering at St. Paul’s Cinco de Mayo celebration….

John Lozoya, the founder of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Latino Peace Officers Association, said Yanez has been an active volunteer through that organization as well.

He referred to him as “passionate” and “good-natured” and asked that the public be patient as the investigation into Castile’s death continues.

“It’s very easy to jump to conclusions, and it’s almost human nature sometimes to do that. We are all guilty of it,” said Lozoya, who is also a member of law enforcement. “We just ask that people wait until everything comes out on the table before judgment is passed.”..”


The Latest: Expert believes motorist was high when shot Published June 08, 2017 Associated Press
“..3 p.m.

A toxicology expert says he believes a black motorist who was shot to death during a traffic stop in Minnesota was under the influence of marijuana.

Glenn Hardin, a former supervisor of Minnesota’s state toxicology lab, testified Thursday as a witness for Officer Jeronimo Yanez. Yanez is charged with manslaughter in the death of 32-year-old Philando Castile last July in a St. Paul suburb.

Defense attorneys have argued Castile was stoned at the time of the shooting, which happened in the seconds after he informed Yanez that he was carrying a gun. Hardin said he examined autopsy reports showing Castile’s blood levels of THC, the substance in marijuana that gives a high.

Prosecutor Jeff Paulsen attacked Hardin’s testimony by citing studies he said show there’s no way to determine marijuana intoxication from blood samples…”

*see Neutral Perspective: Marijuana (“weed”) is “good” and “bad” for you?


Boosie BadAzz – Hands Up (Official Video)


Raw Video: Dash Cam Video of the Shooting
“Published on Sep 24, 2014

Video released by the South Carolina Highway Patrol of an encounter between a trooper and a man in Columbia, SC on Sept. 24, 2014…”

Fatal shootings by on-duty police officers: An analysis | The …
Cop Shoots Man Reaching For Drivers License [Video] , from

This was my reply to the blog up above..

“goodnewseverybodycom says:
July 8, 2016 at 3:26 pm

Thoughts & Prayers for the family 😦 I’ve learned to not be quick to “judge”, so we need to be patient and hear both sides of the story. Each “police shooting” is an individual case. We can’t judge all law enforcement by this one action. Unfortunately, it’s hard not to with all these cases (epidemic) around the country. What is the solution? Praying and wanting to act too to make a “positive” change!

How Castile Told Officer About Gun Was Critical in Final Moments
By amy forliti and kyle potter, associated press

·MINNEAPOLIS — Jul 14, 2016, 7:57 PM ET
‘…St. Anthony police training documents outline how an officer should respond to traffic stops. According to the documents, if an officer believes it’s a high-risk stop — as one involving an armed robbery suspect would likely be — he should have the driver and others exit the car before approaching the vehicle, while officers take cover and draw their weapons.

Watching the video got me very frustrated and also sad. There are a lot of mix emotions out there. Just turn it to “positive” as I feel “good” can come out of “bad”. Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, prayers, etc..

Good News St. Paul


Officer Betty Shelby Charged with Felony Manslaughter in Shooting Death of Terence Crutcher
September 22, 2016
“..In dashcam and helicopter video released by police, Terence Crutcher appears to have his hands up moments before he is shot by Shelby. Shelby’s attorney, Scott Wood, maintains that Terence refused to follow more than two dozen commands and that he reached into the open window of the car before Shelby perceived a threat and shot him.

The Crutcher family’s attorneys Benjamin L. Crump and Damario Solomon-Simmons said the window was up, evidenced by the blood spattered on it when he was shot…”
BREAKING: Truth About Terence Crutcher Comes Out… It’s BAD for the Media
“…Now, you watch that video and listen to the commentary. Did it look to you like Crutcher was following commands? You can hear an officer say that Crutcher was “still walking” and that he wasn’t “following commands.” Another officer said that he “could be on something.”

Take a look at these pictures Bearing Arms grabbed from the video that disprove the media’s false narrative:…

As you can see, Crutcher was not shot with his hands up. He was clearly flouting officer orders, and at the time of his shooting he lowered his right hand toward his waistband.

Oh, and by the way, the media have run with the story that Crutcher was unarmed, but didn’t seem too interested in the PCP that was found in his car and that the Tulsa Police Department officer who shot Crutcher, Betty Shelby, was trained to spot PCP abuse, according to Bearing Arms.

In any of these cases, the legal system should be given time to do its job, but the media have decided to run false narratives that fit their agenda without all the facts and, in some cases, despite the facts.

As you can see above, there’s clearly more to the story….”

Solution: Improve Law Enforcement’s Credibility?