How to keep a healthy balance of all three-Body, Soul, and Mind…daily? Yeah, I know, it’s not that easy. I’m no expert, but I feel I should share what I do to encourage you all in what I “try” to do to keep living a healthy balance life. People tell me I look younger than my age, which I take it as a compliment. Growing-up, I “hated” it! I was always treated “like a kid” or  I was “look down” all the time. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to appreciate it and I try to take advantage of it by encouraging “younger” folks to not let others “look down at them”. I then learn from the “older” folks and any age “folks” on how to live life “better” overall.

What do I do in daily basis to keep a “balanced life”? Here is my “typical” day that I “try” to accomplish in a regular basis that keeps me running like the “energizer” bunny:

When I get up in the morning, I try to allow time to not get rush, so I can do my daily devotions (Soul/Spirit)…

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”Joshua 1:8

I like to read God's Word before breakfast because feeding my soul “awakens” the other parts (e.g. body and mind). I try to ask Heavenly Father what part of His “Good” Book (Love Letter) I should read for the day. When I had some “significant” dream, I like to reflect and write what was in my dream on a notebook next to my pillow. I’m usually too tired still and most of the time “rushed”, so I usually try to pick the chapter from the Book of Proverbs based on the day. For example, tomorrow morning will be Sunday-January 29th 2012. I would read Chapter 29 of Proverbs. If I’m in a “rush”, which I try not too-I would “try” to read at least a verse from the chapter. Ideally, I like to read the whole chapter. I then meditate on what I just read and try to remember what verse or topic sticks out the most. I then ask God to “mold” me to what I just read as I want to daily “grow” in my personal relationship with Him.

I then like to get a glass of juice, which I read it’s very healthy to have a fruit (e.g. juice) before a meal. It has to do with the digestive system, which helps prepare your stomach before a meal. They recommend having a fruit at least 30minutes to an hour before a meal. I then get dressed for the day, which I then picture putting the “Armor of God” (see Ephesians 6 on Spiritual Warfare). I started doing this after attending a “small group” I was involved and a lady encouraged all of us about putting the “Armor of God” (along with the spiritual gifts) daily. She would use the analogy as putting a winter outfit before going out in the cold during the winter time-“Would you go out in the cold without a winter jacket during the winter?”-Of course “no”, it’s like putting the “Armor of God” because we know the devil is out to seek and destroy God’s children. We need that protection daily, which is why too many Christians are getting “attacked” too often because they forgot this part.

After getting dressed and my personal cares, I “try” to get my “break” “fast” (BODY). As I “run” out of the house and go into my car/bike to get to work. I then meditate one of my favorite Scripture them-“Fruits of the Spirit” (e.g. patience, peace, joy, life, etc..). This helps me to more “Christ-like” daily, which I pray and ask God for all this. I then like to get my vocal cords (voice) ready, so I do my “vocal exercises” (see Music: Kaoroke, Sing, Singing, Sung, etc..) and then “worship” the Lord through a song.

“6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD. “Psalm 150

Along my ride (BODY-Bike if it’s nice weather, which is great daily exercise)/drive to work, I like to pray for various people (e.g. children waiting for the bus) and/or various topics (e.g. “Show me God how I can be used by You today”) depending on what God lays in my heart or what I see along the route.

Throughout the work day, I try to “keep my mind” occupied through breaking the daily “mundane” routine by doing different activities (e.g. singing, reading something “new”, etc..) each day. I like to ask the people I work with how was their day after work yesterday or how their weekend was. I try to keep their minds and mine renewed. I sometimes stay silent and converse with God. He sometimes give me a list of “things to do”, which I like to carry my pocket calender with me all the time.

When I come home, I try to check the list of things to do (e.g. errands). I usually spend time on my computer (e.g. email, websites, etc..) and take a break by doing some “physical exercise” (e.g. workout indoors during winter or some sport activity during the summer).

I don’t have cable, which I don’t mind as most of the stuff on it “pollutes” my mind. However, I can easily find “garbage” on the internet too. This is where that morning prayer I prayed on the “Armor of God” comes in. What has helped me in the past is regularly “fast” at least once a week (or at least 3 meals a week without food or just fruits-vegetables), which helps me “battle” daily temptation.

The Lord’s Prayer_Hymnal_ MV

Before I end my day, I like to read the news to see what’s going on in the world each day. However, I can’t trust mainstream media all the time, so I look at some “alternative-positive” news. This is where I find “good news” for news sources on my different websites I do-depending on the topic-geography. I then write on my “prayer” calender what I like to lift to God in prayer. I try to remember to use this time to also ask God to remind me of the “bad things” (“sins“) I committed and ask for forgiveness-like taking a “spiritual” shower, so I’ll be clean for a “new” day for tomorrow. I like to end with a “positive” note, so I reflect on what I”m thankful (blessed) to my Heavenly “Dad” and write it on another pocket calender. I then read some Scripture verse/chapter that relates to the theme of what happened that particular day before going to bed!

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.”Romans 12:1-2


Good News Stress

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