Deep Thought: What can be done to “stop” lives being taken away due to Drug -Alcohol Overdose?


Overdoses now leading cause of death of Americans under … – YouTube

Drug Overdose Deaths: Let’s Get Specific
“..In the United States, a total of 38,329 drug overdose deaths were reported via death certificates in 2010, for an age-adjusted rate of 12.3/100,000 population.1 In 16,651 of these deaths, an opioid analgesic (or a combination of opioid analgesics) was listed as contributing to the overdose death (5.4/100,000 population). However, an additional 9,429 drug overdose deaths (3.0/100,000 population) were associated only with “other and unspecified drugs.” Previous work has shown that about 25% of U.S. overdose deaths had no drugs specified on the death certificate, so it is likely that national statistics underestimate by a substantial fraction the number of opioid analgesic- and heroin-related deaths.2 Furthermore, the degree of underestimation varied depending on the type of death certification system the state had in place. States with centralized state medical examiner systems had on average a higher percentage (92%) of drug overdose death certificates listing specific drugs than states with other types of systems, such as a decentralized coroner system, in which 62% of death certificates had a drug-specified, hybrid system—county coroner and medical examiners (73%)—or decentralized county or district medical examiner system (71%).2..”


How to be “not” in the world, but a “light” to the world?

Alcoholism – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment … – YouTube

*see Health-Neutral Perspective: Alcohol: Good and Bad?


This Is What Happens to Your Brain on Opioids | Short Film … – YouTube

What is SUBOXONE® (buprenorphine and naloxone) Sublingual Film …
SUBOXONE Film is a prescription medicine that contains the active ingredients buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used to treat adults who are dependent on (addicted to) opioids (either prescription or illegal)…”

The Sackler Family – A Secretive Billion Dollar Opioid Empire


What Causes a Drug Overdose?
“..Overdoses can be subtle, and without proper attention, can go unnoticed. Users that have overdosed may just be told to “sleep it off”— leaving severe medical consequences to follow. When left untreated, drug and alcohol overdose can cause memory problems, cognitive difficulties, tremors, coma, and death…”

Tragic Stories


Top 10 Musicians Who Tragically Died Due to Drugs and Alcohol …
Published on Aug 13, 2016
Top 10 Musicians Who Died Due to Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol have taken away some truly great musicians over the years. This list looks at some revered, talented artists who died from an overdose, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

List entries and rank:
#10: Whitney Houston
#9: John Bonham (Led Zeppelin)
#8: Sid Vicious (The Sex Pistols)
#7: Keith Moon (The Who)
#6: Michael Jackson
#5: Elvis Presley
#4: Amy Winehouse
#3, #2 & #1: ?


Top 10 Musicians Who Surprisingly Didn’t Die From Drugs

What 11 Now-Sober Celebrities Want You to Know About Addiction
“..Here are 11 celebrities who have lived to share hard lessons and hope, and some of what they say…

“When you’re having a bad day, the best thing you can do is call somebody and ask them how they’re doing, and actually pay attention and listen to the answer to get out of your own head.”

“A woman came up to me after the meeting and said, ‘You’ve just taken away my last excuse to have a drink.’ I asked her what she meant. She said, ‘I’ve always had this little corner of my mind which held the excuse that, if anything were to happen to my kids, then I’d be justified in getting drunk. You’ve shown me that’s not true.’ I was suddenly aware that maybe I had found a way to turn this dreadful tragedy into something positive. I really was in the position to say, ‘Well, if I can go through this and stay sober, then anyone can.’ There was no better way to honor the memory of my son.”…

“I was living in constant fear of who I’d meet, what I might have said to them, what I might have done with them, so I’d stay in my apartment for days and drink alone. I was a recluse at 20. It was pathetic — it wasn’t me. I’m a fun, polite person and it turned me into a rude bore. For a long time people were saying to me, ‘We think you have a problem,’ but in the end I had to come to the realization myself.”..



Shanna’s Story of Recovery from Alcohol Addiction – Truly … – YouTube

Your Inspiration: Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction – YouTube

My Addiction Story | Drugs + Alcohol | Total Transparency – YouTube

How I overcame alcoholism | Claudia Christian | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

-Fight Demons
*see How to “fight” your personal demons?

