What’s your “real” name?

Hello…my name is…

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What’s your real name? Do you know the meaning of it? What’s the story behind your name? How was your name chosen? Do you identify with it? What do you say is your “true” identity?

I’m always intrigue by people’s real names and I love to ask some of the questions above. Some really ponder and don’t know some of the answers to the questions.

My full name is Salvador Cruz Monteagudo, which mean “savior -cross -sharp/pointed mountain”, something like that… 😉 However, when I was growing-up, many had trouble saying my full name. I can’t remember what grade I was, but a teacher asked if she could call me by a shorter name..”Sal”. I said yes and I’ve used that on my homework, documentations, applications, etc.. ever since. By the way, “Sal” means “salt” in Spanish 😉

Can you relate? Do you have a nickname? What’s the story behind it?