Korn – Love & Meth – YouTube

Testimony–Choosing Faith – Brian Welch quits Korn and kicks drugs with God’s help

Former Korn Guitar Player Faces Addiction
“..From heavy metal to heavy recovery, Brian “Head” Welch, the former guitarist for multi-award winning hard rock band Korn, has come through an addiction battle with methamphetamine and alcohol that is leading even his own fans to give up their addictions…”

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus – YouTube

Brian ‘Head’ Welch: God Used My Daughter to Save Me From Drug Addiction
“..Welch describes two positive feelings he experienced before he came to Christ: the high of performing in front of thousands of people who loved his music and the “euphoric feeling” he had when his daughter was born. ..”

Three Drug Addicts Saved by Jesus

*see Deep Thought: How to Overcome your own addictions?

Good News Addictions

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How to be “not” in the world, but a “light” to the world?


As a Christian, this has been a challenge for me-how to be “not” in the world (see “92 Bible Verses about Being Like The World” from , but a “light” to the world (see 29 Bible Verses about Being A Light from

I’ve been to many parties where I meet these challenges. I’m always offered an “alcoholic” drink, but as I’ve gotten “older” I personally don’t care for it because I’ve gotten more health conscious. However, when I was “younger”, I would not hesitate because I wanted to “fit in” (cultural norm). I caught myself drinking too much than I could and got a little drunk, which I know is a “no no” in the Bible. As I grew more in my walk with God, I drank less and less-to avoid getting drunk.

I decided to write this because after a recent party, a friend (brother in Christ) was being frank that he was drinking because it’s part of the culture. He ended up talking my ear trying to give all of his reasons why he drank as a Christian (didn’t say this word for word, but just my interpretation because I’ve been in his shoes before). I then replied my personal reasons why I wasn’t drinking is because I’ve became more “health conscious” (see my new Health & Fitness Blog). God didn’t have the Bible to be a book of “don’t do this or do that” to prevent us having “fun”. He did this to protect us and keep us safe. It’s never mentioned that we shouldn’t drink (see 80 Bible Verses about Drinking Alcohol from Instead…

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, “Ephesians 5:18

I ended up telling my brother in Christ my personal reasons for not drinking without quoting from the Bible as I know he knows already. I just told him I’ve grew to be more “health conscious” and see no health benefits to drinking alcohol. I’m tired of feeling “unhealthy” the day after drinking. I used to try to eat certain foods to get rid of the alcohol in my body. If I do drink (moderation) at certain parties (special occasions), I would take this detox pill (see my blog “Importance of Cleansing: Detoxification) to cleanse my liver of alcohol the following morning.

What boils down to is it’s between you and God. I have a friend (brother in Christ) who doesn’t touch alcohol period because he has a biological “gene” to be addicted to it. I say “Amen” brother! At least he know his “kryptonite” (e.g. bible verse on “flee from temptation“-2 Timothy 2). It’s an individual basis, what’s your personal story? I have another friend who has the “addiction” and any picture or anything that he sees, hears, smell, etc.. that associated with alcohol, he goes through “withdrawals” or “craving for alcohol” due to his early years of drinking and now struggling to fight over this addiction.

I’ll be sharing more alcohol-related stories more as they come to mind later, so stay tuned!

S2E2 – Alcohol

“Published on Jan 4, 2017

Can you drink alcohol and still call yourself a Christian? Well, maybe the lay people, but what about the shepherds/pastors/leaders? John and Bobby take on alcohol the role of alcohol and its place in the Christian church. In chit chat, Bobby asks John about his urinal behaviors and they both make predictions for the coming election.

Coffee: That same African thing John doesn’t know the title of.

The Roasted Christian Podcast
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With humor and a profound sense of tongue in cheek, Bobby and John discuss relevant issues of faith, masculinity, and technology. We like our ideas how we like our coffee: freshly roasted.”


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What are your personal feedback, comments, suggestions, thoughts?

Good News Addictions